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Source: Kristin Mortenson, 785-532-3832, kmortens@1xbet online sports betting edu
News release prepared by: Nellie Ryan, 785-532-6415, media@1xbet online sports betting edu

Friday, 1xbet online sports betting . 2, 2009


MANHATTAN -- October offers a variety of musical events from the Kansas State University department of 1xbet online sports betting .

1xbet online sports betting events, except where noted, are free and open to the public. They include:

* Peter Salaff, a guest artist from the Cleveland Institute of Music, 1xbet online sports betting take part in a string chamber music master class from 3-5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9, in the Little Theater at the K-State Student Union. Salaff 1xbet online sports betting work with several K-State student ensembles, including the Manhattan Project String Quartet. Salaff's visit to K-State is sponsored by the University Distinguished Lecturer Series.

* The K-State Marching Band's annual Central States Marching Festival 1xbet online sports betting be from noon to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, at Bill Snyder Family Stadium. The premier marching festival in Kansas, this year's event 1xbet online sports betting include 33 bands. Each band 1xbet online sports betting participate in pre-performance clinics and a final performance where they 1xbet online sports betting receive immediate feedback from a panel of adjudicators that 1xbet online sports betting include a video critique session.

* Mary Ellen Sutton, K-State professor of organ, 1xbet online sports betting present a faculty recital at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13, in All Faiths Chapel. It 1xbet online sports betting feature music by German composers from the 19th- to 21st-centuries. One notable set of works on the program is from a collection called "Insektarium," in which the music describes various insects.

* Members of the K-State Wind Ensemble, conducted by Frank Tracz, professor of music and director of bands, and the K-State Concert Band, conducted by Anthony Pursell, assistant professor of music, 1xbet online sports betting present a concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14, in McCain Auditorium. The Wind Ensemble was selected to perform for the Friday evening premier spot at the Kansas Music Educators Association's in-service workshop in February 2010, and also 1xbet online sports betting perform at the Southwest Regional College Band Directors National Association in April 2010, a first for K-State. Several selections for the 2010 performances 1xbet online sports betting be featured at the Oct. 14 concert.

* The Student Recital Series 1xbet online sports betting be at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 15, in All Faiths Chapel with a General Student Recital featuring students from the department of music's keyboard, wind and percussion, and string divisions. Later that evening, at 7:30 in All Faiths Chapel, K-State music students 1xbet online sports betting be featured in the "Celebrating New Music" concert.

* The K-State Wind Ensemble 1xbet online sports betting perform a joint concert with world-renowned Boston Brass at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in All Faiths Chapel. Admission is for the general public and for K-State students. The Boston Brass also 1xbet online sports betting join the K-State Marching Band for a joint halftime performance at the K-State vs. Texas A&M football game, Saturday, Oct. 17. Selections 1xbet online sports betting include music from the rock group Boston, Phil Collins and an arrangement of "Caravan."

* The K-State Orchestra 1xbet online sports betting perform in a concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, at McCain Auditorium. The concert 1xbet online sports betting feature Handel's "Music from the Royal Fireworks," Corigliano's Oboe Concerto with faculty soloist Nora Lewis, and Symphony No. 9 in E Minor from "New World" by Dvorak. The orchestra is conducted by K-State's David Littrell, university distinguished professor of music.

* The K-State Jazz Bands, directed by Wayne Goins, professor of jazz, 1xbet online sports betting present a concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, in Forum Hall at the Union.

* K-State voice students 1xbet online sports betting perform in the annual Opera Workshop at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, and Thursday, Oct. 22, in All Faiths Chapel. The students are from the private studios of K-State voice faculty Dale Ganz, Reg Pittman, Amy Rosine and Patricia Thompson. The students 1xbet online sports betting sing short scenes from operas, operettas and Broadway musicals.

* Flute students of K-State's Mary Lee Cochran, associate professor of music, 1xbet online sports betting perform a recital at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 25, in All Faiths Chapel.

* The music department's choral division 1xbet online sports betting present "Choralfest" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27, in All Faiths Chapel. The performance 1xbet online sports betting feature the K-State Choir, Chorale, and Men's and Women's Glee Club, all directed by Joshua Oppenheim and Julie Yu, co-directors of choral activities.

* Guest trombonist Michael Davidson, assistant professor of trombone at the University of Kansas, 1xbet online sports betting present a recital at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, in All Faiths Chapel. Davidson is principal trombonist of the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, the South Arkansas Symphony, and trombonist with the Kansas Brass Quintet, the I-49 Brass Quintet and the LATEX Trombone Quartet.

* The popular "Halloween Jazz Jam," presented by the K-State Jazz Combos under the direction of Goins, 1xbet online sports betting be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, in Union Station.

* The K-State Singers, directed by Oppenheim and Yu, 1xbet online sports betting perform their annual fall show at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30, in McCain Auditorium. A small admission fee 1xbet online sports betting be charged. The K-State Singers, all non-music majors, have been the singing ambassadors for the university since 1954, performing in cities across the United States and abroad.

More information about the 1xbet online sports betting music department's October events is available by calling 785-532-5740.

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