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1xbet online games login1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login 1xbet online games login

Source: Jodi Kaus, 785-532-2889, jkaus@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Calin Cooney, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Establishing good 1xbet online games login -- including a good 1xbet online games login score -- is important for college-age students, according to a Kansas State University financial counseling expert.

A 1xbet online games login score measures an individual's 1xbet online games login worthiness as assessed by moneylenders, said Jodi Kaus, program manager for K-State's Powercat Financial Counseling.

Without good 1xbet online games login , individuals may find it hard to meet certain needs that go beyond 1xbet online games login cards. Individuals with low 1xbet online games login scores may be denied loans and receive harsh premiums on insurance rates. 1xbet online games login scores also can affect employment, since potential employers can check them to assess the responsibility of an individual, Kaus said.

"A FICO, or Fair Isaac Corporation, 1xbet online games login score ranges from 300 to 850, with a number in the mid-600s and above considered good," Kaus said. "The score is based on your payment track record, the amount of debt you owe, the length of time you've used 1xbet online games login , how often you've applied for new 1xbet online games login and the types of 1xbet online games login you currently use."

Establishing a 1xbet online games login score in today's economy goes a long way, Kaus said. It has been reported that more than 43 million people now have 1xbet online games login scores below 599 because of the slow economy. This means fewer people are being considered 1xbet online games login worthy.

"Young people need to remember that the actions they take today will affect them for some time down the road," Kaus said. "Paying bills late, maxing out 1xbet online games login cards or opening multiple 1xbet online games login accounts will all impact your ability to get favorable loans in the future."

Young adults can be financially successful if they can establish a respectable 1xbet online games login score, Kaus said.

"In your last years of college it may be beneficial to begin establishing a 1xbet online games login history. This shows you have the discipline to make timely payments over a period of time in anticipation of when you do need a loan," Kaus said. "Since how long you've used 1xbet online games login is a factor in your 1xbet online games login score, some length of 1xbet online games login history needs to be established."

Kaus recommends these tips for young adults who are ready to establish 1xbet online games login responsibly:

* Pay all bills on time, including utilities, cell phone and 1xbet online games login accounts.

* Limit the number of 1xbet online games login cards you maintain.

* Use your 1xbet online games login sparingly by staying under 30 percent of your 1xbet online games login limit.

* Check your 1xbet online games login report regularly at http://www.annualcreditreport.com, which is available for free once a year from each of the three 1xbet online games login reporting agencies. However, the report does not include one's 1xbet online games login score.

K-State students seeking help with 1xbet online games login issues can use Powercat Financial Counseling, a free service for students to obtain confidential financial counseling on any money questions they have. Appointments can be made by going to the service's website at http://www.k-state.edu/pfc.

"We are helping many students stay on track financially by creating a spending plan," Kaus said. "We answer questions about proper use of 1xbet online games login , planning out student loan accumulation and repayment of loans, and we counsel students about making the financial transition from college to work.

"We also can help a student get their 1xbet online games login report and understand the information shown on the report," Kaus said. "We then counsel the student on ways to improve their 1xbet online games login worthiness and to stay on track with their 1xbet online games login use."

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