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Security studies research aims to understand CIA, DOD relationship

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014

MANHATTAN — A Kansas State University doctoral student is studying how the country has benefited from the CIA and the Department of Defense partnering together since 9/11. The research provides future insight in a time of budget cuts.

David 1xbet online games login , a doctoral student in 1xbet online casi and a military officer, Wichita, is researching the intelligence community in the U.S. government, particularly the changing relationship between the DOD and CIA.

1xbet online games login has experience with both organizations: He is now a strategic plans and policy officer for the U.S. Army, but previously served as a staff operations officer for the National Clandestine Service in the CIA. His research brings together his interest in both organizations.

"It's important to look at this partnership, because at a time when we are making cuts both within the Department of Defense and the intelligence community, people could start cutting back on opportunities to partner and operate together," 1xbet online games login . "They could start focusing on their own house because of limited funds. If that's the case, then the amount of money that we have spent since 9/11 will have been wasted because we will have lost the positive partnerships."

For his project, 1xbet online games login performed extensive research and interviewed administrators and leaders in both the CIA and DOD. His research shows how the country has benefited from an evolving partnership between the CIA and the DOD since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"After 9/11, the CIA and the DOD became very familiar with each other," 1xbet online games login . "Before that, there was always a connection on some level, but it wasn't as great as it is now.

While both the CIA and the DOD grew out of World War II's Office of Strategic Services, each group developed its own identify and culture, Oakley noted. During the Cold War, the military and the CIA partnered and were jointly focused on a common enemy: the Soviet Union, 1xbet online games login . The relationship changed at the end of the Cold War and the end of the Gulf War.

"We lost the big, bad bear," 1xbet online games login . "We often define ourselves by the other, by our enemy. When we lost that enemy, the organizations that had been built up to focus on that enemy had to redefine themselves."

After the Gulf War, different organizational structures were created to build the partnership, but there were few operations where the CIA and the DOD interacted with each other, 1xbet online games login . The 9/11 attacks changed everything by providing a common purpose for the two organizations.

"When 9/11 occurred, the U.S. found a new identify," 1xbet online games login . "We found a new enemy in global terrorism. It gave a focus area for both organizations."

After 9/11, the CIA-DOD interaction occurred on the battlefield and at the junior and senior level of officers, 1xbet online games login . CIA case officers were interacting more with soldiers on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. The relationship has continued to present day and helped the government to run more efficiently.

"The more you know about the other organization, the less inclined you are to be parochial and the more willing you are to work with each other," 1xbet online games login . "Familiarity, understanding and appreciation of each other have eroded the parochialism between the CIA and the DOD."

While the CIA provides awareness and intelligence to the president, Congress and policymakers, the DOD provides awareness and intelligence to commanders. Sometimes these forms of intelligence can conflict, but 1xbet online games login conflict could be beneficial because it can provide a more wholesome picture.

"Once we say the CIA's main role is to support the commander, then it could become problematic because they would just be building a case for the commanding officer," 1xbet online games login . "It can be good if intelligence officers disagree. If we try to get everyone in agreement, then we could have intelligence failures because everyone is speaking the same party lines. It is important to have different perspectives."

1xbet online games login 's research is featured in the Joint Special Operations University Report "Partners or competitors?: The evolution of the Department of Defense/Central Intelligence Agency relationship since Desert Storm and its prospects for the future," and inthe article "Adapting to change: Strategic turning points and the CIA/DOD relationship," which was published in the InterAgency Journal this year.

1xbet online games login 's faculty adviser is David Stone, Kansas State University's Richard A. and Greta Bauer Pickett chair for exceptional facultyand professor of military history.


David 1xbet online games login

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: David Oakley, a Kansas State University doctoral student in security studies and a military officer

David 1xbet online games login , a Kansas State University doctoral student in security studies and a military officer, Wichita, is researching the intelligence community in the U.S. government, particularly the changing relationship between the DOD and CIA.

Written by

Jennifer Tidball

At a glance

A Kansas State University doctoral student is studying how the country has benefitted from the CIA and the Department of Defense partnering together since 9/11.

Notable quote

"The more you know about the other organization, the less inclined you are to be parochial and the more willing you are to work with each other."

— David 1xbet online games login , a doctoral student in security studies and a military officer