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Source: Frank 1xbet online sports betting , 785-532-2741, 1xbet online sports betting @vet.k-state.edu.
Photo available. Contact media@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535.
News release prepared by: Greg Tammen, 785-532-2535, gtammen@k-state.edu

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Despite making what are arguably some of the biggest advancements in research on the animal immune system, Frank 1xbet online sports betting puts his students' success before his own.

Now his former students have helped 1xbet online sports betting , a Kansas State University distinguished professor of immunophysiology, interim associate dean for research in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and head of the department of anatomy and physiology, earn national recognition for his contributions to veterinary immuniology.

On Dec. 6 in Chicago, Ill., 1xbet online sports betting will be formally recognized by the American Association of Veterinary Immunologists as the 2010 Distinguished Veterinary Immunologist of the Year. His former students nominated him for the honor, one of the highest in the field.

&1xbet online sports betting ;It's really surprising that he hasn't received this award before now, as, in my mind, he's the most qualified person in his field,&1xbet online sports betting ; said Jishu Shi, associate professor of anatomy and physiology at K-State. &1xbet online sports betting ;His work was really some of the first in certain areas, and I think he single-handedly increased our understanding of innate immunology in domestic animals.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Shi, a former graduate student of 1xbet online sports betting 's, spearheaded the nomination campaign, which consisted of letters of support and a list of 1xbet online sports betting 's achievements.

Since beginning his work in veterinary immunology nearly 36 years ago, 1xbet online sports betting has authored 139 refereed journals, 24 book chapters and more than 200 abstracts; contributed to four university patents; raised more than million in funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association, among others; and made more than 100 invited presentations at regional, national and international conferences.

Teaching, and even immunology, weren't areas 1xbet online sports betting originally considered pursuing.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Besides serving in the Army, the only thing I had ever done was rodeo and school. I wasn't sure I would be accepted into graduate school because my grades weren't all that great,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Instead of buckling down, I spent the last two years of school rodeoing and not going to class.&1xbet online sports betting ;

As luck would have it, 1xbet online sports betting was accepted into grad school, where he became involved in a project on the immune system in animals. This chance study led to him earning a doctorate in the field. Soon after, 1xbet online sports betting , his wife and sons moved to Manhattan, and he began working at K-State in 1981.

Since then he's investigated the capabilities of cytokines and antimicrobial peptides, and has worked with interferons. 1xbet online sports betting greatest work, though, has been that with 1xbet online sports betting students, he said.

1xbet online sports betting keeps a file with each of his former postdoctoral and graduate students' contact information and career paths. Some have gone on to teach at universities, others are CEOs of their own companies, and one works for the USDA and another for Pfizer Incorporated. They keep in contact and consider 1xbet online sports betting a friend.

That's part of what makes this award so special, 1xbet online sports betting said.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Only one person from around the world is selected each year. To have been nominated by those students I've worked so closely with, I feel quite humbled by it,&1xbet online sports betting ; he said.

&1xbet online sports betting ;When I came to K-State I didn't take graduate students right away because in my mind it's a great responsibility. It's basically like having a family,&1xbet online sports betting ; Blecha said. &1xbet online sports betting ;I wanted to make sure I had things established, had a program going, and knew what I was doing. In looking at where my former students are now, I guess I did OK.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Although his graduate work ended in 1996, Shi still seeks advice from 1xbet online sports betting .

&1xbet online sports betting ;Dr. Blecha is a friend as much as a mentor. I've turned to him for advice with each new step I take in my career. He's an excellent scientist, and has always been there when his students needed him,&1xbet online sports betting ; Shi said. &1xbet online sports betting ;When it comes to working with my students, I'm trying to mimic half of what he did for all of us.&1xbet online sports betting ;

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