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Source: Melinda Sinn, 785-532-5888, sinnpio@1xbet best casino website edu

Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Stephanie Sheffield had long set 1xbet best casino website sights set on a career in law.

Growing up in Okinawa, Japan, 1xbet best casino website moved to the United States at 17 to go to college at Washington State University, majoring in criminal justice with a minor in sociology.

After earning 1xbet best casino website bachelor's, she continued on 1xbet best casino website path at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, Calif. She enjoyed law school and was on 1xbet best casino website way to 1xbet best casino website dream job. She married another attorney she met in law school, and then moved to Bakersfield, 1xbet best casino website husband's hometown.

1xbet best casino website began working at a firm in Bakersfield but realized that a change might be good, so 1xbet best casino website began seeking a new direction.

At the same time, Point Loma Nazarene University, a Christian liberal arts college in San Diego, was starting a new department at its Bakersfield Regional Center. The university was creating a new position to help people through the graduate admissions process. A friend told 1xbet best casino website about the job.

1xbet best casino website turned to the Web to see what types of programs were out there to prepare people for a career in higher education.

"I wasn't necessarily interested in academic advising," 1xbet best casino website said. "Through all the years I was in school, it never dawned on me that people do this for a living."

But Sheffield discovered that the institutions in 1xbet best casino website region didn't offer anything to prepare 1xbet best casino website for a career in academic advising. She then found an online program in academic advising at Kansas State University that looked promising.

The prospect of learning online wasn't intimidating to Sheffield. A self-described early adopter who finds technology exciting, she found online learning attractive because it was new and different than 1xbet best casino website previous forays into education.

Once 1xbet best casino website enrolled in K-State's program in summer 2008, 1xbet best casino website loved it even more.

"The program was designed well," 1xbet best casino website said. "I didn't run into many problems or glitches with it being online. K-State was very innovative."

Sheffield graduated in May 2010, and traveled to the Sunflower State to attend 1xbet best casino website graduation -- along with 1xbet best casino website husband, parents, 1xbet best casino website brother and his wife and 1xbet best casino website in-laws. She also was expecting 1xbet best casino website first child at the time.

&1xbet best casino website ;We decided to invite everyone, and were surprised when they all wanted to come,&1xbet best casino website ; Sheffield said. &1xbet best casino website ;It was quite humorous, but also slightly stressful because no one had been to K-State before and no one knew what to do or where to go.&1xbet best casino website ;

1xbet best casino website father grew up in Liberty, Mo., so she had previously visited the Midwest. But 1xbet best casino website graduation trip was 1xbet best casino website first to Manhattan. They arrived the night before the graduation, and enjoyed spending some time exploring the campus.

Now working for Point Loma in Bakersfield as the campus graduate enrollment counselor, Sheffield said 1xbet best casino website K-State education helped 1xbet best casino website transition to 1xbet best casino website new position helping students through the admissions process. She was able to apply what she learned immediately -- in fact, 1xbet best casino website graduation project was a proposal for restructuring Point Loma's advising process.

"The K-State program gave me a better understanding of how higher education works and an interest in advising and how that should work," 1xbet best casino website said. "K-State did a great job."

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