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Source: Gabriela Diaz de Sabates, gabsab@k-state.edu, 785-532-5738

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2009

'1xbet best casino website ' THE MOVIE TO BE SHOWN ON CAMPUS FRIDAY

MANHATTAN -- The women's studies program's Women of Color Film series is screening the film "1xbet best casino website !" at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9, in 13 Leasure Hall on the Kansas State University campus. The event is free and open to the public.

Gabriela Diaz de Sabates, instructor in women's studies and doctoral student in curriculum and instruction, said a panel discussion sponsored by the College of Agriculture will follow the film. Panelists include Rhonda Janke, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Chuck Rice and Gary Pierzynski, agronomy; and Angela Tran, agronomy and natural resources and environmental sciences.

According to "1xbet best casino website !" producers, "This film tells the amazing and rarely known story of the relationship between humans and living 1xbet best casino website . 1xbet best casino website feeds us and gives us shelter. 1xbet best casino website holds and cleans our water. 1xbet best casino website heals us and makes us beautiful. 1xbet best casino website regulates the earth's climate. 1xbet best casino website is the ultimate natural resource for all life on earth. Yet, most humans ignore, abuse, and destroy our most precious living natural resource. Consider the results of such behavior: mass starvation, drought, floods, global warming and wars. If we continue on our current path, 1xbet best casino website might find another use for humans: compost for future life forms. This film offers a vision of a sustainable relationship between humans and 1xbet best casino website through profiles of global visionaries who are determined to repair the damage we have done before it's too late."

This film screening leads to Vandana Shiva's upcoming lecture &1xbet best casino website ;Soil Not Oil: Food Security in an Age of Climate Change&1xbet best casino website ; at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in McCain Auditorium,Sabates said. Shiva is a scientist, feminist, ecologist and author.

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