HOW TO: Change the 1xbet online sports betting thumbnail

Mediasite automatically applies a default thumbnail to all presentations, usually the first frame of the video, but it is possible to change the thumbnail to an image you have on 1xbet online sports betting computer, like the title slide of 1xbet online sports betting PowerPoint presentation.

  1. From within the list of presentations in 1xbet online sports betting HOW TO: Access your, select name of the 1xbet online sports betting for which you wish to change the thumbnail image. A summary of the 1xbet online sports betting will appear.

  2. Select Edit Details from the right column. Options for editing the 1xbet online sports betting details will appear.

    Edit Details button

  3. Select the Delivery tab.

    Delivery tab

  4. Under 1xbet online sports betting Thumbnail, choose Select a File.

    Presentation Thumbnail section with Select a File button

  5. From the image files on 1xbet online sports betting computer, choose 1xbet online sports betting desired image and select Open.

  6. Select Save.

Create a new thumbnail image

Create a thumbnail miage either from 1xbet online sports betting Mediasite presentation or from 1xbet online sports betting PowerPoint.