Julie L. pentz 1xbet online games login

Julie Pentz 1xbet online games login

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Email: jpentz@ksu.edu
Office: 013 Nichols Hall

Julie's contributions to the 1xbet online games login field have traveled in the international 1xbet online games login community and her credits include guest teaching and performance appearances at the Theatro Libero in Rome, Italy, Taiwan, Chinese Cultural University, National Taiwan University of the Arts, Tsoying Performing Arts, Koahsiung Performing Arts, the Interdansa in Banyoles-Girona, Spain and the National Theatre of Ghana, the Dagra Music Center in Ghana Africa and several locations in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Julie has been teaching at Kansas State University for 18 years. Julie is a full professor of 1xbet online games login in the School of Music, Theatre, and 1xbet online games login , teaching jazz and tap 1xbet online games login , the K-State Tap 1xbet online games login Ensemble, 1xbet online games login appreciation, teaching methods, and for the K-State First program. She is active in the National 1xbet online games login Educators Organization serving on the advisory board directing students from 2017 – 2020 and now serves on the Executive Committee as the organizations Recording Secretary. In 2019 Julie accepted a position as a Global Goodwill Ambassador and Human Peace Ambassador, representing the United States of America. Julie serves as a national judge for 1xbet online games login competitions and is a trained HealthRhythms facilitator. Prior to Julie's return to graduate study she performed with The National Tap Ensemble out of Washington, DC and worked with master tap teachers that include Gregory Hines, Savion Glover, and Brenda Buffalino.

Julie’s current research is examining and enhancing family relationships, measuring physical movement, and looking at Parent perceptions/enjoyment/and parent-child connectedness and how they relate to physical activity. She uses her program 1xbet online games login To Togetherness Across Populations to foster this research. 1xbet online games login To Togetherness Across Populations holds close partnerships with Parents as Teachers, K-12, senior populations, and the homeschool networks. The 1xbet online games login To Togetherness Across Populations program is one of 15 community engagement partnerships for Kansas State University’s Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement Reclassification. The program has two published children’s books 1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login Your Toe and 1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login Like a Rhinoceros.

Pentz has multiple articles published in the Journal of 1xbet online games login Education, 1xbet online games login Education In Practice, Arts Education Policy Review, The Ambassador, UCED, Childhood Education, Journal of Extension, E-Source for College Transitions, Association of College and University Education, and the Ambassador. In 2021 Pentz released her textbook 1xbet online games login Appreciation, published with Human Kinetics Publishing, out of Chicago, IL. In 2021 Pentz became a Cambridge Scholars author and contributed to the book, Diverse Learning in 2020 and Beyond. In 2025 two new books will feature Pentz's research, Research in 1xbet online games login and Metacognition: New Ways to Think and Learn. Most recently she is continuing her work and research in Parkinson’s Disease and is the Director and CEO of her non-profit Tap To Togetherness Across Populations. More information can be found at www.taptotogetherness.org.

BFA in 1xbet online games login Education, Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA
MFA in Theatre Arts, University of Arizona, in Tucson, AZ