2024 STRING SCHOLARSHIP auditions 1xbet online sports betting


All string musicians, regardless of major, are encouraged to 1xbet online sports betting for scholarships. 2024 Scholarship Auditions will take place on the K-State campus or virtually. See 1xbet online sports betting options below.

SIGN UP TO 1xbet online sports betting !

Click on the following link to sign up for one of our 1xbet online sports betting options (dates and details below):

Apply to 1xbet online sports betting

Make sure to keep scrolling to read our specific 1xbet online sports betting repertoire requirements below!

K-State Music Department 1xbet online sports betting Day - Thursday, February 1, 2024.

Make it an event! Join our team for a day filled with fun student activities including attending classes, attending and playing in rehearsals, and hanging out with the amazing music students at K-State. You may also sign up to receive a mini-lesson and/or 1xbet online sports betting for scholarships throughout the day. All majors are welcome to 1xbet online sports betting ! For more information, contact Bridget O'Neill (btoneill@ksu.edu), KSUSO Student Ambassador, or Dr. Rachel Dirks (rdirks@ksu.edu).

KSU String Scholarship Auditions - Saturday, February 3, 2024

If you can't spend a school day with us, join us on Saturday, Feb. 3 for your K-State 1xbet online sports betting experience! Auditions for all KSU String Division Scholarships (Majors, Minors, and Non-Majors) will be held throughout the day. When you sign up (see link above), you may choose to 1xbet online sports betting in the morning or afternoon, whichever works best for your schedule and travel plans.

Individual On-Campus 1xbet online sports betting

Schedule your own 1xbet online sports betting day with our fantastic faculty. If you are unable to attend our 1xbet online sports betting days above, you may also schedule an individual on-campus 1xbet online sports betting . Contact Dr. Rachel Dirks (rdirks@ksu.edu) or Prof. Madeleine Jansen (mjansen@ksu.edu) to schedule an individual 1xbet online sports betting . All auditions must be completed by Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024 to be considered for preferred scholarships.

Virtual Auditions

Students are strongly encouraged to attend one of the in-person 1xbet online sports betting days, or to schedule an individual 1xbet online sports betting on campus. Musicians unable to attend an in-person 1xbet online sports betting , however, may submit their performance via an unlisted YouTube video link. Please contact Dr. Rachel Dirks (rdirks@ksu.edu) if you would like more information about submitting your 1xbet online sports betting virtually. See below for more details on how to create a video.

1xbet online sports betting REPERTOIRE

  1. Two three-octave scales: one major and one melodic minor scale
  2. Concerto movement or equivalent piece
  3. Contrasting piece or etude.
  4. No accompaniment necessary.

HOW TO MAKE AN 1xbet online sports betting VIDEO

1. Arrange the camera frame horizontally and make sure your entire upper body and instrument can be viewed throughout the 1xbet online sports betting .

2. 1xbet online sports betting components (scales, concerto, contrasting piece) may be recorded within one performance or separately and then compiled/edited into one unlisted YouTube video link entry.

3. Please begin the 1xbet online sports betting video with an introduction of who you are including your name, instrument, where you are from, and your intended major and/or minor field of study. Follow the introduction with your scales, concerto, and finally your contrasting piece.

4. Once you have organized and compiled your video, please submit your 1xbet online sports betting link via email (rdirks@ksu.edu). Virtual auditions must be received by Wednesday, February 7, 2024 to be considered for preferred scholarships.

Music performance and music education majors, as well as music minors, who choose this option must also complete a string division interview via Zoom. Once your video link is received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. These interviews will take place before February 12, 2024.

Questions?? Contact us anytime!!

Dr. Rachel Dirks (rdirks@ksu.edu) - Applied Cello & Bass
Prof. Madeleine Jansen (mjansen@ksu.edu) - Applied Violin & Viola
109 McCain; School of Music, Theatre, and Dance
Kansas State University; Manhattan KS 66506-4702
Fax: (785) 532-6899