K-State Early-1xbet best casino website Ensembles

The Early-1xbet best casino website Ensembles are comprised of 1xbet best casino website majors, minors, and non-majors who enjoy and want to learn more about 1xbet best casino website from the 18th century and before. This includes 1xbet best casino website of the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical 1xbet best casino website periods (c.1100-1750).

To learn more about invovlement in the Early 1xbet best casino website Ensemble or auditions (where necessary), contact Mr. David Simmons Wood.

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Collegium Musicum Early 1xbet best casino website Ensemble

Tu/Th 2:30-3:20pm
MUSIC490A/841A, 0-1 Credit, No audition required

K-State's longest standing early-1xbet best casino website ensemble, Collegium Musicum was started by Dr. Robert Edwards, Professor Emeritus of Keyboard, in 1975. Collegium Musicum is a vocal and instrumental ensemble devoted to the historically-informed performance of 1xbet best casino website written during the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods (c. 1100-1750.) Instruments of the historical period used when possible.

singers stand on stage with a screen projecting song translations above them

Madrigal & Motet Ensemble

Fall 2024 meeting time TBD
MUSIC490B/841B, 0-1 Credit, Audition required (students only)

Madrigal & Motet Ensemble (MaMo) was established in Spring 2020 and is a select, mixed-voice chamber ensemble specializing in one-on-a-part performance of repertoire from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century.

singers performing in front of a large altar

1xbet best casino website Rebels

Fall 2024 meeting time TBD
MUSIC490B/841B, 0-1 Credit, Audition Required. (students only)

Recorder Rebels (formerly the Recorder Consort) was established in Fall 2016 and performs 1xbet best casino website from all eras with a variety of recorder types and sizes from the K-State period instrument collection. Open to players with prior experience.

four individuals holding recorders

1xbet best casino website Rebels First Mates

New for Fall 2024! Meeting time TBD
MUSIC490B/841B, 0-1 Credit, Instructor permission required (no audition).

1xbet best casino website Rebels First Mates is where beginning 1xbet best casino website players can get their feet wet and and have some fun learning the ins and outs of playing the instrument.

Period Instrument collection 1xbet best casino website

K-State is fortunate to possess a variety of replica instruments representing the Medieval through Baroque periods. These instruments are available to K-State students and are also used in performances by the Early-1xbet best casino website Ensembles. To learn about accessing period instruments, please contact Mr. David Simmons Wood.

Current collection includes:

  • Baroque and Renaissance 1xbet best casino website (garklein, sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and great bass)
  • Baroque Flute
  • Baroque Violin
  • Baroque Cello
  • Cornetti and Cornettino
  • Crumhorn (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass)
  • Gothic Harp
  • Harpsichord
  • Positive Organ
  • Rebec (tenor)
  • Renaissance Guitar
  • Renaissance Lute (9-course)
  • Vielle
  • Viola da Gamba (treble, tenor, and bass)

directors 1xbet best casino website

2014-present: David Simmons Wood
2009-2014: Thomas Bell
1998-2009: Bruce Gbur
1976-1998: Sara Funkhouser
1975-1976: Robert Edwards