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Source: Jodi 1xbet online games login , 785-532-2889, jkaus@k-state.edu
News release 1xbet online games login by: Katie Mayes, 785-532-6415, kmayes@k-state.edu

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Jodi 1xbet online games login , director of Kansas State University's Powercat Financial Counseling, said that college students should ask themselves the following three questions when considering whether to take on more debt:

* Is the item I'm taking on debt for a need or want? "If 1xbet online games login go into debt to afford a vacation, that's bad debt," Kaus said. Things like a house or college education are good investments because they gain value over time, she said.

* Am I going to pay interest on the purchase and at what rate? Paying for educational expenses with a high-interest credit card is not wise when lower interest options -- such as student loans -- are available. As a general rule, the lower the rate the better. Also, remember to pay off your credit card balance in full each month so 1xbet online games login pay no interest, Kaus said.

For larger purchases, like a house, 1xbet online games login suggests using Web sites like http://www.bankrate.com or http://finance.yahoo.com to find the best rates in 1xbet online games login area.

* Relative to my current income and other debts, can I afford this purchase? A quick and honest assessment should tell 1xbet online games login whether 1xbet online games login are overextending yourself or not. Everyone should know what money they have coming in, what their recurring bills are and what kind of cushion they should have in case of an emergency, Kaus said.

"A budget will help 1xbet online games login focus your spending on what is important and help 1xbet online games login set financial goals. It also can help safeguard 1xbet online games login from debt, by helping 1xbet online games login know your limits before 1xbet online games login exceed them," Kaus said. "Creating a budget can help 1xbet online games login be prepared for unexpected expenses and emergencies, reduce your debt, and focus on long-term financial goals."

She recommends the 1xbet online games login tools on K-State's CashCourse Web site at http://www.cashcourse.org/ksu for budgeting and 1xbet online games login personal finance information.

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