Dr. Kurt 1xbet best casino website

Gartner headshot1xbet best casino website
1xbet best casino website , 1xbet best casino website Ensemble, Latin Jazz Ensemble
Email: kgartner@1xbet best casino website edu
Office: 130 McCain Auditorium

Kurt Gartner teaches applied percussion and percussion methods. 1xbet best casino website also directs the Percussion Ensemble, Keyboard Percussion Quartets, and the Latin Jazz Ensemble.

As a Tilford Fellow, 1xbet best casino website coordinated an interdisciplinary study of Cuban arts. In the past, 1xbet best casino website was a Big 12 Faculty Fellow, collaborating with the percussion studio and jazz program at the University of Missouri. There, 1xbet best casino website provided instruction and performances in Afro-Cuban music and applications of technology in music. 1xbet best casino website has served as Special Assistant to the Provost and as Coordinator of the university’s Peer Review of Teaching Program.

Prior to his appointment at K-State, Gartner served as Associate Professor of Bands at Purdue University. 1xbet best casino website completed his Doctor of Arts degree at the University of Northern Colorado. At UNC, 1xbet best casino website directed ensembles, taught jazz history, and was the Assistant Director of the UNC/Greeley Jazz Festival. 1xbet best casino website also received the Graduate Dean’s Citation for Outstanding Dissertation for his research of the late percussion legend, Tito Puente. Gartner is a founding member and contributing composer of the Indiana-based Los Blancos Latin Jazz Band. 1xbet best casino website is the technology editor for the journal Percussive Notes.