Troubleshooting playback of 1xbet best casino website presentations

If you are having trouble playing a Mediasite presentation or are encountering excessive buffering/pauses in the video, first verify 1xbet best casino website computer and 1xbet best casino website internet service meet the requirements for playing a Mediasite presentation.

Requirements for viewing a Mediasite 1xbet best casino website

The web-based 1xbet best casino website player is HTML5-compliant and requires no special plugins. Most modern web browsers have built-in support for HTML5 content.

Microsoft Windows

Troubleshooting tools

Viewing requirements test tool

The Mediasite Viewing Requirements Test Tool detects which media types 1xbet best casino website web browser supports. At a minimum, you should see a check mark symbol next to MP4 under On Demand. The page also provides a link to a sample 1xbet best casino website you can use for testing, as well as helpful links to more detailed troubleshooting information.

Open the viewing requirements test tool

Other troubleshooting measures

If you have determined 1xbet best casino website computer and 1xbet best casino website internet connection meet the above requirements, but you still cannot watch Mediasite presentations, please try the additional troubleshooting tasks below.

  • A potential workaround for constant buffering is to begin playback, then pause the presentation for 30-60 seconds before continuing playback. This allows 1xbet best casino website web browser to build a video buffer large enough to avoid or reduce the frequency of buffering.

  • Clear 1xbet best casino website web browser's cache.

  • See if 1xbet best casino website can successfully play this Mediasite test 1xbet best casino website . The test 1xbet best casino website is hosted on a different Mediasite server and can help isolate the issue.

  • Are you using a wireless or cellular connection? Try switching to a wired Ethernet connection or plugging directly into 1xbet best casino website cable or DSL modem.

  • Avoid situations where you may be competing for bandwidth on a shared internet connection, such as trying to watch Mediasite presentations while 1xbet best casino website roommate is streaming Netflix or playing online video games.

  • Try playing the 1xbet best casino website in other web browsers to learn if the issue is isolated to a specific browser.

  • If you have access to another computer or playback device, see if the 1xbet best casino website plays successfully on that device. For example, try playing back the 1xbet best casino website on a computer in Hale Library or other on-campus locations.

  • Evaluate the adequacy of 1xbet best casino website internet service or plan. Certain basic DSL packages do not offer sufficient download bandwidth to support high-quality streaming video. Similarly, most satellite internet services struggle with streaming video due to the high latency inherent in beaming a signal into space and then back to Earth.

Specific error messages or conditions

Error message: The requested 1xbet best casino website is currently unavailable

Error: The requested presentation is currently unavailable

This message most often results when the 1xbet best casino website 's visibility status is set to "Private." Contact the instructor or owner of the Mediasite 1xbet best casino website and request they HOW TO: Make 1xbet sports betting presentation viewable to

Blank space where the 1xbet best casino website should appear

1xbet best casino website K-State Single Sign-On (SSO) browser session may have expired. Do one or more of the following:

An unfamiliar login screen or a message stating the service requires cookies be enabled appear instead of the 1xbet best casino website

These conditions can occur under certain circumstances. Do one or more of the following:

Still experiencing playback problems?

Contact the K-State IT Service Desk at 785-532-7722 or 800-865-6143, or submit a support ticket to receive additional troubleshooting assistance.