Opera workshop 1xbet online casino Program Notes

1xbet online casino . Reg Pittman, Director

Amanda Arrington, Pianist

Synopses and order 1xbet online casino of Scenes

The Magic Flute - Mozart

This scene begins after the Three Ladies (ladies in waiting to the Queen of the Night) have placed a padlock on Papageno’s mouth so he will not tell lies. The ladies provide Tamino a magic flute, and Papageno a set of bells that will keep them safe as 1xbet online casino search for the Queen’s daughter.

1xbet online casino – Sarrah Sultz, Morgan Grote, and Liz Handy

Tamino – Simon Wenger

1xbet online casino – Ethan Irons

The Pearl 1xbet online casino – Bizet

The Pearl fishers duet is sung by the Zurga, the chief of the pearl fishers and old friend Nadir. The two men are rejoined after not seeing each other for many years. 1xbet online casino recall their last trip together to a temple where 1xbet online casino both fell in love with a beautiful woman leading the ceremony. 1xbet online casino swore to forget the woman so 1xbet online casino would never lose their friendship.

Zurga – Kolby Van Camp

Nadir – Matthew Robison

1xbet online casino – Bizet

The smugglers retreat to the mountains, as Mercedes and Frasquita pass the time by telling 1xbet online casino fortunes with cards. When Carmen joins in, she reads death again and again, first for herself and the for her former lover Don Jose.

1xbet online casino – Kate Westhoven

1xbet online casino – Sydney VanDyck

1xbet online casino – Erin Grochowsky

The Merry Wives of Windsor – Nicolai

This opera plot is taken from the Shakespearean play of the same name. Secret lovers Anne and Frank have sneaked away for a romantic evening, but are followed by two suitors of Anne’s, Slender and 1xbet online casino . Cajus.

Anne – Payton Boldt

1xbet online casino – Ryan Hernandez

Slender – Brayden Liakos

1xbet online casino . Cajus – Ryan Teer

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying – 1xbet online casino Loesser

Rosemary's fellow secretary Smitty helps her and Finch set up a date in the musical selection: "It’s Been a Long Day.”

Finch – Elijah Fontanez

Rosemary – Sage Williams

Smitty – Emma Curry

La Cenerentola (1xbet online casino ) - Rossini

Sisters Clorinda and Tisbe are busy primping while 1xbet online casino stepsister is sitting near the fireside singing about a king who chose a kind-hearted bride. When a knock is heard at the door, Cinderella opens the door to find a beggar (actually Prince Ramiro’s tutor). She invites him inside and gives him food, angering the sisters. The prince’s knights appear, announcing the arrival of the prince himself, who at ball will choose the most beautiful woman to be his bride.

1xbet online casino – Julia Deeb

Tisbe – Kara McClendon

1xbet online casino - Paige Padgett

Beggar - Oliver Hutchison

Knights - Ryan Teer and1xbet online casino . Reg Pittman

Additional Credits

Stage Manager: LaVonne Canfield
Sound Engineer/Editor: James Kyle Davis
Producer: Ben Stark

Podcast Hosts:

Ana Vasquez
Andrew Scrivner
Brett Boline
Cooper Mills
Francis Sheehan
Jack Carruth
Jayden Gittle
Jyck Green
Katie Flynn
Nathan Pickands
Nikela Reed
Wesley Danielson