1xbet online sports betting Minor

To complete a Minor in 1xbet online sports betting , students may select courses from among the following list to total 15 credits. Click the button below and fill out a short form to declare a 1xbet online sports betting Minor.

Declare a Minor or Secondary Major


1xbet online sports betting 205 1xbet online sports betting as an Art Form – 3 credits

At least 1 course from this list:

1xbet online sports betting 195 Improvisational Structures – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 225 Rhythmic Notation for 1xbet online sports betting – 1 credit

1xbet online sports betting 295 1xbet online sports betting Composition I – 3 credits

1xbet online sports betting 405 Applied Movement Fundamentals – 3 credits

1xbet online sports betting 505 Methods and Materials of Teaching 1xbet online sports betting – 2 credits

At least 2 courses from this list:

1xbet online sports betting 120 Modern 1xbet online sports betting I – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 165 Ballet I – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 171 Jazz 1xbet online sports betting I – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 181 Tap I – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 323 Modern 1xbet online sports betting II – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 324 Modern 1xbet online sports betting III – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 325 Ballet II – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 350 West African Styles of Social 1xbet online sports betting and Music – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 371 Jazz 1xbet online sports betting II – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 372. Jazz 1xbet online sports betting III – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 380 Musical Theatre 1xbet online sports betting – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 381 Tap II – 2 credits

1xbet online sports betting 382 – Tap III – 2 credits


1xbet online sports betting 502 Performance Production 0-1 credits (may be taken one time for credit; must be taken three times total)

Total Credits: 15