1xbet sports betting Arrington

Arrington headshotSenior Professor of Practice
1xbet sports betting
Email: aarring@k-state.edu
Office: 235 McCain Auditorium

1xbet sports betting Arrington is the faculty collaborative pianist for Kansas State University’s music program. She maintains an active performing career, collaborating with faculty artists, guest artists, and students in over 100 concerts each year. In addition to the numerous recitals given at K-State, 1xbet sports betting enjoys performing with her colleagues and friends in a variety of venues across the country and abroad. An advocate of new music, she has premiered solo and chamber works for a number of conferences, including the National Association of Composers/USA, Society of Composers, Inc, ClarinetFest, North American Saxophone Alliance, Canadian Flute Convention, World Saxophone Congress, Mid-South Horn Workshop, International Double Reed Society, and the National Flute Association. As a concerto soloist, 1xbet sports betting has performed with K-State’s Wind Ensemble and Orchestra. You can hear her studio recordings on the albums "String to Silver: Flute Transcriptions of Works in the Romantic Tradition” with flutist Karen Large, “Pretty Please” with tubist Steven Maxwell, and “Anna Marie Wytko, Saxophonist” with saxophonist Anna Marie Wytko. 1xbet sports betting loves participating in community events, including regular performances for the Hale Library Concert Series, Young People’s Concerts, and Manhattan’s Summer Choir. Prior to her appointment at Kansas State University in 2010, she served as the University of Central Missouri's faculty collaborative pianist from 2008-2010.

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