resources 1xbet online casino for Faculty

Land Acknowlegment Script

It has been set as a School policy that K-State’s ISFA Land Acknowledgement will be read prior to start of all MTD performances as an honorary and obligatory practice.

In-person delivery by the event performer, advising faculty member, house manager, GTA, or a member of the IDEall Committee is preferred

Music IFSA Statement (written by/for Music, but can be used by any performer or group in SMTD)


Beyond Territorial Acknowledgement

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Additional anti-racisim 1xbet online casino Resources Lists



An Open Letter on Racism in Music Studies

My People Tell Stories

Arts for Art's Sake: Steps to Prevent Tone Deaf Social Justice Concerts

Music Theory's White Racial Frame: Confronting Racism and Sexism in American Music Theory


Percussive Arts Society (PAS) Diversity Alliance

Institute for Composer Diversity (ICD)

Boulanger Initiative

Podcasts and Playlists

Songs Giving Us (Much Needed) Life - Code Switch, NPR (podcast)

Songs Giving Us (Much Needed) Life Spotify playlist

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Web-based Curated Resources

Howlround Anti-Racist 1xbet online casino resources

SETC EDIA Resources for Engagement

Production on Deck curated sites

League of Resident Theatres (LORT) EDI Resources

Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Futures for 1xbet online casino for Young Audiences: An Interactive Guide

Equity Quotient: Resources for Workshop Participants

Anti-Racism Resources


We See You, White American 1xbet online casino statement

The Ground on Which I Stand (August Wilson's speech to the 1xbet online casino Communications Group)

BIPOC Demands for White American 1xbet online casino

Not A Moment but a Movement: Toward an Anti-Racist American 1xbet online casino

Anti-Racist 1xbet online casino Articles from American 1xbet online casino Magazine

National Museum of African American History & Culture: Talking About Race

Artist Databases

BIPOC Arts Database

BIPOC Director Database


Black 1xbet online casino Network

The Jubilee

White Nonsense Roundup

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Web-based Curated Resources

Decolonize & Diversify the 1xbet online casino Studio

Cite Black 1xbet online casino Scholars

Final Bow for Yellowface


Recognizing Systemic Racism in 1xbet online casino

Decolonizing 1xbet online casino in Higher Ed: One Credit At a Time

Laying New Ground: Uprooting White Privilege and Planting Seeds of Equity & Inclusivity

Peeling Back the Skin of Racism: Real History and

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Honoring the Past, Changing the Future: Bringing Native American Voices into 1xbet online casino Theory Courses

Ethical 1xbet online casino Pedagogy: Bodies as Sites of Social Change

Guest Artists/Lecturers

Karida Griffith Walker: Race & 1xbet online casino History

Tanya Birl-Torres: Embodying Change

Kurt Douglas

Workshops/Training Programs

Roots, Rhythm, and Race 1xbet online casino History Online Training

Cultural Somatics University courses