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News release prepared by: Natalie Blair, 785-826-2642, nblair@1xbet best casino website edu

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010


SALINA -- Yvonne Varnado grew up working on cars with her dad, and thought 1xbet best casino website would continue doing similar work for the rest of her life.

"But my dad told me to do something else. He suggested working on planes," 1xbet best casino website said.

So 1xbet best casino website began her search for an aviation maintenance program.

"Tuskegee University said that they couldn't get me in their program, but I could enroll in their sister school: Kansas State University at Salina," 1xbet best casino website said.

That's when 1xbet best casino website left her hometown of Memphis, Tenn., where 1xbet best casino website had graduated from Memphis Catholic High School, for a campus 1xbet best casino website had never seen, in a state where 1xbet best casino website had never been, to begin a career in a field that 1xbet best casino website had no background in.

But 1xbet best casino website thought if K-State Salina had a partnership with Tuskegee, then the school had to have a good program.

Varnado, who originally planned to transfer to Tuskegee when 1xbet best casino website got the chance, is glad 1xbet best casino website stayed at K-State. "I've made good friends here," 1xbet best casino website said.

1xbet best casino website also discovered that 1xbet best casino website enjoys something more than 1xbet best casino website enjoyed engines.

"I like putting sheet metal together, riveting, painting, welding," 1xbet best casino website said. "Working on engines is fun, but I think working with sheet metal is more fun. It's like working on a piece of art."

Evan Beckman, K-State Salina instructor of aviation maintenance and her adviser, enjoys having her in class. "Yvonne is really friendly, and 1xbet best casino website 's just a happy person," he said.

Varnado is one of only three female students in K-State Salina's aviation maintenance program, so 1xbet best casino website is a familiar face on campus. 1xbet best casino website said 1xbet best casino website isn’t intimidated being one of the few women in the program.

When 1xbet best casino website isn't in the maintenance hanger working on class projects -- like completely rebuilding a turbine engine -- Varnado has been a Student Governing Association senator and a member of the Multicultural Committee, the Sustainability Committee and the Cat Cannon Club, the organization that builds and maintains devices to shoot T-shirts into the crowd at home football and basketball games at K-State in Manhattan. 1xbet best casino website also plays shortstop for the K-State Salina club softball team and is a member of a citywide bowling league.

1xbet best casino website lives in a residence hall with her pet milk snake, Dig. After Varnado graduates in May 2012, 1xbet best casino website and Dig plan to move back to Memphis.

“I plan to get my airframe and powerplant certificate, and to take some more classes to get a degree in business. That way I can start my own shop. My parents want to open a restaurant, so I would be able to help them out, too," 1xbet best casino website said.

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