Accelerated bachelor 1xbet online casino/Master

The accelerated Bachelor/Master Public Health program provides exceptional 1xbet online casino students with the opportunity to obtain both a Bachelors and a Master of Public Health degree in a shorter time period than typically required if both degrees are pursued separately. This option allows for up to 9 credit hours to be applied to both the Bachelor and the Master degrees. It was approved by the University in the Spring of 2010.

With the permission of the 1xbet online casino advisor, students in the following 1xbet online casino majors are eligible to apply for the Bachelor/MPH option.

  • Athletic Training & Rehab Sciences
  • Animal Sciences & Industry
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Dietetics
  • Food Science & Industry
  • Integrative Physiology
  • Kinesiology
  • Life Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Nutritional Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Public Health
  • Sports Nutrition

Note: If you do not see your 1xbet online casino major listed, please contact us.




Visit with your 1xbet online casino advisor and/or the MPH Office to see if you are eligible for Graduate School (minimum GPA of 3.0).


Visit with your financial aid advisor to see if there are any financial aid ramifications. Generally, depending on the type of 1xbet online casino financial aid you are receiving, the financial aid stops and professional (graduate school) financial aid starts. An email to the MPH director from the financial aid advisor would be helpful, and encouraged.


Visit with your 1xbet online casino advisor and select classes that may be used for both programs AND have not been taken thus far in the 1xbet online casino curriculum. The MPH Program will usually accept any class (elective or required) for the desired MPH emphasis area if on approved list. (Approved course list is on the MPH website:; select Areas of Emphasis.)


Depending on the emphasis area you select, 1xbet online casino pre-requisites may be required.


Have your 1xbet online casino advisor send an email to the MPH Director indicating support for the student in the BS/MPH program and identify the classes to be used for both degrees and when they will be taken.


Apply to the Graduate School and select BS/MPH program on the application.


If you are admitted, enroll in the agreed upon shared graduate classes under your graduate record in KSIS. Continue to maintain a 3.0 GPA.


Upon completion of your bachelor degree, you are fully admitted to the Graduate School and the MPH Program.


Once you complete 9 graduate credit hours, a Program of Study (POS) will be prepared in conjunction with your MPH major professor and submitted to the Graduate School, even If you are still working on your 1xbet online casino degree.


If any questions or problems arise, contact the MPH Office.


  • Special Enrollment Form: The student may take the intended shared courses for graduate credit by utilizing the special enrollment form on the Graduate School’s website (located under Miscellaneous forms), or a request for credit type change has been made during the current semester of enrollment (before rosters are released and final grades have been assigned). These credits would appear on the graduate record in KSIS and may count toward the graduate program regardless of when they are taken, if they are listed on the POS.
  • Change in Status. The student's status will change from 1xbet online casino to graduate once the student is formally admitted to the program with the start semester listed on the Graduate Application. Taking courses for graduate credit using the Special Enrollment Form starts their graduate career/record, but their status remains 1xbet online casino until the requested Graduate Application start semester. The student needs to be very careful to select the correct starting semester on the application. Generally, they should select the beginning of the last semester of their 1xbet online casino degree if they receive federal financial assistance contingent on their 1xbet online casino status to minimize the financial loss once this status change is made.
  • All credits listed on the Program of Study cannot be older than 7 years.
  • No exceptions to the above. The Graduate School will not move classes between the 1xbet online casino and graduate records in KSIS once the class roster has been closed and a grade has been assigned.