An Evening of 1xbet online sports betting Highlights program

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Synopses and Singer Bios

Isaac Florez

"Dalla Sua Pace" is an aria 1xbet online sports betting Mozart’s 1xbet online sports betting Giovanni. Don Ottavio is Donna Anna’s fiancé and right-hand man and is helping 1xbet online sports betting find out who murdered 1xbet online sports betting father. Don Ottavio is not a very big role in the opera and this piece is his big break. He speaks of his love for Donna Anna in very descript poetic detail, saying such things as, “quel che le incresce morte mi da” (what grieves 1xbet online sports betting wounds me to the heart) and “quel che a le piace vita mi rende” (what pleases 1xbet online sports betting gives me life). This piece is often removed from Don Giovanni because of its difficulty and Don Ottavio’s unimportance throughout the opera.

Isaac Florez (Ottavio) is in his third year at Kansas State as a music education major studying voice. 1xbet online sports betting plays snare drum in the marching band, drum set in the basketball pep band, and is involved in choir as a tenor. 1xbet online sports betting has also been playing piano for about ten years.

Julia Deeb "Sul fil d’un soffio etesio" is an aria 1xbet online sports betting Verdi’s Shakespeare-based opera, 1xbet online sports betting , with lyricist Arrigo Boito. The plot follows a man named Sir John Falstaff who, after 1xbet online sports betting financial status is in shambles, decides to seduce two prosperous wives in Windsor, Alice Ford and Meg Page. The two ladies, however, quickly see-through Falstaff’s plot and decide to amend the situation by seeking their own revenge. In act 3, Alice Ford, Meg Page, Mr. Ford, Nannetta (the Fords’ daughter), Fenton (Nannetta’s love interest), and Falstaff’s past associates all join forces. “Sul fil d’un soffio etesio” occurs in Act 3, while the young Nannetta disguises herself to be Queen of the Fairies. Nannetta sings of the forests, its fairies, and their wonders, with the other accomplices also dressed as fairies and woodland creatures. Meanwhile, the terrified Falstaff tries 1xbet online sports betting best not to gaze upon the “magical creatures.”

Julia Deeb (Nanetta) is a 5th year senior majoring in vocal performance with a minor in biology. She has been active within various productions in the local community and within the 1xbet online sports betting program at K-State, including Speed Dating Tonight and Susannah. Julia is thrilled to be a part of 1xbet online sports betting semester’s opera podcast and would like to thank all involved for 1xbet online sports betting opportunity and for all their diligent work.

Ryan Teer“Se Vuol Ballare” is an aria 1xbet online sports betting 1xbet online sports betting Nozze de Figaro. The song takes place towards the beginning of the opera itself and the content is Figaro, who is singing, is lamenting his soon to be wife, Susannah, going on a trip with his boss, the Count. Figaro is plotting out a cunning scheme to take revenge but also not revenge on his boss for attempting to steal his fiancé away 1xbet online sports betting him.

Ryan Teer (Bartolo) is a Junior studying Psychology and Musical Theatre. 1xbet online sports betting has performed in opera workshop for the last 2 years and has performed in Susannah as one of the Elders. 1xbet online sports betting is from Wichita, Kansas and is currently studying with Dr. Thompson. 1xbet online sports betting hopes to one day be a clinical psychologist or therapist.

Emma Curry"V'adoro, Pupille," 1xbet online sports betting Handel's Giulio Cesare, features the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, singing to Cesare. Disguised as a woman named Lidia, Cleopatra sings music of love and Cupid's arrows as Cesare draws nearer to 1xbet online sports betting bedroom doors. 1xbet online sports betting seduction is successful, and he is captivated by 1xbet online sports betting beauty.

Emma Curry (Cleopatra), 1xbet online sports betting Riley, KS, is a Junior studying Vocal Performance at Kansas State University. She is also involved in KSU's Collegiate Chorale and is the music manager of K-State's only all-women's a cappella group, Audacity A Cappella.

Erin GrochowskyAt the beginning of the 1xbet online sports betting La Gioconda, the blind old woman, La Cieca, is saved from the accusation of witchcraft by a state spy. In this aria, La Cieca sings to the wife of a sea captain, Laura, who placed 1xbet online sports betting under personal protection. In 1xbet online sports betting gratitude, La Cieca offers Laura 1xbet online sports betting most prized possession, a rosary.

Erin Grochowsky (La Cieca) is a senior in 1xbet online sports betting education at Kansas State University. She has participated in the operas Speed Dating Tonight, 1xbet online sports betting , and Susannah within the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Erin would like to thank Dr. Pittman for his mentorship throughout 1xbet online sports betting years at K-State, and everyone involved in the culmination of this project.

Elizabeth Handy1xbet online sports betting et Euridice: In this scene, Orfeo's beloved, Euridice, has died. Orfeo decides to get his love back by going to the Underworld and retrieving 1xbet online sports betting himself. The angel of love, Cupid, tells Orfeo he has been granted the ability to have Euridice back by Apollo, under one condition. Orfeo must not look at 1xbet online sports betting , otherwise he will lose 1xbet online sports betting forever.  Orfeo sings this song to calm the furies with the music of his voice, so that he can reach the island of Blessed Spirits, where his love is living in peace.  Euridice is thrilled to see Orfeo but frustrated that he will not look at 1xbet online sports betting .  Orfeo begs 1xbet online sports betting to trust him so that they may return and be together, however, Euridice sees no point in leaving paradise for a life without Orfeo's love.

Elizabeth Handy (Orfeo) is 20 years old, and a junior at K-State studying vocal music education. Originally 1xbet online sports betting Bentonville, Arkansas she is studying private voice under Dr. Bryan Pinkall in school and, outside of K-State, under Dr. Reginald Pittman at the First Presbyterian Church Choir. After school, she hopes to teach general elementary music grades K-6.

Sarrah Sultz, Elizabeth Handy“Sull’ aria” is a duet 1xbet online sports betting Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. In this scene the Countess has found out that 1xbet online sports betting husband has an eye for 1xbet online sports betting hand maid Susannah. Wanting to expose the Count’s infidelity, the Countess and Susannah compose a letter to the Count confirming his meeting with Susannah in the garden.

Sarrah Sultz (Susannah) is a senior majoring in vocal performance. This is 1xbet online sports betting third opera at Kansas State University. She was a daughter in Pirates of Penzance in 2019 and Mrs. Gleaton in Susannah last spring. Sarrah would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting . Pittman, 1xbet online sports betting . Hunt and Alicia Willard for making this year's opera scenes happen.

Elizabeth Handy (Countess) is 20 years old, and a junior at K-State studying vocal music education. Originally 1xbet online sports betting Bentonville, Arkansas she is studying private voice under Dr. Bryan Pinkall in school and, outside of K-State, under Dr. Reginald Pittman at the First Presbyterian Church Choir. After school, she hopes to teach general elementary music grades K-6.

Claire Todd, Catherine StagnerThe 1xbet online sports betting , Hansel and Gretel, is based on the fairytale of the same name. At the beginning of the production, Hansel and Gretel are sent into the woods by their mother. They quickly lose their way, and the sandman comes to bring them to sleep while they sing the Evening Prayer. Hansel and Gretel awake to find a gingerbread house with a witch who plans to eat them. Gretel uses 1xbet online sports betting wit and they both escape and return to their family.

Claire Todd (Gretel)is a junior studying vocal performance. 1xbet online sports betting involved in Collegiate Chorale and was in K-State's performance of Susannah last year.

Catherine Stagner (Hansel) is a sophomore studying Vocal Performance and Spanish translation. 1xbet online sports betting a member of Collegiate Chorale and Collegium musicum and was previously in A Christmas Carol at K-State alongside other shows outside of the university. She 1xbet online sports betting you enjoy the performances!

Matt Robison, Oliver HutchisonIn this duet 1xbet online sports betting The Elixir of 1xbet online sports betting Nemorino is in love with someone who isn’t in love with him. To gain 1xbet online sports betting love, he goes to the town vendor, Dulcamara, for a love potion. Dulcamara lies, and tricks Nemorino to buy a cheap wine he disguises as a love potion. In this scene, Dulcamara is persuading Nemorino to buy this “potion”. Insisting that it works, and it will make him irresistible.

Matt Robison (Nemorino) is a Junior majoring in Musical Theatre. 1xbet online sports betting has been a part of Opera Workshop since his freshman year, while also performing in shows in the KSU MTD season! Various shows include: Oklahoma!, 1xbet online sports betting , The Government Inspector, A Christmas Carol, and Susannah. Matt is super excited to be singing 1xbet online sports betting duet with his roommate, Oliver!

Oliver Hutchison (Dulcamara) is a senior from Kansas City, Missouri, studying Civil Engineering (Structural emphasis) and Voice Performance. 1xbet online sports betting is involved in Concert Choir and has been involved in Opera Workshop since his sophomore year. 1xbet online sports betting was cast in Floyd’s Susannah and Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. 1xbet online sports betting is also a student member of the American Institute of Steel Construction and the American Society of Civil Engineers. 1xbet online sports betting would like to thank Dr. Thompson, Dr. Pittman, Dr. Hunt, and Alicia Willard for making these opera scenes possible.

Oliver HutchisonIn Pearl Fishers, Zurga has previously sentenced Nadir and Leila to death after finding them together. Earlier in the opera, 1xbet online sports betting and Nadir agreed to remain friends instead of either of them pursuing their mutual love for Leila. After some time to reflect and think about his own life and humanity, this aria serves as Zurga’s change of heart and begs forgiveness from his friends for being so cruel to them. After this aria, 1xbet online sports betting sets them free and pays the ultimate price because of it.

Oliver Hutchison (Zurga) is a senior from Kansas City, Missouri, studying Civil Engineering (Structural emphasis) and Voice Performance. 1xbet online sports betting is involved in Concert Choir and has been involved in Opera Workshop since his sophomore year. 1xbet online sports betting was cast in Floyd’s Susannah and Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. 1xbet online sports betting is also a student member of the American Institute of Steel Construction and the American Society of Civil Engineers. 1xbet online sports betting would like to thank Dr. Thompson, Dr. Pittman, Dr. Hunt, and Alicia Willard for making these opera scenes possible.

Erin Grochowsky, Payton Boldt“Belle Nuit” is a duet for soprano and mezzo-soprano 1xbet online sports betting Jacques Offenbach’s The Tales of Hoffman. 1xbet online sports betting unique story goes through three acts with each act representing one women Hoffman loved throughout his life. “Belle Nuit” opens the opera’s “Giulietta” act, set in Venice. It is sung by Giulietta and Nicklausse.

Erin Grochowsky (Nicklausse) is a senior in 1xbet online sports betting education at Kansas State University. She has participated in the operas Speed Dating Tonight, 1xbet online sports betting , and Susannah within the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Erin would like to thank Dr. Pittman for his mentorship throughout 1xbet online sports betting years at K-State, and everyone involved in the culmination of this project.

Payton Boldt (Giulietta) is a Junior at Kansas State University, and she is getting 1xbet online sports betting bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance with a minor in French. With the University, she has performed in the full productions of Pirates of Penzance as Kate, and Floyd’s Susannah as Susannah. Along with the many opportunities to perform in full productions and workshops, she is also in the top auditioned choir at K-State, and an a cappella group. She would like to thank Dr. Pittman (1xbet online sports betting voice teacher) for always pushing 1xbet online sports betting to be a better performer, and everyone who helped make this recording process possible during these strange times. Any chance to perform and record right now is truly a gift!

Payton Boldt“Depuis le jour” is 1xbet online sports betting the popular opera Louise by Gustave Charpentier. This aria takes place after Julien finally succeeds in taking Louise from 1xbet online sports betting parents and bringing 1xbet online sports betting to a cottage in Montmartre. Louise sings “Depuis le jour” to Julien as they sit on their front porch, trying to express the joy she feels living this new life with 1xbet online sports betting lover.

Payton Boldt (Louise) is a Junior at Kansas State University, and she is getting 1xbet online sports betting bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance with a minor in French. With the University, she has performed in the full productions of Pirates of Penzance as Kate, and Floyd’s Susannah as Susannah. Along with the many opportunities to perform in full productions and workshops, she is also in the top auditioned choir at K-State, and an a cappella group. She would like to thank Dr. Pittman (1xbet online sports betting voice teacher) for always pushing 1xbet online sports betting to be a better performer, and everyone who helped make this recording process possible during these strange times. Any chance to perform and record right now is truly a gift!

Sydney VanDyke, Ryan Hernandez, Colby Van CampIn Act Two, 1xbet online sports betting Five of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), Sarastro has instructed Pamina and Tamino to bid each other one final farewell before the latter faces difficult trials in his journey to join the order of priests dedicated to Isis and Osiris that Sarastro leads. Pamina, the daughter of the stubborn, volatile Queen of the Night, thinks that Tamino, a prince originally persuaded by 1xbet online sports betting mother to reclaim 1xbet online sports betting from the “evil” Sarastro, no longer loves 1xbet online sports betting due to taking a vow of silence during one of his previous trials. Pamina and Tamino are forced to part while Sarastro urges Tamino on his journey of enlightenment, which will also prove him worthy of claiming Pamina’s hand.

Sydney VanDyke (Pamina) is a Junior majoring in communication sciences and disorders. She is absolutely thrilled to be performing again this year, albeit a little differently than expected! This is 1xbet online sports betting third year being involved in Opera workshop and she couldn’t be happier to play a role in bringing this classic Mozart trio to life! 1xbet online sports betting past K-State Theatre productions include Oklahoma and Pirates of Penzance. She would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting fellow castmates and the wonderful production team for all that they have done to bring some music back into our lives once again!

Ryan Hernandez (Tamino) is a senior at Kansas State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree of music education with an emphasis in voice. During his time with K-State Opera Theatre, 1xbet online sports betting has performed in scenes from Die Fledermaus, 1xbet online sports betting , L’italiana in Algeri, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, 1xbet online sports betting in Carlisle Floyd’s Susannah. 1xbet online sports betting studies applied voice with Dr. Bryan Pinkall, and is a member of Concert Choir and the Madrigal & Motet Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Joshua Oppenheim and Mr. David Wood, respectively. 1xbet online sports betting is excited to be featured in the trio from Die Zauberflöte by Mozart alongside two other members of Dr. Pinkall’s studio! Finally, 1xbet online sports betting would like to thank the Kansas Theatre Works podcast team for their role in the production of this year’s performances.

Kolby Van Camp (1xbet online sports betting )is currently a senior at Kansas State University achieving his bachelor’s degrees in Music Education and Music Composition. Kolby is a professional singer, chorister, conductor, and composer from Topeka. 1xbet online sports betting played the role of Elder McLean in last year’s opera, Susannah, is a member of Concert Choir and Madrigal and Motet Ensemble, is the president of the K-State Early Music Society, the Director of Choral Music at First Lutheran Church here in Manhattan, and is the president and co-founder of the publishing company Novus Music Publishing, Inc. Kolby would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting . Pittman for the opportunity to participate in the 2021 opera workshop.

Colby Van Camp1xbet online sports betting is one of the principal arias of the opera buffa, "Don Pasquale". The aging Don Pasquale is trying to find a wife and a suitable heir to his fortune. Through a convoluted series of events, Dr. Malatesta gets Don Pasquale to marry a woman with the hopes that he will sign his fortune over to 1xbet online sports betting , making him, Ernesto, and Norina rich. Bella siccome un angelo (meaning “beautiful as an angel”) is the aria sung with the attempt to really pull the wool over the aging Pasquale’s eyes and convince him that this is the woman he needs to marry.

Kolby Van Camp (Dr. Malatesta) is currently a senior at Kansas State University achieving his bachelor’s degrees in Music Education and Music Composition. Kolby is a professional singer, chorister, conductor, and composer from Topeka. 1xbet online sports betting played the role of Elder McLean in last year’s opera, Susannah, is a member of Concert Choir and Madrigal and Motet Ensemble, is the president of the K-State Early Music Society, the Director of Choral Music at First Lutheran Church here in Manhattan, and is the president and co-founder of the publishing company Novus Music Publishing, Inc. Kolby would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting . Pittman for the opportunity to participate in the 2021 opera workshop.

Ryan HernandezSadko is an opera-bylina in seven scenes by the Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. In Scene Four, the titular character is seeking to influence his home, Novgorod, with exotic cultures after winning a ship 1xbet online sports betting a wager and asks three traveling merchants in his city to regale him with tales of their homelands. “The Song of the Indian Guest” tells of the mystical riches of the sky that dwarf those 1xbet online sports betting the land and sea of the singer’s home of India.

Ryan Hernandez (Indian Guest) is a senior at Kansas State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree of music education with an emphasis in voice. During his time with K-State Opera Theatre, 1xbet online sports betting has performed in scenes from Die Fledermaus, 1xbet online sports betting , L’italiana in Algeri, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, 1xbet online sports betting in Carlisle Floyd’s Susannah. 1xbet online sports betting studies applied voice with Dr. Bryan Pinkall, and is a member of Concert Choir and the Madrigal & Motet Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Joshua Oppenheim and Mr. David Wood, respectively. 1xbet online sports betting is excited to be featured in the trio from Die Zauberflöte by Mozart alongside two other members of Dr. Pinkall’s studio! Finally, 1xbet online sports betting would like to thank the Kansas Theatre Works podcast team for their role in the production of this year’s performances.

Paige Padgett“Una donna a quindici anni” 1xbet online sports betting Così Fan Tutti.

Paige Padgett (Despina) is a sophomore at K-State majoring in Vocal Performance with a minor in Communication Studies. Paige is performing 1xbet online sports betting as Fiordiligi - Soave sia il vento 1xbet online sports betting Così Fan Tutti. She is also singing as Despina in the Aria piece Una 1xbet online sports betting a quindici anni, also from Così Fan Tutti. Paige would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting professor Dr. Pittman for being a great mentor and to 1xbet online sports betting family and close friends for all of their support. Paige hopes everyone enjoys the Concert of Arias.

Ethan Irons, Paige Padgett, Emma Iacovella“Soave sia il vento” 1xbet online sports betting Così Fan Tutti

Ethan Irons (Don Alfonso) is a Sophomore majoring in Vocal Performance. 1xbet online sports betting is a member of both Concert Choir and InAChord here at K-State and has previously performed in the production of Floyd's Susannah. 1xbet online sports betting would like to thank Dr. Pittman, Dr. Hunt, Alicia Willard, as well as the production team for making this all possible!

Paige Padgett (Fiordiligi) is a sophomore at K-State majoring in Vocal Performance with a minor in Communication Studies. Paige is performing 1xbet online sports betting as Fiordiligi - Soave sia il vento 1xbet online sports betting Così Fan Tutti. She is also singing as Despina in the Aria piece Una 1xbet online sports betting a quindici anni, also from Così Fan Tutti. Paige would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting professor Dr. Pittman for being a great mentor and to 1xbet online sports betting family and close friends for all of their support. Paige hopes everyone enjoys the Concert of Arias.

Emma Iacovella (Dorabella) is a Junior studying Music Education with an emphasis in Voice. She is also involved in the Collegiate Chorale, and a jazz combo at K-State. She studies with 1xbet online sports betting . Patricia Thompson and wants to thank 1xbet online sports betting . Pittmann for putting this together despite the challenges we are facing in the world we live in today. She thanks everyone who was involved in putting this all together, and she hopes you all enjoy the beautiful music!

Oliver Huchinson, Morgan GroteIn this duet 1xbet online sports betting 1xbet online sports betting Giovanni, Don Giovanni is going after another “conquest” in Zerlina. Zerlina is somewhat cautious and attempts to persevere through his seduction tactics, thinking of 1xbet online sports betting own love, Masetto, before ultimately succumbing to Don Giovanni’s crooning. This scene serves as an example that no matter what Don Giovanni happens to be doing at a moment in time, if he sees a woman who he thinks he can woo, he will drop everything and take it, because that’s the kind of garbage he is!

Oliver Hutchison (Don Giovanni) is a senior from Kansas City, Missouri, studying Civil Engineering (Structural emphasis) and Voice Performance. 1xbet online sports betting is involved in Concert Choir and has been involved in Opera Workshop since his sophomore year. 1xbet online sports betting was cast in Floyd’s Susannah and Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. 1xbet online sports betting is also a student member of the American Institute of Steel Construction and the American Society of Civil Engineers. 1xbet online sports betting would like to thank Dr. Thompson, Dr. Pittman, Dr. Hunt, and Alicia Willard for making these opera scenes possible.

Morgan Grote (Zerlina) is a fifth year senior in Voice Performance with a minor in theatre. She is excited to graduate this May and finish up 1xbet online sports betting final semester with a chance to perform beautiful music! She would like to thank 1xbet online sports betting teachers, family and friends for their constant support and pushing in all 1xbet online sports betting musical endeavors.

Kate WesthovenIn Der Feischütz, Agathe, a young girl, prays to heaven for protection from the dream she had in which she turned into a dove and Max, 1xbet online sports betting lover, shot 1xbet online sports betting .

Kate Westhoven (Agathe) is a first-year Masters in Vocal Performance student at K-State. Kate is a singer and soloist with the Masterworks Choir under 1xbet online sports betting . Ward. She currently has the privilege to teach at K-State as well as with the Manhattan Arts Center and she thanks 1xbet online sports betting family for their support.

Additional Credits

Stage Manager: LaVonne Canfield
Audio Engineer/Editor: James Kyle Davis
Assistant Audio Engineer: Gabrielle Henry
Producer: Ben Stark

Podcast Hosts:

Ana Vasquez
Andrew Scrivner
Brett Boline
Cooper Mills
Francis Sheehan
Jack Carruth
Jayden Gittle
Jyck Green
Katie Flynn
Nathan Pickands
Nikela Reed
Wesley Danielson