degree 1xbet online games login Programs

1xbet online games login Degrees at K-State

The 1xbet online games login Program of the School of 1xbet online games login , Theatre, and Dance is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of 1xbet online games login , offers four Bachelor degrees:

  • Bachelor of 1xbet online games login
  • Bachelor of 1xbet online games login Education
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts in 1xbet online games login & Master of Business Administration (4+1) Accelerated Degree

For more information on 1xbet online games login courses offered at Kansas State, see the 1xbet online games login Program in the K-State Undergraduate Catalog.

Bachelor of 1xbet online games login

The Bachelor of 1xbet online games login degree is structured for those students who wish to emphasize performance or prepare for private or college-level teaching. This degree could lead to graduate study.

Students may take additional courses so that upon completion of the requirements for the Bachelor of 1xbet online games login degree they are eligible for Independent 1xbet online games login Teacher Certification by the Kansas State Department of Education. This credential is intended for independent teaching situations, NOT public school 1xbet online games login . The emphasis in theory and composition is for students who wish to become composers, arrangers, or teachers of 1xbet online games login theory.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of 1xbet online games login Education

The Bachelor of 1xbet online games login Education is intended for those student-musicians who plan to teach 1xbet online games login in elementary, middle and/or secondary schools. It also prepares one for graduate work in the field of 1xbet online games login education. A majority of 1xbet online games login students concentrate in this rewarding and important career program.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts degree follows the broadest aspect of a college education with an emphasis in 1xbet online games login . The student entering this program will be expected to take more courses in liberal arts than those in either the Bachelor of 1xbet online games login or the Bachelor of 1xbet online games login Education. The degree can prepare one for graduate study leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, as well as careers based on cultural concerns. This degree can also be oriented toward pre-professional or social and/or business opportunities.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Arts in 1xbet online games login & Master of Business Administration (4+1) Accelerated Degree

Beginning Spring 2024

The performing arts industry is one of the fastest growing in the United States. This accelerated degree allows students to earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in just five years and is designed for students who seek career opportunities beyond performing and teaching careers, especially those in 1xbet online games login marketing and arts management. Combining a liberal arts degree in 1xbet online games login with an M.B.A. allows students to more quickly complete both degrees and would improve the breadth of job opportunities available to them immediately upon graduation.

Students that successfully complete this program will receive both a Bachelor of Arts in 1xbet online games login (B.A. 1xbet online games login ) and a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) in an accelerated 5-year plan. Typically, students begin master's degree coursework in their senior year, and finish their master's degree one year later.

Degree Requirements

Minors in 1xbet online games login

We also offer six minor or certificate options:

A minor and certificates require 12-23 hours of 1xbet online games login courses.

Declare a Minor or Certificate in 30 seconds!