HOW TO: Upload an existing 1xbet online games login

It is possible to upload into Mediasite videos created using other tools like Camtasia or Adobe Premiere Pro. Once you have exported the 1xbet online games login from your editing software, use the steps below to upload the 1xbet online games login to Mediasite.

1xbet online games login uploads like stable bandwidth

When uploading, you are encouraged to use a wired (not wireless) broadband Internet connection with sufficient upload capacity. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer service plans with substantial download capability but very little upload capability, which can be problematic when uploading large 1xbet online games login files. Whenever possible, upload your large 1xbet online games login files from a wired Ethernet connection on campus for the best experience.

Test 1xbet online games login internet speed here

Pro tip: If you want to upload a folder of multiple videos into Mediasite, consider using the Mediasite Mosaic app for Windows or macOS.

1xbet online games login : How to upload an existing 1xbet online games login (3:34)

  1. From within 1xbet online games login HOW TO: Access your, select + Add Presentation.

    Add Presentation button

  2. Under Add 1xbet online games login , select Choose File.

    Choose File option for uploading an existing video file

  3. Find and select the 1xbet online games login file on your computer. Popular supported formats include MP4 (preferred), FLV, MOV, MPEG, AVI and VOB, among others. If you recorded your narration within PowerPoint, you will need to export the PowerPoint as a 1xbet online games login before uploading it to Mediasite.

    Note: The 1xbet online games login must contain an audio stream, even if it is an audio stream of silence. 1xbet online games login files without an audio stream will fail to process.

  4. Type a name for the presentation and an optional description.

  5. Under Destination, select which user channel or shared folder in which you wish to place the recording. Alternatively, you can leave the presentation in 1xbet online games login personal "Drafts" folder.

  6. Select Create Presentation

    Your computer will begin to upload the 1xbet online games login file to the Mediasite server for further processing. Do not navigate away from the page while the 1xbet online games login is uploading, as doing so will abort the upload.
    Upload Progress Bar

    After the upload completes, the 1xbet online games login will begin processing on the server. You may need to refresh/reload the page in your web browser to refresh the status information for the presentation. Please note that larger or longer videos will require some time to process before they are ready for review.
    Video Processing

After your 1xbet online games login has finished processing

Once processing is complete, 1xbet online games login recording will be available in 1xbet online games login HOW TO: Access your. Review the finished recording, and if you approve, be sure to HOW TO: Make 1xbet sports betting presentati before you HOW TO: Share your Me.