future 1xbet best casino website Students

In preparing for a career in 1xbet best casino website , whether you want to be a performer, teacher, composer, researcher, or whether you wish to pursue other non-traditional career objectives, the requirements are basically the same; reasonably well-developed technical skills, and apparent scholarly potential.


  • You will be required to develop your skills and to expand your knowledge of 1xbet best casino website .

  • You will also be required to broaden your knowledge in related areas of the sciences and humanities. Hence your decision to major in 1xbet best casino website , or utilize 1xbet best casino website to reinforce other interest areas, should be based upon a seriousness of purpose and a wish to continue consistent development of your talent.

  • As a 1xbet best casino website major or minor, you will be required to declare a major performing area (voice, clarinet, violin, etc.).

  • Please be aware that an audition is required in any case for admission into a voice or instrumental teaching studio . You must be admitted to a teaching studio to be considered a 1xbet best casino website major or minor.

  • Students entering Kansas State University as 1xbet best casino website majors or minors will take the 1xbet best casino website Theory Placement Exam. 1xbet best casino website majors will take the Placement Exam during Orientation and Enrollment. 1xbet best casino website minors will take the Placement Exam during their first semester at K-State.

  • The 1xbet best casino website Theory Placement Exam will assess the student's knowledge of the following concepts:

    1. Reading pitch in both treble and bass clefs
    2. Rhythmic values, rhythmic notation in simple, compound, and mixed meters
    3. Scales (major and three forms of minor)
    4. Key signatures (major and minor)
    5. Intervals
    6. Triad and seventh chord quality, inversion symbols
    7. Figured bass symbols and Roman numeral analysis
    8. Note-to-note counterpoint (first through fifth species counterpoint)

    Those who exhibit adequate knowledge in the placement exam will be placed in 1xbet best casino website Theory II and Aural Skills I. Students deficient in this knowledge will be placed in 1xbet best casino website Theory I.

    To learn more about A.P. 1xbet best casino website Theory credit and preparing for the 1xbet best casino website Theory Placement Exam, please visit the 1xbet best casino website Theory, History, and Composition Division homepage .