David Simmons wood 1xbet online games login

David Wood 1xbet online games login

Advanced Instructor
History, Theory, Director of Early 1xbet online games login Ensembles
School Marketing Director
Email: davidwood@k-state.edu
Office: 326 McCain Auditorium

David Simmons Wood (he/him) is the director of K-State’s Early 1xbet online games login Ensembles, including Collegium Musicum, Madrigal & Motet Ensemble, and the Recorder Consort. David is also engaged as teaching faculty in the Theory, History, and Composition Division and is the faculty advisor for the Tau chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. He joined the K-State 1xbet online games login faculty in 2014.

David holds degrees from Kansas State University (B.M. Voice) and the University of North Texas (M.M. Choral Conducting and Voice), and he studied early-1xbet online games login ensemble direction at the Historical Performance Institute at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of 1xbet online games login .

David's performing career has included appearances with Dallas Bach Society, The Orchestra of New Spain (Dallas), The New York Baroque Dance Company, The New York State Baroque, Texas Choral Artists, and Fenix de los Ingenios, and others, as well as performances at the Boston, Indianapolis, and Bloomington Early 1xbet online games login Festivals. He was a founding member of Ishallyn, Ensemble for Early Celtic 1xbet online games login , and is the Founder and Artistic Director of Blue Earth Camerata in Manhattan, KS.

David serves as the Programs Director for the Early 1xbet online games login America, the North American service organization for early 1xbet online games login and historical performance, where he oversees scholarships, grants, the Young Performers Festival & Emering Artists Showcase, the annual EMA Summit, webinars and other video resources, and social media and email marketing activities.

David worked in public radio at WFIU, Bloomington, IN first as Announcer/Producer (2005-2007), then as 1xbet online games login Director and Program Content Coordinator (2007-2014), and served on the board of the Association of 1xbet online games login Personnel in Public Radio.


Collegium Musicum
Madrigal & Motet Ensemble
Recorder Consort

Current Courses :

Experiencing Live 1xbet online games login
History of Rock & Roll
Introduction to 1xbet online games login of the World
Introduction to Historical Performance Practice
1xbet online games login Theory I
Traditional 1xbet online games login of the British Isles
Vocal & Choral 1xbet online games login in the Church

Previous Courses:

Introduction to 1xbet online games login
Introduction to 1xbet online games login Theory
1xbet online games login Listening Lab

Recent Publications and Publicity

Toward a Rebirth of Renaissance Choral Repertoire (EMAg, the magazine of Early 1xbet online games login America, May 2023)
Interview on Early 1xbet online games login Monday podcast
Interview on Musically Inclined podcast