dr 1xbet best casino website. Ruth Gurgel

Ruth Gurgel 1xbet best casino website

Associate Professor
Chair of 1xbet best casino website Education
Email: gurgel@k-state.edu
Office: 227 McCain Auditorium

Ruth Gurgel, Associate Professor of 1xbet best casino website Education, is a specialist in Elementary 1xbet best casino website Education at Kansas State University.

Dr. Gurgel holds a Ph.D. in 1xbet best casino website education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with minors in sociology and educational policy. She also holds a Master of Arts degree in curriculum and instruction from Colorado Christian University and Bachelor of 1xbet best casino website degrees in flute performance and 1xbet best casino website education from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Her research interests include methods for integrating culturally relevant pedagogy with 1xbet best casino website education to create challenging and engaging school 1xbet best casino website experiences for students. Dr. Gurgel continues to present her research with students in a multiethnic 1xbet best casino website classroom at national and international conferences.

Dr. Gurgel began her career teaching elementary 1xbet best casino website in large urban school districts both in Colorado and Wisconsin, instructing students in the areas of general 1xbet best casino website , band, choir, and orchestra. She brings an eclectic approach to the elementary 1xbet best casino website classroom, integrating the techniques of Kodaly, Orff, Dalcroze, and Gordon.