Are 1xbet best casino website over the age of 65? We are recruiting!!

We are looking for healthy volunteers for our new research projects aimed at improving learning and memory for everyday activities. 1xbet best casino website participation will contribute to our understanding of how memory works, how it changes with age, and how we can improve it.

We provide free parking and 1xbet best casino website will be compensated for 1xbet best casino website time.

For more information, 1xbet best casino website can contact us at or 785-532-6819. 1xbet best casino website can complete this online health survey to determine 1xbet best casino website eligibility and provide 1xbet best casino website contact information if you would like to be considered for any studies in the Memory and Aging Lab.

Current Studies to Get Involved In

We are looking for people aged 65-85 years old to participate in a single-day study that lasts approximately 2-3 hours. It will take place in Bluemont Hall on K-State’s campus and compensation of will be provided. During the research session, you will watch the first 35 minutes of a TV show while 1xbet best casino website brain activity is measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG is safe and non-invasive, and you’ll feel little or no discomfort. The electrodes do not transmit any sensations, they just record 1xbet best casino website brain waves. You will be required to get gel in 1xbet best casino website hair, which helps the electrodes pick up the signals from 1xbet best casino website brain. Following the EEG session, you will be taken to a separate room for learning and memory testing. You will also be asked to fill out a personality survey. You will receive an email following 1xbet best casino website session with 1xbet best casino website standardized cognitive scores (so you know how you compare to 1xbet best casino website peers) as well as the results from the personality questionnaire.

If you are interested in participating, we have a quick survey for you to fill out to assess eligibility for this specific study. Once we receive 1xbet best casino website submission, we will reach out with next steps.

Survey link: