1xbet online sports betting and Aging Laboratory

Welcome! The 1xbet online sports betting and Aging Laboratory at Kansas State University, led by Dr. Heather Bailey, is where curious minds explore the science behind 1xbet online sports betting and learning.

At the broadest level, our lab is interested in 1xbet online sports betting systems and how they change with age. More specifically, we investigate strategy use for improving 1xbet online sports betting , relationships between working 1xbet online sports betting performance and performance on other cognitive tasks, and differences in segmentation (or chunking) of information. For most of our lines of research, we examine individual differences, as well as age-related differences, through a combination of experimental and neuroscience techniques. Our research is conducted on young adults from the college population and cognitively healthy older adults.

To find out more about these lines of work, see our Our 1xbet section of the website