Dr. Reginald 1xbet best casino website

Reginald Pittman 1xbet best casino website

Director of 1xbet best casino website
Email: 1xbet best casino website @k-state.edu
Office: 231 McCain Auditorium

Dr. Reginald Pittman teaches undergraduate and graduate voice and directs the 1xbet best casino website Scenes Concert and full 1xbet best casino website productions. In addition, he serves as advisor for the Friends of K-State 1xbet best casino website . Dr. Pittman served as President of the National 1xbet best casino website Association from 2016 – 2018, and Governor of the West Central Region of NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) from 2014 – 2017.

He has performed with the 1xbet best casino website companies of Dallas, New Orleans, San Diego, Mississippi, Arizona, Des Moines, Shreveport, Lyric 1xbet best casino website of Dallas and several symphony orchestras. From 2003-2008, Dr. Pittman was resident artist with the Wichita Grand 1xbet best casino website performing Arturo in Lucia di Lammermoor, Don José in Carmen, Benvolio in Romeo and Juliette, Parpignol in La Bohème, and soloist in the Stars of Kansas Gala Concert. Dr. Pittman was a regional finalist of the Metropolitan 1xbet best casino website Auditions and received the Luciano Pavarotti Award. In addition, he was finalist in the MacAlister Vocal Competition in Indianapolis, Southern Regional 1xbet best casino website Competition in Birmingham, and semi-finalist for the Vera Scammon Vocal Competition in Denver, and the Frederich Schorr Memorial Vocal Competition in Michigan.

Dr. Pittman is a recipient of the Boris Goldovsky Fellowship in 1xbet best casino website Stage Direction. At Kansas State University, he’s directed over twenty 1xbet best casino website productions. The 1xbet best casino website Theatre has been invited to perform at the National 1xbet best casino website Association’s National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri and Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Pittman’s students have been chosen to participate in several European and American 1xbet best casino website Programs and music theater companies. His voice studio has produced five national finalists in the past seven years in the NATS National Student Auditions. In 2020, a student was the national winner in the Lower Tenor/Baritone/Bass Category, and in 2022 a national winner in the Upper Men's Musical Theatre Category.

Dr. 1xbet best casino website served as director of the Flint Hills Masterworks Chorale from 2002-2014. The Chorale performed in Budapest, Hungary, Vienna and Salzburg, Austria, Prague in the Czech Republic, and Venice, Rome, and Florence, Italy. Dr. 1xbet best casino website sung as soloist at the Vatican and St. Francis of Assisi in Italy, and concerts in Austria, Czech Republic, and Hungary.

Dr. Pittman received the Bachelor of Music Education and Master of Music from The University of North Texas, and the Doctor of Music Degree from Indiana University. He studied voice with Dr. Ed Baird and Metropolitan 1xbet best casino website Soprano Margaret Harshaw. He received extensive operatic training at Indiana University performing nine leading roles in the 1xbet best casino website Theatre and received the Rancho Bernardo Vocal Award at the San Diego 1xbet best casino website Center under the leadership of Tito Capobianco.