1xbet online sports betting

Order 1xbet online sports betting Online

Order online

Order 1xbet online sports betting online anytime. All prices include applicable sales tax and there are no additional convenience fees. Delivery fees may apply if you select to have your 1xbet online sports betting printed and picked up from will call prior to the performance.

Order in person

The 1xbet online sports betting and Dance box office is located in 119 Nichols Hall. It is open by appointment by emailing benstark@ksu.edu. 1xbet online sports betting are also available one hour prior to curtain at the performance venue.

Order by phone

Order 1xbet online sports betting by phone from the box office at 785-236-8638 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and generally one hour before each performance.

Ticket prices

Main Stage productions

K-State Main Stage productions have the full support of the faculty, staff, and production shops as well as our students. Each of the seven productions per year are performed with students, regardless of major or year.

Plays and Dance Concerts

General public

Musicals and Operas

General public .50
Senior/Military/Faculty/Staff .50

Second Stage productions

Our Second Stage season is most often presented in the Purple Masque 1xbet online sports betting in West Memorial Stadium. Second Stage plays are produced, directed, designed and performed by K-State 1xbet online sports betting students — regardless of major or class standing.

1xbet online sports betting may also be purchased in the lobby of the Purple Masque Theatre in West Stadium one hour prior to the start of the performance.

General public
Senior/Military/Faculty/Staff .75
Students .75

Group discounts

Groups of 10 or more are eligible for a discounted rate. For more information or assistance in planning your group event, contact the 1xbet online sports betting Marketing Office at 785-236-8638 or send email to Ben Stark at benstark@k-state.edu.