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Associate Director, Music Program
Chair of the Music Education Division

232 McCain Auditorium

Phillip Payne

1xbet best casino website specializes in Instrumental Music Education. His duties at K-State include Lead Advisor for Music Education Majors, teaching undergraduate and graduate classes in music education, supervising student teachers, and overseeing all operational 1xbet online games loginaspects of the music education program at K-State. Prior to K-State, Dr. Payne served as Director of Bands at Rogers State University and Assistant Director of Bands at Moore High School (OK).

Dr. Payne holds Bachelor of Music Education and Master of Music degrees from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He also holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Music Education with an emphasis in Instrumental Conducting from the University 1xbet sports bettingof Oklahoma. His research interests include assessment in music education, technology integration, music teacher recruiting and retention, personality and instrument choice, modern band pedagogies for the music classroom. Publications include co-authoring a book on assessment in music education entitled: Developing and Applying Assessments in the Music Classroom, as well as chapters in Applying 1xbet online games loginModel Cornerstone Assessments in K-12 Music, and Teaching Music through Performance in Band. Dr. Payne has also published articles in Journal of Music Teacher Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Teaching Music, Research and Issues in Music Education and Music Educators Journal. He currently serves as the Chair of NAfME’s Assessment SRIG, Co-Facilitator of 1xbet sports bettingSMTE’s Program Admissions, Assessment, and Alignment ASPA, and Chairs the Research Caucus for KMEA. He serves as an adjudicator, clinician, and guest conductor throughout the Midwestern United States and is an active member of The National Association for Music Education, Society of Music Teacher Education, and Kansas Music Educators Association.