Kate 1xbet online games login

Kate Digby headshot 1xbet online games login

Associate Professor
1xbet online games login
Associate Director for 1xbet online games login
Email: kdigby@k-state.edu
Office: 131 Nichols Hall

Kate Digby teaches Composition, Improvisation, Modern 1xbet online games login , Movement Observation & Analysis, and Pedagogy, and directs the K-State Contemporary 1xbet online games login Ensemble.

1xbet online games login ’s research involves the creation and presentation of original interdisciplinary performance works which integrate biosensing technology for the purpose of enhancing human connection. 1xbet online games login ’s immersive performance project, Search for Simurgh), was supported with two grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as funding from the Ontario Arts Council, Kansas State University, York University, Biopac Systems, Inc., and cause, inc. In 2016, 1xbet online games login and her collaborators hosted the Movement and Emotion as Computational Interfaces Workshop at York University in Toronto.

Prior to her appointment at KSU, Digby worked as a choreographer, performer and teacher in New York City and Boston where she had opportunities to perform with the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane 1xbet online games login Company (as an apprentice), David Parker & The Bang Group, Prometheus 1xbet online games login , and The Boston 1xbet online games login Collective. She led Digby 1xbet online games login from 2000-2010 choreographing over 30 works for the company and presenting them across the US, in Canada and India.

Digby has previously served on the faculties of The Boston Conservatory, the Conservatory Division of the Longy School of Music, Roxbury Community College, and New York University's Athletic Department. She holds an MFA in 1xbet online games login from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a BFA from the Boston Conservatory, and teaching certifications in Yoga, The Batdorf Technique, Moving for Life 1xbet online games login Exercise for Health® and Body-Mind Dancing™. In 2023 she will complete her certification as a Movement Analyst from the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in NYC.