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Name Contact Program Area
1xbet best casino websiteInstructor joellead@ksu.edu Theatre Acting and Directing
Sally Bailey
Professor, Director of Drama Therapy, Director of Graduate Studies in Theatre
sdbailey@k-state.edu Theatre Drama Therapy
Melissa Briggs
Assistant Professor of Drama Therapy
mbriggs@k-state.edu Theatre Drama Therapy
1xbet online sports bettingJerry Jay Cranford
Associate Professor, Head of Acting/Directing
jjcranford@k-state.edu Theatre Acting and Directing
James Davis
Assistant Professor of Lighting and Sound Design and Stage Management
kdavis01@ksu.edu Theatre Design, Tech, and Management
Chuck Leonard
chuckl@ksu.edu Theatre Acting and Directing
David Mackay
Associate Professor, Associate Director for MTD; Theatre Program Director
dbmackay@k-state.edu Theatre Acting and Directing
George Wame Matthews
Scene Shop Supervisor
georgewm@k-state.edu Theatre Design, Tech, and Management
Melissa Neville
1xbet online casinoCostume Shop Manager
costume@k-state.edu Theatre Design, Tech, and Management
Dana Pinkston
Associate Professor, Costume Design
dmpink@k-state.edu Theatre Design, Tech, and Management
Shannon Blake Skelton
Associate Professor, Dramaturg
sbskelton@k-state.edu Theatre Theatre History and Criticism
Ben Stark
Associate Professor, Associate Director for MTD; Director of Production and Facilities
benstark@k-state.edu Theatre Design, Tech, and Management
Kathy Voecks
Associate Professor, Scenic Design, Head of Design
kvoecks@k-state.edu Theatre Design, Tech, and Management