HOW TO: Archive 1xbet online games login content

To help the university use its IT resources efficiently and comply with record management policies, it is important to regularly remove from 1xbet online games login any obsolete content that no longer serves a useful purpose. If you have presentations in 1xbet online games login you wish to keep, but that do not necessarily need to be available online, consider archiving an offline copy using one of the methods discussed below.

Archives & Records Management

Archives and 1xbet online games login manag can help you interpret whether you should retain content or delete it according to K-State's Retention and disposition.

Archive individual presentations

A 1xbet online games login presentation can be downloaded as an MP3 audio-only podcast file, an MP4 video podcast file, or an archive-oriented .zip media package.

Download as an audio or video podcast

A self-service option is to download one or more 1xbet online games login presentations individually as MP3 (audio-only podcast) or MP4 (audio and video vodcast) files. These formats can be viewed offline on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device, and they are often compatible with other multimedia hosting services.

  1. Download an MP3 podcast and/or MP4 vodcast to your computer HOW TO: Download your 1xb.

  2. If your video has HOW TO: A, remember to download the captions, too. Caption data is not included in the MP3 and MP4 files.

  3. Once you have successfully archived the presentation to your local computer, 1xbet online games login from 1xbet online games login .

Download as a media package

Alternatively, you can download a .zip media package of the presentation's content. The media package is an archive-friendly format a 1xbet online games login administrator can easily re-import into 1xbet online games login , if necessary.

  1. From the list of presentations in your HOW TO: Access your My 1xbet online, select the name of the presentation you wish to archive. A summary of the presentation will appear.

  2. Select Downloads, located at the bottom of the right column.

  3. Select All media files (.zip). The .zip archive will download to your local computer.

  4. Once you have successfully archived the presentation to your local computer, 1xbet online games login from 1xbet online games login .

Archive entire folder(s) of presentations

If you want to archive one or more channels or shared folders containing a large number of presentations, the Division of Information Technology can help by using an administrative tool. The tool exports the 1xbet online games login presentations as individual media packages that allow an administrator to easily re-import one or more presentations into 1xbet online games login , if necessary.

To request a bulk archival action, please submit a request with the name(s) of the channel(s) and/or folder(s) you wish to archive, and IT will contact you to coordinate further. Because this process normally involves a large amount of data, a requestor-provided portable USB hard drive is often required to facilitate delivery.

Request an archive of 1xbet online games login content