Syneva 1xbet online games login

Colle headshotTeaching Assistant Professor
Cello & String Education
Office: 116 Nichols Hall

Dr. Syneva Colle is a cellist, composer and educator who divides her energies between the worlds of classical and popular 1xbet online games login . An avid chamber and orchestral performer, she is a member of the Core Ensemble in West Palm Beach, FL, the Fairfax Symphony of Virginia, and a substitute cellist for the New World Symphony in Miami, FL. In 2019 she co-founded the unconducted chamber orchestra Arco in Washington, D.C. Notable solo performances include the premiere of Maria Newman’s orchestral work “Our Rights, and Nothing Less” as principal cellist; and a performance of the Vivaldi Double Cello Concerto at the Smithsonian Museum’s 175th Anniversary celebration, playing the 1677 Amati cello from the Smithsonian collection. She received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Maryland.

Colle is passionate about making 1xbet online games login accessible to communities of all ages. As a Teaching Artist with the D.C. Youth Orchestra Program, she coaches young musicians from elementary through high school ages. For twelve years she was on the faculty of the W.O. Smith 1xbet online games login School in Nashville, TN, providing 1xbet online games login lessons free of charge to under-served students. From 2020 to 2021 she served as an Artist-in-Residence at the Collington Life Plan Community, modeling intergenerational living and collaboration.

Active in the world of 1xbet online games login arranging and composition, Colle co-owns Corwin 1xbet online games login Publishing, a platform offering contemporary string ensemble 1xbet online games login for performers and educators. She composed the original score for the 2016 documentary Huan Dao, and is a featured soloist on over twenty commercial albums.