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1xbet sports betting I for a brave and a gallant barque, for a stiff and a rattling breeze,
A bully crew and a captain true, to carry me oer the seas.
To carry me o'er the seas, 1xbet sports betting boys, to 1xbet sports betting true love so gay,
Who went on a trip on a government ship, 1xbet sports betting .

Oh, blow ye winds, hi oh! A-roaming I will go.
I'll stay no more on England's shore, so let the music play.
I'll start by the morning train to cross the raging main,
For I'm on the road to 1xbet sports betting own true love, ten thousand miles away.

1xbet sports betting true love, she was handsome. 1xbet sports betting true love, she was young.
Her eyes were blue as the violet's hue, and silvery 1xbet sports betting .
And silvery was the sound of her tongue, 1xbet sports betting boys, and while I sing this lay,
She's a-doing of the grand in a far-off land, 1xbet sports betting .

Oh, blow ye winds, hi oh! A-roaming I will go.
I'll stay no more on England's shore, so let the music play.
I'll start by the morning train, to cross the raging main,
For I'm on the road to 1xbet sports betting own true love, ten thousand miles away.