Public 1xbet online games login Graduate Certificate Program

This certificate program is designed to give individuals, both working professionals and graduate students on campus with no formal public 1xbet online games login education, a strong foundation of knowledge in the five core concept areas of public 1xbet online games login . These five areas meet the Council on Education for Public 1xbet online games login (CEPH) program accreditation standards.

  1. Biostatistics
  2. Epidemiology
  3. Environmental 1xbet online games login
  4. 1xbet online games login Services Administration
  5. Social and Behavioral Sciences

The courses required for the certificate are the same ones required in the core concept areas for the Master of Public 1xbet online games login (MPH) degree program currently offered at Kansas State University. The courses necessary to complete the Certificate Program are:

  • Biostatistics: MPH 701 (STAT 701) Fundamental Methods of Biostatistics (3 hrs)
  • Environmental 1xbet online games login sciences: MPH 802 (DMP 802) Environmental 1xbet online games login (3 hrs)
  • Epidemiology: MPH 754 (DMP 754) Introduction to Epidemiology (3 hrs)
  • 1xbet online games login services administration: MPH 720 (HMD 720) Administration of 1xbet online games login Care Organizations (3 hrs)
  • Social and behavioral sciences: MPH 818 (KIN 818) Social and Behavioral Bases of Public 1xbet online games login (3 hrs)

These courses provide sufficient breadth to allow each student, as a current or future public 1xbet online games login professional, attain knowledge and skills in the core public 1xbet online games login concepts. The common focus of all public 1xbet online games login professionals, whether educated in public 1xbet online games login or a related discipline, is population-level 1xbet online games login . The basis of this focus is an ecological model of 1xbet online games login which assumes that 1xbet online games login and well being are affected by interaction among the multiple determinants of 1xbet online games login .