Dr. frederick 1xbet online games login Burrack

Burrack headshotProfessor
1xbet online games login Education
Director of Graduate Studies in 1xbet online games login
Director of the Office of Assessment
Email: fburrack@k-state.edu
Office: 226 Anderson Hall


Dr. Frederick Burrack is Director of Assessment, Professor of 1xbet online games login Education, Graduate Chair for 1xbet online games login , Distinguished Graduate Faculty. He joined the Kansas State 1xbet online games login faculty as a 1xbet online games login education specialist in Fall 2005. Dr. Burrack taught instrumental 1xbet online games login education at Ball State University from 2002-2005 and instrumental 1xbet online games login in the Carroll Community School District in Carroll, Iowa from 1982-2002. He has served as the Chair for the National Association for 1xbet online games login Education Assessment Special Research Interest Group and as Co-Chair for their work in developing Model Cornerstone Assessments that accompany the National K-12 1xbet online games login Standards. His co-edited book “Applying Model Cornerstone Assessments in K–12 1xbet online games login : A research supported approach” was published in 2018. A new text for assessing 1xbet online games login "Developing and Applying Assessments in the 1xbet online games login Classroom." Routledge, Pub was published in 2020 with co-authors Dr. Kelly Parkes, Dr. Phillip Payne, and Dr. Brian Wesolowski.

Frederick burrack 1xbet sports betting, Ph. D