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Website: http://www.1xbet online games login edu/president/iraq/

News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-2535, bbohn@1xbet online games login edu

Monday, Nov. 8, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Kansas State University President Kirk Schulz is leading a delegation of university administrators to Basra, Iraq, as guests of Maj. Gen. Vincent Brooks, commanding general of the 1st Infantry Division.

&1xbet online games login ;The whole experience, seeing the soldiers, the security and the level of dedication, really brings home the sacrifice our troops are making,&1xbet online games login ; Schulz said.

Accompanying Schulz on the trip are 1xbet online games login 's Virginia Moxley, dean of the College of Human Ecology; Jeff Morris, vice president for communications and marketing; and retired Lt. Colonel Art DeGroat, director of military affairs.

Escorts on the trip are Lt. Col. Steve Isenhour and Traci Scott, regional liaison officer for Maj. Gen. Brooks.

&1xbet online games login ;Seeing soldiers when they are forward deployed provides an incredible perspective for us,&1xbet online games login ; DeGroat said. &1xbet online games login ;Seeing the soldiers in their environment helps us better understand how we can better serve them in the future.&1xbet online games login ;

&1xbet online games login ;We're interested in seeing the conditions soldiers live in and how they access online classes,&1xbet online games login ; Moxley said. &1xbet online games login ;Because of the work K-State and the College of Human Ecology do with soldiers' families, this trip will help us develop programs that are even more meaningful.&1xbet online games login ;

More information, including daily dispatches, chat times and video, as it becomes available, will be posted at http://www.1xbet online games login edu/president/iraq/.

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