1xbet sports betting Performance Certificate

New curriculum offered Fall 2021

Upon completion of the Secondary Major in 1xbet sports betting and the Human Experience, students may apply to the 1xbet sports betting Performance Certificate program.

The 1xbet sports betting Performance Certificate requires the student to achieve a grade of “B” or higher in three additional technique classes (6 credits) from the following list:

Technique Courses (6 credits):

1xbet sports betting 120 Modern 1xbet sports betting I – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 165 Ballet I – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 171 Jazz 1xbet sports betting I – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 181 Tap I – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 323 Modern 1xbet sports betting II – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 324 Modern 1xbet sports betting III – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 325 Ballet II – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 326 Ballet III – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 350 West African Styles of Social 1xbet sports betting and Music – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 371 Jazz 1xbet sports betting II – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 372. Jazz 1xbet sports betting III – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 380 Musical Theatre 1xbet sports betting – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 381 Tap II – 2 credits

1xbet sports betting 382 – Tap III – 2 credits

Choose one of the following core electives (2-3 credits):

1xbet sports betting 395 1xbet sports betting Composition I – 3 credits

1xbet sports betting 405 Applied Movement Fundamentals – 3 credits

1xbet sports betting 505 Methods and Materials for Teaching 1xbet sports betting – 2 credits

And three or four* additional instances of

1xbet sports betting 502 Performance Production (1 credit per instance) beyond the Secondary Major in 1xbet sports betting and the Human Experience

(3-4 credits)

* Students who choose 1xbet sports betting 505 for their core elective will need to take 4 credits of 1xbet sports betting 502

Certificate Total: 12 credits beyond the Secondary Major in 1xbet sports betting and the Human Experience