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Source: Dean 1xbet sports betting , 785-532-1619, dzollman@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Tyler Sharp, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010


MANHATTAN -- A Kansas State University alum, a 1xbet sports betting professor and a research associate are the winners of the American Association of 1xbet sports betting Teachers 2010 Apparatus Competition.

Dyan McBride, a May 2009 K-State doctoral graduate in 1xbet sports betting and now an assistant professor of 1xbet sports betting at Mercyhurst College; Dean Zollman, university distinguished professor, William and Joan Porter professor of 1xbet sports betting and head of the department of 1xbet sports betting ; and Sytil Murphy, research associate in 1xbet sports betting , received the award at the 2010 summer conference of the American Association of 1xbet sports betting Teachers in Portland, Ore.

The trio's entry, "A Lens To Demonstrate Accommodation in the Focusing of the Human Eye," received a ,100 prize for first place. The project was funded by the National Science Foundation and began in 2005. A majority of the project was completed by 2009, but work remains on certain aspects, 1xbet sports betting said. The project was part of McBride's doctorate research, and 1xbet sports betting credits McBride for the competition success.

An experience while 1xbet sports betting was on sabbatical at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich served as the basis for the group's idea. 1xbet sports betting 's colleagues at the German university were using a technique to teach the idea of how the human eye changes shape to focus on objects at different distances, but 1xbet sports betting faced limitations in bringing something similar to his classroom.

"Some of the equipment that they used was difficult to find in the U.S. or was much more expensive here," he said.

McBride and 1xbet sports betting set their focus on creating an easily affordable apparatus for teaching about how the human eye changes shape to focus on objects at different distances.

The device is now being used in classroom settings. It has been tested with students in general 1xbet sports betting classes because they have premedicine and pre-veterinary students, Zollman said. McBride has used the apparatus and similar apparatuses with her students as well.

K-State's 1xbet sports betting department has entered a variety of apparatuses over the years in the competition, but this is the first top finish, Zollman said. Murphy received an award in 2009 for an apparatus to help teach some of the 1xbet sports betting underlying MRI.

"It is important to emphasize that Dyan was the primary person in getting this to work successfully, and then to make sure that it was teaching the ideas that we wanted to teach," he said.

More information is available at http://web.phys.ksu.edu/mmmm/instructor.

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