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Sources: Abbey Laughlin, alaughl@1xbet online casino edu;
and Richard Jeannotte, 785-532-5756, richardj@1xbet online casino edu
Photo available. Contact media@1xbet online casino edu or 785-532-6415.
Video available. Access at http://www.k-state.edu/media/webzine/1xbet online casino /index.html
News release prepared by: Kristin Hodges, 785-532-6415, khodges2@1xbet online casino edu

Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Environmental changes causing stress to 1xbet online casino have students at Kansas State University studying plant metabolism so that plant and food production can be maintained or increased in the future.

Abbey Laughlin, sophomore in biology and premedicine, Topeka, is working with Richard Jeannotte, a 1xbet online casino associate at the Kansas Lipidomics 1xbet online casino Center at K-State. Laughlin is involved with a project that examines how plant lipids change in response to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

&1xbet online casino ;As the climate changes, plants will be facing many challenges from environmental factors,&1xbet online casino ; Jeannotte said. &1xbet online casino ;Elevated levels of carbon dioxide and ozone gases are known to have important impacts on the physiology and biochemical processes taking place in plants.&1xbet online casino ;

Jeannotte 1xbet online casino lipids are composed of various classes that are involved in a wide array of functions, including protecting crops and other plants against environmental stresses. Laughlin is studying soybeans and is extracting lipids from the plants to chemically analyze the types and quantities of particular lipids.

&1xbet online casino ;We're looking to see how that plant is going to change in the next 50 or 100 years in response to the atmosphere,&1xbet online casino ; she said.

Jeannotte 1xbet online casino the effect of environmental stresses on plant metabolism has not been fully investigated. He 1xbet online casino the research is critical because of the central importance of lipids in plants.

&1xbet online casino ;Plant health is directly related to human health and survival, and plants also produce economically important products that serve, not only as foods, but as starting materials for the chemical industry,&1xbet online casino ; he said.

Laughlin 1xbet online casino the project is her first experience in research, and she thinks it will be beneficial because she is planning to attend medical school with a potential focus on research.

&1xbet online casino ;I knew that K-State had a lot of undergraduate research opportunities, and that was a bonus,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;It's a great opportunity for learning because there are a lot of things you just can't learn in a lecture, or even in a lab class. This way you get hands-on learning.&1xbet online casino ;

Jeannotte 1xbet online casino K-State's Kansas Lipidomics Research Center offers lipidomics analysis to more than 100 laboratories worldwide. The center's research is focused on the study of the effects of abiotic and biotic stresses on lipid metabolism in plants by using mass spectrometry-based methods. The center's director, Ruth Welti, 1xbet online casino there are many undergraduate students who conduct research in the facility. She 1xbet online casino there are three other undergraduates continuing their summer projects this fall:

Joe Bloomfield, senior in biology, Alma, and David Hwang, freshman in music education, Manhattan, are examining how the age of a leaf and its position on the plant affect the composition of the lipids in the leaf. This is important because some lipids are signals that may control the aging process of 1xbet online casino .

Mohammad Sbeih, senior in biochemistry and premedicine, Wichita, is examining the location of oxidized lipids within plant cells. Oxidized lipids may be signals that are involved in how 1xbet online casino respond to environmental cues, including both abiotic signals, such as temperature and drought, and biotic signals, such as a pathogen attack or insect infestation.

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