voice 1xbet sports betting Division


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Undergraduate Voice 1xbet sports betting

All students must audition for entrance into a 1xbet sports betting program and applied study. The Voice Area offers scholarships for 1xbet sports betting majors and minors. Scholarship auditions for Fall 2025 will be held February 5. Click the button below (Apply for Auditions and Scholarships) to request information and be put on the audition list.

After the scholarship audition date you are welcome to reach out to Dr. Amy Rosine, Voice Division head, to request an audition. You may also submit a video audition for studio placement through the audition form link below. If you have any questions, please contact the Voice Division head, Dr. Amy Rosine.

Audition Requirements

General Information
  • All 1xbet sports betting major and minor applicants are to prepare two songs from memory. Repertoire can be adjusted based on the anticipated focus (see below).
  • Applicants will be evaluated on poise, intonation, proper breathing, phrasing, expression and tone.
  • If auditioning live, bring a copies of 1xbet sports betting for the accompanist. (An accompanist is provided, but the applicant is expected to bring a copy of their score.)
  • Live accompaniment is preferred for online 1xbet sports betting , but we will accept recorded accompaniment.
Audition Repertoire Requirements

Bachelor of 1xbet sports betting in 1xbet sports betting Education

  • Two memorized songs from the classical vocal repertoire. One selection may be in a foreign language or from the musical theatre repertoire.

Bachelor of 1xbet sports betting in Vocal Performance

  • Two memorized songs from the classical vocal repertoire. Applicants are encouraged to prepare one selection in a foreign language.

Bachelor of 1xbet sports betting in Musical Theatre

  • Two memorized songs - one from musical theatre repertoire and one from classical repertoire.

Bachelor of Arts in 1xbet sports betting (BA/MBA)

  • Two memorized songs that best display your vocal strengths.

1xbet sports betting Minor

  • Two memorized songs that best display your vocal strengths.
  • 1xbet sports betting Minors are encouraged to upload a recording to the audition form but may also sign up for an audition during one of the audition days.
Apply for 1xbet sports betting & Scholarships

Graduate Voice 1xbet sports betting

Audition requirements

Graduate 1xbet sports betting will consist of three art songs and one operatic/oratorio/cantata aria. The selections are to represent English and two other languages. 1xbet sports betting for graduate students may occur during Scholarship Audition days or will be individually arranged.

To arrange an audition, please contact Dr. Amy Rosine by email at arosine@k-state.edu or postal mail at:

Dr. Amy Rosine, voice area coordinator

1501 Goldstein Drive, 109 McCain
School of 1xbet sports betting , Theatre and Dance
Kansas State University

Graduate assistantships

The Voice Division offers one graduate teaching assistantship.

Voice class and studio voice assistantship:

Teach Voice Class 1 and 2 and other duties determined by the needs of the department.

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions you have.