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BuchmanKansasgАeАeћ•QChinaChinese (simpl.)UndefHigh Plains Journal$Navigating a struggling farm economy‰the long-term picture are among recommendations made by Kansas State University agricultural economists in response to the historic farm-Kansas Ag Network KTIC RadioNebraska KRVN RadioKNEB  960 AMYork's Max Country 104.9Before It's NewsŒ), HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Kansas State University, University of Arizona, George Washington University, and NRGene (IsraelUSAgNetDaniel L. SchillerPennsylvania Ag Connection Pennsylvania)Senate Ag to Hold First Farm Bill HearingŒto hold this hearing than Manhattan, Kan., the home of Kansas State University, the Kansas Department of Agriculture, and Kansas Farm BureauNebraska Ag ConnectionIndiana Ag ConnectionIndianaBarn OnAir & OnLine 24/7/365Brian Allmer - The BARNNegativeOhio Ag ConnectionOhioMissouri Ag ConnectionMissouriMinnesota Ag Connection Minnesota Hays PostKansas Ag ConnectionMichigan Ag ConnectionMichiganKentucky Ag ConnectionKentuckyIowa Ag ConnectionIowaSouth Dakota Ag Connection South DakotaNew York Ag ConnectionNew YorkWisconsin Ag Connection Wisconsin Singapore MyinformsThe CollegianKaitlyn AlanisŠis home to Kansas State University, America's first land-grant university, and the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility. K-State is alsoAgri MarketingRafael Garcia Agri-ViewFloridaThe Cowley Courier TravelerK-State Extension By Becky ReidSalina Journal(Video game ratings work, if you use themŒLaczniak and colleagues from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kansas State University and Utah State University collected data through anHealth Medicine Networkrating system,video game play,Iowa State,Utah State University,children,parents,game,negative behaviors,researchers,game s content,rules,play,professor,indirectly affects behavior,ESRB system,risky behaviors,ESRB ratings system,Entertainment Software Rating Board,Game developers,Public Policy and Marketing,marketing,Laczniak,age range,time,Kansas State,former assistant professor,Nathan Gold Professor,child myth,sexually explicit content, Laczniak,effectiveness, Laczniak and colleagues,University,Business,mediation and ESRB knowledgeŠprecautions taken in the workplace. The IGP Institute at Kansas State University held a training for grain elevator managers interested inMorning Ag Clips Audio BoomUnited KingdomColorado‹states that have toxic fescue.\n\nExtension services with Kansas State University and the University of Kentucky aid the program.\n\nSchool The Wichita Eagle and Kansas.comBy Dion Lefler California5Roberts: First farm bill hearing to be held in KansasThe Hutchinson NewsHawaiiYDanforth Center Expands Major Research Program to Benefit Farmers in the Developing WorldMoney PR NewswireCanadaŽthroughput screening and discovery of microbial interactions, Ryan Hansen, Kansas State University\n\nSingle-locus multi-hormone reporters forProgressive Cattleman MagazineIdahoKMUW - Wichita Public RadioSam ZeffPhys.org EurekAlert!Junction City Post Post StaffMarysville AdvocateŠis home to Kansas State University, America s first land-grant university, and the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility. K-State is alsoBridget BeranThe Salina Postб‘3–IQYuf[џŽ§VYuf[ЋˆNO0O„vиš'`їNдkb–!hNN– z џ>yOf[ џеlf[ џFUf[ џх] z џYeВ€\n\n130. Duquesne University (PA) \gЏ€'Yf[\n\n!h­‹џNц‹\n\nOПRNNџoƒBRf[\n\n130. Kansas State University(KS) *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n!h­‹џRule by Obeying Nature'1mwmАeћ•QaOПRNN,Ё‹—{:gбyf[,5uP[х] z,сOх] z,0Wtбyf[,'YO O­d,FUбyЁ{t,ЏsƒXkSuх] z,У_tf[,Sf[х] z,uirбyf[,Ё‹—{:gх] z,b–!hNN,х] zf[b–,Ž§Vb–!h,ePЗ^бyf[,5uбyf[,>yOбyf[,irAmЁ{t,ЏsƒXЁ{t,б‘‡^:WNN,х] zбyf[,8h§€х] z,wm mбyf[,Arizona State University,Аeћ• O­d,х] z€b/g,нOePбyf[,”^(uбyf[,?eЛlбyf[,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[‰[ЦYЏe,Ž§V§VE–f[u,ONЁ{t,х]FUЁ{t,Х`ЅbЁ{t,University,FUNLˆ?e,§VE–FUN,6R х] z,х] z{|,R‘—^Ё{t,uir;Sf[,YeВ€f[b–,RЇ~YeВ€,-N§Vf[u,ѓwЙlх] z,сOo`бyf[,%„{Qf[NN,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Yf[,uЇNЁ{t,™…SЁ{t,Catholic University,to serve,'Yf[4l[rЮW,FUN^:W%„•,Ё{tсOo`ћ|п~,-N§VЖ[­^,Enter to learn,ޘofњ^Q{,Ohio University,Brigham Young University,Face to Face,Ž§V‹_^OSOЄ‹С‹,Ž§V6RoƒYeВ€дYXTOЄ‹С‹,Loyola University Chicago,Texas Christian University,Workman That Needeth Not to,Є[…QО‹Ё‹њW@xYeВ€xvz,Duquesne University,Samford University,Michigan Technological University NewsOn6.comOklahomaˆtheir record keeping systems. At the core of that, says Kansas State University Beef Cattle Specialist Sandy Johnson, is an accurate cowOklahoma Farm ReportPakistan KTRE ABC-9Texas TulsaCW.com South AfricaDeAngela McDougaldSpoke PublicnowHawaii News NowGreat Bend TribuneThe Daily Journal (AP)Illinois KLTV 7 News SeedQuest WAVE 3 NewsKLKN-TV ABC-8WAFB.com LouisianaWWBT-TVVirginiaKFMB-TV CBS-8WMC Action News 5 Tennessee Kuam NewsWTOL.comWOWK-TVWest VirginiaABC 40 KRHD-TV KPLC 7 News KTBS 3 News CBS 58 NewsKMOV.com Farm JournalAgWebTop Producer - Agweb.com KMIR NewsKRGV.comWLOX-TV MississippiThe CW Richmond WUPVKHQ Right Now Washington WAFF 48 NewsAlabamaTucson News NowArizona KAIT ABC-8ArkansasWSFX - FOX WilmingtonNorth CarolinaKTVN Channel 2 KUSI NewsFox 21 DelmarvaMarylandWDRB 41 Louisville AZFamily.comHometownstations.com WeAreWVproudWVUE New OrleansWBOY-TVThe CW GA-BAMANews 12 MankatoYourOhioValleyFOX19-WXIX TVABC FOX MontanaMontana FOX 14 TVKCTV 5WSILTV ABC-7.comABC57KTEN.comKWWL.com WFXG FOX 54GeorgiaWBOC.comDelawareKAUZ-TV: NewsChannel 6 NowMississippi News NowKFVS 12 KPTV FOX 12Oregon 9&10 NewsKCBD NewsChannel 11 KXXV-TV ABCErie News Now WRCBtv.comLive5News.comSouth Carolina News9.com WandTV.com14 News ABC6 News Rhode IslandWECT TV6 NBC-2.comWBRC FOX6 NewsFOX29 Lake Charles WIS News 10 KSLA News 12NBC Right Now KNDO-TV WMBF NewsWDAM - Channel 7KFVE The Home Team KSWO-TV 7KOAM-TVKTIV News Channel 4WALB.comTelemundo AmarilloKULR-8NBC29FOX5Vegas.comNevadaNewsChannel 10News Center 1 NewsWest 9Cleveland 19 NewsWTOC.comWFLX Fox 29-TV WBTV 3 News WSFA 12 NewsWNKY.comTelemundo Midland/OdessaWTVM.com*Denton Record-Chronicle - Mediawebsite.net'Northwest Cable News - Mediawebsite.net'Trade Show Marketing - Mediawebsite.net?Physicists Patent Detonation Technique to Mass-Produc< e Graphenee! Science NewsBritish ColumbiaTicker TechnologiesCEO by @newswire&Dallas Morning News - Mediawebsite.net Advfn.comStreetInsider.comN/A AP (Hosted)nullNewswise>TPP withdrawal means dollars lost for Kansas farmers, ranchersŽ.\n\nTian Xia, an associate professor and agricultural economist at Kansas State University, said Australia currently sells beef to Japan withThe Hays Daily News Greg Akagi(To Feed the World, Look to Veterinarians6Olathe to host regional farmers market vendor workshop„The Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment will host aThe Miami County Republic Staff report1C-J Extra: Author helps keep Kansas history alive‹County and for 10 years lived in Manhattan, where he attended Kansas State University. After working for more than two decades at the StateWorld News Report - EINGreece Not RatedŒare dealing with damaged trees. Ward Upham, extension associate for Kansas State University, said tree damage often leaves homeowners with aDerbyinformer.com25-Jan-2017 04:59AMQ&A With Otis Jones0http://copenhagen-contemporary.dk/qa-otis-jones/ŒKansas State University in 1969, continued graduate studies at Montana State University and earned his M.F.A. in 1972 from the University ofCopenhagen ContemporaryDenmarkЦartists,things,work,art scene,Oklahoma,idea,multiple states,southern United States,time,high school,Otis Jones,Art Brussels Independent,Visual Artists Fellowship Grant,minimalists and post minimalists,process,complete preconceived idea,Kansas State University,very ritualistic process,beginnings,Texas Christian University,late 60 s,University,Everything,Rosewood Corporation and Compaq Corporation,Simon Gallery,A.H. Belo Corporation,Dallas Museum,Texas25-Jan-2017 04:41AM-Leaders Gather to Learn Management TechniquesGhttp://globalmilling.com/leaders-gather-to-learn-management-techniques/Global Millingfgrain managers,IGP Institute,proper grain storage techniques,Efficient management,grain,grain industry,operation systems,trainings,prior supervisors,Beachner Grain facility,grain fumigation,grain processing,Location Supervisor,grain handling equipment,management practices,certain things,new managers information,grain operations costs,grain condition monitoring,grain receiving and shipping,feed manufacturing and grain quality management,grain aeration principles and strategies,company money,several other training courses,course,system and documentation,industry experts,Kansas State University,aeration,Kansas25-Jan-2017 04:31AM’http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-611761115.htmlPR Newswire (EN)&Donald Danforth Plant Science Center /™crop,sorghum,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,plant science,world,Farmers,Saharan Africa,institutional research effort,food and income,Danforth Center Expands Major Research Program,food security crops,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,bioenergy sorghum,grant,millions,development and deployment,Advanced Research Projects Agency,advanced sorghum phenotyping,National Sorghum Producers,food sustainability,National Institutes,global food demand,sorghum research and breeding,strategies,Sorghum Genomics Toolbox,National Science Foundation,Research,U.S. sorghum bioenergy feedstock production,Energy,HudsonAlpha Institute,genomic variation,advanced genomics,phenotypes25-Jan-2017 04:03AM7http://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2017/01/25/gameratingsIowa State University%Young Angus enthusiast off to America8http://brazilbusiness.einnews.com/article/363529671/liveŒSemex Angus Youth Kansas State University Scholarship. Sponsored by Semex Pty Ltd and Angus Australia, the Kansas State Scholarship allows a Brazil Business Today - EIN NewsBrazil PernambucoœSouth Australia,Semex Angus Youth Kansas State University Scholarship,young beef cattle enthusiast,Semex Pty Ltd and Angus Australia,Mardi O Brien,Kyancutta25-Jan-2017 03:29AMDecision Time for Rented Land/http://world.einnews.com/article/363523470/live‹back in profits?  The decision to drop a parcel is multi-dimensional, says Mykel Taylor, ag economist at Kansas State University. Farm & (‰Rented Land,land portfolio,cash rent,Decision Time,ground,Mykel Taylor,ag economist,Farm & ,profits,Kansas State University,certain parcel25-Jan-2017 02:58AM)Doomed Romances Rekindled in  The Affair Khttp://thefanboyseo.com/2017/01/25/doomed-romances-rekindled-in-the-affair/ŠVennum, assistant professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University, revealed that people involved in on-off againThe Fanboy SEO Philippinesrelationships,Affair,rekindled affair,SEASON 3,love,cyclical relationships,human relationships,RTL CBS Entertainment,Satellite channel,world,SKY cable channels,CBS Studios International,current season,channels,couple,Asia Pacific,general entertainment channel,people,Affair s season finale airs,biggest award shows,American Music Awards,Screen Actors Guild Awards,Choice Awards and Billboard Music Awards,Network,Impulsive decision,Noah and Alison,Late Show,study,Vennum,RTL Group,Late Late Show,Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton s,dailies Entertainment Tonight, s research,Dr. Whitbourne,America s,Britain s, s largest content producers25-Jan-2017 01:51AM.Senate Aggies Plan Farm Bill Hearing in Kansas„https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/perspectives/blogs/ag-policy-blog/blog-post/2017/01/25/senate-aggies-plan-farm-bill-hearingŽ., announced Wednesday.\n\nThe hearing will be held at McCain Auditorium, Kansas State University, 1501 Goldstein Circle, Manhattan, Kan., butDTN Progressive FarmerBy Jerry HagstromUfarm bill,confirmation hearing,Senate Agriculture Committee,Roberts,Kansas Farm Bureau,farm country,Senate Aggies Plan Farm Bill Hearing,Manhattan,programs,Agriculture,first field hearing,farmers and families,annual USDA Outlook Forum,member Debbie Stabenow,energy and conservation programs,Outlook Forum May Lack Secretary,chairman,forum,confirmation,Kan.,Democratic members,Republican members,Kansas State University,producers,Jerry Hagstrom,Senate,Veterans Affairs Committee,over the Senate Military Construction,producers and others,Sen. Jerry Moran,committee,Hoeven,Sen. Tammy Baldwin,Cochran25-Jan-2017 01:41AMYhttp://www.agweb.com/top-producer/article/decision-time-for-rented-land-naa-sara-schafer/Œat a lower rent is difficult, admits Mykel Taylor, < ag economist at Kansas State University.  Landowners may drop a tenant rather than take aXMykel Taylor,Rented Land,ag economist, Taylor,farm,ground,profits,cash rent,Gannon Real Estate & Consulting,land portfolio,owner,rented parcel,Mark Gannon,landowners,less expensive rent,landlords,Kansas State University,Variable costs,parcel,piece,unrealistic lower rate, Gannon,Decision Time,Kansas,University,agriculture business specialistXhttp://www.agweb.com/farmjournal/article/decision-time-for-rented-land-naa-sara-schafer/25-Jan-2017 01:13AMcThe Battle Rages In Institutions Across The Country Keeping E. Coli At Bay Away From The Beef Chainˆhttp://www.farms.com/news/the-battle-rages-in-institutions-across-the-country-keeping-e-coli-at-bay-away-from-the-beef-chain-118139.aspxŒThe battle against E. coli continues by researchers across the country. Kansas State University s Dr. Randy Phoebus, is one of those working Farms.comOntario regional Beef Chain,researchers,organism share,Bay Aw‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТФ§џџџХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџay,beef production,beef system,E. coli,beef cattle industry,ground beef,concert,Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays,different institutions, Phoebus,Dr. Randy Phoebus,Battle Rages,Country,USDA, Everything,calves25-Jan-2017 12:00AM+Transfer students adjust to life at K-StateVhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/25/transfer-students-adjust-to-life-at-k-state/Œfrom Pittsburg State University last fall. Wilson said his first semester at K-State was intimidating at first.\n\n My first couple of weekstransfer students,Trent Johnson, Johnson, Wilson,transfer coordinator,campus,Allen Community College,last fall,semester,State, Core,New Student Services,transition,Pittsburg State University,new transfer population,Core,new city,Allen,friends,people,office4Students rethink time management after fall semester_http://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/25/students-rethink-time-management-after-fall-semester/work part-time jobs.\n\nWith the number of ways to get involved, many K-State students find a lack of time a common concern.\n\nAlexandra Lyle,#credit hours,time,time jobs,fall 2016 semester,Alexandra Lyle,semester,Students,engineering school,ways,whole lot,high school,school work,friends,budget, Lyle,former dancer,biological systems engineering,Aaron Gallaway, Gallaway,industrial engineering, Collins,community,freshman,homeworkAK-State exemption from concealed carry nears end amid controversylhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/25/k-state-exemption-from-concealed-carry-nears-end-amid-controversy/alternative that Kansas State will likely use sparingly.\n\nThe K-State s revised weapons policy does not designate any university locations, Alex BraseмState students,state college campuses,bill,carry,Laws,Kansas Board,college exemption,Kansas Legislature,university campuses,campus  ,Kansas State,State s,university exemption,students,state training and permit requirements,House Federal and State Affairs committee,Kansas colleges and universities,Clayton,Public Affairs surveys,Faculty Senate Presidents Campus Employees Weapons Survey ,hearing,student body president,Regents Student Advisory Committee Student Gun Policy Opinion Survey,Fort Hays State University s Docking Institute,Regents,Rep. Stephanie Clayton,statewide open carry,university locations,education institutions,Senate,many issues,Gov. Sam Brownback,deans and faculty members, Rep. John Barker,Barker,Brownback24-Jan-2017 11:57PM5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5755435ŽKansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nForget chemicals, catalysts and expensive machinery -- a Kansas State UniversityTargeted News ServiceKansas State University team,Mass,hydrocarbon gas,vehicle spark plug,oxygen,acetylene or ethylene gas,following news release,chamber,Physicists Patent Detonation Technique,graphene,Jan. 25,contained detonation,physicists,expensive machinery,Kan.,catalysts,chemicals,ingredients24-Jan-2017 11:01PM:Iowa State beats K-State 70-65 after blowing 20-point leadkhttp://www.catchnewslive.com/newsfocus/iowa-state-beats-kstate-7065-after-blowing-20point-lead/4693238.htmlCatch News LiveGIowa State,State 70,point lead,Senior Matt Thomas,high 25 points,career24-Jan-2017 11:00PM/Editorial: Kansas should revisit guns on campus‰http://www.salina.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-kansas-should-revisit-guns-on-campus/article_515c2a47-892d-5a45-8067-8e05526644f7.html‹.\n\nThe latest to join the voices of concern is the new president of Kansas State University, retired Gen. Richard B. Myers. Myers was the,guns,campuses,legitimate concerns,stated concern,firearms,faculty, students and parents,state universities and colleges,law  administrators,ready access,Kansas,weaponry and firearms safety,universities,Student body organizations,original bill,bad guy,people,student,legislators,Goudeau and Mission Hills Republican Sen.,Overland Park Republican Rep. Stephanie Clayton,lawmakers,handguns,Myers,Gen. Richard B. Myers,armed intruder,Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act,Regents,Legislature s decision,colleges,Safety,Wichita Democratic Sen. Oletha Faust.Terrazas earns semester honors at Kansas Statehttp://www.thedailytimes.< com/community/applause/terrazas-earns-semester-honors-at-kansas-state/article_89d030a3-1890-5233-88d8-2cdbe4a9d435.htmlŒ, has earned fall 2016 semester honors for academic performance from Kansas State University. Students must earn a grade point average of 3.The Daily Times (AP)From Staff Reportsˆsemester honors,Kansas State University,academic performance,grade point average,Maryville High School,Students,order,Terrazas,Maryville24-Jan-2017 10:59PMghttp://www.ourperth.ca/sports-story/7083920-iowa-state-beats-k-state-70-65-after-blowing-20-point-lead/ Our Perth#Luke Meredith, The Associated PressIIowa State,State 70,Iowa  Senior Matt Thomas,high 25 points,career,games24-Jan-2017 10:56PM925/01/2017: Leaders gather to learn management techniquesEhttp://gfmt.blogspot.no/2017/01/25012017-leaders-gather-to-learn.htmlprecautions taken in the workplace.\n\nThe IGP Institute at Kansas State University held a training for grain elevator managers interested inThe Global Miller Perendale\grain managers,IGP Institute,proper grain storage techniques,management practices,grain,grain industry,Beachner Grain facility,trainings,grain fumigation,grain operations costs,grain condition monitoring,grain handling equipment,grain receiving and shipping,new managers information,operation systems,Global Miller,feed manufacturing and grain quality management,grain aeration principles and strategies,flour milling and grain processing,greatest benefit,company money,several other training courses,course,industry experts,Kansas State University,aeration,Kansas,efficiency,Perendale Publishers Limited24-Jan-2017 10:21PMyhttp://ux.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaab/2017/01/24/iowa-state-beats-k-state-70-65-after-blowing-20-point-lead/97025386/ USA TodaydAP Published 11:21 p.m. ET Jan. 24, 2017 | Updated 10 minutes ago AMES, Iowa (AP)  Senior Matt Thomas scored a career-high 25 points and Iowa State held off a furious Kansas State rally to win 70-65 on Tuesday night for its fourth victory in six games. Naz Mitrou-Long had 13 and Monte Morris scored 12 for the Cyclones (13-6, 5-3 Big 12), who blew a 46-26 lead but survived after Mitrou-Long's steal and free throws with 21 seconds left. Thomas, who entered averaging 11 points per outing, scored 20 points in a blistering first half as Iowa State jumped ahead 43-26. Thomas opened the second half with a 3-pointer to make it a 20-point game. It seemed over  until K-State (15-5, 4-4) answered with a stunning 32-11 run that gave it a 58-57 lead with just over five minutes left. Morris scored on back-to-back possessions to give Iowa State the lead back, and Deonte Burton's layup with 39 seconds to go gave the Cyclones a cushion that proved crucial in the closing moments. Wesley Iwundu had 15 points for the Wildcats. Their three road losses in the Big 12 have come by a total of eight points. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. NEVER MISS OUT Sports Stay in the know and in the zone, 7 days a week, with scores, analysis, and in-depth features and commentary. Privacy NoticeнIowa State,point game,State 70,high 25 points,lead,points,first half,career,Naz Mitrou,broadcast,Long,Monte Morris,Senior Matt Thomas,contact Customer Service,Cyclones,Thomas,AMES,Deonte Burton,Associated Press,blistering24-Jan-2017 09:38PMghttp://cjonline.com/life/arts-entertainment/2017-01-24/c-j-extra-author-helps-keep-kansas-history-aliveTopeka Capital-Journal Jessica ColeЋCivil War,Bird,State Library,books,children,7th Virginia,state,Kansas,Kansas State University,Chisholm Trail,7th Illinois Calvary,first trail herd,federal programs coordinator,statewide reading program,program,Author,Indian Wars, 60s,guys,Kansas Reads,Dwight D. Eisenhower s Abilene Boyhood ,Topeka,national magazines,Life magazine,libraries,Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library,  Topeka,Illustrated History,Abilene,people24-Jan-2017 08:44PMSŽLˆ_>eЅbT\џ3*Ng30YOЇ^ЮW^ џRN(Wя N,http://www.toutiao.com/a6379363049123889409/–Pittsburgh University CSSA\n\nFeb 25th*X(„Џeо]лbX€O\n\n;NžRЙe:Kansas University\n\nOSžRЙe:Kansas State University,\n\nFeb 26th1rwƒNSо]лbX€O\n\n;NžRЙe:Iowa State UniversityЪNхe4YagRg§NLˆ z,SŽLˆ,RNтV–,†˜HQтV–,RNя N,КNMbZ€Ц–:SпW,:SпW,g0Wyrr‚,tQЃтV–,wQSOLˆ z,SŽ;mЈR,CMU Summit OSžRЙe,'Yf[RNК‹[W,University,'Y‹W;mЈR,;mЈR„˜JT, щbLˆ z,*N+R;mЈR,dk!k;mЈR,О|СT;mЈR,RNgЁRy˜юv,T\OaT,њW…h™Ÿ'Yf[Startup,Purdue University,Feb,Indiana University Bloomington CSSA,Nebraska Lincoln,North Iowa,Wisconsin University Madison CUSA,Drake University Indiana University Bloomington,Nebraska Omaha,Kansas,Indiana24-Jan-2017 08:30PM4Andrew Park: Hospital, campus are no places for gunsShttp://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/as-i-see-it/article128510534.htmlŒby distinguished professors at Kansas State University and an expansive list of distinguished professors at the University of Kansas, why isThe Kansas City StarBy Andrew Parkemergency physician,guns,campus,Andrew Park,family members and patients,patients,training,Kansas,security,hospitals,people,gun issue,health care,emergency department,rural western Kansas,physician, nurse and technician,Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act,state hospital police department,patients, family and friends,students, faculty and staff,Bronx and Kansas City,Kansas Health System,public health issue,unpredictable situations,Ka< nsas State University,volatile situations,active shooter situation,states,University,Nurses,study24-Jan-2017 06:26PMMarty & Miller 1-24 Hr19https://audioboom.com/posts/5531594-marty-miller-1-24-hr1Marty & Miller talk some NFL, college hoops with Iowa State/K-State tonight and Blair Kerkhoff on the passing of Yordano Ventura.bMarty & Miller,Iowa State/K,State tonight and Blair Kerkhoff,passing,college hoops,Yordano Ventura24-Jan-2017 06:24PM<Across The Board Cuts Would Cost Kansas Colleges $53 MillionLhttp://kcur.org/post/across-board-cuts-would-cost-kansas-colleges-53-million‹The University of Kansas would take the biggest hit, $9,09,516. The KU Medical Center would lose out on $7,441,136. Kansas State UniversityKCUR.orgaBoard Cuts,balanced budget,Kansas Board,state,community college,-board,percent cut,Kansas State University budget,biggest hit,difficult budget situation,Gov. Sam Brownback,core state investment,technical college,money,Regents spell,dollars,Regent Chair Zoe Newton,investment,university,Johnson County Community College,Legislature,secondary institutions24-Jan-2017 06:02PMLittle Big TownUhttp://www.german-architects.com/architektur-news/hauptbeitraege/Little_Big_Town_7191‰in Tokyo und unterrichtete an der Kansas State University, der University of Nebraska-Lincoln und der Tamkang University in Taiwan. HeuteGerman-Architects.com SwitzerlandGermanаStadt,Хrhus,Blick,zweitgrіпte Stadt Dфnemarks,Hafen,Universitфt Хrhus,Fassaden,Хrhus School of Marine,Meer,Einwohnern,Schatten Kopenhagens,alten Hafenkrфne,oberen Etage,C.F. Mјller,ЋKopenhagenЛ,umlaufenden Fassaden,Neue Monolithen,polygonalen Gebфudes,wirtschaftliches Zentrum Jќtlands,sternfіrmige siebengeschossige Gebфude,Kantine,Neubauviertel,weiпen Fassaden,brandneuen Monolithen,Dфnemarks,Balkone,neue Insel и,Grundriss,Insel,weit auskragende Balkone,Jќtland24-Jan-2017 05:57PM&Young beef cattle enthusiast off to USVhttp://www.theland.com.au/story/4364342/young-angus-enthusiast-off-to-america/?cs=4963Semex Angus Youth Kansas State University Scholarship.\n\nSponsored by Semex Pty Ltd and Angus Australia, the Kansas State Scholarship allowsThe Land AustraliaNew South Wales regionalїbeef industry,Miss O Brien,Semex Angus Youth Kansas State University Scholarship,South Australia,Young beef cattle enthusiast,huge passion,Semex Pty Ltd and Angus Australia, Miss O Brien,Kansas State,scholarship,youth,Angus Australia youth development and education officer Haylee Herriot,feedlot industry,best agricultural universities,Kyancutta,opportunity,predominantly Angus cattle,interest,University,development,feedlot situations,Rangers Valley Feedlot,cattle,agriculture,educational experiences24-Jan-2017 05:31PM-Industry tackles herbicide resistance worries[http://www.capitalpress.com/Business/20170124/industry-tackles-herbicide-resistance-worries‹herbicide resistant weeds, said Phil Stahlman, weed scientist at Kansas State University, representing the Weed Science Society of America,Capital PressMatthew WeaverЛresistant weeds,listening session,Greg Dean,crop rotations,concerns,Weed Science Society,herbicide resistance management,Wash.  Pacific Northwest agriculture industry members,specific crops,problem weeds and ones,herbicides,meetings,problems,sessions,increasingly abundant herbicide,Phil Stahlman,grower apathy, Stahlman,Industry,Pasco,Wash.,grower stewardship,immediate need,Amalgamated Sugar Co.,Cal Barta,McGregor Co.,manager,applications24-Jan-2017 05:30PMchttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-24/tpp-withdrawal-means-dollars-lost-kansas-farmers-ranchersMorgan ChilsonoKansas farmers,trade, total exports,U.S. beef industry,Japan,beef,percent,tariff advantage,concerns,Australia,sustainable fair trade,National Cattleman s Beef Association,tariff U.S. producers,TPP withdrawal,benefits,bilateral trade agreements,U.S.,sure Kansas agriculture,agriculture,Trump,enormous benefits,globalization and trade effects,Japanese market,exports,TPP announcement,certain industries,U.S. Census Bureau,globalization process,agreement,Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback and Sen. Pat Roberts,Kansas farm and ranch organizations,benefits and losses,Tian Xia,international markets,TPP failure,TPP participant,Kansas Livestock Association,Kansas State University,TPP negotiations,President Trump s announcement, Kansas accounts,agricultural economist,agriculture organizations,Kansas Farm Bureau spokesman Warren Parker,lots,countries,Trump s  America First focus,producers24-Jan-2017 04:26PM.K-State grad to discuss her work on Mars roverMhttp://themercury.com/articles/k-state-grad-to-discuss-her-work-on-mars-roverThe Manhattan MercuryBy The MercuryPMars rover,State grad,Subscribers Sign,click,online subscription,Mercury,article24-Jan-2017 03:58PM+Notes from around the region: Jan. 24, 2017chttp://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/community/lake-norman-mooresville/article128492574.html2016 semester.\n\nKansas State University: Kayla Clark, Denver, a graduate of East Lincoln High School, earned semester honors.\n\nUniversity ofThe Charlotte Observer!fall 2016 semester,Simon property,students,dean,Charlotte,Simon Youth Community Scholarships,East Lincoln High School,dean s list honors,home,semester honors,North and South Carolina,Grand Oak Teacher,interior designer Starr Miller,Design and  ,Charlotte 28211,technical school,homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals,high academic honors,fall,Arts and Sciences,Charlotte Street Animal Hospital,university,graduation Fossett,Charlotte Country Day School,Charlotte Premium Outlets,Florida Gulf Coast University,St. Mary s College,Kansas State University,qualified applicants,applic< ation period,Davis & Elkins College,Fossett,College,prestigious Houzz Awards,Houzz,Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region,William & Mary,community,Northfield Mount Hermon,Hankins,Elkins24-Jan-2017 03:32PMGAccidental shooting at Kansas State raises issue of new gun regulationskhttp://www.kctv5.com/story/34336432/accidental-shooting-at-kansas-state-raises-issue-of-new-gun-regulationsŒKANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -\nAfter a student at Kansas State University shot himself, questions have come up again about the safety of students"By Caroline Sweeney, News ReporterюNew gun regulations,guns,campus,student,KCTV5 News,questions,Kansas State,stupid places,residence halls,certified firearms instructor,weapons policy,Kansas universities,effect,Caroline Sweeney,James Hewins,colleges,incident,Meredith Corp.24-Jan-2017 03:03PM,Are You Passionate About Food and Education?]http://wellcommons.com/groups/locavores/2017/jan/24/are-you-passionate-about-food-and-educat/Œ, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at K-State Olathe, 22201 West Innovation Drive in Olathe. Applications are due February 1 and information WellcommonsBy Susan Johnson;Extension Master Food Volunteer,Susan Johnson,education and teaching,passion,Master Gardeners,County Fair,health fairs,safe home food preservation,various food topics,Foods,Nutrition education,Teaching,Fork day camps,trainings,Assisting,Cooking,West Innovation Drive,Volunteers,State Olathe,Extension,Challenge,Chef24-Jan-2017 02:01PMGEAPS Exchange 2017…http://www.world-grain.com/articles/news_home/Features/2017/01/GEAPS_Exchange_2017.aspx?ID=%7B352D7922-687C-4FDD-85E6-B90CD4BBF745%7D‹and application of the session information, and GEAPS/Kansas State University credential holders will have the opportunity to earn .3 CEUs.by Susan Reidyеgrain industry,education sessions,educational programing,Expo Hall,Grain, Feed and Processing Industries,great equipment,hall space,dust system design,Iowa Grain Quality Initiative,equipment demonstrations,hour,program ideas,Grain Handlers,Exchange,grain dump pits,Idea Exchange,answer ­sessions,dust collection hoppers,grain facilities,sessions, Grain Preservation,dust suppression and collection equipment,Material Handling Equipment,Feb. 25,interactive Pods, Choosing Grain Bin Support, Advanced Session,principal engineer,education units,Exchange 2017 website,opportunities,total exhibitors,manager,square feet,GEAPS website,risk management property engineer,Power System Engineering Inc.,housing management company,setting 412 exhibitors,GEAPS International President Marcus Neal, Energy Management,timely industry issues,GEAPS seven core competencies,ASM Engineering Consultants LLC,Ground Improvement Engineering,global engineer lead,Club GEAPS,IES Commercial & Industrial,business development manager,senior project manager,Communicate, Educate & Coordinate,senior regulatory sales engineer,industrial design,professor, ag and biosystems engineer professor,Longtime GEAPS members,GEAPS/Kansas State University credential holders24-Jan-2017 01:24PM Caring for calves in confinementbhttp://www.progressivecattle.com/topics/facilities-equipment/7668-caring-for-calves-in-confinementwater, rumen development is delayed. \n\nUnconventional options\n\nKansas State University beef cattle scientist John Jaeger says western Kansas*Loretta Sorensen for Progressive Cattleman‹beef producer,cows,calves,feed,producers,western Kansas beef producers,Nebraska  Lincoln cow,nutrition and cost,feeding and confinement plan,access,calf s rumen,confinement, Jenkins,facility design and access,Common feed ration components,calving and dividing cow,calf specialist,pairs,land lease costs rise,development,pasture,herd health,animals,cattle,Karla Jenkins,water,needs, Producers,numerous health issues,disease development and spread,different ration,numerous producers,calf age,calf groups,up a confinement system,large confinement facility,forage,Nebraska Sandhills Calving System,successful animal production,cattle swath graze,Jaeger24-Jan-2017 01:23PMEK-State University IGP Institute Holds Grain Elevator Managers Courserhttp://www.grainnet.com/articles/K_State_University_IGP_Institute_Holds_Grain_Elevator_Managers_Course-164245.htmlGrainnetЅgrain managers,IGP Institute,KSU Grain Elevator Managers course,proper grain storage techniques,grain,Efficient management,grain industry,operation systems,prior supervisors,Beachner Grain facility,Manhattan,trainings,grain fumigation,Location Supervisor,grain handling equipment,new managers information,management practices,certain things,grain operations costs,grain condition monitoring,grain receiving and shipping,feed manufacturing and grain quality management,grain aeration principles and strategies,flour milling and grain processing,greatest benefit,Kansas State University,company money,several other training courses,course,system and documentation,aeration,Kansas24-Jan-2017 01:00PM=Area student earns semester honors at Kansas State Universityhhttp://www.timesreporter.com/news/20170124/area-student-earns-semester-honors-at-kansas-state-universitytheir deans. Honors also are recorded on permanent academic records.\n\nFor information: k-state.edu.\n\nSUBMITTED BY KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITYTimes-Reportermsemester honors,SUBMITTED BY KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY,Students,permanent academic records,information,Dennison24-Jan-2017 12:35PM Don t Be a  Water Bucket LeaderOhttp://strategicstudyindia.blogspot.no/2017/01/dont-be-water-bucket-leader.htmlˆthe status quo. Karl W. Kuhnert, a professor at Kansas State University, defines a transactional leader as one who  gives followers whatIndian Strategic StudiesPosted by Strategic StudiesIndiaNationalžtransactional leader, water bucket,leadership,mission,followers,transactional command,water,pride,organization,great lea< ders,preferred approach,factors,vision,U.S. Army,behaviors and practices,Army s field manual,inspirational motivation,bucket,Individualized consideration,Idealized influence,officers,behaviors,intellectual stimulation,field,motivation and morality,example,activity,stimulates,supportive climate24-Jan-2017 12:11PM;Drone technology educational program scheduled for March 29Lhttp://www.wsgw.com/drone-technology-educational-program-scheduled-march-29/‡of Kansas and Kansas State University. He currently holds a professor emeritus position in agronomy at Kansas State University and is aWSGW - NEWSRADIO 790аprogram,Price,farmers,event,bachelor s and master,drones,Eaton County Michigan State University Extension,low commodity prices,Kansas State University,professor,National Research Council Committees,satellite imagery,Public Meeting Room,agricultural resource monitoring,State, NASA and NOAA,technology offer,drone applications,multispectral imagery,publications,management,agriculture,remote sensing technologies,scientific adviser,natural resource studies,agronomy24-Jan-2017 12:09PM*Student accidentally shot, wounded in dorm•http://www.derbyinformer.com/news/state_regional_national/student-accidentally-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_4dee1f56-e260-11e6-aeab-07adce09b2d7.htmlŽAP)  Authorities say a Kansas State University student accidentally shot and wounded himself in a residence hall.\n\nThe university said in aсstudent,campus buildings or residence halls,Kansas State University student,Goodnow Hall,state college campuses,Firearms,Authorities,guns,Kansas law,Faculty and student organizations,legislative effort,release,university,Kan.(Student accidently shot, wounded in dorm“http://www.derbyinformer.com/news/state_regional_national/student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_4dee1f56-e260-11e6-aeab-07adce09b2d7.html24-Jan-2017 11:40AMIn Focus 1/24/17#http://1350kman.com/in-focus-12417/’and Dr. Art DeGroat, Executive Director of Military and Veterans Affairs at K-State.\n\n0124 IF Pott 1\n\n0124 IF Pott 2\n\n0124 IF Art 1\n\n0124 1350 KMAN KMAN StaffЛFocus 1/24,Executive Director,Pottawatomie County Commissioner Travis Altenhofen,Public Works Director Peter Clark,Dr. Art DeGroat,Art 1,Military and Veterans Affairs,State,Pott 1,Pott 224-Jan-2017 11:35AMcThe Battle Rages in Institutions Across the Country Keeping E. Coli at Bay Away from the Beef ChainZhttp://www.oklahomafarmreport.com/wire/news/2017/01/00473_BeefBuzzEcoli01242017_113316.phpŒThe battle against E. coli continues by researchers across the country. Kansas State University’s Dr. Randy Phoebus, is one of those working{beef chain,beef cattle industry today,organism share,researchers,beef production,beef system,ground beef,Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays,E. coli,older Beef Buzz,” Phoebus,radio stations,Ron Hays and Dr. Phoebus,different institutions,Kansas State University’s Dr. Randy Phoebus,Click,today,Battle Rages,Country,major incidents,regular audio feature,Hays,industry24-Jan-2017 09:55AMFine Arts in the Flint Hills\http://www.riley.army.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1058096/fine-arts-in-the-flint-hills/ŒSTATE UNIVERSITY PURPLE MASQUE THEATER\n\nThis theater is found inside the lower level of Old Memorial Stadium at Kansas State University at-Home of the 1st Infantry Division - U.S. Army Chris CannonЧFine Arts,Topeka Civic Theater,multiple performance venues,Manhattan,performances,productions,Junction City Arts Council,community,theater,Manhattan Arts Center staff and volunteers,art gallery,home,concert venue,shows,visit www.stiefeltheatre.org,Junction City,Kansas,Topeka Civic Theater and Academy website,local school theater communities,Junction City Community Band,Broadway productions and community concerts,movie theater,McCain Performance Series,Art Center Cinema,Gage Elementary School,Topeka Zoo,Kansas State University,university theater department,barns, churches, libraries and schools,HELEN HOCKER THEATER,Lawrence,Stiefel Theatre,theater shares space,city,McCain Auditorium,University,audiences24-Jan-2017 09:05AM&Learn more about drones at MSU program^https://www.michfb.com/MI/Farm_News/Content/Technology/Learn_more_about_drones_at_MSU_program/ŠUniversity, University of Kansas and Kansas State University. He currently holds a Professor Emeritus position in Agronomy at Kansas StateMichigan Farm BureauMSUsMSU program,educational program,session,Kansas State University,Dr. Kevin Price,drones,professor,National Research Council Committees,farmers,Public Meeting Room,low commodity prices,State, NASA and NOAA,realistic costs,publications,event,technology offer,multispectral imagery,remote sensing technologies,Eaton County MSU Extension,Agronomy,agriculture,application,Ph.D.24-Jan-2017 08:32AM9What to do with sexual assault repeat offenders on campuschttp://www.educationdive.com/news/what-to-do-with-sexual-assault-repeat-offenders-on-campus/434630/Œit places on administrators to resolve rape claims.\nKansas State University and Indiana University are among the high-profile institutionalEducation DiveJarrett CarterDistrict Of ColumbiaXsexual assault,college campuses,rape claims,students,assaults,few actions,Title IX compliance,civic authorities,culture and standards,behavior or scenarios,Kansas State University and Indiana University,standard,school,multiple officials,lawyers and university executives,Dive Insight,investigation and prosecution,investigations,administrators24-Jan-2017 08:18AMJFixing Kansas budget shortfall with cuts would mean 6.9 percent reduction˜http://www.hdnews.net/news/local/fixing-kansas-budget-shortfall-with-cuts-would-mean-percent-reduction/article_f40b7de0-1180-5954-9791-d501cd9086d1.htmlˆ, $11 million; Kansas State University, $11 million; Kansas Department for Children and Families, $9.4 million; University of Kansas, $9ўHouse Appropriations Committee,percent reduction,cuts,public school districts,state budget,Kansas State Library, budget shortfall,Kansas,-board cut,current budget,such vicious budget,Mulvane Republican,Overland Park Republican,amended budget,districts,immediate budget crisis  ,Assaria Republican,Numerous Republican,state block grant,tax increases and savings,state income tax,tax policy changes,tobacco, cigarette and business tax hikes,Kansas Historical Society,massive spendin< g reductions,House members,Legislative Research Department,Rep. Blaine Finch,Rep. Stephanie Clayton,fiscal year  ,University,Dodge City,Garden City,Shawnee Mission,Rep. Pete DeGraaf,Shawnee County,Gov. Sam Brownback,committee,Rep. Steven Johnson,structural changes,Brownback,businesses24-Jan-2017 08:08AM?Winter band concert to feature K-State professors as clinicians^http://www.ccenterdispatch.com/entertainment/article_83b41c8e-e23e-11e6-af7f-f75655d7e06e.html‰Tomorrow s annual Winter Band Concert will feature two professors from Kansas State University, Jacqueline Fassler-Kerstetter and Dr. TodClay Center DispatchState professors,annual Winter Band Concert,Clay Center Community High School Band,eighth Grade Band,concert,Kansas State University,tomorrow,Kerstetter and Dr. Tod Kerstetter,Jacqueline Fassler,clinicians and soloists,CCCHS Martyn,Jan. 24,Snodgrass Auditorium24-Jan-2017 08:02AM?Estate planning for families workshop scheduled in Hays, Atwoodchttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/24/estate-planning-for-families-workshop-scheduled-in-hays-atwood/Œand families must take steps to ensure assets for the next generation. K-State Research & Extension has planned two regional  Preserving theestate planning,families,Hays,Atwood attorney,State Research & Extension,assets,farm,programs,Kansas Farm Management Economist,next generation,additional person,Rooks District Extension Agent,Rawlins County Extension Office,American Legion Hall,Feb. 27,locations,Anna Schremmer24-Jan-2017 07:28AMNew PUSD chairman takes chargeHhttp://www.dcourier.com/news/2017/jan/24/new-pusd-chairman-takes-charge/‹.\n\nFor the last 22 years, the 50-year-old Kansas State University graduate has worked as executive director at the United Christian YouthPrescott Daily CourierBy Nanci Hutson-camp programs,children,positive camping experiences,United Christian Youth Camp,children, teens and adults,public education,member Prescott Unified Governing Board,Mengarelli,Arena speech,district,secondary trade school,District Superintendent Joe Howard,arena, Mengarelli,PUSD s efforts,new board leader, man,Howard,experience,students,Mengarelli s eyes,Mengarelli pledges, revered leader,late President Theodore Roosevelt s  Man,adequate community support,education,New PUSD chairman,students, faculty and staff,everything PUSD,community,tough decisions24-Jan-2017 06:38AM;Veteran industry executive Gregg Tanner joins SunOpta boardohttp://www.poandpo.com/who-is-promoted/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board--2412017591/Žof the Grocery Manufacturers Association.\n\nMr. Tanner is a graduate of Kansas State University.\n\nConcurrent with Mr. Tanner's appointment,POST Online MediaCroatiaCompany,Dean Foods,Directors,supply chain operations,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,Senior Vice President,independent director Jay Amato,International Dairy Foods Association,Chair,Veteran industry executive Gregg Tanner,Hershey Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,Boston Beer Company,SunOpta,Inc.,President,Global Operations,Grocery Manufacturers Association,Fresh Dairy Direct division,sales, marketing, manufacturing and distribution functions,Milk Industry Foundation24-Jan-2017 06:33AM5Hays to Host Regional Farmers' Market Vendor Workshop;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=79&yr=2017§farmers,workshop,fresh food source,markets,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers,Food safety inspection requirements,Workshop topics,marketing tool,measures program,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Food Bucks SNAP,Health and Environment,Kansas Department,contact Linda Beech,Lunch,Hays,Central Registration,agriculture industry,KSU Ellis County Extension Office,Kansas economy,consumer,local economy,Kansas businesses,Onsite registration,safety,environment24-Jan-2017 06:31AMHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=79farmers,workshop,fresh food source,markets,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers,Market Vendor Workshop,Food safety inspection requirements,Workshop topics,measures program,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Food Bucks SNAP,Health and Environment,Kansas Department,contact Linda Beech,Lunch,Hays,Central Registration,agriculture industry,KSU Ellis County Extension Office,Kansas economy,consumer,Kansas businesses,Onsite registration,local economy,safety,environment24-Jan-2017 06:22AMLNSF awards $3 million for plant and animal microbiome and phenomics researchshttp://foreignaffairs.co.nz/2017/01/25/nsf-awards-3-million-for-plant-and-animal-microbiome-and-phenomics-research/АKansas State University\nSingle-locus multi-hormone reporters for comprehensive plant phenotyping: a synthetic-biology approach, Anna Stepanova, North Carolina State UniversityForeignAffairs.co.nzForeign Affairs Publisher New ZealandiNSF awards,plant and animal microbiome,human health,microbes,organism s,agricultural productivity,research,animal hosts,plants,Biological Sciences,funding,National Science Foundation s,microbial communities interact,protein interactions,Agriculture s National Institute,Scale Spatial Organization,role microbiomes,fundamental research,sustainable food production,NSF assistant director,News Media,News Updates,Iowa State University,EAGER,Useful NSF Web Sites,NSF Home Page,biology approach,states,universities,Carnegie Institution,Salk Institute,studies,science and engineering,Marine Biological Laboratory,phenotypes24-Jan-2017 05:58AM"FEAR KANSAS SLASH & BURN BUDGET!!!Ihttp://www.tonyskansascity.com/2017/01/fear-kansas-slash-burn-budget.htmlTony's Kansas CityPosted by TonySunflower State public school students,real impact,FEAR KANSAS SLASH & BURN BUDGET,Kansas Department,budget shortfall,Kansas Board,Children and Families,Corrections,Kansas State University,percent reduction,cuts,University,supply side economics,biggest loser,Disability Services24-Jan-2017 05:18AMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/2518B957A0647BE7AC601872CA3EDD50193BB411nmicrobiomes and phenomics,human health,microbes,agricultural productivity,organism,research,animal hosts,Biological Sciences,plants,National Science Foundation,microbial communities interact,National Institute,protein interactions,Studies,funding,Scale Spatial Organization,NSF EAGER awards,role microbiomes,fu< ndamental research,sustainable food production,new funding awards,News Media,News Updates,NSF assistant director,EAGER,Iowa State University,Useful NSF Web Sites,NSF Home Page,states,biology approach,universities,Carnegie Institution,Salk Institute,science and engineering,Marine Biological Laboratory,phenotypes24-Jan-2017 04:28AM5Ice storm brings much needed moisture to Kansas cropsGhttp://hppr.org/post/ice-storm-brings-much-needed-moisture-kansas-cropsprecipitation to Kansas s wheat and alfalfa crops.\n\nAccording to K-State Research and Extension, precipitation totals ranged from about .25High Plains Public RadioAngie HaflichЧcrop,winter wheat,ice storm,western fifth,State Research and Extension,winter,Kansas,state,snow cover,precipitation,drought conditions,drought stress,far northwest Kansas,moisture,average consumption24-Jan-2017 04:04AM@ASHRAE Winter Conference and the minimum relative humidity valueahttp://www.carel.com/news-detail/ashrae-winter-conference-and-the-minimum-relative-humidity-value‹the seminar: Melanie Derby, Ph.D., Associated Member of the Kansas State University, Stephanie Taylor, M.D., Healthcare Acquired InfectionsCarelItalyЅrelative humidity value,minimum,seminar,especially interesting seminar,ASHRAE Winter Conference,sessions, workshops and seminars,personal health,Effects,Raul Simonetti,America,humidity,session,need,principal ASHRAE event,Las Vegas,Usually high humidity, ASHRAE standards,absolute values,AHR Expo,Healthcare Acquired Infections Organisation,Technical University,infections,Kansas State University,Denmark,Associated Member24-Jan-2017 03:24AM;Former student claims K-State didn t do enough in rape casevhttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/former-student-claims-kstate-didnrsquot-do-enough-in-rape-case-27950247‡in pre-medicine and settling in for her first year at Kansas State University, her dream school.\n\nRead more at Manhattan Mercury NewsKansas KS - AmericanTowns.comLFormer student,State,Manhattan Mercury News,Kansas State University,medicineehttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/kstate-grad-to-discuss-her-work-on-mars-rover-27950246ŒA NASA scientist and K-State alumna is returning to Manhattan to present a lecture on the Curiosity rover, which has been driving around thefMars rover,State grad,Manhattan Mercury News,NASA scientist and K,State alumna,Curiosity rover,lecture24-Jan-2017 02:00AMKAcross-the-board cut would take $219 million from Kansas schools, memo saysŽto the memo. The University of Kansas Medical Center would suffer a cutback of roughly $7.4 million.\n\nKansas State University would also seeThe Kansas City Star (Premium)Hunter WoodallCKansas schools,budget,memo,school district,largest cut,-board cuts,move,Kansas City,Shawnee Mission schools,deep budget cuts,Kansas Board,Hunter Woodall,House budget committee,Kansas State University,lawmakers,Kansas Department,state,possibilities,Kan.,House Speaker Ron Ryckman,University,Olathe,Rep. Melissa Rooker,anyone24-Jan-2017 12:20AM#http://www.zuinow.com/n3941393.html24-Jan-2017 12:06AM$My Speech at Kansas State University@http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2017/01/my_speech_at_ka.htmlThis Thursday, I will be speaking at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.\n\nTitle of Talk: Economic Inequality: PopularEconLogDavid HendersonŒPopular Misconceptions,Manhattan,Kansas State University,Important Facts,Fred and Mary Koch Foundation,Talk,Economic Inequality,Kansas,Title24-Jan-2017 12:00AMCK-State students share details from on-campus  accidental shooting lhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/24/k-state-students-share-details-from-on-campus-accidental-shooting/‹to bring section of the K-State Housing and Dining s Family Resource Guide.\n\nThis did not stop a K-State student and resident of GoodnowЅresidence halls,further information,hall,campus,State Housing and Dining,student,third floor,firearms,weapons,Guns,Permitting guns,Brandon Nsaho, Nsaho,guns, knives or anything,management information systems,floor meeting Sunday night,blood, Motter,Goodnow,Student s response,last night,guys,McDonald s,possible student suicide,gunshot, Lander,residents,Wefald and Goodnow,professor s anti,Kansas House,anything,LanderBK-State students express thoughts, feelings toward President Trumplhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/24/k-state-students-express-thoughts-feelings-toward-president-trump/Sharidan KraljicQPresident Trump,students, Emily Wright,good job,Trump,Many people,Trump s term,Wright,fiscal stuff,concern,45th president, Neal,significant social concern,LGBT rights page, s presidency,Washington Post,Jan. 20,education,new administration,White House website,incoming presidents,LGBT community,official website,Neal,sophomore,countries$Alumna finds her way back to K-StateOhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/24/alumna-finds-her-way-back-to-k-state/Œher masters in journalism at Kansas State then moved on to obtain her doctorate in American studies at the University of Kansas.\n\nOverall,Kelsey Kendall,Miller School,interim director,journalism,State,Journalism and Mass Communications,new director,Folkerts,criticism,University,experience,Jean Folkerts resume, experience,positive things,George Washington University,several different universities,administrator,variety, Steven Smethers,history,time23-Jan-2017 11:06PMCAccidental shooting at K-State reignites debate over guns on campusOhttp://www.wibw.com/content/news/Accidental-shooting-at-K-State--411597375.html‹from Kansas State University, a 19-year-old student accidentally shot himself in a campus residence hall on Sunday night.\n\nThe university WIBW 13 News Jace Mills6Accidental shooting,guns,campus,university,student,campus residence hall,Kansas State University,State reignites debate,current gun prohibition,firearm,exemption,carry law,State,concern,Evan Steckler,College,senior Jennifer Edgar,Kansas,Edgar,debate,learning environment,stable condition,much positive anything23-Jan-2017 11:00PM1Extension leadership meetings planned this spring“http://www.salina.com/news/on-the-record/events/extension-leadership-meetings-planned-this-spring/article_c260d13e-9194-581c-8bdd-fc2bc18c716f.htmlK-State Research and< Extension meetings on board leadership are planned across the state on Feb. 21, 23, 28 and March 2.\n\nThe gathering areFline rel=popover itemprop=author>By TIM UNRUH Salina Journal Tim UnruhЂboard leadership,Sessions,Extension leadership meetings,State Research and Extension meetings,director,Carl Garten,Feb. 28,Tim Unruh,Effective Meetings,Extension agent,author,state,County Building,members,Central Kansas District,Fellow Board Members and Conflict Management,Feb. 10,local Extension professionals,Pittsburg, Salina, Seneca, Syracuse, Wichita and Wilson,Salina,Fund Management,W. Ash,Colby,community,City˜http://www.salina.com/news/state/fixing-kansas-budget-shortfall-with-cuts-would-mean-percent-reduction/article_699e924c-df18-5762-8ac0-0105163b7212.html(Tim Carpenter The Topeka Capital-JournalHouse Appropriations Committee,cuts,public school districts,state budget,Kansas State Library,reductions, budget shortfall,-board cut,Kansas,current budget,such vicious budget,Mulvane Republican,Overland Park Republican,amended budget,districts,immediate budget crisis  ,percent,Assaria Republican,Numerous Republican,Topeka Capital,state block grant,tax increases and savings,state income tax,tax policy changes,Kansas Historical Society,tobacco, cigarette and business tax hikes,massive spending reductions,House members,Legislative Research Department,Rep. Blaine Finch,Rep. Stephanie Clayton,fiscal year  ,University,Garden City,Shawnee Mission,Rep. Pete DeGraaf,Dodge City,Shawnee County,Gov. Sam Brownback,committee,Rep. Steven Johnson,Topeka s USD,Brownback,businesses23-Jan-2017 10:16PM:2 long-time volunteers receive MLK Community Service AwardOhttp://1350kman.com/2-long-time-volunteers-receive-mlk-community-service-award/‰serves as the Interim Associate Provost for Office of Diversity at Kansas State University as well as the Assistant Dean for Diversity insMartin Luther King Community Service Award,time Manhattan volunteers,award,Manhattan s,Kansas Black Farmers Association, 2016 Spirit,MLK Jr. Memorial Committee,City Parks and Recreation program,programs,First Congregational United Church,Black,community,Diversity,Juneteenth Committee,College,Reverend Caela Simmons,Wiley,Interim Associate Provost,Kansas State University23-Jan-2017 08:19PMObituaries  January 23, 2017<http://salinapost.com/2017/01/23/obituaries-january-23-2017/Žof 1945, Marymount College (1949) and received a master s degree from Kansas State University.\n\nShe married Gail R. Morrison on June 4, 1950 Sam PrideyRyan Mortuary,sisters,First United Methodist Church,Concordia Lutheran Church,Heather Ryan,Jimmy Ryan,brother,Salina,Brookville, North Junior High School and Central High School,math teacher,Gail R. Morrison,Pryor High School,brothers, Nick and Larry Manns,vacation Bible school teacher and memorials committee,service,Retired Teachers Association and Beta Sigma Phi,dental school,Sunrise Presbyterian Church,Christopher,Jan. 19, 2017,sisters Charlene Roll,sisters, Anna Deschamps and Frances Charbonneau,Margaret Marie Lindblom Morrison,Memorials,grandchildren,Clyde A. Richter,Frances K. Richter,Salina Education Foundation,Lawrence A. Lindblom and Verna M. McCoin,St. Bernard s Catholic Church c/,St. Bernard s Catholic Church,Salina Human Relations Commission,Salina Presbyterian Manor Board,brothers Garland and Archie Gamble,Manns,Jeff Wiebe and Joey Manns,Brian S. Richter,grandchildren, Amelia, Lexi and Caleb Burchfield,Larry Lindblom and Dick Lindblom,Salina Animal Shelter or Adopt,Harper and Hadley Christopher,Evan Borthwick,Felicity Borthwick,Grant Borthwick,Susan Borthwick,American Diabetes Association,National Education Association,Frances,Joseph L. and Mildred A.,retirement, Gail and Margaret,Gail,rosary/vigil service,grandchildren Philip Younie and wife Chris23-Jan-2017 08:08PM-Kansas State: Student accidently shot in dormLhttp://www.knssradio.com/pages/22996114.php?contentType=4&contentId=19047596Ž Authorities say a Kansas State University student has accidentally shot and wounded himself in a residence hall.\n\nThe university said in a 1330 KNSSщstudent,campus buildings or residence halls,Kansas State University student,Goodnow Hall,state college campuses,Firearms,AP News,Authorities,guns,Kansas law,Faculty and student organizations,legislative effort,release,university,Kan.23-Jan-2017 07:28PMCCollege students weigh in on law allowing concealed carry on campusshttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/College-students-weigh-in-on-law-allowing-concealed-carry-on-campus-411594505.html‹News Monday say they are not more fearful after a Kansas State University student accidentally shot himself. But they ask lawmakers to lookKWCHAkeam AshfordвKansas State University student,students,training,campus,old student,gun owners,formal training requirement,WSU student Darnell Williams,Brandon Light,firearm,Lawmakers,action,Kansas,criminal charges,carry,dorm23-Jan-2017 07:13PMHhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article128321534.htmlBy Hunter WoodallBschool district,Kansas schools,budget,-board cuts,memo,Kansas City,largest cut,loss,Shawnee Mission schools,Kansas Board,deep budget cuts,House budget committee,lawmakers,Kansas State University,move,K< ansas Department,Kan.,state,University,House Speaker Ron Ryckman,possibilities,Olathe, Rooker,Rep. Melissa Rooker,anyone23-Jan-2017 06:38PM%Tree damage a concern after ice stormAhttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/Ice-storm-led-to--411590555.html†all of Dodge City.\n\nAndrea Burns, agriculture agent for the K-state Research and Extension Office in Ford County said all trees wereBrenda CarrascoДtree,Burns,tree limbs and branches,ice storm,agriculture agent,Ford County,concern,Dodge City,jobs,experts,cambian,severe damage,bark,state Research and Extension Office,homeowners23-Jan-2017 06:28PM4Local Youth Win Big at AAU Northern Indoor NationalsVhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/23/local-youth-win-big-at-aau-northern-indoor-nationals/Žteam title  with just one athlete.\n\nThe team competed again at Kansas State University on January 22nd, and will travel to Lawrence, KansasY1st place,AAU Northern Indoor Nationals,4th place,old girls,team,Morgan Little,National      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCE§џџџFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€recognition,Amaya Booker,Jump,Tiara Smith,Jayhawk Indoor High School Open,5th place,7th place,8th place,Vyrl Edwards,High School Girls,dash,Ninti Little,Middle School Girls Long Jump,Draeson Gulley,old 60m dash,athletes,Keiana Neuman, with just one athlete23-Jan-2017 05:31PMCAMPUS RAPES 41https://www.nytsyn.com/images/photos/1487283.html‹in front of Anderson Hall on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, Kan., Dec. 15, 2016. The university is facing two lawsuits byNew York Times SyndicateЄCAMPUS RAPES,Anderson Hall,Kansas State University campus,front,Manhattan,lawsuits,women,student,New York Times,school,Amy Stroth,university,lawn,Dec. 15, 2016,Kan.23-Jan-2017 05:27PM*Lewis breaks into the K-State record booksvhttp://wowway.net/news/read/category/sports/article/the_manhattan_mercur-lewis_breaks_into_the_kstate_record_books-tca‹.\n\nLewis recorded four blocks Wednesday night in K-State's 74-63 win over TCU, landing her atop the K-State career blocks record with 259WOWMexico—State record books,Manhattan Mercury,Kansas State,State program,shot,record,game Wednesday night,Lewis,game,much coaching,Mittie,Kan.,affinity,blockers23-Jan-2017 05:25PMzhttp://portal.tds.net/news/read/category/sports/article/the_manhattan_mercur-lewis_breaks_into_the_kstate_record_books-tcaTDSAThe Manhattan Mercury - By Greg Woods The Manhattan Mercury, Kan.23-Jan-2017 05:24PM}http://home.cableone.net/news/read/category/sports/article/the_manhattan_mercur-lewis_breaks_into_the_kstate_record_books-tca Cable One23-Jan-2017 05:01PMCAMPUS RAPES 31https://www.nytsyn.com/images/photos/1487270.htmlŠCrystal Stroup, a former Kansas State University student, in the student union on campus in Manhattan, Kan., Dec. 15, 2016. Stroup alleges›student union,campus,former Kansas State University student,Manhattan,disturbing questions,New York Times,Stroup,Amy Stroth,Dec. 15, 2016,universities,Kan.CAMPUS RAPES 11https://www.nytsyn.com/images/photos/1487268.htmlˆCrystal Stroup, a former Kansas State University student, in the Great Hall in Hale Library on campus in Manhattan, Kan., Dec. 15, 2016.­campus,Great Hall,former Kansas State University student,Manhattan,student,disturbing questions,New York Times,Hale Library,Stroup,Amy Stroth,Dec. 15, 2016,universities,Kan.CAMPUS RAPES 21https://www.nytsyn.com/images/photos/1487269.htmlŠwork majors at Kansas State University, in Manhattan, Kan., April 18, 2016. The two women are filing lawsuits against the university afterˆTessa Farmer,Manhattan,junior social work majors,lawsuits,women,Kansas State University,New York Times,school,Amy Stroth,university,Kan.23-Jan-2017 04:29PM8VFD last  regulatory jump for swine industry for awhileQhttps://brownfieldagnews.com/news/vfd-last-regulatory-jump-swine-industry-awhile/ŒDr. Mike Apley, a professor of veterinary clinical sciences at Kansas State University, tells Brownfield the swine industry was prepared forBrownfield Ag NewsMark Dorenkamp4Resistant Bacteria,regulatory jump ,antibiotic resistance,swine industry,resistance issue,VFD concept,Presidential Advisory Council,Veterinary Feed Directive,pork producers,minor additions,Minnesota Pork Congress,cause and effect,others,Dr. Mike Apley,livestock industry,backs,Brownfield,Mark Dorenkamp,Apley23-Jan-2017 03:58PM:KSU police: Student accidentally shot himself in dorm roomXhttp://themercury.com/articles/ksu-police-student-accidentally-shot-himself-in-dorm-room‹. There is no ongoing threat to the university community, police said.\n\nThe Kansas State University Office of Student Life and CounselingKdorm room,firearm discharge,student,Kansas State University Police Department,Goodnow Hall,himself Sunday night,residence halls,state law,Police,students and employees,Student Life and Counseling Services offer counseling,campus,assistance,effect,stable condition,university officials,university community,criminal charges,incident23-Jan-2017 03:23PM?Precision ag tools can help the bottom line when used correctlyhttp://www.prairiebusinessmagazine.com/business/agriculture/4204308-precision-ag-tools-can-help-bottom-line-when-used-correctly‹to help you, said Terry Griffin, cropping systems economist at Kansas State University.\n\nGriffin, one of the speakers at the sixth annualPrairie Business Magazine%By Jenny Schlecht, Forum News Service North Dakota new equipment,precision ag tools,farm,summit,tough market,precision agriculture,farmer use,North Dakota Farmers Union,level data,market companies,best time,interest farmers,Kansas State University,adoption rate,ARMS data shows,North Dakota State University Extension Service,data and technology,technology,Schimmelpfennig,good time,tools,out precision technologies, Schimmelpfennig,Agriculture s Economic Research Service,custom services,department s Agricultural Resource and Management Survey,Griffin,service providers,machinery,acreage,Huso23-Jan-2017 03:22PM;Blast disease on wheat in the Khulna Division of Bangladesh<http://www.seedquest.com/news.php?type=news&id_article=84658M-Brief-web-07Apr2016.pdf>,\n\n,\n\nk-state.edu/wheatblast/>,\n\n,\n\n,CIMMYT [International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre,Infectious Diseases <,Available wheat cultivars,Khulna Division,emerging disease,management/diseases,countrys,Bangladesh_divisions,files,fungus,fungus _Pyricularia oryzae_,Fungal diseases,org/ricebreedingcourse,embrapa,org/training/fact,com/crolllab23-Jan-2017 03:11PM< QEMS headquarters and tax foreclosure sales discussed by intergovernmental leaders_http://1350kman.com/ems-headquarters-tax-foreclosure-sales-discussed-intergovernmental-leaders/includes representatives from the city, county, K-State, USD 383, and Fort Riley although K-State was not represented Monday.\n\nRiley County Cathy Dawesђproposed county EMS headquarters,Riley County Counselor Craig Cox,tax foreclosure sale,State,Wells,Manhattan City Manager Ron Fehr,Manhattan,county,taxes,group,legal case,matter,Fort Riley,city,Cathy Dawes,unidentified property,misconceptions23-Jan-2017 03:00PMƒhttp://www.hpj.com/general/olathe-to-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshop/article_14db1e95-a616-5bd8-9bd4-0bca8360b8e6.html:farmers markets,Kansas farmers,marketing tool,foods,State Research and Extension,consumer food safety specialist,workshop,Kansas Department,Food Bucks SNAP,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Health and Environment,Olathe,Food Safety Modernization Act ,KDA s weights and measures program,program,Londa Nwadike,KDA s Central Registration,safety,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,consumers,local economy,Onsite registration,Kansas businesses,W. Innovation Dr.,Johnson County Extension Office,registration form and payment,Feb. 1,environment23-Jan-2017 02:54PM<Nina Schultz Breaks Canadian Junior Indoor Pentathlon Recordshttp://www.trackie.com/track-and-field/Articles/nina-schultz-breaks-canadian-junior-indoor-pentathlon-record/15741/‹4042 points, breaking the previous record of 3969 set by Nicole Oudenaarden back in 2013. Schultz is a freshmen at Kansas State University. Trackie.caЇNina Schultz Breaks Canadian Junior Indoor Pentathlon Record,past weekend Nina Schultz,previous record,result,points,Kansas State University,Nicole Oudenaarden,Schultz23-Jan-2017 02:36PM!2016-2017hQtv˜\'Yf[Top100џŽ§Vпz gйHNY@beQ џ,http://mt.sohu.com/20170124/n479456728.shtmlœо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n/Georgia State University\n\nџ’cT701+ џ\n\n=129. *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n/Kansas State University\n\nџ’cT701+ џ\n\n=129. Џ€yrо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n/Kent State University\n\nџ’cT701+ џ dаr’ZSOs^№S - YeВ€Xo8lЪO(WП~ЉŽ§V'Yf[,Н~І~'Yf[,\'Yf[,о]Ыz'Yf[,NLu’cT,Ž§VT!h, Rо]'Yf[mIgіwR!h,šN'Yf[,QSNLu'Yf[, Rо]'Yf[#WKQœ,—nfб‘Џe'Yf[,NSлv˜'Yf[,yr'Yf[,'Yf[хT&OдkšNR!h,\gpQ'Yf[,9hбy€b'Yf[,ШT[O'Yf[,y'Yf[,‰S'Yf[,v˜\'Yf[,;`’cT,БƒЏe'Yf[,State University,hQtMOR,hQtƒєV,;Sf[NN,Ž§V†SђS,Ž§V;`п~,t^І^NLu’cT,6€œ'Yf[,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[тlыX˜R!h,9SyQ!X'Yf[,}Q;SNN,ЏeR!h,Northwestern University,irtбyf[,u}Tбyf[,#W0WšNхT'Yf[,M'Yf[,^g'Yf[,f<\Я‚О'Yf[,Ш?–Ц['Yf[,NN^D›RЯ‘,-N[OWЬ‘О'Yf[,KQЩbKQюh'Yf[,aS…QњW…h†–'Yf[,_ T<\šNT€І'Yf[,КN‡eNNЋN gлv‰Š,FUбyNN,€b/g{|NN,Brown University,Duke University,NS'Yf[,TNЛlЮW'Yf[,х]'Yf[,З_о]'Yf[,бyWЩbY'Yf[9N[OR!h,ƒЗ_!X'Yf[,University,Miami University,О[‰еl)RšN,OЏe˜'Yf[,Ц[‰‰дk'Yf[,є]lš'Yf[,АeЈX‰хT'Yf[,бy€b'Yf[,Џ€TXњW'Yf[,››Ѓаc'Yf[,Johns Hopkins University,lš(„ј‹^Xо]QReh^,ФOвRˆQ'Yf[,pS,{‰[Г~'Yf[/O,іSђSцt'Yf[,'Yf[^еlW,ѓwЊn'Yf[,Ž)RZW'Yf[,яQЏe‰ЈP'Yf[,З_KQ(„Џe'Yf[eYЏe@l, Rо]'Yf[#WTX­‚,SaSWegГ~'Yf[YeXq\R!h,lšЬ‘pQ'Yf[^KQR!h, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[‚ RхT,Tulane University,lQO'Yf[,*Ys^ m'Yf[,чeб‘q\'Yf[,?–Џ€r‚'Yf[,George Washington University,yrƒЏef[b–,)RШT O'Yf[,Аef[b–'Yf[,ФrLocal News | The Wichita Eagle & Kansas.com, The Wichita Eagle‡Tree Or Fence,license plates,stickers, yard signs and clothing,& Click,Kansas State University,Wichita Eagle & Kansas.com,Purple,Kansas23-Jan-2017 07:08AMMhttp://www.wibwnewsnow.com/kansas-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-dorm/аStudent,Kansas State University,accidental shooting,release,mins,residence hall,student s wound,Authorities,students and employees,Associated Press,self,counseling,report,broadcast,university,stable condition23-Jan-2017 07:06AMohttp://www.wvalways.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 07:03AMkhttp://www.cbs8.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorschttp://www.westplainsdailyquill.net/national_news/article_4b96ab4e-5a49-5e8b-89e1-3786303e6040.htmlWest Plains Daily Quill23-Jan-2017 07:02AM<http://www.spoke.com/press_releases/5885f878b209b5dc5800408cПDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,operational excellence,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,BUSINESS WIRE,Mr. Hollis,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,valuekhttp://www.wect.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 07:01AMkhttp://www.kuam.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsohttp://www.fox8live.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.abcfoxmontana.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsПDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,BUSINESS WIRE,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershe< y Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,business models,largest business unit,value23-Jan-2017 07:00AMqhttp://www.wpsdlocal6.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors WPSD Local 6ПDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,BUSINESS WIRE,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,valuelhttp://www.fox19.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsmhttp://www.klkntv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsmhttp://www.wsiltv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:59AMkhttp://www.ktbs.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsuhttp://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.keyc.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorslhttp://www.wave3.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.wvillustrated.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsWV IllustratedЖfood industry,Business Wire,Dean Foods,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,specialty foods,Directors,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,invaluable experience,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,operational excellence,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Hershey Company,Mr. Hollis,product offerings, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,largest business unit,Global Operations,business models,valuehhttp://www.chron.com/news/education/article/Kansas-State-Student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-10876520.php Chron.comlhttp://www.cbs58.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsПfood industry,Dean Foods,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,specialty foods,Directors,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Business Wire,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,operational excellence,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,valuehttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/local_state_news/k-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_24556aa3-3882-5c4f-9da8-8ef086b584e1.htmlœstudent,release,residence hall,State,Authorities,Kansas State University,self,students and employees,counseling,report,Send,university,dorm,stable condition3K-State: Student accidentally shot, wounded in dorm’http://www.hutchnews.com/news/local_state_news/k-state-student-accidentally-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_24556aa3-3882-5c4f-9da8-8ef086b584e1.htmlьcampus buildings or residence halls,student,Kansas State University student,Goodnow Hall,state college campuses,State,Firearms,Faculty and student organizations,Authorities,guns,Kansas law,legislative effort,Send,release,university,dorm23-Jan-2017 06:58AMmhttp://www.kplctv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorslhttp://www.abc57.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsПDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,BUSINESS WIRE,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business u< nit,business models,valuekhttp://www.kmov.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsphttp://www.cwrichmond.tv/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsuhttp://www.yourohiovalley.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.fox21delmarva.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:57AMwhttp://www.hometownstations.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.kfbb.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.kten.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsŠhttp://www.theeagle.com/news/nation/kansas-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_0c41753b-b45b-592c-9337-7dbb114bd2b1.html The EagleЏstudent,Kansas State University,accidental shooting,residence hall,Authorities,release,students and employees,self,treatment,counseling,report,university,Kan.,stable conditionhttp://www.newspressnow.com/news/state/kansas-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_7d129b70-4a0b-5dd9-8078-0e1bf6e3e554.htmlNewspressnow.comˆhttp://www.joplinglobe.com/region/kansas-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_03492f63-ae83-5e1c-9649-97779602097c.htmlThe Joplin GlobeZhttp://www.emporiagazette.com/news/state/article_7e21a6fc-894c-5d76-8461-8e387c2d1b6d.htmlThe Emporia Gazetteƒhttp://www.dailyprogress.com/kansas-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_44c3a13c-d544-57c6-9613-9e63d4a1ea6f.htmlThe Daily Progress‡http://www.salina.com/news/state/kansas-state-student-accidently-shot-wounded-in-dorm/article_3189aaa5-b16a-5ae1-9abf-ffe88dcd77c8.htmlphttp://www.cw-gabama.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors[http://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/state/article_c0ccdc75-0517-51a6-aaaf-db55d14f1e59.htmlphttp://www.live5news.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:56AMThttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-123000359.html SunOpta Inc.khttp://www.wtoc.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:55AMmhttp://www.kfvs12.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsПDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,BUSINESS WIRE,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,value23-Jan-2017 06:54AM`https://www.ceo.ca/@businesswire/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-directorsby @businesswireЖDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,SunOpta,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,business models,Global Operations,Inc.,largest business unit,valuerhttp://www.nbcrightnow.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wsfx.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wcax.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsWCAX.comVermontkhttp://www.waff.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsqhttp://www.9and10news.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:52AMmhttp://www.wrcbtv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsshttp://www.wearewvproud.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:50AMXVeteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board of Directors | Business Wiremhttp://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170123005059/en/Veteran-Industry-Executive-Gregg-Tanner-Joins-SunOptaBusiness WireЫDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,Directors | Business Wire,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,Vice Chair,GMO food operations,International Dairy Foods Association,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,business models,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,value23-Jan-2017 06:49AMphttp://www.msnewsnow.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:47AM< ZVeteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board of D - WDRB 41 Louisville Newskhttp://www.wdrb.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:46AMlhttp://www.kait8.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:45AMkhttp://www.wtvm.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsohttp://www.wmbfnews.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:44AMrhttp://www.erienewsnow.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsqhttp://www.newscenter1.tv/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wbtv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wflx.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.walb.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:43AMmhttp://www.14news.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors3K-state: Student Accidentally Shot, Wounded In DormEhttp://www.wopular.com/k-state-student-accidentally-shot-wounded-dorm˜Student Accidentally Shot,state,residence hall,news release,Kansas State University,wounded student & Click,report,Wichita Eagle & Kansas.com,universityvhttp://www.newschannel6now.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:42AMkhttp://www.kcbd.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wtol.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.kmir.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsxhttp://www.telemundoamarillo.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsphttp://www.thecwprov.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:41AMlhttp://www.nbc29.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.k5thehometeam.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsrhttp://www.cleveland19.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.kswo.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorslhttp://www.nbc12.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:40AMhttp://www.stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2017/01/23/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors StockhouseT.SOYЈDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,business models,Global Operations,Inc.,largest business unit,value<http://www.enhancedonlinenews.com/news/eon/20170123005060/enEnhanced Online NewsБDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,Vice Chair,GMO food operations,International Dairy Foods Association,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,business models,Global Operations,largest business unit,valueqhttp://www.watchfox29.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wnky.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:39AMkhttp://www.abc6.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsphttp://www.newswest9.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors(http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3209499Digital JournalПDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,Business Wire,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,value23-Jan-2017 06:38AMkhttp://www.wfxg.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of< -directors23-Jan-2017 06:37AMkhttp://www.ktvn.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsthttp://www.sutelemundo20.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:36AMkhttp://www.wbrc.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:35AMkhttp://www.kusi.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsFhttp://www.stockwatch.com/News/Item.aspx?bid=U-b005059-U:STKL-20170123§Dean Foods,food industry,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,SunOpta,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,invaluable experience,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,Business Wire,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,global sourcing,View source version,sourcing, processing and packaging,value23-Jan-2017 06:34AMkhttp://www.wboc.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsuhttp://www.tristateupdate.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.ksla.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:33AM9Student hospitalized after accidental shooting at K-State[http://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/23/student-hospitalized-after-accidental-shooting-at-k-state/a K-State student on Sunday evening in a residence hall on the Manhattan campus, according to a media release.\n\nThe Kansas State UniversityЕstudent,Manhattan campus,residence hall,media release,Kansas State University Police Department,Student Life and Counseling Services,name,Riley County,gunshot wound,stable condition23-Jan-2017 06:32AMkhttp://www.wlox.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wsfa.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsmhttp://www.wandtv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:31AMnhttp://www.newson6.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorslhttp://www.abc-7.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.krgv.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsjhttp://www.khq.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorskhttp://www.wdam.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors23-Jan-2017 06:30AMlhttp://www.kulr8.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorslhttp://www.nbc-2.com/story/34320329/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors‚http://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Veteran+Industry+Executive+Gregg+Tanner+Joins+SunOpta+Board+of+Directors/12446611.html§Dean Foods,food industry,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,SunOpta,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,invaluable experience,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,BUSINESS WIRE,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,global sourcing,largest business unit,business models,View source version,sourcing, processing and packaging,value|http://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/17/01/b8932136/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorBenzingaЁDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Gregg,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,BUSINESS WIRE,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,value<Student hospitalized after accidental shooting on KSU campus^https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/23/student-hospitalized-after-accidental-shooting-at-k-state/Кstudent,Manhattan campus,residence hall,media release,Kansas State University Police Department,Student Life and Counseling Services,name,Riley County,gunshot wound,stable condition,dorm§food industry,Dean Foods,supply chain management,specialty foods,SunOpta s Board,Directors,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,SunOpta,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,invaluable experience,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,BUSINESS WIRE,operational excellence,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Hershey Company,Mr. Hollis,product offerings, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company< ,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,business models,global sourcing,View source version,sourcing, processing and packaging,valuezhttp://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/9253232-veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directorsWallstreet OnlineBusiness Wire (engl.)БDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,business models,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,value\http://www.ariva.de/news/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-6014559Ariva.deПfood industry,Dean Foods,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,specialty foods,Directors,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,SunOpta,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Chair,Business Wire,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,operational excellence,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,largest business unit,Global Operations,business models,value[http://salinapost.com/2017/01/23/student-hospitalized-after-accidental-shooting-at-k-state/‘http://news.morningstar.com/all/business-wire/BWIPREM20170123005059/veteran-industry-executive-gregg-tanner-joins-sunopta-board-of-directors.aspxMorningstar NewsЖDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,SunOpta,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,business models,Global Operations,Inc.,largest business unit,valueƒhttp://www.sectorpublishingintelligence.co.uk/news/1631271/veteran+industry+executive+gregg+tanner+joins+sunopta+board+of+directorsSector Publishing Intelligence0SunOpta Inc. via Businesswire via SPi World NewsSouth West regionalБDean Foods,food industry,invaluable experience,supply chain management,SunOpta s Board,Directors,specialty foods,Board,Mr. Tanner,Chief Executive Officer and Director,insights,independent director Jay Amato,Dean Hollis,SunOpta,Company,Veteran Industry Executive Gregg Tanner Joins SunOpta Board,Gregg Tanner,ConAgra Foods,value creation initiatives,Chair,Vice Chair,International Dairy Foods Association,retail products,Chief Executive Officer,GMO food operations,Mr. Hollis,operational excellence,product offerings,Hershey Company, Gregg,Boston Beer Company,Quaker Oats Company and Ralston Purina Company,supply infrastructure,Global Operations,largest business unit,businesses,Inc.,value23-Jan-2017 05:57AM$Navigating a Struggling Farm Economy;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=75&yr=2017Љhistoric farm,average net farm income,detailed farm records,Farm costs,program,Struggling Farm Economy,Kansas State University,Allen Featherstone,term picture,State,percent,Kansas Farm Management Association data,Conference presentations,agricultural economists,economy downturn,tough times,Feb. 6,Feb. 7,Feb. 15,Feb. 8,recent conference,Dodge City,a.m. Lunch,locations and telephone numbers,Registration,locations,240th Ave.23-Jan-2017 05:55AMHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=75ЉStruggling Farm Economy,historic farm,average net farm income,detailed farm records,Farm costs,program,Kansas State University,Allen Featherstone,term picture,State,percent,Kansas Farm Management Association data,Conference presentations,agricultural economists,economy downturn,tough times,Feb. 6,Feb. 7,Feb. 15,Feb. 8,recent conference,Dodge City,a.m. Lunch,locations and telephone numbers,Registration,locations,240th Ave.23-Jan-2017 04:57AMFCover Your Acres winter conference to take place Tuesday and Wednesdaymhttp://myinforms.com/en-us/a/45812360-cover-your-acres-winter-conference-to-take-place-tuesday-and-wednesday/Human Services at Kansas State University, will be speaking about maintaining good business relationships, Haag said.\n\nAccording to K-State<State Research and Extension,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,research assistant professor,Kansas S< tate University,crop production practices,Kansas Agland reports,research,education conference,14th annual conference, s analysis,everyone s,ag economy,Haag,agronomist;Second suspect arrested in deadly San Antonio mall shootingbhttp://myinforms.com/en-us/a/45812359-second-suspect-arrested-in-deadly-san-antonio-mall-shooting/ŒGateway Civic Center. The conference, a joint venture between K-State Research and Extension and the Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,4Rolling Oaks Mall,San Antonio mall,shooting,suspects,Flash,Reports,video,fatal shooting,mall,Police Chief William McManus,Last news,Kansas Agla     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEG§џџџHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€nd reports,McManus,police and fire officials,@RSantosTV,robbers,Police,conference,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association23-Jan-2017 04:24AMXhttp://hppr.org/post/cover-your-acres-winter-conference-take-place-tuesday-and-wednesdayгNorthwest Kansas Farm Management Association,State Research and Extension s website,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,conference,Certified Crop Advisors,crop production practices,research assistant professor,Kansas State University,education units,research,educational sessions end, bull session,14th annual conference,Kansas Agland reports,agricultural producers,everyone s, s analysis,educational materials,Registration,Haag,industry and university specialists23-Jan-2017 04:09AM1Kids and Money: Why college is not one big 'scam'Phttp://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/personal-finance/article128156149.htmlŽand unpromising job prospects.\n\nA young man claiming to be a Kansas State University student made those comments and much more in a FacebookThe News & Observervmany schools,high cost,much debt,college,students,dollars,thousands,writer,students and parents,Kansas State University student,student,tuition, textbooks and room,unpromising job prospects,jobs,online author,textbooks,high school,trade schools,Kids and Money,many parents,web author,points,affordable education,specialized educations,money,higher education,Kansas City StarOhttp://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/personal-finance/article128156149.html Miami HeraldBy STEVE ROSEN‚many schools,high cost,much debt,college,students,dollars,thousands,writer,students and parents,Kansas State University student,student,tuition, textbooks and room,unpromising job prospects,jobs,online author,textbooks,high school,trade schools,Kids and Money,many parents,web author,points,affordable education,specialized educations,money,STEVE ROSEN,higher education,Kansas City StarBhttp://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlLedger-Enquirer23-Jan-2017 04:08AM?http://www.heraldonline.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlHerald Online23-Jan-2017 04:00AMAhttp://www.thenewstribune.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlThe News Tribune23-Jan-2017 02:56AMqhttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/ksu-police-student-accidentally-shot-himself-in-dorm-room-27944141‡A 19-year-old K-State student is in  stable condition after he accidentally shot himself Sunday night in Goodnow Hall.\n\nRead more atlState student,dorm room,Goodnow Hall,himself Sunday night,Manhattan Mercury News,KSU police,stable condition23-Jan-2017 02:44AM-After The Ice Storm: Tending To Damaged TreesRhttp://www.farms.com/news/after-the-ice-storm-tending-to-damaged-trees-118012.aspx‹ice storm,tree,branches,first step,large limbs,state  ,next step,Kansas State University,State horticulture expert,storm breakage,next larger branch,third cut,extension associate,Upham,Kansas,state extension Master Gardener coordinator,decision,main trunk split,certified arborist,trunk,pruning,strip bark,home horticulture,stubs,good arborist,rapid response coordinator,collar,Preventing damage23-Jan-2017 02:25AMAK-State student in stable condition following accidental shootingŽhttp://www.yourdu.net/news/k-state-student-in-stable-condition-following-accidental-shooting/article_14c81ef4-e141-11e6-9496-2f5da9c4c1e8.html‰ The Kansas State University Police Department responded to a report of an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound of a K-State student, Yourdu.netDaily Union StaffЬState student,Manhattan campus,accidental self,residence hall,ongoing threat,Kansas State University Police Department,report,name,stable condition,university community,gunshot wound,Jan. 22,investigation23-Jan-2017 02:00AM;http://www.kentucky.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlLexington Herald-LeaderAhttp://www.idahostatesman.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlIdaho Statesman9http://www.modbee.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlThe Modesto Bee<http://www.bradenton.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlBradenton Herald>http://www.centredaily.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlCentre Daily TimesJhttp://www.sacbee.com/news/business/personal-finance/article128156149.htmlThe Sacramento BeeChttp://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlThe Bellingham Herald?http://www.islandpacket.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlThe Island Packet6http://www.bnd.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlBelleville News Democrat@http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/business/article128156149.html The Tribune8http://www.macon.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlMacon TelegraphMhttp://www.fresnobee.com/news/business/personal-finance/article128156149.htmlThe Fresno BeeNhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/business/personal-finance/article128156149.htmlShttp://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/business/national-business/article128156149.htmlTri-City Herald>http://www.theolympian.com/news/business/article128156149.html The Olympian9http://www.kansas.com/news/business/article128156149.html;http://www.thestate.com/news/business/article128156149.html TheState.comVhttp://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/national-business/article128156149.htmlDhttp://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/business/article128156149.htmlMyrtleBeachOnline.com<http://www.sunherald.com/news/business/article128156149.html Sun Herald#By STEVE ROSEN The Kansas City Starvmany schools,high cost,much debt,college,students,dollars,thousands,writer,students and parents,Kansas State University student,student,tuition, textbooks and room,unpromising job prospects,jobs,online author,textbooks,high school,trade schools,Kids and Money,many parents,web author,Kansas City Star,points,affordable education,specialized educations,money,higher education23-Jan-2017 01:59AM)K-State police investigate student injuryvhttp://www.yourdu.net/news/k-state-police-investigate-student-injury/article_14c81ef4-e141-11e6-9496-2f5da9c4c1e8.htmlЛState police,gunshot wound,Manhattan campus,accidental self,residence hall,ongoing threat,student,medical treatment,report,name,university community,Jan. 22,stable conditio< n,investigation23-Jan-2017 01:38AMxScientist To Develop Vaccine From Genetically Modified Malaria Parasite To Prevent Mosquitoes Bitting An Infected Personhttp://www.latinpost.com/articles/132733/20170123/scientist-develop-vaccine-genetically-modified-malaria-parasite-prevent-mosquitoes-bitting.htmŒpeople and as per Kristin Michel, an insect immunologist from Kansas State University in Manhattan stated if they understand the process how Latin PostAnna Gean (staff@latinpost.com)лScientist,immune system,immune cell,mosquito,parasite,malaria,Genetically Modified Malaria Parasite,infected blood,Prevent Mosquitoes Bitting,white blood cells,further detailed understanding,Competitive Season,protein,Anopheles mosquitoes,mosquito equivalent,infected person,defenses,new ways,messenger molecules,vaccine,Plasmodium genus,Plasmodium species,Vascular & Liver Damage Affecting Long,Science Immunology,Science News,people,dying Hemocytes releases plumes,vesicles23-Jan-2017 12:18AM/http://world.einnews.com/article/363212511/liveЇStudent,Kansas State University,accidental shooting,residence hall,MANHATTAN,news release,Authorities,wound,self,treatment,report,university,dorm,stable condition,Kan.23-Jan-2017 12:00AMEDr. Dzewaltowski new chair in activity, nutrition, obesity prevention(http://www.unmc.edu/news.cfm?match=19861ŽPrevention.\n\nDr. Dzewaltowski, who has spent 30 years at Kansas State University in community health, kinesiology and physical fitness, will%University of Nebraska Medical Center Vicky Cerino and Shannon ShermanЌBuffett Institute,community health,chair,chair recipients,childhood obesity,Dr. Dzewaltowski,Social and Behavioral Health,community chair position,Health Promotion,Health Initiative,Nebraska,University,Nutrition,Cille and Ron Williams Community Chair,children,Kansas State University,work,Obesity Prevention,engaging communities,inaugural recipient,position,Ph.D.,Activity,Paul Estabrooks,NU Foundation,Samuel Meisels,Department8K-State students travel to D.C. for Trump s inaugurationahttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/23/k-state-students-travel-to-d-c-for-trumps-inauguration/‹.\n\n I actually ended up standing next to a kid who just got admitted to K-State in architecture, so that was kind of cool, Horn said.  ADPresident Trump, Graves,Washington,kind,-lifetime opportunity,Dylan Graves, Horn,State students,incredible thing,current event,historic event,really fun plane ride, Dillon,D.C.,Trump supporters,president,people,opportunity,H events and things,great experience,inauguration,coolest experiences,extra security,security,a.m.CK-State students and faculty participate in Women s March on Topekamhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/23/k-state-students-and-faculty-participate-in-womens-march-on-topeka/hwomen,rallies and protests,worldwide movement, Rose,women and men,Rachel Hunt, Hunt,protests,people,Hunter Rose,issues,Reeves,DeArmond,State students and faculty,rally,cultural movements,part,apparel, textiles and interior design, Moore,groups,State,President Donald Trump s inauguration,Topeka,Black,needs,Capitol Police Lt. Eric Hatcher,atmosphere,Capitol22-Jan-2017 11:21PMNK-State student taken to hospital with accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound~http://www.wibw.com/content/news/K-State-student-taken-to-hospital-with-accidental-self-inflicted-gunshot-wound-411486175.htmlŒ(WIBW) -- The Kansas State University Police Dept. responded to a report of an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound of a K-State student,Хaccidental self,State student,gunshot wound,Manhattan campus,Kansas State University Police Dept.,residence hall,Information,report,hospital,university,Kan.,Police,stable condition,incident,release22-Jan-2017 11:19PM:K-State student accidentally shoots self in residence hallehttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/22/k-state-student-accidentally-shoots-self-in-residence-hall/‹hall in which the shooting took place has not yet been released.\n\nK-State Police responded to the alert and there is no ongoing threat tocampus residence halls,student, accidental self,campus buildings,self,State Today Special Alert,campus location,alert,Firearms,BB guns,University Weapons Policy,State Housing and Dining s Family Resource,evening,gunshot wound,university,stable condition,ammunition22-Jan-2017 10:29PM-Avoiding the post-holiday blues for next yearRhttp://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/22/avoiding-the-post-holiday-blues-for-next-year/Šfor next December, according to financial planning faculty at Kansas State University.\n\nWe ve just finished all our holiday spending, soThe Sabetha HeraldCindy Williams™holiday spending,financial planners,holidays,budget,holiday purchases,financially merrier holidays,Archuleta and Britt,person,gifts,holiday funds,up the plan,out a budget,Britt,gift drawing,spending limit,plan,Archuleta,money,online savings accounts,conflict,people,white elephant gift exchange,multiple bank accounts,savings,different bank,time,Families,research shows people,conversation,everyone,activitiesManaging costs  N Fertilizer@http://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/22/managing-costs-n-fertilizer/‹A recent Kansas State University analysis compared farms based on returns over total costs, separating the returns into the high one third,David Hallauer’different ways,soil test recommendation,N recommendation,crop needs,costs, simple nitrogen recommendation,returns,soil sample,percent,profile N sample,test,nitrogen need,NUE ranges,great time,Similar efficiencies,Nitrogen Use Efficiency,fertilizer,profile,nutrient management,facets,recent Kansas State University analysis,KSU Professor Emeritus Dr. Dave Mengel,uptake,Kansas,request KSU research,Lime22-Jan-2017 07:59PM7http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/article127817739.html$The Kansas City Star editorial boardЮcampus,guns,legitimate concerns,firearms,Kansas,faculty, students and parents,state universities and colleges,stated concern,Star s editorial board,law  administrators,weaponry and firearms safety,universities,ready access,Student body organizations,bad guy,original bill,people,st< udent,lawmakers,legislators,handguns,Myers,Gen. Richard B. Myers,Editorial,Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act,armed intruder,Legislature s decision,guidance,Regents,colleges22-Jan-2017 07:38PM'YpencџŽ§Vиš-Nu‚YUO 'Yf[џъTN@b/fhQŽf[ug1r„vџ,http://www.toutiao.com/a6378608410367099394/‘of Iowa1rwƒNS'Yf[\n\nKansas\nKansas State University*X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\n\nKentucky\nUniversity of KentuckyЏ€TXњW'Yf[\n\nLouisiana\nLouisiana State UniversityяfЏe‰[Ѓо]Ыz'Yf[ЅlQЫz'Yf[,Ž§Vиš-Nu, Rо]'Yf[#W0WšNхTR!h,‰9h'Yf[‰[Z,[OWЬ‘О'Yf[,^g'Yf[,тlыX˜'Yf[,t^Ї~f[u,иšt^Ї~,З_о]œQх]'Yf[,6€œ'Yf[,U_жS‡s,З_KQ(„Џe'Yf[eYЏe@l,,g'Yf[,Žf[u, !hpenc,State University,'Yf[/O,t^Ї~АeuOP1rT!h,U_жSŸSR,U_жShЦQ,SaSYeXq\,є~ЏeR!h, O'Yf[™™пiR!h,New Hampshire,yr'Yf[,Twin Citiesf<\Я‚О'Yf[,Maryland  College ParklšЬ‘pQ'Yf[,ManoaYZ7Y'Yf[›sњ‹,СyЫzf[!h,University,New BrunswickWyOбyf[,/TЗ_YeВ€,irAmЁ{t,ЏsƒXЁ{t,б‘‡^:WNN,х] zбyf[,8h§€х] z,сOх] z,0Wtбyf[,wm mбyf[,-N§Vf[u,Arizona State University,Ž§V§VE–f[u,х] z€b/g,нOePбyf[,”^(uбyf[,?eЛlбyf[,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[‰[ЦYЏe,-N§VЖ[­^,ONЁ{t,х]FUЁ{t,Х`ЅbЁ{t,Аeћ• O­d,'Yun§V,University,6R х] z,х] z{|,YeВ€f[b–,RЇ~YeВ€,R‘—^Ё{t,uir;Sf[,ѓwЙlх] z,сOo`бyf[,%„{Qf[NN,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Y< f[,uЇNЁ{t,™…SЁ{t,§VE–FUN,'Yf[4l[rЮW,Catholic University,Ё{tсOo`ћ|п~,Ž§V‹_^OSOЄ‹С‹,Ohio University,Brigham Young University,§VE–sQћ|,Ž§V6RoƒYeВ€дYXTOЄ‹С‹,Є[…QО‹Ё‹њW@xYeВ€xvz,Loyola University Chicago,Texas Christian University,Duquesne University,Samford University,Michigan Technological University22-Jan-2017 01:47AMBhttp://news.liao1.com/shangye/shangye/20170122/14850706445757.htmlLiao1!OПRNN,Ё‹—{:gбyf[,5uP[х] z,сOх] z,0Wtбyf[,'YO O­d,FUбyЁ{t,ЏsƒXkSuх] z,Sf[х] z,uirбyf[,Ё‹—{:gх] z,х] zf[b–,5uбyf[,Ž§Vb–!h,ePЗ^бyf[,>yOбyf[,irAmЁ{t,ЏsƒXЁ{t,/TЗ_YeВ€,б‘‡^:WNN,х] zбyf[,8h§€х] z,wm mбyf[,Arizona State University,Аeћ• O­d,х] z€b/g,нOePбyf[,”^(uбyf[,?eЛlбyf[,Ž§V§VE–f[u,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[‰[ЦYЏe,ONЁ{t,х]FUЁ{t,Х`ЅbЁ{t,University,-N§Vf[u,FUNLˆ?e,§VE–FUN,6R х] z,х] z{|,R‘—^Ё{t,YeВ€f[b–,RЇ~YeВ€,uir;Sf[,ѓwЙlх] z,сOo`бyf[,%„{Qf[NN,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Yf[,uЇNЁ{t,™…SЁ{t,-N§VЖ[­^,Catholic University,'Yf[4l[rЮW,FUN^:W%„•,Ё{tсOo`ћ|п~,FUN‡eрz,ޘofњ^Q{,Ohio University,Brigham Young University,Ž§V‹_^OSOЄ‹С‹,Ž§V6RoƒYeВ€дYXTOЄ‹С‹,Є[…QО‹Ё‹њW@xYeВ€xvz,Loyola University Chicago,Texas Christian University,Duquesne University,Samford University,Michigan Technological University22-Jan-2017 01:33AM.http://news.xiancity.cn/readnews.php?id=338347‰‰[QOПRNN,Ё‹—{:gбyf[,5uP[х] z,сOх] z,0Wtбyf[,'YO O­d,FUбyЁ{t,ЏsƒXkSuх] z,Sf[х] z,uirбyf[,Ё‹—{:gх] z,х] zf[b–,Ž§Vb–!h,Аeћ• O­d,ePЗ^бyf[,5uбyf[,>yOбyf[,irAmЁ{t,ЏsƒXЁ{t,/TЗ_YeВ€,б‘‡^:WNN,х] zбyf[,8h§€х] z,wm mбyf[,х] z€b/g,нOePбyf[,”^(uбyf[,?eЛlбyf[,Ž§V§VE–f[u,Arizona State University,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[‰[ЦYЏe,ONЁ{t,х]FUЁ{t,Х`ЅbЁ{t,University,-N§Vf[u,FUNLˆ?e,§VE–FUN,6R х] z,х] z{|,R‘—^Ё{t,YeВ€f[b–,RЇ~YeВ€,uir;Sf[,ѓwЙlх] z,сOo`бyf[,%„{Qf[NN,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Yf[,uЇNЁ{t,™…SЁ{t,-N§VЖ[­^,Catholic University,'Yf[4l[rЮW,Ё{tсOo`ћ|п~,FUN^:W%„•,ޘofњ^Q{,Ohio University,Ž§V‹_^OSOЄ‹С‹,Ž§V6RoƒYeВ€дYXTOЄ‹С‹,Є[…QО‹Ё‹њW@xYeВ€xvz,Brigham Young University,Loyola University Chicago,Texas Christian University,Duquesne University,Samford University,Michigan Technological University22-Jan-2017 12:46AM6http://www.citure.net/info/2017122/2017122143706.shtml-N§VЮW^‡eSQ22-Jan-2017 12:18AM9PHOTOS: Kansas State knocks off No. 7 West Virginia 79-75Thttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/363096188?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3DŠK-State guard Kamau Stokes (3) celebrates with assistant coach Chester Frazier after K-State took down #7 West Virginia 79-75 (January 21,West Virginia,State,assistant coach Chester Frazier,PHOTOS,forward D.J. Johnson,Dean Wade,first half,shot,Bo Rader,Wichita Eagle K,celebrates22-Jan-2017 12:13AM,Wildcat report: K-State 79, West Virginia 75/http://world.einnews.com/article/363067223/liveXWEST VIRGINIA 75 WVU Min FG,Carter,Wildcat report,State 79,West,Totals,F Pt Adrian,Ahmad22-Jan-2017 12:04AM8http://brazilbusiness.einnews.com/article/363067223/live22-Jan-2017 12:00AMBGeorgia students recognized as part of National Radon Action Monthœhttp://www.griffindailynews.com/leisure/georgia-students-recognized-as-part-of-national-radon-action-month/article_2f06c318-4bac-5f7b-9bf0-82eede1aa937.html‹sent on to compete in the National Radon Poster Contest, sponsored by Kansas State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.The Griffin Daily NewsBy Casey Chastainžposter contest,Radon,Georgia Cooperative Extension s Radon Education Program,Georgia students,homes,state,place prize,part,ghostly radon cloud,Kansas State University,student artwork,Simple home radon tests,basic home inspections,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,student writer,Casey Chastain,Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Office,UGA Extension,grader,local county Extension offices,Athens,UGA College21-Jan-2017 11:46PM3Public universities prepare for concealed carry law/http://world.einnews.com/article/363066103/live‹of the Student Government Association and several other students at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus said this past week that & (Ьcarry law,Student Government Association,weapons,bill,several other students,health care facilities and colleges,Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus,public universities,Kansas Legislature,officials21-Jan-2017 11:29PM•http://www.libertytribune.com/news/midwest_news/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_755bc682-988c-573f-9b83-b70382dedfd8.htmlŒof the Student Government Association and several other students at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus said this past week that theyLibertyTribune.com!By HAROLD CAMPBELL Salina JournalnEJ @7,[ D2,@7 2,Login,E9 E96,AC@A6CEJ,AFD 4@,Screen Name or Email Password,D @C,account,>AFD,@E <,kAm x,@C 7C@> |, E E96,@C 4,E2CJ @C,[ E96,F>36C @7 F,subscribers,@7 r2,24C@DD E96 DEC66E E@,J?? D2,kAm %96 AC@,@C E96>,@E 366,EC286C D2,6J D2,@ D2,F89E @7,@E 27E6C 8C25F2E,EJA6D @7 G,D 27E6C E96,J 52JD @7 @FC,kAm{,@FE H96E96C E96 AC6D6,H@C<[ D2,EJ AC@76DD@CD,kAm x H@F21-Jan-2017 11:28PMZhttp://myinforms.com/en-us/a/45802379-public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/ЩState Polytechnic,carry,campus,firearms,students,university professors and students,weapons,new law,State Polytechnic Student Government Association president,discussion,bill,associate professor,Kansas,Salina,number,University,concerns,effect,state,Tarleton State University dormitory,lots,Salina Area Technical College,health care facilities and colleges,Washburn University, Universities,Salina Tech vice president,colleges, more people,people, Wynn,Wynn21-Jan-2017 11:00PMbhttp://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/state/kansas/article_c4e55611-23a3-5e86-a9e0-a7aca90255d7.htmlшState Polytechnic,carry,campus,firearms,university professors and students,students,weapons,new law,state,concerns,discussion,bill,effect,State Polytechnic Student Government Association president,Tarleton State University dormitory,associate professor,number,University,Salina,Kansas,people,HAROLD CAMPBELL Salina Journal,Salina Area Technical College,lots,health care fa< cilities and colleges,Washburn University,Salina Tech vice president,colleges, Universities, more people,Wynn, Wynn”http://www.republic-online.com/news/state_news/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_86bbb266-29fe-5dc0-b4ae-c4ecb89db714.html9EJ @7,Login,Screen Name or Email Password,E9 E96,72G@C @7,account,>AFD,kAm x,@E <,@C 7C@> |,@7 2,24C@DD E96 DEC66E E@,@C[ D2,D @C G, E E96,[ E96,Subscription,@C 4,E2CJ @C,F>36C @7 F,@7 r2,@C E96>,F89E @7,@E 366,EJA6D @7 G,D 27E6C E96,@E 27E6C 8C25F2E,kAm %96 AC@,kAm{,J 52JD @7 @FC,@FE H96E96C E96 AC6D6,kAm x H@FŒhttp://www.newspressnow.com/news/state/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_658e25c4-fd62-574a-b50a-1cac915dc528.html˜http://www.gladstonedispatch.com/news/midwest_news/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_eec1b4d8-23f3-5acb-a5e6-2cbb0dea47c2.htmlGladstone Dispatch•http://www.kearneycourier.com/news/midwest_news/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_1453dddf-0aeb-56df-b992-b8db83de2b15.htmlKearney Couriercarry law,HAROLD CAMPBELL Salina Journal,Student Government Association,several other students,Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus,students and professors,bill,health care facilities and colleges,public universities,Kansas Legislature,effect,number,officials,Salina,president–http://www.hiawathaworldonline.com/news/national/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_6d91f5ea-eaa1-57f3-a7dc-eaa245e7e5c0.html“http://www.atchisonglobenow.com/news/national/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_e656913b-0b95-5a6f-a900-e4543de6d4fd.htmlAtchison Globe NowшState Polytechnic,carry,campus,firearms,university professors and students,students,weapons,new law,discussion,state,concerns,bill,effect,State Polytechnic Student Government Association president,Tarleton State University dormitory,associate professor,number,University,Salina,Kansas,lots,people,HAROLD CAMPBELL Salina Journal,Salina Area Technical College,health care facilities and colleges,Washburn University, Universities,Salina Tech vice president,colleges, Wynn, more people,WynnCossette-Longfhttp://www.salina.com/life/engagements/cossette-long/article_46784e7c-a522-5f22-a0f9-a0422a279d68.html2013 graduate of Salina South High School, and a 2016 graduate of Kansas State University. She is a kindergarten teacher with USD 305.\n\nTheEJack and Deanna Cossette,Morgan Alexandra Cossette and Dane Michael Long,Manhattan Area Technical College,Troy and Michelle Long,graduate,Salina,Salina South High School,First Covenant Church,mechanical designer,Cossette,couple plan,kindergarten teacher,prospective bridegroom,Kansas State University,Assaria,bride,Coperion K†http://www.salina.com/news/local/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_07e8f98b-627b-55a7-9710-325e4a9160b4.htmlHAROLD CAMPBELL Salina JournalЩState Polytechnic,carry,campus,firearms,university professors and students,students,weapons,new law,state,concerns,discussion,bill,effect,State Polytechnic Student Government Association president,Tarleton State University dormitory,associate professor,number,University,Salina,Kansas,people,Salina Area Technical College,lots,health care facilities and colleges,Washburn University, Universities,Salina Tech vice president,colleges, more people,Wynn, Wynn21-Jan-2017 10:00PM—http://www.smithvilleherald.com/news/midwest_news/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_01234695-a1ea-5787-9f8b-8957b7410b23.htmlSmithvilleHerald.com–http://www.hastingstribune.com/news/state/kansas/public-universities-prepare-for-concealed-carry-law/article_e0451c16-56fd-5be6-8c8d-9b3c3790a62b.htmlHastings Tribune (AP)шState Polytechnic,carry,campus,firearms,university professors and students,students,weapons,new law,state,concerns,discussion,bill,effect,State Polytechnic Student Government Association president,Tarleton State University dormitory,associate professor,number,University,Salina,Kansas,lots,people,HAROLD CAMPBELL Salina Journal,Salina Area Technical College,health care facilities and colleges,Washburn University, Universities,Salina Tech vice president,colleges, more people,Wynn, Wynn21-Jan-2017 07:00PM2KDA offering morel mushroom identification session‚http://www.hutchnews.com/news/kda-offering-morel-mushroom-identification-session/article_0e8688d1-af78-5f7f-80d7-01134f89b68d.htmlŒMANHATTAN  The Kansas Department of Agriculture, in partnership with K-State Research and Extension, the Kaw Valley Mycological Society and By The News staff Tina CarpenterWmorel session,session,entire workshop,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,mushrooms, Events,W. 21st St. North,session and/,Kansas,KDA s food safety program,morel identifiers,approved mushroom identifier,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist,Send,State Research and Extension,necessary approval,participants,safety,a.m.,Agriculture21-Jan-2017 05:03PM&How Celebrity Deaths Impact Their FansChttp://www.advisor.com/story/how-celebrity-deaths-impact-their-fansthe media they consume.\n\nAccording to Richard Harris, a Kansas State University professor of psychology who has studied a number of aspectsAdvisorКrelationships,celebrity deaths,media character,death,celebrity,parasocial interaction,Adam Yauch,fictional characters,Similar results,Friends,people,devoted fans,expressions,social media sites,Harris,radio or print media,fellow stars,loss,characters,common responses,immediate response,popular television show,Many people,aspects,show,influential people,supporters,emotional response,television and movies,many others,Amy Winehouse,psychology21-Jan-2017 04:06PM#K-State defeats No. 7 West VirginiaRhttp://www.kansascity.com/sports/college/big-12/kansas-state/article128042304.html< (State defeats,Kansas State,West Virginia21-Jan-2017 02:22PM.Slideshow: Cauliflower, Your Kitchen ChameleonFhttp://trueviralnews.com/slideshow-cauliflower-your-kitchen-chameleon/’ Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention. \n\nNews release, Kansas State University.\n\nUniversity of Arizona:  Broccoflower. \n\nReviewed byTrue Viral NewsCauliflower,Cancer Research,  Broccoli & Cruciferous Vegetables,Vitamin C.,Vitamin K.,  National Nutrient Database,National Cancer Institute,Thinkstock,Many Benefits,Latest News,American Institute, Health Benefits,Getty Images,Arizona,Kansas State University,University, Broccoflower21-Jan-2017 01:50PM:Credit union boasts 1,000 percent-plus growth under Strandhttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/business/credit-union-boasts-percent-plus-growth-under-strand/article_ac3567b7-00f1-547f-815a-9ebd0ba945bd.html‹moved to Oklahoma for a job with Security Pacific after graduating from Kansas State University and, after a year, the company moved him to:By John Green Staff writer jgreen@hutchnews.com John GreenДcredit union,growth,members,Strand,Credit Union National Association Cooperative Alliance Committee,assets,various boards,branches and membership,Hutchinson,longtime board member,branches,Kansas State University, Broxterman,things,vice president,bank,Kansas Cooperative Council,Kansas and Missouri,major addition,Broxterman,calls or walks,financial cooperative,good employees,call,time,association,Hutchinson and Reno County,volunteers21-Jan-2017 08:00AM3Regional farmers market workshops planned in Kansas~http://www.hpj.com/crops/regional-farmers-market-workshops-planned-in-kansas/article_c899b7e9-e9c5-55fe-bff7-3cd0a3e11455.html‡The Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment will host fourfarmers markets,Kansas and Farmers Market State Conference,State Research and Extension,workshops,KDA s,successful farmers,Kansas Department,marketing tool,fresh food source,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,respective workshop date,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas marketing manager,Land,Dates and locations,Feb. 17,Feb. 4,Registration,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local Extension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,Agriculture,consumers,a.m.21-Jan-2017 12:06AMAGarden Variety: Preventing and dealing with storm damage to trees\http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2017/jan/21/garden-variety-preventing-and-dealing-storm-damage/‹.\n\n Jennifer Smith is a former horticulture extension agent for K-State Research and Extension and horticulturist for Lawrence Parks and*By Jennifer Smith  Lawrence Journal-WorldЯIce storms,trees,storm,tree or limb,Preventing,Garden Variety,outward signs, storm,Jennifer Smith  Lawrence Journal,proper tree care,external signs,targets,time,limb,arborist,power outage,property damage, The Garden Show,damage or decay,issue,Kansas residents,internalizing decay,species,visible hollows,property value,removal,night companies,companies or individuals,Lawrence Parks and Recreation,State Research and Extension,former horticulture extension agentKTrump inauguration draws mixed reaction among K-State-Polytechnic observersrhttp://myinforms.com/en-us/a/45795083-trump-inauguration-draws-mixed-reaction-among-k-state-polytechnic-observers/ŠA number of students and others at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus watched the inauguration of Donald Trump, the 45th presidentUnited States,Donald Trump,campus,Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus,Trump,airport management,person,unmanned aircraft systems,election,president,America,great president,new president,power,oath,office,Polytechnic observers,students and others,others20-Jan-2017 11:09PMOK-State architecture students visit vacant downtown Topeka lot to plan projects/http://world.einnews.com/article/362959328/liveƒNearly 30 Kansas State University architecture students stood Friday afternoon at the edge of a vacant lot in downtown Topeka. WithЗvacant downtown Topeka lot,State architecture students,northeast corner,notebooks and cameras,parking garage,adjacent building,questions,S. Kansas Avenue,edge,Scott Gales,observations20-Jan-2017 11:00PMžhttp://www.salina.com/news/local/trump-inauguration-draws-mixed-reaction-among-k-state-polytechnic-observers/article_1dbbe078-a031-59a0-9b04-efcb15d5b154.htmlHline rel=popover itemprop=author>By ERIC WILEY Salina Journal Eric WileyhUnited States,campus,ERIC WILEY Salina Journal Eric Wiley,election,Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus,Trump,unmanned aircraft systems,airport management,same things,president,Donald Trump,progress,certain things,Trump and progress,great president,person,new president, Trump,oath,office,America,power,people,students and others,experience,Salina,othersIs it the end of due process?thttp://www.salina.com/opinion/columns/is-it-the-end-of-due-process/article_c10488d4-f848-5d01-bdb4-0b51c353a932.html‰Tech to be a stand-alone college instead of the stepchild of Kansas State University  an unpopular position, though the right one at the@line rel=popover itemprop=author>Sharon Montague Sharon MontagueЂemployment decisions,due process,teacher,board,rules,former board member,Salina School Board,school district and teachers,meeting,district  ,board use,last Salina Board,popularity,Ms. Abker,popularity or lack,employm< ent suit,very best teacher,ad hoc standards,former member,number,Karen Abker,standard,Kansas legislators,education  ,Kansas State University,state Legislature  ,state,planning time,Salina Tech,community20-Jan-2017 09:52PMRFormer K-State standout Nelson could be game-time decision for Packers vs. Falconsshttp://cjonline.com/sports/2017-01-20/former-k-state-standout-nelson-could-be-game-time-decision-packers-vs-falconsstouchdown catches,Davante Adams and Geronimo Allison,game,players,receivers Jordy Nelson,State standout Nelson,Nelson,NFC championship game,Green Bay Packers,Illness,regular season,field work,Lambeau Field,Adams,McCarthy,receivers,decision,ankle injury,Packers,Falcons,injury report,practice,hamstring injury,Allison,quarterback Aaron Rodgers,Cobb,Rodgers,Janis and Davis20-Jan-2017 06:58PMP01-20-17 CSU: $1.4 million organic dairy grant to enhance animal care strategiesˆhttps://brianallmerradionetwork.wordpress.com/2017/01/20/01-20-17-csu-1-4-million-organic-dairy-grant-to-enhance-animal-care-strategies/ŒState University.\n\nIn a collaborative initiative, researchers from the University of Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State Brian Allmer}organic dairies,cow health,animal care,research,organic regulations,organic milk increases,Colorado,team,animal sciences,term goal,organic agriculture,better cow welfare,Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University,grant,better health,different research trials,prevention and treatment,mastitis prevention,Pinedo,dairy practitioners,U.S. Department,conventional dairies, Dairy,calf care and fly management,animal populations,Agriculture s National Institute,studies,Food and Agriculture,new treatment strategies,University,CSU veterinarian Luciano Caixeta,leverage CSU s strengths,chief agricultural officer,challenge20-Jan-2017 06:36PMMovers & Shakers for Jan. 22=http://www.alaskajournal.com/2017-01-20/movers-shakers-jan-22‹geography in 2016 from Kansas State University; a master s degree in geology and geophysics in 2006 from Missouri University of Science andThe Alaska Journal of CommerceAlaska“natural resources,Alaska,clients,development projects,federal government agencies,U.S. Army Corps,major resource development,Martin,state,government experience,Kansas State University,energy,firm,Alaska and Canada,government relations,Kyle W. Parker and John C. Martin,economic development opportunities,Birch Kindred,Assistant District Attorney,renewable energy projects,investors and resource development companies,enforcement matters,legislative matters,U.S. Military Academy,duties Jan.,Jon Katchen,necessary resources,emergency operations,effective Jan.,end strength and resourcing,Operation Enduring Freedom,several U.S. Courts,commercial litigation,Kyle Parker,environmental litigation practice,U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan,Army s mission,Jan. 12,extensive industry,complex commercial litigation,public lands issues,regulatory issues,Army,Environmental Protection Agency,Shell Exploration & Production Inc. Katchen20-Jan-2017 06:25PMRadon: Is it in your home?Rhttp://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/article_2e824bc6-df70-11e6-b183-a706ba618bef.html‹time to test your home. Test kits are available locally at the K-State Extension office and information on making your home safe from radon*Tom Langer Cowley County Health Departmentfyoung mother,Radon,tobacco products,level room,home test kit,inoperable lung cancer,level house,soil,tobacco use,family and parents,parents,cancer,very simple steps,family,Cowley County Health Department,simple test,State Extension office and information, active soil depressurization ,Kansas Radon Hotline toll,perfect time,safe exposure rate,cough,exposure20-Jan-2017 06:06PMBWhat a mosquito s immune system can tell us about fighting malaria[http://trueviralnews.com/what-a-mosquitos-immune-system-can-tell-us-about-fighting-malaria/Œmosquitoes], says Kristin Michel, an insect immunologist at Kansas State University in Manhattan who wasn t part of the study.\n\nDifferentЯimmune system,scientists,mosquito s defenses,insect immunologist,parasite,immune response,mosquitoes,researchers,protein,certain Anopheles mosquitoes, s blood,malaria,white blood cells,transmitting mosquito sense,Different parasites,hemocytes,Plasmodium genus cause malaria,very powerful defense system,down the parasite,Barillas,Mury,Plasmodium,natural defenses,TEP1,Mury and colleagues,vesicles,Allergy and Infectious Diseases,disease,different gut compartments20-Jan-2017 05:59PMvhttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-20/k-state-architecture-students-visit-vacant-downtown-topeka-lot-plan-projects†Nearly 30 Kansas State University architecture students stood Friday afternoon at the edge of a vacant lot in downtown Topeka.\n\nWithSamantha Foster“Architect One,vacant downtown Topeka lot,Cyrus Hotel,students,adjacent building,projects,Cody Foster,business owners,student design projects,boutique hotel,lot s owner,First Friday activities,State Department,downtown,Contact repor< ter Samantha Foster,founder and owner,context,flexible spaces,Gales,ground level and living space,idea,restaurant, courtyard and event space,Gibson, Gales,S. Kansas Avenue20-Jan-2017 04:27PMjEl Dorado: KSU Program designed to help producers deal with a Struggling Farm Economy scheduled for Feb 15Јhttp://www.ruralmessenger.c‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦШ§џџџЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџom/kansas-community-news/el-dorado/el-dorado-ksu-program-designed-to-help-producers-deal-with-a-struggling-farm-economy-scheduled-for-feb-15/‡A new, one-day Kansas State University program,  Top 10 Considerations to Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy, is planned at the ButleryStruggling Farm Economy,KSU Program,El Dorado, Top 10 Considerations,Sign,call,Butler County Community,producers,Navigate20-Jan-2017 03:49PM3Friends on the Farm teaches youth about agriculture›http://www.winchesternewsgazette.com/news/agriculture/friends-on-the-farm-teaches-youth-about-agriculture/article_71153995-5c5a-5c96-8b6a-04997a7226e6.html…ABOVE: A pig looks up from eating while members of the K-State Southwest Research-Extension Center teach Abe Hubert Elementary SchoolWinchester News-Gazette'By Josh Harbour jharbour@gctelegram.comFinney County Farm Bureau,Farm,Friends,students,dairy cows,high school,event,pigs,grade Abe Hubert Elementary student Mario Ruiz,kids,cow hooves,Stations,milk,dairy station,Royal Farms and Noble Dairy,agriculture,beef byproducts station,Garden City Community College s Collegiate Farm Bureau,Cimarron Elementary School,Fugitt,calf,county coordinator,Finney, Haskell and Gray counties20-Jan-2017 03:39PM]Storm clouds gathering over kansas farms as income dips, land prices fall _ the wichita eagleuhttp://gaselectricity.in/storm-clouds-gathering-over-kansas-farms-as-income-dips-land-prices-fall-_-the-wichita-eagleŠAnalysis.\n\nA recent forecast by Mykel Taylor, a farm economist at Kansas State University, calls for a drop of 30 to 50 percent from theGas and Electricity”Farmers,land,value,percent,loans,term customer,farmers and ranchers,debt,bank,state s farmers,wheat crop,affects farmers,Low crop and cattle prices,Gas quality comparison Others,ag land,up prices,nearby land,equity ratios,prime Kansas crop ground,commodity prices,eastern Kansas farms,Kansas State University,Gas oil ratio formula,asset ratio,drop,Arkansas gas association,Gas station car,farm s value  ,land or equipment,income dips,Gas news,Gas symptoms,state,nearly 40 percent,Electricity,economists,fuel, seed, livestock, equipment, land rent and debt payments,Gas x side effects Farmers,ag equipment dealers and layoffs,equipment,few loan delinquencies,n t push loans,Kansas State ag economist Gregg Ibendahl,M power electricity Western Kansas farms,Kansas,Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank s Ag Finance Databook,U.S. Electricity distribution companies Bureau,ag bankers,Basic electricity,foreclosures,Electricity research centre Foreclosure,down the value,ag manufacturers,Electricity journal,central Kansas,western Kansas,U.S. Electricity notes,ag cycles,ag sector,Kansas City Fed,ranch income,Electricity word search answer key Central,American AgCredit s Greg Reno20-Jan-2017 03:38PMBCultivating learning, teacher s vegetable garden makes science funMhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/local/community/joco-913/article127764314.htmlˆfor his entire K-12 education.\n\nFerrell, 33, graduated from K-State with a degree in elementary education. He has a master s degree inBy Sara Beaneœscience fun,classroom,students,teacher, Ferrell,Shawnee Mission School District,Ferrell,learning,Ferrell s classroom,Briarwood Elementary,education,public elementary school classroom,ways Ferrell,longer view school,up the lesson,school,lesson,vegetables,Johnson County teachers,new ways,Kansas State,replacement parts,everything,computer tablets,Pittsburg State University,fourth graders,sixth grader May Valdez20-Jan-2017 03:33PM(Kan. Soybean Expo sets attendance recordFhttp://www.morningagclips.com/kan-soybean-expo-sets-attendance-record/ KSC chairman,director,Topeka Farm Show,farm broadcaster,farm director,Kansas,annual programs,Kansas Soybean Expo,DuPont Young Leader program,WIBW Radio,District 6,KSA directors,Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio,Topeka,Ag Issues program,Soy award,Henry Farms,awards and recognitions,new District 2 director,association s and commission s commitments,popular WIBW Farm Profit seminars,Nearly 300 soybean enthusiasts,Kansas State University s IGP Institute,award photos,KSA Secretary Teresa Brandenburg,chairman,United Soybean Board and Dennis Gruenbacher,outgoing president,Kansas Water Office,KSA First Vice President Lucas Heinen,Kansas Agriculture Network,board,Expo planning committee,American Soybean Association,Kansas State Fair,Advanced Market Concepts,Ph.D., soybean breeder and professor,Soybean,Kansas<  Soybean Yield and Value Contests,markets,KSA Annual Meeting,senior agricultural economist,Phelon, s top member recruiters,Expo photos and presentations,first agricultural talk shows,Hiawatha,U.S. and world production agriculture20-Jan-2017 03:17PMdCalipari asks pointed question about the many fouls called:  Why not if they re fouling every play? ^http://www.kentucky.com/sports/college/kentucky-sports/uk-basketball-men/article127757254.htmlŽannouncer for Kansas State, saw Martin s teams there close the gap for K-State against powerful opponents.\n\n I believe toughness can make upBy Jerry TiptongUK coach,play,Kentucky Coach John Calipari,South Carolina Coach Frank Martin,scrappy Mississippi State,team fouls,talent gap,UK s last four games,fouls,sheer effort,Martin s teams,West Virginia team,greater effort,Calipari,Kansas State,people,Kentucky s victory,season,powerful opponents, s kind,Kentucky,official,n t blame officials,Kansas and Texas,referees20-Jan-2017 02:53PM<At Home: Water trees, shrubs now to prevent root-hair damage]http://cjonline.com/life/home/2017-01-20/home-water-trees-shrubs-now-prevent-root-hair-damageˆExpocentre, 1 Expocentre Drive.\n\nJamie Kidd is a horticulturist with Kansas State University Research and Extension in Shawnee County.root hairs,plant growth and health,water,rain,winter,total amount,n Water,fall and winter,cold air,warm air,Apply water,plant,fair amount,tiny root hairs,spring and summer,plant s water,drought,root fork or needle,air temperatures,trees and shrubs,shallow root systems,late spring,shrubs,dry air,injury or death,Kansas Garden Show,garden and yard,dish,death,Kansas,underground parts,Secondary drought symptoms,damage,Kansas State University Research and Extension,perennials,Shawnee County,Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library20-Jan-2017 02:49PM‰http://www.greenacressells.com/news/friends-on-the-farm-teaches-youth-about-agriculture/article_80b12c97-0da5-5d05-9c37-7fe3a1b848fc.htmlGreen Acres Sells$Josh Harbour jharbour@gctelegram.comFinney County Farm Bureau,Farm,Friends,students,dairy cows,high school,pigs,kids,event,grade Abe Hubert Elementary student Mario Ruiz,cow hooves,Stations,milk,dairy station,Royal Farms and Noble Dairy,beef byproducts station,Garden City Community College s Collegiate Farm Bureau,Cimarron Elementary School,agriculture,Fugitt,calf,county coordinator,Finney, Haskell and Gray countiesŽhttp://www.annistonstar.com/news/farming/friends-on-the-farm-teaches-youth-about-agriculture/article_feb19596-6f23-5ccb-9a31-f5aeaab020c5.htmlThe Anniston StarFinney County Farm Bureau,Farm,Friends,students,dairy cows,high school,pigs,kids,event,grade Abe Hubert Elementary student Mario Ruiz,cow hooves,Stations,milk,dairy station,Royal Farms and Noble Dairy,agriculture,beef byproducts station,Garden City Community College s Collegiate Farm Bureau,Cimarron Elementary School,Fugitt,calf,county coordinator,Finney, Haskell and Gray counties20-Jan-2017 01:06PMbThe weather matters a lot to farmers - and it's shaped by the climate. Will Sonny Perdue get that?http://www.standard.net/National/2017/01/20/The-weather-matters-a-lot-to-farmers-and-it-s-shaped-by-the-climate-Will-Sonny-Perdue-get-that.htmlagriculture, said Charles Rice, an agronomy professor at Kansas State University.\n\nAnd then there s the contribution of agriculture itselfStandard-ExaminerAndee EricksonUtahAmerican Farm Bureau Federation,climate change,farmers,land and environment,next Farm Bill,agriculture,secretary,farm lobbies,farm subsidies,United States greenhouse gas emissions,Health Program,Perdue,multiple Agriculture Department programs,Perdue s,agricultural business community,green groups,public lands,Kansas State University,conservation,Scott Faber,chemical companies,agriculture s contribution,former secretary Tom Vilsack,forestry lands,administration, climate resilience or climate,department,state,needs,President Trump,new administration,Georgia Land Conservation Act,Environmental Working Group,land and water resources,president Zippy Duvall,Faber s organization,Obama administration, Faber, Perdue,former president Barack Obama,senior vice president,Trump administration,environmental community,carbon dioxide equivalent emissions,Natural Resources Conservation Service, s Chris Mooney,significant financial contributions,contribution,National Park Conservation Association,President and Chief Executive Theresa Pierno20-Jan-2017 12:27PMMStudent-designed device to be tested on blue-green algae plume near WakefieldUhttp://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/article_0ace6f98-df3e-11e6-a8cf-1724f47f69c3.html‰Officials with Wakefield Park are hoping a device designed by K-State will work to clear stinking blue-green algae plumes in still waters By Ned Valentine Dispatch EditorYWakefield,Mike Carney,park manager,green algae plume,Student,pu< mp,device,State,campground20-Jan-2017 11:45AMITall Fescues need Endophyte Fungus, but not Toxins that Poison Beef Herds~http://www.cattlenetwork.com/advice-and-tips/stockerpasturerangeland/tall-fescues-need-endophyte-fungus-not-toxins-poison-beefbe added in Kansas and Kentucky.\n\nExtension services with Kansas State University and University of Kentucky aid the program.\n\nSchool datesDrovers CattleNetwork1By Duane Dailey, University of Missouri ExtensionHMissouri Extension,plant,tall fescue,grassland farmers,Losses,Poison Beef,beef industry,Plant scientists,good news,endophyte,Missouri beef producers,toxin,Plant breeders,bad news,varieties,bad endophyte,schools,southeastern United States,fescue survival,University,Kentucky aid,School dates and locations,seed industry leaders and farmers,toxic fescue replacement,novel endophytes,new fescue varieties,MU Extension forage specialist,protection,Kansas State University and University,season grass pastures,Extension services,annual MU Crop Conference,Alliance,cattle,pastures,alkaloids.Bradford Memorial Library offers cooking classqhttp://www.butlercountytimesgazette.com/entertainmentlife/20170119/bradford-memorial-library-offers-cooking-classŒfirst Cooking Class of the year, put on by the Butler County K-State Extension Office.\nThis month s program focused on Kansas since JanuaryButler County Times GazetteJulie Clements№Kansas,Sunbutter Balls, s birthday,Family Consumer Sciences agent,H Youth Development agent,Spring Break,Bradford Memorial Library,Kansas Healthy Plate,sunbutter and honey,wheat flakes,Butler County K,library,Barb Roth,Charlene Miller,honey20-Jan-2017 11:06AMЅhttp://www.cortezjournal.com/article/20170120/AP/301209828/-1/News02/The-weather-matters-a-lot-to-farmers---and-it's-shaped-by-the-climate-Will-Sonny-Perdue-get-that‹smart agriculture, said Charles Rice, an agronomy professor at Kansas State University.\n\nAnd then there's the contribution of agricultureCortez Journal.comЋAmerican Farm Bureau Federation,climate change,farmers,land and environment,next Farm Bill,agriculture,secretary,farm lobbies,farm subsidies,Health Program,Perdue,United States,multiple Agriculture Department programs,agricultural business community,doubting Perdue,green groups,public lands,conservation,Natural Resources,chemical companies,greenhouse gas emissions,former secretary Tom Vilsack,forestry lands,administration, climate resilience or climate,department,soil health and water resources,state,needs,President Trump,new administration,Georgia Land Conservation Act,Environmental Working Group,Faber,president Zippy Duvall,Obama administration,former president Barack Obama,senior vice president,Trump administration,environmental community,carbon dioxide equivalent emissions,significant financial contributions,contribution,National Park Conservation Association,President and Chief Executive Theresa Pierno,resources,addition20-Jan-2017 09:07AM7Girard to Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor Workshopnhttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/horticulture/girard-to-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshop/ farmers,workshop,fresh food source,markets,State Research and Extension,market vendors and managers,Workshop topics,Farmers Markets,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,consumer food safety specialist,Misty Morning Farms,Health and Environment,Food Bucks SNAP,KDA s weights and measures program,Kansas Department,Lunch,KDA s Central Registration,Girard,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,local economy,Kansas businesses,Onsite registration,consumers,Dave DeMoss Education Building,environmentWSenior Spotlight: Shawnee Mission East s Emma Chalk has a passion for teaching the arts„http://shawneemissionpost.com/2017/01/20/senior-spotlight-shawnee-mission-easts-emma-chalk-has-a-passion-for-teaching-the-arts-59958of school districts.\n\nThe Shawnee Mission East senior will attend Kansas State University for secondary education and art. She said she canShawnee Mission Post Mike Lavieri Atkins Museum,out programs,school districts,Nelson, Chalk,Shawnee Mission East s Emma Chalk,Art Photography Scholars Program,person,really cool program,arts,teaching photography,Kansas State University,Finkelston,ceramics,anything and everything,Everything,cyanotypes20-Jan-2017 08:01AMJMole-Master to Donate Junior"! 360H Whip Machine to Kansas State Universityjhttp://www.feedandgrain.com/news/mole-master-to-donate-junior-360h-whip-machine-to-kansas-state-universityŒ-Master is donating a Junior"! 360H to Kansas State University (Manhattan, Kansas) for the university's unique feed mill training program. DrFeedandGrain.com5Donate Junior"! 360H Whip Machine,unique feed mill training program,Master,Kansas State University,Master Services Corporation,special presentation,Junior"!,hand,-art training facility,many students,university,state,Dr. Charles Stark,IPPE Booth B,cleanout services,Kansas,IPPE,National Sales Manager,Mole,JR360H20-Jan-2017 08:00AM9Another 96-bushel entry tops Kansas Soybean Yield Contest‚http://www.hpj.com/crops/another--bushel-entry-tops-kansas-soybean-yield-contest/article_b13aa9c0-b056-56be-947b-4aaf73d2b3cf.html‹to improve, said Doug Shoup, Ph.D., Parsons, K-State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist, who is completing his third year asYvalue contest,Kansas Soybean Commission,district,Henry Farms,contest winners,best farming practices,northeastern Kansas,bushels,yields,first place,cents,outstanding Kansas farmers,McClellan Farms,Parallel Farms,Summit Farms,Jeschke Farms LLC,cash price,competition,Cummings Farms,Oehme Farms,third with 78.34 bushels,percent,reported state average,Timmons Brothers Farms,central Kansas,valuable soybeans,state and district winners,State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist,tillage,average,increased value,southeastern Kansas,Ernest Schlatter,state,Hutchinson,Lebanon,Carla Naasz Schlatter20-Jan-2017 07:00AM!Why college is not one big  scam Zhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/business/biz-columns-blogs/kids-money/article127352844.htmlBy Steve Rosenmany schools,high cost, < student ,debt,college,students,thousands,textbooks,dollars,students and parents,tuition, textbooks and room,unpromising job prospects,writer,Kansas State University File photo,online author,jobs,high school,many parents,trade schools,web author,points,online writer s,college and  ,affordable education, s opinions,higher education,specialized educations,Georgetown University20-Jan-2017 06:59AM-Rawsons Appreciate the Benefits of WindbreaksQhttp://www.mcphersonweeklynews.com/rawsons-appreciate-the-benefits-of-windbreaks/‹the windbreak were ordered from the Kansas Forestry Service housed at Kansas State University. Rawson did a staggered planting for the two-McPherson Weekly News€trees,cedar,windbreak, Rawson,rows,original trees,young trees,wind,road,birds, south winds,mature tree,Rawson,shelter,approximately 100 trees,little trees,new tree,volunteer trees,pine tree windbreak,planting,Kent and Nancy Rawson,Rawsons driveway,benefits,pine wilt,out older tree rows,trees and plant,McPherson County Windbreak Award winner,initial costs,volunteer cedars, Nancy,McPherson County Soil Conservation Banquet,McPherson County Extension agent,very affordable cost,new cedar,Kent,replacement cedars,Kansas,farmstead,house,Kansas Forestry Service,Kansas State University,cattle pens,older cattle,Bagworms,original farmstead  20-Jan-2017 06:54AM1EPA funds will assist tribes brownfields efforts[http://www.thecordovatimes.com/2017/01/20/epa-funds-will-assist-tribes-brownfields-efforts/ˆcontaminated land.\n\nThe EPA said on Jan. 11 that Kansas State University would receive the funds to help tribes with technical supportThe Cordova TimesBy The Cordova Timeshtribes,funds,technical support,brownfields,environmentally contaminated land,tribal response programs,environmental programs,Kansas State University,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,up these lands,EPA s brownfields grants program,integrated approaches,up brownfields,brownfields issues,KSU s help,state,cleanup and reuse,Cordova Times,social issues,country20-Jan-2017 06:11AM>EPA announces $2 million to assist Tribes brownfields effortsFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/5F735476EBA9FC36AE2016232F9D002AEC8F2B77ŒTribes face, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, in partnership with Kansas State University (KSU), will lead an effort in providingјtechnical assistance,Tribal Communities Addressing Brownfields,Tribes,efforts,funded award,Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium,ANTHC Tribal Response Program,interactive forum,brownfields,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,experts,subject matter experts,environmental health,Alaska,Local Environmental Observer network,share documents and templates,Tribal solutions,workshops, webinars, trainings and brownfield site assessments,prominent Tribal organizations,Share,Tribal public,ANTHC,community need20-Jan-2017 05:59AM7Girard to Host Regional Farmers' Market Vendor WorkshopHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=71‰tool, said Londa Nwadike, consumer food safety specialist with K-State Research and Extension and the University of Missouri.\n\nWorkshopmarket vendors,farmers,workshop,fresh food source,markets,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers,Workshop topics,measures program,Farm tour,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,consumer food safety specialist,Misty Morning Farms,Health and Environment,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Lunch,Pricing,contact Gayle Price,Girard,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,Registration,Feb. 11,local economy,Kansas businesses,Onsite registration,Feb. 2,consumers,Dave DeMoss Education Building,environment,K-State Offers Youth Animal Science LearningHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=73Šlivestock industry and related careers can apply now for the Kansas State University Animal Sciences Leadership Academy. The academy is anƒlivestock industry,animal science industry,young leader,students,program,leadership skills and animal science knowledge,State Department,agriculture industry,team presentations,personal leadership skills,event,academy,agriculture issues team project,Strengths,participants,counselors, professors and industry leaders,experience,past participant Molly Bertz,KASLA,university housing,Bertz20-Jan-2017 05:55AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=71&yr=2017farmers,workshop,markets,fresh food source,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers,Workshop topics,marketing tool,measures program,Farm tour,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,consumer food safety specialist,Misty Morning Farms,Health and Environment,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Lunch,Pricing,contact Gayle Price,Girard,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,Registration,Feb. 11,local economy,Kansas businesses,Onsite registration,Feb. 2,consumers,Dave DeMoss Education Building,environment;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=73&yr=2017ƒlivestock industry,animal science industry,young leader,students,program,leadership skills and animal science knowledge,State Department,agriculture industry,team presentations,personal leadership skills,event,agriculture issues team project,Strengths,participants,counselors, professors and industry leaders,experience,past participant Molly Bertz,academy,KASLA,university housing,Bertz20-Jan-2017 04:41AMIKSU professor comments on the importance of the presidential inaugurationWhttp://www.wibwnewsnow.com/ksu-professor-comments-importance-presidential-inauguration/WIBW News Radiožpeaceful transition,inauguration ceremony,assistant professor,protests, Tea party protesters,Kansas State University,Nathaniel Birkhead,really important part,WIBW News, Birkhead,office today,FM News or online,live CBS News coverage,Trump campaign and transition team,system,45th president,Republican Donald J. Trump,State Kris Kobach,incoming President,Bible Trump,president Abraham Lincoln s inauguration Bible,tradition,political history,political science,Presidential Inauguration Committee,Presidents Franklin Pierce,incoming administratio< n,outgoing administration,American electoral politics,Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback and Secretary,oath,a.m. Tune,a.m. Central time20-Jan-2017 04:24AM@K-State offering program to help address Kansas teacher shortageRhttp://hppr.org/post/k-state-offering-program-help-address-kansas-teacher-shortage‹areas in the state. A new program at Kansas State University aims to change all that.\n\nAs KCUR reports, K-State has developed a one-year,zprogram,teachers,State,elementary teaching,Kansas State University,underserved school districts, initial teacher licensure,Kansas,Master,elementary schools,underserved districts,undergraduate students,educators,Kansas Transitions,funding,Topeka and Kansas City,Debbie Mercer,College,necessary licensure,Dodge City,Garden City,M.A.T. and KTTT,KTTT,M.A.T.,passionate people,Vontz20-Jan-2017 02:28AMXIn an age of democratized content, consumers still expect the unexpected: Hershey s exec8http://newsdog.today/a/article/5881c71b129071494d056f0b/Šgoals piggybacked off a viral moment on social media, where a Kansas State University student Tweeted a photo of a napkin that someone whoNewsDogцmarketing,campaign,content creation,“mobile consumers,brands,marketing efforts,Hershey Co.,content environment,percent,Marketing fundamentals,global integrated marketing,Ms. Zarate,meaningful brand content,ownable brand strategy,media outlets,consumer,Bayani,mobile moments,media,booming VR market,live video market,voice search,Ronalee Zarate,Hershey s exec,unique experience,Hershey Co. property,full experience,“technological advances,attention,digital advancement,KitKat bar,village20-Jan-2017 02:00AM2017 Sorghum Schools/http://world.einnews.com/article/362804571/liveˆA series of four K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February 2017 to provide in-depth trainingpSorghum Schools,depth training,production practices,state,weed control strategies,number,series,key stakeholders20-Jan-2017 01:00AMWheat yield focus of researchshttp://www.agriview.com/briefs/crop/wheat-yield-focus-of-research/article_d813f06f-da2b-51a4-b0da-0b50bedc8905.htmlUniversity of Nebraska.\n\nBaenziger will lead the project in conjunction with colleagues from Texas A&M University, Kansas State University,ГWheat yields,yielding,wheat,research organizations,future demand,Nebraska research team,annual yield increases,genetic yield potential,hybrid seed,partnership,project,grant,University,plant traits,wheat research,percent,crop,Kansas State University,Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research,current wheat,wheat efforts,Nebraska,Agriculture,USDA s National Institute,international public funders,Stephen Baenziger,Leibniz Institute,Germany20-Jan-2017 12:47AMbThe weather matters a lot to farmers  and it s shaped by the climate. Will Sonny Perdue get that?Ѓhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/01/20/the-weather-matters-a-lot-to-farmers-and-its-shaped-by-the-climate-will-sonny-perdue-get-that/The Washington PostяAmerican Farm Bureau Federation,climate change,farmers,land and environment,next Farm Bill,agriculture,secretary,farm lobbies,farm subsidies,United States greenhouse gas emissions,Health Program,Perdue,multiple Agriculture Department programs,Perdue s,agricultural business community,green groups,public lands,Kansas State University,conservation,Scott Faber,chemical companies,agriculture s contribution,department,former secretary Tom Vilsack,forestry lands,administration, climate resilience or climate,state,needs,new administration,Georgia Land Conservation Act,Environmental Working Group,land and water resources,president Zippy Duvall,Faber s organization,Obama administration, Faber, Perdue,former president Barack Obama,senior vice president,Trump administration,environmental community,carbon dioxide equivalent emissions,Natural Resources Conservation Service,significant financial contributions,contribution,National Park Conservation Association,President and Chief Executive Theresa Pierno20-Jan-2017 12:30AMRBrownback challenges universities to make $15K degree, proposes K-State budget cut{http://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/20/brownback-challenges-universities-to-make-15k-degree-proposes-k-state-budget-cut/Œrates, a four-year degree costs about $36,000 in tuition.\n\nFor K-State, meeting Brownback s challenge would require a 55.4 percent drop in_ Van Ranken,State,tuition,state budget deficit,hour student,funding,cuts,Brownback,fiscal year 2018 budget,Collegian s budget,Brownback s challenge,universities,challenge,governor,idea,student body president,Kansas institution,Gov. Sam Brownback,Kansas colleges and universities,Jan. 11,higher education,first institution,colleges,important education,Student Union packed for Wildcat Winter ExpoWhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/20/student-union-packed-for-wildcat-winter-expo/‹said.\n\nHarlan said he hoped the activity fair helped students find a home at K-State.\n\n We put a lot of value on student activities andnStudent Activities and Service< s,Winter Expo,organizations,students,semester,Union Program Council and Office,activity,university s clubs and organizations,group,students Thursday night,club,queer students,winter activity,Harlan,fair last semester, Harlan,home and school,good opportunity, Freshmen,home,recent semesters,freshman,Office,much time,Audacity,State,expo20-Jan-2017 12:00AM5Newsmakers: TCC Foundation names executive leadership—http://www.tulsaworld.com/business/tulsabusiness/newsmakers-tcc-foundation-names-executive-leadership/article_73496d7e-07e0-57bb-8de6-4065fc021dd1.htmlMove, has been promoted to associate. He is a graduate of Kansas State University and has an architectural license in Kansas.\n\nBrandy Timm, Tulsa World_executive leadership committee,program director,leadership promotions,Kansas State University,new hires,KKT Architects,program excellence,new members,Leadership Tulsa,mentors,GH2 Architects,Security Bank,national volunteer,CJC Architects,Tulsa Community College Foundation,space design,local small business mentorship program,TCC Foundation names,Valley National Bank,region and nation,Global Holdings,Mabrey Bank,Tulsa,Oklahoma,Cherokee Nation Businesses,Rooney Holdings,Oxley Foundation,Tulsa Small Business Connection,Phillips University,Tulsa Educare,Tulsa chapter,SGA Design Group,experience,Ross Group,Financial company signs lease,Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation,TCC students,Parkinson Foundation,Cox Communications,payment processing company,Langston University,several hundred companies,Cox Communications and E. Paul Samuels,lease,community19-Jan-2017 11:40PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/57C1D8D616C68E6BD89F5D24A304AC8478924360Œpre-register by Jan. 27. Online registration is available at: K-State Sorghum Schools\n\nYou can also preregister by emailing or calling the=State Sorghum Production Schools,River Valley Extension District,production practices,state,Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission,Thomas Co. Extension,future issues,Iola Riverside Park New Community Building,locations,Feb.,Extension office,dates and locations,Jan. 31,Cloud County Community College,Jan. 27,Agronomy eUpdate19-Jan-2017 11:00PM,Trump's inauguration stirring mixed emotionshttp://www.salina.com/news/local/trump-s-inauguration-stirring-mixed-emotions/article_56c7fdad-eac4-593f-beab-f4b9d883c9cd.htmlŽspeaks\n\nNathaniel Birkhead, assistant professor of political science at Kansas State University, said it s tough to predict what things willtSaline County Republican Party,things,Trump s Cabinet nominees,affordable health care,Mexico,Trump,United States,inauguration,president,people,great things,care,position, s presidency,Clarke Sanders,presidential inaugural committees,social studies students,watch party,Live coverage,Obama s,Richard Nixon s,power,Obamacare,Salina,Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum19-Jan-2017 10:03PM(American Red Cross needs blood donations@http://tjcnewspaper.com/american-red-cross-needs-blood-donationsŒforced to cancel in December.\n\nTo combat this, Foley said the K-State chapter will work to inform more people about the three blood drivesJunior CollegeAuthor Vanessa Coleman%American Red Cross,blood,whole blood,single blood donation,donors,blood pressure,severe winter blood shortage,free blood donor app,winter storms,Atlantic region,patients,low donor turnout,p.m.at Coastal Grand Mall,appointment,cross,need,donation opportunity,emergency call,Foley,average,people19-Jan-2017 09:41PM7Angelo State Ag Judging Teams Excel at National ContestKhttp://975kgkl.com/angelo-state-ag-judging-teams-excel-at-national-contest/ŒKansas State University, Iowa State University, North Dakota State University, University of Illinois, West Texas A&M University, University KGKL 97.5 FM By Boomer4Texas Tech,National Contest,ASU s team,South Dakota State and Colorado State University,Team,National Western Stock Show Intercollegiate Wool Judging Contest,points,fourth place,Angelo State Ag Judging Teams Excel,Beef Grading,Beef Judging,Grading category,Iowa State University,10th place,Beef and Specifications,Colorado State,first place winner Texas Tech,North Dakota State University,Nebraska and Tarleton State,M University,less than 500 points,meat,Wool,Pork Judging,Reasons category,Texas A&M,Destiny Cowley,multiple categories,Specifications,Ryan BrashearNhttp://todaysi987.com/angelo-state-ag-judging-teams-excel-at-national-contest/I98.7  Today's Best Music19-Jan-2017 09:14PM2016t^Smallgэp‡eрz#http://www.zuinow.com/n3904709.html,{N\O€џ _:_:_џШT\шnх]N'Yf[ џ\n\nЏ‹\O€џ\n\n—g hџ Kansas State University, USA џ\n\nhTpšџUniversity at Buffalo, USA џ\n\nбShˆіeє•џ10 February 2016\n\nDOI: 10.1002/smll.шЏ‹\O€,х]'Yf[,Аe RaWWS m,-N§Vбyf[€b/g'Yf[,К‹‡e’cLˆœi,Synthetic Biological Protein Nanowires with,'Yэpш•‡eрz,NWS'Yf[,b—е‹эpЙp,DOI,AdvancedMaterialsInterfacesэpЙp‡eрz,Advanced Materials with Special Wettability, _:_:_,University,USA,February,com,Kansas State University,Oracle19-Jan-2017 06:26PMGFlint Hills Discovery Center to open new healthy food adventure exhibitŒhttp://www.yourdu.net/news/flint-hills-discovery-center-to-open-new-healthy-food-adventure/article_fc408450-dea4-11e6-af6b-f3f5f1c618ba.htmlŽand what it can do.\n\nOne display in Maize comes from Kansas State University s Historic Textile Museum, and shows how people used food sacksMichael J. SellmanЦhealthy choices,exhibit,food,Flints Hills region,children,great exhibit children,Manhattan Community Gardens,youth and adults,healthy diet,healthy food decisions,proper food portions,section displays information,gardening,Manhattan Parks and Recreation s Trail Guide,trail,opportunity,history and impact,community,FHDC,Kansas State University s Historic Textile Museum,Maize,Kansas Agri,Kansas matter,encouraging community members,history,Adventure< Camps19-Jan-2017 06:04PM&USD 383 names mascot committee membersEhttp://themercury.com/articles/usd-383-names-mascot-committee-membersŽat MHS, will serve as student representatives.\n\nMike Smith, a K-State professor and Native American who spoke in favor of keeping the mascotњNative American,mascot,board president,Indian name and image,Ogden school board,committee,educates students,board members Pat Hudgins and Dave Colburn,Manhattan High School Indian mascot,faculty and community members,USD 383 names,neutral members,alternate board member representative,Rozell,different aspects,student representatives,group,people, Rozell,ReImage MHK group,idea,advocates,Colburn and Herrman,former MHS coach,cultural appropriation,imagery honors,religion and culture,Colburn,image,Herrman19-Jan-2017 05:57PM6Former K-State, MHS grad to receive honorary doctorateThttp://themercury.com/articles/former-k-state-mhs-grad-to-receive-honorary-doctorateWhonorary doctorate,State,Subscribers Sign,click,online subscription,Dylan Lysen,article19-Jan-2017 04:25PM?ASTMH Leadership Advises Against Closing US Doors to Immigrantsahttp://www.contagionlive.com/news/astmh-leadership-advises-against-closing-us-doors-to-immigrantsŒ; Stephen Higgs, PhD, director of the Biosecurity Research Institute at Kansas State University; N. Regina Rabinovich, MD, MPH, of Harvard TContagion LiveBRIAN DUNLEAVY New JerseyКUnited States,global health,public health,research evidence,travel restrictions,infectious diseases,world,epidemics and pandemics,immigration rhetoric,refugees and immigrants,AJTMH editor,authors,World Health Organization,Medicine,Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,developing world,author Philip J. Rosenthal,former editor,Minnesota and HealthPartners Travel,ASTMH,Tulane School,Maryland School,California San Francisco School,diplomatic efforts,Biosecurity Research Institute,such global research outreach,Harvard T.H. Chan School,Dr. Rosenthal,legal immigrants,control,Disease Control and Prevention, commentary co,University,refugees,ASTMH executive director,Quinnipiac University s Frank H. Netter19-Jan-2017 04:12PM7Inauguration a tradition  steeped in political history ]http://www.stjosephpost.com/2017/01/19/inauguration-a-tradition-steeped-in-political-history/St. Joseph PostJohn P TretbarЮInauguration ceremony,protests,really important part, Tea party protesters,Kansas State University,system,political history,45th president,Nathaniel Birkhead,action,tradition,U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts,incoming President,political science, Birkhead,Bible Trump,president Abraham Lincoln s inauguration Bible,Presidents Franklin Pierce,official inaugural program,incoming administration,outgoing administration,American electoral politics,oath19-Jan-2017 03:57PM Sorghum Notes | January 19, 20178http://sorghumgrowers.com/sorghum-notes-january-19-2017/Œmore information.\n\nK-State Announces Opening for GSFI Coordinator\nThe Global Food Systems Initiative at Kansas State University announcedNational Sorghum ProducersNational Sorghum Producers,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,American farmers,Sorghum,sorghum industry,Mississippi farmers,Jan. 19, 2017,grain report,grain sorghum and cotton,important crop protection tool,State Announces,State faculty,Sorghum Farmers,Sorghum Checkoff,Jan. 18,Donald Trump s nominee,Kansas State University,Trump Nominates Sonny Perdue,State Sorghum School,Plains,Trump s Agricultural Advisory Committee,Sorghum Grower,Sorghum Partners,sorghum research,Senate EPW Committee Questions Trump EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt,/Leadership Sorghum,Saving Sorghum  Successful,Scott Pruitt,Feb. 2 NSP DC Fly,Read NSP,Pruitt s nomination, s expertise,Jan. 24,Agriculture,EPA s emphasis,Perdue,former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue,Agricultural Outlook Forum,agency19-Jan-2017 03:55PM+Cow-Calf conference set Feb. 10 in GoodlandUhttp://www.northplattebulletin.com/index.asp?show=news&action=readStory&storyID=33318‰program information and registration forms are available online at www.sunflower.K-State.edu or www.KSUBeef.org.\n\nFor more information,North Platte Bulletin$Randy Saner (UNL Extension Educator)XState Cow,Challenging Beef Industry ,program,State Research & Extension,Panel members,Wauneta and CSF Farms,Nebraska beef systems extension educator,Nebraska Extension and Colorado State University Extension,Blythe Family Farms,Farm Credit,Kansas Livestock Association executive director,roundtable member,Complete program information,National Cattlemen s Beef Association,research data and ideas,University,producers,Western State Bank,Nebraska Rural Futures Institute executive director,UNL Extension Educator,Chuck Schroeder,Bank and First National Bank,National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum,Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado,Feb. 10,Goodland Elks Lodge,Kansas,Goodland,Sunflower Extension District livestock agent,Maddux Cattle Company,integrating< crop and livestock systems,Registration,Feb. 3,NW Area livestock specialist,ranching and cattle,Blythe19-Jan-2017 03:19PM9Lewis & Clark's last original trustee dies in Jerseyvillenhttps://www.riverbender.com/articles/details/lewis--clarks-last-original-trustee-dies-in-jerseyville-17816.cfmˆcontinuing his studies, and completed his doctorate of veterinary medicine from Kansas State University at the age of 21. He worked at aRiverBender.comЊcharter members,Dr. Van Walleghen,Jersey County Board,Lewis and Clark,Board,Jersey Calhoun Veterinary Hospital,Lewis and Clark Community College Board,L&C s Board,St. Francis Xavier Church Board,Paul B. Hanks,Paul L. Connolly,Paul N. Odell,Van Walleghen s daughter Gail Naughton,Trustees,college,original members,Madison County,last original trustee,new community college s campus,Jerseyville,junior college concept, Naughton19-Jan-2017 02:26PM*2017 Flint Hills Regional Leaders RetreatKhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/19/2017-flint-hills-regional-leaders-retreat/Œmulti-modal transportation in the region, and the impact of Kansas State University athletics.\n\nThe retreat can be live-streamed on Friday›Fort Riley,report,Flint Hills Region,retreat,Chamber,Junction City Area Chamber,Leaders Retreat tab,region,really great collaborative effort,Matrix Design Group report,Brigadier General Patrick Frank,many efforts,update and report,Lieutenant General Perry Wiggins,Commerce CEO,1st Infantry Division Commanding General,Beson,Geary, Riley and Pottawatomie counties,Geary county s perspective,community,conference19-Jan-2017 02:02PMTop 25 LeadersЫhttp://www.waterworld.com/articles/wwi/print/volume-32/issue-1/headline/top-25-leaders.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+waterworld-site-rss+%28WaterWorld.com+Entire+Site%29‹degree in Civil Engineering from Kansas State University and Master s degree in Environmental Health Engineering from University of Kansas. WaterWorldEwater industry,president and CEO,global water issues,Water & Sanitation Corporation,Israel National Water Company,water treatment and expertise,water management,business,water,CEO Designate,water facilities,Oasys Water,smart water space,Dr Benedek,WWi Top 25 Global Water Leaders,Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize,Water Planet,PUB s water,U.S. Water Alliance,Dr James Barnard,civil engineering,South Australian Engineering and Water Supply Department,new Australian Future Water Co,new water,water spectrum,leader,development,President & CEO,Booky Oren Water Technologies,International Water Resources Association,World Water Council,traditional water equipment,Global Practice and Technology Leader,youngest black CEOs,Director, Water Loss Research & Analysis,IWA Water Losses Task Force,power generation and desalination water production plants,Master,Dr Glen Daigger,Chemical Engineering and PhD,licensed Professional Engineer,Dugrщ s leadership,Netherlands water utility,Dutch Water Authorities,LG Water Solutions,financial leadership positions,technology,Water & WasteWater International Current Issue,Sustainable Development Goals,University,UN s Business and Sustainable Development Commission,Singapore,British Consulting Engineering practice,sorry leadership,Singapore s NEWater Programme,Aarhus University,Wageningen University,Environmental Health Engineering,pioneering technology platform,management and customer service,Mechanical Engineering,engineering graduate,Matheson,James Sano,Laval University,Mads Nipper,National Centre,sustainable technology investing,Delft University,Hebrew University,Purdue University,Harvard Business School,Singapore firm Visenti,operative Research Centre Bid,Grundfos,Canadian Sciences & Technologies Museum,management,St. Thomas University,leakage management,Nereda wastewater treatment technology,Hyflux s footprint,Masdar s initiatives,Veolia s Antione Ferot, s largest division,Third World Centre,desalination, membrane technology and nanotechnology,Lage,Mittal s stewardship,Wabag s IPO,business model work,performance indicators and pressure management,average line manager19-Jan-2017 01:58PM Chamber planning changes in 2017Uhttp://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/article_acfae912-de81-11e6-b57a-aff2b493d431.html‹of Commerce is embracing changes in 2017, including those suggested by K-State students who submitted recommendations on how to improve theBy Ryan D. Wilson News EditorАChamber planning changes,Clay Center Area Chamber,Ryan D. Wilson News Editor,Chamber director Renee Langvardt,downtown,State students,organization,recommendations,part,Commerce19-Jan-2017 01:55PM-Civil/Agricultural Engineer (Recent Graduate)Ehttp://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?id=4436773Švisit: NRCS will be attending the Kansas State University Agri-Industry Career Fair at the K-State Student Union Ballroom in Manhattan, KSEnvironmentGuru.comИRecent Graduate Program,Closing Date,academic program,Job Status,Job Announcement Number,career development program,Kansas State University Agri,Industry Career Fair,Manhattan,< State Student Union Ballroom,date and time,Additional NRCS Pathways job opportunities,NRCS,educational institution,PM Central Standard Time,Kentucky,Civil/Agricultural Engineer,Applications,Department,Pathways,KS 66506,va     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGI§џџџJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€rious locations,entire vacancy announcement19-Jan-2017 01:53PM+Farmland values drop slightly in Ray CountyVhttp://www.richmond-dailynews.com/2017/01/farmland-values-drop-slightly-in-ray-county/Ray County will see deep price drops.\nResults from Kansas State University s fall 2016 agricultural lender survey indicate that agriculturalRichmond Daily NewsRay County,local farmers share insight,farmland values,prices,deep price drops,little bit,Kansas State University s fall 2016 agricultural lender survey,significant decreases,agricultural properties values,Ronnie Russell,Richmond News,Leah Wankum,deflation,country19-Jan-2017 01:51PM.Forum in Wakefield to discuss reservoir health_http://www.ccenterdispatch.com/community_news/article_b4c17cd4-de80-11e6-b1ab-83c20141a002.html‰for Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE) and the Kansas State University Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy will co-ediscussion forum,reservoir health,Civic Discourse and Democracy,Conservation and Environmental Education,Clay County Conservation District,Milford Lake,host,local focus,health and future,Kansas Association,discussion,event,Kansas State University Institute,Wakefield,Kansas Reservoirs,Milford Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy,KACEE,Feb. 9, 201719-Jan-2017 01:26PM<Kansas farmers met to talk about the struggling farm economylhttp://www.wibw.com/content/news/Kansas-farmers-met-to-talk-about-the-struggling-farm-economy-411233825.htmldownturn, Kansas State University hosted a program called Top 10 Considerations to Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy on Thursday.\n\nK-StateNatalie Dattilio'Struggling Farm Economy,Kansas farmers,Kansas State University,Farmers and ranchers,Agricultural Economics,Allen Featherstone,farm safety nets,farms,State professors,State Research and Extension,host,cost,biggest downturns,short term cycle,Kan.,history,machinery expenses,cycle,market conditions19-Jan-2017 12:30PMJhttp://themercury.com/articles/lewis-breaks-into-the-k-state-record-books1Šin K-State s 74-63 win over TCU, landing her atop the K-State career blocks record with 259 rejections.\n\nShe finished with 21 points andBy Greg Woods™State record books,State s,Kansas State,State program,record,game Wednesday night,Lewis,game,much coaching,Mittie,  Lewis,shot, Mittie,TCU s Keanna Ray19-Jan-2017 12:10PM8K-State Offers Youth Animal Science Learning OpportunityVhttp://krvn.com/agricultural/k-state-offers-youth-animal-science-learning-opportunity/ K-State |–livestock industry,animal science industry,young leader,students,program,State Department,team presentations,Kansas State University Animal Sciences Leadership Academy,agriculture industry,personal leadership skills,event,agriculture issues team project,academy director,Strengths,participants,counselors, professors and industry leaders,experience,past participant Molly Bertz,academy s goal,KASLA, Bertz19-Jan-2017 11:44AM/L&C s Last Original Trustee Dies in JerseyvilleWhttp://thetelegraph.com/top-stories/95364/lcs-last-original-trustee-dies-in-jerseyvilleThe TelegraphAlton TelegraphŸcharter members,Dr. Van Walleghen,Jersey County Board,Lewis and Clark Community College Board,Board,Jersey Calhoun Veterinary Hospital,L&C s Board,St. Francis Xavier Church Board,Paul B. Hanks,Paul L. Connolly,Paul N. Odell,Van Walleghen s daughter Gail Naughton,college,Trustees,original members,Madison County,Last Original Trustee Dies,new community college s campus,junior college concept,Jerseyville, Naughton19-Jan-2017 11:33AMDBloedel assumes duties as deputy commander of Corps' Alaska Districtghttp://www.akbizmag.com/Government/Bloedel-assumes-duties-as-deputy-commander-of-Corps-Alaska-District/‹2016 from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas; a Master of Science degree in geology and geophysics in 2006 from Missouri UniversityAlaska Business Monthly.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Alaska District­Alaska District,Alaska  Lt. Col. Penny Bloedel,operations officer,new deputy commander,Missouri University,Engineers,1st Inf,U.S. Army Corps,Operation Enduring Freedom,Master,Bloedel,Kansas,Corps,duties Jan.,Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion,Div.,executive officer,environmental science,Kansas State University,4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team,Science and Technology,U.S. Military Academy,Special Troops Battalion19-Jan-2017 10:40AM0Meadowlark notes 10th year as extension districtPhttp://www.holtonrecorder.net/news/meadowlark-notes-10th-year-extension-districtŽof Seneca and Marcia Bauerle of Sabetha.\n\nMore information about the K-State Research and Extension Service is also available online at www.The Holton RecorderФ Key,programs,district,staff,agents,David Key,quality programs and leadership,totally different program,specialized programming,aging, youth development and leadership,adult programs,H program manager,district s mill levy,depth programs,biggest program offerings,community development,family and child development agent,district office,leadership role,mills,extension agents,efficient way,many ways,face ,face interview,natural resources agent,counties,personal real estate tax statements,several ways,financial management,local support staff, Extension,Jackson, Jefferson and Nemaha counties,Meadowlark,people,annual levy,commu< nity projects,several community,State Research and Extension Service,H managers19-Jan-2017 10:12AMLhttp://www.agweb.com/article/decision-time-for-rented-land-naa-sara-schafer/#By Sara Schafer Top Producer Editor19-Jan-2017 10:01AM+Now is a Good Time to Design Your Landscapechttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/horticulture/now-is-a-good-time-to-design-your-landscape/Ž/hnr.k-state.edu/extension/publications/landscaping.html .\n\nInformation on plants recommended for Kansas can be found at http://hnr.k-state."publications,Maintenance Landscaping,general landscaping publications,Design,Good Time, Residential Landscape Design,collection,Information, Naturalistic Landscaping ,State Research and Extension office,charge,copies,everything,http://hnr.k-state.edu/extension/publications/landscaping.html19-Jan-2017 09:47AM0KDA offers morel mushroom identification sessionVhttp://www.sekvoice.com/news/20170119/kda-offers-morel-mushroom-identification-sessionŒ@ksu.edu.\n\nWHO: The Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension, Kaw Valley Mycological Society and the University of Sekvoice.com”morel mushroom identification session,session,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,morel identification session,W. 21st Street N.,workshop,State Research and Extension,Kansas,session and/,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,KDA s food safety,a.m.,state,approved mushroom identifier,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist,Feb. 4,necessary approval,Agriculture,safety,Feb. 4, 2017, 919-Jan-2017 08:33AM&Soil Conservationist (Recent Graduate)Ehttp://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?id=4435978‡the Kansas State Univeristy Agri-Industry Career Fair at the K-State Student Union Ballroom in Manhattan, KS to accept applications forИRecent Graduate Program,academic program,Job Status,Closing Date,Job Announcement Number,Pay Plan,career development program,Kansas State Univeristy Agri,Industry Career Fair,Manhattan,State Student Union Ballroom,date and time,Additional NRCS Pathways job opportunities,NRCS,Kansas,educational institution,PM Eastern Standard Time,qualifying,Applications,Department,Pathways,KS 66506,various locations,positions,entire vacancy announcement19-Jan-2017 08:30AM9Finish a Bachelor's Degree Online After Community College†http://www.usnews.com/higher-education/online-education/articles/2017-01-19/complete-a-bachelors-degree-online-after-community-college‡program, that would enable him to seamlessly transfer credits to the Kansas State University Global Campus, the school's online arm forUS News & World ReportJordan Friedman‡programs,students,high school,campus courses,online bachelor,community college,Kansas State University Global Campus,adults,credits,experts,online associate credits,online,Prospective online students,school  ,Legleiter,New Mexico State University,Many completion,university,Kansas resident,secondary education,tuition costs,Western Kentucky University,certain courses,higher education,Uranis19-Jan-2017 07:59AM?Car Show Highlights Saturday Fundraiser For Kansas Honor Flightihttp://www.westernkansasnews.com/2017/01/car-show-highlights-saturday-fundraiser-for-kansas-honor-flight/01/ks-honor-flight-fundraiser.mp3\nThe event is organized by the K-State Research and Extension Office along with Finney County 4H. Free willWestern Kansas NewsЖKansas Honor Flight,Car Show Highlights Saturday Fundraiser,Finney County Exhibition Building,silent auction,chili feed,event,charge,baked goods,Washington D.C.,Cory King,festivities19-Jan-2017 07:37AMHMole-Master to Donate Silo Cleaning Equipment to Kansas State Universitynhttp://www.newson6.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityŒto Kansas State University during the IPPE trade show, to be held January 31 through February 2 in Atlanta.\n\nRepresenting the university'sЛMaster,Kansas State University,silo cleanout services and silo cleaning equipment,Master Services Corporation,Junior 360H Whip Machine,Junior JR360H,Feed Technology,silo cleanout services and products,unique feed mill training program,equipment brochure,power or cleaning capacity,grain science,state,-art training facility,university,poultry, meat and feed industries,hand,cleaning,Dr. Charles Stark,IPPE trade show,provider,silos,IPPE,Kansas19-Jan-2017 07:00AM%Kansans head to D.C. for inaugurationShttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/Kansans-head-to-DC-for-inauguration-411183165.htmlare headed to our nation's capital.\n\nOne group of K-State students says they got tickets by emailing the Republican Inauguration Committee.ОDonald Trump,tickets,Dylan Graves,Republican Inauguration Committee,America,shot,faith,around 700 requests,group,inauguration,D.C.,Trump supporters,Senator Jerry Moran,Kansans,people,capital19-Jan-2017 06:58AMKUS (KS): Research looks at growing more nutritional, flavorful strawberriesrhttp://www.hortidaily.com/article/31594/US-(KS)-Research-looks-at-growing-more-nutritional,-flavorful-strawberriesˆfor research on how to increase strawberry production in the U.S. — particularly Greater Kansas City.\n\nSource: Kansas State University Hortidaily Netherlands‹high tunnels,strawberry production,State Olathe,growing season,researchers,fruit,strawberry varieties,neutral strawberry varieties,berries,Kansas City,Kansas,strawberries,state,better strawberries,strawberry lovers,Gude,strawberry varieties Monterey,Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc.,fruit yields and fruit quality,assistant professor,locally grown food,food,Postharvest Quality,strawberries consumers,consumers,growers and consumers,evaporative cooling system,system,temperatures,horticulture,Gude and fellow graduate students,continual optimum temperature,Albion and Monterey,Olathe,nutrients and flavor,overall flavor,Portola and Seascape,Portola19-Jan-2017 06:30AM7NW Kansas will play host to multi-state cattle syposium\https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/19/nw-kansas-will-play-host-to-multi-state-cattle-syposium/…K-State Research and Extension\n\nMANHATTAN   Succeeding in a Challenging Beef Industry is the focus of the 2017 Tri-State Cow-CalfrState Cow,Challenging Beef Industry ,program,State Research & Extension,Farm Credit,Nebraska Extension and Colorado State University Extension,Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado,Colorado,Panel members,U.S. beef production,Nebraska beef systems extension educator,cow herd efficiency,Blythe Family Farms,Kansas,Kansas Livestock Association executive director,research data and ideas,Nat< ional Cattlemen s Beef Association,Complete program information,University,Western State Bank,roundtable member Debbie Lyons,producers,Nebraska Rural Futures Institute executive director,Maddux Cattle Co.,Nebraska,Bank and First National Bank,National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum,Registration,industry representatives,Chuck Schroeder,Western Kansas,Sunflower Extension District livestock agent,integrating crop and livestock systems,ranching and cattle,northwest area livestock specialist,Blythe19-Jan-2017 06:25AM9Four Named Outstanding Alumni from College of Ag SciencesEhttp://www.pennsylvaniaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=67&yr=2017‰degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University. In 1971, he joined the faculty of Kansas State University, where he continues toHPenn State,Outstanding Alumni,Dell,lifetime member,college,directors,Kansas State University,agricultural mechanization,global marketing,strategic marketing,animal science,product marketing,past director,awards,Pennsylvania Farm Bureau board,board,service, sales and marketing,Ag Alumni Society board,national farm bills,farm,honors alumni,Distinguished Service Award,Lancaster County Penn State Extension board,marketing and business development director,Metzger,product development and distribution management initiatives,state level,Flinchbaugh,Outstanding Teacher Awards three times,Veterinary Medicine,agricultural policy,Pa. Joel Krall,Metzger Animal Hospital,Young Dairy Leader Award,bachelor,21st Century Production Agriculture,agricultural economics,Graduate Production,largest veterinary diagnostics company,forage crop production,Veterinary Economics,agriculture committee,agricultural leaders,Lancaster County Agriculture Council,animal bioscience,veterinary students,internal medicine,North American Veterinary Practice,Tom and Shirley Krall,student Dairy Science Club,hospital,Krall19-Jan-2017 06:03AM6Board Leadership Series Planned for February and MarchHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=67Žand a Board Basics workbook. More information is available at www.ksre.k-state.edu/community/civic-engagement/boards-commissions.html .\n\nForМboard members,Board Leadership Series,committed board members,board,session,Feb. 28,basics,State Research and Extension,Effective Meetings,United Way agency board,rural water board,state,Informed,Conflict Management,directors,Johnson County,series,Participants,Kansas Feb.,local extension professionals,Strategic Planning,county extension director,person,extension community development specialist,community,Feb. 10,Fund Management,registrationHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=IN2017&ID=65^Penn State,Outstanding Alumni,Dell,lifetime member,college,directors,Kansas State University,agricultural mechanization,global marketing,strategic marketing,animal science,product marketing,past director,awards,Pennsylvania Farm Bureau board,board,service, sales and marketing,Ag Alumni Society board,national farm bills,honors alumni,Distinguished Service Award,Lancaster County Penn State Extension board,farm,marketing and business development director,Metzger,product development and distribution management initiatives,state level,Flinchbaugh,Outstanding Teacher Awards three times,Veterinary Medicine,agricultural policy,Pa. Joel Krall,Metzger Animal Hospital,Young Dairy Leader Award,bachelor,21st Century Production Agriculture,agricultural economics,Graduate Production,largest veterinary diagnostics company,forage crop production,Veterinary Economics,agriculture committee,agricultural leaders,Lancaster County Agriculture Council,animal bioscience,veterinary students,internal medicine,agricultural students,North American Veterinary Practice,Tom and Shirley Krall,student Dairy Science Club,hospital,Krall19-Jan-2017 06:02AM*Kansas Soybean Expo Sets Attendance RecordHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=65‰. The presenters were Jay O'Neil, senior agricultural economist at Kansas State University's IGP Institute, and Mike Steenhoek, executiveЌKSC chairman,director,Topeka Farm Show,Kansas Soybean Association,farm broadcaster,farm director,Kansas State University,Kansas,annual programs,DuPont Young Leader program,WIBW Radio,District 6,KSA directors,Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio,Ag Issues program,Henry Farms,KSA President Raylen Phelon,new District 2 director,Topeka,popular WIBW Farm Profit seminars,Kansas Soybean Expo Sets Attendance Record,Nearly 300 soybean enthusiasts,KSA Secretary Teresa Brandenburg,United Soybean Board and Dennis Gruenbacher,outgoing president,Kansas Water Office,KSA First Vice President Lucas Heinen,Expo planning committee,chairman,Kansas Agriculture Network,board,Advanced Market Concepts,KSA Annual Meeting,Ph.D., soybean breeder and professor,Soybean,Phelon,markets,senior agricultural economist,Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests,association,policy committee,first agricultural talk shows,Hiawatha,U.S. and world production agriculture,bushels19-Jan-2017 05:57AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=65&yr=2017lKSC chairman,director,Topeka Farm Show,farm broadcaster,farm director,Kansas State University,American Soybean Association,annual programs,DuPont Young Leader program,WIBW Radio,District 6,KSA directors,Kansas Soybean Expo,Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio,Ag Issues program,Henry Farms,KSA President Raylen Phelon,new District 2 director,Topeka,popular WIBW Farm Profit seminars,Kansas,KSA Secretary Teresa Brandenburg,United Soybean Board and Dennis Gruenbacher,outgoing president,Kansas Water Office,KSA First Vice President Lucas Heinen,Expo planning committee,chairman,Kansas Agriculture Network,board,Advanced Market Concepts,KSA Annual Meeting,Ph.D., soybean breeder and professor,Soybean,Phelon,markets,senior agricultural economist,Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests,policy committee,first agricultural talk shows,Hiawatha,U.S. and world production agriculture,bushels;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=67&yr=2017;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=66&yr=201719-Jan-2017 05:55AM@http://www.indianaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=65&yr=201719-Jan-2017 05:30AM:Exposing the Role of Social Media in Child Sex TraffickingOhttp://www.ksal.com/exposing-the-role-of-social-media-in-child-sex-trafficking/†the role of social media in sex trafficking Wednesday evening at K-State Polytechnic; Tuttle and Lareau worked separately with junior/œchild sex trafficking,social media,children,sex sellers,trafficking,victims,sex buyers,Tuttle,Oral Sex,seller,youth,hour presentation,parents,presenter Stacey Lareau,personal information,local youth pastor,Tuttle and Lareau,Missing and Exploited Children,Additional information,Salina,Stop Trafficking Project,age 18,Salina Area Coalition,attendees,awareness and prevention strategies,middle aged white men,Aware KC,following strategies,Kidnapping or abduction strategy,coalition,Romeo pimp,family pimp,greater KC region,National Human Trafficking Hotline 24/, Loverboy or boyfriend strat< egy,physical abuse,gangs or guerilla pimps,sexual abuse,out the local coalition19-Jan-2017 04:25AMXIn an age of democratized content, consumers still expect the unexpected: Hershey’s execAhttp://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/social-networks/24333.htmlMobile MarketerBy Rakin AzfarЬconnected marketing,content creation,“mobile consumers,brands,marketing efforts,content environment,percent,consumer,Marketing fundamentals,global integrated marketing,meaningful brand content,ownable brand strategy,media outlets,Ms. Zarate,campaign,mobile moments,media,booming VR market,live video market,Hershey Co.,voice search,Bayani,Ronalee Zarate,unique experience,full experience,“technological advances,attention,digital advancement,KitKat bar,village<Bayside s Dinette & Furniture Center to close after 40 yearsChttp://www.timesledger.com/stories/2017/3/dinette_2017_01_20_q.html‰, in 1969.\n\nHe completed his Ph.D in physics from Kansas State University in the early 1970s. However, Yousefzadeh s principles and the TimesLedgerBy Mark HallumYousefzadeh,owner,reporter Mark Hallum,Iran briefly, Yousefzadeh s daughter,Dinette & Furniture Center Inc.,Bayside, David,daughters,Kansas State University,Councilman Paul Vallone, Vallone,Vallone s office,community,family,graduate educations,business,science,various other businesses19-Jan-2017 03:39AMlhttp://www.wave3.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.ktre.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:35AM(http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3206417ЖMaster,unique feed mill training program,silo cleanout services and silo cleaning equipment,Kansas State and Dr. Charles Stark,Master Services Corporation,Junior JR360H,Feed Technology,grain science,equipment brochure,power or cleaning capacity,Stark,poultry, meat and feed industries,hand,Dr. Charles Stark,university,IPPE trade show,silos,whip machine,IPPE,Kansas,Industry Department,Press release service and press release distribution19-Jan-2017 03:32AMlhttp://www.wistv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:29AMkhttp://www.walb.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:23AMkhttp://www.wboc.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:09AMkhttp://www.wbrc.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:06AMbMole-Master to Donate Silo Cleaning Equipment to Kansas State University - WDRB 41 Louisville Newskhttp://www.wdrb.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityЛMaster,Kansas State University,silo cleanout services and silo cleaning equipment,Master Services Corporation,Junior 360H Whip Machine,Junior JR360H,Feed Technology,silo cleanout services and products,unique feed mill training program,equipment brochure,grain science,state,power or cleaning capacity,-art training facility,university,poultry, meat and feed industries,hand,cleaning,Dr. Charles Stark,IPPE trade show,provider,silos,IPPE,Kansas19-Jan-2017 03:04AMkhttp://www.kltv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:02AMmhttp://www.klkntv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 03:01AMkhttp://www.wlox.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:59AM%AFIA Releases 2017 Calendar of Events?http://globalmilling.com/afia-releases-2017-calendar-of-events/Œperiod, Rovelli said.\n\nAFIA, in partnership with Kansas State University, continues the distance education program, which provides an in-!American Feed Industry Association,complete calendar,events,AFIA Releases 2017 Calendar,partnership,U.S. animal food industry,meetings and events,meetings, conferences and workshops,Veterinary Feed Directive,distance education program,feed manufacturing process,AFIA s events,North American Meat Institute,AFIA director,Food Safety Modernisation Act,current 2017 AFIA event lineup,International Production & Processing Expo,program,goal,Source AFIA,U.S. Poultry & Egg Association,Veronica Rovelli, Rovelli,education and networking opportunitieskhttp://www.cbs8.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:58AMkhttp://www.wdam.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.kusi.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.ksla.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityshttp://www.wearewvproud.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:57AMthttp://www.newschannel10.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.wect.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitythttp://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitywhttp://www.hometownstations.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitynhttp://www.fox14tv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:56AMuhttp://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitymhttp://www.wandtv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.ktbs.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityohttp://www.fox8live.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.wsfx.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.kten.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:55AMkhttp://www.abc6.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityjhttp://www.khq.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityphttp://www.cwrichmond.tv/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.kfbb.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.wsfa.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityuhttp://www.tristateupdate.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate< -silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityuhttp://www.yourohiovalley.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:54AMmhttp://www.kplctv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityrhttp://www.erienewsnow.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitylhttp://www.fox19.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityohttp://www.wvalways.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitythttp://www.fox21delmarva.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:53AMkhttp://www.kuam.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.keyc.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityqhttp://www.newscenter1.tv/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityvhttp://www.newschannel6now.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitylhttp://www.abc-7.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityphttp://www.newswest9.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitylhttp://www.nbc12.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:52AMthttp://www.sutelemundo20.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:50AMlhttp://www.nbc29.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityphttp://www.thecwprov.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:48AMkhttp://www.wnky.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.kmir.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:46AMqhttp://www.watchfox29.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:44AMthttp://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitymhttp://www.14news.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:42AMqhttp://www.9and10news.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityоMaster,unique feed mill training program,Kansas State University,silo cleanout services and silo cleaning equipment,Master Services Corporation,Junior 360H Whip Machine,Junior JR360H,Feed Technology,silo cleanout services and products,state,equipment brochure,power or cleaning capacity,-art training facility,poultry, meat and feed industries,/press,university,hand,Press Release Newswire,cleaning,provider,Dr. Charles Stark,IPPE trade show,IPPE,silos,release/molemaster,Kansasmhttp://www.wrcbtv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:41AMkhttp://www.kswo.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.ktvn.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:40AMlhttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/former-kstate-mhs-grad-to-receive-honorary-doctorate-27924150†TOPEKA  K-State will award a university alumna and Manhattan High School graduate with an honorary doctoral degree during 2017 spring~State,honorary doctorate,university alumna and Manhattan High School graduate,spring commencement,Manhattan Mercury News,awardkhttp://www.wbtv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:39AMmhttp://www.kfvs12.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.kxxv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.waff.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitylhttp://www.news9.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitykhttp://www.wtoc.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:38AMkhttp://www.wtol.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitymhttp://www.koamtv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:37AMrhttp://www.nbcrightnow.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:36AMphttp://www.msnewsnow.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:35AMlhttp://www.kait8.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitynhttp://www.tulsacw.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityehttp://www.kingsmidwife.com/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university/ˆand silo cleaning equipment, plans to donate a whip machine to Kansas State University during the IPPE trade show, to be held January 31)Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen & Presse NewsnewsRheinland-Pfalz Master,silo cleanout services and silo cleaning equipment,Kansas State and Dr. Charles Stark,Master Services Corporation,Junior 360H Whip Machine,university s,Master s booth,Feed Technology,silo cleanout services and products,unique feed mill training program,equipment brochure,-art training facility,power or cleaning capacity,Junior JR360H features a 53 diameter,poultry, meat and feed industries,Stark,hand,Dr. Charles Stark,IPPE trade show,provider,silos,IPPE,university s Grain Science and Industry Department,Kansasphttp://www.live5news.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universityohttp://www.wmbfnews.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:34AMkhttp://www.wflx.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:33AMrhttp://www.cleveland19.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:32AMthttp://www.k5thehometeam.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:31AMkhttp://www.wtvm.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:30AMkhttp://www.wfxg.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitythttp://www.wvillustrated.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitymhttp://www.wsiltv.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:29AMlhttp://www.abc57.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitylhttp://www.kulr8.com/story/3429< 4740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-universitylhttp://www.nbc-2.com/story/34294740/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university19-Jan-2017 02:15AMuhttp://military-technologies.net/2017/01/19/mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university/Military Technologies NewsMilitary NewsPoland19-Jan-2017 02:07AM€http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/molemaster-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university-433427.php24-7 Press ReleaseBritish Columbia regionalВMaster,Kansas State University,silo cleanout services and silo cleaning equipment,Master Services Corporation,Junior 360H Whip Machine,Junior JR360H,grain science,Feed Technology,hand,silo cleanout services and products,unique feed mill training program,equipment brochure,-art training facility,power or cleaning capacity,university,poultry, meat and feed industries,Stark,Dr. Charles Stark,IPPE trade show,provider,silos,IPPE,Kansas19-Jan-2017 01:22AMXNSF CAREER Award Winner 'Microwaves' Next-Generation Materials for Emerging Technologies5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5750541ŽKan., Jan. 19 -- Kansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nA Kansas State University chemist has earned a National ScienceўNSF CAREER Award Winner,Faculty Early Career Development,National Science Foundation CAREER award,Kansas State University chemist,efficient lighting,CAREER,Program,Generation Materials,greener technology,Jan. 19,Kan.,Microwaves,semiconductor nanocrystals19-Jan-2017 12:30AM;Complete a Bachelor's Degree Online After Community Collegechttps://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/complete-bachelors-degree-online-community-college-143000670.htmlYahoo! Singapore FinanceЎcompletion programs,programs,students,Kansas State University Global Campus,campus courses,community college,online bachelor,high school,adults,Prospective online students,credits,experts,online associate credits,certain courses,online arm,New Mexico State University,university,Kansas resident,secondary education,online versions,tuition costs,Western Kentucky University,Legleiter,online education editor,higher education,Uranis19-Jan-2017 12:12AM:Rising costs of higher education linger on students mindsdhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/19/rising-costs-of-higher-education-linger-on-students-minds/ŽRegents voted to approve a tuition rate increase of 5.8 percent at K-State for fiscal year 2017.\n\nStudents struggle with costs\n\nOn campus,’students,college,increase,costs,new tuition bill,fees,Tuition and Fees Strategies Committee,State,various other costs, Tuition,funds,tuition rate increase,Kansas Board,first major expenses,expenses,rate,percent,freshman,money,university,higher education linger,books,Christina Chappell,Kansas residents,Gov. Sam Brownback s decision,books or flash drives,Brownback s budget proposal,education,Brownback19-Jan-2017 12:11AMRStudents offer advice after K-State has a  trending fall semester on social media{http://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/19/students-offer-advice-after-k-state-has-a-trending-fall-semester-on-social-media/Œor not our climate at K-State really is inclusive and welcoming, Van Ranken said.  Experiences of racism do happen here at K-State, as wellЌsocial media, Van Ranken,State Student Governing Association,State,students,posts,student body president,racist snapchat and student dropout,higher education,conversation,conversation and action,personal account,productive conversation,time, Sabbert,freshman dropout,college experience,diversity, Experiences,diversity and inclusion,prime example,life experiences,mass communications,climate,agricultural communications,anyone19-Jan-2017 12:09AMXhttp://msue.anr.msu.edu/news/drone_technology_educational_program_scheduled_for_march_29MSU Extension George SilvaЮprogram,Price,event,Eaton County Michigan State University Extension,drones,bachelor s and master,low commodity prices,professor,farmers,geographic information systems,Kansas State University,satellite imagery,National Research Council Committees,State, NASA and NOAA,information,drone applications,technology offer,agricultural resource monitoring,management,agriculture,multispectral imagery,remote sensing technologies,George Silva,scientific adviser,agronomy18-Jan-2017 11:00PMCClaeys plans incentive to keep students in Kansas for aviation jobs‘http://www.salina.com/news/local/claeys-plans-incentive-to-keep-students-in-kansas-for-aviation/article_7cd89bfb-5497-5252-acbf-4bacdd5476d1.htmlˆ.\n\nClaeys said his goal is to attract more students to Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus to study applied engineering and the"HAROLD CAMPBELL The Salina JournalKansas students,unmanned aircraft systems,jobs,bill,incentives,tax credit,aviation engineer,state,technical fields,Kansas,Claeys,Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus,Commerce, Labor and Economic Development,engineering,Salina, Reporter Harold Campbell,House Committee*Start seeds off right with proper lighting‹http://www.salina.com/sections/home_and_garden/start-seeds-off-right-with-proper-lighting/article_de84caa4-cb35-59ee-a4f3-e1ad992e4cca.html‹, they have been very expensive, but costs are dropping rapidly. K-State is starting to use LEDs as supplemental lighting in the University>indoor gardens,seed swap,fixtures,Many gardeners,light,plants,lamps,supplemental lighting,check prices,costs,out price,new fixtures,watts,swap opportunity,several advantages,diameter,State Research and Extension Central Kansas District,perfect opportunity,Horticulture Extension agent,Kansas Open House activities,LEDs18-Jan-2017 10:00PMMoving Too Fast To Be Moved&http://www.storm.sg/moving-fast-moved/‹important, especially when you consider the findings of a Kansas State University study which showed that workers with high levels of well-e-Storm Community - StormDom MeliЬartists,today,music,Beatles or Bob Dylan,Ryan Sharp,Sharp proffers,Popular art today,first benefit concert,songs,place,art  dollars and market share,movement,George Harrison s 1971 < Concert,Civil Rights Movement,Make Poverty History concerts,point,great art flourishes, art ,concerts,live music,today s artist,such obstacles today,novel ways,same way,Artist & Repertoire,thriving art scene,world,impossible for any one artist,films,change,people,different ways,many ways,Al Gore s film,Martin Scorsese film Raging Bull,artist Nabeel Yasin,sharp star wars,musical instrument,revolution and change,Bangladesh,music  anybody,dylan,far more fragmented times,better world,time,revolution,World Health Organisation,Avatar18-Jan-2017 08:23PMthttp://ichainnel.com/en/news/937089_g4xxj4-mole-master-to-donate-silo-cleaning-equipment-to-kansas-state-university/ IChainnelShanghai18-Jan-2017 07:33PM Radon: Test, fix and save a life\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_4c409b48-dde7-11e6-b02a-bbaf27821477.html‘hours.\n\nContact K-State Research and Extension Cowley County for more information,by calling (620) 221-5450.\n\nSource: sosradon.org\n\nK-Stateuelevated levels,radon,homes,building,test,State Research and Extension,rock, soil and water,chemically inert radioactive gas,soil or rock,building forces gases,soil,gas moves,radon home test kit,mailer and lab test,air tightness,State Research and Extension Cowley County,pressure,National Radon Program website,trapped gases,Cowley County,Becky Reid,basement,indoors,house18-Jan-2017 07:32PM'Developing leaders, one youth at a time\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_36604b5c-dde7-11e6-8eaf-bb2e1d1b95cc.htmlŽ) 441-4565.\n\nKelsey Holcomb is the 4-H youth development agent for K-State Research and Extension, Cowley County. She can be reached at (620#K-State Extension By Kelsey HolcombсLeadership Project,leaders,leadership skills,importance,young adults,world,positive leadership qualities,H Junior Leaders organization,leadership values,kids servant leadership,youth,kids,H clubs,Daniel Goleman,Daniel Pink,"  Leadership and Self,H youth development agent,Additional information,community, country and world,Habits,example,State Research and Extension,Cowley County,H or Cowley County Extension programs,community,Kelsey Holcomb,Dr. Tim Elmore,Dr. J. Robert Clinton18-Jan-2017 07:31PMIt s time to prune fruit trees\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_01e918f4-dde7-11e6-9db0-f3a9920fd4e0.html.pdf.\n\nUpcoming dates and events\n\nJan. 26  K-State soybean school, Hesston.\n\nFeb. 1  K-State sorghum school, Wichita.\n\nFeb. 2  Cowley#K-State Extension By Jill ZimmermanЛUndesirable branches,tree,wood,fruit buds,garden guide,State Research and Extension,Pruning,limbs, branches and shoots,growth,Cowley County,time,annual meeting,State sorghum school,executive board meeting,Feb. 16,Feb. 28,State 2017 Chemical Weed Control,Cowley County Conservation District Annual Meeting,Cowley County Livestock Association,Feb. 9  ,Winfield,Kansas Department,Baden Square,agriculture,CEO National Cattlemen s Beef Association18-Jan-2017 07:28PM3White House photographer has special ties to Kansaschttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/White-House-photographer-has-special-ties-to-Kansas-411143615.html‹then returned to Kansas to complete his master's degree at Kansas State University. He was the commencement speaker for the graduate schoolKatie JohnstonmWhite House photographer,Hutchinson News,local tie,special ties,young photographer,President Ronald Reagan and President Barack Obama,Ronald Reagan,Souza,Eisenhower Executive Photo Office,photos,Kansas State University,graduate school,State alum,Kansas,Andover High School journalism teacher Cary Conover,term,Buzbee,Publisher Dick Buzbee,D.C.,Conover,someone,Obama=WSU trails other state universities in 4-year graduation rate@http://www.kansas.com/news/local/education/article127347914.htmlŽuniversity average and 19 points behind state-leading University of Kansas, where 37 percent of students finish in four years.\n\nKansas State2Rick Muma,lowest rate,percent,State,students,state university system,point,program,student retention and graduation rates,Fort Hays and Emporia,university,fewer than 10 percent,different student body,WSU trails,student data and contact,Dion Lefler,Њ% Graduation Partnership,Regents,Kansas,averages,time jobs18-Jan-2017 06:34PMMhttp://kcur.org/post/kansas-regents-set-quotas-further-increasing-graduationsEaverage wage,students,state,report,time graduations,credit hours,state colleges and universities,postsecondary education attainment,goal,Kansas,Sam Zeff,Regents,Kansas Regents Set Quotas,graduate 116 more students,school,Gov. Sam Brownback,high school graduates,Fort Hays State University,percent,Johnson County Community College,Kansas City Kansas Community College,higher education system,secondary education,CEO Blake Flanders,personal income,Kansas News Service,Flanders,Regent Shane Bangerter,education and politics,income and sales tax revenues,Dodge City,University,bachelor18-Jan-2017 06:29PMKhttp://krvn.com/agricultural/kansas-soybean-expo-17-sets-attendance-record/KS Soy | KSC chairman,director,Topeka Farm Show,farm broadcaster,farm director,annual programs,DuPont Young Leader program,WIBW Radio,District 6,KSA directors,Kansas Soybean Expo,Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio,Ag Issues program,Soy award,Henry Farms,awards and recognitions,new District 2 director,Topeka,association s and commission s commitments,popular WIBW Farm Profit seminars,Kansas,Kansas State University s IGP Institute,Nearly 300 soybean enthusiasts,award photos,KSA Secretary Teresa Brandenburg,chairman,United Soybean Board and Dennis Gruenbacher,outgoing president,Kansas Water Office,KSA First Vice Presid< ent Lucas Heinen,Kansas Agriculture Network,board,Kansas State Fair,Advanced Market Concepts,American Soybean Association,Expo planning committee,Ph.D., soybean breeder and professor,Soybean,markets,KSA Annual Meeting,senior agricultural economist,Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests,Phelon, s top member recruiters,first agricultural talk shows,Expo photos and presentations,Hiawatha,U.S. and world production agriculture18-Jan-2017 05:57PM)Knight Campus architecture team announcedPhttp://myinforms.com/en-us/a/45761533-knight-campus-architecture-team-announced/Š. The firm s buildings can be seen on Purdue, Kansas State, Vassar and New York University campuses along with many others.\n\nThe campus,Іarchitecture firms,Oregon,Ennead Architects,Phil and Penny Knight Campus,Knight Campus architecture team,Scientific Impact,Vassar and New York University,work dots college campuses,university s blog Wednesday morning,firm s buildings,campus,designs,tangible products,scientific research,public university,service, design excellence and innovation,American Institute,term benefits,Bora Architecture,announcement,AIA website18-Jan-2017 03:02PM6Girard to Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor WorkshopThttp://www.pressreleasepoint.com/girard-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshopŒby Jason Walker Jan 19, 2017\n\nThe Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health andPress Release Point7market vendors and managers,farmers,workshop,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor Workshop,markets,Workshop topics,Farmers Markets,Health and Environment,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,fresh food source,Kansas Department,Misty Morning Farms,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,KDA s weights and measures program,Girard,KDA s Central Registration,Feb. 11, 2017,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Agriculture,Onsite registration,local economy,consumers,Dave DeMoss Education Building,environment18-Jan-2017 03:00PM8Liquidation? First comes realization, then communicationЇhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/regional/liquidation-first-comes-realization-then-communication/article_2d09685c-dd9e-11e6-b49a-93b3d4d50810.html?comment_form=trueŠ, director of the Farm Analyst Program in the Department of Economics at Kansas State University. 'There are ways of avoiding those if youMidwest ProducerBy Chad Smith Today s Producer}liquidation,farmers,tax bill,assets,debt,Kansas Ag Mediation Service,things,mind,interest rate,process,producer,point,Buhler,Farm Analyst Program,potential tax liability,good tax practitioner,security interest,decision,loan documentation,Kansas State University,several producers,out those documents,available in 40 states,communication,Mediation,creditor,Duane Hund,state,analysis18-Jan-2017 02:00PMRExpertise leads K-State veterinary diagnostic researchers to swine research grantsНhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/agri-tech/expertise-leads-k-state-veterinary-diagnostic-researchers-to-swine-research/article_1a24a78a-dd97-11e6-9789-832fae5a1c84.html?comment_form=trueŒMANHATTAN, Kan. - Veterinary diagnostic researchers at Kansas State University have received five research grants obtained through the Swine|research grants,veterinary diagnostic researchers,Seneca Valley virus,molecular research,influenza viruses,Kansas State University s location,Gary Anderson,translational research,value research,diagnostic laboratory,Biosecurity Research Institute,following grants,Agriculture s Agricultural Research Services,Borne Animal Disease Research Unit,Development,Fang, Peddireddi, Liu, Li and Anderson,mouth disease virus,Fang,Veterinary Medicine and Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic,Kansas City Animal Health Corridor,Detection,D and B viruses,porcine parainfluenza virus,State,Jianfa Bai,Anderson, Bailey Arruda and Paulo Arruda,swine,health,livestock tissue,pathogens,Kansas Department,pathogen surveillance and diagnostics,Lalitha Peddireddi,principal investigator,diseases,swine influenza C,diagnostic lab,clients and livestock industries,Agriculture,differentiation,reliable diagnostic assay18-Jan-2017 01:53PMKBusiness school facility at University of South Carolina gets LEED Platinumnhttp://asumag.com/green-design-buildings/business-school-facility-university-south-carolina-gets-leed-platinumschool facility opens at University of Michigan\n\nTulane is adding space to its business school\n\nKansas State University builds new home forAmerican School & University&South Carolina,Business building,Business school facility,Darla Moore School,U.S. Green Building Council,first public building,glass design,Columbia,heat gain,roof garden,Rafael Viёoly Architects,University,space,school s teaching and research activities,floor air,architect,green roofs capture storm water,LEED Platinum certification,Viёoly, lead designer and founder,variable air volume systems,Platinum,office, classroom and conference spaces,school,university s goals,facility,potential addition,many green features,certification,LEED Gold ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЪ§џџџЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџstatus18-Jan-2017 01:30PMCommunity calendar< _http://www.marysvilleonline.net/family_living/article_1dad8d2a-ddb2-11e6-a51e-2b65e1786155.htmlPublic Library. Thursdays when school is in session.\n\nFriday, Jan. 27\n\nK-State Tap Ensemble, 7 p.m., Marysville High School Auditorium. Freeadult programming,Marysville Public Library,adults and youngsters,p.m.,school,Marshall County Arts Cooperative,Public,Fine Art,Jan. 22,Meetings,Marysville,Marysville City Building,Club,Marysville Elementary School,Marysville community card party,Marysville American Legion,Marysville Sport and Recreation,NCK Rock and Gem Club,school improvement project,a.m.,Hermansberg Old School Museum committee,Feb. 2,Feb. 1,Country Quilting Divas meeting,book,Community Memorial Healthcare South Plaza,Feb. 8,City Building,Axtell City Park18-Jan-2017 12:59PMd01-18-17 KSU Research & Extension: Program set for cow-calf conference February 10th in Goodland, KSšhttps://brianallmerradionetwork.wordpress.com/2017/01/18/01-18-17-ksu-research-extension-program-set-for-cow-calf-conference-february-10th-in-goodland-ks/‹headquarters is on the K-State campus, Manhattan.\n\nFor more information: Angie Stump Denton, Kansas State University Department of AnimalнChallenging Beef Industry ,program,State,trade show,State Research and Extension,KSU Research,Farm Credit,Nebraska Extension and Colorado State University Extension,Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado,Colorado,cow herd efficiency,Panel members,roundtable member Debbie Lyons,U.S. beef production,Nebraska beef systems extension educator,Kansas,research data and ideas,Complete program information,National Cattlemen s Beef Association,Blythe Family Farms,University,Nebraska,Western State Bank,industry representatives,Extension,Registration,Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station,Bank and First National Bank,producers,Goodland Elks Lodge,Kansas Livestock Association executive director,calf conference Feb.,Sunflower Extension District livestock agent,Goodland,Blythe,Cooperative Extension Service,county Extension offices,Nebraska Rural Futures Institute executive director,integrating crop and livestock systems,Animal Sciences & Industry,northwest area livestock specialist18-Jan-2017 11:59AMGRussian National Ballet Theatre presents  Cinderella Jan. 28 at McCainfhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/18/russian-national-ballet-theatre-presents-cinderella-jan-28-at-mccain/Š785-532-6428, or online at k-state.edu/mccain. Half-price tickets for most seats are available for K-State students and kids 18 and under.'Russian National Ballet Theatre,price tickets,virtuous servant girl, Cinderella,royal ball,Kansas State University s McCain Auditorium,k-state.edu/mccain. Half,heart,McCain Auditorium box office,State students and kids, Cinderella Jan.,help,McCain Performance Series presentation,Jan. 28,prince18-Jan-2017 11:41AM=HFED introduces new director, board members at annual meeting–http://www.hiawathaworldonline.com/news/hfed-introduces-new-director-board-members-at-annual-meeting/article_52f65656-547e-5b40-adfb-5cfe6d336e16.htmlˆ, and herself is a native to South Dakota and a graduate of Kansas State University - where she met her husband. After they married, theBy Joey May Hiawatha World\board members,Klinefelter Farm,annual meeting,new director,Moore,city, county and college officials,Previous director,HFED,home,Highland Community College,organization,group,position,business management,local business people,part,term,Hiawatha,regular business,Hiawatha and shares,Kristin Hillyer,Kansas State University,Gene Hillyer and Pat Meenan18-Jan-2017 11:37AM+Liberty and liturgy in the nation s capitalAhttp://blogs.lcms.org/2017/liberty-and-liturgy-in-nations-capital‹is in the same situation as you, noted James Copeland, who attends Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan.\n\nPrincess Greah, right, ofLCMS News & InformationЌplenary speaker,college campuses,corporal matters,LCMS college students,Christians and citizens,Christ,campus,Rev. Marcus Zill,students,topics,Jesus Christ,Mark and Mollie Hemingway,Christian s role,National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference,banquet speaker,speakers and worship,Jesus , Marks,Church and society,Gospel matters,Jan. 4,conference,free speech matters,religious liberty,students Thursday morning,University,Students and campus ministry workers,ministry supporters, Liberty,LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford,nation,Liberty and liturgy,Redeemer Lutheran Church,ministry conference,others,Kansas State University,Rev. Christopher Thoma,Rev. Dr. Daniel Gard,Liberty conference,conference and others,Maryland LCMS,LCMS Communications,next LCMS,Rev. Hans Fiene,Montana District President Rev. Terry Forke,Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison,Jan. 5,president,Concordia University Chicago,Rev. Eric Andrae,Jan. 6,Liberty ,breakout sessions18-Jan-2017 11:00AMS'Top 10 Considerations to Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy' scheduled for Jan. 19“http://www.hpj.com/general/top-considerations-to-navigate-a-struggling-farm-economy-scheduled-for/article_b40aa21c-5c77-514b-b147-fe7e73369480.htmlˆDistrict, Premier Farm and Home and Agriculture Resource Management.\n\nK-State Research and Extension will focus on a host of different+Shawnee County Extension,Struggling Farm Economy ,net income level,Frontier Extension District,Kansas Farm Management Association farms,program,Meadowlark District,farm operation,farm business,Frontier Farm Credit,Premier Farm and Home,farmers,program, lu< nch and handouts,different topics, Top 10 Considerations,Landmark National Bank,sponsors,Pottawatomie County,lunch,Wabaunsee County and Leavenworth County Extension,First State Bank and Trust,State Research and Extension,Navigate,Jan. 19,Registration,participants,Agriculture Resource Management,a.m.18-Jan-2017 10:45AM<Western Kansas Forage Conference to feature Ohio crop expertЉhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/crop/western-kansas-forage-conference-to-feature-ohio-crop-expert/article_2fda455c-dd89-11e6-aefa-5b0f57f23db0.html?comment_form=trueCrops - Jaymelynn Farney, K-State animal scientist\n\n" Pasture Risk Insurance - Monte Vandeveer, K-State agricultural economist\n\nRegistration}cover crops,soil health,Ohio,State Research and Extension,crop production system,Michigan and Ohio,Western Kansas Forage Conference,sustainable farming practices,State soil management specialist,farms,Grassland Council Update,KSFGC members,Rasawehr,system,State,Kan. Registration,mob grazing,Feb. 20,conference,Online registration,registration fee,a.m.,Feb. 10,enclosure,experience18-Jan-2017 10:38AM"Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child?]https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/media-spotlight/201701/spare-the-rod-and-spoil-the-childŒbehaviour. A team of researchers led by Marcos Mendez of Kansas State University's Department of Family Studies and Human Services used dataPsychology Today BlogRomeo Vitelli Ph.D.corporal punishment,children,parents,behaviour,old children,children experience,young children,boys,later problems,girls,destructive behaviour,apparent gender differences,warm maternal parenting,new study,frustration or resistance children,later behavioural,attention problems,Kansas State University,irritation or coercive behaviour,physical discipline,Child Health and Human Development,gender,family interaction puzzle task,data,boys and girls,task,many U.S. states,factors,Family Psychology,Rod and Spoil,consequences,present study,Family Studies and Human Services,harsh discipline,Family Transitions Project,example,advocates,aggression and attention18-Jan-2017 10:34AM(Regional farmers market vendor workshopFhttp://www.morningagclips.com/regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshop/ŒMANHATTAN, Kan. ­­ The Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health and Environmentѕfresh food source,farmers,workshop,markets,Kansas farmers,State Research and Extension,Food Safety Modernization Act,Workshop topics,market vendors and managers,Farmers Markets,measures program,Kansas Department,Food Bucks SNAP,Olathe,Health and Environment,Londa Nwadike,KDA s Central Registration,safety,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Agriculture,consumers,Onsite registration,Feb. 10, 2017,registration form and payment,local economy,Johnson County Extension Office,W. Innovation Dr.,environment18-Jan-2017 10:30AM$The fundamentals of animal nutritionChttp://www.morningagclips.com/the-fundamentals-of-animal-nutrition/Šmore about training opportunities at the IGP Institute, visit www.grains.k-state.edu/igp.\n\n Samantha Albers, Communications Intern, IGPbonline training,farm animals and pets,nutrients,IGP Institute,basics,animal,course,main training focus,grains,animal sciences and industry,nutritional requirements,animal growth and development,contact Brandi Miller,feed,best nutrition,production animals,feed manufacturing and grain quality management,Miller,flour milling and grain processing,professional development coordinator,sales or marketing,nutritional digestion,nutrition utilization,many distance courses,participants,digestive anatomy,various ingredients,industry professionals,fundamentals,education credit,online education,ingredients and makeup+Another 96-bushel entry tops Kansas soybean„http://www.midwestproducer.com/news/crop/another--bushel-entry-tops-kansas-soybean/article_c4d9e2a8-dd88-11e6-b687-1ff04a8d02ce.htmlŠincentives for them to improve,' said Doug Shoup, Parsons, K-State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist, who is completing hisrvalue contest,Kansas Soybean Value Contest,district,Henry Farms,contest winners,Kansas Soybean Association,best farming practices,Kansas farmers,yields,bushels,first place,northeastern Kansas,McClellan Farms,Parallel Farms,Summit Farms,Jeschke Farms LLC,cents,cash price,competition,Cummings Farms,Oehme Farms,third with 78.34 bushels,percent,reported state average,Timmons Brothers Farms,central Kansas,state and district winners,State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist,tillage,average,increased value,southeastern Kansas,Kansas Soybean Expo Jan.,Ernest Schlatter,state,Hutchinson,Lebanon,Carla Naasz Schlatter18-Jan-2017 10:27AM?K-State and Commerce Partner on Grant Program for Entrepreneursihttps://ithinkbigger.com/k-state-partners-with-department-of-commerce-on-grant-program-for-entrepreneurs/Œ, including Kansas State University, Wichita State University, University of Kansas, Pittsburg State University, Fort Hays State University,Thinking Bigger Business Media!by Thinking Bigger Business StaffмEntrepreneurship and Advanced Manufacturing Institute,program,Award amounts,State and Commerce Partner,KS State Bank,funds,Entrepreneurs,state Department,Commerce s JumpStart Kansas Entrepreneurs program,Kansas,k-state.edu/jumpstartKS. Grant awards,case basis,market assessments,Pittsburg State University,marketing and sales materials,partners,new businesses,Washburn University and Network Kansas,Commerce,business planning,University,Advancement,basis,Applications,approval18-Jan-2017 09:36AMBLocal Extension agent offers help with pruning storm damaged treesБhttp://www.leaderandtimes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=27710:local-extension-agent-offers-help-with-pruning-storm-damaged-trees&catid=12:local-news&Itemid=40ŠBy KYLEE HARRISON\n\n" Seward County K-State Research and Extension\n\nWinter storms may cause serious tree damage. Often you will have toLeader & Times Online9branches,tree,storm,serious tree damage,Slippery ice,next larger branch,younger vigorous trees,third cut,Local Extension agent offers,large limbs,work,certified arborist,information,Pruning,main trunk split,trunk,strip bark,Seward County Extension Office,stubs,good arborist,H & Extension,collar,Preventing d< amage18-Jan-2017 09:15AMhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/regional/kda-offers-morel-mushroom-identification-session/article_b602d8ae-dd86-11e6-aa4d-233500a8a730.htmlŒTo register for the session and/or the entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/ and click on 'Central Kansas Market Vendor and GrowerЁmorel mushroom identification session,session,entire workshop,Central Kansas Market Grower and Vendor Workshop,morel identification session,W. 21st Street N.,session and/,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,KDA s food safety,Kansas,approved mushroom identifier,KSU/MU Extension food safety specialist,State Research and Extension,necessary approval,Current regulations,participants,safety,a.m.,AgricultureЁhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/regional/kda-offers-morel-mushroom-identification-session/article_b602d8ae-dd86-11e6-aa4d-233500a8a730.html?comment_form=true18-Jan-2017 09:12AM.K-State program to help fill need for teachersIhttp://ksn.com/2017/01/18/k-state-program-to-help-fill-need-for-teachers/Wichita, Topeka or Dodge City, you may be eligible for a $6,000 fellowship.\n\nTo find out more about the program, visit the K-State website. By KSN TVprogram,Kansas City,teachers,new program,urban school districts,fewer college students,Kansas State Department,Teaching ,elementary teaching, Master,whole bunch,State website,reason,education,fellowship,Arts,Kansas, Wichita, Topeka or Dodge City,Kan.,online course18-Jan-2017 08:15AM<Series on community board leadership set for February, Marchšhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/regional/series-on-community-board-leadership-set-for-february-march/article_bee232f2-dd05-11e6-9b5b-0f674b30c0e8.htmlŒhealthy, effective boards and committees in our Kansas communities. K-State Research and Extension s Board Leadership Series will provide anЊboard members,committed board members,State Research and Extension s Board Leadership,board,Feb. 28,basics,community board leadership,session,Effective Meetings,United Way agency board,rural water board,final topic,state,Informed,Conflict Management,series,Participants,Kansas Feb.,host sites,person,extension community development specialist,local extension professionals,community,Feb. 10,Fund Management,registration,OlatheЌhttp://www.midwestproducer.com/news/regional/series-on-community-board-leadership-set-for-february-march/article_bee232f2-dd05-11e6-9b5b-0f674b30c0e8.html?comment_form=true18-Jan-2017 08:00AMSWestern Specialty Contractors Appoints Damon Matthew Branch Manager of Omaha Office‡http://www.coatingspromag.com/industry-news/2017/01/western-specialty-contractors-appoints-damon-matthew-branch-manager-of-omaha-office‰at Western.\n\nMatthew has a Bachelor of Science degree from Kansas State University and is a member of the International Concrete RepairCoatingsPro MagazineнBranch Manager,Western Specialty Contractors,Matthew,Omaha office,Western,Western Specialty Contractors Vice,building cleaning,NE office,asset,restoration industry experience,EIFS restoration,concrete and masonry restoration,laborer, project manager and estimator,C&M Restoration,parking garage restoration and waterproofing,Kansas City,International Concrete Repair Institute,Kansas State University,exterior wall coating application,ideal candidate,Goedecke and Blakley Corp.9Antibiotic stewardship: Change your thinking and behaviorkhttp://www.progressivedairy.com/topics/herd-health/antibiotic-stewardship-change-your-thinking-and-behavior‹professor and director of the Microbial Surveillance Laboratory at Kansas State University.\n\nBoiling down resistance\n\nThe chief concernProgressive Dairyman Dave Natzkehantibiotic resistance,resistance and regulation,stewardship programs,antibiotic resistance issues,antibiotics,antibiotic use,human resistance issues,humans,National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System,animals,Lubbers,vaccination programs and nutrition,health event,Dr. Brian Lubbers,producers,human and food,health traits,animal s health,bacteria,behavior,livestock producers,disease prevention,antibiotic treatments,new antibiotics,heaviest use,overall use,bovine respiratory disease,Stewardship challenges,consumers,regulations,change,veterinarians,borne pathogens,improper use,use and strive,producer buy,operational systems,Animal Medicine Drug Use Clarification Act,-counter antibiotics,producers and veterinarians,issue,mastitis pathogens,technological advancements,new technologies,routine disease control,burdensome future regulations,farm animal care audit18-Jan-2017 07:17AMB$1.4 Million Organic Dairy Grant To Enhance Animal Care Strategiesghttp://www.farms.com/news/1-4-million-organic-dairy-grant-to-enhance-animal-care-strategies-117869.aspxoorganic dairies,cow health,animal care,research,organic regulations,team,organic milk increases,animal sciences,organic agriculture,Colorado,grant,term goal,better cow welfare,Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University,better health,different research trials,prevention and treatment,mastitis prevention,Pinedo,dairy practitioners, Dairy,U.S. Department,conventional dairies,calf care and fly management,animal populations,Agriculture s National Institute,Food and Agriculture,studies,procedures,University,CSU veterinarian Luciano Caixeta,chief agricultural officer,leverage CSU s strengths,challenge18-Jan-2017 06:52AM9K-State initiates fast-track teaching certificate program< Ohttp://www.kmbz.com/K-State-initiates-fast-track-teaching-certificate-/22991078Kansas State University has developed a one-year program to help people transition into teaching jobs.\n\nBeginning in May students can beginKMBZЭTeaching,State initiates,aspiring teachers,program,public schools,adults,Fellowships,jobs,Kansas Board,people transition,Kansas school district,Todd Goodson,Kansas City,bachelor,certification,KSU spokesman18-Jan-2017 06:18AMITall fescues need endophyte fungus, but not toxins that poison beef herdsmhttp://hoards.com/article-20260-Tall-fescues-need-endophyte-fungus-but-not-toxins-that-poison-beef-herds.htmlHoards DairymanBMissouri Extension,plant,tall fescue,grassland farmers,Losses,Plant scientists,poison beef herds,good news,beef industry,endophyte,Missouri beef producers,toxins,southeastern United States,Plant breeders,bad news,varieties,bad endophyte,Kentucky aid,schools,novel,fescue survival,School dates and locations,seed industry leaders and farmers,protection,Kansas State University and University,toxic fescue replacement,MU Extension forage specialist,new fescue varieties,Extension services,Hoard s Dairyman,season grass pastures,University,annual MU Crop Conference,cattle,pastures18-Jan-2017 06:03AM2Western Kansas Forage Conference Feb. 20 in Larned;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=62&yr=2017Crops -- Jaymelynn Farney, K-State animal scientist\n\n- Pasture Risk Insurance -- Monte Vandeveer, K-State agricultural economist\n\n- ProducerЪcover crops,Agriculture soil health specialist,A.J. Foster,Kansas Forage and Grassland Council Update,State Research and Extension,crop production system,sustainable farming practices,State soil management specialist,farms,State animal scientist,Western Kansas Forage Conference Feb.,KSFGC board member,Rasawehr,Animal Health Concerns,system,Feb. 20,members,mob grazing,Registration,Kansas,conference,Feb. 10,Pasture Weed Management,a.m.,enclosure,experience7Olathe to Host Regional Farmers' Market Vendor Workshop;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=63&yr=2017farmers,markets,foods,workshop,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers,Food safety considerations,Workshop topics,marketing tool,measures program,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Health and Environment,Olathe,Kansas Department,produce safety,Central Registration,Londa Nwadike,Feb. 1,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,consumers,local economy,Onsite registration,Kansas businesses,W. Innovation Dr.,Johnson County Extension Office,registration form and payment,environment18-Jan-2017 05:59AMHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=63$farmers,markets,foods,workshop,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers,Food safety considerations,Market Vendor Workshop,Workshop topics,measures program,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Health and Environment,Olathe,Kansas Department,produce safety,Central Registration,Londa Nwadike,Feb. 1,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,consumers,local economy,Onsite registration,Kansas businesses,W. Innovation Dr.,Johnson County Extension Office,registration form and payment,environmentHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=6218-Jan-2017 05:00AM"Confessions of a St. Louis Hoosierwhttp://www.newsexaminer.com/opinion/confessions-of-a-st-louis-hoosier/article_7a220a2d-9d90-5597-8539-6d5213278fb8.htmlŽ.\n\nAuthor Thomas E. Murray, a linguist and former English professor at Kansas State University, came right out and said it in the title of aThe News-ExaminerBy DAVE BANGERTАIndiana s honor,Indiana,St. Louis,DAVE BANGERT,toilet paper,Hoosier,Dan Coats and Joe Donnelly,bunch, a bunch,Coats,literary research,signature work,Names,Hoosier litmus test,research piece,people,considerable time,Government Publishing Office s Style Board,Riverfront Times,St. Louis International Film Festival,Confessions, s survival,city s number one term,n t work,work or school,course,Dispatch columnist Elaine Viets,columnistœhttp://www.derbyinformer.com/news/state_regional_national/kda-offers-morel-mushroom-identification-session/article_c3004678-dcdb-11e6-bb79-effadbb2c211.htmlŒ, Kan.  The Kansas Department of Agriculture, in partnership with K-State Research and Extension, is offering a session to help people earnNmushrooms,session,W. 21st Street N.,State Research and Extension,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,Kansas Department,KDA s food safety,workshop,state,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist,contact Londa Nwadike,morel identifiers,approved mushroom identifier,necessary approval,a.m.,Current regulations,safety,Agriculture18-Jan-2017 03:39AMF$1.4m USDA grant aids in research of cow health on organic dairy farmsuhttp://www.dairyreporter.com/Sectors/Fresh-Milk/1.4m-USDA-grant-aids-in-research-of-cow-health-on-organic-dairy-farms‚Researchers from the University of Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University will work together to evaluateDairyReporterBy Mary Ellen Shoup+FranceLanguedoc-Roussillon regionalМcow health,organic dairy farms,better cow welfare,Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University,research,team,conventional dairies,USDA grant aids,grant,Food and Agriculture,better health,animal sciences,Colorado, Dairy,mastitis prevention,prevention and treatment,organic animal care,calf care and fly management,Pinedo,University,animal populations,studies,approaches,USDA s National Institute,organic agriculture,challenge18-Jan-2017 02:55AM2017USNewsŽ§V'Yf[NLu’cTџBhttp://www.pig66.com/weixintoutiao/xuebazu/2017-01-18/1906404.html˜University of Hawaii, Manoa\n\n328\nЦ[Я‚Ь‘'Yf[\nUniversity of Missouri\n\n340\n*X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\nKansas State University\n\n356\nяfЏe‰[Ѓо]Ыz'Yf[\nLouisiana State University*sЫSKNЖ[НCalifornia,Maryland,Colorado,North Carolina,State University,M University,Texas,Purdue University,New Jersey,Health Sciences,Texas Medical Branch,Ill< inois,Massachusetts,Science & Technology18-Jan-2017 02:52AMBMy Speech at Kansas State University, by David Henderson - EconLogJhttp://so-l.ru/news/show/my_speech_at_kansas_state_university_by_david_henSo-l.ruRussiaЄKansas State University,David Henderson,Popular Misconceptions,Manhattan,Important Facts,Fred and Mary Koch Foundation,Talk,Economic Inequality,Kansas,EconLog,Title18-Jan-2017 12:32AMSHighly Recognized Scientist Earning Honorary Doctorate from Kansas State University5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5749172Ž, Kan., Jan. 18 -- Kansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nA Kansas State University alumna and 2016 recipient of one ofеHighly Recognized Scientist Earning Honorary Doctorate,Kansas State University,National Medal,highest honors,following news release,doctorate,California,university,physical chemistry,Jan. 18,Kan.,recipient,Science18-Jan-2017 12:31AMXUniversity's Entrepreneurship, Manufacturing Centers Partner with State on Grant Program5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5749169ˆ, Kan., Jan. 18 -- Kansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nKansas State University's Center for the Advancement of8State,Manufacturing Centers Partner,Kansas State University,Entrepreneurship and Advanced Manufacturing Institute,grant funding,KS State Bank,following news release,state Commerce Department,program,Kan.,Kansas Department,part,University,Entrepreneurship,Jan. 18,Advancement,JumpStart Kan,Commerce,new businesses)ц ! щЂм: 2016-2017х& Јч§џ’щЁЖхА хЄЇх­ІTop1000http://www.coolncute.com/data/page.php?id=967939–уЌ Ќ (ц} х§џ§џ701+)\n\nуЌ Ќ уЌ Ќ =129. х Њш§џЈц ЏхЗ~чЋ9 хЄЇх­І\n\nуЌ Ќ уЌ Ќ /Kansas State University\n\nуЌ Ќ уЌ Ќ (ц} х§џ§џ701+)\n\nуЌ Ќ уЌ Ќ =129. ш Џч0 ЙхЗ~чЋ9 хЄЇх­І\n\nуЌ Ќ у ПNQ1eew.comЕ/University,уЌ Ќ уЌ ,­І University,State University,Ё University,9 хЦЉхЦ ц Ё University,M University,QS World University Rankings,Washington University,Howard University,Ohio University18-Jan-2017 12:15AM)Red Cross needs emergency blood donationsThttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/18/red-cross-needs-emergency-blood-donations/Šplease do. Get out and donate. \n\nWhile not affiliated with the K-State American Red Cross Club, there will be two blood drives organizedxAmerican Red Cross,severe winter blood shortage,blood,red  , Foley, Blood and platelet donations,single blood donation,State chapter,emergency levels,regional chapters,students,People,United States,human life,emergency call,fewer donations,Jan. 4,national level,surgery, Vas,Jan. 13,Foley,emergency situation,Jan. 23,KSU Foundation,Manhattan s Pottorf Hall,everyone,shortage7K-State organizations plan for an entertaining semesterbhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/18/k-state-organizations-plan-for-an-entertaining-semester/‰Theatre and Kirmser Hall. K-State and the Manhattan community can find student recitals, faculty artists, K-State Theatre attractions and[exhibits and shows,student recitals,Music, Theatre and Dance,events,spring fashion show,State organizations,Marianna Kistler Beach Museum,faculty artists, awesome events,faculty and student talent,performers,School,ensemble performances,McCain Performance Series,semester,euphonium music performance,great music, Watson,interesting exhibition,museum,regional artists,music,well rounded exhibits,Kansas State and Manhattan communities,State Apparel Marketing and Design Alliance,up this semester,drag show Girl Power,Art Gift Print Artist,exhibits,State Theatre attractions,Max Dunlap, Dunlap,great recitals,Nichols Theatre,McCain,recital attendance requirements,Mark A. Chapman Theatre,UPC s website,entire time,Purple Mask Theatre and Kirmser Hall, Mhatre,Mhatre,Kansas farms,website and marketing manager,Kansas plant life,time and collaboration,website18-Jan-2017 12:01AMBoard hears from last finalistFhttp://www.dodgeglobe.com/news/20170117/board-hears-from-last-finalistŒeducational leadership in 1997. She earned a doctorate of education from Kansas State University in 2004, and in that same year received theDodge City Daily GlobeEmily Garcia/@emily_dcglobeКGarden City,assistant superintendent,Dodge City,high school principal,Schools,southwest Kansas,Migrant Programming,board,Kiblinger,Reno County,superintendent,Outstanding Graduate Student Award,instructional programs,Unified School Administrators,Pittsburg State University,students,Hutchinson,diversity and students,USD 308 superintendent,USD 484 school board,finalist s school district,various state,Directors, Hutchinson Boys and Girls Club Board,Kansas State Department,Education,something,community,Hutchinson County Commission,honors superintendents,college,board president and vice president,superintendents and kindergarten teachers,language skills,many county,associate,diversity,experience17-Jan-2017 11:37PMиvЙpŽ§V'Yf[xvzuGRERpeП~2http://learning.sohu.com/20170118/n479031793.shtml’State University)\n\nЛžw'Yf[?–иžЏeyr!h:SUniversity of Massachusetts §џC Amherst\n\nKansas State University\n\n?–Щbє]lš'Yf[(University of Alabama)\n\nUniversity ofYeВ€‘˜S-dаrBeijingŸCornell University,Georgia Institute,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,University,Baylor University,Washington University,California,Duke University,South Florida,Harvard University,Princeton University,Northwestern University,Missouri,North Car< olina§џCChapel Hill,Carnegie Mellon University,university park campus,Lehigh University,M University,Rice University,Yale University,Virginia,South Carolina,Auburn University,Case Western Reserve University,Iowa,Massachusetts Institute,Tulane University,Texas,Chicago,George Washington University,Southern Illinois University,New Jersey§џCNew Brunswick,Technology,College Park,College Station,Dartmouth College,Illinois,Tennessee17-Jan-2017 11:00PM/Lawrence D. Larry Riat celebrates 80th birthdayƒhttp://www.salina.com/life/birthdays/lawrence-d-larry-riat-celebrates-th-birthday/article_fc860454-2726-5d3a-8e9f-a7a39d1deed2.html‹.\n\nLarry earned his master's degree in extension education from Kansas State University. He was the Dickinson County extension agent from“Larry,Dickinson County extension agent,Lawrence D.,Riat,Kansas State University,Beekman Place,cards,extension education,Jan. 20, 2017,Abilene 6741017-Jan-2017 10:46PM*Technology conferences are new trend in AgEhttp://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/17/technology-conferences-new-trend-ag/‰for the conference, interested farmers can contact their nearest Kansas State University Extension and Research office.\n\nFor farmers in AgNewsFeed™equipment safety,farmers,cotton,aerial crop,agricultural technology,Information technology,greater tools,largest farm equipment company,better equipment,Farm conferences and workshops,row crop farming,powered spray equipment,farms,ag technology investment and research,technology,market and biotech crops,new technology,leveling equipment,post and author information,cotton farmer Joe Boddiford,farm and ranch,precision agriculture,Alabama cotton grower Larkin Martin,interested farmers,farm research efforts,overall farm business profitability,Atlanta,Farm Science Review Sept.,technology ,Kansas State University,technology market,PRECISION AG BENEFITS,next big development,Research office,research grants,development,latest technology,old technologies,State Research and Extension,entire system,Kansas agriculture,Urbana Research Park,Silicon Valley startups and mainstream technology firms,benefits,technology exhibits and workshops,technology education opportunities,conferences and summits,newer satellite mapping systems,ag tech aspirants,World AG Expo,up a few major agriculture tech workshops,state,Company,Boddiford,article,recent times,changes,enough time,first time17-Jan-2017 06:38PM.Donley dubbed director at Southwestern CollegeVhttp://www.ctnewsonline.com/business/article_697a6abc-dd16-11e6-a60c-3febc38dcd17.htmlГKansas State University, majoring in human resource management with a minor in leadership studies. She earned a master of arts in organizational management from Ashford UniversityPress Release›Southwestern College,camp or conference,events,new director,Donley,events and gatherings,main Winfield campus,Brittany,arts,Kansas State University,Winfield High School,Ashford University,Winfield,South Central Kansas,conferences,leadership studies,organizational management,human resource management,Kansas and Oklahoma,wonderful administrative skills,business service representative,professional studies sites17-Jan-2017 06:16PM*Understanding the food and mood connection†http://www.hdnews.net/lifestyle/community/understanding-the-food-and-mood-connection/article_e9f4b901-3ff6-5875-8caa-b11ad07d2262.htmlŒof physical hunger will intensify if ignored.\n\nCome and learn more from K-State Research and Extension about the food and mood connection,gfood and mood connection,foods,physical hunger,factors,emotional eating,program,habit,specific food cravings,moods,educational program  Emotional Appetite,emotion,Ellis County Extension Office meeting room,time,free Extension,Research,State Research and Extension,regular meal times,desire,appetite,Cravings,advertisement,availability,anyone,physical activity17-Jan-2017 06:02PMThe Game 1/17/17#http://1350kman.com/the-game-11717/‹Oklahoma State game tomorrow night feels like a turning point for the K-State men s season. Powercat Gameday blogger Cole Manbeck calls in.Mitch FortnerуState men,turning point,next Chiefs,Game 1/,Oklahoma State game tomorrow night,loss forces season,Iowa State,season,new Royals contract,Tony Romo,Interview,Powercat Gameday blogger Cole Manbeck,Danny Duffy,Mitch Fortner,Jabroni17-Jan-2017 03:50PM-Kansas Soybean Expo 17 Sets Attendance RecordNhttp://www.pressreleasepoint.com/kansas-soybean-expo-17-sets-attendance-recordBKSC chairman,director,soybean farms,Topeka Farm Show,farm broadcaster,farm director,Kansas,annual programs,Kansas Soybean Commission,DuPont Young Leader program,WIBW Radio,Henry Farms,KSA directors,association s and commission s commitments,Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio,Ag Issues program,District 6,KSA President Raylen Phelon,Topeka,new District 2 director,board,popular WIBW Farm Profit seminars,United Soybean Board and Dennis Gruenbacher,Kansas State University s IGP Institute,Nearly 300 soybean enthusiasts,outgoing president,Phelon,KSA First Vice President Lucas Heinen,KSA Secretary Teresa Brandenburg,chairman,Kansas Water Office,Ph.D., soybean breeder and professor,Expo planning committee,Kansas Agriculture Network,Kansas State Fair,Advanced Market Concepts,American Soybean Association,Expo,Kansas ,< Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests,markets,KSA Annual Meeting,senior agricultural economist,Hiawatha, s top member recruiters,legislated  soybean checkoff assessment,Expo photos and presentations,org/ expo,first agricultural talk shows,U.S. and world production agriculture17-Jan-2017 02:53PM8Kansas Election Officials Threw Out Thousands of Ballotsrhttp://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/41442-kansas-election-officials-threw-out-thousands-of-ballotsŽCounty threw out 2,194.\n\nConnor William Bobb, a student at Kansas State University who filled out his registration at the secretary of stateReader Supported News#By Roxana Hegeman, Associated Pressmany provisional ballots,county election offices,ballots,poll books,voters,Douglas County,motor vehicle offices,record,Kobach,state,proof,last two election cycles,local voter rolls,names,registrations,person,problem,office,Sedgwick County election office,computer screen,out the advance ballot envelope,voter registration confirmation,poll workers,people,additional 92 ballots,county AP,largest counties,applicant,confirmation,Kansas State University,Johnson County,County Clerk Jamie Shew,Gail Sims Holland,Holland and Bobb,Holland,Kansas17-Jan-2017 02:39PM118/01/2017: AFIA releases 2017 calendar of eventsLhttp://gfmt.blogspot.no/2017/01/18012017-afia-releases-2017-calendar-of.htmlperiod, Ms Rovelli said.\n\nAFIA, in partnership with Kansas State University, continues the distance education program, which provides an in{feed industry,feed manufacturing,events,networking program,Equipment Manufacturers Conference Nov.,calendar,International Poultry Expo and International Meat Expo,Veterinary Feed Directive,AFIA/KSU Joint Distance Education Programs,Georgia,Florida,International Feed Expo,meetings and events,AFIA,equipment designers,Food Safety Modernization Act,Feb. 2,meetings, conferences and workshops,feed,current 2017 AFIA event lineup,pet food ingredients,North American Meat Institute,Animal Food and HACCP Training,AFIA director,AFIA 500,Orlando,education and networking opportunities,Fundamentals,Purchasing & Ingredient Suppliers Conference17-Jan-2017 02:30PMKPrion replication without host adaptation during interspecies transmissionsihttp://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/01/13/1611891114.abstract?sid=fd7a73ea-9980-4d29-887f-7db1e49f9907/Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesђJifeng Bian, Vadim Khaychuk, Rachel C. Angers, Natalia Fernсndez-Borges, Enric Vidal, Crystal Meyerett-Reid, Sehun Kim, Carla L. Calvi, Jason C. Bartz, Edward A. Hoover, Umberto Agrimi, Jќrgen A. Richt, Joaquэn Castilla, and Glenn C. Telling1Lhost adaptation,Spain,prions,Colorado State University,Cooperative Research,origin,expected adaptation,new host,prion transmission,disease,adaptation superficial,Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology,Food Research and Technology,strain and host range characteristics,Horse prions,mink prions,optimized prion conformations,species,certain prion disorders,protein,Bizkaia,PrPC,corresponding prion,nonadaptive prion amplification,NAPA,different species,Glenn C.,mice,neuropathology and prion deposition,new species,species transitions,University,natural disease susceptibilities,particular interspecies transmissions,Creighton University School,Jason C. Bartz,Rachel C. Angers,future disease risk assessments,susceptible mice,interspecies,Immunology,Microbiology,transmission barrier eradication,TgEq and TgD,Edward A. Hoover,Jќrgen A. Richt,TgEq17-Jan-2017 02:23PM7Olathe to Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor WorkshopUhttp://krvn.com/uncategorized/olathe-to-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshop/KDA |сfresh food source,farmers,markets,workshop,State Research and Extension,Food Safety Modernization Act,Workshop topics,market vendors and managers,Farmers Markets,measures program,Food Bucks SNAP,Health and Environment,Olathe,Kansas Department,Londa Nwadike,KDA s Central Registration,safety,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,consumers,local economy,Onsite registration,Kansas businesses,W. Innovation Dr.,Johnson County Extension Office,registration form and payment,environment17-Jan-2017 01:36PMPruning storm damaged trees3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/61/article/102588/ŒAlicia Boor is the Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Barton County K-state Research and Extension. One can contact her by email at#tree,branch,storm,serious tree damage,large limbs,Slippery ice,care,next larger branch,certified arborist,younger vigorous trees,third cut,State Research and Extension s horticulture expert,main trunk split,enough damage,trunk,strip bark,work,Pruning,stubs,Preventing damage,landscape,collar17-Jan-2017 01:30PM8Legislative Researcher Outlines Revenue Estimate ProcessThttp://www.wibwnewsnow.com/legislative-researcher-outlines-revenue-estimate-process/†. Also included are three University economists, one from KU, one from K-State and one from Wichita State, that all get together. This Nick GosnelljScott,economy,Budget,state,consensus revenue estimates,Legislative Research,estimates,process,number,Director,Revenue,meetings,pooled money investment board, Research,Budget Director Shawn Sullivan,much larger group,state s revenue sources,casino revenues, s date,individual group,Department,Division,tax changes,large income source,statutory change,farm economy17-Jan-2017 01:23PM#Horses, History and the Inaugrationghttp://www.equineinfoexchange.com/index.php/recreation-lifestyle/516-horses-history-and-the-inaugrationŒmeeting in October, the CMCG did a demonstration for meeting attendees at Kansas State University and then a short meet/greet with Q&A aboutEquine Info ExchangeŒInaugural Parade,Washington,units,Old Guard,American Horse Council,History,organizations,Michigan Horse Council,horse,President,numerous historic processions,Mount Vernon,1st Infantry Commanding General s Mounted Color Guard,Jurisdiction Mounted Police Drill Team,members,community events,individuals and organizations,American Horse Soldier,State Horse Council s Fall meeting,Inaugural Ceremonies,group,Troopers and horses,largest parade,Americans,bands,Inauguration Day events,procession,Caisson Platoon,very<  first Inauguration,official ceremonies,MHC President Col. Don Packard,AHC s,ceremonial military regiments,AHC promotes,New York City,industry17-Jan-2017 01:22PM)Mole-Master to Donate Whip Machine to KSUYhttp://www.powderbulksolids.com/news/Mole-Master-to-Donate-Whip-Machine-to-KSU-01-17-2017‹of industries, is donating a Junior 360H to Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, for the university's unique feed mill training program.Powder Bulk Solids+Master,Master Services Corp.,Kansas State and Dr. Charles Stark,hand,equipment reviews,unique feed mill training program,-art training facility,extremely small flow channels,state,cleanout services,Donate Whip Machine,Mole,Junior 360H,JR360H features,national sales manager,university,Michael Bailey17-Jan-2017 01:09PM918/01/2017: Learning the fundamentals of animal nutritionFhttp://gfmt.blogspot.no/2017/01/18012017-learning-fundamentals-of.html‰Kansas State University s IGP Institute five-week distance professional development opportunity\n\nLearn the basics of providing the bestjonline training,farm animals and pets,nutrients,IGP Institute,professional development coordinator,basics,animal,course,main training focus,Brandi Miller,animals utilise,animal sciences and industry,Global Miller,nutritional requirements,animal growth and development,feed,best nutrition,production animals,feed manufacturing and grain quality management,flour milling and grain processing,sales or marketing,nutritional digestion,nutrition utilisation,many distance courses,digestive anatomy,various ingredients,participants,industry professionals,fundamentals,education credit,online education,ingredients and makeup17-Jan-2017 12:53PMB$1.4 million organic dairy grant to enhance animal care strategiesUhttp://source.colostate.edu/1-4-m-organic-dairy-grant-enhance-animal-care-strategies/Šinitiative, researchers from the University of Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University will come together to testColorado State Universityby Jason Kosovskidorganic dairies,cow health,animal care,research,organic regulations,team,organic milk increases,Colorado,grant,term goal,animal sciences,organic agriculture,better cow welfare,Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University,better health,Pinedo,different research trials,prevention and treatment,mastitis prevention,dairy practitioners, Dairy,U.S. Department,conventional dairies,calf care and fly management,animal populations,Agriculture s National Institute,Food and Agriculture,studies,University,CSU veterinarian Luciano Caixeta,chief agricultural officer,leverage CSU s strengths,challenge17-Jan-2017 12:48PM=How drama is helping prisoners to change Lebanon s penal code6http://www.dotemirates.com/en/details/2919491?from=dotŒZeina, a Lebanese actress and director, studied drama therapy at Kansas State University. Upon returning to Lebanon in 2007, she founded theDotemirates[EN]United Arab Emiratesdrama therapy,prisoners,life sentences,security men,Lebanon s prisons,first drama therapy centre,play,regular workshops,mentally ill prisoners,Baabda Central Women s Prison,Lebanon,fairer laws,crime,old men,American playwright Reginald Rose s Twelve Angry Men,Zeina,women and children,inmates,penal code states,women,Roumieh,widespread civil society campaign,new draft law, Zeina,Zeina s first two plays,Zeina  ,campaigning,reduced sentences,Alzheimer s,people,therapy,profit organisation Catharsis,changes,Beirut,release,Baabda,Catharsis17-Jan-2017 12:40PMhhttp://www.thenational.ae/world/middle-east/how-drama-is-helping-prisoners-to-change-lebanons-penal-code The National17-Jan-2017 12:34PMAgricultural Lease Meeting>http://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/17/agricultural-lease-meeting-2/‡, Otte can be contacted at 785-238-4161 or cotte@ksu.edu. K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.йmeeting,Geary County Extension Agent,agricultural leases,crop share leases,cash leases,H/Sr. Citizens Building,importance,impact,employer,hours,Kansas ag lease law,Chuck Otte,State Research and Extension,Junction City17-Jan-2017 12:00PM?Legislation would allow Kansas colleges to keep guns off campusHhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article126995539.htmlŠstands under Kansas law, college campuses like the University of Kansas, Kansas State and Johnson County Community College are required toсcollege campuses,campus,gun laws,bill,Johnson County legislator,Kansas law, Clayton,public hearing,legislators,University,Rep. Stephanie Clayton,handguns,state,process,people,Rep. John Whitmer, Brownback,committee,lawmakers17-Jan-2017 10:36AMlK-State University IGP Institute to Hold Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition Online Course ... April 10 - May 5™http://www.grainnet.com/articles/K_State_University_IGP_Institute_to_Hold_Fundamentals_of_Animal_Nutrition_Online_Course_____April_10___May_5-164145.htmlŒanimal nutrition,online training,basics,farm animals and pets,animal,course,main training focus,grains,IGP Institute,animal sciences and industry,nutritional requirements,feed,IGP Institute s Fundamentals,animal growth and development,best nutrition,feed manufacturing and grain quality management,flour milling and grain processing,information,sales or marketing,nutritional digestion,contact Brandi Miller,contact Lisa Moser,professional developement coordinator,nutrition utilization,many distance courses,digestive anatomy,various ingredients,participants,industry professionals,Fundamentals,edu     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIK§џџџLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€cation credit,online education,ingredients and makeup17-Jan-2017 10:31AMFhttp://www.feedandgrain.com/news/afia-releases-2017-calendar-of-events‹period, Rovelli said.\n\nAFIA, in partnership with Kansas State University, continues the distance education program, which provides< an in-Жfeed industry,events,complete calendar,feed manufacturing,networking program,AFIA 500,Equipment Manufacturers Conference Nov.,AFIA Releases 2017 Calendar,U.S. animal food industry,International Poultry Expo and International Meat Expo,Veterinary Feed Directive,Georgia,Florida,meetings and events,International Feed Expo,AFIA/KSU Joint Distance Education Programs,equipment designers,Food Safety Modernization Act,meetings, conferences and workshops,pet food ingredients,Feb. 2,current 2017 AFIA event lineup,North American Meat Institute,*Hyperlinked events,Animal Food and HACCP Training,Orlando,education and networking opportunities,Fundamentals,Purchasing & Ingredient Suppliers Conference17-Jan-2017 10:08AM4Can The  Twinkie Diet Really Help With Weight Loss?Khttp://trueviralnews.com/can-the-twinkie-diet-really-help-with-weight-loss/‰losing weight on the  Twinkie Diet. Mark Haub of Kansas State University ate either twinkies, nutty bars, or powdered donuts every threecjunk food,healthy meal, Twinkie Diet,diet,Lose Weight Eating Nothing But Junk Food,Fast Food, good cholesterol,heavy amounts,considerable amount,percent,health issues,good health,Effects,few negative effects,significantly fewer calories,Haub, Mark Haub,calories,twinkies,Vitamin and mineral deficiency,number one macronutrient,Body,macronutrients,muscle17-Jan-2017 10:01AM!Seneca to host K-State Dairy DaysFhttp://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/17/seneca-to-host-k-state-dairy-days/Šand findings from research projects relevant to the dairy industry, Kansas State University will host the 2017 Kansas Dairy Days in Seneca<Whiteside meeting,hot topics,Kansas State University,research projects,State dairy extension specialist,dairy industry,dairy producers,information,cow health,industry and dairy employees,State dairy teaching and research unit update,Reno County Dairy Herd Improvement Association Annual Meeting,meetings,Seneca,dairy cattle reproduction,Midwest Dairy Association and Kansas Department,Kansas Dairy Commission,Agriculture/Kansas Department,Luis Mendonca,Commerce update,location call,Dr. Luiz Ferraretto,managers and producers,Dr. Jeff Stevenson,University,contact Mendonca17-Jan-2017 08:22AM$County turns down extension districtShttp://www.mcphersonsentinel.com/news/20170117/county-turns-down-extension-districtŽThe McPherson County Commission declined to participate in a K-State Research and Extension District during its meeting Monday morning.\n\nTheMcPherson SentinelBy Josh Arnett, Staff WriterЫextension district,commissioners,proposed district,tax levels,extension agents and staff,great programs,counties,special taxing district,presentation Monday morning,Agents Lindsey Friesen and Jana McKinney,elected board,McPherson and Marion Counties,extension leaders,cost,McPherson Police Department,McPherson County Sheriff Jerry Montagne,collaboration,oversight,hour,department,suitable vehicle,resolution,Kansas,Friesen,used pickup truck,purchase,McKinney17-Jan-2017 06:44AM&Using high tech to make farm decisionsRhttp://www.jamestownsun.com/news/local/4200478-using-high-tech-make-farm-decisionsŠ, cropping systems economist for the Department of Agriculture Economics at Kansas State University, said most farmers won't be looking toThe Jamestown Sun"By Keith Norman Today at 6:44 a.m.Іfarmers,farm,data,biodegradable sensors,disposable sensors,less equipment,weather reporting equipment,equipment, soil analysis and harvest data,good farm prices,sensing equipment,technology,yield monitoring equipment,information,intent,GPS monitors,field or portion,finger,agriculture,Khosla,field,precision ag technology,GPS chip,Agriculture Economics,product manager,Terry Griffin,better decisions,poor management skills17-Jan-2017 06:33AM0KDA Offers Morel Mushroom Identification SessionHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=56‹The Kansas Department of Agriculture, in partnership with K-State Research and Extension, Kaw Valley Mycological Society and the University—morel mushroom identification session,session,entire workshop,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,mushrooms,W. 21st Street N.,food safety,session and/,State Research and Extension,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,Kansas,morel identifiers,approved mushroom identifier,state,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist,necessary approval,Current regulations,participants,a.m.,Agriculture8E. coli Project Generates New Detection, Control MethodsHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=55‹, lost brand reputation and business failures.\n\nResearchers from Kansas State University, Nebraska, the Los Alamos National Laboratory inE. coli,strains,STEC strains,beef,food safety,Food and Agriculture,project,detection methods,cattle and beef,detection and control,Shiga toxin,Kansas State scientists,scientists and educators,food,project director Rodney Moxley,E. coli Project Generates New Detection,cattle hides,meat,food recalls,National Institute,goal,hide,feedlot cattle hides,Nebraska and Kansas State,Nebraska,Researchers,outbreak,significant finding,scientists,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,people,serving institutions,bacteria,private industry17-Jan-2017 06:32AM?Federally Mandated Databank a Vital Tool for Food Animal HealthHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=54…of North Carolina State University, the University of Florida and University of California, Davis, with Kansas State University a newFKansas State University,Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank,food supply,tools,outward recommendations,drug withdrawal interval recommendations,food producers,drug,Veterinary Medicine,university,FARAD,databank,residue questions,drugs, pesticides and biotoxins,Gehring,residue avoidance,Florida and University,Federally Mandated Databank,general questions,Kansas Bioscience,Institute,unsafe chemical residues,translational medicine,expert advice,Riviere,Computational Comparative Medicine,licensed veterinarians,practicing veterinarian,professional advice,collaboration,Agriculture/Seneca and Whiteside to Host K-State Dairy DaysHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=58{Whiteside meeting,hot topics,Kansas State University,research projects,State dairy extension specialist,dairy industry,dairy producers,information,cow health,State dairy teaching and research unit update,industry and dairy employees,Reno County Dairy Herd Improvement Association Annual Meeting,Seneca and Whiteside,meetings,dairy cattle reproduction,Midwest Dairy Association and Kansas Department,Kansas Dairy Commission,Seneca location call,Agriculture/Kansas Department,Seneca,Luis Mendonca,Commerce update,Dr. Luiz Ferraretto,managers and producers,University,shredlage technology and Dr. Jeff Stevenson,contact Mendonca,locations17-Jan-2017 06:28AMAhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=52&yr=201717-Jan-2017 06:25AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=58&yr=2017;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=55&yr=2017;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=56&yr=2017˜morel mushroom identification session,session,entire workshop,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,morel identification session,W. 21st Street N.,food safety,session and/,State Research and Extension,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,Kansas,approved mushroom identifier,state,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist,necessary approval,Current regulations,participants,a.m.,Agriculture;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.< php?Id=54&yr=2017eKansas State University,Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank,food supply,tools,outward recommendations,drug withdrawal interval recommendations,Food and Agriculture,food producers,drug,Veterinary Medicine,university,FARAD,databank,residue questions,drugs, pesticides and biotoxins,minor food animal species,Gehring,Florida and University,Federally Mandated Databank,Computational Comparative Medicine,general questions,Kansas Bioscience,Institute,animal health,unsafe chemical residues,translational medicine,expert advice,Riviere,licensed veterinarians,practicing veterinarian,professional advice,collaboration17-Jan-2017 06:10AM$AP: Thousands of Kansas ballots lost@http://www.kmbz.com/AP-Thousands-of-Kansas-ballots-lost/22990001@provisional ballots,county election offices,ballots,poll books,voters,motor vehicle offices,record,Kobach,state,proof,last two election cycles,local voter rolls,names,Douglas County,registrations,person,office,problem,additional 92 ballots,computer screen,out the advance ballot envelope,voter registration confirmation,poll workers,people,county AP,largest counties,applicant,confirmation,Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Tabitha Lehman,Kansas State University,Johnson County,County Clerk Jamie Shew,online registration process,Gail Sims Holland,Holland and Bobb,Holland1AP Investigates: Thousands of Kansas ballots lostMhttp://www.kmbz.com/AP-Investigates-Thousands-of-Kansas-ballots-lost/2299000117-Jan-2017 03:37AM*Can KSU do anything about bad officiating?ahttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/can-ksu-do-anything-about-bad-officiating-27909578sQ: K- State got jobbed twice last week on bad calls at the end of two games.\n\nRead more at Manhattan Mercury NewsEbad calls,Manhattan Mercury News,State,games,bad officiating,anything17-Jan-2017 02:00AM‹under Kansas law, college campuses like the University of Kansas, Kansas State University and Johnson County Community College are requiredcollege campuses,gun laws,campus,bill,state colleges and universities,Kansas law,Johnson County legislator,legislators,public hearing,Hunter Woodall,Kansas Board,handguns,universities,state,Rep. Stephanie Clayton,Clayton,committee,people,lawmakers,Regents,Gov. Sam Brownback,Brownback17-Jan-2017 01:33AM12-day International conference inaugurated at HMV8http://newsdog.today/a/article/587dc7941290713838890b21/‹, Kansas State University, USA focused on to exploit the possible opportunities associated with climate change. Mr. Aseem Sayal (UniversityLResearch Scholars,Commissioner Jalandhar Division,Guest,Director IISER,Prof. Dinithi C. Peiris,guests, resource persons and delegates,Honour,Technical Session,Planery Session,inaugural session,Science Education & Research,conference,Honour Prof. N. Sathyamurthy,atoms and molecules change,Chief Guest Mr. H.S. Nanda,Commissioner,Principal Prof.Dr.,poster presentation session,Mrs. Deepshikha,talk,International Association,Convener Dr. Meenakshi Sayal,science faculty,Sri Jaywardenepura University,Dr. Sarinder Kaur Dhillon,Prof. Harsh Manchanda,Prof. Satya Narain,Kansas State University,Dr. Manoj Kumar,Dr. Neelam Sharma,Dr. Anjana Bhatia,Dr. Ekta Khosla,Dr. Pawan Gupta,Dr. Seema Marwaha,Mr. Manjit Singh Kang,NIT and Prof. N.S. Saini,University,Mr. Aseem Sayal,infectious diseases,Mrs. Jyoti Kaul,Mrs. Rakesh Uppal,Chandigarh,climate change17-Jan-2017 12:00AM4Faster wifi, slower pace during K-State winter break^http://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/17/faster-wifi-slower-pace-during-k-state-winter-break/‹the town gets to experience an Aggieville crowd change, but the K-State and Manhattan atmosphere do not noticeably change when students areЦwinter break,slower pace,students,town,quiet breaks,little bit,campus,holidays,Manhattan,crowd change,older crowd,State and Manhattan atmosphere,Manhattan Area Chamber,holiday sales increase,Penny Billington, Billington,Aggieville,Faster wifi,State Libraries,Empty parking lots,Union,Union s marketing and community relations,businesses,Aggieville Business Association executive director,Jason Coleman, Coleman,Hale Library,Library User Services,PeoplePSen. Moran hopeful the successes of science, research can end health care debateyhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/17/sen-moran-hopeful-the-successes-of-science-research-can-end-health-care-debate/‘cancer prognosis. \n\nRelated:\n\nSen. Moran makes surprise visit to K-State agricultural policy class\n\nRead Now\n\n It was really cool to hearchealth care,National Institutes,Biomedical Research Excellence,difference,research,states,Sen. Moran,students, Moran,cure,cure or treatment,dream,Dr. King,cancer,life thanks,State provost,agricultural state,Health s IDeA program,careers,engineering and research,life,people,airplane manufacturing state,oil and gas state,service sector state,National Bio and Agro,opportunity,employment, income and careers,National Cancer Institute s designation,science,Kansas IDeA Network,Kansas and Oklahoma,diabetes or cancer,Kansas,breast and lung cancer prognosis,fewer people,Alzheimer s,science and mathematics,country16-Jan-2017 11:00PM1New federal magistrate judge seated in Sioux CityŠhttp://siouxcityjournal.com/news/local/new-federal-magistrate-judge-seated-in-sioux-city/article_0ea02b2c-a136-5677-8618-ef4c146a56de.htmlŒJan. 3.\n\nShe settled on a law career while a history major at Kansas State University.\n\nI really loved college and I loved learning, sheSioux City Journal(NICK HYTREK nhytrek@siouxcityjournal.comžlaw career,federal magistrate judge,district attorney,Iowa,Northern District,criminal law,Mahoney,law school,Southern District,U.S. Attorney,mind,new U.S. Magistrate Judge Kelly Mahoney,Sioux City,high school classroom,Chief Magistrate Judge CJ Williams,Kansas,defendant,Washburn University School,judge,part,new things,agreement,civil cases,office,funeral business,funeral directors,Kansas State University,family16-Jan-2017 08:16PM6Public Lecture Democratic Transition in Burma 201701178http://newsdog.today/a/article/587d7863129071383d7a6a3d/Šof Memphis and Kansas State University.\n\nHe has been a Visiting Professor at Tohoku University in Japan and the University of Calgary inПDemocratic Transition,United States,Visiting Professor,Southeast Asian Studies,University,Political Science,Dr. Holland,O. P. Jindal Global University,Memphis and Kansas State University,Burma,Australian National University,Myanmar Political Science Association,International Development,Canadian Studies,Government and International Relations,CSEAS,former political prisoners,Myanmar Ministry,higher education leaders,Education,Association,Centre16-Jan-2017 07:12PMDNew K-State program to help fill need for elementary school teachersjhttp://www.kshb.com/news/state/kansas/new-k-state-program-to-help-fill-need-for-elementary-school-teachers, a Kansas State University College of Education professor.\n\nRELATED: Kansas faces another rou< nd of teacher shortages\n\nThis year, K-StateAriel Rothfield†program,teaching,Kansas State University College,new program,Teaching ,elementary teaching,fewer college students,Thomas Vontz,student teaching,urban school districts,students, Master,Kansas,reason,education,State website,district,traditional pathways,Liberal, Wichita, Topeka or Kansas City,Dodge City,Garden City,Steven Thomas,people,Ariel Rothfield,college and things,business management16-Jan-2017 05:56PM7Junction City celebrates MLK s life and accomplishments„http://www.yourdu.net/news/junction-city-celebrates-mlk-s-life-and-accomplishments/article_633ed7dc-dc3f-11e6-9463-53307bc33867.htmlŒGeary County Children s Choir, guests heard from keynote speaker Kansas State University Senior Strategic Partner Cheryl Grice.\n\nShe spoke Lydia Kautz”civic action,difference,importance,Pev Stevens,Ruby Stevens,efforts,election,greater collective effort,Junction City s Martin Luther King Day event  ,part,King,Junction City celebrates MLK s life,Coretta Scott King Humanitarian Award, s community,Geary County Children s Choir,world, community,MLK Celebration Committee Co,Former Geary County Commissioner Larry Hicks,Officials,celebration,  Grice,Grice%Officials tossed thousands of ballotsZhttp://www.parsonssun.com/state_national/article_66b1e4f6-dc47-11e6-83f3-f33cf405a757.html‰threw out 2,194.\n\nConnor William Bobb, a student at Kansas State University who filled out his registration at the secretary of state sThe Parsons Sundprovisional ballots,county election offices,voters,Kobach s office,ballots,motor vehicle offices,computer screenshots,record,state,proof,last two election cycles,local voter rolls,names,Douglas County,registrations,officials,additional 92 ballots,out the advance ballot envelope,voter registration confirmation,people,state s website,out applications,county AP,largest counties,confirmation,Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Tabitha Lehman,driver s license offices,Kansas State University,Johnson County,County Clerk Jamie Shew,online registration process,Gail Sims Holland,  Holland,Holland and Bobb,Kansas16-Jan-2017 05:38PM4Can The 'Twinkie Diet' Really Help With Weight Loss?ghttp://www.msn.com/en-us/health/weightloss/can-the-twinkie-diet-really-help-with-weight-loss/ar-AAlQWNP‡losing weight on the Twinkie Diet. Mark Haub of Kansas State University ate either twinkies, nutty bars, or powdered donuts every threeMSN.comLizette Borreli:junk food,healthy meal,diet,nutrition professor,Lose Weight Eating Nothing But Junk Food,protein shake,Vitamin and mineral deficiency,cholesterol,heavy amounts,short term,considerable amount,health issues,percent,good health,significantly fewer calories,calories,Haub,number one macronutrient,macronutrients,muscle16-Jan-2017 05:35PM+Warmer temps help Manhattan avoid ice stormJhttp://themercury.com/articles/warmer-temps-help-manhattan-avoid-ice-stormdidn t face any power outages or tree damage.\n\nMary Knapp, K-State climatologist, said the low Saturday overnight stayed at 29 degrees, andBy Stephanie Casanovaƒice storm,Manhattan,rain Monday morning,weekend,ice buildup,Seth Child Road Sunday morning,rain,roads,snow,Knapp,rain or snow Saturday night,Warmer temperatures,town,Riley County Police Department,accident,high temperature,department s Facebook page,power outages or tree damage,Predicted temperatures,average rainfall,percent chance,Dodge City,a.m. Facebook post,few other counties,a.m.16-Jan-2017 04:17PM/Tribes Brownfields Efforts Receives Assistancethttp://www.sustainablecitynetwork.com/topic_channels/environmental/article_9385fcb4-dc39-11e6-a697-1b8ad648c86b.html‡- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has selected Kansas State University to receive approximately $2 million in funding over theSustainable City Network$U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyЮtribes,environmentally contaminated land,Kansas State University,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,tribal lands,up these lands,EPA s Assistant Administrator,tribal response programs,up brownfields,Land and Emergency Management,environmental programs,substantive technical assistance,EPA and tribes,technical support,similar environmental legacies,integrated approaches,productive reuses,cleanup and reuse,university,KSU s help,social issues,cleanup,properties16-Jan-2017 04:01PMDEllis Co. Extension agent: Knocking ice off can further damage treesghttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/16/ellis-co-extension-agent-knocking-ice-off-can-further-damage-trees/‹requires JavaScript.\n\nHolly Dickman, Ellis County Horticulture Agent with K-State Research and Extension, advised residents to resist the Ellis Co. Extension agent,Missouri Extension,Mother Nature,storm,trees or plants,first aid,trees,Holly Dickman,Main,State Research and Extension, Dickman,broom16-Jan-2017 02:23PM<32nd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Ceremony in Junction City]http://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/16/32nd-annual-martin-luther-king-jr-ceremony-in-junction-city/the world. \n\nThat was a comment by Dr. Cheryl Grice of Kansas State University during her remarks at the Martin L< uther King Jr. ceremony inDewey Terrill6Martin Luther King Jr. ceremony,difference,Pev Stevens,Ruby Stevens,Junction City,World War II,Coretta Scott King Humanitarian Award,hope,Dr. Cheryl Grice,past time,action,Grice,village or community,community and generations,recipients,table,ceremony,local Quilts,celebration organizers Ronald Atkinson,remarks16-Jan-2017 02:04PMTPrairie Village s Tiffany Town closing after 52 years. But it could reopen elsewhereYhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/business/biz-columns-blogs/cityscape/article126842154.htmlŠin and are crying. \n\nHis son, David Harsh, graduated from Kansas State University in mid-1998. At the time he celebrated over a SaturdayBy Joyce Smith%David Harsh,Bob Harsh,Tiffany Town,shop,greeting card shops,Prairie Village s Tiffany Town closing,helpful staff,Hallmark cards,Prairie Village Shops,unique shopping experience,space,percent,rent and possession,Bruce Smith Drugs,time,Mr. Harsh,lease,Kansas State University,Kansas City patrons16-Jan-2017 01:00PM7Wichita to host regional farmers market vendor workshop„http://www.hpj.com/general/wichita-to-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshop/article_5412ca67-03f6-5e0a-ae7d-48012e776465.htmlTfarmers markets,workshop,fresh food source,Kansas farmers markets,State Research and Extension,first of four regional workshops,marketing tool,farmers,W. 21st Street N,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Training,KDA s Central Registration,consumer food safety specialist,Kansas Department,Wichita,State Variety Trial Results,Sedgwick County Extension office,agriculture industry,Kansas economy,Consumer,local economy,Kansas businesses,KDA s weights and measures program,Health and Environment,Registration,Morel Mushroom Identification Certification,free scale certification,a.m.,environment16-Jan-2017 12:46PMfhttp://www.msn.com/en-ca/health/nutrition/can-the-twinkie-diet-really-help-with-weight-loss/ar-AAlUU1iNews - MSN CA16-Jan-2017 12:30PMShttp://www.cityairnews.com/content/2-day-international-conference-inaugurated-hmv-0City Air News Rajat KumarPunjabEResearch Scholars,Commissioner Jalandhar Division,Guest,Director IISER,Prof. Dinithi C. Peiris,guests, resource persons and delegates,Technical Session,Planery Session,inaugural session,Science Education & Research,conference,atoms and molecules change,Chief Guest Mr. H.S. Nanda,Commissioner,Principal Prof.Dr.,poster presentation session,Mrs. Deepshikha,talk,International Association,Convener Dr. Meenakshi Sayal,science faculty,Honour Prof. N. Sathyamurthy,Sri Jaywardenepura University,Dr. Sarinder Kaur Dhillon,Dr. Manoj Kumar,Prof. Harsh Manchanda,Prof. Satya Narain,Kansas State University,Dr. Neelam Sharma,Dr. Anjana Bhatia,Dr. Ekta Khosla,Dr. Pawan Gupta,Dr. Seema Marwaha,Mr. Manjit Singh Kang,NIT and Prof. N.S. Saini,University,Mr. Aseem Sayal,infectious diseases,Mrs. Jyoti Kaul,Mrs. Rakesh Uppal,Chandigarh,climate change16-Jan-2017 11:47AM8Kansas election officials threw out thousands of ballots\http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2017/jan/16/kansas-election-officials-threw-out-thousands-ball/6By Roxana Hegeman, Associated Press  Associated PressUmany provisional ballots,county election offices,ballots,poll books,voters,motor vehicle offices,record,Kobach,state,proof,last two election cycles,local voter rolls,Douglas County,names,registrations,person,office,additional 92 ballots,computer screen,out the advance ballot envelope,voter registration confirmation,poll workers,people,county AP,largest counties,applicant,confirmation,Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Tabitha Lehman,Kansas State University,Johnson County,County Clerk Jamie Shew,online registration process,Associated Press,Gail Sims Holland,Kansas,Holland and Bobb,Holland16-Jan-2017 11:36AMOProgram offered for Top 10 considerations to navigate a struggling farm economythttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/16/program-offered-for-top-10-considerations-to-navigate-a-struggling-farm-economy/Œto Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy program on Monday, February 6th in Hays at the K-State Ag Research Center in Hays from 8:30 a.m. to 4HProgram,farm operation,farm business,Struggling Farm Economy program,Farm Financial Situation, Top 10 Considerations,several different topics,Crops & Livestock,Ellis County Extension Office,topics,Maintaining Working Capital & Restructuring Debt,discussion,Cost,Hays,biggest downturns,commodity outlooks,decision framework,a.m.16-Jan-2017 11:02AM3Horticultural Therapy: The winter garden is callingfhttp://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/life/2017/01/16/winter-gardens-final-touch-plantscaping/96390840/‹. The late Dr. Richard Mattson, director of horticultural therapy at Kansas State University said,  Research on the people-plant connectionMyCentralJersey.com/Laura DePrado, Final Touch Plantscaping, L.L.C./winter garden,gardening and plant,horticultural therapy activities,plants,birds,programs,Nature heals,Countless birds,New Jersey,trees,hollow tree,view,baskets and flower pots,dormant hydrangea flowers,flowers,sight,patients,large cedar tree,botanic garden, Patient heal,tree fern,pink polka dot plant,therapeutic garden space,fall and winter programs,Recent research,people,loose tree bark,vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits,activities,senses,medicine, psychology and horticulture,Naturally most people, sense ,time,bark,leaves, needles, bark and branches16-Jan-2017 10:19AMЙBionano Genomics Highlights Five Studies at PAG XXV Demonstrating How Next-Generation Mapping Improves Assembly of and Structural Variation Detection in Complex Plant and Animal Genomesъhttp://www.directorstalkinterviews.com/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-at-pag-xxv-demonstrating-how-next-generation-mapping-improves-assembly-of-and-structural-variation-detection-in-complex-plant-and-animal-genomes/412721158< Œand Mo17\n\nPresenting Author: Pierre A Migeon, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology and Interdepartmental Genetics\nPosterDirectorsTalk InterviewsGlobe NewswireSouth East and London regionalšcomplex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,Comparative Structural Genomics,poster,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Date,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,Bionano s NGM,various regions,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence, Bionano Genomics,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,Time,studies,PAG XXV,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,genomic information,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,PAG Activities,Company s IrysЎ System,highly informative native structureџў16-Jan-2017 10:17AM4METSS meets Multimedia to promote agriculture, tradeWhttp://www.ghanamma.com/2017/01/16/metss-meets-multimedia-to-promote-agriculture-trade/‰ in Ghana. Through a partnership between USDA, Kansas State University (KSU) and the University of Cape Coast, METSS provides support to Ghanamma.comghanammaGhanaыMultimedia Group,Mr. Saaka Adams,verifiable data,various sectors,Trade Africa Private Sector Advisor,electronic news industry,Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Support Services,Business Programming,data resources,METSS,trade,independent data gatherers,news outfit,Ghanaian economy,Power Africa,key sectors,News Editor and Emily Nyarko,activities,Economic Growth office,Broadly Shared Economic Growth ,agriculture, energy and trade,Mr. Kwasi Twum,USAID|METSS,agriculture,support,Growth,United States Agency,Kansas State University,Mr. Santokh Singh,policy advocacy and decision making,Communications Specialist,USAID s mandate,Ghana,USAID,delegation,Participating Agency Services Agreement,Leaning and Communications,main programmatic components16-Jan-2017 10:16AMкhttp://money.ca/news/2017/01/16/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-at-pag-xxv-demonstrating-how-next-generation-mapping-improves-assembly-of-and-structural-variation-detection-in-complex-plant-and-animal-genomes/pcomplex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano s NGM,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,various regions,Date,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,studies,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,genomic information,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,Company s IrysЎ System,highly informative native structure16-Jan-2017 10:00AM7Cover Crops Informational meeting scheduled for Jan. 23~http://www.hpj.com/crops/cover-crops-informational-meeting-scheduled-for-jan/article_07d8f53b-5d7c-5667-90ae-dff68d2c4a27.htmlŠselection and fertility along with K-State Research and Extension research summaries. Featured speakers are K-State Research and Extension\By Sandra L. Wick, K-State Research and Extension, Post Rock District Agent, Crop Productionшcover crops,Post Rock District,State Research and Extension,Cover Crops Informational meeting Jan.,program thanks,Lincoln,meeting,Sandra L. Wick,Jan. 23,aspects,Bank,producers and landowners,interested producers,Augustine Obour,a.m.16-Jan-2017 09:50AM%Morel mushroom identification sessionDhttp://www.morningagclips.com/morel-mushroom-identification-session/‰, Kan.  The Kansas Department of Agriculture, in partnership with K-State Research and Extension, Kaw Valley Mycological Society and the“morel mushroom identification session,session,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,morel identification session,W. 21st Street N.,workshop,Kansas,State Research and Extension,session and/,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,KDA s food safety,click,a.m.,state,approved mushroom identifier,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist,necessary approval,Agriculture,Feb. 4, 2017, 9,safety16-Jan-2017 09:45AMKansas Soybean Yield Contest=http://www.morningagclips.com/kansas-soybean-yield-contest-2/EKansas Soybean Commission,value,district,Henry Farms,contest winners,Kansas farmers,best farming practices,northeastern Kansas,bushels,yields,first place,cents,McClellan Farms,Parallel Farms,Summit Farms,Jeschke Farms LLC,cash price,percent,competition,Cummings Farms,Oehme Farms,third with 78.34 bushels,reported state average,Timmons Brothers Farms,central Kansas,valuable soybeans,state and district winners,State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist,tillage,average,increased value,southeastern Kansas,Ernest Schlatter,state,Lebanon,Hutchinson,Carla Naasz Schlatter16-Jan-2017 09:02AM0More than an inch of freezing rain falls in HaysRhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/16/more-than-inch-of-freezing-rain-falls-in-hays/in Hays Sunday during the daylight hours.\n\nAccording to Joe Becker at the K-State Agricultural Research Center, a half inch of ice glaze on Becky KiserЋice glaze,rain,Joe Becker,Ice Storm Warning,daylight hours,latest cancellations,noon today,rain, sleet and snow,today s forecast,C< lick HERE,delays,effect,Hays,Ellis County16-Jan-2017 09:01AMhMission Hills City Administrator becomes first woman to win prestigious award for Kansas public managers—http://shawneemissionpost.com/2017/01/16/mission-hills-city-administrator-becomes-first-women-to-win-prestigious-award-for-kansas-public-managers-59745Š,  Who could that be? And then they said,  social worker from Kansas State University, and I thought,  Oh my God. That s got to be me.' Jay SenterˆMission Hills City Administrator,first woman,city management,Award,public administration,annual awards luncheon,Christensen,Kansas,first job,Public Management,prominent careers,kind,roles,much money,Prairie Village City Administrator Barbara Vernon,administration department,Christensen s office,Kansas State University,city,longtime northeast Johnson County,luncheon emcee,association,intern16-Jan-2017 08:49AM`https://www.modernghana.com/news/749508/metss-meets-multimedia-to-promote-agriculture-trade.html Modern Ghana MyJoyOnlineрMultimedia Group,Mr. Saaka Adams,verifiable data,various sectors,Trade Africa Private Sector Advisor,electronic news industry,Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Support Services,Business Programming,data resources,trade,METSS,independent data gatherers,news outfit,Ghanaian economy,Power Africa,key sectors,News Editor and Emily Nyarko,activities,Economic Growth office,Broadly Shared Economic Growth ,agriculture, energy and trade,Mr. Kwasi Twum,USAID|Ghana,agriculture,support,Growth,United States Agency,Kansas State University,Mr. Santokh Singh,policy advocacy and decision making,Communications Specialist,Ghana,USAID s mandate,USAID,Participating Agency Services Agreement,Leaning and Communications,main programmatic components16-Jan-2017 08:45AM>EPA Announces $2 Million to Assist Tribes Brownfields EffortsЦhttp://www.wwdmag.com/pollution-control/epa-announces-2-million-assist-tribes%E2%80%99-brownfields-efforts?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Wwdmagnews+%28WWDmag.com+News%29‰The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) selected Kansas State University (KSU) to receive approximately $2 million in funding overWater & Wastes Digestхtribes,environmentally contaminated land,EPA and tribes, Kansas State University,tribal response programs,tribal lands,up these lands,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,EPA assistant administrator,technical support,Land and Emergency Management,environmental programs,brownfields,substantive technical assistance,EPA brownfields grants,visit www.epa.gov/brownfields.,productive reuses,state,university,cleanup and reuse,Indian Country,KSU s help,social issues,U.S.,cleanup,properties16-Jan-2017 08:33AM<http://www.spoke.com/press_releases/587cd43db2c986dc58002b1a16-Jan-2017 08:10AMAhttp://www.pharmiweb.com/PressReleases/pressrel.asp?ROW_ID=200039PharmiWeb.comSouth East and Londonpcomplex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano s NGM,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,various regions,Date,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,studies,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,genomic information,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,Company s IrysЎ System,highly informative native structure16-Jan-2017 08:01AMUhttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-130000415.htmlBionano Genomics GlobeNewswire=Presenting Author,animal and plants,poster,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,Bionano s NGM,Date,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Researchers,various regions,Bionano Genomics,Bionano Optical,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence,Plant Genomes Structure,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,Time,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Maize Inbred Lines B73,genome assembly,sunflower genome assembly,genomic information,Genome Technology,Irys System,genome analysis tools,large SVs,generation sequencing,raw sequencing data16-Jan-2017 08:00AM:2017 Cover Your Acres Conference highlights plants, peoplehttp://www.hpj.com/crops/cover-your-acres-conference-highlights-plants-people/article_3fef357f-c9b6-5160-bc32-cde47387e80b.htmlassistant professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University.\n\n For a business to succeed we need good2By Randall Kowalik, K-State Research and Extension northwest Kansas,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,State Research and Extension,business,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association,program,Northwest Research,14th annual Cover,research assis< tant professor,conference,Kansas State University,Lucas Haag,Certified Crop Advisors,Cover,Crop Production Services,relationships,everyone s,State,Charlie Griffin,full conference schedule, Haag,Jan. 18,family members,Colby,registration,Decatur Coop Association,National Sunflower Association,Family Studies and Human Services9Cover crops profitability conference scheduled for Feb. 2http://www.hpj.com/crops/cover-crops-profitability-conference-scheduled-for-feb/article_1b3341e6-d904-11e6-b0a8-2b57df96b7d8.html‰within cropland.\n\nDille is a professor of weed ecology at Kansas State University. Her research projects include the influence of cover–cover crops,soil erosion,weed management,ecology,crop rotations,farmer,Kansas, farm family John and Kathryn Stigge,cropping systems,farm fields,Blue Dasher farms,weed species impact crop yields,weed suppression,Lundgren s research program,soil and crop parameters,Natural Resources Conservation Service soil health team,soil health,WRAPS program,Farm Futures Magazine,Jonathan Lundgren,Great Plains Cover Crop Seed,Kansas,Peter Stigge,Anita Dille,round table discussions,Feb. 2,p.m. Feb.,Barbara Donovan,Kansas State University,Hanover American Legion,pest management strategies,Till Conference,Hanover,spatial distribution,Progressive Forage magazine,parameters*Program benefits urban and rural interestswhttp://www.hpj.com/ag_news/program-benefits-urban-and-rural-interests/article_811a05c7-0f55-5655-b4f2-f88faeb920fb.htmlŒit back into the Equus Beds for later use, said Ron Graber, Kansas State University watershed specialist in central Kansas.  It has to meetswater quality,Wichita and stakeholders,corn and grain sorghum,program,Little Arkansas River,farmers,watersheds,Protection Strategy program,atrazine, Graber,Traditional farm programs,atrazine level,Graber,different ways,Wichita,Black Kettle Creek,Dry Turkey Creek,city,Kansas State Extension specialists,best management practices,BMPs,corn,last 10 years the city,atrazine runoff,incentives,atrazine problem,much atrazine,better way,central Kansas,River,priority watersheds,targeted watersheds,Health and Environment s Watershed Restoration,practices,Kansas Department,untreated watersheds 53.5 percent,maximum incentive payment0Sorghum school to be held in Concordia on Feb. 2xhttp://www.hpj.com/crops/sorghum-school-to-be-held-in-concordia-on-feb/article_1be7b3bc-7156-5c7d-a797-5ef74dba5a72.htmlŠK-State Sorghum Production Schools provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and key stakeholders. The school to be held atяsorghum schools,depth training,Cloud County Community College,production practices,Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission,state,Feb. 2,weed control strategies,Concordia,cost,college auditorium,nutrient fertility,insect and disease management,a.m.16-Jan-2017 07:56AMПhttp://tech.einnews.com/pr_news/362201230/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-at-pag-xxv-demonstrating-how-next-generation-mapping-improves-assembly-of-and-structural-variation-detectionTechnology Today - EIN Newspcomplex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,Bionano s NGM,various regions,Date,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,studies,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,genomic information,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,Company s IrysЎ System,highly informative native structure16-Jan-2017 07:32AM=http://www.bizwireexpress.com/showstoryGNW.php?storyid=151055BizWire ExpressNational regional16-Jan-2017 07:25AM4http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2017/01/16/8479975.htmTechnology News Connecticut=Presenting Author,animal and plants,poster,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,Bionano s NGM,Date,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Researchers,various regions,Bionano Genomics,Bionano Optical,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence,Plant Genomes Structure,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,Time,sunflower genome assembly,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Maize Inbred Lines B73,genome assembly,genomic information,Genome Technology,Irys System,genome analysis tools,large SVs,generation sequencing,raw sequencing data16-Jan-2017 07:19AMцhttp://military-technologies.net/2017/01/16/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-at-pag-xxv-demonstrating-how-next-generation-mapping-improves-assembly-of-and-structural-variation-detection-in-complex-plant-and-animal-genomes/ŒB73 and Mo17Presenting Author: Pierre A Migeon, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology and Interdepartmental Genetics\nPoster#complex plant,animal genomes,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Bionano Optical MapsPresenting Author,Researchers,Bionano Genomics,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Gene< ration Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano s NGM,assembly,Date,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,Bionano,sequence,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,PAG XXV,sunflower genome assembly,Time,studies,Genome Technology,genomic information,Complex RegionsPresenting Author,p.m. PSTThe study,Maize Inbred Lines B73 and Mo17Presenting Author,DNA sequence assemblies,p.m. PSTUsing NGM,sequence level,method,incomplete genome assembly,large SVs,raw sequencing data,SVs and regions,generation sequencing,PAG Activities,Company s IrysЎ System,highly informative native structure16-Jan-2017 07:14AMuhttp://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/-bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-pag-xxv-demonstrating-/2017/01/16/8479975.htm TMCnet.com{animal genomes,Presenting Author,Complex Plant and Animal,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano s NGM,structural variations,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,various regions,Date,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,sequence,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,studies,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,genomic information,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,highly informative native structure,Company s IrysЎ System16-Jan-2017 07:06AMкhttp://www.econotimes.com/Bionano-Genomics-Highlights-Five-Studies-at-PAG-XXV-Demonstrating-How-Next-Generation-Mapping-Improves-Assembly-of-and-Structural-Variation-Detection-in-Complex-Plant-and-Animal-Genomes-489571 EconoTimes‡complex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano s NGM,Date,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,various regions,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,studies,PAG XXV,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,genomic information,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,PAG Activities,Company s IrysЎ System,highly informative native structure16-Jan-2017 07:05AMњhttp://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/01/16/905973/0/en/Bionano-Genomics-Highlights-Five-Studies-at-PAG-XXV-Demonstrating-How-Next-Generation-Mapping-Improves-Assembly-of-and-Structural-Variation-Detection-in-Complex-Plant-and-Animal-Ge.htmlGlobeNewswireBionano Genomics16-Jan-2017 07:01AMihttp://www.myjoyonline.com/news/2017/January-16th/metss-meets-multimedia-to-promote-agriculture-trade.phpMy Joy Online16-Jan-2017 07:00AMѓhttp://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Bionano+Genomics+Highlights+Five+Studies+at+PAG+XXV+Demonstrating+How+Next-Generation+Mapping+Improves+Assembly+of+and+Structural+Variation+Detection+in+Complex+Plant+and+Animal+Genomes/12426870.htmlŽB73 and Mo17\n\nPresenting Author: Pierre A Migeon, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology and Interdepartmental GeneticsPoster$complex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano s NGM,Bionano Genomics,assembly,Bionano,various regions,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,studies,PAG XXV,Plant Pathology and Interdepartmental GeneticsPoster Category,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,genomic information,Experimental BotanyPoster Category,large SVs,raw sequencing data,Brigham Young UniversityPoster Category,generation sequencing,PAG Activities,Company s IrysЎ System,Hong KongPoster Category,highly informative native structure|http://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/17/01/g8908453/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-at-pag-xxv-demonstrating-how-nKcomplex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,poster,Comparative Structural Genomics,Researchers,posters and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Bionano Genomics,assembly,various regions,Date,reference genome,Comparative Genomics,structural variations,sequence,Bionano,SVs and regions,multiple optical map contigs,NGS and Optical Mapping Technology,studies,Time,Genome Technology,sunflower genome assembly,genomic information,Maize Inbred Lines B73,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,large SVs,raw sequencing data,generation sequencing,highly informative native structureѓhttp://www.sectorpublishingintelligence.co.uk/news/1624512/bionano+genomics+highlights+five+studies+at+pag+xxv+demonstrating+how+nextgeneration+mapping+improves+assembly+of+and+struct‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЬ§џџџЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџural+variation+detection+in+complex+plant+and+animal+genomesŽhistory of .\n\nPresenting Author: Pierre A Migeon, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology and Interdepartmental GeneticsPoster6Bionano Genomics via Globe Newswire via SPi World NewsЫcomplex plant,animal genomes,Presenting Author,Researchers,Bionano Genomics,Bionano s poster presentations and workshops,Generation Mapping Improves Assembly,Poster Category,rela< ted Date,reference genome,assembly,Bionano s NGM,multiple optical map contigs,true genome structure,sequence,studies,sunflower genome assembly,Plant Pathology and Interdepartmental GeneticsPoster Category,Time,Algorithms Date,PAG XXV,genomic information,Genome Technology,Bionano,comparative genomics,DNA sequence assemblies,sequence level,method,Experimental BotanyPoster Category,large SVs,raw sequencing data,Brigham Young UniversityPoster Category,SVs and regions,generation sequencing,Company s IrysЎ System,Hong KongPoster Category16-Jan-2017 06:00AM%Now That s Rural: Rosie Bosse, authorGhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/16/now-thats-rural-rosie-bosse-author/‹.  One of the people who influenced me the most was my English composition teacher at K-State, Rosie said.  On the first day of class, shechildren,Rosie, Rosie,farm,book,substitute teacher,story,Rosie s family,Mr. and Mrs. Farmer,beginning,muscular arms,Kansas,Grandma,down the stories, s Rural,people,rural Kansas woman,company,population 697 people,grandchildren,Clicker,Oklahoma City,Mean Mountain Lion and Clicker Finds16-Jan-2017 05:33AM/7 reasons you should be buddying up to exerciseqhttp://www.goodhousekeeping.co.uk/health/weight-loss-and-exercise/7-reasons-you-should-be-buddying-up-to-exercise‹, evidence shows, if your partner has the edge on you. Kansas State University researchers found training with a partner you perceive to beGood HousekeepingThe Good Housekeeping Web team]partner,fitness,New research,exercise companion,new things,daunting fitness challenge,fun fitness outing,workout,Washington research,touch or partner rows,involves band,University,EXERCISE TIPS FROM TOP FITNESS BLOGGERS,Kansas State University researchers,exercise effort increases,Create new goals,exercise intensity and duration,resistance training effort,chest press and band jumps,bodyweight exercises,someone,gym floor,EXERCISE MAKING,exercise snack,tastic team exercises,Michigan and University,home,Aberdeen study,hot yoga,new activities,out the latest yoga deals,back,body weight support,intensity16-Jan-2017 05:30AMu;mf[`N$NNя‹џиvЙpŽ^Top20'Yf[ЮW~)http://www.weidu8.net/wx/1017148456603091–КNуSџ172738\n\n'Yf[f[uџ32287\n\nГRЈR›RNo.4\n\n80Manhattan, Kansas  home of Kansas State University\n\nКNуSџ98643\n\n'Yf[f[uџ17537\n\nГRЈR›RNo.5\n\n70College Station,Ў_ћ‹'TЄ'Yf[f[u,'Yf[ЮW,'Yf[hTєV,'Yf[!hэV,бyWЩbY'Yf[,ГRЈR›R^:W,wQSO’cT,teSO’cT,'Yf[бSU\Ч z,иšRАeL€N,University,home,Ž§VЯ~Nmxvz@b,u;m(Я‘,Ю‘!ž'Yf[,Я~NmagіNЙeb—,State College,Ž§VАeћ•,Cornell University,Virginia Tech,AIER,Bloomington16-Jan-2017 04:05AM[http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/healthy-living/fitness/a27494/benefits-of-exercise-with-friends/NetDoctor.co.ukLaura WilliamsŽfitness friend,partner,New research,best free workouts,worthwhile fitness trends,new things,workout,exercise companion,involves band,daunting fitness challenge,fun fitness outing,Washington research,touch or partner rows,University,exercise effort increases,Create new goals,Kansas State University researchers,new activities,resistance training effort,chest press and band jumps,bodyweight exercises,someone,exercise intensity and duration,exercise snack,tastic team exercises,new gauge,new healthier,new sport,Michigan and University,home routine,Aberdeen study,gym floor,new moves,new people,hot yoga,ways,new coffee bar,back,out the latest yoga deals16-Jan-2017 02:00AMTPrairie Village's Tiffany Town closing after 52 years. But it could reopen elsewhere‰in and are crying.\n\nHis son, David Harsh, graduated from Kansas State University in mid-1998. At the time he celebrated over a Saturday Joyce SmithTiffany Town,Bob Harsh,Prairie Village Shops,shop,greeting card shops,helpful staff,Hallmark cards,space,Joyce Smith,unique shopping experience,percent,rent and possession,Bruce Smith Drugs,time,afternoons,David Harsh,Mr. Harsh,lease,agreement,Kansas State University,Kansas City patrons16-Jan-2017 12:08AMQFrom the archives: Martin Luther King Jr. brings message of solidarity to K-Statezhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/16/from-the-archives-martin-luther-king-jr-brings-message-of-solidarity-to-k-state/RBull Connor,Jim Clark,myth,Martin Luther King Jr.,problem,long way,people,nation,integrated society,struggle,truly integrated society,cotton kings, Dr. King,time,black man,things,realistic position,violent action,white man,heart,justice,massive action program,Negro,Birmingham,Selma and Birmingham,freedom and justice& ,old Negro spiritual16-Jan-2017 12:07AM;From the archives: Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at K-Statedhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/16/from-the-archives-martin-luther-king-jr-speaks-at-k-state/real progress,King,Martin Luther King Jr.,student movements,Negro,civil rights movement bill,Negro history,long way,State,murder,equal rights cause, new Negro  ,struggle,points,legal turning point,racial justice,life,thing,segregation laws,Ahearn Field House,Johnson administration16-Jan-2017 12:05AM>Martin Luther King Jr. s impact left mark on campus, Manhattanghttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/16/martin-luther-king-jr-s-impact-left-mark-on-campus-manhattan/Œtime period of history in where K-State was, Wiley said.  Even when we did have those civil right issues, K-State had the foresight to havedMartin Luther King Jr. s impact,King,State,King s speech,Kansas State and Manhattan,Manhattan Mercury,Ahearn Field House,campus,impact,speech, Wiley,better today,still prevalent today,black students,multicultural students,dream,university archives,Zelia Wiley,bust,long way,positive way,bust and silhouette,James McCain,much criticism McCain,assassination15-Jan-2017 11:07PM3Another 96-Bushel Entry Tops Kansas Soybean ContestHhttp://www.usagnet.c< om/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=50Što improve, said Doug Shoup, Ph.D., Parsons, K-State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist, who is completing his third year as‚value contest,Kansas Soybean Value Contest,district,Henry Farms,contest winners,Kansas Soybean Association,best farming practices,Kansas farmers,yields,bushels,first place,northeastern Kansas,McClellan Farms,Parallel Farms,Summit Farms,Jeschke Farms LLC,cents,cash price,competition,Cummings Farms,Oehme Farms,Bushel Entry Tops Kansas Soybean,third with 78.34 bushels,percent,reported state average,Timmons Brothers Farms,central Kansas,entries,state and district winners,State Research and Extension Southeast Area agronomist,tillage,average,increased value,southeastern Kansas,Ernest Schlatter,state,Hutchinson,Lebanon,Carla Naasz Schlatter15-Jan-2017 11:06PM-Swine Profitability Conference Set for Feb. 7Hhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=51ŠKansas State University's 2017 Swine Profitability Conference is planned for Feb. 7. This year's event will be hosted at a new location --ђNathan Smith,Swine Profitability Conference,producers,modern farm,Kansas Smith Farms,now loving hog farming,business side,increased pig numbers,leadership director,swine industry,National Pork Board 2016 Pig Farmer,ag leadership,Animal Sciences & Industry,producers, veterinarians and economists,conference,new location,vice president,Feb. 7,pork market strategy,Kansas State University,Attendees,animal agriculture,Pipestone Veterinary Services,Pipestone,a.m. Lunch,online registration,participant&Now That's Rural: Rosie Bosse - AuthorHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=53Œfarm in Jewell County. She got a degree in home economics education from K-State. One night she went out dancing and met her future husband,children,Rosie,farm,substitute teacher,book,story,Mr. and Mrs. Farmer,beginning,Dog Earned,little dog,daughter,muscular arms,Kansas,down the stories,people,rural Kansas woman,Grandma,company,population 697 people,grandchildren,Clicker,Oklahoma City,Mean Mountain Lion and Clicker Finds15-Jan-2017 11:04PM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=51&yr=2017кNathan Smith,Swine Profitability Conference,producers,modern farm,Kansas Smith Farms,now loving hog farming,business side,increased pig numbers,ag leadership,leadership director,swine industry,National Pork Board 2016 Pig Farmer,Animal Sciences & Industry,producers, veterinarians and economists,conference,new location,vice president,Feb. 7,pork market strategy,Attendees,animal agriculture,Pipestone Veterinary Services,Pipestone,a.m. Lunch,online registration,participant;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=53&yr=2017;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=50&yr=201715-Jan-2017 09:54PMM16/01/2017: New Panama Canal expansion sees grain transportation costs tumbleHhttp://gfmt.blogspot.no/2017/01/16012017-new-panama-canal-expansion.htmlŒas, according to Jay O Neil, agricultural economist at Kansas State University s international grains program, not many foreign grain buyers Panama Canal,Locks ,canal,vessel,market demand,grain,new set,construction,Milling and Grain,project,ships,Atlantic lock complexes,Canal s ability,much heavier cargo ships,fuel costs,shipping costs and time,bigger ships,international grains program,international shipping downturn, Third Set,new markets,container capacity,USGC Chairman and Nebraska farmer Alan Tiemann,buyers,overall cost,newly opened Expansion project,largest expansion,fact,highest annual tonnage figures,competitiveness,approximately 18.2 million PC/UMS15-Jan-2017 09:00PM)50 years of birthday wishes with one card„http://www.newspressnow.com/news/local_news/years-of-birthday-wishes-with-one-card/article_268d3a7c-c4cf-55b7-a561-52b03e33c28e.htmlŠDaryl Schooler started the tradition in 1967 when he was a student at Kansas State University and purchased a card for his brother-in-law,Ћbirthday,card,college student,Stover,lousy brother,Schooler,front and back,front,Kansas State University,money,tradition,sentiments,next exchange,Kansas,piece,Jan.,message15-Jan-2017 08:10PM#Weed forcing farmers to ditch wheatDhttp://www.dawn.com/news/1308663/weed-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheatDawn.comMegan Durisincrops,farmers,wheat,record harvests,damaging weather,key exporting countries,analysts,hearty plant,Western Australia and prices,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,money,weather event,largest exporter,same time,Jan 6,dormant US wheat crops,global planting,Jan 5,Jan 9,prices,Jan 12 USDA report,average national cash price,mostly beneficial weather,Bloomberg survey,supplies,-time,hard red wheat,Kansas,first time,global wheat consumption,bushel,bushel and advance, Bloomberg/,Kansas State University,country15-Jan-2017 08:00PMYhttps://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/bionano-genomics-highlights-five-studies-130000415.htmlYahoo!7 FinancePress Release: Bionano Genomics15-Jan-2017 01:00PMTracking cow activityihttp://www.agrinews-pubs.com/news/tracking-cow-activity/article_b603ed2e-44d2-5543-8e55-94400ffc0799.htmlŽStevenson, professor in the department of animal sciences and industry at Kansas State University.\n\n They rub off like a lottery ticket, andAgrinews-Pubs.com!Martha Blum AgriNews Publications›activity monitors,cows,program,first AI,heat,heat mount detectors,percent,monitor rumination, Stevenson,timed AI,conception,Stevenson, Presynch programs,monitors  Heatime and Dairymaster  ,Ovsynch program,first lactation cows,GnRH,doses,mount detectors and HeatWatch devices,increased estrus detection rate,estrus activity,faster rate,hours,study,estrus,Hoard s Dairyman webinar,n t show estrus,first services15-Jan-2017 12:01PMGary Stuart Sandlin8https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/15/gary-stuart-sandlin/Œwent on to earn a Bachelors and Masters degree in Geology from Kansas State University.\n\nGary worked as a geologist in Casper, Wyoming andšColorado,Sandlin,brother,Edwin Sandlin and Mary Rachael,CO 80504,Gary,previous wife Betty Keiswetter Higbie,Kansas State Foundation,Sandlin Oil Corporation,Laura Rodriguez Sandlin,Gary s Life< ,Gary and Kathie Sandlin Geology Scholarship,Geology,Dorman,St Anthony s North Hospital,Kansas,Longmont,independent geologist,Hill City Memorial High School,Paul Rodriguez,Denver,memorial,Casper, Wyoming and Albuquerque15-Jan-2017 11:30AM(MLK Celebration Scheduled Monday MorningJhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/15/mlk-celebration-scheduled-monday-morning/Šthe organizers, Ronald Atkinson, noted that Dr. Cheryl Grice of Kansas State University will be the keynote speaker. She will speak on theљannual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration,Geary County Children s Choir,Dream speech,King,Community Call,Ronald Atkinson,Action,C. L. Hoover Opera House,Dr. Cheryl Grice, s something, Atkinson,Dewey Terrill,celebration,Junction City,Washington D.C.15-Jan-2017 10:49AM:Epoch names executive director of Waterstone at the Circleehttp://brookline.wickedlocal.com/news/20170115/epoch-names-executive-director-of-waterstone-at-circle„development and gerontology, long-term care administration, from Kansas State University.\nThe 92-apartment Waterstone at the CircleBrookline - WickedLocal.comMassachusettsŽexecutive director,independent living community,Waterstone,Chestnut Hill,National Development,community development and gerontology,active adults,Epoch Senior Living,development straddles,Brookline and Boston boundaries,Circle,Beacon Street and Chestnut Hill Avenue,Jake Quigley,corner,term care administration,Epoch names,community,Newton Lower Falls,open at 2001 Beacon St.,room AC Marriott hotel15-Jan-2017 08:00AMRierson to perform at Brown BagXhttp://www.butlercountytimesgazette.com/news/20170113/rierson-to-perform-at-brown8200bagŽgraduated in 2008 and then completed a master s degree in Animal Science from K-State as well in summer 2011.\n\nHe got into music when he wasTG News Report#Kansas State,Coutts Museum,free program,Sawyer Brown,Music Row Breakout Chart,Rierson,music,Don Williams,state level,Better Horses Radio Show,Local musician Rusty Rierson,Brown Bag Programs,regional destination art museum,albums,somewhat humorous music show,artists,downtown El Dorado,historic downtown building,classic country music,radio,Shotgun Red Variety Show,favorite modern artists,Phil Mack International Country Show,show,American Idol,American West,Colgate Country Showdown,Agricultural Economics,horse events,Better Horses Network,Rusty:Latest canola information to be featured at Canola College…http://www.hpj.com/crops/latest-canola-information-to-be-featured-at-canola-college/article_de019214-d912-11e6-9514-ff2fdce0c93a.html‹Enid, Oklahoma. This conference is sponsored by Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, the Great Plains Canola Association and/By Steve Watson, K-State Research and ExtensionCanola College,canola production equipment,Oklahoma,Stamm,systems specialist,Kansas State University,State partners,Oklahoma State and Great Plains Canola Association,State Research and Extension canola breeder Mike,Latest canola information,OSU Extension,Canola Plant Health Management John Damicone,premier canola education,contact Mike Stamm,northwest area Extension agronomist,Advanced Production Practices Bob Schrock,Canola Economics Trent Milacek,Canola Learning Lab Coordination,OSU regents professor,industry members,Insect Management,Agriculture Risk Management Agency,M University,Jrsholar@aol.com or Josh Lofton,associate professor,attendees15-Jan-2017 07:00AM,Tiny Shrews Reveal Big Changes in the ArcticRhttp://www.seeker.com/tiny-shrews-reveal-big-changes-in-the-arctic-2194437528.html said Andrew Hope, a research assistant professor of biology at Kansas State University and the paper's lead author.\n\nUsing shrew specimens Seeker.com.climate change,Museum,researchers,effects,authors,Joseph Cook,Arctic,shrews,field collections,paper,Andrew Hope,host parasites,multiple hosts,less effort,tiny shrew punches,Tiny Shrews Reveal Big Changes,Arctic Report Card,research assistant professor,complex environmental changes,information,Southwestern Biology,data,Baddass Shrew Lifts Logs,diminutive shrews,barren ground shrews,polar biology,human communities,knowledge gaps,Arctic Doomsday Seed Vault,species,diseases,shifting distributions,surrounding communities,traditional knowledge,coming decades15-Jan-2017 06:32AMFNational Associated of Wheat Growers CEO will speak at Mahanttan eventkhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/15/national-associated-of-wheat-growers-ceo-will-speak-at-mahanttan-event/‹Manhattan, Kansas, in 2007. Hines is a graduate of Kansas State University with a dual degree in Agricultural Economics and Milling ScienceЄKansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,Kansas Corn,Manhattan,National Associated,Sheraton Hotel,Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers,Richards Drive,imminent Farm Bill discussions,Wheat Growers CEO Chandler Goule,NAWG CEO,National Grain Commodity panel,struggling farm economy,National Farmers Union,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Subcommittee Staff Director,registration,Lowen and Associates,Kansas Association,Kansas State University,Goule,U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee,professional commodity brokerage firm,event,agriculture,Hines,agricultural price risk management,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,addition15-Jan-2017 06:03AM7The Potential For A Bargain Bachelor s Degree In KansasXhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/15/the-potential-for-a-bargain-bachelors-degree-in-kansas/‰may exclude students from attending the University of Kansas or Kansas State. Tuition at KU is $10,550 a year and at K-State it s $9,874.BSam Zeff,Kansas Board,state,Gov. Sam Brownback,Bargain Bachelor,idea,tuition increases,cheapest tuition,community college,tuition and fees,Kansas or Kansas State,budget document,Governor s proposal,detailed budget proposal,governor,Regents,Fort Hays State,additional state support,educators,room and board,institution response, Regents spokesperson Breeze Richardson,jobs,nobody,institution system,universities,Kansas News Service,affordable higher education,nursing graduates,nursing scholarships,engineering or nursing,Brownback plan,Berger,freshman Republican < Sen. Ed Berger15-Jan-2017 06:01AMXhttp://salinapost.com/2017/01/15/the-potential-for-a-bargain-bachelors-degree-in-kansas/[https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/15/the-potential-for-a-bargain-bachelors-degree-in-kansas/;Sam Zeff,Kansas Board,state,Gov. Sam Brownback,Bargain Bachelor,idea,tuition increases,cheapest tuition,community college,tuition and fees,Kansas or Kansas State,budget document,Governor s proposal,detailed budget proposal,governor,Regents,Fort Hays State,additional state support,educators,room and board,institution response, Regents spokesperson Breeze Richardson,jobs,institution system,universities,Kansas News Service,affordable higher education,nursing graduates,nursing scholarships,engineering or nursing,Brownback plan,Berger,freshman Republican Sen. Ed Berger15-Jan-2017 05:57AMWhttp://themercury.com/articles/kansas-election-officials-threw-out-thousands-of-ballotsBy Wire reports@many provisional ballots,county election offices,ballots,voters,Kobach s office,office s,motor vehicle offices,computer screenshots,record,state,proof,last two election cycles,local voter rolls,names,Douglas County,registrations,person,additional 92 ballots,out the advance ballot envelope,voter registration con,people,state s website,out applications,county AP,largest counties,Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Tabitha Lehman,Kansas State University,Johnson County,County Clerk Jamie Shew,online registration process,Gail Sims Holland,  Holland,Kansas,Holland and Bobb15-Jan-2017 05:29AMLet s move on from K-State 2025=http://themercury.com/articles/lets-move-on-from-k-state-2025EState 2025,Subscribers Sign,click,online subscription,Mercury,article15-Jan-2017 04:00AM)Premier canola event set Thursday in Enid‚http://www.enidnews.com/news/ag_energy/premier-canola-event-set-thursday-in-enid/article_db78f8a7-31f0-5f71-853e-94f36f94d29e.htmlˆState University s Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Kansas State University, the USDA Risk Management Agency and Enid News!By Kevin Hassler Associate Editor)Premier canola event,Canola College,Oklahoma State University s Agricultural Communications Services,training event,veteran canola producers,Forl information,Kansas State University,Great Plains Canola Association,Agricultural producers,phone,Josh Lofton,industry members,technology, risk management and canola economics,conference materials,Kevin Hassler Associate Editor,USDA Risk Management Agency,Registration,Enid,contact Lofton,participants,disease and insect management,Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,GPCA,refreshments and meals,a.m.15-Jan-2017 03:12AM?http://www.360doc.com/content/17/0115/05/815848_622539202.shtml 360doc*NКNўVfN†™Ž§V'Yf[,Н~І~'Yf[,\'Yf[,о]Ыz'Yf[,NLu’cT,Ž§VT!h, Rо]'Yf[mIgіwR!h,šN'Yf[,QSNLu'Yf[, Rо]'Yf[#WKQœ,—nfб‘Џe'Yf[,NSлv˜'Yf[,yr'Yf[,'Yf[хT&OдkšNR!h,?_ T<\šN'Yf[,\gpQ'Yf[,9hбy€b'Yf[,ШT[O'Yf[,y'Yf[,‰S'Yf[,v˜\'Yf[,;`’cT,БƒЏe'Yf[,State University,hQtMOR,hQtƒєV,;Sf[NN,Ž§V†SђS,Ž§V;`п~,t^І^NLu’cT,6€œ'Yf[,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[тlыX˜R!h,9SyQ!X'Yf[,}Q;SNN,ЏeR!h,Northwestern University,irtбyf[,u}Tбyf[,#W0WšNхT'Yf[,M'Yf[,^g'Yf[,f<\Я‚О'Yf[,NN^D›RЯ‘,-N[OWЬ‘О'Yf[,KQЩbKQюh'Yf[,aS…QњW…h†–'Yf[,КN‡eNNЋN gлv‰Š,FUбyNN,€b/g{|NN,Brown University,Duke University,NS'Yf[,TNЛlЮW'Yf[,х]'Yf[,З_о]'Yf[,бyWЩbY'Yf[9N[OR!h,ƒЗ_!X'Yf[,University,Miami University,О[‰еl)RšN,OЏe˜'Yf[,Ц[‰‰дk'Yf[,є]lš'Yf[,АeЈX‰хT'Yf[,бy€b'Yf[,Џ€TXњW'Yf[,››Ѓаc'Yf[,Johns Hopkins University,lš(„ј‹^Xо]QReh^,ФOвRˆQ'Yf[,pS,{‰[Г~'Yf[/O,іSђSцt'Yf[,'Yf[^еlW,ѓwЊn'Yf[,Ž)RZW'Yf[,яQЏe‰ЈP'Yf[,З_KQ(„Џe'Yf[eYЏe@l, Rо]'Yf[#WTX­‚,SaSWegГ~'Yf[YeXq\R!h,lšЬ‘pQ'Yf[^KQR!h, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[‚ RхT,Tulane University,lQO'Yf[,*Ys^ m'Yf[,Ш?–Ц['Yf[,?–Џ€r‚'Yf[,George Washington University,yrƒЏef[b–,)RШT O'Yf[,Аef[b–'Yf[,ФryOf[ џеlf[ џFUf[ џх] z џYeВ€\n\n1300Duquesne University (PA) \gЏ€'Yf[\n\nOПRNNџoƒBRf[\n\n1300Kansas State University(KS) *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n!h­‹џRule by Obeying Nature's LawsГoЎ_.^WOПRNN,Sf[х] z,uirSf[,uirх] z,5uP[х] z,*‚)Yх] z,:gАhх] z,uirбyf[,Ё‹—{:gбyf[,0Wtбyf[,>yOбyf[,?eЛlбyf[,”^(upef[,Ё‹—{:gх] z,ЈRirбyf[,У_tf[,ONЁ{t,FUNЁ{t,х]FUЁ{t,Я~Nmf[, Rо]'Yf[/OKQ)R,ЏsƒXх] z,6R х] z,ѓwЙlх] z,5uбyf[,NNЙeb—,ЏsƒXбyf[,Pg™eх] z,oіNх] z,сOх] z,Ž§V'Yf[,uirп~Ё‹,;Sf[„˜бy,Yr;Sf[,iirбyf[,:ghVКNбyf[,State U< niversity,Clark University,Brown University,Purdue University,Yale University,pef[ћ|,FUбyЁ{t,Ё{tNN,‰9h'Yf[,Duke University,George Washington University,х] z{|,4NŠ^;Sf[,}Q;Sбyf[,Northwestern University,—nfб‘Џe'Yf[,In deo speramus,lQqQ‹NЁRЁ{t,R‘—^Ё{tћ|,œQNх] z,8h§€х] z,Ž§Vxvz,University, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[,нOePбyf[,wm mбyf[,Sf[Rg,0W(Sf[,ё‚‡e†SђS,^—2m†SђS,ЖQб‘х] z,*Yzzх] z,џwirх] z,In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen,lQqQ‹NЁRNN,uir FUNЯ~Nm У_tf[ ?eЛl,§VE–Ё{t ЩbNŽ2mxvz У_tf[,WyOf[,M University,Indiana University,Х`ЅbЁ{t,irAmЁ{t,uЇNЁ{t,™…SЁ{t,†SђS €фSf[ œQNDnЯ~Nm,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Yf[,Case Western Reserve University,New York University,Џe‚„‡eЏetх]f[b–,КN{|f[,American University,Southern Methodist University,Ё{tсOo`ћ|п~,Ž§V‹_^OSOЄ‹С‹,Ohio University,North Carolina State University,Ž§V6RoƒYeВ€дYXTOЄ‹С‹,Loyola University Chicago,Michigan Technological University,Texas Christian University,0Wtf[ КN{|f[ z‚/gDdq_ э‹Šf[14-Jan-2017 07:39PM8Lecomte Helps No. 1 Baylor Hold off No. 25 K-State 77-68ghttp://www.getprimenews.com/newsflash/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/4160087.htmlGet Prime NewsuState 77,key baskets,Kansas State,Ish Waingright and Al Freeman,stretch,points,Manu Lecomte,Baylor,early foul trouble14-Jan-2017 07:33PMhhttp://www.worldwidelivenews.com/story/3655016/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlWorld Wide Live News<Lewis, Willock lead No. 25 K-State women past Oklahoma Statebhttp://www.expressnews.com/sports/article/Lewis-Willock-lead-No-25-K-State-women-past-10858301.phpSan Antonio Express-News[State women,Oklahoma State,Kansas State,points,Eternati Willock, Breanna Lewis,Lewis,Okla.jhttp://www.currentreportage.com/bulletin/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/3168600.htmlCurrent Report Page14-Jan-2017 07:32PMihttp://www.getcurrentnews.com/newsflash/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/3066571.htmlGet current Newsihttp://www.worldprimetime.com/reportage/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/3061458.htmlWorld Prime TimetState 77,key baskets,Kansas State,Ish Wainright and Al Freeman,stretch,points,Manu Lecomte,Baylor,early foul troublehhttp://www.weeklynewsbulletin.com/post/4537842/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlWeekly News Bulletin14-Jan-2017 07:20PMThttp://theparisnews.com/news/state/article_8bc07b23-691d-535c-ae0a-230d5353f42a.htmlThe Paris NewsиFE6D E,E96 q62CD,E96 C@,@ @7,E@ 86E D,kAmqFE E96,E96 DEC6E49 H,AD E96 C6DE @7 E96 H2J[,%649 H96C6 E96,@E @7 4C,@C @FED4,FDE @G6C c >,@DE E9C66 @7,636C D2,q62CD E@ G,[Q 96 D2,%96 q62CD 92G6 H,E9C@HD 27E6C |@E,@@C D9@H14-Jan-2017 07:16PM”http://www.nonpareilonline.com/sports/wire/lewis-willock-lead-no-k-state-women-past-oklahoma-state/article_925a4733-88cd-5c5c-b654-a38424084544.htmlThe Daily NonpareilSState women,Oklahoma State,Kansas State,Breanna Lewis,points,Eternati Willock,Okla.14-Jan-2017 07:09PMmhttp://www.weeklynewsbulletin.com/post/4537785/lewis-willock-lead-no-25-kstate-women-past-oklahoma-state.htmlEState women,Oklahoma State,Kansas State,points,Eternati Willock,Lewis14-Jan-2017 07:08PMchttp://www.topnewshour.com/report/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/1949692.htmlTop News Hour14-Jan-2017 07:07PMjhttp://www.galaxynewsflash.com/reportage/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2499791.htmlGalaxy News Flashghttp://www.everyminutenews.com/report/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2401446.htmlEvery Minute News14-Jan-2017 07:03PM+It s Your Business: January 15, 2017 updateShttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-14/it-s-your-business-january-15-2017-updateˆ. He has a master s degree in regional and community planning from Kansas State University and is certified by the American Institute ofдprogram highlights,director,dental hygiene,Marian Dental Clinic,city,planning,Employee Spotlight Program,National Beer Wholesalers Association,standout beer distribution employees,dental services,net clinic,Independent beer distribution company Flint Hills Beverage,current land use planning efforts,CPA program,neighborhood, corridor and district plans,community development,operations manager,individual efforts,Citizen Police Academy,extensive training program,Topeka,Fast Start award,Cattell,scope, effort or impact,award,Kansas,consulting services,Kansas State University,Kansas Leadership Center graduate,CUNA Brokerage Services,government operations and service,Barber Shop,RE/MAX Associates,Wichita Police Department,branch manager,Advisor Academy training,barber/cosmetologist,sustainability, management and grant writing,RealtorsЎ Right Track Leadership Academy,leadership, accountability and customer service,business processing systems,Sedgwick County Sheriff s Officehhttp://www.digitalnewsmagzine.com/news/3445053/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlDigital News Magazineihttp://www.everydayreportage.com/report/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/3055136.htmlEveryday Reportageghttp://www.houstonchronicle.com/sports/article/Lewis-Willock-lead-No-25-K-State-women-past-10858301.phpHouston Chronicleihttp://www.galaxyreportage.com/bulletin/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2612829.htmlGalaxy Reportage14-Jan-2017 07:02PMjhttp://www.digitalnewsbase.com/reportage/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/1939253.htmlDigital News Basejhttp://www< .reportingground.com/newsfocus/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2044377.htmlReporting Groundohttp://www.reportingground.com/newsfocus/lewis-willock-lead-no-25-kstate-women-past-oklahoma-state/2044368.htmlnhttp://www.getcurrentnews.com/newsflash/lewis-willock-lead-no-25-kstate-women-past-oklahoma-state/3066543.html14-Jan-2017 07:01PMghttp://www.primenewshub.com/newsfocus/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/1948915.htmlPrime News Hubdhttp://www.galaxyofpr.com/bulletin/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2267222.html Galaxy of PRghttp://www.newscheckout.com/newsflash/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2257681.htmlNews Checkoutfhttp://www.whoisinnews.com/headlines/2652708/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlWho is in news_http://www.expressnews.com/sports/article/Lecomte-helps-No-1-Baylor-hold-off-No-25-10858261.php Andrew Hammond, Associated Press’Andrew Hammond,State 77,Kansas State,key baskets,MANHATTAN,Manu Lecomte,Ish Wainright and Al Freeman,stretch,points,Baylor,early foul trouble,Kan.14-Jan-2017 07:00PMCollege Noteslhttp://www.hutchnews.com/lifestyle/community/college-notes/article_dd240371-8373-5f50-8fb0-fac4f724cfbd.htmlŒthe topics in the upcoming risk management workshops put on by the Kansas State University agricultural economics department. A new study byPat Peschka Pat Peschkadfall semester,upcoming risk management workshops,Chadron State College,Kansas State University,following area students,Scheduled area workshops,Eastern Mennonite University,Great Bend Recreation Commission,workshop,Missouri Valley College,dean,Missouri,Columbia,Lincoln University,Greenville College,Dodge City,business administration,Jefferson City,Newton14-Jan-2017 06:56PMihttp://reviewtimes.com/national-sports/2017/01/14/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-k-state-77-68/‹Lecomte helps No. 1 Baylor hold off No. 25 K-State 77-68\n\nAssociated Press  14 January 2017 19:07-05:00\n\nCopyright 2017 The Associated Review Times4State 77,Associated Press  ,broadcast,Baylor,Lecomte14-Jan-2017 06:38PMkhttp://www.currentaffairsmagzine.com/post/3324072/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlCurrent Affairs Magazine14-Jan-2017 06:37PMfhttp://www.newshotspot.com/newsfocus/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/4252093.htmlNews Hot Spotjhttp://www.breakingnewshub.com/headlines/4251114/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlBreaking News Hub14-Jan-2017 06:36PMhhttp://www.onlinegetnews.com/newsflash/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/4171410.htmlOnline Get Newslhttp://www.universenewsflash.com/reportage/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/3169082.htmlUniverse News Flash14-Jan-2017 06:35PMfhttp://www.worldnewsmagzine.com/news/3118661/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlWorld News Magzineihttp://www.digitalnewsexpress.com/story/3695106/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlDigital News Express14-Jan-2017 06:34PMmhttp://www.morningnewsedition.com/newsflash/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2374356.htmlMorning News Edition14-Jan-2017 06:33PMyhttp://ux.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaw/2017/01/14/lewis-willock-lead-no-25-k-state-women-past-oklahoma-state/96599976/sAP 7:33 p.m. ET Jan. 14, 2017 STILLWATER, Okla. (AP)  Breanna Lewis scored 15 points, Eternati Willock had her first career double-double and No. 25 Kansas State defeated Oklahoma State 63-43 on Saturday. Willock came off the bench to score 13 points and grab 13 rebounds for the Wildcats (14-4, 4-2 Big 12). Lewis and Willock combined to shoot 11 of 17 while their teammates were 13 of 42. The Cowgirls (12-5, 2-4), who had dropped three straight  all against ranked opponents  made just 5 of 22 shots in the first half (23 percent), going 1 of 8 from 3-point range, to fall behind 29-17. Kaylee Jensen had 15 points and 10 rebounds for the Cowgirls. Oklahoma State attempted 11 field goals in every quarter, making three in the first, then two, five and three. The Cowgirls finished 3 of 13 behind the arc and their 22 turnovers led to 21 Wildcat points. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. NEVER MISS OUT Sports Stay in the know and in the zone, 7 days a week, with scores, analysis, and in-depth features and commentary. Privacy NoticeўOklahoma State,points,Kansas State,State women,score 13 points,p.m. ET Jan.,Eternati Willock,depth features and commentary,contact Customer Service,broadcast,scores,Cowgirls, Breanna Lewis,Lewis and Willock,Lewis,rebounds,Wildcats,Associated Press,benchhhttp://www.regularnewsupdates.com/post/3891601/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768.htmlRegular News Update14-Jan-2017 06:31PMihttp://www.galaxybulletin.com/reportage/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/6180377.htmlGalaxy Bulletindhttp://www.houstonchronicle.com/sports/article/Lecomte-helps-No-1-Baylor-hold-off-No-25-10858261.phpˆAndrew Hammond,State 77,key baskets,Manu Lecomte,Ish Wainright and Al Freeman,Kansas State,stretch,points,Baylor,early foul trouble,Kan.lhttp://www.weeklynewsjournal.com/newsflash/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/2062549.htmlWeekly news journalghttp://www.primetimereports.com/report/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-kstate-7768/236247.htmlPrime Time Reports14-Jan-2017 06:29PMchttp://www.ourperth.ca/sports-story/7066870-lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-k-state-77-68/$Andrew Hammond, The Associated Press14-Jan-2017 06:06PMˆhttp://www.nonpareilonline.com/sports/wire/lecomte-helps-no-baylor-hold-off-no-k-state/article_802c9786-85ba-5127-860b-667751034789.htmlBy ANDREW HAMMONDyState 77,key baskets,Manu Lecomte,Ish Wainright and Al Freeman,Kansas State,stretch,points,Baylor,early foul trouble,Kan.14-Jan-2017 06:03PMvhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaab/2017/01/14/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-off-no-25-k-state-77-68/96598848/ыAP 7:03 p.m. ET Jan. 14, 2017 MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP)  Manu Lecomte scored 26 points after battling early foul trouble, Ish Wainright and Al Freeman had key baskets down the stretch and top-ranked Baylor < outlasted No. 25 Kansas State 77-68 on Saturday. Wainright and Freeman had 15 points apiece for the Bears (15-1, 3-1 Big 12), who bounced back from a lopsided loss at No. 10 West Virginia in their first game as the nation's No. 1 team to deal the Wildcats (13-4, 2-3) another close, disheartening conference defeat. Johnathan Motley was held to seven points and nine rebounds before fouling out with 4:34 left and the Bears leading 62-55. But they managed to hang on down the stretch without their most dependable player. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. NEVER MISS OUT Sports Stay in the know and in the zone, 7 days a week, with scores, analysis, and in-depth features and commentary. Privacy Noticeоkey baskets,points,stretch,Ish Wainright and Al Freeman,Bears,p.m. ET Jan.,State 77,conference defeat,Kansas State,depth features and commentary,contact Customer Service,broadcast,Baylor,close,Manu Lecomte,Associated Press14-Jan-2017 06:00PMBSEEK 2017 inspires college students to evangelize at home campuses‰http://www.nwicatholic.com/index.php/2011-10-28-15-56-25/national/4139-seek-2017-inspires-college-students-to-evangelize-at-home-campusescloser to God. The experience impressed Tracie Thibault, a junior from Kansas State University.\n\nI think the moment I knew it was worth allNWI Catholic.comЁhome campuses,Catholic University Students,Martins,colleges,SEEK,exclusively young adults,participants,Catholic News Service,Jesus Christ,everyday events,San Antonio,FOCUS,biennial SEEK conference,Father Schmitz,Sister Bethany Madonna,Benedictine College,FOCUS president,conference,Sisters,people,father,relationship,Kansas State University,faith,actions,Catholics,Life,CNS photo,Kansas,Ave Maria University,adoration14-Jan-2017 05:38PM<Lewis, Willock Lead No. 25 K-state Women Past Oklahoma StateShttp://www.wopular.com/lewis-willock-lead-no-25-k-state-women-past-oklahoma-state-0ZCollege & Professional Sports News, Scores & Photos | Sacbee.com &, Sacramento Bee: Sportswstate Women,Oklahoma State,Kansas State,Scores & Photos | Sacbee.com,score,points,Eternati Willock,Sacramento Bee,Lewis14-Jan-2017 05:26PM:Enrollment  PSU to address drop in international studentsbhttp://www.morningsun.net/news/20170114/enrollment---psu-to-address-drop-in-international-studentsŽfor roughly 31 percent of all international students.\n\nKansas State University international students increased each fall from 2008 to 2014,Morning Sun (AP)&Michael Stavolamstavola@morningsun.net!international students,drop,campus,election,fall 2016,fall,new students,PSU officials,Axel Brown, Brown,Arabian students,Pittsburg State University,Donald Trump,Enrollment Management and Student Success Howard Smith,Enrollment  PSU,budget shortfalls,percent,official spring enrollment numbers,roughly 31 percent,decline the last two fall semesters,number,China,Kansas,enrollment revenue,Trump s inauguration,illegal immigrants Trump,president,Associate Vice President,country,International Education,University,higher education funding,decline14-Jan-2017 05:08PM8Lecomte Helps No. 1 Baylor Hold Off No. 25 K-state 77-68Ihttp://www.wopular.com/lecomte-helps-no-1-baylor-hold-no-25-k-state-77-68+By ANDREW HAMMOND, Associated Press: Sports™ANDREW HAMMOND,state 77,key baskets,Associated Press,Ish Wainright and Al Freeman,Kansas State,stretch,points,Manu Lecomte,Baylor,early foul trouble,Kan.14-Jan-2017 05:04PMъT@bŽ§V'Yf[u;mgшUЎvџ—_,T,TŽ§V,gWf[u„vCgZФ‹їN>http://news.tuxi.com.cn/news/1101019999990122758/27584222.html–˜'Yf[\n\n4. Auburn University eY,g'Yf[\n\n5. University of Iowa 1rwƒNS'Yf[\n\n6. Kansas State University *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n7. Virginia Tech _ T<\šNtх]'Yf[\n\n8. 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Manhattan, Kansas  home of Kansas State University\n\nPopulation: 98,643\n\nCollege student population in the metro area:Illinois  home,College student population,Bars and Restaurants,best college towns,home,active bar,population,Virginia,University,Colorado,Indiana  ,Virginia Polytechnic Institute,rent,cities,restaurant scene,College Educated,Boulder Creek Corridor  ,Boulder,Illinois,Bloomington14-Jan-2017 11:20AMChttp://www.businessinsider.sg/best-college-towns-in-america-2017-1/Business Insider Singapore Abby JacksonIllinois  home,College student population,Bars and Restaurants,best college towns,cities,home,active bar,population,Virginia,rent,University,Indiana  ,Virginia Polytechnic Institute,restaurant scene,College Educated,Boulder Creek Corridor  ,Boulder,Illinois,BloomingtonChttp://www.businessinsider.my/best-college-towns-in-america-2017-1/Business Insider MalaysiaMalaysiaRhttp://www.businessinsider.com/best-college-towns-in-america-2017-1?r=US&IR=T&IR=TBusiness Insider14-Jan-2017 10:05AM2http://learning.sohu.com/20170115/n478744798.shtmlЉŽ§V'Yf[,Н~І~'Yf[,\'Yf[,о]Ыz'Yf[,NLu’cT,Ž§VT!h, Rо]'Yf[mIgіwR!h,šN'Yf[,QSNLu'Yf[, Rо]'Yf[#WKQœ,—nfб‘Џe'Yf[,NSлv˜'Yf[,yr'Yf[,'Yf[хT&OдkšNR!h,\gpQ'Yf[,9hбy€b'Yf[,ШT[O'Yf[,y'Yf[,‰S'Yf[,v˜\'Yf[,;`’cT,БƒЏe'Yf[,State University,hQtMOR,hQtƒєV,;Sf[NN,Ž§V†SђS,Ž§V;`п~,6€œ'Yf[,t^І^NLu’cT,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[тlыX˜R!h,9SyQ!X'Yf[,}Q;SNN,ЏeR!h,Northwestern University,irtбyf[,u}Tбyf[,#W0WšNхT'Yf[,M'Yf[,^g'Yf[,f<\Я‚О'Yf[,Ш?–Ц['Yf[,NN^D›RЯ‘,-N[OWЬ‘О'Yf[,KQЩbKQюh'Yf[,aS…QњW…h†–'Yf[,_ T<\šNT€І'Yf[,КN‡eNNЋN gлv‰Š,FUбyNN,€b/g{|NN,Brown University,Duke University,NS'Yf[,TNЛlЮW'Yf[,х]'Yf[,З_о]'Yf[,бyWЩbY'Yf[9N[OR!h,ƒЗ_!X'Yf[,University,Miami University,О[‰еl)RšN,OЏe˜'Yf[,Ц[‰‰дk'Yf[,є]lš'Yf[,АeЈX‰хT'Yf[,бy€b'Yf[,Џ€TXњW'Yf[,››Ѓаc'Yf[,Johns Hopkins University,lš(„ј‹^Xо]QReh^,ФOвRˆQ'Yf[,pS,{‰[Г~'Yf[/O,іSђSцt'Yf[,'Yf[^еlW,ѓwЊn'Yf[,Ž)RZW'Yf[,яQЏe‰ЈP'Yf[,З_KQ(„Џe'Yf[eYЏe@l, Rо]'Yf[#WTX­‚,SaSWegГ~'Yf[YeXq\R!h,lšЬ‘pQ'Yf[^KQR!h, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[‚ RхT,Tulane University,lQO'Yf[,*Ys^ m'Yf[,чeб‘q\'Yf[,?–Џ€r‚'Yf[,George Washington University,yrƒЏef[b–,)RШT O'Yf[,Аef[b–'Yf[,Фr@>BLAO A 8=D5:F8O<8)http://newsme.com.ua/tech/health/3661600/‹<>65B @01>B0BL? !?5F80;8ABK 87 C=825@A8B5B0 HB0B0 0=70A (Kansas State University) 70=O;8AL <>45;8@>20=85< @0A?@>AB@0=5=8O M?845<89 A F5;LNNews MeUkraineRussian13-Jan-2017 04:01PM"Business Briefcase (Jan. 15, 2017)rhttp://www.hdnews.net/lifestyle/community/business-briefcase-jan/article_77faced8-6b70-522c-acca-f1247b0fdd70.html‹J.D. from the University of Kansas Law School and bachelor s degrees in management and marketing from Kansas State University. He serves asnnursing,Kansas Hospital,chief nursing officer,nursing profession,care system,University,nearly 4 million nurses,staff nurse,Peterman,succession planning,Hays,health care delivery,Distinguished Nursing Alumna,advanced nursing administration,various nursing organizations,Kansas University Nurses Alumni Association,Kansas School,higher nurse retention,former board member,higher quality care,employee benefit plans,tax and estate planning,member,nursing practice and healthcare delivery,Fort Hays State University,American Academy,Garden City Community College,Greater Salina Community Foundation,Kansas Army and Air National Guard,Coronado Area Council Boy Scouts,Eakin Enterprises,Salina 2020,operations manager,Salina Downtown Inc.,Task Force Broncbuster,Larned, Great Bend and Hays,community,Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter,concrete plant operations,Legleiter,jobs and deliveries13-Jan-2017 03:52PM9NCCC education program sets teaching majors on right pathMhttp://www.chanute.com/news/article_a07d7980-d9da-11e6-bf26-ab1b222d5245.html‡for Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Newman University and Wichita State University. EachThe Chanute Tribune{Secondary Education program,transfer guides,program,students,Emporia State University,course,state,classroom,majors,unlicensed teachers,USD 413 teachers,teachers,best Bachelor s program,good teacher,college,Ayers,teaching,community views teachers,best transfer curriculum,school,Instructor Mindy Ayers,satellite program benefits, Teacher,interested high school students,Pittsburg State University and others,goal,Chanute Elementary School,education,Promise state award winner,general education requirements,Newman University, college life ,general course schedule,Kansas,community,NCCC,Pittsburg,Heather Frese and Shannon Finley,Frese13-Jan-2017 01:50PM@Jamie Kidd for At Home: Research shows gardening benefits healthahttp://cjonline.com/home/life/2017-01-13/jamie-kidd-home-research-shows-gardening-benefits-healthŒ, Michigan State University offered the first undergraduate degree in horticulture therapy, and in 1971, Kansas State University offered the Jamie Kidd?garden,plants,stress,Research,life,Home,plants marks time,stress or chaos,Container plantings,things,Jamie Kidd,health,better health standard,Kansas Garden Show,illness,new perspective,people,sense,community vegetable/flower garden,school, hospital or daycare garden,Kansas State University,awe and peace,world,State Research and Extension,balance and perspective,World War I and II,beauty,valuable balance,Shawnee County,peace,physical activity,Kansas Expocentre,Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library,activities,flexibility, agility, balance, muscle strength and aerobics13-Jan-2017 12:19PMV'Shrew'-d Study: Arctic Shrews, Parasites Indicate Climate Change Effect on Ecosystems9http://www.sciencenewsline.com/news/2017011316450028.html†change, according to a Kansas State University researcher.\n\nAndrew Hope, Kansas State University research assistant professor in theScienceNewslineKansas State Universityчbarren ground shrew,Hope,field collections,museum collection,environmental change,shrews,parasites,changes,range,Kansas State University research assistant professor,researchers,organisms,species,m< useums and research institutions,data,population shifts,important part,tundra community,good indicators,new indicators,communities,KANSAS,people,out the parasites,climate information,economically important species,better indicators,population size and responses,historic specimens,time,ones13-Jan-2017 12:12PM*Form DEF 14A INTL FCSTONE INC. For: Feb 23ohttp://www.streetinsider.com/SEC+Filings/Form++DEF+14A++++INTL+FCSTONE+INC.+++++++++For%3A+Feb+23/12424675.html‹Council and past founding Chairman of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at Kansas State University. Mr. Anderson is a past member of the annual meeting,proxy statement,executive compensation,advisory vote,proxy materials,shareholder meetings,Annual Report,consolidated financial statements,INTL FCStone Inc.,regular Board meetings,compensation awards,solicitation materials,Securities Exchange Act,filing,annual salary,many votes,fees,offsetting fee,rules,voting results,cumulative voting,negative vote,regular meetings,materials and vote,Securities,annual base salary,[ ] Fee,Shareholder Communications,Internet or telephone,registration statement number,voting instruction card,rules and regulations,frequency vote,pay vote,shareholder approval,Securities and Exchange Commission,Internet,[X] Definitive Proxy Statement,Audit Fees,NASDAQ Rule,Rule 5600,Company and FCStone,annual bonus,shareholders,FCStone,shareholder vote,proxy card,Company,Inc.,Shareholder ratification,written notice,compensation program,future meetings,annual interest factor,binding shareholder,Summary Compensation Table,such Acts,aggregate voting power,Audit Committee Report and  Independent Auditor Fees,Notice,Registrant,Company s performance,such Rule,Definitive Additional Materials,Frank Act,Shareholder Meeting Notice,current meeting materials,secure website Vote,Standard New York Securities,accompanying Notice,various FCStone segments,Compensation Discussion and Analysis section,VendorSafe Technologies Inc.,legal proxy,proxy notification,Voting Items Meeting Attendance Mark,secure website 2 N O T Shareholder Meeting Notice 02HT6B,ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.q Electronic Voting Instructions Available 24 hours,Registrant [X,S. Orange Avenue,INTL FCStone Ltd and Xuong Nguyen,certain material terms,new proxy instructions,deferred compensation,Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,incentive compensation opportunities,Financial Guaranty Insurance Company,affiliated brokerage company,principal national securities exchange,former FCStone plans,compensation levels,variable compensation,Request Materials,Company or shares,NASDAQ Stock Exchange,such notice,material Company policies,foreign exchange payments company,INTL Global Currencies Ltd,Additional Incentive Compensation,Stock Compensation Topic,Participant notice,Third Avenue,compensation strategies,official proxy, Proxies,Compensation Committee interlocks,mutual commitment compensation plan,Chicago Mercantile Exchange,exchange or market,Audit, Compensation, Risk and Nominating,executives and Company revenue producers,exchanges,+ + Important Notice,compensation ,BlackRock Institutional Trust Company,Florida 32801 Proxy Solicited,applicable Federal securities laws13-Jan-2017 12:03PM/Form DEF 14A Great Western Bancorp, For: Jan 13jhttp://www.streetinsider.com/SEC+Filings/Form+DEF+14A+Great+Western+Bancorp%2C+For%3A+Jan+13/12424650.htmlŽits audit committee. Mr. Lacy also serves on the board of the Kansas State University Foundation and United Way of Central Iowa.\n\nMr. Lacy's Annual Meeting,Proxy Statement,Annual Report,annual bonus,Board and committee meetings,Exchange Act,Annual Cash Incentive Compensation,Great Western Bancorp,consolidated financial statements,DIRECTORS AND AUDIT COMMITTEE,directors and shareholders,Lead Independent Director,fees,statement,directors,annual grants,additional annual cash retainer,annual self,Board s committees,such materials,first meeting,regular meetings, Annual Report ,rules,such other business,Principal Accountant Fees,registration statement number,equal annual installments,Board,appropriate box,Great Western s Chief Risk Officer,additional annual membership fee,proxy materials,material relationship,western Iowa,rules and regulations,potential director candidates,Employee Director Plan,Board Leadership Structure,stockholders,fiscal year return,related person transaction,DIRECTOR NAMED ABOVE,meeting date,annual incentive bonus,Oxley Act,total eligible annual cash bonus amounts,Bank Holding Company Act,securities,transactions,Great Western s President and Chief Executive < Officer,public company board experience,National Advisory Board,stockholder vote pertains,fees and services,following table presents fees,statutory audit fee,ordinary business matters,laws, rules or regulations,Inc.,proxy rules,Frank Act,Australian Corporations Act,Federal Deposit Insurance Act,business,business, government or banking,Gainey Ranch,compensation disclosure rules,Definitive Additional Materials,forward proxy materials,Stockholder Nominations and Proposals,formal Stockholder Communications Policy,material facts,Registrant,East Doubletree Ranch Road,New York Stock Exchange,relevant business experience,Registration Rights Agreement,Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act,Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,Glacier Bancorp,Public Company Accounting Oversight Board,partner, stockholder or officer,indirect material interest,ordinary banking transactions,Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa,Scottsdale,fiscal year 2016 compensation decisions,Company s stockholders,total stockholder return performance,material breach,material violation,exchange rate,material changes,Assurity Group Inc.,outstanding securities eligible,Tippe Business College,significant new business,Inc. 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan,statutory share exchange,Business STI Multiplier,Business & Industry,frontline business leadership,key business drivers,Millard Public Schools Business Advisory Council,social security wage base limit,Finance Performance Management & Non Traded Businesses,NAB s Wholesale Banking business13-Jan-2017 11:33AM+No. 1 Men's Hoops Travels to No. 25 K-StateBhttp://www.baylorbears.com/sports/m-baskbl/spec-rel/011317aab.html Baylor BearsHoops Travels,fifth win,season13-Jan-2017 10:40AM2017 t^ USNews Ž§VgsOlQЫz'Yf[’cTChttp://app.myzaker.com/news/article.php?pk=5878fd0a9490cbd923000015‘61 Colorado State University бyWЩbYо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n63 University of Kentucky Џ€TXњW'Yf[\n\n64 Kansas State University *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[\n\n64 Louisiana State University--ZAKERШGeorgia Institute,Michigan State University,North Carolina State University,California,University,Colorado School,Virginia,Michigan,Texas,South Carolina,Florida,Maryland,Michigan Technological University,Alabama,Iowa,Stony Brook University,Temple University )Ynf'Yf[,Missouri,West Virginia University,George Mason University,Mississippi,College,Arizona,New Brunswick,Technology,Illinois,New Jersey Institute,New Mexico,Science & Technology,Massachusetts,Kansas13-Jan-2017 10:30AMFHow do your ice crystals grow? NSF fellow chases fires to study cloudsShttp://source.colostate.edu/ice-crystals-grow-nsf-fellow-chases-fires-study-clouds/Šfrom a controlled burn at Konza Prairie Biological Station at Kansas State University, where research is regularly conducted on prescribedby Anne Ju Manningblack carbon,Kansas State University,clouds,data,fires,controlled fire burns,ice crystals,Colorado,NSF fellow chases fires,states, Ice,nucleating particles,precipitation and cloud,Schill,smoke,cylindrical cloud chamber mimics,ice nucleation,climate modelers,atmospheric scientist Gregg Schill,Cliff Creek fire,Schill s research,chamber,Konza Prairie Biological Station,NSF Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research,up the mobile air quality laboratory,microscopic soot particles flutter,weather and climate,burning,former postdoctoral researcher Kaitlyn Suski,research,Atmospheric Science Sonia Kreidenweis,critical climate effects,several particle measuring tools,Kansas,atmosphere,National Science Foundation,Energy Conversion Laboratory,tallgrass prairie ecosystem13-Jan-2017 10:01AMPantone s Pick for  17  3http://www.gpnmag.com/article/pantones-pick-for-17/growth regulators.\n\nRegular GPN contributor Raymond Cloyd from Kansas State University presented the webinar on pest management. During theGreenhouse Product News)many color combinations,Pantone,Greenery,plant growth regulators,hour presentation,Pantone 15,crops and‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЮ§џџџЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ weather conditions,GPN s Plant Health Management Webinar series,different successful growth control techniques,Greenery signals consumers,great learning tools,www.gpnmag.com/edwebinar and start learning,original Green Industry,Leatrice Eiseman,growers,greenhouse pest management,GPN s website,webinars,Serenity and Rose Quartz,Styer s Horticultural Consulting, Eiseman,nature,reconnection,Regular GPN contributor Raymond Cloyd,consumers,description,The Unintended Consequences of Multi-Taskingihttps://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/artificial-maturity/201701/the-unintended-consequences-multi-taskingŠor more tasks at any given time. In 2007, students from Kansas State University surveyed themselves and discovered they cram 26.5 hours< of Tim Elmore:tasking,students,Today,Multi,stress,given time,high school,mindfulness,measurable IQ drops,many circles today,people,Integration,activity,American Psychological Association,few people,same time,Harvard Medical School,depression, anxiety and pain,Mono,attention,dopamine shot,time ,duplicity,duplicity and hypocrisy13-Jan-2017 09:14AMVConference Offers Cutting-Edge, Practical Applications for Technology in Ag Productionshttp://krvn.com/agricultural/conference-offers-cutting-edge-practical-applications-for-technology-in-ag-production/‰Ag, presented by Terry Griffin of Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell of Oklahoma State University.\n\nThe second day s featured…aerial crop,Farm Trials,present and future,Irrigated Corn,opening session,farm research efforts,overall farm business profitability,Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association,research,Fire Session,State Research and Extension,Soil Amendment,presentations, Big Data Implications,technology,conference,Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference Jan.,State Precision Ag Rapid,Oklahoma State University,reduced rate,data,Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell,annual conference,KARTA,Vegetable Production Tunnel Comparison,state,Jan. 10,site registration,Kansas post,annual KARTA business meeting,Agriculture students,registration fees,Ascend13-Jan-2017 09:01AM5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5745587Œrelease:\n\nThe Kansas Department of Agriculture, in partnership with K-State Research and Extension, Kaw Valley Mycological Society and theСKansas Department,session,W. 21st,partnership,following news release,Kan.,Agriculture,wild morel mushrooms,State Research and Extension,Jan. 13,Kaw Valley Mycological Society,necessary approval13-Jan-2017 08:37AMAg News…http://www.atchisonglobenow.com/community_and_lifestyles/good_news_atchison/ag-news/article_9c05d897-a30a-5a5b-b04c-35abe90e47e6.htmlŒstates are invited to attend. This program will feature various K-State speakers that will share information on:Soybean for Risk Management;(Ray Ladd Atchison County Extension Agent—recycled content paper,products,recycling process,curbside collection,materials,Reuse containers and products,steps,Atchison county,amount,news print paper,manufacturing process,recycling,program,extraction, refining, transportation and processing,Soybean Production School,energy,Ash Tree Care,State speakers,less waste,Americans,State Forestry,trees,Recycling one glass bottle,Planting Management,Risk Management,hazardous waste,management factors,soybean growers,county residents,Disease Management,Insect Management,Topeka Soybean Expo,Atchison Library,Nutrient and Soil Fertility Management,Љ 2017 Atchison Globe,everyone,landfills,Emerald Ash Borer,aluminum13-Jan-2017 08:12AMLResearch Looks at Growing More Nutritional, Flavorful Strawberries in Kansasrhttp://www.labmanager.com/news/2017/01/research-looks-at-growing-more-nutritional-flavorful-strawberries-in-kansasŠ Sweet news for strawberry lovers: Research from Kansas State University Olathe may help Kansas growers increase strawberry production inLab Manager Magazine3By Greg Tammen--Kansas State University News Officehigh tunnels,strawberry production,State Olathe,researchers,strawberry varieties,neutral strawberry varieties,Kansas,season,strawberries,fruit,berries,better strawberries,strawberry lovers,Gude,Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc.,traditional strawberry production season,Kansas State University News Office,Hydroponic Strawberries,fruit yields and fruit quality,Kansas berry growers,locally grown food,food,strawberry varieties Monterey,New Strawberry Breeding Research,nutrition,research assistant professor,Postharvest Quality,strawberries consumers,consumers,growers and consumers,evaporative cooling system,system,temperatures,Portola,Greater Kansas City,Gude and fellow graduate students,continual optimum temperature,overall flavor,Olathe,findings,Albion and Monterey13-Jan-2017 08:00AMJColorado Conservation Tillage Association announces scholarship recipients—http://www.hpj.com/general/colorado-conservation-tillage-association-announces-scholarship-recipients/article_3fa0a9d3-4daa-5aa3-b1a5-a4b31bbc1313.htmlˆat Kansas State University majoring in agriculture education. She spent the last two summers as an intern with Colorado State University9soil health,Colorado Conservation Tillage Association,farming,scholarship recipients,conservation farming practices,Nebraska majoring,agriculture,passion and love,eastern Colorado,Poet,farm systems and machines,new farm technologies,prone soils,Seth and Poet,first hand observations Poet,Wetovick,Colorado State University Golden Plains Extension,Kansas State University majoring,CSU Extension agent Ron Meyer,agricultural engineering,Wetovick s,benefits,current agriculturalist Wetovick,Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory,University,pressure,knowledge,Kansas,experiences`Berry good results: Research looks at growing more nutritional, flavorful strawberries in Kansas•http://www.hpj.com/outdoors/berry-good-results-research-looks-at-growing-more-nutritional-flavorful/article_ca48e182-bf4b-5210-be58-7ea0b98fe16b.htmlŒSweet news for strawberry lovers: Research from Kansas State University Olathe may help Kansas growers increase strawberry production in the.By Greg Tammen, K-State Research and Extensionуhigh tunnels,strawberry production,State Olathe,state s,growing season,researchers,fruit,strawberry varieties,neutral strawberry varieties,berries,strawberries,State Research and Extension, Gude,Kansas,better strawberries,strawberry lovers,Gude,Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc., Strawberries,fruit yields and fruit quality,locally grown food,food,Kansas berry growers,strawberry varieties Monterey,research assistant professor,Postharvest Quality,strawberries consumers,consumers, Consumers,growers an< d consumers,evaporative cooling system,system,temperatures,Gude and fellow graduate students,Greater Kansas City,continual optimum temperature,Olathe,nutrients and flavor,overall flavor,Portola and Seascape,Albion and Monterey,PortolaIKansas students participate in Taiwan agricultural youth exchange program–http://www.hpj.com/general/kansas-students-participate-in-taiwan-agricultural-youth-exchange-program/article_ccb6aa5f-d0ae-5146-b690-eb9252b8f6ee.html‰. Kelly is a freshman in the College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University and is the daughter of Mike and Denise Kelly.\n\nBrianne…exchange program,Taiwan,North America and Kansas,students,Kansas agriculture exports,agriculture industry,international trade director,Taiwanese students,Foreign Affairs and visits,Iola High School,Kansas Department,opportunity,daughter,Taiwan Youth Exchange Program application process,North American Affairs,agriculture, technology and cultures,National Taichung Agricultural Senior High School,Foreign Minister s Office,trade,agriculture businesses,agriculture commodities,Regehr,Brianne Nelsen,Brian and Shellie Regehr,Mike and Denise Kelly,Kelly,incredible culture,Paul and Cheri Nelsen,College,Taipei Economic and Cultural Office,countries13-Jan-2017 07:34AMEArctic Shrews, Parasites Indicate Climate Change Effect on Ecosystemsqhttp://www.laboratoryequipment.com/news/2017/01/arctic-shrews-parasites-indicate-climate-change-effect-ecosystemsLaboratory EquipmentXbarren ground shrew,Hope,field collections,museum collection,shrews,Alaska,climate,range,changes,masked shrew,researchers,Kansas State University research assistant professor,parasites,organisms,species,museums and research institutions,different shrews,data,important part,population shifts,Parasites Indicate Climate Change Effect,good indicators,new indicators,parasite communities,intestinal parasites,tundra community,communities,people,large animals,out the parasites,better indicators,economically important species,Arctic Report Card,population size and responses,time,historic specimens,ones13-Jan-2017 06:08AM8Wichita to Host Regional Farmers' Market Vendor WorkshopHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=457farmers,markets,workshop,fresh food source,Market Vendor Workshop,Host Regional Farmers,State Research and Extension,Workshop topics,W. 21st Street N,Registration,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Training,consumer food safety specialist,Farm Mobile Cooling Technology,Kansas Department,Wichita,State Variety Trial Results,Sedgwick County Extension office,agriculture industry,Onsite registration,Kansas economy,Consumer,Kansas businesses,Health and Environment,local economy,Morel Mushroom Identification Certification,free scale certification,a.m.,environment13-Jan-2017 06:06AM.Biodegradable resin for adhesives and coatingswhttp://www.european-coatings.com/Raw-materials-technologies/Technologies/Biodegradable-resin-for-adhesives-and-coatings‡recycle, said Susan Sun, university distinguished professor of grain science and industry at Kansas State University. If they could useEuropean CoatingsVincentz Network GmbH & Co. KGJSusan Sun,shiny coatings,first plant,tape,longer shelf life,Professor Donghai Wang,distinguished professor,resistant,resin,soybean and corn,plant fatty acids,Kansas State University,corn,bags,water,adhesive applications,amount,wooden surfaces,protective surfaces,Currently available resins,university,soybean,previous bio,addition13-Jan-2017 06:05AMEOhio farmer will talk cover crops at Western Kansas Forage Conferencejhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/13/ohio-farmer-will-talk-cover-crops-at-western-kansas-forage-conference/ŒCrops  Jaymelynn Farney, K-State animal scientist\nPasture Risk Insurance  Monte Vandeveer, K-State agricultural economist\nProducer Panel Ron Fields­cover crops,soil health,Ohio farmer,Kansas Forage and Grassland Council,crop production system,Michigan and Ohio,State Research and Extension,sustainable farming practices,State soil management specialist,farms,Grazing Cover Crops  Jaymelynn Farney,KSFGC board member,Rasawehr,Animal Health Concerns,system,State,Grassland Council Update  Mark Jensen,members,mob grazing,Registration,Kansas,conference,a.m.,enclosure,experience13-Jan-2017 05:57AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=45&yr=2017\farmers,markets,workshop,fresh food source,Host Regional Farmers,State Research and Extension,Workshop topics,Central Kansas Market Grower Vendor Workshop,marketing tool,W. 21st Street N,Registration,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Training,consumer food safety specialist,Farm Mobile Cooling Technology,Kansas Department,Wichita,State Variety Trial Results,Sedgwick County Extension office,agriculture industry,Onsite registration,Kansas economy,Consumer,Kansas businesses,Health and Environment,local economy,Morel Mushroom Identification Certification,free scale certification,a.m.,environment13-Jan-2017 05:38AME60 second interview: Dairy innovation and feed industry communicationehttp://www.feednavigator.com/R-D/60-second-interview-Dairy-innovation-and-feed-industry-communicationŠcattle ranch.\n\nWhile earning my master s degree in nutrition at Kansas State University, I became an extension assistant and managed theFeedNavigator.com-By Aerin Einstein-CurtisAerin Einstein-CurtisEast England regionalbangus cows,feed manufacturing,Troy Wistuba,aspect,feed industry careers,farm,Kansas Bull Test,livestock production,Morehead State University farm,FeedNavigator,marketing team,different job,production sectors,industry,production cycle,global ruminant research manager,products and programs,Purina Animal Nutrition team,research and development,Purina s Dairy Technical Solutions team,Dairy innovation,cattle,research,northeast Kansas,local cattle ranch,senior dairy,Aerin Einstein,CurtisAerin Einstein,ruminant nutrition,Purina,dairy producers,biggest challenge,University,animal, s largest challenges,diversity13-Jan-2017 03:00AM€http://www.hiawathaworldonline.com/news/years-of-birthday-wishes-with-one-card/article_96169a38-917e-5fda-b3db-5e779cfe7bcd.htmlЩbirthday,card,Schooler s<  Jan. 7 birthday,college student,Stover,front and back,lousy brother,Schooler,front,money,Kansas State University,tradition, Stover,sentiments,next exchange,piece,message,times13-Jan-2017 02:37AM%Breeding For Rust Resistance In WheatShttp://www.farms.com/commentaries/breeding-for-rust-resistance-in-wheat-117715.aspxŽwithout becoming fully susceptibility.\n\nNone of the newest varieties released by K-State has this kind of leaf rust resistance yet, with theцleaf rust,minor genes,race,known races,adult stage,few specific races,leaf rust pustules,wheat,Varieties,Breeding,different approach,moderate level,good level,pathologists and wheat breeders,same level,narrow source,benefit,CIMMYT13-Jan-2017 02:30AM:K-State-Baylor lineups, tipoff time, TV, facts and figuresnhttp://www.americantowns.com/mo/kansascity/news/kstatebaylor-lineups-tipoff-time-tv-facts-and-figures-27891803~Kansas State,TV, facts and figures,Baylor lineups,Kan. TV/RADIO,Manhattan,& Click,Kansas City Star,Baylor Ht,Bramlage Coliseum12-Jan-2017 11:03PM)MG: How to (and not to) graft pecan treesnhttp://www.gettysburgtimes.com/life_entertainment/home_style/article_6b965630-3681-5552-868e-1190698c2911.html‡grafting schools held by Dr. Bill Reid, director of the Kansas State University Pecan Experiment Station near Chetopa, Kansas, about 30Gettysburgtimes.comxxxЄGrafting,portion,farm,China,Dr. Bill Reid,Kansas State University Pecan Experiment Station,friend,director,southeast Kansas,Labette County Kansas,experience,article12-Jan-2017 11:00PM Insect ZooJhttp://www.riley.army.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1054543/insect-zoo/Šthe old dairy barn and shares an area with The Gardens at Kansas State University. The entrance has two large leaf cutter ants crawling upSeason OsterfeldDInsect Zoo,visitors,mock kitchen,tropical tree,standard household kitchen,insects and arachnids,few other insects,multiple sections,Kansas State University,parking lot,person,tours,assistance,petting zoo,Kansas,p.m. Admission,tropical night house,Denison Avenue,old dairy barn,active beehive,tarantula,large leaf cutter ants12-Jan-2017 10:32PMEArctic shrews, parasites indicate climate change effect on ecosystemsehttp://www.newsr.in/n/Science/75e21dqs4/Arctic-shrews-parasites-indicate-climate-change-effect-on.htmŒchange, according to a Kansas State University researcher. Andrew Hope, Kansas State University research assistant professor in the DivisionNewsRЃJan 13, 2017,Andrew Hope,effect,Kansas State University research assistant professor,National Ocea,shrew,parasites,environmental change,ones,new indicators,climate12-Jan-2017 09:16PM 2017USNewsŽ§V'Yf[NLuƒєV…Q’cT џŽ§V'Yf[0R•^ gY[rџ'http://www.aoweibang.com/view/33605021/12-Jan-2017 08:57PMW01-12-17 Learn more about the upcoming Canola College 2017 in Enid, OK on January 19th& https://brianallmerradionetwork.wordpress.com/2017/01/12/01-12-17-learn-more-about-the-upcoming-canola-college-2017-in-enid-ok-on-january-19th/‹Once again, the Great Plains Canola Association, Oklahoma State University, Kansas State University, USDA-RMA, and partners from the canolaKCanola Production,Canola College,canola industry,Cropping Systems,crop insurance agents,Extension Cropping Systems Specialist,Kansas State University,Great Plains Canola Association,canola biology,canola experts,Learn,NW Area Extension Agronomy Specialist,OSU Extension Area Economist,OSU Extension Plant Pathologist and Paul De Laune,Assoc Prof,very popular Canola Learning Laboratory,Canola Economics  Trent Milacek,USDA,industry members,OSU Regents Prof,Josh Bushong,Risk Management,first time growers,Jrsholar@aol.com or Josh Lofton,Attendees,Grower,Grower, Kiowa, KS and Jeff Scott12-Jan-2017 07:37PM2017USNewsŽ§V'Yf[NLuƒєV…Q’cT2http://learning.sohu.com/20170113/n478604094.shtml12-Jan-2017 06:54PMQhttp://www.pressreleasepoint.com/kda-offers-morel-mushroom-identification-sessionŒ13, 2017\n\nThe Kansas Department of Agriculture, in partnership with K-State Research and Extension, Kaw Valley Mycological Society and thešW. 21st Street N.,morel mushroom identification session,session,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,State Research and Extension,wild morel mushrooms,workshop,Kansas,Kaw Valley Mycological Society,session and/,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,necessary approval,a.m.,Feb. 4, 2017,Agriculture,state,morel identifiers,approved mushroom identifier,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist12-Jan-2017 05:51PMDWinter storms affecting move-in days at KS colleges and universitiesthttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/Winter-storms-affecting-move-in-days-at-KS-colleges-and-universities-410584315.htmlŽWednesday.\n\nKansas State says students can start moving in Saturday morning at 10. That's one day earlier than planned.\n\nThe University ofЅstudents,Winter storms,Kansas,Fort Hays State University,Wichita State,State and KU,date,KS colleges and universities,hours,university,everyone,Eyewitness News,dorms12-Jan-2017 05:25PM` I Stand With Ted : A school board member who wore blackface wouldn t resign. Now, he s praised.rhttp://trueviralnews.com/i-stand-with-ted-a-school-board-member-who-wore-blackface-wouldnt-resign-now-hes-praised/‡on campus along with  KKK in large letters. A former Kansas State University student shared a photo of herself and a friend with their™school board member,crowd,training,local district,award,Blevins school officials,school finance,minstrel show,photo,Bonner,whole school,blackface,skoolboard member,elected official,nice photo op,group s Master Board Member award,Arkansas NAACP,Ted ,tiny Blevins,Kristen Garner, Blackface characters,Blackface minstrel acts,Tavis Smiley Show ,many people, Garner,black people,frivolous character,white people12-Jan-2017 04:57PM1Symphony features one of its own on horn concertouhttp://www.news-leader.com/story/entertainment/music/2017/01/12/symphony-features-one-its-own-horn-concerto/96449430/Œdifferent from her fourth-grade friends. In high school and at Kansas State University, she worked with a supportive private teacher, but heSpringfield News-LeaderEd Peaco, For the News-LeaderлSpringfield Symphony,concerto,Franz Strauss,Richard Strauss,musical reasons,Richard Wagner,Principal Horn Lisa Casey,Hammons Hall,part,high school,Missouri State University,piece,musical parameters,aside French horn concerti,several professional recordings,Casey,-state band,recordings,Ozarks music,horn,instrument,stately orchestral pass< ages,last time,soloist,BedYich Smetana s  ,Springfield Symphony and MSU,Moldau and Benjamin Britten s  , Siegfried s Rhine Journey ,p.m.12-Jan-2017 04:12PMV'Shrew'-d study: Arctic shrews, parasites indicate climate change effect on ecosystemshttp://military-technologies.net/2017/01/12/shrew-d-study-arctic-shrews-parasites-indicate-climate-change-effect-on-ecosystems/мecosystems,Kansas State University research assistant professor,effect,Andrew Hope,Shrew,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,parasites,d study,climate,environmental change,new indicators,ones,Biology,Division12-Jan-2017 03:43PMv'Shrew'-d advice: Study of Arctic shrews, parasites indicates how climate change may affect ecosystems and communities)http://www.enn.com/wildlife/article/50289Environmental News Network§Kansas State University researcher,Andrew Hope,climate change,shrew,barren ground shrew,Alaska,Arctic Report Card,Study,new indicators,parasites,d advice,good indicators,large animals,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,range,species,Biology12-Jan-2017 03:11PMUShrew -d study: Arctic shrews, parasites indicate climate change effect on ecosystemsEhttp://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?id=4409768}ecosystems,Kansas State University researcher,effect,shrew,ones,parasites,d study,climate,new indicators,environmental change12-Jan-2017 03:08PMFarmers market vendor workshop?http://www.morningagclips.com/farmers-market-vendor-workshop-3/ŒIdentification Certification\nSenior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Training\nK-State Variety Trial Results\nProduction of Uncommon FruitsЮworkshop,farmers,markets,fresh food source,Farmers Markets,State Research and Extension,market vendors and managers,Workshop topics,Central Kansas Market Grower Vendor Workshop,Kansas Department,W. 21st Street N,KDA s Central Registration,consumer food safety specialist,Wichita,Sedgwick County Extension office,state,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Agriculture,local economy,Registration,consumers, s weights and measures program,free scale certification,a.m.12-Jan-2017 03:03PMKansas Commodity Classic Feb. 8=http://www.morningagclips.com/kansas-commodity-classic-feb-8/‘Kansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,NAWG CEO,Manhattan,Kansas,Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers,Kan.  National Association,CEO Chandler Goule,Richards Drive,imminent Farm Bill discussions,National Grain Commodity panel,struggling farm economy,National Farmers Union,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Subcommittee Staff Director,Wheat Growers,registration,Kansas Wheat,U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee,Kansas State University,Lowen and Associates,Goule,professional commodity brokerage firm,Kan.,agriculture,Hines,agricultural price risk management,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,addition12-Jan-2017 02:25PM>https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170112115718.htm ScienceDailyЙfield collections,Hope,researchers,barren ground shrew,museum collection,shrews,Kansas State University researcher,climate,parasites,changes,range,future changes,large animals,museums and research institutions,data,important part,collections,large animal communities,species,Arctic Report Card,study,new indicators,new study,tundra community,good indicators,communities,out the parasites,better indicators,ones,economically important species12-Jan-2017 01:54PMOSUArt Galleries is giving students a look into art history with its new exhibitohttp://dailyorange.com/2017/01/suart-galleries-is-giving-students-a-look-into-art-history-with-its-new-exhibit/ŒMarch 19.\n\nHailing from the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University,  Art For Every Home is now on the final stopThe Daily Orange Joe Bloss# Art,publishing group Associated American Artists,art history,Home,SUArt Galleries,American life,exhibition,Shaffer Art Building,exhibition s materials,Syracuse University campus,exhibition and collection manager,campus,artists Thomas Hart Benton,academic building,AAA artists,original artwork,interdepartmental bond,place,large print collection,Dittman,textile and print aspects,commercial galleries,SU s Sue Ann Genet Costume Collection, AAA s publications, Dittman,Dittman s,20th century,people,groundbreaking catalogues, Sears catalogue,p.m.12-Jan-2017 01:11PMAre You a Lifelong Learner?3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/14/article/102488/Šin the future.\nDonna Krug is the Family and Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research & Extension Barton County. You may reach her at:lifelong learners,Extension Ed Talks,TED talks,academic topics,Tech TV, ideas,Family and Consumer Science Agents,out the topics,Stay Healthy,polished TV personalities,question,answers, Technology,State Research & Extension Barton County,research,n t Better12-Jan-2017 12:49PMOGovernor's challenge to universities would require 60 percent tuition cut at KU“http://www.kansan.com/news/governor-s-challenge-to-universities-would-require-percent-tuition-cut/article_d6079618-d8f3-11e6-aaf0-6f1f98905fa8.htmlŒ. The University and Kansas State University received proportionally larger cuts than smaller state schools, like Fort Hays State UniversityThe University Daily Kansan,McKenna Harford | @McKennaHarford | AP photo[percent tuition,governor,University,AP photo,compact tuition,standard tuition,total,budget,undergraduate students,state funding budget cuts,University and Kansas State University,state,Fort Hays State,proportionally larger cuts,first school,funding,challenge,Gov. Sam Brownback,Brownback s idea,Emporia Republicans< ,Kansas,bachelor,Associated Press12-Jan-2017 12:45PM"Abby And The Kansas City Link LookJhttp://www.tonyskansascity.com/2017/01/abby-and-kansas-city-link-look.htmlŠTeaching Moment Endures\nMartin Luther King Jr.'s Speech From K-State Still Resonates Nearly 50 Years Later\nKansas City Great Value Gronk5Kansas City link look,New Home,Forward,Abby,Heartland12-Jan-2017 12:15PMVAn Arkansas school board member who wore blackface wouldn't resign. Now, he's praised.`http://www.richmond.com/news/national-world/ap/article_356ecce7-c2e4-5e6d-982b-e992558a336d.html‡on campus along with 'KKK' in large letters. A former Kansas State University student shared a photo of herself and a friend with their Richmond.com9By Avi Selk and Cleve R. Wootson Jr., The Washington Postгwhole school,school board member,award,crowd,Blevins school officials,blackface,minstrel show,training,photo,Bonner,nice photo op,Arkansas,elected official,blackface Halloween costume,black character,black people,meeting,state,NBC affiliate KARK,black life,black men,Garner,anyone,Blackface minstrel acts,defensive apology,Tavis Smiley Show,many people,frivolous character,North Carolina State University,former Kansas State University student,white audiences,slavery12-Jan-2017 12:05PMKNational Weather Service's Mike July, MLK's K-State Speech, Story Of A SongWhttp://kcur.org/post/national-weather-services-mike-july-mlks-k-state-speech-story-song.\n\nThen, in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a surprising speech at K-State. We'll hear about the impression it left on Kansans.\n\nPlus, anQGina Kaufmann, Matthew Long-Middleton, Sam Zeff, Matt Hodapp & Sylvia Maria GrossПNational Weather Service,State Speech,winter weather advisory,former Senior Forecaster,Matt Hodapp & Sylvia Maria Gross,chat,Grisly Hand,Guest,Kansas City trumpeter,encore presentation,coupleRMartin Luther King Jr.'s Speech From K-State Still Resonates Nearly 50 Years Later`http://kcur.org/post/martin-luther-king-jrs-speech-k-state-still-resonates-nearly-50-years-later. had been assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.\n\nKing would start his year at Kansas State University on Jan. 19, at a convocation in a jam-)Sam Zeff & Matt Hodapp & Diane KrauthamerQState speech,King,Manhattan,truth,Martin Luther King Jr.,fact,contradiction but truth,Kansas State University,political leadership,freedom and equality,State,Diane Krauthamer,dream,equality,America,consensus,question,Kansas Humanities Council,Kansas,humanity,justice,Sam Zeff and Matthew Hodapp,part lecture,social destruction,conscience12-Jan-2017 12:04PMQSUArt Galleries is giving students a look into art history with their new exhibitqhttp://dailyorange.com/2017/01/suart-galleries-is-giving-students-a-look-into-art-history-with-their-new-exhibit/4 Art,publishing group Associated American Artists,art history,Home,SUArt Galleries,American life,exhibition,Shaffer Art Building,exhibition s materials,Syracuse University campus,campus,SUArt Galleries exhibition and collection manager,artists Thomas Hart Benton,academic building,AAA artists,original artwork,interdepartmental bond,place,large print collection,Dittman,textile and print aspects, AAA s publications,commercial galleries,SU s Sue Ann Genet Costume Collection, Dittman,Dittman s,20th century,people,groundbreaking catalogues, Sears catalogue,p.m.12-Jan-2017 12:02PMYZ7Y N›\Т‰Иœ;eeu/Ž§V50*Nо]Яkо]g}YнO•^'Yf[.0http://travel.sohu.com/20170113/n478584944.shtmlš, Indiana\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 30,949\n\nU_жS‡s: 74%\n\n*X(„Џeо]  *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[ Kansas State University\n\n0WtMOn: Manhattan, Kansas\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 17,245\n\nU_жS‡s: 99%\n\nЏ€TXњWо]  яfЏeє~\'Yf[ Хe8n‘˜S,ХeLˆ-dаrŽ‰Хe8nОКN0WtMOn,'Yf[ University,є]lšо]  ?–,,gбyuКNpe, Rо]   Rо]'Yf[#W,Џeє~\'Yf[ University,х]'Yf[ Arkansas Tech University,?–ЩbЏe Rо],'Yf[Йe,}Y'Yf[,'Yf[U_жS‡s,ƒœ[›\,'kс€›\,Ц[‰‰дkо]Ыz'Yf[ Mississippi State,СyКNš[6RХe8nЁ‹R,Ž‰Хe8n,'Yf[/O,'Yf[ш•WR!h University,є]lš'Yf[/Of№!h:S,Ц[‰‰дkо],University,Ц[Я‚Ь‘о]  ,šN)RQh, `ФOf'Yf[ University,'Yf[ South Dakota State University,*X(„Џeо]  *X(„Џeо],З^…mФrIsraeli Technology Helping Giants Like Monsanto Feed the Worldqhttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-12/israeli-technology-helping-giants-like-monsanto-feed-the-worldŒmakes natural disasters more likely.\n\nCritical Piece\n\nAt Kansas State University, NRGene s technology streamlines mapping of complicated BloombergGwen Ackerman @GwenSaharrplant traits,data,Israel s NRGene,crops,up development,hunger,United Nations member states,Israeli military intelligence units,Tom Adams, Adams,enough food,trait discovery,diverse crops,efforts,NRGene,World Food Programme,sustainable development,Critical Piece,Monsanto Feed,crucial part,global food production,bioinformatics market,U.S., Israel, Canada and Australia,software, s largest seed company,Israeli Technology Helping Giants,Allied Market Research,school s department,Syngenta Ag and Monsanto Co.,drug companies,Parkinson s and Alzheimer s,software and storage methods,complicated wheat genomes,company,human genome12-Jan-2017 09:02AM3What if the Coffee Taster s Flavor Wheel was a TreeYhttp://dailycoffeenews.com/2017/01/12/what-if-the-coffee-tasters-flavor-wheel-was-a-tree/‹it two-dimensionally.\n\nCreated at the Sensory Analysis Center at Kansas State University, the WCR lexicon contains a whopping 110 sensoryDaily Coffee News Nick BrownCoffee Taster s Flavor Wheel,inherent limitations,KSU team,wheel,whopping 110 sensory attributes,sensory analysis researchers,flavor tree,World Coffee Research Sensory Lexicon,lexicon,SCA, WCR and researchers,Sensory Professionals Journal,professionals,researchers,tree,coffee samples,relationships,complexity,Sensory Studies,multidimensional nature,addi< tional coffee varietals,fascinating new study,characteristics,aromas and flavors,Pandora s Box,article,various categories,attributes,Davis and KSU,science and industry,industry12-Jan-2017 09:00AM7Biodegradable Resin Is Patented for Adhesives, Coatingsbhttp://insights.globalspec.com/article/3987/biodegradable-resin-is-patented-for-adhesives-coatings‰Kansas State University researchers have patented what s believed to be a first-of-its-kind plant-based resin for adhesives and coatings.0Engineering News & Analysis - IHS Engineering360Chuck HeschmeyerEkind plant,adhesives,researchers,tape,food packaging,Susan Sun,KSU professor,plant fatty acids,resin,coatings,soybean,projects,Food and Agriculture,Currently available resins,United Soybean Board,surface,amount,Kansas Soybean Commission,agricultural engineering,particularly notable possible application,painters,previous bio;Does good pellet quality enhance finishing pig performance?Whttp://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/12/good-pellet-quality-enhance-finishing-pig-performance/ŽC.R. 1994. Pellet quality I. Pellet quality and its effects on swine performance. Ph.D. Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan.\n\n>growth rate,feed efficiency,feed conversion,pellet fines,pellet quality,% fines,pigs,grower pigs,impact,less feed wastage,southeastern U.S. feed mills,Pacheco Dominguez,nutritional benefits,Physical benefits,Nemechek et al,quality,limited research,mash feed,versus 0% pellet fines,levels,Pig Feeding Behavior,growth performance,live performance,swine performance,Langdon,proper feeder management,K. C. Factors influencing pellet quality,pellets or meal,pellet quality and feeder adjustment,Effect,J. M.,Particle Size and inclusion level,feeder space requirements,feeders,J. Anim,J. DeRouchey,J.Nelssen,M. Vandenheede,J. Swine Health Prod,M. Tokach,Nemechek12-Jan-2017 08:51AMGUniversity Patents a Cost-Saving, Longer-Lasting Biodegradable Adhesivemhttp://www.labmanager.com/news/2017/01/university-patents-a-cost-saving-longer-lasting-biodegradable-adhesive‹Kollbe Ahn, a 2011 Kansas State University grain science doctoral graduate who is now a research professor at the University of California,By Kansas State Universitybshiny coatings,first plant,adhesives and coatings,tape,researchers,university,Kansas State University,distinguished professor,Susan Sun,grain science and industry,resin,plant fatty acids,International Material Research Conference,Initial funding,National Institute,California,Additional funding sources,wooden surfaces,American Chemical Society National Meeting,Lasting Biodegradable Adhesive,Currently available resins,adhesive applications,Kansas Soybean Commission,adherable painters,protective surfaces,Materials Chemistry,Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference,United Soybean Board,soybean,Agriculture12-Jan-2017 08:34AMŠhttp://www.businesstoday.in/current/corporate/eight-fascinating-facts-about-new-tata-sons-chief-natarajan-chandrasekaran/story/244102.htmlBusiness Today Goutam Dasшmanagement school,TCS CEO,over Rs,Chandra,Chandrasekaran,Rs 7,000,TCS chief N Chandrasekaran,neck and neck,lessons,names,family farm,business capital,company,management literature,executives,people,Regional Engineering College,crore12-Jan-2017 08:25AMLA school board member who wore blackface wouldn't resign. Now, he's praised.zhttp://www.standard.net/National/2017/01/12/A-school-board-member-who-wore-blackface-wouldn-t-resign-Now-he-s-praised.html!Avi Selk and Cleve R. Wootson Jr.дschool board member,training,crowd,award,Blevins school officials,minstrel show,school finance,photo,whole school,blackface,Bonner,nice photo op,group s Master Board Member award,elected official,Arkansas,state,NBC affiliate KARK,anyone,Kristen Garner,defensive apology, Blackface characters,Blackface minstrel acts,Tavis Smiley Show ,many people, Garner,black people,frivolous character,North Carolina State University,former Kansas State University student,slavery12-Jan-2017 08:15AM<Just One Student but He Sent a Message | From the Bell Towerthttp://lj.libraryjournal.com/2017/01/opinion/steven-bell/just-one-student-but-he-sent-a-message-from-the-bell-tower/Š. Instead of just ending up as another freshman dropout, leaving Kansas State University (KSU) after his first semester, Willson attractedLibrary Journal Steven Bellhigher education,student,first column,higher ed s,Willson,questionable general education courses,value,state,free college, s inappropriate gesture,Sykes s book,Willson s antics,book Fail,public education,many more Willsons,St. Martin s Press,Kansas State University,college,freshman dropout,Willson and others,KSU campus, s big trend,advantage,far less certainty,term enrollment drop,considerable media attention,time,certainty,growing conversation,many faculty,Election conversation,time and money,enrollments,graduates,others12-Jan-2017 08:09AM„http://www.sekvoice.com/news/20170112/berry-good-results-research-looks-at-growing-more-nutritional-flavorful-strawberries-in-kansasЈhigh tunnels,strawberry production,State Olathe,growing season,researchers,fruit,strawberry varieties,neutral strawberry varieties,berries,strawberries,state,Kansas,better strawberries,strawberry lovers,Gude,strawberry varieties Monterey,Kansas berry growers,Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc.,fruit yields and fruit quality,assistant professor,locally grown food,food,Postharvest Quality,strawberries consumers,consumers,growers and consumers,evaporative cooling system,system,temperatures,horticulture,Gude and fellow graduate students,Greater Kansas City,continual optimum temperature,Olathe,nutrients and flavor,overall flavor,Portola and Seascape,Albion and Monterey,Portola12-Jan-2017 08:00AM;Top 10 considerations to navigate a struggling farm economy…http://www.hpj.com/general/top-considerations-to-navigate-a-struggling-farm-economy/article_95cfa26d-8476-5f96-9717-a13473821de4.htmlŒa Struggling Farm Economy program on Feb. 6 in Hays at the K-State Ag Research Center. To register call the Ellis County Extension Office by/By Stacy Campbell, K-State Research & ExtensionStruggling Farm Economy program,farm business,farm operation,several different topics,program, Top 10 Considerations,Farm Financial Situation,Utilizing FSA Loan Programs,farmers,topic,Ellis County Extension Office,Feb. 6,Hays,Jan. 30,Navigate,Stacy Campbell,a.m.,Premier canola event set for Enid in Januarywhttp://www.hpj.com/crops/premier-canola-event-set-for-enid-in-january/article_262f89fe-af89-53e0-b949-0abd0e8c45da.htmlnindustry members,Jan. 19 Canola College,industry par< tners,canola service or product provider,training event,Premier canola event,canola industry,crop,demonstrated concepts,advanced production practices,crop insurance agent,Ron Sholar,Great Plains Canola Association executive director,canola basics,hand,Enid,Canola Learning Laboratory,participants,opportunity,conference, Canola s importance,technology, risk management and canola economics,equipment, products and services,phone, Sholar,USDA Risk Management Agency,Agricultural producers, Lofton,Lofton,disease and insect management,a.m.,agricultural government agency12-Jan-2017 06:29AM9'Cover Your Acres' Conference to Highlight Plants, People;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=39&yr=2017Œassistant professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University.\n\nFor a business to succeed we need good?northwest Kansas,Northwest Area Office,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,business,State Research and Extension,family members,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association,program,Northwest Research,14th annual Cover,conference,research assistant professor,Certified Crop Advisors,Cover,Kansas State University,Crop Production Services,relationships,Charlie Griffin,Haag,State,full conference schedule,Colby,good people skills,registration,Decatur Coop Association,National Sunflower Association,Family Studies and Human Services,Hoxie Implement Co. Inc.,Lang Diesel Inc.-NAWG CEO to Speak at Kansas Commodity Classic;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=41&yr=2017ŠKansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,NAWG CEO,Kansas Corn,Manhattan,Sheraton Hotel,Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers,CEO Chandler Goule,Richards Drive,imminent Farm Bill discussions,National Grain Commodity panel,struggling farm economy,National Farmers Union,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Subcommittee Staff Director,Wheat Growers,registration,Lowen and Associates,Kansas Association,Kansas State University,Goule,U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee,professional commodity brokerage firm,agriculture,Hines,agricultural price risk management,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,additionHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=41ГKansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,NAWG CEO,Manhattan,National Association,Sheraton Hotel,Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers,CEO Chandler Goule,Richards Drive,imminent Farm Bill discussions,National Grain Commodity panel,struggling farm economy,National Farmers Union,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Subcommittee Staff Director,Kansas Corn Growers Association,Wheat Growers,Kansas Association,registration,Lowen and Associates,Kansas State University,Goule,U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee,professional commodity brokerage firm,agriculture,Hines,agricultural price risk management,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,additionHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=39Fnorthwest Kansas,Northwest Area Office,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,business,State Research and Extension,family members,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association,program,Northwest Research,14th annual Cover,conference,research assistant professor,Certified Crop Advisors,Cover,Kansas State University,Crop Production Services,relationships,Charlie Griffin,Haag,State,full conference schedule,Colby,People,good people skills,registration,Decatur Coop Association,National Sunflower Association,Family Studies and Human Services,Hoxie Implement Co. Inc.,Lang Diesel Inc.12-Jan-2017 06:25AM„http://www.cortezjournal.com/article/20170112/AP/301129891/A-school-board-member-who-wore-blackface-wouldn't-resign-Now-he's-praisedоwhole school,school board member,training,crowd,award,Blevins school officials,blackface,minstrel show,photo,Bonner,nice photo op,elected official,Arkansas,black character,black people,blackface Halloween costume,meeting,state,NBC affiliate KARK,black face,black life,black men,Garner,anyone,defensive apology,Blackface minstrel acts,Tavis Smiley Show,many people,frivolous character,North Carolina State University,former Kansas State University student,white audiences,slavery12-Jan-2017 05:45AM8Odorless, colorless radon is a quiet killer, experts sayOhttp://www.kmbz.com/Odorless-colorless-radon-is-a-quiet-killer-experts/22985835ŠBruce Snead, director of the Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, using information from the Environmental Protection Agency.#lung cancer,Radon experts,Bruce Snead,information,Radon,homes,earth,Environmental Protection Agency,director,home improvement stores,Kansas City metro,radon education programs,Kansas State University,Engineering Extension,Missouri and Kansas,number one cause,byproduct,decay,foundation,crust12-Jan-2017 05:00AM—https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/01/12/i-stand-with-ted-a-school-board-member-who-wore-blackface-wouldnt-resign-now-hes-praised/Avi Selkєschool board member,Blevins school officials,training,award,crowd,local district,skoolboard member,school finance,minstrel show,photo,Bonner,whole school,blackface,elected official,nice photo op,group s Master Board Member award,Arkansas NAACP,Kristen Garner,state,Ted ,tiny Blevins, Blackface characters,Blackface minstrel acts,Tavis Smiley Show ,many people,black people,frivolous character, Garner,North Carolina State University,former Kansas State University student,U.S. history,black history12-Jan-2017 04:42AMJKansas Wheat Scoop No. 1981: NAWG CEO To Speak At Kansas Commodity Classicnhttp://www.farms.com/     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMO§џџџPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€news/kansas-wheat-scoop-no-1981-nawg-ceo-to-speak-at-kansas-commodity-classic-117664.aspx–Kansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,NAWG CEO,CEO Chandler Goule,Wheat and Grain Sorghum Associations,Manhattan,National Farmers Union,National Grain Commodity panel,imminent Farm Bill discussions,struggling farm economy,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Senior Vice President,Subcommittee Staff Director,Goule,Wheat Growers,Kansas State University,professional commodity brokerage firm,Kansas,Lowen and Associates,registration beginning,agricultural price risk management,House Agriculture Committee,Hines,agriculture,M and George Washington University,Texas,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,addition,Management12-Jan-2017 03:00AM-http://www.17wh.com/xbz/20170112/1480008.htmlŒlšњ‹?–R!hUniversity of Hawaii, Manoa328Ц[Я‚Ь‘'Yf[University of Missouri340*X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[Kansas State University356яfЏe‰[Ѓо]Ыz'Yf[Louisiana State University, Baton17Ў_їSQРState University,California,North Carolina Charlotte760KQї–˜'Yf[Creighton University760XbБƒY'Yf[University,Colorado,San Diego16 Rо]'Yf[чeб‘q\R!hUniversity,California San Francisco17Ц[Gk9h'Yf[‰[Z!XR!hUn< iversity,Maryland,Irvine66POЛlšNtх]f[b–Georgia Institute,Arizona78Ц[Gk9hо]Ыz'Yf[Michigan State University82WEPA Announces $2 Million to Assist Tribes' Brownfields Efforts5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5743565:\n\nThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has selected Kansas State University (KSU) to receive approximately $2 million in fundingйU.S. Environmental Protection Agency,tribes,EPA Announces,technical support,environmentally contaminated land,following news release,up these lands,funding,Kansas State University,Jan. 11,university,brownfields,course11-Jan-2017 07:13PMCurious about ingredients?\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_592d4190-d864-11e6-be23-bb4674262e83.html? Contact K-State Research and Extension Cowley County for more information, (620) 221-5450.\n\nSource: BestFoodFacts.org; fda.gov\n\nK-State’vitamin C,vitamin B12,food,ascorbic acid,State Research and Extension,food spoilage and browning,ingredients,various sugar products,Vitamins, minerals and fiber,sugar,Stay Healthy orientation,Stay,State Research and Extension Cowley County,first several ingredients,Becky Reid,artificial flavoring,Cowley County,instance,advance registration,consumers,Jan. 18,Jan. 23,family and consumer sciences agent11-Jan-2017 07:11PM4-H means global citizenship\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_157724d4-d864-11e6-bd49-abfe230bff1f.htmlŽ) 441-4565.\n\nKelsey Holcomb is the 4-H youth development agent for K-State Research and Extension-Cowley County. She can be reached at (620)яexchange program,opportunity,youth,H exchange partners,bound exchangees,hands,H families,State Research and Extension,United States,Cowley County,Kansas 4,ages 19,life skills,Japan, Finland, Costa Rica and South Korea,country,delegates and host families,Japan,H youth development agent,Thailand, Taiwan and Japan,H or Cowley County Extension Programs,hosts,State s Outbound Exchange delegate,summer and experience life,multiple rural families,experiences,local families,bound delegate,Zia Gaines)Conservation trees available from K-State\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_fd62405e-d863-11e6-a41f-bfb652512212.html‹forester who oversees the Kansas Conservation Tree Planting Program at Kansas State University, has begun taking seedling orders for springНblack oak,root,State Research and Extension,trees,ponderosa pine,deciduous trees,tree windbreak,container,barrier fabric,root evergreen trees,state forester,eastern white pine,cherrybark oak,shumard oak,white oak,county Extension office,Kansas State University,seedlings,plants,northern red oak,state program,order blanks,noise and dust barriers,garden guide,planting and installing,Bare,State Sorghum School,State 2017 Chemical Weed Control,conservation purposes,Biles,songbird and wildlife bundles,Kansas environment,Cowley County Conservation District,pheasant bundle,quail bundle,various conservation projects,Kansas Commodity Classic,Feb. 1,Feb. 8,Feb. 9,Pastures, Rangeland and Noncropland Guide11-Jan-2017 07:01PMWednesday January 11 Ag NewsFhttp://chadmoyer.blogspot.no/2017/01/wednesday-january-11-ag-news.html Chad Moyer/farm size and productivity,Nebraska Farm Bureau president,Nebraska,farmers,Nebraska Farm Service Agency and others today,farms,Agriculture Committee,Kansas State University,Don Bacon,confident Don,19th District,Rep. Don Bacon,event,edge information,Chairman Conaway,American Farmer ,Florida s 2nd District, 1st District,115th Congress,farm safety net,information,featured keynote speaker,event website,Vice Chairman Glenn,Clean Water Act,timely information,U.S. farmers,dairy farmers,Fungicide and Rodenticide Act,National Environmental Policy Act,Agriculture,House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway,U.S. Air Force,state s landowners,Dr. Kohl,Gary Baise,applicable State,cleaner air,America s dairy farmers and processors,2i Conference,Nebraska Game and Parks Commission visit http://www.ngpc.state.ne,agricultural corporate governance issues,state departments,farm size productivity relationship,biotech corn events,Dr. Kohl and Mr. Baise,agricultural productivity,IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION,conference,North American Free Trade Act,committee,Veterinary Medicine and Iowa State,Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program,irrigated agriculture operations,North Carolina State University,Monsanto CEO and Chairman Hugh Grant,Agricultural Safety,Summit Ag Inc.,agricultural deals,U.S. agriculture,Nebraska Cattlemen visit http://nebraskacattlemen.org/.,Nebraska FSA chief, Nebraska s producers,international conference,House and Senate,Summit Agricultural Group,Nebraska, visit www.fsa.usda.gov/ne, and click,conference organizer Keith Fuglie,Bayer AG and Monsanto Co.11-Jan-2017 06:25PM7The Potential For A Bargain Bachelor's Degree In Kansas>http://kcur.org/post/potential-bargain-bachelors-degree-kansas‰may exclude students from attending the University of Kansas or Kansas State. Tuition at KU is $10,550 a year and at K-State it's $9,874.DKansas Board,state,Gov. Sam Brownback,idea,bargain bachelor,community college,tuition increases,cheapest tuition,podcast Statehouse Blend Kansas,Sam Zeff,tuition and fees,budget document,Governor s proposal,detailed< budget proposal,Regents,governor,additional state support,Fort Hays State,educators,Regents spokesperson Breeze Richardson,room and board,Kansas News Service stories,institution response,jobs,nobody,institution system,affordable higher education,nursing graduates,nursing scholarships,engineering or nursing,Brownback plan,Berger,freshman Republican Sen. Ed Berger11-Jan-2017 06:06PMBudget plan cuts $2M at K-State=http://themercury.com/articles/budget-plan-cuts-2m-at-k-statePBudget plan,Subscribers Sign,State,click,Dylan Lysen,online subscription,article11-Jan-2017 05:24PMLK-State's Barry Brown explains his side of a late no-call against Texas TechRhttp://www.kansascity.com/sports/college/big-12/kansas-state/article125810939.html!Barry Brown,call,State,Texas Tech11-Jan-2017 04:59PM=Sunflower Diversified, partners offer parent-training classes3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/69/article/102463/Œfree service. The number is 620-792-4087.\n\nDonna Krug, of K-State Research & Extension in Barton County, will talk with her audience aboutІtraining sessions,parents,young children,central Kansas,Great Bend and Stafford,Sunflower Diversified,Sunflower Diversified Services Early Education Center staff,next public event,speaker Kim Corkill,speaker Noni New,Child care,Heather Quillin,building,event,services coordinator,Barton County,free service, Quillin,child and family therapist,Barton, Pawnee, Rice, Rush and Stafford counties,Special Education Cooperative11-Jan-2017 04:55PM8Wichita to Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor WorkshopFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/C21BC24E8BC3E8C54213687E6A340E399581F558ЦCentral Kansas Market Grower Vendor Workshop,workshop,farmers,markets,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor Workshop,Workshop topics,marketing tool,Registration,Kansas Department,fresh food source,Wichita,consumer food safety specialist,managers,Sedgwick County Extension office,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Health and Environment,Onsite registration,Agriculture,consumers,growers,free scale certification,environment,a.m.11-Jan-2017 04:50PM/Bakery kill-step validation to comply with FSMA\http://www.snackandbakery.com/articles/89671-bakery-kill-step-validation-to-comply-with-fsmaˆFood Technical and Regulatory Affairs Committee, Kansas State University, and University of Georgia to develop validation procedures forSnack Food & Wholesale Bakery˜bakery products,step validation,Food Safety Modernization ACT,baking process,food,Product,Salmonella,baking industry, validation,putative kill step,validation procedures,step calculators,registered food manufacturing facility,FSMA validation and verification purposes,preventive controls,log values,baking time data,AIB International,desired log reduction,data points,American Bakers Association Food Technical,FSMA,total process lethality,various bakery products,borne pathogens,internal temperature,kill,hamburger bun,various calculators,technical evidence,such evidence,possible harmful pathogens,reference temperature,time,microbial challenge studies,lethality11-Jan-2017 04:26PM=SEEK 2017 inspires college students to evangelize on campuses>http://stlouisreview.com/article/2017-01-11/seek-2017-inspires‹to live like Jesus.\n\nKylee Mernagh, a freshman at Kansas State University, said she appreciated how Father Schmitz urged participants to St. Louis ReviewŠSEEK 2017,college students,exclusively young adults,Jesus Christ,participants,Catholic University Students,Martins,biennial SEEK conference,FOCUS,Father Schmitz,Sister Bethany Madonna,Benedictine College,Sisters,conference,people,father,faith,Catholic members,Catholic News Service,Life,actions,back watching student,Kansas State University,San Antonio,Ave Maria University,sororities,adoration11-Jan-2017 04:03PM4Burkhart Ready To Market DC Chamber as New President^http://www.westernkansasnews.com/2017/01/burkhart-ready-to-market-dc-chamber-as-new-president/лDodge City Chamber,Market DC Chamber,chamber president,Burkhart,air story,journalism,new president,Dodge,Commerce,Olathe,http://www.westernkansasnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/1002-burkhart-at-dc-chamber.mp3,people11-Jan-2017 01:29PM)2016 Extension Council Appreciation Award3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/61/article/102452/:Extension Council Appreciation Award,Barton County Extension Council Educational programs,Agriculture and Natural Resources agent,Extension Service,success,demonstration plots,sorghum plot,Agriculture Education programming,time,state Research and Extension,programs,land,Jerry,County,such people,additional support11-Jan-2017 01:27PM3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/61/article/102451/Šin Manhattan, in 2007. Hines is a graduate of Kansas State University with a dual degree in Agricultural Economics and Milling Science and~Kansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,NAWG CEO,CEO Chandler Goule,Manhattan,Wheat and Grain Sorghum Associations,imminent Farm Bill discussions,Lunch,National Farmers Union,National Grain Commodity panel,struggling farm economy,registration beginning,Kansas Corn,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Subcommittee Staff Director,Wheat Growers,Goule,U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee,professional commodity brokerage firm,Kansas State University,Lowen and Associates,agricultural price risk management,agriculture,Hines,Senior Vice President,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,addition,Management11-Jan-2017 12:42PMKhttp://krvn.com/agricultural/nawg-ceo-to-speak-at-kansas-commodity-classic/ KS Wheat |Kansas farmers,Kansas Commodity Classic,NAWG CEO,Kansas Corn,Manhattan,National Association,Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers,CEO Chandler Goule,Richards Drive,imminent Farm Bill discussions,National Grain Commodity panel,struggling farm economy,National Farmers Union,grain merchandising world,National Wheat Foundation,executive director,Subcommittee Staff Director,Wheat Growers,registration,Kansas Association,Lowen and Associates,Kansas State University,Goule,U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee,professional commodity brokerage firm,agriculture,Hines,agricultural price risk management,Agricultural Economics and Milling Science,addition11-Jan-2017 12:38PM0Inexpensive kits can test for radon in your homeThttp://www.kmbc.com/article/inexpensive-kits-can-test-for-radon-in-your-home/8587576”it.\n\nMore Information:\n\nClick here for info on free radon test kits in Missouri\n\nK-State radon kits for saleto buy\n\nEPA information on radonKMBC.com Donna Pitman< дlung cancer,radon,Inexpensive kits,radon detection kit,Bruce Snead,potentially deadly gas,single short term test kit,Experts,Kansas State,cost,Information,homes,director,Click,smoke detector,engineering extension11-Jan-2017 12:34PMkEstudantes da Kansas State University visitam as unidades da Monsanto em Santa Cruz das Palmeiras e Coxilha­http://www.revistarpanews.com.br/index.php/ultimas-noticias/30135-estudantes-da-kansas-state-university-visitam-as-unidades-da-monsanto-em-santa-cruz-das-palmeiras-e-coxilha‰ Alunos e pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas State University (EUA) visitaram a unidade da Monsanto, em Santa Cruz dasRevista RPANews Portuguese,unidade da Monsanto,manejo de ervas daninhas,Santa Cruz das Palmeiras,visita importante,lэder de Biotecnologia no Brasil,Charles Rice,ciъncia do solo,Monsanto,Brasil ,contato de profissionais brasileiros,Estudantes da Kansas State University,biotecnologia,agricultura nacional,pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas,estudantes,professor de fertilidade do solo,unidade de tecnologia,сrea administrativa,solos,educaчуo dos alunos,assuntos de interesse dos estudantes,diversas сreas das Ciъncias Agrсrias,pesquisadores,casas de vegetaчуo,Coxilha11-Jan-2017 12:26PM>K-State students to present findings at Chamber annual meetingUhttp://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/article_688c1e60-d82b-11e6-9d94-877184996b20.htmlŠClay Center Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to present Kansas State University Professor Blake Belangerand his students from The Collegeєannual meeting,State students,Clay Center Area Chamber,Chamber,program,findings,Kansas State University Professor Blake Belangerand,formal presentation,Architecture, Planning & Design,recommendations,project,town revitalization,Commerce,College11-Jan-2017 12:20PM5K-State suffers another close road loss at Texas Tech/http://world.einnews.com/article/361600556/live‹a last-second, game-winning layup. On Tuesday at Texas Tech, K-State guard Barry Brown didn t get a foul with contact on his drive to the & Гdisheartening road loss,State suffers,Texas  Kansas State,Texas Tech,-call,empty feeling,official s call,State guard Barry Brown,questions,game,contact,Kansas,traveling violation11-Jan-2017 12:07PMIn Focus 1/11/17#http://1350kman.com/in-focus-11117/Corp, Community Volunteer Debbie Nuss, and Interim Associate Provost for Diversity at K-State Dr. Zelia Wiley.\n\nWinter and Logan:\n\n0111 Pott Eric ScheidtPott Schools,Focus 1/,Tim Winter and Rock Creek USD,Focus,Winter and Logan,Wamego USD 320 Supt,Hannah Kleopfer,Community Volunteer Debbie Nuss,Kevin Logan,State Dr. Zelia Wiley,Flint Hills Job Corp,Supt,Program Coordinator & Instructor,Nuss,Wiley,Interim Associate Provost11-Jan-2017 12:04PM/Have you gotten close to your fire door lately?yhttp://www.csemag.com/single-article/have-you-gotten-close-to-your-fire-door-lately/ed8adc98e02e7e6d88e59f1f1bff2a34.htmlŠarchitecture and a master's degree in architectural management from Kansas State University. He has 25 years of experience as an architectConsulting-Specifying Engineer-Ronald J. Ray, RA, CCS, CCCA, CSI, AIA, ARCOMРfire door assembly,assembly,door,fire,edition,Door and Hardware Institute,fire resistance or fire protection,openings,NFPA 80,building occupants,fire and smoke,inspection and testing,Door clearances,active door,inspections,fire alarm systems,Certified Door Consultant,qualified person,door holders,subsequent annual inspections,Architectural Openings Consultant,construction documents,requirements,fully open position,NFPA 80 states,edge protection,care and maintenance,testing,independent specification consultant,authority,certifications,new certification system,various certification programs,necessary knowledge,completed maintenance work,hardware,knowledge and understanding,architectural management11-Jan-2017 11:59AMBTight Profits on Beef Cow Herds Bring Focus to Toxic Fescue Losseshttp://www.cattlenetwork.com/advice-and-tips/stockerpasturerangeland/tight-profits-beef-cow-herds-bring-focus-toxic-fescue-lossesфtoxic fescue,Missouri Extension,Beef Cow Herds Bring Focus,Roberts,losses,endophyte fescue,novel,cow herd owners,cows,school,Heat stress,farmers,Kansas, Missouri and Kentucky,serious silent losses,tall fescue,biggest unseen loss,gains,old fescue,calves,University,School dates and locations,seed industry leaders and farmers,state,Kentucky aid,endophyte cause,toxin,Fescue pastures,Kansas State University,Alliance,herds,Extension services,Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Lab,attention11-Jan-2017 11:56AM=EPA Announces $2 Million to Assist Tribes Brownfields EffortsZhttp://www.pressreleasepoint.com/epa-announces-2-million-assist-tribes-brownfields-effortsЇtribes,environmentally contaminated land,EPA and tribes,Kansas State University,tribal response programs,tribal lands,up these lands,EPA s Assistant Administrator,Land and Emergency Management,environmental programs,technical support,brownfields,substantive technical assistance,EPA brownfields grants,state,cleanup and reuse,KSU s help,reuse,university,social issues,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,properties,cleanup11-Jan-2017 11:33AM*Her AgriCULTURE Story: Change, Adapt, Grow^http://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/agriculture/her-agriculture-story-change-adapt-grow/ŒArchuleta, family therapist and Director of Personal Financial Planning at Kansas State University. Kriss Avery, an Emmy award-winning musicѕFarm Conference,farming community,women,Adapt,total women farm operators,Sessions,many important roles women,business managers and women,industry career women,Excel or Quickbooks,Hildebrand Farms Dairy and Liquid Art Winery,Grow ,Excel,Farm Conference information,General session presenters,agriculture,Kansas,agricultural finance,hands,various Kansas ag organizations,registration dates,early bird registration fee,competitive agricultural environment,conference workshops,Change,agricultural partners,many agricultural topics,principal operators,Kansas State University,production, marketing, management, relationships and hea< lth,registration,ag technology systems,QuickBooks,budgeting and enterprise analysis,family therapist and Director,family,analysis11-Jan-2017 11:03AMSFederally Mandated Databank at K- State Serves as Vital Tool for Food Animal Healthphttp://kneb.com/agricultural/federally-mandated-databank-at-k-state-serves-as-vital-tool-for-food-animal-health/ЅKansas State University,Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank,food supply,tools,outward recommendations,State Serves,drug withdrawal interval recommendations,Food and Agriculture,food producers,drug,Veterinary Medicine,FARAD,university,databank,residue questions,drugs, pesticides and biotoxins,minor food animal species, Gehring,Florida and University,Ronette Gehring,Federally Mandated Databank,general questions,Kansas Bioscience,Agriculture s National Institute,animal health,unsafe chemical residues,translational medicine,expert advice,Institute,Jim Riviere,Computational Comparative Medicine,licensed veterinarians,practicing veterinarian,professional advice, Riviere11-Jan-2017 11:00AMphttp://krvn.com/agricultural/federally-mandated-databank-at-k-state-serves-as-vital-tool-for-food-animal-health/11-Jan-2017 10:59AMuhttp://kticradio.com/agricultural/federally-mandated-databank-at-k-state-serves-as-vital-tool-for-food-animal-health/11-Jan-2017 10:40AMzhttp://1049maxcountry.com/agricultural/federally-mandated-databank-at-k-state-serves-as-vital-tool-for-food-animal-health/11-Jan-2017 10:32AMphttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/agriculture/western-kansas-forage-conference-planned-feb-20-in-larned/Гcover crops,Western Kansas Forage Conference,soil health,Ohio,State Research and Extension,crop production system,Michigan and Ohio,sustainable farming practices,State soil management specialist,farms,Grazing Cover Crops  Jaymelynn Farney,KSFGC board member,Animal Health Concerns,Rasawehr,system,Grassland Council Update  Mark Jensen,experience,State,Feb. 20,members,mob grazing,Registration,Kansas,conference,Feb. 10,a.m.,enclosure11-Jan-2017 10:31AMEhttp://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?id=4406587EPA Announces,Tribes,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,Kansas State University,technical support,environmentally contaminated land,funding11-Jan-2017 10:30AMBWestern Specialty Contractors Appoints Omaha Office Branch Managerihttp://www.wconline.com/articles/90595-western-specialty-contractors-appoints-omaha-office-branch-managerWalls & Ceilings Onlineнbranch manager,Western Specialty Contractors,Matthew,building cleaning,Omaha office,Western,Western Specialty Contractors Vice,NE office,asset,restoration industry experience,EIFS restoration,concrete and masonry restoration,laborer, project manager and estimator,C&M Restoration,parking garage restoration and waterproofing,Kansas City,International Concrete Repair Institute,Kansas State University,exterior wall coating application,Goedecke and Blakley Corp.,ideal candidate11-Jan-2017 09:45AM(Sundgren Realty reaches 35 years in 2016bhttp://www.butlercountytimesgazette.com/business/20170110/sundgren-realty-reaches-35-years-in-2016Œ, said.\nBefore he started Sundgren Realty, Joe graduated from Kansas State University in 1977 with a degree in Animal Science and Industry. Levi Yager[auctions,business,farm and ranch,personal property auctions,Joe Sundgren,Sundgren Realty,Internet,Butler County,company,people,real estate,Associate Broker Jeremy Sundgren,good time,wider potential market range,home,good market,Jeremy,Sundgren Web site,El Dorado and Butler County,community,industry changes,change locations,residential property  11-Jan-2017 09:27AM2UAS Facility Could Be Built at Salina's KSU Campus[http://www.aviationpros.com/news/12293811/uas-facility-could-be-built-at-salinas-ksu-campusŠJan. 11--A facility at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus to house the school's unmanned aircraft systems program received a boostAviationPros.comunmanned aircraft systems,Kansas State Polytechnic,State,State Building Construction,Polytechnic facility,school,facility,purchase agreement or state bonding,joint committee,Salina,program,construction,federal program applications,campus,Claeys,new buildings,research and development,House Appropriations Committee,Rep. J.R. Claeys,UAS Research Triangle,research and business incubation facility,advantage,Kansas Department,Aviation Division,position,House and Senate,University,industry,opportunity,related support industries11-Jan-2017 09:24AMihttp://military-technologies.net/2017/01/11/epa-announces-2-million-to-assist-tribes-brownfields-efforts/News Releases from Headquarters\n\nKansas State University to provide technical support with clean up, reuse and revitalization\n\n01/11/2017marcinнtribes,environmentally contaminated land,EPA and tribes,technical support,Kansas State University,Contact Information,tribal response programs,tribal lands,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,EPA s Assistant Administrator,Land and Emergency Management,up these lands,environmental programs,reuse and revitalization,brownfields,substantive technical assistance,EPA brownfields grants,productive reuses,state,university,KSU s help,Indian Country,social issues,cleanup,properties11-Jan-2017 09:19AMcWheat glut leading farmers to plant less of the weed that feeds - but glut may not last much longerŽhttp://www.tylerpaper.com/TP-Business/268741/wheat-glut-leading-farmers-to-plant-less-of-the-weed-that-feeds-but-glut-may-not-last-much-longerTyler Paper (AP)/Agnieszka de Sousa and Megan Durisin, Bloomberg5crops,farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Western Australia and prices,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,wheat futures,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,Milling wheat,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,Kansas State Univers< ity,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,Bloomberg З Agnieszka,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager11-Jan-2017 09:06AM@UPDATE: U.S. Rep. Roger Marshall gets seat on House Ag CommitteeŠhttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/elections/update-u-s-rep-roger-marshall-gets-seat-on-house/article_32fefec3-3bae-5400-add4-439a88638199.htmlŒ. Dalton Henry, his legislative director in Washington, is a Kansas State University graduate who served as director of policy at U.S. WheatGBy Mary Clarkin The Hutchinson News mclarkin@hutchnews.com Mary Clarkin9 1st District,seat,House Agriculture Committee,Congressional districts,new farm bill,farms,final committee appointments,Marshall,committee,Kansas, farmers,U.S. Rep. Roger Marshall,Kansas Farm Bureau,state district director,enforcing agreements,trade agreements,Farmers Bank & Trust,Republican House leadership,committee s plate,Senate Agriculture Committee,Agricultural prices,appointment,Rep. Tim Huelskamp,serious issues,agricultural knowledge,Kansas Livestock Association,Kansas State University graduate,Kansas Wheat Commission,new Agriculture Secretary,town but Marshall,agriculture,crop and livestock categories,House riding shotgun,U.S. Wheat Associates,Former Kansas Congressmen Clifford Hope,House, Bob Dole and Sen. Jerry Moran,U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts,Huelskamp,endangered species issues,health care issues,addition11-Jan-2017 09:04AMJSandhills commercial outfit banks on blending Simmental and Angus genetics—http://cbw60.1upprelaunch.com/Content/Headlines/-Features/Article/Sandhills-commercial-outfit-banks-on-blending-Simmental-and-Angus-genetics/1/455/8615‹. Patrick is married to Krista, a graduate of the Kansas State University Veterinary School, who now runs her own mobile veterinary clinicCattle Business WeeklyPlum Thicket cattle,SimAngus bulls,cows,AI bulls,Nebraska ranch,Colorado State University,Colorado,breeding mix,Simmental and Angus,Red Angus cows,cattle,Colorado Springs,family ranching operation,Ranch owner,mixed practice,SimAngus"! females,spokeswoman Nan Peterson,ranch web page,quality Black Angus females,Simmental breeder,eighths Simmental,halfblood SimAngus,registered cattle,Nebraska s Sandhills,calf,high quality replacement females,Commercial Breeder,strongh SimAngus flavor,ranch headquarters,Petersons,herd,excellent beef cattle™http://cattlebusinessweekly.com/Content/Headlines/-Features/Article/Sandhills-commercial-outfit-banks-on-blending-Simmental-and-Angus-genetics/1/455/8615<Plum Thicket cattle,SimAngus bulls,AI bulls,cows,Nebraska ranch,Peterson family,Colorado,breeding mix,Simmental and Angus,Red Angus cows,mixed practice,Colorado State University,cattle,family ranching operation,Colorado Springs,Ranch owner,Peterson steer calves,spokeswoman Nan Peterson,SimAngus"! females,ranch web page,quality Black Angus females,Simmental breeder,eighths Simmental,halfblood SimAngus,registered cattle,Nebraska s Sandhills,high quality replacement females,strongh SimAngus flavor,ranch headquarters,herd,family relationships,excellent beef cattle,steers11-Jan-2017 08:26AMW eatэ vdci izolovali geny unikсtnэ metodou. Mo~e to vylepait rostliny i zlevnit v§zkumhttp://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/veda/2009389-cesti-vedci-izolovali-geny-unikatni-metodou-muze-vylepsit-rostliny-i-zlevnit-vyzkumŒmnoho let. NapYэklad v listopadu 2016 dokonili ameritэ vdci z Kansas State University izolaci genu odolnosti voi spсle obilnin. Na tomto T24  eskс televizekarCzech RepublicCzech11-Jan-2017 08:24AM2K-State battles inconsistency, beats Kansas, 73-60fhttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/kstate-battles-inconsistency-beats-kansas-7360-27879681Vlittle spark,State battles inconsistency,state rivalries,Manhattan Mercury News,Kansas11-Jan-2017 08:03AMESquaring-The-Survival-Curve And What It Means For Retirement Planningqhttp://www.wealthmanagement.com/retirement-planning/squaring-survival-curve-and-what-it-means-retirement-planningŒand a Ph.D. candidate in the financial planning program at Kansas State University  delves into the nuances behind the changes in mortalityˆage 150,empirical data,life expectancy,phenomenon,mortality rates,maximum human lifespan,ongoing rise,Eye View,retirement,maximum age,Age Banding, maximum,life& ,financial planning program,past century,Curve,retirement time horizons,future,future medical advances,recent advances,recent decades,people,annuity mortality credits,insurance products,past two decades,long term care insurance,Nerd11-Jan-2017 08:00AM&Winter Ranch Management series offered‡http://www.republic-online.com/news/local_news/winter-ranch-management-series-offered/article_5a1324b6-6930-5239-87ea-8a93715d3549.htmlŽprofit potential.\n\nWith that in mind, the 2017 Kansas State University Winter Ranch Management series of meetings will include comments fromИ>66E,Login,Screen Name or Email Password,Subscription,E96 D6C,@FE E96,account,kAm ,DH6C AC@,C 2 D6C,@7 z2,BF6DE,DE@CJ @7,Create one,@7 |,>6 7@C AC@,G6C E96 A2DE 76H >,CDE >66E,kAm%9@D611-Jan-2017 07:35AMYGov. Brownback challenges Kansas universities to offe< r four-year degree for under $15,000thttp://fox4kc.com/2017/01/11/gov-brownback-challenges-kansas-universities-to-offer-four-year-degree-for-under-15000/degree at KU, just tuition and fees, will cost you close to $42,000.\nK-State, it costs $37,000.\nWichita State, $29,000.\nFort Hays State is Fox4KC.com Matt Stewart1tuition and fees,Governor Brownback,state,students,Kansas Governor Sam Brownback,state s university system,thousands and thousands,costs,Fort Hays State,universities,dollars,funding,tuition,debt,college,teacher salaries,schools,budget,education and funding,cuts,challenge,education,freshman Braydon Hosman11-Jan-2017 07:08AMNhttp://www.kansas.com/sports/college/big-12/kansas-state/article125810939.html11-Jan-2017 06:41AMЌNew Presidents or Provosts: Cornell U, Elizabethtown Community-Technical College, Kansas State U, Ozarks Technical CC, Susquehanna U, U of Chichester, U of Hawaii-West Oahuyhttps://www.insidehighered.com/news/2017/01/11/new-presidents-or-provosts-chichester-cornell-elizabethtown-k-state-ozarksMyers, a retired Air Force general, has been appointed president of Kansas State University.\nJuston Pate, provost at Maysville Community andInside Higher EdDoug Ledermanvice chancellor,Hawaii,dean,academic affairs,provost and vice chancellor,Susquehanna University,deputy vice chancellor,Kansas State University,Technical College,West Oahu campus,Cornell University,New Presidents or Provosts,Elizabethtown Community and Technical College,executive vice president,Ozarks Technical Community College s Richwood Valley Campus,Britain,University,Ozarks Technical CC,president,Illinois Wesleyan University,retired Air Force,Southampton Solent University,Chichester,New York,provost,Kentucky11-Jan-2017 06:29AM*16 Education Podcasts to Check Out In 2017Rhttps://www.edsurge.com/news/2017-01-11-16-education-podcasts-to-check-out-in-2017Šin this powerful story-based podcast. Wesch is a professor at Kansas State University and has won national awards for his teaching (he s aEdSurgeJeffrey R. Young‘Special Ed Students,teaching,higher education,tech,professor,Interviews,podcast,Air podcast,former middle school teacher,Teaching Online Podcast,episode,tech s sake,latest tech news,show,education innovators,education reform,former U.S. Professor,Michael Wesch,college student,high school students,Rave award,national awards,homegrown podcast,format show,classroom podcast,EdSurge,online design and development strategy,podcast  ,professional development opportunities,Los Angeles Unified School District s John Deasy,out this podcast,Occasional Education Coverage,education and ideas,Vanguard University,Rainbow s LeVar Burton,EdSurge s Mary Jo Madda,several other shows,senior lecturer ad Cornell University,Canada s,designer,Kansas State University,strategies,EdSurge recording booth, s outgoing president,business consultant,George Mason University,Edtech Innovators and Thought,business and management,edtech11-Jan-2017 05:38AM4Too Much Wheat Is Forcing Its Farmers to Other Crops8http://newsdog.today/a/article/587616421290716e209f88c0/?crops,farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,prices,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Wheat Stockpiles,up 4 percent,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodi‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮа§џџџбвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџty losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager11-Jan-2017 05:27AM1Risk Assessment Management Workshops Start FridayHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=35№farmers,new risk assessment management workshops,workshop,cash contract,Daniel O'Brien,associate professor,Kansas State University,futures,Daniel L. Schiller,Great Bend Recreation Commission,state,Labette Bank Meeting Room,Meade County Extension Office Conference Room,E. Market St.,Feb. 13,convergence,agricultural economics faculty members Art Barnaby,Feb. 28,Feb. 5,Feb. 8,Preregister,agricultural economics department,E. Rainbelt,Barnaby,Stone St.,Herington Community Building,Meade,Herington9Cutting-Edge, Practical Apps for Ag Production TechnologyHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=32ˆAg, presented by Terry Griffin of Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell of Oklahoma State University.\n\nThe second day's featuredaerial crop,Collecting Data,presentations,Ag Production Technology,Farm Trials,present and future,Irrigated Corn,Grain Sorghum,opening session,farm research efforts,overall farm business profitability,Technology changes,Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association,featured presentations,research,Fire Session,State Research and Extension,Crop Rotation,Soil Amendment,conference,Soil Sampling Methods,Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference Jan.,State Precision Ag Rapid,Oklahoma State University,Haney Soil Test Fertilizer Rates,Rates,Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell,old technologies,KARTA,Vegetable Production T< unnel Comparison,state,Ag UAVs,East Kansas,technology workshops,site registration,Kansas post,annual KARTA business meeting,Agriculture students,registration fees,Ascend;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=32&yr=2017ёaerial crop,Collecting Data,presentations,Farm Trials,present and future,Irrigated Corn,Grain Sorghum,opening session,farm research efforts,overall farm business profitability,Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association,featured presentations,research,Fire Session,State Research and Extension,Crop Rotation,Soil Amendment,old technologies,conference,Soil Sampling Methods,Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference Jan.,State Precision Ag Rapid,Oklahoma State University,Haney Soil Test Fertilizer Rates,Rates,Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell,KARTA,Vegetable Production Tunnel Comparison,state,Ag UAVs,East Kansas,technology workshops,site registration,Kansas post,annual KARTA business meeting,Agriculture students,registration fees,Ascend;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=35&yr=2017нfarmers,new risk assessment management workshops,workshop,cash contract,Daniel O'Brien,associate professor,Kansas State University,futures,Great Bend Recreation Commission,state,Labette Bank Meeting Room,Meade County Extension Office Conference Room,E. Market St.,Feb. 13,convergence,agricultural economics faculty members Art Barnaby,Feb. 28,Feb. 5,Feb. 8,Preregister,agricultural economics department,E. Rainbelt,Barnaby,Stone St.,Herington Community Building,Meade,Herington11-Jan-2017 05:26AMYhttp://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/too-much-wheat-is-forcing-its-farmers-to-other-crops/ Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide11-Jan-2017 04:55AM(Evans, Texas Tech knock off K-State by 1Thttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/361458723?lcode=WCHsmeG-dJbPOPbb2EnPfw%3D%3DyTexas Tech,Kansas State,Red Raiders,foul shots,Barry Brown,basket,Aaron Ross and Niem Stevenson,Evans,lead,points,LUBBOCK11-Jan-2017 04:41AMŽ W*Qpuux[|Q 0NŒ-Nc0yb'Yx[YeВ€ x[€›R!PYe9eЮЅcAI]ˆЪd(https://hk.thenewslens.com/article/59070Žx[YeВ€ 0!q(u0\n\ngбГP’Z1X\Ž WYeВ€LuNіNЃ‹N џіN‹NјvсO(W™™/nuКpU‹‰0NMO(WŽ W*XЉ…Џeо]Ыz'Yx[џKansas State University џ1\€‹њ^Щ{х] z„v*QРyx[uдk)RџZ>rюhџBilly Wilson џ џж–6q(W'Yx[,{Nx[t^gQђ]жS—_ 0straight A0„vњQr‚hˆўs џяS/fм•u“UŠжŠВ}- RЋNР‰оžž_‹•ЫY Hong KongChinese (trad.)6Ž WYeВ€,'Yx[YeВ€,YeВ€9ei—Щa,\O€‡eрz,k\O€,лlбyx[,є]Ќ™?eœ^,YeВ€xvz,}vЎ[бyx[€bSˆ,yr}\O€,ŠБ•\O€,AI€bSˆ,YeВ€Йeеl,‰ЙeYeВ€,;N5_9ei—Ž,ъ1u;NЉ€,x|v\яz€b,YeВ€tу‰,aКNMb, N№YeВ€!j_,YeВ€‡eS9hёm‚„њV,~“Х`У_tx[,hQtYeВ€,hQt"umiŠ‹,YeВ€‚љW,;N5_x[u,x[§€›R,.z™„yr­h)RYeВ€еl,х]\O—Bl,ŠКpŽ W1Š,нOw‹ WЖ[,>ygx[Ж[,ё‚ WКN,)Rx[!h,ГPq}x[в!j_,“}пo"umi,‹W“‹_jАhКN,"uСT-ŠŠ,ž_ц[Ž,Кpx[Lu,AI]ˆ,NŒ-Nc,gŠжŠ,‡eјfх]\O,x[ЛŒЦ˜,]ˆЪdTLˆ,wkђS'`_jg,х] z+^,•bЋŽ>ygŠ,žNЌ™\,х]\O!|hˆ,uRІКNKNN T,ЧŒNуN§ˆ,Nц[›–,’zyКN,'Yw•`*QтR,AIxvz-NУ_,a'Y)RЋ‘+^jt—ž,D–AI6d11-Jan-2017 02:58AMXAAVMC Names Recipient of Most Prestigious Teaching Award in Academic Veterinary Medicine5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5742916ŒColleges (AAVMC) has named Dr. Steven L. Stockham from the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine (KSU-CVM) as the recipientдAmerican Veterinary Medical Colleges,Dr. Steven L. Stockham,AAVMC Names Recipient,AAVMC Distinguished Teacher Award,following news release,award,Kansas State University College,AAVMC,Jan. 11,Association,recipient11-Jan-2017 02:45AM?Ladies, You ve Been Conned. Your Biological Clock Isn t Tickingehttps://www.thequint.com/blogs/2017/01/11/ladies-youve-been-conned-your-biological-clock-isnt-tickingŽback this up either!\n\nIn fact, a decade-long study by the Kansas State University in 2011 showed that while the baby fever was real (for men The QuintPallavi Prasadїbiological clock,women,children,biological clock ,data,men age,Reproductive Medicine journal,Birth control,Research,age 30,paternal age ,journal,expired data set,American Society,much time,French birth records,Human Reproduction,chances,next time, ticking time bomb ,body temperature,reproductive successes,fact,good time,percent chance, s bodies,information and studies,fertility,study,ASRM website,first listed statistic,statistics,mainly three assumptions,pap smears and fertility checkups,assumption11-Jan-2017 02:31AM0Russia taunts British PM with cartoon frog tweetKhttp://www.recentnewz.com/russia-taunts-british-pm-with-cartoon-frog-tweet/Šaverage, the corresponding to straight As, for his first semester at Kansas State University. He chose that it would also be his last.READ RecentNewzadminЩRussia,prodding Russia,cartoon frog tweet,account,British PM,BBC correspondents,BBC Trending,UK Fill,election interference,] BBC,London,successive British governments,] UK,British concerns,British exhibition,UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson,Trump,diplomatic Twitter account,following message,Financial Times world desk,Russian Embassy,Trump handing,tweet,world leaders,picture,frog,somewhat ambiguous message,Pepe,embassy press office,Twitter @BBCtrending11-Jan-2017 02:22AMRise in wheat price germinatingWhttp://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2017/jan/11/rise-in-wheat-price-germinating-2017011/‹winter wheat, could lose money on every bushel, according to data from Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan. The crop cost about $5.04ArkansasOnline.com3Agnieszka de Sousa and Megan Durisin Bloomberg Newswheat price,crops,analysts,farmers,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hardy plant,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,wheat futures,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Kansas,supplies,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,commodity research,biggest commodity losers,states,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager11-Jan-2017 02:02AMRhttp://www.nwaonline.com/news/2017/jan/11/rise-in-wheat-price-germinating-2017011/Northwest Arkansas Onlineџcrops,analysts,farmers,grain,wheat,weather,record harvests,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hardy plant,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,money,largest exporter,wheat futures,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,Bloomberg News,U.S.,Kansas,Bloomberg survey,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,commodity research,biggest commodity losers,states,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager11-Jan-2017 01:48AMUhttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/budget-plan-cuts-2m-at-kstate-27875805K-State could receive about $2 million less in state funding for next year, under a budget proposed by Gov.\n\nRead more at Manhattan Mercury0Budget plan,state funding,Manhattan Mercury News10-Jan-2017 11:11PMshttp://healthmedicinet.com/i/cost-sav< ing-longer-lasting-biodegradable-adhesive-patented-by-kansas-state-university/`shiny coatings, Sun,first plant,tape,lead researcher,Kansas State University researchers,distinguished professor,grain science and industry,plant fatty acids,research professor,resin,International Material Research Conference,Initial funding,National Institute,California,adherable painters,Additional funding sources,university,wooden surfaces,American Chemical Society National Meeting,Currently available resins,Kansas Soybean Commission, Painters,protective surfaces,adhesive applications,Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference,Materials Chemistry and others,Agriculture,United Soybean Board,soybean10-Jan-2017 11:00PM6 Ways to Workout While Cookingshttp://www.salina.com/sections/food/ways-to-workout-while-cooking/article_c481cca7-5d75-515f-aa03-f53f8fad7473.html14\n\n Leah Robinson, Family and Consumer Science Extention Agent, K-State Research and Extension Central Kansas District, can be reached atefood preparation,Workout,Approximate calories,time,kitchen,Activity,place,individual amounts,healthier meal,out meal,light calisthenics,moderate effort,stirs,dinner,extra 100 calories,regular physical activities,together a few activities,simple ways,little extra activity,great calorie torcher,schedule conflict,upstairs or downstairs,stove,Dancing,upstairs2UAS facility could be built at Salina's KSU campus…http://www.salina.com/news/local/uas-facility-could-be-built-at-salina-s-ksu-campus/article_784937c9-e576-5a79-b66b-d834cea06e92.html‰A facility at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus to house the school s unmanned aircraft systems program received a boost TuesdayFline rel=popover itemprop=author>By TIM HORAN Salina Journal Tim Horanunmanned aircraft systems,Kansas State Polytechnic,school s program,State,TIM HORAN Salina Journal Tim Horan,State Building Construction,Polytechnic facility,facility,Salina,joint committee,purchase agreement or state bonding,federal program applications,construction,campus,Claeys,new buildings,research and development,Rep. J.R. Claeys,UAS Research Triangle,research and business incubation facility,House Appropriations Committee,advantage,Kansas Department, Aviation,Legislature s 2016 session,University,Aviation Division10-Jan-2017 09:06PMBEPA Grants K-State $2 Million to Assist Tribes Brownfields Efforts_http://www.pressreleasepoint.com/epa-grants-k-state-2-million-assist-tribes-brownfields-effortsзtribes,environmentally contaminated land, Kansas State University,State,technical support,EPA Grants K,EPA s Assistant Administrator,environmental programs,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,Land and Emergency Management,up these lands,substantive technical assistance,up brownfields,EPA and tribes,tribal response programs,lands,similar environmental legacies,productive reuses,integrated approaches,cleanup and reuse,university,social issues,unique challenges,country10-Jan-2017 08:05PM7Wichita to Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor WorkshopUhttp://www.pressreleasepoint.com/wichita-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshopŒby Jason Walker Jan 11, 2017\n\nThe Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health andєmarket vendors and managers,Central Kansas Market Grower Vendor Workshop,workshop,farmers,Farmers Markets,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor Workshop,markets,Workshop topics,KDA s Central Registration,Kansas Department,W. 21st Street N,fresh food source,Wichita,consumer food safety specialist,Sedgwick County Extension office,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Health and Environment,Agriculture,Registration,consumers,growers, s weights and measures program,environment10-Jan-2017 06:58PM0Is it time to convert to novel-endophyte fescue?ihttp://www.progressivecattle.com/news/event-coverage/7647-is-it-time-to-convert-to-novel-endophyte-fescueWritten by Alicia NguyenпGrassland Renewal,toxic fescue,cow herd owners,Missouri,Roberts,endophyte fescue, Roberts,losses,novel,cows,schools,farmers,Kansas, Missouri and Kentucky,serious silent losses, One school,Heat stress,biggest unseen loss,gains,old fescue,University,School dates and locations,seed industry leaders and farmers,state,Alliance,endophyte cause,endophyte toxin,calves,Kansas State University,Fescue pastures,Kentucky,Extension services,herds,Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Lab,Kansas10-Jan-2017 06:28PM,What Your Porn-Watching Habits Say About YouLhttp://www.playboy.com/articles/what-your-porn-watching-habits-say-about-you‰concerned about their personal use. Thankfully, a new study from Kansas State University offers some science-based facts to give a bit ofPlayboy Debra W. Soh1Erotic Porn Users,Porn Abstainers,increasing acceptance,relationship status,porn,Habits,acceptable way,sex addiction,regular sex partner,less acceptance,things,kinky sex,sex writer,porn one,distress or harm,Study participants,Erotic Porn,new study,harm,study findings,life,greater religiosity,Debra W. Soh10-Jan-2017 05:01PMRMiami Heat News: Heat Guarantee Rodney McGruder s Contract for Remainder of Season‰http://www.yardbarker.com/nba/articles/miami_heat_news_heat_guarantee_rodney_mcgrud< ers_contract_for_remainder_of_season/s1_11710_22927363‰of the 2016-17 season. In spite of the great news, the Kansas State University product is staying humbled and focused:  It s a blessing, YardbarkerХteam,Miami Heat News,season,training camp,Heat Guarantee Rodney McGruder s Contract,Heat, McGruder,great news,Miami guards Josh Richardson,blessing,contract,effort,court,game,care,backcourt,injury10-Jan-2017 04:33PM-Free budgeting class this month in Great BendŽhttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/local_state_news/free-budgeting-class-this-month-in-great-bend/article_890ae963-37d2-5d85-9078-f1d05f523347.html‹parenting class Jan. 17 on the topic of budgeting.\n\nDonna Krug, of K-State Research & Extension in Barton County, will teach the one-hourJohn Green John GreenGREAT BEND,free parenting class Jan.,parents,Childcare,Central Kansas Interagency Coordinating Council,budgeting,building,Send,Barton County,services coordinator,free service,Sunflower Diversified Services,Barton, Pawnee, Rice, Rush and Stafford counties,Donna Krug,Entrance,advance10-Jan-2017 04:30PMFarmers forced to ditch wheat^http://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/nation-and-world/farmers-forced-to-ditch-wheat-20170110TheGazette.com7By Agnieszka de Sousa and Megan Durisin, Bloomberg NewsЋFarmers,wheat,record harvests,crops,prices,Global glut drives prices,world,Agriculture data,same time,key exporting countries,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,wheat futures,analysts,United States and Europe,director,money,-time,first time,average national cash price,exporter,state s,supplies,Bloomberg News,Kansas State University,Kansas,hard red wheat,Bloomberg survey,decade,glut,Jan. 6,Jan. 12 USDA report,bushel,country10-Jan-2017 04:17PM+San Angelo Leader to Announce Run for MayorBhttp://todaysi987.com/san-angelo-leader-to-announce-run-for-mayor/ŠWinona, Kansas (Population 300). She attended college at Kansas State University then worked her way up from executive training at Sanger-ЄSan Angelo,Miss Hattie s restaurant,Mayor,prominent San Angelo businessman Ken Gunter,Gunter,New York City,San Angelo s 2009 Citizen,Local businesswoman Brenda Gunter,Times Jefferson Award,United Way Campaign chair,awards,Announce Run,brief announcement,Girl Scout s Women,vice presidencies,Kansas State University, Small businesses,Kansas,local businesses,Boomer,Calvin Klein collection,Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdales?http://975kgkl.com/san-angelo-leader-to-announce-run-for-mayor/ЄSan Angelo,Miss Hattie s restaurant,Mayor,prominent San Angelo businessman Ken Gunter,New York City,San Angelo s 2009 Citizen,Local businesswoman Brenda Gunter,Times Jefferson Award,United Way Campaign chair,awards,Gunter,Announce Run,brief announcement,Girl Scout s Women,vice presidencies,Kansas State University, Small businesses,Kansas,local businesses,Boomer,Calvin Klein collection,Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdales?http://960kgkl.com/san-angelo-leader-to-announce-run-for-mayor/ 960 KGKL AM10-Jan-2017 03:10PM%Kansas Ag Issues Podcast  01/06/2017Bhttp://kansasagnetwork.com/2017/kansas-ag-issues-podcast-01062017/(Photo Courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension)\n\nBill Schapaugh, K-State Professor of Agronomy and Kent Kauffman, CEO of6Kansas Ag Issues Podcast,Kansas State University Research and Extension,Bill Schapaugh,State Professor,program,Farm,research,amino acid profiles,Assess,new variety,new maturity group 4 soybean varieties,Greg Akagi,Photo Courtesy,Agronomy and Kent Kauffman,soybean,Garden City,genetic diversity,sponsor criteria10-Jan-2017 02:55PMBEvent inspires Catholic collegians to evangelize on their campusesxhttp://catholicphilly.com/2017/01/news/national-news/seek-2017-inspires-college-students-to-evangelize-at-home-campuses/Žcloser to God. The experience impressed Tracie Thibault, a junior from Kansas State University.\n\n I think the moment I knew it was worth allCatholic PhillyeCatholic University Students,everyday events,SEEK,Jesus Christ,participants, SEEK,biennial SEEK conference, Martins,FOCUS,Martins,Catholic News Service,campus,Father Schmitz,Benedictine College,Sister Bethany Madonna,Catholics,conference,Sisters,people,relationship,father,Kansas State University,faith,Life,experience,Kansas,Ave Maria University,adoration10-Jan-2017 02:02PMЂhttps://www.osv.com/OSVNewsweekly/National/Article/TabId/717/ArtMID/13622/ArticleID/21459/SEEK-2017-inspires-college-students-to-evangelize-at-home-campuses-.aspxOur Sunday VisitorCatholic News ServicetMartins,Catholic University Students,SEEK,college students,Catholic News Service,participants,Jesus Christ,biennial SEEK conference,FOCUS,Father Schmitz,Sister Bethany Madonna,Benedictine College,Sisters,campus,conference,people,relationship,father,Kansas State University,faith,experience,actions,Kansas,Catholics,Life,Ave Maria University,back watching student,adoration10-Jan-2017 02:01PM1Generous spirit helps student win MVP scholarshipNhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/local/community/816-north/article125667609.htmlŽdonation for their school library and a classroom party.\n\nKansas State University\n\nScholarship recipients: Clay and Platte county students9academic scholarships,Park Hill High School,students,Oak Park High School,Natalie Hill,L Community MVP Scholarship Program,contest,Adam Freese,Andrew Danner,-State Band,Winners,Adam Lechner and Rachel Wright,honorable mention band,honors,Clay and Platte county students,Annika Ruskievicz and Andrew Simms,Dow Jones News Fund,Platte City,Ethan Beumer,Ethan volunteers,City Union Mission and Harvesters,Kansas City Star,Platte Woods,Staley yearbook,Staley journalism adviser Cherie Burgett,Alec Lamb,Special Recognition Adviser,sophomore,Jayden Hermansen and Alec Higgins10-Jan-2017 01:55PMChttp://www.morningagclips.com/navigating-a-struggling-farm-economy/‡MINNEAPOLIS, Kan.  Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics and K-State R< esearch and Extension have had tremendousюKansas State University Department,Ambassador Hotel,Struggling Farm Economy,State Research and Extension,space call,tremendous interest,upcoming  Top 10 Considerations,Click,event,Agricultural Economics and K,Kansas,Salina,brochure,anyone10-Jan-2017 01:39PM:Too Much of Weed That Feeds Forcing Farmers to Ditch Wheatihttp://www.agweb.com/farmjournal/article/too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheat-blmg/qcrops,Farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,money,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,prices,global planting,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Wheat Stockpiles,up 4 percent,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,Љ Bloomberg,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,Kansas State University,biggest commodity losers,commodity risk manager,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Fulcrum Asset Management LLP,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advancejhttp://www.agweb.com/top-producer/article/too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheat-blmg/10-Jan-2017 01:24PMKinsley library presentations3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/64/article/102423/ŒTribes. Ritterbush is associate professor of anthropology/archaeology at Kansas State University. Her presentation reflects her interest inчbus tour,Plains Village Tribes,Underground,Kinsley Library  Kansas Architecture,Central and Northern Plains,Kansas History,series,Edwin Carlson,first meeting,vernacular architecture,Kansas State University,Kansas Preservation,Kansas ,library,Kansas Humanities Council,Kinsley,local traditions,Kanza village,Ph.D.,Lauren Ritterbush, Ritterbush,Blue Earth Village,Dr. Powell,Gina Powell,prehistoric archaeology,online registration,registration fee,anthropology/archaeology,article,dugouts10-Jan-2017 01:22PM1KU coach Bill Self previews matchup with Oklahomafhttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/361407558?lcode=4IiC52jlKYTYsEyty_hrR7ExE3mUwDTAuORumOw4zac%3DŒ-68 win over Texas Tech 3:16 KU coach Bill Self on 90-88 win over K-State 2:32 Svi Mykhailiuk on if he traveled before game winner: 'I don'tŠKU coach Bill Self,Oklahoma 1,Texas Tech,game winner,State 2,improved play,matchup,KU & ,Landen Lucas and Sunflower Showdown,Svi Mykhailiuk10-Jan-2017 01:18PM=Agriculture Industry Comes Together to Address Climate Changejhttp://military-technologies.net/2017/01/10/agriculture-industry-comes-together-to-address-climate-change/Colorado State University\nCropGrower, LLC\nKansas State University\nNational Corn Growers Association\nThe Soil Health Partnership\nUniversityюcarbon,climate change,greenhouse gas emissions,soil health,adoption,cover crops,verifiable carbon accounting framework,Agriculture Industry Comes,Monsanto,National Corn Growers Association,productive discussions,neutral crop production,large scale carbon,Midwest Row Crop Collaborative,agriculture,Soil Health Partnership,specific agricultural practices,farmers,Collaborative,carbon dioxide emissions,internal carbon price,resulting report,seed corn production,natural gas,crop protection supply chain,modern agriculture,emissions,agricultural GHG accounting,Monsanto s president and chief,corn,smart agricultural systems,production and transit,food and agriculture companies,Natural Resources Conservation Service,farming practices,Monsanto s sustainability report,contract growers,internal Monsanto teams,Ag Greenhouse,progress reports and collaborations,recommended practices,U.S.,best management practices,company,Conservation Innovation Grant,conservation tillage and precision,universities and others10-Jan-2017 01:13PM>Wheat glut may not last much longer with farmers planting lesslhttp://source.meltwaternews.com/sph/SPH-article-pdf.php?source=BT&&date=20170111&&which=BT-20170111-01014002Šwinter wheat, could lose money on every bushel, according to data from Kansas State University in Manhattan. The crop cost about US$5.04 aThe Business Times - PDF BLOOMBERGcrops,farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,prices,key exporting countries,world,Queensland and prices,first time,wheat,major exporters,current southern hemisphere harvest,weather event,cent,money,Jan 3,Jan 6,wheat futures,International Grains Council,dormant US wheat crops,Jan 12 USDA report,Jan 5,Jan 9,Bloomberg survey,London,fifth largest exporter,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,-time,same time,Milling wheat,Kansas,bushel,commodity research,Kansas State University,biggest commodity losers,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 01:07PM5Brenda Gunter to Announce Bid for 2017 Mayor Electionbhttp://sanangelolive.com/news/san-angelo/2017-01-10/brenda-gunter-announce-bid-2017-mayor-election‹Winona, Kansas (Population 300). She attended college at Kansas State University, then worked her way up from executive training at Sanger-San Angelo Live!By Cameron Niblock•San Angelo,Announce Bid,Mayor Election,press release,press conference tomorrow,local press,E. Concho Downtown,Gunter,New York City,prominent San Angelo businessman Ken Gunter,downtown,Times Jefferson Award,awards,United Way Campaign chair,Miss Hattie s restaurant,vice presidencies,local businesses,Girl Scout s Women,Kansas State University,Kansas,Calvin Klein collection,Neiman Marcus and Bloo< mingdales10-Jan-2017 12:31PMhttp://esciencenews.com/sources/newswise.scinews/2017/01/10/research.looks.growing.more.nutritional.flavorful.strawberries.kansasŒA doctoral student at K-State Olathe, completed a series of studies focused on helping Kansas growers produce more strawberries in the stateoState Olathe,doctoral student,Research,Kansas growers,Flavorful Strawberries,Greater Kansas City,series,studies10-Jan-2017 11:31AMwhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/10/cost-saving-longer-lasting-biodegradable-adhesive-patented-by-kansas-state-university/`shiny coatings, Sun,first plant,tape,lead researcher,Kansas State University researchers,distinguished professor,grain science and industry,plant fatty acids,research professor,resin,International Material Research Conference,Initial funding,National Institute,California,adherable painters,Additional funding sources,wooden surfaces,American Chemical Society National Meeting,university,Currently available resins,Kansas Soybean Commission, Painters,protective surfaces,adhesive applications,Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference,Materials Chemistry and others,Agriculture,United Soybean Board,soybean10-Jan-2017 11:10AM]http://www.agweb.com/article/too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheat-blmg/ By Bloombergcrops,Farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,money,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,wheat futures,largest exporter,Bloomberg survey,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,prices,global planting,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Wheat Stockpiles,up 4 percent,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Љ Bloomberg,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,Kansas State University,biggest commodity losers,commodity risk manager,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Fulcrum Asset Management LLP,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance10-Jan-2017 11:01AMBCost-saving, longer-lasting biodegradable adhesive patented by KSUqhttp://esciencenews.com/sources/physorg/2017/01/10/cost.saving.longer.lasting.biodegradable.adhesive.patented.ksuPsaving,first plant,shiny coatings,tape,stationery notes,adherable painters,resinAhttps://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-01/ksu-clb011017.phpcshiny coatings,first plant,tape,lead researcher,Susan Sun,Kansas State University researchers,distinguished professor,projects,grain science and industry,plant fatty acids,research professor,resin,International Material Research Conference,Initial funding,National Institute,California,adherable painters,Additional funding sources,university,wooden surfaces,American Chemical Society National Meeting,Currently available resins,Kansas Soybean Commission,protective surfaces,adhesive applications,Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference,Materials Chemistry and others,Agriculture,United Soybean Board,soybean10-Jan-2017 11:00AM\http://phys.org/news/2017-01-cost-saving-longer-lasting-biodegradable-adhesive-patented.htmlšshiny coatings,tape,first plant,lead researcher,projects,Susan Sun,plant fatty acids,resin,bags,International Material Research Conference,adherable painters,amount,California,adhesive applications,wooden surfaces,protective surfaces,Currently available resins,American Chemical Society National Meeting,Materials Chemistry and others,Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference,university,previous bio,addition10-Jan-2017 10:31AMVCost-Saving, Longer-Lasting Biodegradable Adhesive Patented by Kansas State UniversityŽhttp://esciencenews.com/sources/newswise.scinews/2017/01/10/cost.saving.longer.lasting.biodegradable.adhesive.patented.kansas.state.universityŠtype of resin for adhesives and coatings, developed by researchers at Kansas State University, is the first plant-based resin of its kind.‡Lasting Biodegradable Adhesive Patented,Kansas State University,Saving,adhesives and coatings,Cost,first plant,researchers,resin,Longer10-Jan-2017 10:15AM<Brenda Gunther to announce she will run for San Angelo mayorqhttp://www.gosanangelo.com/story/news/local/2017/01/10/brenda-gunther-announce-she-run-san-angelo-mayor/96390612/ŒGunter was born in Winona, Kansas. She attended college at Kansas State University then worked her way up from executive training at Sanger-Standard-TimesStaff report, Standard-TimesASan Angelo,mayor,Standard,Miss Hattie s restaurant,New York City,city election candidates,United Way Campaign chair,Times Jefferson Award,mayor and City Council representatives,election,awards,Gunter,vice presidencies,news release,Brenda Gunther,Jan. 11,Girl Scout s Women,local businesses,Kansas State University,Kansas10-Jan-2017 10:13AMgBuhler, Inc. and K-State University IGP Institute to Offer Export Milling Course in English and Spanishšhttp://www.millingjournal.com/articles/Buhler__Inc__and_K_State_University_IGP_Institute_to_Offer_Export_Milling_Course_in_English_and_Spanish-163997.htmlŠBuhler, Inc. will team up with Kansas State University's IGP Institute in March to offer expert milling courses.\n\nOne of these trainingsMilling Journal OnlineЮexpert milling courses,Spanish,training covers topics,Milling,State University IGP Institute,Hal Ross Flour Mill,Buhler,perfect break release,Buhler, Inc. and K,content,following week IGP,course,Inc.,Kansas)Y10K CRISIS Message Board - Msg: 30926219:http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readmsg.aspx?msgid=30926219ˆanalytics. He had held research positions at Cornell University, Kansas State University, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, IndianSilicon Investorтneural networks,Deep Dream,data point,layer,Inceptionistic art,Initial layers,final layer,next layers,successive layers,image,features,such images,machine learning,image recognition problems,different level,CNNs work,up the image,data science and machine learning,convolution,researcher,development,Google,theano backend,different categories,healthcare analytics,Keras,Tata Institute,theano and tensorflow,Indian Statistical Institute,healthcare informatics,visual analytics systems10-Jan-2017 10:10AMkhttp://www.standard.net/Business/2017/01/10/Too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheat.html$Agnieszka de Sousa and Megan Durisincrops,farmers,wheat,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Western Australia and prices,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,hard red wheat,global wheat consumption,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,Kansas State University,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,countr< y,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 10:05AM€http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/washington-post/business/too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheat-1.6861310Prince George Citizen0Agnieszka de Sousa and Megan Durisin / Bloomberg1crops,farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Western Australia and prices,world,wheat,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,Milling wheat,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,states,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 10:00AM'Learning to analyze market through data5http://www.realty-builder.com/story.php?story_id=8106Ž.\n\nDajci, who has a Ph.D. in economics from Kansas State University and is a professor of economics at Florida State College at JacksonvilleRealty-Builder ConnectionrFlorida Realtors staff,real estate agents,information,data,Northeast Florida,Industry Data & Analysis,market,utilizing graphs,hands,Excel spreadsheet,Microsoft Excel,Florida Realtors website,data, research and statistics,Dajci,instructor Fiorentina Dajci,statistics,education course,whatever case,Realtors,” Evans,Evans,industry specialists,economics,time,inventory,it’s10-Jan-2017 09:26AMCNational Sunflower Association to host 2017 Research Forum in Fargo‰http://www.hpj.com/crops/national-sunflower-association-to-host-research-forum-in-fargo/article_2f215056-d749-11e6-8566-97127b25e7e3.htmlŒNorth Dakota State University, South Dakota State University, University of Nebraska, Kansas State University and Iowa State University willЋResearch Forum,spring planting,South Dakota State University s Febina Mathew,diseases and insects,National Sunflower Association,insect control,North Dakota State University,Nebraska, Kansas State University and Iowa State University,Registration information,sunflower,agenda, s crop,Fargo,University,Mathew and Markell,disease forecasting model,diseases,expert advice,combine fires,Agriculture,Phomopsis stem canker,blackbirds10-Jan-2017 09:24AMJanet Miller Elected Vice MayorFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/898FE68CB6E5BE2D9D78DBA08775405B89E52784Œyoung professionals will choose to call home.\n\nA graduate of Kansas State University with a bachelor of science in education, Miller beganјCity Council,outgoing Vice Mayor,Miller,Wichita Gardens,vibrant downtown,Wichita Downtown Development Corporation,thriving neighborhoods,Project Downtown Master Plan,District,City officials,Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization,NOMAR International Market,Health Impact Assessment,Visioneering Wichita,Wichita initiatives,Kansas Health Foundation,marketing,Kansas State University,Historic Midtown Wichita,Kansas state representative Nile Dillmore,Botanica,diverse community,Old Town Association10-Jan-2017 09:04AMYhttp://www.blackseagrain.net/novosti/too-much-wheat-is-forcing-its-farmers-to-other-cropsBlack Sea Grain;crops,farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,prices,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Wheat Stockpiles,Kansas,supplies,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 08:20AM>Too Much of Weed That Feeds Forcing Farmers to Ditch Wheat (2)Xhttp://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-OJBYHG6JTSEJ01-3R2G29SGTG6H90036PF4VUV6BJWashington Post - Bloombergscrops,Farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,wheat futures,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,prices,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Wheat Stockpiles,up 4 percent,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager,Љ2017 Bloomberg L.P.10-Jan-2017 07:04AMRThe calorie conundrum: Is it what you eat, or how much that helps you lose weight?dhttp://www.cyclingweekly.co.uk/fitness/nutrition/calorie-conundrum-eat-much-helps-lose-weight-306001Œmany you eat.\n\nIn 2010, Mark Haub, professor of nutrition at Kansas State University shed 29 pounds in 10 weeks, eating Twinkies, Doritos,Cycling Weekly˜calories,associate professor,matter,junk food weight loss programme, s body fat,greater weight losses,carb diets,carbohydrate diets, matters,same calorie def< icit,protein or fat,Dr James Betts,loss,exercise physiologist and nutritionist Dr Scott Robinson, good calories,Mark Haub,protein,people,source,studies,negative energy balance,question,balance  ,nutrition,energy,participants,nutrition and metabolism10-Jan-2017 07:00AM@Too Much Of Weed That Feeds Forcing Wheat Farmers To Other CropsLhttp://www.esmmagazine.com/much-weed-feeds-forcing-wheat-farmers-crops/37091European Supermarket Magazine#crops,farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Queensland and prices,world,wheat,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,Milling wheat,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,supplies,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,bushel,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 06:13AM%Kansas Ag Issues Podcast  01/10/2017Bhttp://kansasagnetwork.com/2017/kansas-ag-issues-podcast-01102017/‰ top 10 Considerations to Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy . K-State Research and Extension will focus on a host of different topics to Kelly Lenz„Kansas Ag Issues Podcast,farm operation,Struggling Farm Economy ,State Research and Extension,state,host,Kelly Lenz,Russell,Navigate10-Jan-2017 06:04AMToo much of the weed that feeds`http://www.iol.co.za/business-report/markets/commodities/too-much-of-the-weed-that-feeds-7369125The Post - IOLŽwheat,crops,analysts,farmers,grain,London,record harvests,damaging weather,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Queensland and prices,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,number 2 exporter,International Grains Council,dormant US wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Kansas,supplies,-time,first time,hard red wheat,Kansas State University,state s,global wheat consumption,bushel,commodity research,biggest commodity losers,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 06:01AMEMonsanto recebe estudantes e pesquisadores da Kansas State University–https://noticias.terra.com.br/dino/monsanto-recebe-estudantes-e-pesquisadores-da-kansas-state-university,e59c1baa22044d0fb819fc6237d045fb3eiwlu2m.htmlŠJaneiro de 2017 - Alunos e pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas State University (EUA) visitaram a unidade da Monsanto, emTerra - Notэcias Do Brasilщunidade da Monsanto,manejo de ervas daninhas,Santa Cruz das Palmeiras,Monsanto,visite,lэder de Biotecnologia no Brasil,empresas agrэcolas,ciъncia do solo,estudantes,pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas,agricultores,professor de fertilidade do solo,algodуo,unidade de tecnologia,Brasil,solos,Alunos,programa,сrea administrativa,pesquisadores,assuntos de interesse dos estudantes,alimentos nutritivos,educaчуo dos alunos,diversas сreas das Ciъncias Agrсrias,meio de programas10-Jan-2017 05:59AM‹http://www.agenciaoglobo.com.br/dinonews/Default.aspx?idnot=21036&tit=Monsanto+recebe+estudantes+e+pesquisadores+da+Kansas+State+University/\nJaneiro de 2017  Alunos e pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas State University (EUA) visitaram a unidade da Monsanto, emPortal da Agencia o Globoьunidade da Monsanto,manejo de ervas daninhas,agricultores,algodуo  ,Santa Cruz das Palmeiras,Monsanto,visite,lэder de Biotecnologia no Brasil,empresas agrэcolas,ciъncia do solo,estudantes,pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas,professor de fertilidade do solo,unidade de tecnologia,Brasil,solos,algodуo,programa,сrea administrativa,pesquisadores,assuntos de interesse dos estudantes,alimentos nutritivos,educaчуo dos alunos,diversas сreas das Ciъncias Agrсrias,meio de programaszhttp://maringa.odiario.com/economia/2017/01/monsanto-recebe-estudantes-e-pesquisadores-da-kansas-state-university/2310958/ŠJaneiro de 2017  Alunos e pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas State University (EUA) visitaram a unidade da Monsanto, emMaringс Odiario.com/Paranс regionalэunidade da Monsanto,manejo de ervas daninhas,algodуo  ,Santa Cruz das Palmeiras,Monsanto,visite,lэder de Biotecnologia no Brasil,empresas agrэcolas,ciъncia do solo,estudantes,Brasil ,pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas,agricultores,professor de fertilidade do solo,unidade de tecnologia,solos,algodуo,programa,сrea administrativa,pesquisadores,assuntos de interesse dos estudantes,alimentos nutritivos,educaчуo dos alunos,di< versas сreas das Ciъncias Agrсrias,meio de programas10-Jan-2017 05:58AM*Regional Farmers' Market Workshops PlannedHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=28aKansas and Farmers,farmers,workshops,managers,markets,State Research and Extension,Market Workshops Planned,successful farmers,Workshop topics,marketing tool,Market events,fresh food source,Market State Conference,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Registration,Land,Dates and locations,agriculture industry,online registration,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Feb. 17,Feb. 4,local economy,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local extension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,consumers,a.m.3Berry Good Research Results for Kansas StrawberriesHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=27Їhigh tunnels,strawberry production,State Olathe,growing season,researchers,fruit,strawberry varieties,neutral strawberry varieties,berries,Kansas City,strawberries,Kansas growers,state,Berry Good Research Results,better strawberries,strawberry lovers,Gude,strawberry varieties Monterey,Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc.,fruit yields and fruit quality,assistant professor,locally grown food,food,flavor,Postharvest Quality,strawberries consumers,consumers,growers and consumers,evaporative cooling system,system,temperatures,horticulture,Gude and fellow graduate students,continual optimum temperature,Olathe,nutrients and flavor,Portola and Seascape,Albion and Monterey,Portola10-Jan-2017 05:57AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=27&yr=2017high tunnels,strawberry production,State Olathe,growing season,researchers,fruit,strawberry varieties,neutral strawberry varieties,berries,Kansas City,Kansas,strawberries,state,Berry Good Research Results,better strawberries,Gude,strawberry varieties Monterey,Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc.,fruit yields and fruit quality,assistant professor,locally grown food,food,flavor,Postharvest Quality,strawberries consumers,consumers,growers and consumers,evaporative cooling system,system,temperatures,horticulture,Gude and fellow graduate students,continual optimum temperature,Olathe,nutrients and flavor,Portola and Seascape,Albion and Monterey,Portola;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=28&yr=2017HKansas and Farmers,farmers,workshops,managers,markets,State Research and Extension,successful farmers,Workshop topics,marketing tool,Market events,fresh food source,Market State Conference,Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Registration,Land,Dates and locations,agriculture industry,online registration,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Feb. 17,Feb. 4,local economy,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local extension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,consumers,a.m.10-Jan-2017 03:34AM>Too Much of Weed That Feeds Forcing Farmers to Ditch Wheat (1)Xhttp://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-OJBYHG6JTSEJ01-0C07VG3TJOR7DU9DQ8P2KVG57Efcrops,Farmers,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,wheat,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,wheat futures,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,prices,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,Milling wheat,U.S.,Wheat Stockpiles,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,bushel,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager,Љ2017 Bloomberg L.P.10-Jan-2017 03:33AMVhttps://www.ajot.com/news/too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-farmers-to-ditch-wheat-1"American Journal of Transportationcrops,Farmers,wheat,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,key exporting countries,Western Australia and prices,hearty plant,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,largest exporter,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,global planting,prices,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,hard red wheat,Kansas State University,state s,global wheat consumption,bushel,U.S. Drought Mo     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQ§џџџRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€nitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager10-Jan-2017 01:23AM5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5741743Ž., Jan. 10 -- Kansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nKansas State University researchers have patented the first plant-жtape,Lasting Biodegradable Adhesive Patented,shiny coatings,Kansas State University researchers,first plant,following news release,Cost,stationery notes,quality paper,projects,adherable painters,Jan. 10,Kan.,Longer10-Jan-2017 12:34AM:USDA investment in research pays off with E. coli defenses`http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2017/01/usda-investment-in-research-pays-off-with-e-coli-defenses/Žlot of progress to be made. \n\nMoxley and scientists from Kansas State University, Nebraska, the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New MexicoFood Safety News News DeskWstrains,Food and Agriculture,researchers,continued goal,beef,E. coli,USDA grant,cattle and beef,food safety,Shiga toxin,Scientists and educators,project,food poisoning,university news release,teachers and beef industry workers,biomedical sciences Rodney Moxley,food recalls,National Institute,USDA Coordinated Agri< cultural Project grant,whole goal,Tuskegee University,research project director and professor,Nebraska, Moxley,scientists,people,Nebraska and Kansas State,Craig Chandler/University Communications,immunological science,bacteria,cattle,hard science,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,industry10-Jan-2017 12:30AMxhttp://beforeitsnews.com/food-and-farming/2017/01/usda-investment-in-research-pays-off-with-e-coli-defenses-2495235.htmlWstrains,Food and Agriculture,researchers,continued goal,beef,E. coli,USDA grant,cattle and beef,food safety,Shiga toxin,Scientists and educators,project,food poisoning,teachers and beef industry workers,biomedical sciences Rodney Moxley,food recalls,university news release,National Institute,USDA Coordinated Agricultural Project grant,whole goal,Tuskegee University,research project director and professor,Nebraska, Moxley,scientists,people,Nebraska and Kansas State,Craig Chandler/University Communications,immunological science,bacteria,cattle,hard science,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,industry09-Jan-2017 10:27PMXHensel Phelps Construction Co. (Hensel Phelps) Board of Directors Promotes Key Personnelvhttp://money.ca/news/2017/01/09/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel/Œ, DBIA, Executive Vice President, is a graduate of Kansas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and ManagementDPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Directors,following key personnel promotions,accounting system,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,growth opportunities,significant growth,Board,office engineer,various projects,Vice President/District Manager,career highlight,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,district s growth and success,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,operations manager,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,personnel,Bachelor,California,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,even historic  building projects,Tom s,Brad s leadership,GREELEY,hensel,phelps,field engineer,Pacific,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 09:46PMZGeorgia middle schoolers help warn their neighbors as part of National Radon Action Month.Fhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/32582830C7DBD34622C774B6AAFD55CBB1146199Юposter contest,Georgia,Radon,homes,UGA Extension Radon Education Program,Georgia Cooperative Extension,Georgia middle schoolers,state,students,place prize,part,ghostly radon cloud,Kansas State University,Simple home radon tests,basic home inspections,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Office,UGA Extension,grader,local county Extension offices,Athens,UGA College,remediation services,Communication and Creative Services09-Jan-2017 09:21PMZKansas colleges and universities prepare dorm applications for conceal carry policy changeuhttp://ksn.com/2017/01/09/kansas-colleges-and-universities-prepare-dorm-applications-for-conceal-carry-policy-change/says specifically a university should not ask housing applicants whether or not they plan to conceal and carry.\n\nKansas State University isBy John Asebes Kansas colleges and universities,student Kellie Deutsche,Wichita State,Kansas Board,students,dorm applications,policy change,Wichita State University,housing applicants,Regents policy,university,new changes,Administration and Finance Cindy Bontrager,roommate,DeutscheIKansas colleges prepare dorm applications for conceal carry policy changedhttp://ksn.com/2017/01/09/kansas-colleges-prepare-dorm-applications-for-conceal-carry-policy-change/ student Kellie Deutsche,Wichita State,Kansas Board,students,Wichita State University,Kansas colleges and universities,dorm applications,policy change,housing applicants,Regents policy,university,new changes,Administration and Finance Cindy Bontrager,roommate,Deutsche09-Jan-2017 09:09PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/FDDDF745C442132DF2A67BD0FD2CE8E4A64CE3ACэSenate EPW Committee Questions Trump EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt,American farmers,Mississippi farmers,grain sorghum and cotton,Sorghum,State Announces,Global Food Systems Initiative,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,first Section 18 emergency use exemption,exemptions,abundant food,State Sorghum School,State faculty,Kansas State University,important crop protection tool,Gulf export grain report,Jan. 18,National Sorghum Producers,Trump Nominates Sonny Perdue,Donald Trump,Agricultural Advisory Committee,Sorghum Checkoff,sorghum research,/Leadership Sorghum,Jan. 17, 2017,agency,Jan. 24,Read NSP,Perdue,former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue,Feb. 2 NSP DC Fly,President,Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,Pruitt,Agricultural Outlook Forum09-Jan-2017 08:24PM"Regional farmers market workshops@http://www.morningagclips.com/regional-farmers-market-workshops/market vendors and managers,Kansas and Farmers Market State,farmers,workshops,markets,Kansas farmers,State Research and Extension,successful farmers,Workshop topics,fresh food source,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Kansas Department,Land,KDA s Central Registration,Food Bucks SNAP,consumer food safety specialist,Agriculture,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Feb. 4,Registration,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local ex< tension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,Conference,a.m.09-Jan-2017 07:37PMTResearchers Analyzed the Cleanliness Habits of Top TV Chefs & Hoo-Boy, It's Not Goodzhttp://invisiverse.wonderhowto.com/news/researchers-analyzed-cleanliness-habits-top-tv-chefs-hoo-boy-its-not-good-0175799/ŠHealth by Edgar Chambers IV of the Sensory Analysis Center at Kansas State University, his research assistant at the time, Curtis Maughan,Wonder How To Sheryl WooddTV chefs,Chambers IV,safe food handling,meat,food,Program,Licked fingers,cooking,behaviors,TV segment,Delores Chambers,Curtis Stone,chefs,researchers,study,Avoid Food Poisoning,Chef Curtis Stone,Improve Food Handling,hair,same cutting board,Curtis Maughan,board,new study,Jamie Oliver,Bobby Flay,study participants,Georges Oliver,episodes,observers,Poultry09-Jan-2017 07:06PM0Topeka, Manhattan launch angel investment groupsYhttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-09/topeka-manhattan-launch-angel-investment-groupsŒwere in companies created by faculty, students, staff or alumni of Kansas State University. The group plans to hear 20 pitches in 2017.\n\n  Roberts,investment opportunities,American Angel Investors,investors,Manhattan s group,Topeka and Manhattan,due diligence,Greater Manhattan Chamber,America,stage ventures,stage investment,group,spokeswoman Melissa Roberts,Kansas City,Manhattan,companies, Investment,pitches,investment or pitching,process,stage companies,Topeka,America s staff,alternative investment vehicle,network,chapter,many companies,regional companies,Trent Armbrust,local companies,Matt Pivarnik,business development,jobs,Kansas State University09-Jan-2017 06:54PM@Too Much of Weed That Feeds Forcing Wheat Farmers to Other Cropsshttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-10/too-much-of-weed-that-feeds-forcing-wheat-farmers-to-other-crops Agnieszka De Sousa @AggieDeSousacrops,wheat,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Queensland and prices,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,largest exporter,global planting,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,Milling wheat,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,supplies,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,bushel,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager09-Jan-2017 06:48PM2Ag Judging Teams Excel at National Western ContestFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/2A50A827FFA8DA45A74B62C725133B41FEB9FCD4†, Kansas State, Iowa State University, North Dakota State University, University of Illinois, West Texas A&M University, University of Texas Tech,South Dakota State University,National Western Stock Show Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest,team,points,ASU team members,Grading category,Beef Grading,Beef Judging,Meat Judging Team,contest,Beef and Specifications,Colorado State,first place winner Texas Tech,Kansas State,less than 500 points,place overall finish,Nebraska and Tarleton State,Bailey Hooten,Destiny Cowley,Morgan McCullough,meat,Texas A&M,Reasons category,Pork Judging,University,multiple categories,Ashleigh James,Ryan Brashear,Specifications09-Jan-2017 06:29PMXhttp://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-OJBYHG6JTSEJ01-20GKU01RHON0MHHMC1J1JMVK5J8crops,wheat,analysts,grain,record harvests,damaging weather,hard red wheat,key exporting countries,prices,hearty plant,Queensland and prices,world,major exporters,current Southern Hemisphere harvest,weather event,money,International Grains Council,dormant U.S. wheat crops,same time,percent,largest exporter,global planting,Bloomberg survey,London,National Weather Service,mostly beneficial weather,Milling wheat,average national cash price,U.S.,Kansas,global wheat consumption,-time,first time,U.S. and Europe,Kansas State University,state s,U.S. Drought Monitor,largest U.S. producer,U.S., Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan,bushel,Jan. 3,Jan. 6,commodity research,Jan. 12 USDA report,biggest commodity losers,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado,country,bushel and advance,commodity risk manager,Љ2017 Bloomberg L.P.09-Jan-2017 06:06PM.Pittman helps  keep the lights on at BramlageKhttp://themercury.com/articles/pittman-helps-keep-the-lights-on-at-bramlageŠTerry Pittman, a facilities maintenance specialist at K-State, can often be seen at Bramlage Coliseum making sure everything is working asƒfacilities maintenance specialist,lights,Bramlage Coliseum,Subscribers Sign,State,click,online subscription,Pittman,sure everything09-Jan-2017 05:23PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/1CD7F02E493F17C37D4087F8FE2B9BEF630933CBfarmers,workshop,markets,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor Workshop,Workshop topics,marketing tool,Health and Environment,measures program,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,fresh food source,Kansas Department,Misty Morning Farms,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Lunch,Central Registration,Feb. 11, 2017,Girard,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Agriculture,Onsite registration,local econo< my,consumers,Dave DeMoss Education Building,environment09-Jan-2017 04:58PM6Petfood Forum 2017 to present latest pet food researchchttp://www.petfoodindustry.com/articles/6214-petfood-forum-2017-to-present-latest-pet-food-research‹mine consumer insights, Workshop attendees will be transported to the Kansas State University (KSU)-Olathe Food Innovation Accelerator Lab,Petfood IndustryGpet food,pet parents,consumer insights,Petfood Forum,biologically appropriate raw pet food,marketing,social media,depth discussions,novel ingredients,Zuckerberg Media,ingredients, marketing, safety and processing,nutrition research,Pet Food Ingredients & Technology,informal roundtable discussions,town hall discussion,conference,Food Innovation Accelerator Lab,mine consumer insights,Kansas City,keynote,research associate professor,conference portion,Randi Zuckerberg and Temple Grandin,Animal Health Corridor,animal behavior,animal science,ingredient usage,sensory analysis,Petfood Innovation Workshop,palatability measurement and analysis,companion animal nutrition,safe feed ingredients,quantitative analysis,Zuckerberg, founder and CEO,consumers,Grandin,Kansas State University,opportunities and challenges,opportunities,palatability09-Jan-2017 04:28PM9Celebrity chefs score low on food safety practices: studynhttp://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/15153-celebrity-chefs-score-low-on-food-safety-practices-studyfollow proper food safety practices, according to a study from Kansas State University.\n\nResearchers watched 100 cooking shows featuring 24Safety+Health Magazine!uncooked meat,food safety practices,researchers,celebrity chefs,cooking shows,meat thermometer,Kansas State s Department,broadcasts,viewers,food,percent,Edgar Chambers IV,Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health,Public Health,behaviors,board or  ,study,safety issues,Americans,dirty clothing09-Jan-2017 04:20PM<http://www.seedquest.com/news.php?type=news&id_article=84282Brazil\nJanuary 9, 2017\n\nA empresa mantщm cooperaчуo com a Kansas State University e outras universidades internacionais, com o objetivo deюunidade da Monsanto,troca de aprendizado,manejo de ervas daninhas,Santa Cruz das Palmeiras,visita importante,Kansas State University,lэder de Biotecnologia no Brasil,empresa,ciъncia do solo,Brasil ,pesquisadores do Departamento de Agronomia da Kansas,biotecnologia,agricultura nacional,Monsanto,professor de fertilidade do solo,unidade de tecnologia,solos,сrea administrativa,assuntos de interesse dos estudantes,educaчуo dos alunos,estudantes,pesquisadores,diversas сreas das Ciъncias Agrсrias09-Jan-2017 04:00PM+Reservoir Health in Kansas Discussion ForumMhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/09/reservoir-health-in-kansas-discussion-forum/5discussion forum,reservoir health,Conservation and Environmental Education,Milford Lake area communities,contact Melissa Arthur,Kansas team,common ground,issue,health and future,National Issues Forums model,Kansas Reservoirs,local discussion framework,event,KS  Kansas Association,Kansas State University Institute,local community members,KACEE,Kansas educators,community decision,facilitated community dialogue,Milford Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy,Clay County Conservation District,productive dialogue,marthur@kacee.org,North American Association09-Jan-2017 03:59PM6Rodriguez sworn in as newest Riley County commissionerEhttp://1350kman.com/rodriguez-sworn-newest-riley-county-commissioner/Œcompletion and other development in the area north of the Kansas State University campus.\n\nAnd although he campaigned against the possibleкcounty,former commissioner Robert Boyd,Staff photo,Public Building Commission,Commissioner Ron Wells,Rodriguez,board,new District 2 representative,Courtesy photo,Riley County District 2 Commissioner Monday morning,building projects,commission,Marvin Rodriguez and Ben Wilson,possible county building sales,office space,advisory board recommendations,board and Craig Beardsley,Wells,Brady Bauman,Wells, Boyd and Dave Lewis,Boyd,PBC pullback,defense Facility,better facilities09-Jan-2017 03:30PM Bill DevlinNhttp://www.emmitsburg.net/gardens/articles/adams/2017/grafting_pecan_trees.htm EmmitsburgЏtree buds,Dr. Reid,nut trees, farm,airtight container,trees growth,tree pot,Grafting,moist container,scions,suitable container,large tree farm,large bags,southeast Kansas,Bill Devlin,Labette County Kansas,following treatise,plants,refrigerator,flap grafting method,Kansas State University Pecan Experiment Station,pecan scions,free scions,Towanda Kansas,desired variety,Ethylene,article,above treatise,apples,Gala variety,seedling09-Jan-2017 03:19PMDBaker alums earn more than grads from other Kansas schools, DOE saysFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/208686A82D11A61F56CB75FBFAA6C62D4EB494DEŽgraduates of the third-ranked University of Kansas and $5,500 more than the fourth-ranked Kansas State University.\n\n'Return on investment is›Baker University,Baker,College Scorecard,graduates,fantastic return,Baker prides,U.S. Department,data sets,Kansas,Education announcement,school,well different schools,Kansas City Business Journal,National Student Loan Data System,Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System,Kansas State University,improving college quality,higher salaries,median salary,terrific value,economic value,Danielle Yearout,Combine09-Jan-2017 02:37PMyhttp://www.news9.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelВPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Arizona State University,accounting system,Directors,newly formed Pacific District,growth,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,design process and construction,many accounting processes,San Diego<  County Courthouse project,Bachelor,Science,California,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 02:01PM{http://www.newson6.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 01:47PM{http://www.tulsacw.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 01:46PM/http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-38563501‰average, the equivalent to straight As, for his first semester at Kansas State University. He decided that it would also be his last.READBBC News - EnglandBy BBC Trending{Trump,BBC Trending,account,cartoon frog,prodding Russia,BBC correspondents,Image copyright @RussianEmbassy/,Russia,election interference,London,campaign rhetoric,Financial Times world desk,diplomatic Twitter account,following message,Russian Embassy,world leaders,Trump administration,picture,somewhat ambiguous message,Pepe,positive images,frog,Twitter @BBCtrending,bigotry Anti09-Jan-2017 01:23PM-Precision Ag Summit to focus on profitabilitykhttp://www.prairiebusinessmagazine.com/business/agriculture/4195328-precision-ag-summit-focus-profitability6 to 7 percent overlap to 1 percent.\n\nTerry Griffin, assistant professor at Kansas State University, and David Schimmelpfennig, of the U.S.Ћprecision agriculture,Precision Ag Summit,breakout sessions,farmers,precision crop management,North Dakota Farmers Union,valuable tool,Red River Valley Research Corridor,data, technology and management practices,data analytics,data ownership,summit,Keynote speaker Raj Khosla,full summit costs,North Dakota State University Extension ag machine systems specialist,Nowatzki,data capture and crop yield analysis,Speakers,Agriculture Economic Research Service,precision scouting,ag industry and production ag,economic purposes,agriculture industry,Kansas State University,Aasheim,NDSU Extension Service,latest technologies, Technology, Aasheim,economics and profitability,registrations09-Jan-2017 01:17PM3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/61/article/102393/Œupcoming risk management workshops put on across the state by the Kansas State University agricultural economics department.\nA new study byјfarmers,new risk assessment management workshops,workshop,cash contract,associate professor,Kansas State University,futures,latest research,Great Bend,state,Feb. 10  Great Bend Recreation Commission,edge research,Labette Bank Meeting Room,Meade County Extension Office Conference Room,E. Market St.,convergence,agricultural economics faculty members Art Barnaby,Feb. 28,Feb. 13,Feb. 5,Feb. 8,Preregister,agricultural economics department, Barnaby,E. Rainbelt,Herington Community Building,Meade,Herington09-Jan-2017 12:56PMhttp://www.newschannel10.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:52PMxhttp://www.wtol.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelHensel Phelps,Pacific District,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,growth,United Airlines project,significant growth,office engineer,various projects,Vice President/District Manager,career highlight,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,operations manager,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,even historic  building projects,field engineer,Pacific,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 12:49PMyhttp://www.nbc-2.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wect.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelhttp://www.k5thehometeam.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelВPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Arizona State University,accounting system,Directors,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,design process and construction,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,Bachelor,Science,California,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 12:48PMzhttp://www.14news.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Directors,acco< unting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Pacific,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jennyehttp://www.gilmermirror.com/view/full_story/27343845/article-To-Feed-the-World--Look-to-VeterinariansŠare also attacking the problem. The University of Georgia, North Carolina State University, and Kansas State University all have incentiveThe Gilmer Mirror OnlineTIMOTHY OGILVIE­human health,public health,food,health,veterinarians,global food safety,animals,world,percent,animal health and food quality,Vets,incentive programs,demand,lack,meat,increasingly crowded planet,Medicine Movement,production,planet,short supply worldwide,mass human starvation,University,malnutrition,people,U.S. vets work,veterinary medicine shortages,North Carolina State University,shortage,St. George,safety,Dr. Timothy Ogilvie09-Jan-2017 12:46PMxhttp://www.ktvn.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelrHensel Phelps Construction Co. (Hensel Phelps) Board of Directors Promotes Key Personnel - WDRB 41 Louisville Newsxhttp://www.wdrb.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelсPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Key Personnel,growth,Directors,accounting system,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 12:45PMhttp://www.erienewsnow.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,many accounting processes,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Pacific,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 12:44PM}http://www.live5news.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:43PMxhttp://www.ksla.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.kltv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelhttp://www.nbcrightnow.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:42PMxhttp://www.wafb.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wdam.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelzhttp://www.klkntv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:41PMhttp://www.sutelemundo20.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.kmir.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel~http://www.watchfox29.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wnky.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.ktre.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.wistv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel~http://www.newscenter1.tv/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:39PMxhttp://www.kusi.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelzhttp://www.wandtv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wsfa.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wlox.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelwhttp://www.khq.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:38PMzhttp://www.wsiltv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel}http://www.n< ewswest9.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel‚http://www.tristateupdate.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.ktbs.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:37PMxhttp://www.kfbb.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:36PMxhttp://www.cbs8.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:35PM…http://www.telemundoamarillo.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.abc57.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelВHensel Phelps,Pacific District,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Arizona State University,accounting system,newly formed Pacific District,Directors,growth,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,Bachelor,Science,California,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jennyyhttp://www.cbs58.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.kuam.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel€http://www.wearewvproud.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelhttp://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.nbc12.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:34PMyhttp://www.abc40.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.waff.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel|http://www.wvalways.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:33PMxhttp://www.kten.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.kmov.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.keyc.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.krgv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wboc.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.wave3.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel|http://www.fox8live.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel‚http://www.yourohiovalley.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:32PM}http://www.cwrichmond.tv/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:31PMzhttp://www.wrcbtv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:30PM‚http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel}http://www.cw-gabama.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:29PM„http://www.hometownstations.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelhttp://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelhttp://www.fox21delmarva.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wsfx.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel{http://www.fox14tv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelzhttp://www.kplctv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.abc-7.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelВPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Arizona State University,accounting system,Directors,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,Bachelor,Science,California,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,Pacific,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jennyhttp://www.abcfoxmontana.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel|http://www.azfamily.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:28PMxhttp://www.wfxg.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wbrc.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel~http://www.9and10news.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:27PMyhttp://www.fox19.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.kcbd.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:26PMzhttp://www.kfvs1< 2.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:25PM<http://www.spoke.com/press_releases/5873d3d1b2c986dc58001663yhttp://www.kait8.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wtoc.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelƒhttp://www.newschannel6now.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:24PMxhttp://www.kwwl.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Vice President/District Manager,growth,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,many accounting processes,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,Pacific,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 12:23PMxhttp://www.wbtv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:22PMxhttp://www.kxxv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:21PMxhttp://www.walb.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.wtvm.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:20PMxhttp://www.abc6.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.nbc29.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelВPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Arizona State University,accounting system,Directors,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,Bachelor,Science,California,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jennyxhttp://www.wflx.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelzhttp://www.koamtv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel|http://www.wmbfnews.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.kctv5.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel}http://www.msnewsnow.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.kptv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 12:19PMxhttp://www.kswo.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel}http://www.thecwprov.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelhttp://www.cleveland19.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel}http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelxhttp://www.ktiv.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnelyhttp://www.kulr8.com/story/34217322/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel09-Jan-2017 11:59AM\http://www.mediawebsite.net/dentonrc/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=410128275&page=1Pacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Vice President/District Manager,growth,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,many accounting processes,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Pacific,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 11:57AMPhttp://www.mediawebsite.net/tsm/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=410128275јPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,growth,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,many accou< nting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 11:52AMQhttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-173000904.htmlHensel Phelps09-Jan-2017 11:49AM\http://www.mediawebsite.net/PINSIDER/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=410128275&page=1јPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,growth,United Airlines project,significant growth,office engineer,various projects,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 11:47AMOhttp://www.mediawebsite.net/danews/story/?catSetID=&catID=290237&nrid=41012827509-Jan-2017 11:38AM8Former Spurrier assistant returns as Gamecocks' OL coachQhttp://www.wistv.com/story/34216831/former-spurrier-assistant-returns-as-ol-coach—University of Illinois where he held a similar position under head coach Ron Zook.\n\nWolford began his coaching career at his alma mater, Kansas State By WIS Staff‚Coach Muschamp,South Carolina,offensive line coach,Wolford,Youngstown State University,Gamecocks head coach,strength coach,Former Spurrier assistant returns,Gamecock family,past two seasons,Steve Spurrier s staff,Columbia,positive direction,University,seasons,North Dakota State,graduate assistant,Kansas State,Wolford s,Emporia State,FCS school,school records,Muschamp s guidance,part[http://www.mediawebsite.net/appsear/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=410128275&page=1жPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,various projects,growth,United Airlines project,significant growth,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Pacific,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 11:37AMFhttp://www.mediawebsite.net/appsear/story/&catID=951304&nrid=410128275bhttp://www.tickertech.com/cgi/?a=news&ticker=a&w=&story=201701201701091230PR_NEWS_USPR_____LA83476Pacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,many accounting processes,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Pacific,even historic – building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,hensel,phelps,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 11:35AMdhttp://www.profitquotes.com/cgi/?a=news&ticker=a&w=&story=201701201701091230PR_NEWS_USPR_____LA83476ProfitQuotes.comВPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Arizona State University,accounting system,Directors,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,office engineer,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Mid Atlantic District,operations manager,Hensel Phelps accounting team,design‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯав§џџџгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ process and construction,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,Bachelor,Science,California,senior manager,Hensel Phelps office locations,even historic – building projects,Pacific,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,Chief Financial Officer,University,Jenny09-Jan-2017 11:30AM4http://ca.advfn.com/p.php?pid=nmona&article=73572281–http://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Hensel+Phelps+Construction+Co.+%28Hensel+Phelps%29+Board+of+Directors+Promotes+Key+Personnel/12407589.htmlPacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Construction Science and Management,growth,Directors,accounting system,following key personnel promotions,newly formed Pacific District,United Airlines project,significant growth,various projects,career highlight,Vice President/District Manager,Board,office engineer,Mid Atlantic District,design process and construction,Hensel Phelps accounting team,operations manager,Arizona State University,many accounting processes,San Diego County Courthouse project,construction,Bachelor,Science,California,personnel,Hensel Phelps office locations,senior manager,Pacific,even historic  building projects,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,field engineer,hensel,phelps,University,Chief Financial Officer,Jenny…http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/09/pr-newswire-hensel-phelps-construction-co-hensel-phelps-board-of-directors-promotes-key-personnel.htmlCNBC09-Jan-2017 11:29AM‡, DBIA, Executive Vice President, is a graduate of\n\nKansas State University with a Bachelor < of Science in Construction\n\nScience and*Pacific District,Hensel Phelps,Southern California District,Directors,growth,significant growth,Board,office engineer,various projects,Vice President/District Manager,career highlight,accounting system,Hensel Phelps accounting team,Arizona State University,Colorado,operations manager,building projects,California,construction,Hensel Phelps office locations,personnel,Bachelor,senior manager,Pacific,Executive Vice President,President and CEO,hensel,phelps,field engineer,Chief Financial Officer,University,Marketing & Communications Manager Office,Jenny09-Jan-2017 10:53AMBNew Federal Rules For Using Antibiotics On The Farm May Fall ShortLhttp://krcu.org/post/new-federal-rules-using-antibiotics-farm-may-fall-short‹develops from what Hans Coetzee, professor in the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, calls unintended consequences. OnKRCU Amy MayerВnew rules,pigs,antibiotics,treatment,drug, Thomas,Disease Control and Prevention,little bit,animal health,resistance,Thomas,farm,barn,rule changes,public health officials,Veterinary Feed Directive,local feed store,hogs or cattle,human health,farm use and resistance,veterinarian Paul Thomas s approach,feed,people,infectious disease doctor,doctors and politicians,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,whatever s,patient flushing antibiotics,medically important antibiotics,bacteria,livestock,overall antibiotic use,people and livestock,young hogs,Kansas State University College,Iowa State University extension veterinarian Chris Rademacher,veterinarian,intensive animal operations,University09-Jan-2017 09:44AMWhttp://www.agweek.com/news/north-dakota/4195159-precision-ag-summit-focus-profitability‰precision agriculture,Precision Ag Summit,farmers,precision crop management,breakout sessions,North Dakota Farmers Union,valuable tool,Red River Valley Research Corridor,speakers,data, technology and management practices,data analytics,data ownership,summit,Keynote speaker Raj Khosla,full summit costs,North Dakota State University Extension ag machine systems specialist,Nowatzki,data capture and crop yield analysis,Agriculture Economic Research Service,precision scouting,ag industry and production ag,economic purposes,agriculture industry,Kansas State University,Aasheim,latest technologies,economics and profitability,registrations,conference09-Jan-2017 09:21AM-Study Abroad Tips: Don t Forget to Write Homebhttps://www.wanderingeducators.com/best/traveling/study-abroad-tips-dont-forget-to-write-home.html‹in London at the University of Westminster with Academics Programs International. I graduated from Kansas State University in Manhattan, KSWandering EducatorsHeather RobinetteOLondon,London Study Abroad Editor,friends,time,Send,postcards,Cool London Fact,things,something,United States,home,up the puzzle,marketing analyst,marketing coordinator,mailboxes,puzzle,experience,special keepsake,old someone,communication,great keepsake,family,Heather Robinette,country,photos courtesy and copyright Heather Robinette09-Jan-2017 09:07AMWThis Small Town Refused to Settle for Wal-Mart When Its Last Local Grocery Store Closedlhttp://www.alternet.org/activism/small-town-refused-settle-wal-mart-when-its-last-local-grocery-store-closed‹. In response to the dwindling number of rural supermarkets, Kansas State University Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD)AlterNetMelissa Hellmannƒgrocery stores,food deserts,Allen County,stores,town,healthy food choices,food,state,local food system,community,food policy councils and wellness groups,rural grocery toolkit component,Kansas,rural food committees,Iola,Food, Education, Agriculture and Solutions,David Toland,food truck,supermarket,health concerns,Procter,food access problems,people,overall health,Engagement and Community Development,community dialogue platform,rural Kansas supermarkets,initiative,many Kansas communities,business,county s health ranking, Procter,health and wellness,CECD,community s efforts,Procter s team plans,RGI suggestions,RGI website,county leaders09-Jan-2017 09:00AM5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5740586Œ. 9 -- Kansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nSweet news for strawberry lovers: Research from Kansas State UniversityљKansas State University Olathe,Research,strawberry lovers,Sweet news,growing season,following news release,strawberry production,state,Missouri,doctoral student,Flavorful Strawberries,Kansas growers,Kansas City,Kelly Gude,Jan. 9,Kan.,several studies09-Jan-2017 08:26AMLeon Torkelson3http://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/09/leon-torkelson/Š, he attended Kansas State Teachers College where he was a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. He graduated from the University ofŠLeon,Zion Lutheran Church,member,Air Force,Everest Lions Club,Kansas City,Jonas and Anya Anderson,rural Everest,church,family farm,Glenda C. Sims,death,Jan. 5, 2017,Kansas State Teachers College,Everest Historical Society,businesses and families,Aug. 25, 1963,Aubrey, Chase and Brody Torkelson,S. Albert and Ella C.,many cruises,Jan. 10,Jan. 9,Sabetha Herald 1/,Disney Cruise,Glenda,Leavenworth09-Jan-2017 08:00AM%Deep tillage should I or shouldn't I?ohttp://www.hpj.com/crops/deep-tillage-should-i-or-shouldn-t-i/article_31abaf63-9fc4-596f-9eb2-8f461693497f.html‹A 2016 K-State Department of Agricultural Economics custom rates survey indicates a custom rate for disking at $11.60 per acre, chisel at $JBy David G. Hallauer, District Extension Agent, Crops & Soils/HorticultureHdense layers,soils,compaction,Crops & Soils/Horticulture,tilled soils,Agricultural Economics custom rates survey,axle loads,operations,root,natural soil structure,rates,District Extension Agent,wetter soil moisture levels,term research,little field research,depth,money,deep chisel,tillage,up a tillage,axle,time and energy,time09-Jan-2017 07:28AMA reproductive update:http://hoards.com/article-20235-A-reproductive-update.html A reproductive update\n\nby Jeff Stevenson, Kansas State University\n\nBrought to you by Parnell (www.parnell.com)\n\nShould you be tweaking'Jeff Stevenson, Kansas State UniversityЈJeff Stevenson,heat detection and activity monitoring technologies,Kansas State University,cows,updates and ideas,reproductive update,Parnell,www.parnell.com,efficiency09-Jan-2017 06:58AM!Higher education at the precipiceNhttp://edwatch.blogspot.no/2017/01/higher-education-at-precipice-straight.htmlŒ) reports:\n\nBilly Willson finished his first (and his last) semester at Kansas State University this week -- < and in so doing has set off aEducation Watch International jonjayrayоlaw schools,students,higher education,debt,dollars,college,social sciences,new skills,general education,Kansas State University,child s education,schools,universities,up a skill set,demand,Willson,underlying fact,market,education leaders,online education,Willson s,life today,King s College London,Education spokesman,quality university education,Tennessee s Glenn Reynolds,school cyber,inflation,Universities Minister Jo Johnson,shirt business,Instapundit,inflation and recruit09-Jan-2017 06:45AMBNew federal rules for using antibiotics on the farm may fall shortchttp://netnebraska.org/article/news/1057598/new-federal-rules-using-antibiotics-farm-may-fall-shortNewsNetNebraska"by Amy Mayer, Harvest Public Mediaafederal government,Harvest Public Media,new rules,resistance,antibiotics,bacteria,pigs,farm,federal rules,veterinarians and farmers,hog barn,Amy Mayer,drug, Thomas,Thomas,hogs or cattle,livestock,Veterinary Feed Directive,local feed store,farm use and resistance,feed,veterinarian Paul Thomas s approach,rule changes,Harvest,patient flushing antibiotics,public health officials,whatever s,medically important antibiotics,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,people,Human infections,young hogs,people and livestock,overall antibiotic use,veterinarian,Iowa State University extension veterinarian Chris Rademacher09-Jan-2017 06:00AM6Board leadership series planned for February and March[https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/09/board-leadership-series-planned-for-february-and-march/‡K State Research and Extension\n\nOLATHE, Kan.  K-State Research and Extension is conducting a series of Board Leadership Workshops inВboard members,State Research and Extension,committed board members,board,session,Feb. 28,basics,Board Leadership Workshops, Informed,Effective Meetings,United Way agency board,rural water board,state,Conflict Management,directors,Johnson County,series,Participants,Kansas Feb.,local extension professionals,extension community development specialist,county extension director,community,Feb. 10,Fund Management,registration,Hays,Olathe09-Jan-2017 05:58AM.Ohio State ATI Announces Boone as New Director=http://www.ohioagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=18&yr=2017‹and agricultural education department head in the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University, will start her new role with ATI April6Ohio State University,Ohio State ATI Announces Boone,student success,incoming director,Kansas State University,campus,affordability and excellence,access,percent,agricultural communication,generation college students,ATI director,water education program,Boone,College,programs,Agricultural,Kristina M. Boone,watershed extension agent,research, service, engagement, marketing, student services and student recruitment,experiential learning,learning instruction,grant university,largest institution,extension education,low income,paid industry internship,basic studies1Green to Lead National Food, Resources Commission=http://www.ohioagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=20&yr=2017‹, University of Washington; April Mason, Kansas State University; Sethuraman Panchanathan, Arizona State University; Stacy Rastauskas, OhioYvice president,Green,chancellor representatives,Public and Land Grant Universities,Lincoln Chancellor Ronnie Green,state university systems,natural resources,University,research,food,Harlan Vice Chancellor,Nebraska,Lead National Food,grant institutions,Food, Environment and Renewable Resources,research, extension and teaching,public research universities,Georgia State,Ohio State,agriculture,land,Northern Arizona University,commission,APLU,association,George Mason University,term,Florida International University,healthy populations,APLU member institutions,growing world population,representative09-Jan-2017 05:57AMHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=23Yvice president,Green,chancellor representatives,University,Lincoln Chancellor Ronnie Green,state university systems,natural resources,research,food,Harlan Vice Chancellor,Nebraska,Lead National Food,grant institutions,Public and Land Grant Universities,Food, Environment and Renewable Resources,research, extension and teaching,commission,public research universities,Georgia State,Ohio State,agriculture,land,Northern Arizona University,APLU,association,George Mason University,term,Florida International University,healthy populations,APLU member institutions,growing world population,representative09-Jan-2017 05:56AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=24&yr=2017;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=23&yr=20171SowBridge, PorkBridge Programs Return in February;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=21&yr=2017Žof each program.\n\nJoel DeRouchey, Kansas State University animal science professor and swine specialist with K-State Research and Extension,гaccurate information,programs,materials,session,live presentations,educational programs,Program costs,time,electronic information,internet access,topic experts,Registration,download audio files,SowBridge,State Research and Extension,participants,SowBridge and PorkBridge,Kansas State University animal science professor,topics, speakers and registration information,DeRouchey,download,collaborating universities,a.m. Central Time,computer,Kansas residents,subscribersHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=24KOhio State University,Ohio State ATI Announces Boone,incoming director,New Director,Kansas State University,campus,access,Access, affordability and excellence,percent,agricultural communication,student success,generation college students,ATI director,water education program,Boone,College,programs,Agricultural,Kristina M. Boone,watershed extension agent,research, service, engagement, marketing, student services and student recruitment,experiential learning,learning instruction,grant university,largest institution,extension education,low income,paid industry internship,basic studiesHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=21@http://www.newyorkagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=23&yr=2017@http://www.indianaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=25&yr=201709-Jan-2017 05:55AMAhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=23&yr=2017Bhttp://www.minnesotaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=26&yr=201709-Jan-2017 05:40AMAAdvances in Swine Nutrition to Address Nutrient Management Issu< esЃhttp://www.swineweb.com/livestock-alternative-livestock-aquaculture-beef-dairy-goats-horses-poultry-sheep-swine-veal-explore-government-resources-contacts-print-s/ˆ, carcass leanness, or muscle quality. In: Proceedings of the Kansas State University Swine Day 1995.\n\nKornegay, ET 1996. Nutritional, Swineweb.comOntario€pig diets,finisher pigs,Soybean meal,/pig,Nutrient Management,feed ingredients,pigs,Corn gluten feed,levels,excretion,Starter pigs,diet,feed,Fish meal,Alfalfa meal,Canola meal,bone meal,balance,nutrient requirements,feed efficiency,amounts,mineral and vitamin levels,finish operation,excess nutrients,minimum requirement levels,pig increases,Phosphorus,feed usage and animal flow,phase feeding,Cu and Zn,supplementary feed phosphate,much higher levels,transgenic pig,grower pigs,N and P excretion,feeding strategy,feed decreases,less feed,multiphase feeding,better feed conversion ratio,pig husbandry,dietary nutrients,nutrient outputs,nutrient utilization,oilseed meal and grain byproducts,Swine Nutrition Guide,diets Parameter Control Control,swine manure,split sex feeding,total P levels,Swine and Poultry,broilers and pigs,individual pig farms,minerals,feed intake and growth rate,bioavailability,ppm Cu,ppm Zn,swine ration,finishing decrease cost,animals,dietary AA balance,various animal,nitrogen and phosphorus,decrease N excretion,P. Minerals,monosodium or monocalcium phosphate,swine industry,mineral supply,nonruminant animals,vitamins and trace minerals,animal performance,Animal Agriculture  Swine,Swine Production,Animal Manure  The Dutch Case,synthetic AAs,AA requirements,calcium phosphate,Ideal AA patterns,Food Animals,J. Anim,Greg Simpson  Swine Nutritionist/,AA Nutrition and Metabolism09-Jan-2017 05:31AMŽ§V50о]g}Y„vнO•^'Yf[ џ`OхwSTџ&http://www.wtoutiao.com/p/65fA34m.html˜, Indiana\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 30,949\n\nU_жS‡s: 74%\n\n*X(„Џeо] *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[ Kansas State University\n\n0WtMOn: Manhattan, Kansas\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 17,245\n\nU_жS‡s: 99%\n\nЏ€TXњWо] яfЏeє~\'Yf[Yuf[В‹XP0WtMOn,?–ЩbЏe R'Yf[ University,,gбyuКNpe,є]lšо],?–ЩbЏe Rо],нO•^'Yf[,'Yf[Йe,}Y'Yf[,R!h University,'Yf[U_жS‡s,є]lš'Yf[/Of№!h:S,х]'Yf[Arkansas Tech University,wƒNSо],Џeє~\'Yf[University,бyWЩbYо]Ыz'Yf[ Colorado State, Rо]'Yf[#WKQœ,šN)RQh,pS,{‰[Г~'Yf[/O,yrЩbNS'Yf[University,YZ7Y'Yf[lšњ‹?–, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[™™пi,wƒ!h:S Brigham Young,yQR!h University,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[bSє~\,'Yf[ш•WR!h University,Ž§V,gбy,f[b– Gainesville College,Birmingham,Gainesville,Cruz,Bloomington%http://www.wzaobao.com/p/65fA34m.htmlЎ_4YagR0WtMOn,,gбyuКNpe,?–ЩbЏe R'Yf[ University,є]lšо],?–ЩbЏe Rо],нO•^'Yf[,'Yf[Йe,}Y'Yf[,R!h University,'Yf[U_жS‡s,є]lš'Yf[/Of№!h:S,х]'Yf[Arkansas Tech University,Џeє~\'Yf[University,бyWЩbYо]Ыz'Yf[ Colorado State, Rо]'Yf[#WKQœ,wƒNSо],šN)RQh,pS,{‰[Г~'Yf[/O,yrЩbNS'Yf[University,YZ7Y'Yf[lšњ‹?–, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[™™пi,wƒ!h:S Brigham Young,yQR!h University,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[bSє~\,'Yf[ш•WR!h University,f[b– Gainesville College,Birmingham,Gainesville,Cruz,Hawaii,Bloomington09-Jan-2017 05:23AMLhttp://kcur.org/post/new-federal-rules-using-antibiotics-farm-may-fall-shortВnew rules,pigs,antibiotics,treatment,drug, Thomas,Disease Control and Prevention,little bit,animal health,resistance,Thomas,farm,barn,rule changes,Veterinary Feed Directive,local feed store,hogs or cattle,human health,farm use and resistance,veterinarian Paul Thomas s approach,feed,people,infectious disease doctor,doctors and politicians,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,whatever s,patient flushing antibiotics,public health officials,medically important antibiotics,bacteria,livestock,overall antibiotic use,people and livestock,young hogs,Kansas State University College,Iowa State University extension veterinarian Chris Rademacher,veterinarian,intensive animal operations,University09-Jan-2017 04:25AMLKU Tech Students Win Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City s First Code-A-Thon`https://ithinkbigger.com/ku-tech-students-win-federal-reserve-bank-kansas-citys-first-code-thon/ŒIn all, 29 students from the University of Kansas, Kansas State University and Missouri University Science and Technology participated. CodeЉstudents,Kansas City,Alex Warrington,Federal Reserve Bank,user experience,registered voters,-Thon,Bank s TechEdge program,outreach program,Justin Roderman and Alex Shadley,tech,Technology,students and graduates,Kansas, Kansas State University and Missouri University Science,careers,university,science and technology,computer science,activation app,innovation,application,business,vice president application delivery services09-Jan-2017 01:41AM SLU loses but shows more resolve/http://world.einnews.com/article/361131389/liveŠfor St. Louis University, a small run by an opponent deteriorating into a lopsided loss: 30 against Brigham Young, 31 vs. Kansas State, 34‹lopsided loss,Chaifetz Arena,vs. Rhode Island,first half,Kansas State,points,St. Louis University,tendency,Brigham Young,opponent,Billikens09-Jan-2017 01:00AM8http://brazilbusiness.einnews.com/article/361131389/live09-Jan-2017 12:00AM< JGreen to lead national university association's food, resources commission–http://www.hpj.com/general/green-to-lead-national-university-association-s-food-resources-commission/article_c01cb53b-3c07-545d-bb3e-73c9ccbfc0f7.htmlŸ Chancellor Green,vice president,Green,University,Nebraska system,state university systems,natural resources,food,Nebraska s chancellor,public research universities,grant institutions,Public and Land Grant Universities ,university s Harlan Vice Chancellor,national university association,Food, Environment and Renewable Resources,research, extension and teaching,commission,representative,research,Georgia State,Ohio State,term ends,agriculture,land,association,APLU board,Lincoln University,George Mason University,Florida International University,Northern Arizona University,healthy populations,APLU member institutions,councils and commissions,growing world population08-Jan-2017 11:15PMK-State scholarshipsvhttp://www.salina.com/sections/neighbors/school/k-state-scholarships/article_cb5169d8-358f-517d-9b6b-b71c151ad58c.htmlŽFoundation for Engineering at Kansas State University Fund; Logan Whitmore, Foundation for Engineering at Kansas State University Fund\n\nClay Foundation Scholarship,Leadership Scholarship,Memorial Scholarship,Kahl Scholarship,Ecology Scholarship,Putnam Scholarship,State Marching Band Scholarship,Foundation Plus Scholarship,CHS University Scholarship,Vanier Family Scholarship,Arts and Sciences Fund,Charles N. Tuley Scholarship,Floyd W. Johnson Scholarship,Angus/Kramer Scholarship,Lee R. Blank Scholarship,Baeten Farm Scholarship,Executive Mentorship Program Scholarship,Finance Advisory Board Scholarship,Education Fund,Program Fund,Achievement Award,state students,Robert E. Stark Scholarship,Judith Cain Scholarship,Eugene J. Laughlin Scholarship,Col. Delbert Townsend Scholarship,Elsie Wall Vesco Scholarship,James Madison Legacy Scholarship,Scholarship, George and Maggie Yeh Electronics Scholarship,Scholarship,State Alpha Gamma Rho Scholarship,Bernie and Bill Hintz Family Scholarship,State Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship,Dane G. Hansen Foundation Scholarship,Elvon G. and Lydia E. Skeen Education,L. and L. Chrisman Scholarship,Gayle Foster Alumni Club Scholarship,Ralph and Dora Rogers Memorial Scholarship,Col. Roy H. Worthington Jr. Memorial Scholarship,Elizabeth and William Henry Hinshaw Memorial,Engineering,Biological and Agricultural Engineering Excellence Scholarship,R. Ray and Marian E. Carothers Scholarship,Max E. and Jean Hollinger Scholarship,Phi Theta Kappa Member Scholarship,Gene and Pat Criss Accounting Scholarship,Wallace L. and Reva Jean Barrett Scholarship,Kansas State Polytechnic,State Transfer Academic Award,Generation Scholarship,Opportunity Scholarship,Agricultural Enhancement Fund,Danna Skipton Scholarship,Elnita Ehler Jezek Scholarship,Elwyn Topliff Scholarship,Risk Management Scholarship,Marion Herfort Pelton Music Scholarship Fund,Allan and Carolyn Harms Business Scholarship,William L. and Ethel S. Dyatt Scholarship,Teacher Scholarship,Wilson Scholarship,Industrial Engineering Excellence Fund,Kansas Ag Bankers Scholarship,Ben A. Sellers Scholarship,Robert M. Kountz Scholarship,State Music Advisory Council Scholarship,Charles P. Setterquist and Doris M. Setterquist Scholarship,Concordia High School Scholarship,George E. Mickelson Scholarship,Donald G. Wurtz Scholarship,Wells Human Ecology Scholarship,Ryan Educational Scholarship,Robert E. Garrison Scholarship,Polytechnic Tuition Scholarship,L.I.D. Mall Scholarship,BV Novel AFRI Scholarship,Barbara Weigand Scholarship,Belstra Milling Scholarship,Cargill Project Impact Scholarship,Eileen Wood Scholarship,Jack Steinmitz Scholarship,Ralph I. Lipper Scholarship,Ernst and Young Accounting Fund,Clay Boley,Clay County Scholarship and Loan Fund,Vanier Family Business Administration Merit Scholarship,Richard and Martha Wenger Education Scholarship,Douglas E. and Victoria D. Hill Scholarship,F.C. and Pauline C. Fountaine Scholarship,George S. and Monita McNeill Timmons Scholarship,Vincent and Jamey Stonestreet Theatre Scholarship,William B. Powell Scholarship,Gladwin A. Read Memorial Fund,Rosamond P. Haeberle Music Education Scholarship,Winifred Jane Brown Burtis Memorial Scholarship,Bruce A. Adams MBA Scholarship,Business Advisory Council Jon and Ruth Ann Wefald Scholarship,Clark Family Air Force ROTC Scholarship,Frank W. and Gwendolyn R. Jordan Scholarship,James B. Hollinger Family Scholarship,Lois Mae and Charles H. Beasley Scholarship,Moritz and Selma Auerbach Scholarship,Business Education Students,Hydrogeology Scholarship,Ise Scholarship,Engineering Leadership and Innovation,CoBank Outstanding Student Scholarship,David Koch Agriculture Scholarship,Richard L. Clarke Scholarship,Andrew Kasten International Scholarship,Anna C. Donaldson Scholarship,Christian Church Scholarship,Joye Ansdell Scholarship,Nuclear Energy Scholarship,Ronald P. Cooper Scholarship,Glenn L. and Doris A. Ellithorpe Fund,David and Susan Barton Cooperative Leadership,Armbrust Fund,Student Governing Association Leadership Award,Chester E. Peters Scholarship,Construction Science Scholarship,CCA Correctional Solutions Scholarship,Dr. W.R. Barnard Scholarship,Italian Studies Scholarship,Ivy Fuller Olds Scholarship,John C. Peterson Scholarship,Nancy Landon Kassebaum Scholarship,Raoul Wallenberg Scholarship,WEM Automation Inc. Scholarship,health Resources Scholarship,Personal Financial Planning Excellence Fund,Clay Ward,Dr. Dick Hahn Distinguished Student Leadership,Albert J. Gehrt Memorial Scholarship Fund,Pat J. Bosco Achievement Leadership Scholarship,Richard F. King Jr. Memorial Scholarship,C. Fred Samp Mechanical Engineering Scholarship,Edward L. Wilson Civil Engineering Scholarship,M. Lester and Ruby A. Cox Scholarship,von Waaden Investment Management Scholarship,F. Charles and Kay Lamphear Agriculture Scholarship,Robert and Florence Nulty Scholarship,Urban Food Systems Symposium Scholarship,Foundation,Anna Maude Smith Fund,Joseph Hajda Student Scholarship,Connor Burton Scholarship,George H. Larson Scholarship,Milton Z. Pelischek Scholarship,Positive Lifestyle Scholarship,Smoky Hill LLC Scholarship,Sunflower Restaurant Supply Scholarship,Biology REU Stipend Award,Art Hiser Chemical Engineering Scholarship,Raymond E. and Chloe F. Hampton Scholarship,Adrian John Polansky II Scholarship,Raymond J. and Mary Clare Doll Scholarship,Beryl and Margaret Beryl Guy Scholarship,Jo Harriett Hofsess Popkins Scholarship,Letha V. Reser and Sharon Y. Nickols Scholarship,Milton S. Eisenhower Jr. Scholarship,Scholarship, Koch Industries Inc. Accounting and Tax Fellowship Program,W. Dan and Lynn Weaver Scholarship,Dr. Brian Spooner Fund,Helton Leadership Endowment,John Deere Engineering Scholarship,Dragsdorf Physics Scholarship,George Irvine Agricultural Scholarship,Melva J. Zimmerman Scholarship,Schrader/Massier Graduate Excellence Fund,Clay Schemm,Warren Eugene Ayers Memorial Loan Fund Scholarship,High Plains Engineering Technology Scholarship,Genevieve L. and Frank G. Bieberly Scholarship,Sarah G. Sitz Math Scholarship,Caroline F. Peine Music Scholarship,KASA Industrial Controls Inc. Endowed Scholarship,Patricia Farrow Raskob Financial Planning Scholarship,Sid and Susy Reitz Scholarship,William R. and Elaine A. Gross Scholarship,Phillips 66 Shield Scholars Award Fund,Educational Opportunity Award,Swogger Primary Texts Certificate Fund,Edwin F. and Eunice F. Wambsganss Engineering,David W. Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund,Biology Univers< ity Distinguished Professors Scholarship,Maurine C. Buller Academic Excellence Scholarship,Karen Larson Milner Graves Elementary Education Scholarship,Dana Eileen Johnson Nursing Memorial Scholarship,Joseph V. Paukstelis Memorial Chemistry Scholarship,John and Elizabeth Oswald Scholarship,American Feed Industry Association and Equipment Manufacturers Committee Scholarship,Dr. John P. Noonan Scholarship,Harold Swartley Collegiate Crop Judging Team Scholarship,Mary Lucille and Walter Abmeyer Scholarship,Sarah and Shane Lanning Scholarship,Topeka Gem and Mineral Society Inc. Scholarship,State Theatre Fund,A.Q. Miller School,Environmental Research award,Martin Family Senior Award,David G. and Robert K. Page Memorial,Charles E.,Hal and Mary Siegele Scholars Fund,KPMG Peat Marwick Accounting Fund,John Thurow Hill Memorial Award,Agricultural Education,Rural Education,Physically Limited Students,Dickinson County K,university,Dean A. and Jane Dillon Electrical Engineering,Farm Bureau Financial Services and Kansas Farm Bureau,Lewis J. and Ernest A. Braun Education,Robert H. and Jacqueline T. Brewer Memorial,Benjamin and Jennifer Tryon Industrial Engineering,Frank W. and E. Faye Kaul Mechanical,Chemistry Alumni Graduate Fellowship,Kenneth E. and Mabyn B. Makalous Memorial,Excellence, Dr. Neal F. and Florence E. Morehouse Agronomy,Loyal and Jill Huddleston Civil Engineering,Archie R. and Dorothy E. Hyle Engineering,Maura Hansen,John H. and Mardeen M. Hartford Memorial,George V. Redd and Mabel E. Bargdill Agriculture,Edward Ise Memorial/Chitty,Josephine E. Brooks Fellowship,Lawrence E. and Gertrude E. Kern Family,Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Emery,Mark Keenan Family Architectural Engineering,Agriculture, Walter A. and Mary J. Moore Memorial,Arlo and Vivian Crawshaw Family Engineering,E. Stanley Lee and Yuan Lee Outstanding Graduate,Stan R. and LeAnn D. Clark Engineering08-Jan-2017 07:06PM2Common Relationship Problems and How to Avoid ThemThttp://hubpages.com/relationships/Common-Relationship-Problems-and-How-to-Avoid-Them‹from the School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University, found that financial disagreements between partners were theHubPagesCommon Relationship Problems,free relationship,problem,licensed therapist,sexual health therapist,boots,mental health issues,unresolved conflict,Avoid,partners,solution,Americans,physiological changes,something,anyone,Family Studies and Human Services,study08-Jan-2017 04:56PMwKansas Agricultural Technologies Conference offers cutting-edge, practical applications for technology in ag productionЁhttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/kansas-agricultural-technologies-conference-offers-cutting-edge-practical-applications-for-technology-in-ag-production/€aerial crop,Farm Trials,present and future,Irrigated Corn,opening session,farm research efforts,overall farm business profitability,research,Fire Session,Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference,State Research and Extension,technology,Soil Amendment,presentations, Big Data Implications,Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association,State Precision Ag Rapid,conference,Oklahoma State University,reduced rate,data,Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell,place Jan.,KARTA,Junction City,Vegetable Production Tunnel Comparison,Jan. 10,state,Kansas post,site registration,Agriculture students,annual KARTA business meeting,registration feesphttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/agriculture/2017-cover-your-acres-conference-highlights-plants-people/лnorthwest Kansas,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,business,State Research and Extension,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association,Northwest Research,14th annual Cover,conference,research assistant professor,Jan. 11,Lucas Haag,Certified Crop Advisors,program,Cover,Kansas State University,Crop Production Services,relationships,everyone s,Charlie Griffin,State,full conference schedule, Haag,Colby,registration,Decatur Coop Association,National Sunflower Association08-Jan-2017 04:23PM@Andra Stefanoni: New Pittsburg Youth Council conducting businessœhttp://www.joplinglobe.com/news/local_news/andra-stefanoni-new-pittsburg-youth-council-conducting-business/article_c1fb0730-6d2e-537c-a29d-789547ba53d5.htmland graduated with a degree in biology from PSU before attending Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine.\n\nNow with 15 yearsAndra Stefanoni Andra StefanoniNew Pittsburg Youth Council,commission meeting,similar council,Pittsburg Community Middle School,recent meeting,sixth grade,pet supplies,youths,city,ray equipment,Dr. James Clark,Andra Bryan Stefanoni,cub reporter,City Clerk Tammy Nagle,Pittsburg,Pittsburg High School and St. Mary s,Clark,City Renaissance Project,projects,equipment, training and passion, Nagle,Pittsburg State University,students,regular commission,modeling positive community involvement,Kan.,former Globe reporter,new business,community,veterinary practice08-Jan-2017 03:46PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/FC50C7C69464A34B8D44147BAAAB4A5FB1BDF776KSC chairman,director,WIBW Radio,Ag Issues program,Topeka Farm Show,Soybean,farm director,farm broadcaster,Kansas State University,American Soybean Association,annual programs,Kansas Soybean Commission,DuPont Young Leader program,Soy award,Henry Farms,KSA directors,new District 2 director,Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio,KSA President Raylen Phelon,District 6,awards and recognitions,Topeka,board,popular WIBW Farm Profit seminars,award photos,United Soybean Board and Dennis Gruenbacher,Nearly 300 soybean enthusiasts,outgoing president,KSA Secretary Teresa Brandenburg,KSA First Vice President Lucas Heinen,Phelon,chairman,Kansas Agriculture Network,Kansas Water Office,Advanced Market Concepts,Ph.D., soybean breeder and professor,contact Communications Direct< or Brad Parker,Kansas,Expo planning committee,KSA Annual Meeting,Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests,markets,senior agricultural economist,Hiawatha,Expo photos and presentations,org/ expo,first agricultural talk shows,U.S. and world production agriculture,bushels08-Jan-2017 12:48PMP Prints by Women and Bluemner exhibits open Friday, Jan. 20, at Hand Art CenterFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/100F7F43342A7C713A042FF32F43058C4F481ED0Œ' a curator talk by Elizabeth Seaton of the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University, will be at 7 p.m. Feb. 9 at theѓVera Bluemner Kouba Collection,Women,exhibit,American,Georgia Museum,artist,collection,Museum purchase,Works,French artist Rosa Bonheur,very noted artists,painting,really incredible print show,Women and Bluemner exhibits,art history,art world,Bluemner,Florida Museum,Federal Art Project,Works Progress Administration,work and others,university,Whitney Museum,hand,architect,Hirshhorn Museum,Stetson University campus,20th Century Women Printmakers,Hand Art Center director,Art and Family,next largest collection,Marianna Kistler Beach Museum,Georgia O'Keeffe and John Marin,Curran,Artworks Bluemner,Stetson,time,key American Modernist,Jan. 20,Regular center hours,lithograph,Stetson and curator,Roberta Smith Favis,Favis,Kansas State University,p.m. Jan.08-Jan-2017 12:30PM2US Weed Physiologist Delivers Guest Lecture At PAURhttp://www.cityairnews.com/content/us-weed-physiologist-delivers-guest-lecture-pauŒ2017: Dr Mithila Jugulum, Weed Physiologist, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University (KSU), Manhattan, USA delivered a guest lectureŸherbicide resistance,Dr Jugulam,weeds,Weed Science,guest lecture,herbicides,crop production,tolerant crops,improved weed control,resistance,further development,Agronomy,collaborative research,Department,Punjab Agricultural University,Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Genetics,Kansas State University,PAU and KSU,Ludhiana Chapter,modern agriculture,science field trials,mechanism,Botany and Chemistry,scientists and agri08-Jan-2017 09:00AM*Regional farmers market workshops plannedOhttp://www.sekvoice.com/news/20170108/regional-farmers-market-workshops-planned‹MANHATTAN ­­ The Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment will]market vendors and managers,Farmers Markets,farmers,workshops,respective workshop date,Kansas farmers,State Research and Extension,successful farmers,Workshop topics,marketing tool,fresh food source,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Kansas and Farmers Market State,KDA s Central Registration,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Land,agriculture industry,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Feb. 10,Feb. 4,Registration,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local extension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,consumers,Conference,a.m.08-Jan-2017 08:00AMSProject aims to develop winter malting barley cultivars adapted to the Great Plainshttp://www.hpj.com/crops/project-aims-to-develop-winter-malting-barley-cultivars-adapted-to/article_f7c4dba9-af76-507e-96f8-e7fbdf1ea44c.html…Zhang, assistant professor and breeder at the Agricultural Research Center, Kansas State University in Hays, Kansas; and Dolores  Do zbarley production,winter malting barley cultivars,new region,Great Plains,researchers,Kansas State University,regional small grains breeders,regional craft brewers,cereal grains,brewers,source grain,Nebraska,highest value grain,feed and forage,many regions,Agricultural Research Service,crop breeding and genetics,assistant professor and breeder,grown barley crop,beer distributors,United States Department,Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma,Oklahoma,National Barley Improvement Committee,malting,members,high quality barley,Nebraska Wheat Growers,University,malting and brewing industry,American Homebrewers Association,Agriculture,Kansas7SCC Agriculture Program to host specialty crops meeting‚http://www.hpj.com/crops/scc-agriculture-program-to-host-specialty-crops-meeting/article_30314ea6-216c-5d22-9fc8-bd289932408c.htmlŒcurrently facing extremely poor economic conditions. Recently, Kansas State University Research and Extension Southwest Area Economist Montewspecialty crops,vegetables and fruits,KFMA farms,commodity crops,SCCC Agriculture Program,agriculture downturn,high tunnels,David Coltrain,Kansas Farm Management Association data,data,Kansas,Kansas State University Research and Extension Southwest Area Economist,cantaloupe market sector,Production,established market system,Colorado,southwest Kansas,Local Foods,meeting,direct marketing techniques,Kansas Legislature,Marketing,garden areas and incubator plots, Three Kansas growers,hydroponic vegetables,Vandeveer,SCCC facilities,KSRE,former KSRE Horticulture Specialist Alan Stevens,Governor s Task Force,local Extension officesBResearchers make breakthrough in controlling soybean cyst nematodehttp://www.hpj.com/crops/researchers-make-breakthrough-in-controlling-soybean-cyst-nematode/article_acfec24e-4272-5af3-b6cb-d4770edb411a.htmlŠmay soon find farm fields unpleasant places to be.\n\nKansas State University researchers recently announced a significant breakthrough in Trick,soybeans,farm fields,soybean cyst nematode,Plant geneticist Harold Trick,genes,plant pathologist Tim Todd,Kansas State < University researchers,State Research and Extension,roots,scientists,several other genes,Researchers,U.S. soybean farmers,root knot nematode,technology,nematode,parasitic roundworm,percent,Agriculture and Food Research Initiative,North Central Soybean Research program,Agriculture estimates,U.S. Department,Kansas Soybean Commission,significant breakthrough,parasite s survival,DNA molecules,ability,Kansas08-Jan-2017 07:31AMLStraight-A KSU Student Drops Out And Accuses University Of Scamming Studentswhttp://www.parentherald.com/articles/96944/20170108/straight-student-drops-out-accuses-university-scamming-students.htm‰Billy Wilson, a Kansas State University student who got grades equivalent to straight A's, surprised the world when he posted on FacebookParent Heraldalexa anchetadWilson,Kansas State University student,college tuition fees,percent increase,Huffington Post,KSU Student Drops,serious debt problems,students,debt,tuition, fees and board,education,slower growth rate,university,dropout rate,pay check,times,even higher at 20 percent,school,time and age,cost,London Metropolitan University,same increase,scam,decision,people08-Jan-2017 03:22AM&Spa City school plans for new buildingYhttp://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2017/jan/08/spa-city-school-plans-for-new-building--1/‹a process involving the community -- with the help of consultants at Kansas State University -- to develop a vision on what to place in the Aziza Musa!School officials,Hot Springs,bond issue,new building,school,campus,funding,Spa City school plans,general improvement funds,buildings,school Director Corey Alderdice,high school juniors,Hospital building,state,Arts,spring 2019,Pine Street wing,Oaklawn Foundation,perfect plan,Mathematics, Sciences and Arts,space,campus master plan,gubernatorial discretionary funds,something school leaders,same thing charter schools face,students,out other funds,Google executive and school alumnus,art and community space,current administrative building,Sciences,system office,Arkansas System umbrella,new student dormitories,Alderdice,digital arts lab,UA System board,Kansas State University,Arkansas Department,main issue,Mathematics,foundation board,computer science classrooms,Oaklawn Racing and Gaming,avalanche08-Jan-2017 01:10AM8Grant awarded to develop winter malting barley cultivars•http://www.agnet.net/ag_news/local_ag_news/grant-awarded-to-develop-winter-malting-barley-cultivars/article_67f727ba-77e8-535f-9e3c-ed9609bd8b4f.html‹Guorong Zhang, assistant professor and breeder at the Agricultural Research Center, Kansas State University in Hays, Kan.; and Dolores  Do AgNet.netbarley production,winter malting barley cultivars,UNL Department,new region,Great Plains,researchers,regional small grains breeders,Nebraska professor,regional craft brewers,cereal grains,Kansas State University,brewers,source grain,highest value grain,many regions,Agricultural Research Service,crop breeding and genetics,assistant professor and breeder,grown barley crop,beer distributors,Agronomy and Horticulture,National Barley Improvement Committee,local source,malting,members,high quality barley,Agriculture,University,malting and brewing industry,Nebraska Wheat Growers,American Homebrewers Association,Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma08-Jan-2017 01:05AM/WESTCO presents 4th Annual Producers Conference‹http://www.agnet.net/ag_news/local_ag_news/westco-presents-th-annual-producers-conference/article_63abdb74-d72f-56aa-a12d-78d49d15c8b8.htmlŽfarm in Kansas and received two degrees Magna Cum Laude from Kansas State University.\n\nThe WESTCO Producers Conference is free to attend andјdoor prizes,keynote speakers,renowned speakers,event,grand prize,Brent Gloy and Mark Mayfield,good speakers,4th Annual WESTCO Producers Conference,United States,David Widmar,WESTCO General Manager David Briggs,agricultural economics,ag producers,farm,WESTCO,opportunity,conference,Kansas State University,Purdue and Cornell University,Agricultural Economic Insights,WESTCO Main Office,Mayfield,agribusiness management,Gloy,Corporate Comedian,ability,place 10 a.m.,author, comedian and spokesperson,Kansas07-Jan-2017 11:00PMSebesta-Ellisfhttp://www.salina.com/life/engagements/sebesta-ellis/article_108a2ffb-807b-5f30-847f-f040a854f417.html‹. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture from Kansas State University. She is employed at Farm Service Agency in Russell.Wilson High School,Farm Service Agency,Wilson,Bushton Gas Plant,Immanuel Lutheran Church,Michael Anthony Ellis,Salina Area Technical College,Sebesta,Tony Ellis and Kathleen Stevenson,future groom,engagement,Bachelor,bride,Webb Excavating,couple plan,agriculture Green-Apleydhttp://www.salina.com/life/engagements/green-apley/article_dd75eb67-9a62-5a10-80b4-32f6b1f18b80.html‹Southeast of Saline High School. She is a junior at Kansas State University, majoring in kinesiology and premedicine. The prospective groomЯGreen,Michael and Lisa Green,Saline High School,Blue Valley,Kansas State University,Manhattan,majoring,Kyle Daryl Apley,Gypsum,Olsburg,couple plan,graduate,prospective groom,kinesiology and premedicine,bride Murphy-Ash`http://www.salina.com/life/weddings/murphy-ash/article_83c8cfd0-621e-56ac-9a0f-3a22d8bfd3d2.htmlŒHigh School in Salina. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Kansas State University and earned his M.D. from KU School of Medicine.ЮRyan,Sacred Heart High School,KU School,Michael and Rebecca Birch,Mexico,law school,Erica,Jade Riviera Resort,Mexico, Dr. and Mrs. Ash reside,Gilbert,Ruth Murphy,Dr. Ash,Riviera Maya,late John Murphy,Sue Wallerius Ash,Grandparents,Gilbert and Arizona State University,Kansas State University,Ralph  Mike and Rose Weyand Ash,University,Salina,Geri Birch,graduate,Medicine,radiology,Bachelor,Kansas,Catholic wedding celebration,residency,St. Ann s Catholic ChurchBusiness personals 1-8-17vhttp://www.salina.com/news/on-the-record/business/business-personals/article_b7ef4997-e970-5233-a28f-17a4c1a423b3.html‹J.D. from the University of Kansas Law School and bachelor degrees in management and marketing from Kansas State University. He serves as a5member,home health,health department,community corrections,firm,succession planning and employee benefit plans,drug court,county,agricultural real estate values,former board member,Coronado Area Council Boy Scouts,Greater Salina Community Foundation,appraiser,direct supervision,commercial appraiser supervisor,plan,office,Salina 2020,Salina Downtown,intensive supervision officer,county attorney s office,county employee,supervision, oversight, performance and coordination,Legleiter,juvenile intake and a< ssessment officer," Brian Vessar,analysis,Vessar,activities07-Jan-2017 09:49PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/F7B9CE2264153D75B8B74CDECE7E1435DF3C72E17organic dairies,cow health,animal care,research,Agriculture,organic regulations,team,organic milk increases,Colorado,grant,term goal,animal sciences,better cow welfare,Minnesota, Colorado State University and Kansas State University,better health,Pinedo,different research trials,prevention and treatment,mastitis prevention,dairy practitioners,U.S. Department,conventional dairies,calf care and fly management,animal populations,studies,procedures,University,leverage CSU,new treatment strategies,CSU veterinarian Luciano Caixeta,chief agricultural officer,challenge07-Jan-2017 08:30PM;Texas Tech Put Away by No. 3 Kansas Down the Stretch, 85-68}http://www.everythinglubbock.com/sports/red-raider-nation/texas-tech-put-away-by-no-3-kansas-down-the-stretch-85-68/637196492Žopens a stretch of three of its next four games at home beginning with K-State.\n\nStick with us tonight in Red Raider Nation on KAMC News forKlbkAndrew Doak | adoak@klbk13.tvпTexas Tech,Red Raiders,points,shot,Allen Fieldhouse,stretch,game,field,field goal attempts,Zach Smith,senior forward Aaron Ross,half,Ross,assists,home beginning,goal percentage average,broadcast,Kansas,State,action,rebounds07-Jan-2017 05:42PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/1E3CB39E9DFD05AC76FF85C4EB398E3ABDC7EF24тfarmers,markets,workshop,State Research and Extension,Host Regional Farmers Market Vendor Workshop,Workshop topics,marketing tool,fresh food source,Health and Environment,measures program,Food Safety Modernization Act,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Olathe,Central Registration,Londa Nwadike,safety,Kansas economy,Kansas businesses,Agriculture,consumers,Onsite registration,local economy,Johnson County Extension Office,registration form and payment,W. Innovation Dr.,environment07-Jan-2017 03:47PMMBlair, Uden Promoted to Associate Vice President Positions at Park UniversityFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/2FC006054CD5B822E4C88AB7B4F9B066C82B23C6‹residence life at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, for five years, and residence life coordinator at Kansas State University, Manhattan,ИBlair,associate vice president,dean,University,Park,students,special assistant,residence life,assistant director,executive director,resident director,student services and retention efforts,Jayme Uden,enrollment,Student Life and Engagement,Uden,position,annual enrollment goals,strategic enrollment plan,Iowa State University,Arts,president,public management,higher education,admissions activities,services,Kansas,Bachelor,Office,coordinator07-Jan-2017 03:24PM2Flying on an airplane may turn you into a  zombie Fhttp://anglenews.com/flying-on-an-airplane-may-turn-you-into-a-zombie/Žleak into the cabin through old or faulty seals.\n\nA 2015 study by Kansas State University claims fumes seep into cabin air about 5.5 times a Angle NewsUnited States Virgin IslandsЕFlight Attendants,cabin air,British Airways attendants,flight,fumes,such events,internal airline report,Aerotoxic Association, fume events,Anderson,flight staff experience,Jet engine oil, zombie,watchddog group,published reports, zombie,former airline pilots,Toxic fumes,hot engine compressors,cabin environment,advocates,incidents,headaches,nausea, headaches and dizziness,John Hoyte,very bad memory problems,hand tremor and memory loss07-Jan-2017 03:03PMNhttp://nypost.com/2017/01/07/flying-on-an-airplane-may-turn-you-into-a-zombie/New York PostBy Melkorka Licea–Flight attendants,cabin air,British Airways attendants,flight,fumes,such events,hydraulic fluid leaks,internal airline report,Aerotoxic Association, fume events,Anderson,flight staff experience,toxic fumes,Jet engine oil, zombie,watchddog group,published reports, zombie,former airline pilots,hot engine compressors,cabin environment,advocates,incidents,headaches,nausea, headaches and dizziness,John Hoyte07-Jan-2017 02:57PM:Kansas Farm Bureau honors Russell family of Shawnee Countyahttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-07/kansas-farm-bureau-honors-russe     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQS§џџџTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€ll-family-shawnee-county‹the same size in Greenwood County. After graduating from Kansas State University in 1977 with a bachelor s degree in agriculture education,Angela DeinesЪfarm work,Kansas Farm Bureau,Shawnee County, Farm Family,farmers,Washburn Rural High School,farming industry,agriculture education,agriculture advocacy organization,Russell,farm economy,America organization,information,districts,consolidated Rural Water District 3 board,Tanner Russell,Kansas State University,Greenwood County,State Research and Extension sionce,Technology and Natalie Russell,Washburn Institute,Contact reporter Angela Deines,herd,livestock07-Jan-2017 12:29PMI5 Money Factors That Could Determine How Long Your Relationship Will Last~http://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/money-factors-that-could-determine-how-long-your-relationship-will-last.html/?a=viewallŠabout finances can put significant strain on a relationship. A Kansas State University study found frequent money fights tend to be linkedThe Cheat Sheet Sheiresa Ngomoney,debt,researchers,significant strain,relationship,new love,frequent arguments,high household income,Large debts,frequent money fights,finances,money issues,fewer arguments,North Carolina researchers,financial expert Jeff D. Opdyke,matter,Money Questions Everyone,huge factor,credit  ,Money & Career Cheat Sheet,credit card delinquencies,Personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani,financial values matter,income levels,Kansas State University study,Couples,frustrations,Haven Life stu< dy,higher divorce rates,Studies07-Jan-2017 10:02AMhhttp://vortexoptimus.com/news/5-Money-Factors-That-Could-Determine-How-Long-Your-Relationship-Will-Last/Vortexoptimusўfrequent arguments,couple | iStock.com,money,debt,researchers,significant strain,relationship,new love,financial arguments,high household income,Large debts,frequent money fights,money issues,fewer arguments,huge factor,North Carolina researchers,financial expert Jeff D. Opdyke,matter,com/money,Partner Earned ,credit  ,credit card delinquencies,Personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani,financial values matter,income levels,Kansas State University study,couples,Haven Life study,higher divorce rates,Studies07-Jan-2017 09:54AM-Missing Skier, Ranger, Had Salina Connections@http://www.ksal.com/missing-skier-ranger-had-salina-connections/ŒSalina Central High School in 1988. He studied forestry at Kansas State University, and after graduation became a ranger working for the U.SЩcentral Colorado mountains,Lake County Office,Brett Beasley,Turquoise Lake west,U.S. Forest Service,Colorado Trail Foundation,Salida Ranger District,friend and trail advocate,trails,Missing Skier,Salina Central High School,many other trails,Continental Divide National Scenic Trail,Meadowlark Ridge Elementary School,Roosevelt Lincoln Junior High School,back country ski trip,many friends,Ranger,hypothermia,Chaffee County Commissioner account,skiing,Salina07-Jan-2017 09:28AMUBudget Cuts Are Taking the Heaviest Toll on Colleges That Serve the Neediest Students~http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/38987-budget-cuts-are-taking-the-heaviest-toll-on-colleges-that-serve-the-neediest-studentsŒcuts last year took slightly more of a bite out of Kansas State University and the University of Kansas on the grounds that they were betterTruthoutBy Jon Marcus5black students,budget cuts,Chicago State,income,students,student funding,percent,international students,states,community colleges,colleges and universities,Research,higher education,students and families,premium tuition price,state budget impasse,secondary schools,Budget and Policy Priorities,ongoing budget crisis,money,affluent students,tuition increases,University,flagships,poor students,institutions,state relations and policy analysis,higher tuition rates,performance funding,City University,regional universities,American Institutes,Education figures,urban education,conduct research,outside funding,Graduate School,Illinois,remedial education,graduation rates,recession,educational leadership,public flagships,research grants,public high schools,[education attainment] gaps,Enrollment,regional public institution07-Jan-2017 08:30AMVThis Small Town Refused to Settle for Walmart When Its Last Local Grocery Store Closed€http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/38963-this-small-town-refused-to-settle-for-wal-mart-when-its-last-local-grocery-store-closedŽ.\n\nIn response to the dwindling number of rural supermarkets, Kansas State University Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD)By Melissa HellmannZgrocery stores,food deserts,Allen County,town,healthy food choices,food,Procter,food policy councils and wellness groups,state,David Toland,Many stores,community,rural grocery toolkit component,local food system,Kansas,food truck,supermarket,Iola,rural food committees,Food, Education, Agriculture and Solutions,rural America,health concerns,food access problems,people,rural Kansas supermarkets,overall health,Engagement and Community Development,initiative,many Kansas communities,health ranking,community dialogue platform,health and wellness,business,RGI website,RGI suggestions,county leaders,CECD07-Jan-2017 08:00AMRKansas State University scientists to help identify genes that control wheat yield‘http://www.hpj.com/crops/kansas-state-university-scientists-to-help-identify-genes-that-control/article_88daa0cd-8a24-5c9c-8313-8730a4be8df2.htmlŽnext two decades.\n\nKansas State University s work comes on the heels of another large project just completed at the university. Akhunov saidVwheat yield,Wheat CAP,genes,Kansas State University,Triticeae Coordinated Agricultural Project ,U.S. breeding programs,impact wheat production,genetic yield potential,Kansas wheat,programs,project,wheat genome,Akhunov,wheat geneticists and breeders,groups,work, Akhunov,university,genomic resources,production,Food and Agriculture,U.S.,TCAP 07-Jan-2017 06:00AM8One Man s Quest To Reinvent The Wheel  The Flavor WheelВhttp://indianapublicmedia.org/eartheats/mans-quest-reinvent-wheel-flavor-wheel/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+EarthEats+%28Earth+Eats%3A+Main+Feed%29Ž, says Chambers, a sensory and consumer behavior scientist at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan.\n\nFlavor wheels stem from lexicons,Indiana Public MediaBy Sujata Gupta$flavor wheel,popular wine wheel,wheel,Chambers,tree,Chambers ,dog food,Kansas State,coffee,wine, carpet cleaner or dog food,lexicon,Delores Chambers, Chambers,unique flavor, Flavor,Flavor Profile Method,tree diagram,sensory qualities,product,imbibing process,oysters, beef, chocolate, coffee, bread and cigars,food or product,rapid process,UC Davis,Specialty Coffee Association,coffee science manager,out a flavor,Man s Quest,Emma Sage,intangible qualities,Sage s group, Sage,Related categories,main categories,UC Davis  ,chemists,rainbow, s face07-Jan-2017 05:49AM0GPAr40Ž'Yx[uбyбyeA{SЄa €x[ `ybx[ЛŒЦ˜GSВŠ z!q(uhttp://www.hk01.com/%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B/64424/-GPA%E7%88%864-%E7%BE%8E%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E7%94%9F%E7%A7%91%E7%A7%91%E6%94%9EA%E5%8D%BB%E6%86%A4%E8%80%8C%E9%80%80%E5%AD%B8-%E6%80%92%E6%89%B9%E5%AD%B8%E8%B2%BB%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B%E7%84%A1%E7%94%A8ŒŽ W7uuZ>rюhџBilly Wilson џЛSt^eQ€‹*XЉ…Џeо]Ыz'Yx[џKansas State University џ џ(W[R[RNЛS„v,{N Px[g џжN—_0R 0straight A0„vЎN—žb>~ џsS™™/nзO1z„v 0GPAr400`OхNКpжNNš[/f PVNч]„vјfFTP[0|~Œ~в[—zц‚€‹єvTYFirst HonџжN{S™™/n01uЏeо]Ыz,Z>rюh,'Yx[x[ЛŒ,'Yx[uбyбye,straight A,Yeбyјf,A{SЄa,;NюOњ^Щ{х] z,иšI{x[,х] z+^,СyЫz'Yx[,lBlair BrownшR,9hкdŽ WYeВ€,Nx[’_,'Yx[YeВ€\,ЛŒ}Кp,,„/nCQ,ё‚ WBBC,jmЛŒt^g,GPA,BBC0GPAr40Ž'Yx[uбyбyeAFOЄa €x[ `ybx[ЛŒЦ˜GSВŠ z!q(uhttp://www.hk01.com/%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B/64424/-GPA%E7%88%864-%E7%BE%8E%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E7%94%9F%E7%A7%91%E7%A7%91< %E6%94%9EA%E4%BD%86%E6%86%A4%E8%80%8C%E9%80%80%E5%AD%B8-%E6%80%92%E6%89%B9%E5%AD%B8%E8%B2%BB%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B%E7%84%A1%E7%94%A8qЏeо]Ыz,Z>rюh,'Yx[x[ЛŒ,'Yx[uбyбye,straight A,Yeбyјf,;NюOњ^Щ{х] z,иšI{x[,х] z+^,СyЫz'Yx[,lBlair BrownшR,9hкdŽ WYeВ€,Nx[’_,'Yx[YeВ€\,ЛŒ}Кp,,„/nCQ,ё‚ WBBC,jmЛŒt^g,GPA,BBCŽ WZ—дN'Yx[uбyбyjYA{SЄa €x[ `ybx[ЛŒЦ˜GSВŠ z!q(uhttp://www.hk01.com/%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B/64424/%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E9%9D%9A%E4%BB%94%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E7%94%9F%E7%A7%91%E7%A7%91%E5%A5%AAA%E5%8D%BB%E6%86%A4%E8%80%8C%E9%80%80%E5%AD%B8-%E6%80%92%E6%89%B9%E5%AD%B8%E8%B2%BB%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B%E7%84%A1%E7%94%A8ŒŽ W7uuZ>rюhџBilly Wilson џЛSt^eQ€‹*XЉ…Џeо]Ыz'Yx[џKansas State University џ џ(W[R[RNЛS„v,{N Px[g џжN—_0R  straight A „vЎN—žb>~ џsS™™/nзO1z„v 0GPAr400`OхNКpжNNš[/f PVNч]„vјfFTP[0|~Œ~в[—zц‚€‹єvTYFirst HonџжNqЏeо]Ыz,Z>rюh,'Yx[x[ЛŒ,'Yx[uбyбyjY,straight A,Yeбyјf,A{SЄa,;NюOњ^Щ{х] z,иšI{x[,х] z+^,СyЫz'Yx[,lBlair BrownшR,9hкdŽ WYeВ€,Nx[’_,'Yx[YeВ€\,ЛŒ}Кp,,„/nCQ,ё‚ WBBC,jmЛŒt^g,BBC07-Jan-2017 01:23AM9Equestrian Organizations to Take Part in Inaugural ParadeXhttp://stablemanagement.com/article/equestrian-organizations-part-inaugural-parade-54909Stable ManagementBy American Horse CouncilЯAmerican Horse Council,organizations,Inaugural Parade,Washington,Old Guard,Kansas State University,parade,Commanding General,Jurisdiction Mounted Police Drill Team,1st Infantry Commanding General s Mounted Color Guard,individuals and organizations,horse,community events,State Horse Council s Fall meeting,Troopers and horses,MHC President Col. Don Packard,AHC s, Equines,presidents,AHC promotes,Caisson Platoon,national association,CMCG,equine interests,industry07-Jan-2017 12:31AMRFree State Brewing Company founder part of project to raise the bar for local beer\http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2017/jan/07/free-state-brewing-co-founder-part-project-raise-b/Œthroughout the region, including University of Nebraska, Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University. Other organizations involved-By Rochelle Valverde  Lawrence Journal-WorldНGreat Plains,winter malt barley,craft brewers,Free State Brewing,project,agriculture researchers,beer,region,geneticists and field testers,test brews,cold winters,project and brewers,barley varieties,barley,Magerl,United States and Europe,Brewers Association,main researchers,state,grant,Nebraska, Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University,research team,field trials,testing process,agricultural side,Baenziger, Baenziger,University07-Jan-2017 12:05AM:Garden Variety: Hellebores add late winter color to garden\http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2017/jan/07/garden-variety-hellebores-add-late-winter-color-ga/Ѕhellebores,flowers,varieties,plant,Kansas gardens,white flowers,Winter Jewels,single row,garden tidy, The Garden Show,less attractive plants,blooms,collection,Newer varieties,Lenten roses,Jennifer Smith  Lawrence Journal,odd numbers,hybrid varieties,weather conditions,Double,Lawrence Parks and Recreation,blossoms,petals, Cherry Blossom and  Berry Swirl,State Research and Extension,former horticulture extension agent07-Jan-2017 12:02AM5Five IU sexual violence complaints being investigated“http://www.heraldtimesonline.com/news/local/five-iu-sexual-violence-complaints-being-investigated/article_219d75c7-4ccf-5784-b8f5-c57cfc099160.htmlŒU.S. Stanford University, Knox College, Kansas State University, Saint Mary's College of Maryland, Columbia University and the University ofHeraldTimesOnline.com6By Michael Reschke 812-331-4370 | mreschke@heraldt.comDsexual violence,complaint,compliance review,Title IX,Campus,civil rights office,sexual misconduct,information,complaints and reports,Education,university,investigation,Times,Cornell University,department,Office,Information Act request,Compliance review sites,U.S. Stanford University,Kansas State University,institutions,individual case,separate criminal investigation,time Rial,higher education institutions,student,Rial,man Rial,education programs or activities,review,Texas police department,IU spokeswoman Margie Smith,report,Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act,Casares06-Jan-2017 09:29PM@Letter: General Myers and Gov. Brownback should switch positionsthttp://cjonline.com/opinion/letters-editor/2017-01-06/letter-general-myers-and-gov-brownback-should-switch-positions‹has served Kansas and his country with honor and distinction. He and K-State are to be congratulated on his appointment as president. MyersфGeneral Myers and Gov. Brownback,Kansas,Myers,State,Washington,Trump administration,military commander,President,Brownback,Kansas and Brownback,Brownback s term,health care,position,access,Trump,Legislature,unusual circumstances06-Jan-2017 06:30PMLhttp://politicopun.ch/news/flying-on-an-airplane-may-turn-you-into-a-zombie/Œ96 percent of  fume events go unreported.\n\nA 2015 study by Kansas State University claims fumes seep into cabin air about 5.5 times a dayPoliticoPunchхairline cabins,fumes,Flight Attendants,former airline pilots,English pilot,bizarre behavior, fume events,Judith Anderson,flights,Aerotoxic Association,claim 96 percent, zombie, zombie,Flying,advocates,airplane,massive discrepancy06-Jan-2017 06:00PMCareer Briefs: Board of directors of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation named Yatin Patel as co-chief investment officer for the Hilton Foundationhttp://www.indiawest.com/news/business/career-briefs-board-of-directors-of-the-conrad-n-hilton/article_2f704dca-d2e2-11e6-a39d-3fb8c58cb533.htmlŒA. from INSEAD Business School, a master's from Kansas State University and an undergraduate degree from Guindy Engineering College in IndiaIndiaWest.com…Board,chief investment officer,Abhay Gandhi interim CEO,investments,business administration,directors,digital media,India s Mint newspaper,Gizmodo Media Group,< veteran editor Raju Narisetti,Sanjay Kumar CEO,Conrad N. Hilton Foundation,editor,India,Yatin Patel,Royal Dutch Shell Group," Elior Group,foundation," NIN Ventures,Chahal,early stage venture capital firm,M.B.A.,Yale University,Nin Desai,Sun Pharma s North America business,Indiana University,Baylor College,venture capital program,Gandhi,INSEAD Business School,Kansas State University,Narisetti,medicine,Guindy Engineering College," Lakshmikanth Ananth,St. John s Medical College,Ananth06-Jan-2017 05:26PMFriday December 6 Ag NewsChttp://chadmoyer.blogspot.no/2017/01/friday-december-6-ag-news.htmlŠ, University of California, San Diego; Harold Martin, North Carolina A&T; Jack Martin, University of Washington; April Mason, Kansas StateњProgram participants,Pork Leadership Program,West Point,contest,long program,pork industry,research,markets,contributions Tom,farm research program,Public Auction Yards,Nebraska s pork industry,relations program,market leadership position,Wayne State University,CVA Welcomes Tom Palmertree,national leadership,marketing and communication efforts,reigning World Livestock Auctioneer Champion,state,programs and activities,agriculture,Nebraska,Farm Research Network 2017 Annual Results,NDA S ANNUAL POSTER CONTEST,public research universities,Nebraska Extension,CVA s future,research, extension and teaching,third largest export markets,state s ag industry,Pork Board,Nebraska students,Nebraska Department,CVA brand message,Hybrid Planting Applications,NePPA Accepting Applications,season nitrogen application,Nebraska s number one industry,Agriculture Committee,application,Precision Seed and Fertilizer Application,Central Valley Ag,Agriculture and Natural Resources,Palmertree,future,America s dairy sector,transportation industries and workers,Agricultural Trade,agricultural exports,agriculture  ,agricultural trade interests,NMPF s,ASA s president,U.S. agriculture,American agricultural products,Sen. Murkowski s bill,owner s assets,National Cattlemen s Beef Association06-Jan-2017 04:57PMEStraight-A university student drops out, says  you are being scammed shttp://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2017/01/straight-a-university-student-drops-out-says-you-are-being-scammed-2618140.htmlŽ2017 by James Wright\n\nTop performing student Billy Wilson dropped out of Kansas State University after his first semester. His issue was not…tuition fees,students,student Billy Wilson,debt,Wilson,annual fees,former engineering student,Academic journals,present government,poorest students,Conservative majority government,pancreatic cancer,out the massive debt,online journals,wider education system,access,Andraka s life,education,free higher education,point,life or death,Jack Andraka,society,discovery,people,everyone,solutions06-Jan-2017 04:33PMRPostholiday blues: Financial planners share tips to start now for better budgetingšhttp://www.gctelegram.com/news/business/postholiday-blues-financial-planners-share-tips-to-start-now-for/article_90ab0b91-f6b6-5b80-a553-a3e53b124218.htmlˆor stayed in budget, it s time to start preparing for next December, according to financial planning faculty at Kansas State University.Gctelegram.comBy K-State News Service‰better budgeting,Postholiday blues,Financial planners share tips,holiday spending,Kansas State University,financial planning faculty,time06-Jan-2017 04:26PM8Kansas: Cover Your Acres Conference, Oberlin, Jan. 17-18Qhttp://agfax.com/2017/01/06/kansas-cover-your-acres-conference-oberlin-jan-17-18/AgFax(Randall Kowalik, Kansas State UniversityKansas,Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance,State Research and Extension,business,Northwest Kansas Farm Management Association,Northwest Research,Jan. 17,conference,Kansas State University,research assistant professor,Lucas Haag,Certified Crop Advisors,program,Crop Production Services,relationships,everyone s,State,Charlie Griffin,full conference schedule, Haag,Colby,registration,family members,industry and university specialists,Decatur Coop Association,National Sunflower Association,Family Studies and Human Services=Kansas: Ag Technologies Conference, Junction City, Jan. 19-20Vhttp://agfax.com/2017/01/06/kansas-ag-technologies-conference-junction-city-jan-19-20/&Jason Hackett, Kansas State Universitybaerial crop,Farm Trials,present and future,Irrigated Corn,opening session,farm research efforts,overall farm business profitability,Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association,research,Fire Session,State Research and Extension,Soil Amendment,presentations, Big Data Implications,conference,old technologies,Jan. 19,Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference Jan.,State Precision Ag Rapid,Oklahoma State University,reduced rate,Kansas,data,Kansas State University and Shannon Ferrell,KARTA,state,technology workshops,site< registration,annual KARTA business meeting,Agriculture students,registration fees,Ascend06-Jan-2017 04:19PM)Regional Farmers Market workshops plannedƒhttp://www.gctelegram.com/news/business/regional-farmers-market-workshops-planned/article_33cebf84-6262-5a36-ad9a-259b0a614b6d.html—Regional Farmers Market workshops,State Research and Extension,Health and Environment,farmers market vendors and managers,Kansas Department,Agriculture06-Jan-2017 02:10PM4Rain, sleet or snow, cattle still deliver new calvesЁhttp://www.leaderandtimes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=27577:rain-sleet-or-snow-cattle-still-deliver-new-calves&catid=12:local-news&Itemid=40Žgoes into taking care of cattle.\n\nThis means calving, and Wednesday, K-State Extension beef veterinarian A.J. Tarpoff was in Liberal to helpfbirthing process,part,calf,Rain, sleet or snow,snow,step process,chains,real time,southeast Kansas,kind,case,calf jack or straps,new calves,process and technique,presentation,proper time,State Extension beef veterinarian A.J. Tarpoff,Tarpoff,local producers,calving schools,proper technique,cattle,producers or veterinarians,state,issues,north central Kansas06-Jan-2017 02:03PMArk Encounter Exterior WallPhttp://www.architectmagazine.com/technology/detail/ark-encounter-exterior-wall_o€publications. Based in Honolulu, he is a graduate of Kansas State University. Follow him on Twitter or visit timothyschuler.com.Architect MagazineBy Timothy A. SchuleržChristian sect,wood,museum,structure,scale replica,Troyer,Engelmann spruce logs,Ky. based Christian organization Answers,scale dioramas,museum perimeter,exterior wood finish,resistant wood product,wood and render,feet,tall main exhibit hall,amusement park attractions,diameter logs,long ark,ark researcher and exhibit designer,timber,Ark Encounter Exterior Wall,first ark replica,astounding 510 feet,typical museum building,LeRoy Troyer, Troyer,Genesis,ark s dimensions,Accsys Group,nearly 4 feet,structural requirements,wire frame structure,structural connections,cubits,short of the 65 feet,giant timber bents,spruce,Ind.,Accoya planks,ancient Bible manuscripts,Bible06-Jan-2017 02:00PM+The Weekly Drone Publication UAS Digest #69:http://jdasolutions.aero/blog/weekly-drone-publication-69/‹, and mistakes.\n\n’! K-State Polytechnic offers advice for new drone owners  You can find more information about K-State Polytechnic s UAS)JDA Aviation Technology Solutions JournalPosted By: Sandy Murdockйunmanned aircraft systems,check data,shared data,Surpasses Amazon,unmanned aircraft operations,drones,Drone Industry  ,patent document,Powerray Fishing Drone,recreational fishing industry,remotely operated bait drop,commercial drone operations,Aircraft  ,fishes, data differences,’! Drone return policies,Amazon,development,crew,patent,Drone pilot Vincent Delcommene,UAVs/drones,drones and robot arms,tweet Niagara police,Data Overload,National UAS Drone Summit,necessary operational drone contracts,action,public safety,upcoming international drone racing event,term  aircraft,Economic Development,Public Safety drones,Enforcement, Restriction & Threats,police,best drone racers,IDOT testing drones,new drone owners,private drone users,Americans,National Mail Service  ,first national postal service,B.C. enforcement actions,ongoing development,deliveries,Japan s drone sector,Land Seismic Data Acquisition Operations  Advantages,national air space,’! Vuzix Sponsors First Ever Public Drone Race,Congress & Legislative Action,FAA Action & Reaction,/107 operators,Nation,operator,Japanese industrial drone market,Launching Drone Ops,innovation and development,Data X Conference  USA San Francisco,International Drone Expo 2017 Chiba,American National Litigation Claims Conference,’! Iranians Develop Firefighting Drone,Operational Research & Development,Drone Days 2017 Brussels,Drone Experience Nantes,Drone Expo Athens,Drone Fair Vancouver Burnaby,Drone Flight Simulator,Drones Congress Brisbane,leading consumer drone manufacturer,drone law and Part 107 compliance,first urban drone testing site,fully autonomous commercial drone system,anti,Privacy, Safety & Security,IDE International Drone Expo Tokio 2017 Tokio,Drone Show Latin America 2017 Sуo Paulo,Connect Expo  Drone Summit 2017 Melbourne,Drone & Tech Expo Ireland,Drone Educators Conference San Bruno,Drone Pavilion 2017 Las Vegas,Le Salon Du Drone 2017 Paris,’! GDU Revolutionizes Drone Industry,tool Rogers police,giant airship warehouses,Universal Flying Platform Gimbal Line  GDU,’! Rocky River Police Department, Rogers Police Chief Hayes Minor,GRIFF,Tete,airship,multiple public safety agencies,operation and regulation,General Operating Manual,commercial aviation operator,sight flight operations06-Jan-2017 01:33PM710 Biggest Money Problems That Could Kill Your MarriageVhttp://vortexoptimus.com/news/10-Biggest-Money-Problems-That-Could-Kill-Your-Marriage/Œan otherwise good relationship. In fact, a study conducted by Kansas State University found that couples who argue about money have a higherїmoney,biggest money problems,money| iStock.com,bil< ls,otherwise good relationship,money discussions,household money,less money,thing,overspending spouse,household,partners,joint account,gold digger,couple,out money | George Marks/Retrofile/,underearning spouse,Money & Career Cheat Sheet,family members,productive member,financially unfaithful spouse,life insurance agency Haven Life,life s,divorce court,Financial issues,financial support group,personal finance book,group,marriage,whole different issue06-Jan-2017 12:39PM!ITP: KU walks off to beat K-StateDhttps://audioboom.com/posts/5467982-itp-ku-walks-off-to-beat-k-state+Kansas State,Svi Mykhailiuk,Jayhawks,buzzer06-Jan-2017 12:31PM=SowBridge, PorkBridge educational programs return in Februaryshttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/agriculture/sowbridge-porkbridge-educational-programs-return-in-february/ђaccurate information,materials,programs,session,live presentations,Program costs,time,electronic information,respective program,internet access,topic experts,Registration,SowBridge,participants,State Research and Extension,SowBridge and PorkBridge,Kansas State University animal science professor,topics, speakers and registration information,PorkBridge,Joel DeRouchey,collaborating universities,a.m. Central Time, DeRouchey,distance education series,computer,industry,Kansas residents,subscribersQAiming to curb use, new federal rules for antibiotics on the farm leave questionslhttp://www.harvestpublicmedia.org/article/aiming-curb-use-new-federal-rules-antibiotics-farm-leave-questionsHarvest Public Media The MidwestРnew rules,pigs,antibiotics,farm,treatment,drug, Thomas,Disease Control and Prevention,little bit,animal health,resistance,Thomas,barn,rule changes,Veterinary Feed Directive,local feed store,hogs or cattle,human health,farm use and resistance,veterinarian Paul Thomas s approach,feed,people,infectious disease doctor,doctors and politicians,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,whatever s,patient flushing antibiotics,public health officials,medically important antibiotics,bacteria,livestock,overall antibiotic use,people and livestock,young hogs,Kansas State University College,Iowa State University extension veterinarian Chris Rademacher,veterinarian,use standards,intensive animal operations,University06-Jan-2017 12:16PMHJamie Kidd for At Home: Pineapple, other bromeliads can be grown in homeehttp://cjonline.com/home/life/2017-01-06/jamie-kidd-home-pineapple-other-bromeliads-can-be-grown-home‹Kidd is a horticulturist with K-State Research and Extension in Shawnee County.\n\nJamie Kidd is a horticulturist with K-State Research andЙgreat house plants,bromeliads,plant,water,Home , air plants, tank ,flower,root hairs,soil,trees,pineapple,tank,water and nutrition,heavy clay soil,Jamie Kidd,Salamanders and tree frogs,Records show pineapples,Shawnee County,nutrition,spiral arrangement,unique arrangement,Pups,leaves,Jan. 27,noon Jan.,p.m. Jan.,Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library,commercial landscape installers,apple,Landscaping,landscape design and answer homeowners06-Jan-2017 12:04PM;9 Equestrian Organizations to Take Part in Inaugural Parade[http://www.equinechronicle.com/9-equestrian-organizations-to-take-part-in-inaugural-parade/Equine ChroniclePosted by: equineжEquestrian Organizations,Inaugural Parade,Washington,Old Guard,parade,Fort Myer,American Horse Council President Julie Broadway,Fort Riley,Jurisdiction Mounted Police Drill Team,Michigan Horse Council,Kansas State University,1st Infantry Commanding General s Mounted Color Guard,historic event,community events,State Horse Council s Fall meeting,American Horse Soldier,equine,horse,AHC s,Troopers and horses,MHC President Col. Don Packard,Caisson Platoon,Presidents,CMCGWAFFI appoints new government affairs exec, Papa Murphy s appoints interim CEO, and more‰http://www.refrigeratedfrozenfood.com/articles/92145-affi-appoints-new-government-affairs-exec-papa-murphys-appoints-interim-ceo-and-more…and scientific affairs, effective Jan. 3. Lee comes from Kansas State University s (KSU) College of Veterinary Medicine, where she isRefrigerated & Frozen Food vice president,new government affairs exec,board,Lipari Foods,meat industry,scientific affairs,United States,food,director,beef production systems,controller,North American Meat Institute,national meat processing associations,Lee s research,interdisciplinary research,International Dairy Foods Association,legislative affairs,Robert M. Kerr Food,development,beef cattle health and welfare,Promotion and Research Board,food and beverage industry,dairy and beef farmer,American Frozen Food Institute,partnerships and business development,business development manager,regulatory affairs,Oklahoma State University,vice chairman,Performance Food Grou< p,Clover Mountain Foods,Kraft Food and Nielsen,Whole Foods Market,trade, transportation, food safety and immigration,USPOULTRY s controller,/controller roles,association,FDA food compliance issues,industry reports,various industries,economic development plans,essential community development projects,rural development initiatives,food safety and standards development,Food Safety & Regulatory Solutions,Ralph s Packing Co.,BAP s market development team,NGA Research and Education Foundation,experience,ASSOCIATIONS/ORGANIZATIONS,global research,research engineer,GAA s,Pilgrim s,poultry industry,seafood industry,New board members,Texas International Produce Association,global aerospace business director,U.S. Poultry & Egg Association,goods industry experience,United States Cold Storage,Texas,National Grocers Association,Rural Broadband Association,Unibel s investment portfolio,animal science courses,first president,physiology, epidemiology, sociology, statistics and animal welfare,president role,knowledge and experience,Trosin,SCS and Raley s Supermarket,immediate past president,restaurant leadership experience,acquisition integration experience06-Jan-2017 11:31AMDJazz Summit 2010 Grand Finale Concert set for Feb. 27 at Coe Collegedhttp://www.coe.edu/news/112/2311/Jazz-Summit-2010-Grand-Finale-Concert-set-for-Feb-27-at-Coe-CollegeŒhigh school music programs including the University of Minnesota, University of Kansas, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska, and Coe College0jazz pianist,Coe College,jazz festivals,guest artists,Mark Maegdlin,jazz band competition,Music,Jazz Summit Grand Finale Concert,concerts,music education,many prominent jazz musicians,awards,Doug Talley Quartet,Jazz Summit,jazz ensemble,performance awards,Coe and performances,musical talents,Selmer saxophone artist and clinician,awards ceremony,Great Plains Jazz Camp,Coe Music Department,Kansas City Suite,drummer, organist, producer and music educator,Kansas City Jazz and Blues Festival,high school music programs,Martial Solal International Jazz Piano Competition,Kansas Governor,part,Coe Box Office,Johnny Wagner Band,Arts,Trilogy and Boulevard Big Bands,Johnson County Library Pinnacle Award,Kansas State University,Talley,William Paterson College,University,Eastern Illinois University,Notre Dame University06-Jan-2017 11:30AM232nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. CelebrationRhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/06/32nd-annual-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-celebration/Žwill participate.\n\nThe Monday celebration will feature Dr. Cheryl Grice, Kansas State University, speaking on the theme,  It Takes a Villageщannual city,wide Martin Luther King Jr. celebration,Dr. King, Coretta Scott King Courage Award ,Community Call,musical celebration,Junction City,Action,gospel tribute,Dr. Cheryl Grice,St. Mary s Road,ministry,C. L. Hoover Opera House06-Jan-2017 10:38AMcPresidential Politics News: Democratic senators ask Trump not to weaken federal rule on campus rapeПhttp://www.robinspost.com/news/politics-news/presidential-election-campaign-news/437836-presidential-politics-news-democratic-senators-ask-trump-not-to-weaken-federal-rule-on-campus-rape.html‡the university. The Manhattan Mercury reports (http://bit.ly/2hVXMDC ) Jared Gihring of Manhattan is accused of raping two Kansas StateRobinsPost.comwww.FAROO.com News SearchpManhattan man,federal rule,sexual assault cases,campus rape narrative,Current rules,federal lawsuit,Last Rape Culture Summit,campus,rape,Democratic Senators Ask Trump,Presidential Politics News,Manhattan Mercury reportd Jared Gihring,Obama White House,case,Kansas State students,Senate chamber,Trump,earlier guidance documents,first federal guidance,university,Gihring06-Jan-2017 10:26AMJGreen to Lead National University Association s Food, Resources Commissionkhttp://kticradio.com/agricultural/green-to-lead-national-university-associations-food-resources-commission/UNL |’ Chancellor Green,vice president,Green,University,Nebraska system,state university systems,natural resources,research,food,Nebraska s chancellor,public research universities,grant institutions,Public and Land Grant Universities ,university s Harlan Vice Chancellor,Lead National University Association s Food,Food, Environment and Renewable Resources,research, extension and teaching,representative,Georgia State,Ohio State,term ends,agriculture,land,association,commission,APLU board,Lincoln University,George Mason University,Florida International University,Northern Arizona University,healthy populations,APLU member institutions,growing world population06-Jan-2017 10:05AMfhttp://kneb.com/agricultural/green-to-lead-national-university-associations-food-resources-commission/fhttp://krvn.com/agricultural/green-to-lead-national-university-associations-food-resources-commission/06-Jan-2017 10:02AMphttp://1049maxcountry.com/agricultural/green-to-lead-national-university-associations-food-resources-commission/06-Jan-2017 09:58AMCChipotle Customers Haven t Forgotten The Chain s Food Safety Crisisjhttp://lbccvikingnews.com/business/chipotle-customers-havent-forgotten-the-chains-food-safety-crisis/63980‰they re focusing on the basics, Powell, a former Kansas State University food safety professor and the publisher and editor of Barfblog,Long Beach City College VikingЁfood safety,HuffPost/YouGov polls,Chipotle,chain,disappointing sales,polls,Chipotle s food,percent,subpar customer experiences,lagging sales,food, s sales,respondents,company,former Kansas State<  University food safety professor,significant number,Chipotle Mexican Grill,nationally representative opinion polling,food and water,past four quarters,crisis levels,potential survey errors,full year 2016 sales numbers,YouGov s,error,HuffPost, Chipotle chief marketing and development officer Mark Crumpacker, s locations,frequent Chipotle critic Doug Powell,model,sample,Chipotle CEO and founder Steve Ells, Crumpacker,restaurant,HuffPost,random probability sampling,Erbentrautkhttp://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/biggest-money-problems-that-could-kill-your-marriage.html/?a=viewallшmoney,biggest money problems,bills,otherwise good relationship,household money,less money,thing,overspending spouse,partners,joint account,gold digger,money discussions,household,family members,productive member,couple,underearning spouse,person meeting,Money & Career Cheat Sheet,quarterly meetings,financially unfaithful spouse,life insurance agency Haven Life,life s,divorce court,Financial issues,financial support group,personal finance book,group,marriage,whole different issue,need06-Jan-2017 09:42AMStraight A dropout]http://world.einnews.com/article__detail/state/kansas/360799503-straight-a-dropout?vcode=8OKR‹average, the equivalent to straight A's, for his first semester at Kansas State University. He decided that it would also be his last. In aNgrade point average,photograph,Kansas State University,sign,Willson,university06-Jan-2017 09:30AM_http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/chipotle-food-safety-sales-poll_us_586422b4e4b0eb58648801fdThe Huffington PostJoseph ErbentrautЈfood safety,Chipotle,polls,chain,disappointing sales,Chipotle s food,percent,subpar customer experiences,lagging sales,HuffPost/YouGov polls,food, s sales,respondents,company,significant number,nationally representative opinion polling,Chipotle Mexican Grill,food and water,former Kansas State University food safety professor,past four quarters,crisis levels,potential survey errors,full year 2016 sales numbers,YouGov s,error,HuffPost, Chipotle chief marketing and development officer Mark Crumpacker, s locations,frequent Chipotle critic Doug Powell,model,sample,Chipotle CEO and founder Steve Ells, Crumpacker,restaurant,HuffPost,Joseph Erbentraut,random probability sampling06-Jan-2017 09:17AMbLearn to Maximize Your Canola Production and Profitability at Premier Canola Event Set for January\http://www.oklahomafarmreport.com/wire/news/2017/01/00860_EnidCanolaEvent01062017_091645.php‹effort of GPCA, Oklahoma State University’s Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Kansas State University, the USDA Riskoindustry members,Jan. 19 Canola College,canola service or product provider,Oklahoma State University’s Division,training event,Premier Canola Event Set,Great Plains Canola Association,canola industry,crop,advanced production practices,demonstrated concepts,crop insurance agent,Ron Sholar,canola basics,hand,Kansas State University,Canola Learning Laboratory,participants,equipment, products and services,opportunity,conference,technology, risk management and canola economics,Enid,GPCA,” Sholar,USDA Risk Management Agency,” Lofton,Lofton,industry partners,disease and insect management,a.m.,agricultural government agency06-Jan-2017 09:04AMDCareer profile:  Dr. Wheat talks food science, genetic modificationlhttp://www.seattletimes.com/nwshowcase/careers/job-profile-dr-wheat-talks-food-science-genetic-modification/Šprofessor at Michigan State University\nEducation: University of Kansas, bachelor s degree in music; Kansas State University, master s andThe Seattle TimesBy Frank Witsil!global wheat program,food science,baking,foods,cereal,Farmers,Michigan s wheat,Michigan,wheat,Kellogg,safe food source,grains,wheat state,breakfast and snacks,people,: Michigan,Deirdre Ortiz,wheat and flour quality,way people,farmers and growers,bread,wheat expert,food  ,best quality grains,: Many foods,wheat  ,rice or wheat,Kellogg s headquarters,soft white wheat growers, Ortiz,genetic modification something,end people, s day  ,: People,cookies and things,something,world s calories,science,Dr. Carl Hoseney,Kansas State University,company06-Jan-2017 08:56AMVhttp://www.equisearch.com/article/equestrian-organizations-part-inaugural-parade-54908 EquiSearchAmerican Horse Council American Horse Council,organizations,Inaugural Parade,Washington,Old Guard,Michigan Horse Council,Kansas State University,parade,Commanding General,Jurisdiction Mounted Police Drill Team,1st Infantry Commanding General s Mounted Color Guard,individuals and organizations,horse,community events,American Horse Soldier,State Horse Council s Fall meeting,Troopers and horses,MHC President Col. Don Packard,AHC s, Equines,AHC Website,Presidents,AHC promotes,Caisson Platoon,national association,CMCG,equine interests,industry06-Jan-2017 08:12AMGBEECH: Use refrigerator, freezer thermometer to protect food investmentjhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/06/beech-use-refrigerator-freezer-thermometer-to-protect-food-investment/‰, call the Ellis County Extension Office at 785-628-4930 or see the K-State Research and Extension food safety links at www.ksre.ksu.edu/Пtemperature,food,food waste and spoilage,refrigerator food storage,thermometer,< refrigerator,ice crystals,fewer than 20 percent,less than 60 percent,dry ice,bacterial growth,freezer and refrigerator,refrigerator wastes energy dollars,Liquid,hours,safely cold for about 4 hours,investment,coil thermometers,consumers,flavor changes,appliances,Ellis County Extension Agent,unwanted freezing,Family and Consumer Sciences,outage,pointer stem,department06-Jan-2017 07:03AM-US (ND): Precision Ag Summit agenda announcedThttp://www.hortidaily.com/article/31322/US-(ND)-Precision-Ag-Summit-agenda-announcedŠof Increased Financial Vulnerability with Terry Griffin, Dept. of Ag Economics at Kansas State University.\n11:00 a.m. - Cost Saving UsingŸprecision ag,Data Analytics,Farmers Union,Farm Data Management,Dealer Technology & Equipment,Data, Drone & Imagery Track,producer cost,Precision Agriculture,Profitability,farm production,summit,Jan. 17 Agenda,tough economic times farmers,AWG Farms,ag engineer,cost benefit or profitability,Farmers Edge,Decisive Farming,Data & Remote Sensing,RDO Equipment Co.,product manager,data ownership,Cost Saving Strategies,Manage Salinity & Soil Issues,Variable Rate Irrigation,a.m.,tracks,Drones Work,technology,Red River Valley Research Corridor,ARS Soil and Water Management Research,USDA Economic Research Services,Tile Drainage Water,GK Technology,Dakota Precision Ag Center and Paul Backstrom,Ag Tech & Issues Causing Farmers Concern,Registration costs,Ag and Biosystems Engineering,Precision Scouting,Aasheim,Ph.D., Pioneer Agronomy Research Manager and Dr. Joel Ransom,Agriculture,Breakout,concurrent breakout sessions,Digital Agronomy,NDSU Dept.,climate business manager,CHS Dakota Plains Ag,p.m.,NDSU and Nicholas Morrow,Drone Operators & UAS Updates,NDSU Extension machine systems specialist,Digital Evolution,Inc.,Inc. and Kevin Poppel,NDSU Extension agronomist,public and Aasheim06-Jan-2017 06:05AM4The straight A student who dropped out of university/http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-38512064, university study is admittedly necessary, Brown commented.\n\nNot everyone was supportive however, a comment on The Collegian, Kansas Stateloan debt,Image copyright Billy Willson,tuition fees,United States,higher education,BBC Trending,Willson,Blair Brown,tuition fee limit,average cost,Students,university,college,tuition, room and board,cost,Architectural Engineering,undergraduate course,enough work experience06-Jan-2017 06:02AM8http://planetgeniusmagazine.com/news/straight-a-dropout/Žaverage, the equivalent to straight A s, for his first semester at Kansas State University. He decided that it would also be his last.\n\nIn aPlanet Genius loan debt,tuition fees,United States,BBC Trending,higher education,Willson, Brown,tuition fee limit,average cost,Image copyright Getty,college,tuition, room and board,university s sign,cost,Architectural Engineering,university, Years and money,undergraduate course06-Jan-2017 05:16AMQVideo: AGam In Kansas - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Cushing`s Disease Older Horses|http://www.farms.com/commentaries/video-agam-in-kansas-diagnosis-and-treatment-of-cushing-s-disease-older-horses-117460.aspx‰I'm Dr. Chris Blevins at Kansas State University Veterinary Health Center with Horsin Around. Today, we're going to talk about something]Diagnosis And Treatment,Dr. Chris Blevins,Video,older horses,Horsin Around,Today,Kansas,AGam06-Jan-2017 05:11AM?http://military-technologies.net/2017/01/06/straight-a-dropout/Xgrade point average,photograph,university s sign,Kansas State University,Willson,dropout06-Jan-2017 03:24AMDSecrets of the Bible Belt: Trump, Porn & the Making of the New Southhhttp://www.counterpunch.org/2017/01/06/secrets-of-the-bible-belt-trump-porn-the-making-of-the-new-south/but consequential change now playing out.\n\n* * *\n\nA 2009 study from Kansas State University (KSU) found that the Bible Belt had the highest CounterPunch David Rosen‘Bible Belt,South,white voters,half,America,aged men,older men,young men,region,sin ,Proven Men Ministries,America s 784 hate groups, seven deadly sins,South  Mississippi,overweight voters,profit Christian organization,states,Christian,porn,century,online porn consumption,Trump,electoral victory,Kansas State University,Pew Rese‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвд§џџџежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ arch study,Trump s election, s own abilities,devil s bargain,study,PornHub s study,new business,21st century life,3rd largest porn site,website porn traffic,city s,abortion and anti,Southern business interests,amateur porn video production and distribution company,lust,last quarter century,traits, status or abilities,hard anti06-Jan-2017 12:24AMJGreen to lead national university association s food, resources commissionvhttp://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/green-to-lead-national-university-association-s-food-resources-commission/-UNL Newsroom - University of Nebraska LincolnЇGreen,vice president,University,Lincoln Chancellor Ronnie Green,Nebraska system,state university systems,natural resources,Nebraska s chancellor,food,public research universities,grant institutions,Public and Land Grant Universities ,university s Harlan Vice Chancellor,national university association,Food, Environment and Renewable Resources,research, extension and teaching,commission,representative,research,Georgia State,Ohio State,term ends,agriculture,land,Northern Arizona University,association,Lincoln University,APLU,George Mason University,Florida International University,healthy populations,APLU member institutions,councils and commissions,growing world population06-Jan-2017 12:05AM Patricia Pat Schamle 1923 - 2017Dhttp://www2.ljworld.com/obituaries/2017/jan/06/patricia-pat-schamle/‰grew up in Garden City and Ft. Dodge, KS and graduated from Kansas State University in 1945. She worked as a dietitian in Cincinnati, OH,St. John,Evangelist Catholic Church,Garden City and Ft. Dodge,John C. and Josephine M.,founding member,Schamle 1923,Lawrence,Charles E. Schamle,death,grandchildren Josephine Schamle,Richard C. Schamle,Daniel P. Schamle,David J. S< chamle,Lawrence Interdenominational Nutritional Kitchen,Melbourne, FL and Charles Schamle,Kansas State University,Kansas,p.m. Memorials,Castine,Obituaries05-Jan-2017 10:41PM/Manhattan man pleads not guilty in 3 rape casesthttp://www.alvareviewcourier.com/story/2017/01/06/regional/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases/6227.htmlKansas State, claiming the university failed to investigate their reported assaults.\n\nThe U.S. Department of Education also is investigating the universityAlva Review-CourierРManhattan man,rape charges,federal lawsuit,Kansas State students,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,third person,assaults,university,U.S. Department,Kan.,http://bit.ly/2hVXMDC,Gihring05-Jan-2017 09:29PM6Mumps cases hit 10-year high, what parents should knowehttp://www.wibw.com/content/news/Mumps-cases-hit-10-year-high-what-parents-should-know-409850175.htmlŽmumps and nine more suspected, all involving University of Kansas students.\n\nK-State had two cases earlier in 2016 in students who lived offMelissa BrunnerЩMissouri,mumps,college campuses,students,Dr. Schumacher,third dose,Johnson County cases,Kansas health officials,outbreaks,Lawrence Douglas County Health Department,University,person coughs,students and staff,symptoms and transmission,health services,such close contact,symptoms,next person touches,numbers,vaccine,mumps vaccination program,new vaccine,annual influenza vaccine,CDC reserves,CDC points,Disease Control and Prevention reports,handrail,diseases05-Jan-2017 09:20PMVDealer Rater Dot Com www.dealerrater.com Review | ExtraordinaryService While Traveling`http://www.reviewcentre.com/Review-Sites/Dealer-Rater-Dot-Com-www-dealerrater-com-review_5843481‹I was on a tight schedule as my niece was graduating with her Mssters from K-State that afternoon. I was assured they would only need a fewReview CentreЄAug 2016,Dealer Rater Dot Com www.dealerrater.com Review | ExtraordinaryService,customer courtesy,afternoon,Holm,Interstate 70,oil change,Abilene,antifreeze,Abliene05-Jan-2017 08:49PMObituaries  January 05, 2017<http://salinapost.com/2017/01/05/obituaries-january-05-2017/Œ.\n\nHe was a 1951 graduate of Concordia High School. He attended Kansas State University for 1 year. Jay was a US Army Veteran serving fromSamantha Bell,Great Bend High School,Johnson,Floyd D. Bell,home,Ronald Bell,Birzer Funeral Home,Jim and Margie Bell,Paul and Josephine Brown Bell,Concordia,brother, Gary and Bernice Bell,Cloud County Health Center Foundation c,Biomedical Sciences School,sons,Sterling,Kansas,Kansas State University,Sterling American Legion,Floyd,Sterling Community Cemetery,Memorial Contributions,Funeral service,Memorial Graveside Inurnment,Parkinson s Disease and Lewy Body Dementia,Pleasant Hill Cemetery,Hutchinson,United States Army,Buhler05-Jan-2017 08:05PM5Wildcat Connection December 2016 December 2016(clone)Xhttps://www.joomag.com/en/newsstand/wildcat-connection-december-2016/0214546001483146410‹about programs and projects conducted by faculty in Wildcat District, K-State Research and Extension. We have offices in Crawford, Labette,JoomagЙWildcat District,SHICK Counseling,Wildcat Connection,Agents,programs and projects,information,State Research and Extension,needs,Magazine description,Montgomery Counties,clone,residents05-Jan-2017 07:59PMBState that had prohibition the longest now growing barley for beer6http://www.kansas.com/news/local/article124865949.htmlŒwheat breeder at the Kansas State University Agricultural Research Center in Hays; P. Stephen Baenziger, University of Nebraska professor ofBy Beccy Tannerтbarley,beer,protein grain,Nation,Brewers Association,State,Research money,Chuck Magerl,Free State Brewing Co.,founder,quality crop,Kansas,crop breeding and genetics,research geneticist,United States Department,winter malting barley,research progress,Lawrence,liquor, Magerl,Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma,Nebraska professor,different locations,out different varieties,associate professor,varieties,craft brewers,picture possibility,various locations,American Homebrewers Association05-Jan-2017 07:02PM0Course offers parents-to-be nutritional guidancePhttp://www.parsonssun.com/news/article_de83c912-d3ab-11e6-bf10-8327b45c3e5c.html‰in a free course called Healthy You and Baby Too compliments of K-State Research and Extension Wildcat Extension District-Labette County.•pregnant moms,healthy breakfast food,parents,dads,baby food,Booth,healthy dinners, Booth,nutritional guidance,things,expensive baby food,time,dishes,lessons,dish rags and kitchen towels,last time,Baby Too compliments,State Research and Extension Wildcat Extension District,extension nutrition assistant,everything pertaining, Nutrition,free course,new blender,health and nutrition,chance,attendees,family05-Jan-2017 06:29PMSorghum Notes | January 5, 2017Fhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/1C77B4F07B5E6C6D8BA2AB9FB24BD46DC0193FD5ŒJan. 31 2017 K-State Sorghum School, Colby, Kansas\nFeb. 1 2017 K-State Sorghum School, Wichita, Kansas\nFeb. 2 2017 K-State Sorghum School,2Commodity Classic,program payments,reference price,market rally,Trump Mum,Donald Trump,Price Loss Coverage,true price floor,additional market value,national marketing year average price,farmer,landing team,Sorghum,producer planting sorghum,Agriculture,Sorghum Checkoff,Trump transition team,farmers and ranchers,previous CRP payments,certain Conservation Reserve Program contracts,Market News,Jan. 9, 2017,U.S. Department,Jan. 10 Sorghum,education and market development,information,State Sorghum School,sorghum research,president,Deputy U.S. Trade Representative,Louisiana Agriculture Commissioner,Producers,Trump Picks Lighthizer,/Leadership Sorghum,President Ronald Reagan,midnight regulations,individual regulation,Agricultural Outlook Forum,House Passes Legislation,White House veto threat,House,Feb. 2 NSP DC Fly05-Jan-2017 06:01PMGardening tips for January\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_4433836e-d3a3-11e6-b6b0-ab6b8e85e323.htmlKing Holiday  Extension office closed.\n\nJan. 26  K-State Soybean School, Hesston.\n\nFeb 1  K-State Sorghum School, Wichita.\n\nFeb. 8  Rspring flowers,garden,experienced gardeners,essential gardening tools,yards and flower beds," Water fall,State Research and Extension,seed catalogs,trees and shrubs,successful garden,fruit," Order<  fruit trees,heavy snow, Start seeds,unplanted spring bulbs,Kansas Garden Guide," Scatter snow,ice or attempt, Allow ice,Flowers,Calendar,feeders and water supplies,water,State Sorghum School,State Research and Extension Cowley County,lawn,limbs,damage,Jan. 16,Jan. 26,Jan. 5,Jan. 9,Cowley County Conservation District,Jan. 10  Sorghum,Feb. 8,Feb. 9,Martin Luther King Holiday  Extension office05-Jan-2017 06:00PM'Stay Strong, Stay Healthy this new year\http://www.ctnewsonline.com/news/nature_ag/article_336e5996-d3a3-11e6-886b-1bc7e276e76a.html’in another Cowley County community, contact K-State Research and Extension at (620) 221-5450.\n\nK-State Research\n\nand Extension calendar\n\nJanK-State Extension By Beck Reid§Stay Healthy,older adults,strength,session,training activities,State Research and Extension,assessments,physical activity,strength, balance, flexibility and endurance,participants,State Research,Cowley County,Jan. 23,community interest,Jan. 18,exercises05-Jan-2017 05:32PMRKansas Livestock: SowBridge, PorkBridge Educational Programs Scheduled in Februarymhttp://agfax.com/2017/01/05/kansas-livestock-sowbridge-porkbridge-educational-programs-scheduled-in-february/+Angie Stump Denton, Kansas State University!accurate information,programs,session,live presentations,PorkBridge Educational Programs Scheduled,time,electronic information,internet access,topic experts,Registration,State Research and Extension,download audio files,SowBridge,Kansas State University animal science professor,materials,participants,SowBridge and PorkBridge,topics, speakers and registration information,Kansas Livestock,download,collaborating universities,Joel DeRouchey,a.m. Central Time, DeRouchey,Kansas residents,distance education series,computer,PorkBridge,subscribers05-Jan-2017 05:17PM'Farmers worry about a long-term droughtBhttp://ksn.com/2017/01/05/farmers-worry-about-a-long-term-drought/‹into our area, said Mary Knapp, a climatologist at Kansas State University.\n\nFarmers are now being faced with questions to determine howBy Amanda AguilarѓGreat Bend Coop,Farmers,crop conditions,winter wheat conditions,drought pattern,drought,open arms,term possibility,snow,questions,Kansas State University,drought monitor index,Amanda Aguilar,Barton County,Jeff Mauler,climatologist,state,KansasHhttp://www.wibwnewsnow.com/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-3-rape-cases/lawsuit against the university.\n\nThe Manhattan Mercury reports Jared Gihring of Manhattan is accused of raping two Kansas State students inнManhattan man,rape charges,Kansas State students,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,assaults,Associated Press,university,broadcast,fall 2016 semester,Jared Gihring,U.S. Department,federal Title IX rules,Education05-Jan-2017 05:02PM[American Airlines Jet Has Third Fume Incident in 3 Months, 7 Flight Attendants Hospitalized1http://www.knzr.com/syndicated-article/?id=291482Žto their work environment. \n\nAccording to a study conducted at Kansas State University, the average rate of smoke/oil/fumes incidents is 0.2KNZREflight attendants,airline,aircraft,crew members,flight 1886  originating,oil/fumes incidents,Service Difficulty Reports, odor,statement,cabin ,report,cabin odor event,incidents,dirty sock odor,Airbus A330 s arrival,passengers,ORLANDO,fumes,depth inspections, thorough maintenance inspection,A330,hospital,spokesperson,issues1http://www.wjnt.com/syndicated-article/?id=291482WJNT - AM 118005-Jan-2017 04:54PMShttp://www.kctv5.com/story/34194479/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-casesКManhattan,rape charges,Kansas State students,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,university,assaults,fall 2016 semester,Kan.,Gihring,Mercury,U.S. Department,http://bit.ly/2hVXMDC05-Jan-2017 04:48PMThttp://www.koamtv.com/story/34194479/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-casesСManhattan,rape charges,Kansas State students,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,assaults,university,broadcast,fall 2016 semester,Kan.,U.S. Department,Mercury,Associated Press,Education05-Jan-2017 04:31PM<Researchers recommend new feed particle size analysis methoddhttp://www.wattagnet.com/articles/29411-researchers-recommend-new-feed-particle-size-analysis-methodŠNew research by Kansas State University shows commercial laboratories and livestock producers who run their own analyses on grain particleWATTAgNet.comФgrain samples,ground grain,feed digestibility,analysis process,research,Grain Science and Industry, Grain accounts,State s Department,State Swine Lab,sieving time,Kansas State University,commercial labs,State researchers and specialists,result,quality feed manufacturing,agitators and flow agent,sieve agitators,Stark,particle result,smallest particle,n t incorporated sieve agitators,increasingly fine sieves,analysis,Kansas,routine evaluation, Stark05-Jan-2017 04:28PMj 0-Nё‚\gq€‹Аe^€ 0Kit Kat comes through for college student who had his candy stolen GYч]ч]KQ›R›R:cж|œgЋˆwP„v'Yx[u - W›– - ъ1uBf1Xћ–P[1X/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1068816ŽхNu‡6e4X0\n\nAn anonymous thief took a Kit Kat bar from Kansas State University freshman Hunter Jobbins car on Sunday. The thief left a note forъ1uBf1Xћ–P[1XTaiwanKit Kat bars,college student,Kansas State University freshman Hunter Jobbins,Kansas State,United States,ears,note,anonymous thief, 0-Nё‚\gq€‹Аe^€ 0Kit Kat,unfortunate event,candy kleptomaniac,Jobbins,Hershey Company,action,piece, s earsџca(užŠ џџаgКN џ}€^€џаg‹N џ0‹OхSџRumors,anything05-Jan-2017 04:05PM9McFeely: Bresciani opponents will get their way after all_http://www.inforum.com/opinion/4193235-mcfeely-bresciani-opponents-will-get-their-way-after-all< ‹of the University of Idaho and provost and senior vice president at Kansas State.\n\nRobert Frank is the president at the University of NewInforumBy Mike McFeelyOhio University,North Dakota,Dean Bresciani,board,Bresciani,things Hagerott,North Dakota University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott,president,university campus community,end result,NDSU president,senior vice president,Kansas State,much more populous state,previous jobs,vice provost and dean positions,board and others,NDSU,outgoing president,Fargo,research universities,end game,things,Hagerott and Neset,Higher Education Chairwoman Kathleen Neset,finalists,internal candidate,time,provost,better presidential candidates,opportunities05-Jan-2017 04:04PM[Mike Burdge among Oklahoma coaches to endorse mentoring during Coaches' Mentoring ChallengeЊhttp://www.tulsaworld.com/communities/sandsprings/mike-burdge-among-oklahoma-coaches-to-endorse-mentoring-during-coaches/article_b299410f-4f39-56d1-8944-152e73f7669e.html‹and Kansas State University Coach Bill Snyder encouraged fans to become mentors.\n\nOklahoma's effort has been spearheaded by University ofBy Rachel Snyder, staff writerOklahoma coaches,Mentoring Challenge,new mentors,Mike Burdge,states,organizations,Mike Gundy,Boren Mentoring Initiative Director Beverly Woodrome,many mentoring programs,Nebraska Coach Tom Osborne and Kansas State University Coach,Oklahoma Foundation,third year Oklahoma,cross country coach,Bill Snyder,free consulting,program,Rachel Snyder,University,initiative,offer resources,Aug. 105-Jan-2017 03:56PMMichigan Pork Event Is Feb. 16?http://www.farmers-exchange.net/detailPage.aspx?articleID=16487ŒB.S. from Missouri State University and Ph.D. from Kansas State University. Glynn was a faculty member at Michigan State University from MayThe Farmer's Exchange–Michigan Professional Pork Producers Symposium,symposium,Kansas State University,Professional Pork Producers Symposium,new information,new research,afternoon session,government, suppliers, veterinarians, university research and Extension,producers,MSU researchers,finish swine farm,pork chain,state and region,program beginning,Michigan farmers and citizens,finish operation,Ridge View Farm Inc.,independent family farms,pork supply,Pork Industry Sociology and Science,Missouri State University and Ph.D.,hog industry,useful research results,banquet luncheon and awards program,Feb. 16,future,industry representatives," Glynn Tonsor," Don Buhl,Lansing,Buhl,Glynn05-Jan-2017 03:35PM?Veterinary Feed Directive: You have questions? We have answers!Fhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/5733D7143C565B5D7D8BF0013B14137836755C57Œ. Mike Apley, professor of production medicine and clinical pharmacology at Kansas State University, and Dr. Craig Lewis, veterinary medicalˆbeef producers and industry stakeholders,responsible antibiotic use,beef consumers,judicious use,healthy beef,Veterinary Feed Directive,Antibiotic Regulations,Beef Producershandbook,entire beef industry,Beef Quality Assurance,animal health and wellbeing,feed and water,Marketing beef,resources,producers,cattlemen,information and resources,cattle industry,sick cattle,antibiotic technologies,webinars,BQA Antibiotic Stewardship,BQA guidelines,high quality,veterinary medical officer,healthy cattle,Friona Industries,management systems,violative residues,production medicine,animals,Veterinary Consultants,many other best management practices,Office05-Jan-2017 03:28PM_http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/5/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases/05-Jan-2017 03:25PM7GEAPS, K-State Offer Grain Handling Courses in Februaryfhttp://www.powderbulksolids.com/news/GEAPS-K-State-Offer-Grain-Handling-Courses-in-February-01-05-2017‹The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and Kansas State University are offering five online courses on grain handling operationsЄgrain,Grain Facility Supervisors,quality management systems,Management Basics,State Offer Grain Handling Courses,Grain Elevator and Processing Society,historic grain industry,system components,grain operations supervisors and managers,operations,equipment reviews,course,topics and roles supervisors,GEAPS,Canada  Climate,aeration system design and fan,Grain Handling Equipment Management,Canada s climate and population,Kansas State University,dry bulk material flow,Participants,GEAPS and K,State,quality control,physical quality,Property and Casualty Risk Management,basic quality analysis,main duties,materials,essential duties,first formal credential,Credential,business05-Jan-2017 03:24PMRhttp://www.kake.com/story/34194686/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-casesШManhattan man,rape charges,Kansas State students,federal lawsuit,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,assaults,fall 2016 semester,university,Jared Gihring,U.S. Department,federal Title IX rules05-Jan-2017 03:18PMhttp://www.joplinglobe.com/region/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-rape-cases/article_5b92c803-44ab-5faf-a4d3-61dd19a123f2.html05-Jan-2017 02:57PMJManhattan man pleads not guilty in 3 rape cases involving K-State studentsqhttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-05/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-3-rape-cases-involving-k-state-studentsat an apartment complex.\n\nThe two students sued Kansas State, claiming the university failed to investigate their reported assaults.\n\nThe U.иManhattan man,Kansas State students,rape charges,federal lawsuit,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,assaults,fall 2016 semester,university,Gihring,U.S. Department,http://bit.ly/2hVXMDC,federal Title IX rules05-Jan-2017 02:56PM4A CATTLEMEN'S GUIDE TO THE VETERINARY FEED DIRECTIVEFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/FA54004E3B67A00B892AD9DA5D7738CE9748F00Cthis will be a discussion and not an automatic authorization of your current practices.\n\nMichael D Apley, DVM, PhD\n\nKansas State UniversityЪfood animals,feed or water,veterinary feed directive,feed,veterinarian,drug,document,uses,directive authorization,water,antibiotics,medically important antibiotics,final rule,extra label use,requested label changes,directive rule,FDA CVM website,major changes,group,VFD drug or combination,bacterial diseases,animal feed bearing,Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act,first change,prescription,infectious dis< ease,regulations,#209,swine and cattle,cattle05-Jan-2017 02:53PMlhttp://www.seattlepi.com/news/education/article/Manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases-10838013.phpSeattlepi.comohttp://www.mysanantonio.com/news/education/article/Manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases-10838013.phpshttp://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/education/article/Manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases-10838013.phpStamfordAdvocate.comihttp://www.sfgate.com/news/education/article/Manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases-10838013.phpSFGatehhttp://www.chron.com/news/education/article/Manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases-10838013.php3Manhattan man pleads not guilty in three rape cases”http://www.hutchnews.com/news/local_state_news/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-three-rape-cases/article_57e9885c-792c-556c-8249-6ae0a0e6a525.htmllawsuit against the university.\n\nThe Manhattan Mercury reportd Jared Gihring of Manhattan is accused of raping two Kansas State students inзManhattan man,rape charges,Kansas State students,Manhattan Mercury reportd Jared Gihring,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,assaults,university,Send,fall 2016 semester,U.S. Department,federal Title IX rules05-Jan-2017 02:51PM[http://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/state/article_ea062c21-d00d-5db0-b7ce-06effd689ad6.htmlЄManhattan,rape charges,Kansas State students,apartment complex,campus fraternity parties,university,assaults,fall 2016 semester,Kan.,Gihring,Mercury,U.S. Department€http://www.salina.com/news/state/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-rape-cases/article_76b3641d-4c97-5943-babe-606e5ee0922c.html‰http://www.roanoke.com/news/virginia/wire/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-rape-cases/article_4a471739-817e-52dd-b500-f6a8b5306179.html Roanoke.comƒhttp://www.theeagle.com/news/nation/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-rape-cases/article_6bbcd967-10c1-50c5-8849-240cad243bcd.htmlZhttp://www.emporiagazette.com/news/state/article_632bb780-5b21-5b91-8802-3c18a1dd7c4c.html†http://www.newspressnow.com/news/state/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-rape-cases/article_7e492ba1-b9b4-5475-b1fd-f501785aa2be.html05-Jan-2017 02:47PM[http://www.newschannel10.com/story/34194479/manhattan-man-pleads-not-guilty-in-3-rape-cases05-Jan-2017 02:36PM?Nine horse groups to feature in Donald Trump s Inaugural ParadeKhttp://www.horsetalk.co.nz/2017/01/06/horses-donald-trump-inaugural-parade/Horsetalk.co.nzўhorse groups,Michigan Multi,Inaugural Parade,Incoming president Donald Trumps,Old Guard,parade,Michigan Horse Council,Jurisdiction Mounted Police Drill Team,1st Infantry Commanding General s Mounted Color Guard,community events,historic event,integral part,American Horse Soldier,State Horse Council s Fall meeting,Kansas State University,Troopers and horses,equine organisations,MHC President Col. Don Packard,Trump Invitational Grand Prix,Caisson Platoon,AHC President Julie Broadway,Presidents, Equines,CMCG05-Jan-2017 02:27PMMStudy by Kansas State University Economist Examines How WTO Members Cooperatenhttp://kansasagnetwork.com/2017/study-by-kansas-state-university-economist-examines-how-wto-members-cooperate/‰of economics at Kansas State University, and co-authors from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the University oftariff ceilings,nations,tariffs,World Trade Organization agreements,Kansas State University,tariff levels,trade relationships,higher tariffs,WTO pillars,Individual nations,Large developed nations,United Nations Conference,countries,Trade and Development,market power,Silva,U.S.,imports or exports,China, Brazil, India, Mexico and Malaysia,WTO agreements,sophisticated products,Trade wars,foreign cars,unilateral trade policies,international agreements,world stage,North American Free Trade Agreement,American export industries,exports,Kansas State Department,economy,China,unilateral actions,University,highly competitive industries,industry05-Jan-2017 02:02PM4Use refrigerator, freezer thermometer for protectionhttp://www.hdnews.net/lifestyle/community/use-refrigerator-freezer-thermometer-for-protection/article_535b74ca-5a98-5d50-b221-838d4aea55e8.html‹, call the Ellis County Extension Office at (785) 628-4930 or see the K-State Research and Extension food safety links at www.ksre.ksu.edu/temperature,food,food waste and spoilage,refrigerator food storage,thermometer,refrigerator,ice crystals,fewer than 20 percent,less than 60 percent,dry ice,bacterial growth,freezer and refrigerator,nearly 48 hours,refrigerator wastes energy dollars,Liquid,hours,safely cold for approximately four hours,coil thermometers,investment,unfamiliar appliances,consumers,U.S. Department,flavor changes,Ellis County Extension Office,unwanted freezing,family and consumer sciences,discount, department, appliance and grocery stores,outage,pointer stem05-Jan-2017 02:00PM6Equestrian Organizations Take Park In Inaugural Paradexhttp://www.paulickreport.com/horse-care-category/hoof-care-category/equestrian-organizations-take-park-inaugural-parade/PaulickReportьAmerican Horse Council,organizations,Inaugural Parade,Washington,State Horse Council,community events,Old Guard,Kansas State University,Fort Myer,Fort Riley,parade,Mounted Color Guard,Jurisdiction Mounted Police Drill Team,individuals and organizations,horse,1st Infantry Commanding General,historic event,American Horse Soldier,Troopers and horses,MHC President Col. Don Packard, Equines,AHC Website,Presidents,AHC promotes,Caisson Platoon,national association,CMCG,equine interests,industry05-Jan-2017 12:23PM,VanDerVyver named new public health directorVhttp://www.pratttribune.com/news/20170105/vandervyver-named-new-public-health-directorsomeone picked soon.\nVanDerVyver grew up in Hoisington, attended Kansas State University majoring life sciences with an emphasis on biology. PrattTribune Gale Rosepublic health,Pratt County,information,department,computer files,director,VanDerVyver,things,ring binders,Lots,Deb McGraw,nurse,up all night,nights,jobs, PRMC and agency nurse,home,everything,radiology internship,radiology school,deadlines,Barton County Community College,agency05-Jan-2017 12:15PMCZiyak App, Gen X vs Millennial, Being Grounded: SHOWcast 01/04/2017dhttps://audioboom.com/posts/5463714-ziyak-app-gen-x-vs-millennial-being-grounded-showcast-01-04-2017‡. Jen's dad called in after she revealed stuff she did that would have gotten her grounded. More KU-K-State jokes. All in a day's Show!ЊGen X vs Millennial,State jokes,Ziyak App,stuff,credit report,duh duh,Truta,new app,Kansas City,app store and Google Play,Mariah Carey,#TheShowKC,controversy,babies,ching05-Jan-2017 12:08PMRadon3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/14/article/102307/homes were high. This information is provided by Bruce Snead, K-State Research and Extension residential energy specialist.\nSo how does thisУlung cancer,radon,maximum level,test results,Avoid testing,homes,Kansas,soil,testing device,Short term radon detection kits,test kit,such tests,State Research and Extension,Detection,date,Radon Action Awa< reness,high levels,state,many Extension offices,average concentrations,Kansas Department,elevated concentrations,family room,residential real estate contracts,foundation,certified mitigation technicians,Family and Consumer Science Agent,mitigation05-Jan-2017 12:06PM8E. coli project generates new detection, control methodsVhttp://fox42kptm.com/news/local/e-coli-project-generates-new-detection-control-methods FOX 42 News by FOX 42іE. coli,strains,STEC strains,beef,food safety,Food and Agriculture,project,food poisoning,detection methods,new detection,cattle and beef,detection and control,Shiga toxin,Kansas State scientists,scientists and educators,project director Rodney Moxley,cattle hides,meat,National Institute,food recalls,goal,hide,feedlot cattle hides,Nebraska and Kansas State,Nebraska,researchers,outbreak,significant finding,scientists,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,people,serving institutions,bacteria,private industry05-Jan-2017 12:00PMoFour steps to better livestock production: K-State researchers recommend new feed-particle size analysis methodhttp://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/05/four-steps-better-livestock-production-k-state-researchers-recommend-new-feed-particle-size-analysis-method/Œthe better up to a point.\n\nNew research by Kansas State University shows commercial laboratories and livestock producers who run their own<State researchers,grain,new feed,analysis process,livestock feed,State Swine Lab,New research,feed digestibility,Grain Science and Industry, Grain accounts,sieving time,State s Department,Kansas State University,commercial labs,quality feed manufacturing,agitators and flow agent,sieve agitators,Stark,result,particle result,State publication online,smallest particle,coarse grind,fine grind,better livestock production,n t incorporated sieve agitators,increasingly fine sieves,livestock diets,swine, digestibility and efficiency,routine evaluation, Stark,analysis,sample05-Jan-2017 11:31AMbStudy by Kansas State University economist examines how World Trade Organization members cooperate3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/55/article/102303/ђtariffs,tariff ceilings,market power,World Trade Organization,trade,nations,international trade agreements,Trade and Development,WTO pillars,Large developed nations,United Nations Conference,higher tariffs,imports or exports,authors,Kansas State University economist,Silva,world stage,countries,WTO agreements,sophisticated products,U.S.,unilateral trade policies,foreign cars,American export industries,exports,economy,unilateral actions,University,highly competitive industries,Americans,industry05-Jan-2017 11:29AM"Board Leadership Series is plannedGhttp://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/05/board-leadership-series-is-planned/ŠSubmitted by Melanie Bestwick K-State Research and Extension is conducting a series of Board Leadership workshops across the state on Feb.ЁBoard Leadership workshops,State Research and Extension,state,maximum number,rest,views,Designed,content,Sabetha Herald,Melanie Bestwick K,series,Feb. 21, 23, 2805-Jan-2017 11:28AM*Regional Farmers Market Workshops planned3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/61/article/102302/market vendors and managers,Kansas and Farmers Market State,farmers,workshops,markets,State Research and Extension,fresh food source,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,respective workshop date,KDA s Central Registration,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Land,agriculture industry,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Feb. 17,Feb. 4,Registration,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local extension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,consumers,Conference,a.m.05-Jan-2017 11:18AM(Researchers Place $3.4 Million Wheat Bet`http://www.agweb.com/top-producer/article/researchers-place-34-million-wheat-bet-naa-ben-potter/Šinclude the University of California-Davis, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and South Dakota State University. ForЪwheat research, harvest index ,Wheat,actual grain,greater yield,current yield gains,food security, major food crisis,Agronomy assistant professor Md Ali Babar,University,grants,better adaption,Food and Agriculture,tremendous need,significant amount,new wheat varieties,Kansas State University,Babar,growing population,Lincoln and South Dakota State University,USDA s National Institute,several institutions,England and USDA,NIFA Director Sonny Ramaswamy,NIFA_http://www.agweb.com/farmjournal/article/researchers-place-34-million-wheat-bet-naa-ben-potter/Shttp://www.agweb.com/article/researchers-place-34-million-wheat-bet-naa-ben-potter/:By Ben Potter AgWeb.com Social Media and Innovation Editorьwheat research, harvest index ,Wheat,actual grain,greater yield,food security,current yield gains, major food crisis,University,grants,better adaption,Food and Agriculture,tremendous need,significant amount,new wheat varieties,Agronomy assistant professor Md Ali Babar,Kansas State University,Babar,growing population,Lincoln and South Dakota State University,USDA s National Institute,several institutions,England and USDA,NIFA Director Sonny Ramaswamy,NIFA,Ben Potter AgWeb.com Social Media05-Jan-2017 10:36AMEpiphany in the classroom<http://www.manilatimes.net/epiphany-in-the-classroom/305415/them. Only then can we say, one has learned. k-state.edu/tlc/edci943 LearningProcessesPowerPoint.pdf>\n\nBut how do we develop inThe Manila Times OnlineTERESITA TANHUECO-TUMAPON‹learners,Christ Child,learner s story,Christ s revelation,/epiphany>  ,reflective mind,supportive behavior,epiphany,moment,symbolic  moment,great world,little world,habits,project feasibility,Christian world,essay,mind and heart,na< ture,student engagement and learning,sets students,lesson,com/,something,leaf morphology, s actions,morphology occasion,patience and accuracy,God s handiwork,leaves05-Jan-2017 10:26AM*Regional Farmers Market Workshops Planned€http://www.hdnews.net/press_releases/regional-farmers-market-workshops-planned/article_34bdc7eb-eebc-5c43-b629-e8fe295d38a5.html market vendors and managers,Kansas and Farmers Market State,farmers,workshops,markets,State Research and Extension,Workshop topics,fresh food source,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,KDA s Central Registration,consumer food safety specialist,Food Bucks SNAP,Kansas Department,Land,agriculture industry,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Feb. 10,Feb. 4,Registration,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local extension offices,W. 21st N.,W. Innovation Dr.,consumers,Conference,a.m.05-Jan-2017 09:40AMSnow and cold overnight in HaysDhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/05/snow-and-cold-overnight-in-hays/Žstill snowing lightly when the official measurement was taken at the K-State Agricultural Research Center south of town.\n\nThe snow yielded 0ysnow,winter season,ground,Hays,Cold,bone,final official amount,record,official measurement,a.m. Thursday morning,moisture05-Jan-2017 09:32AMXGEAPS and K-State University to Offer Five Grain Handling Operations Courses in February…http://www.grainnet.com/articles/GEAPS_and_K_State_University_to_Offer_Five_Grain_Handling_Operations_Courses_in_February-163911.htmlcourses from the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and Kansas State University in February.\n\nThese online courses run from Feb.KGrain Handling Operations Courses,grain operations supervisors and managers,grain industry,Grain Facility Supervisors,GEAPS 501,Management Basics,Grain Elevator and Processing Society,now open for five grain,Grain Quality Management,global grain economy,grain aeration systems,topics and roles supervisors,course,quality management systems,Canada  Climate,system components,GEAPS/K,Canada s climate and population,dry bulk material flow,Kansas State University,aeration system design and fan,quality control,contact Tom Sedlacek,physical quality,facility operations,State Distance Education Program,participants,contact Katya Morrell or call,registration,Casualty Risk Management,basic quality analysis,main duties,Specialist Credentials,material properties and characteristics,essential duties,materials,first formal credential,business,CGOM05-Jan-2017 09:24AMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/6AEA496A00A9DC7C1F44D8544BE17C77F7B286AE;farmers,workshops,markets,managers,State Research and Extension,fresh food source,Workshop topics,Regional Farmers Market Workshops Planned,marketing tool,Land ofKansas and Farmers,Market events,Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training,Market State Conference,Health and Environment,Kansas Department,Food Bucks SNAP,consumer food safety specialist,Registration,Land,online registration,Agriculture,Kansas businesses,Kansas economy,Feb. 4,KSU Sedgwick County Extension Office,KSU Olathe,local extension offices,W. Innovation Dr.,a.m.,environment05-Jan-2017 09:23AM(TWIST canceled by poor travel conditions‚http://www.salina.com/news/local_briefs/twist-canceled-by-poor-travel-conditions/article_1c009929-e64a-531c-8492-afd2f01710b0.htmlŽWomen in Science and Technology  event scheduled for Thursday at Kansas State University Polytechnic was canceled because of snow.\n\nHeather]TWIST,annual TWIST  Teen Women,KSU Polytechnic director,Science and Technology  event,school closings,high school women,poor driving conditions,event,districts,careers,Salina community,Kansas State University Polytechnic, Reporter Harold Campbell,science, engineering, technology or medicine,communications and marketing,25th anniversary,decision05-Jan-2017 09:05AMNGEAPS and Kansas State University Offer Five Grain Handling Operations Courseslhttp://www.feedandgrain.com/news/geaps-and-kansas-state-university-offer-five-grain-handling-operations-courŠcourses from the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and Kansas State University in February. These online courses run from Feb.grain operations supervisors and managers,Five Grain Handling Operations,grain industry,Grain Facility Supervisors,GEAPS 501,Management Basics,Grain Elevator and Processing Society,Grain Quality Management,global grain economy,system components,course,grain aeration systems,topics and roles supervisors,quality management systems,Canada  Climate,Canada s climate and population,dry bulk material flow,GEAPS and Kansas State University Offer,aeration system design and fan,equipment,quality control,physical quality,facility operations,State Distance Education Program,participants,registration,Casualty Risk Management,GEAPS/K,basic quality analysis,main duties,material < properties and characteristics,essential duties,materials,Specialist Credentials,first formal credential,business,CGOM05-Jan-2017 09:00AM=Balancing optimum dietary crude protein levels tricky in pigs\http://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/05/balancing-optimum-dietary-crude-protein-levels-tricky-pigs/performance.\n\nResearchers: J.A. Soto, M.D. Tokach, S.S. Dritz, J.C. Woodworth, J.M. DeRouchey and R.D. Goodband, Kansas State University.\n\n>Џcrude protein,Excessive crude protein intake,pigs,soybean meal,diet,protein AA,conventional diets,acids,low protein content,experimental diets,dietary treatments,muscle growth,body weight range,correct amino acid ratios,performance,Diet samples,effects,caloric efficiency,significant performance reduction,growth performance and carcass characteristics,average daily feed intake,feed conversion rate,water and feed,Pens,carcass characteristics,desired levels,overall growth performance,linear,HCW feed efficiency and HCW NE,% reduction,contents,seemingly adequate levels,carcass measurements,carcass yield,lysine HCl,ileal digestible lysine,lysine hydrogen chloride,ADG, ADFI and HCW ADG05-Jan-2017 08:58AM5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5738086Ž' market vendors and managers.\n\nThe Kansas Department of Agriculture, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Health andЇRegional Farmers,Kansas Department,regional workshops,State Research and Extension,market vendors,Health and Environment,following news release,Agriculture,Jan. 5,Kan.NStudy by KSU Economist Examines How World Trade Organization Members Cooperate5http://www.targetednews.com/pr_disp.php?pr_id=5738911‡MANHATTAN, Kan., Jan. 5 -- Kansas State University issued the following news release:\n\nTwo lessons taught to kindergarteners apply toнKansas State University economist,KSU Economist Examines,World Trade Organization,trade,lessons,following news release,nations,paper,Jan. 5,nondiscrimination and reciprocity,Kan.,Treat everyone,Cooperation,kindergarteners05-Jan-2017 08:41AMLShawnee County Jail to link inmate database with state and national programsnhttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-05/shawnee-county-jail-link-inmate-database-state-and-national-programs‰company.\nHeard about the  Llamas to Lodging, a Kansas State University Research and Extension workshop on agriculture-based businesses. Luke Ranker8Shawnee County Jail,state,deputy director,corrections,better link jail information,national databases,rural roads,national efforts,county road work,jail,contract,benefits,state benefit agencies,70th street,culvert,N.W. Bailey Road,commission,project bids,complete projects,inmate database,public works director,N.W. 43rd Street,salary and benefits,director Brian Cole,new database system,Kansas State University Research and Extension workshop,commission current county employees,county,N.W.,law enforcement agencies,Approved,salary,department,businesses,communication05-Jan-2017 08:31AM5Feed grains marketing workshop Jan. 25-26 in AmarilloLhttp://www.canyonnews.com/feed-grains-marketing-workshop-jan-25-26-amarillo/‰/management consultant, Frankfort, Kansas; Dr. Daniel O Brien, Kansas State University; and Dr. Joe Outlaw, AgriLife Extension, Texas A&MThe Canyon News Canyon NewsIworkshop Jan.,feed grains workshop,marketing plan,U.S. and world markets,grains,crops,marketing opportunities,feed grain market,Amarillo,Myers Crop Insurance,AgriLife Extension grain marketing specialist,Amosson and Dr. Mark Welch,Plains Land Bank and Capital Farm Credit,M AgriLife Extension Service economist,informed marketing decisions,marketing tools and strategies,cost,private marketing/management consultant,registration fee,AgriLife Extension s  Developing,Amosson,registration brochure,producers,Jan. 23,registration and payment,Dr. Daniel O Brien,Dr. Joe Outlaw,Alan Brugler05-Jan-2017 08:04AM4Stay cool with January's  Experience with Extension Whttp://www.sekvoice.com/news/20170105/stay-cool-with-januarys-experience-with-extensionŒ620-429-3849 to get your child signed up.\n\nKansas State University is committed to making its services, activities and programs accessibleэsnow,exciting facts,fun experiments,Cherokee County K,State Research and Extension staff,crafts,Extension,Kansas State University,hands,contact Christina Holmes, Experience,COLUMBUS,Jan. 11,Jan. 25,activities and programs,p.m.,Country Rd05-Jan-2017 08:00AMEK-State researcher develops soil health research program in SE Kansas‹http://www.hpj.com/ag_news/k-state-researcher-develops-soil-health-research-program-in-se/article_1b4dbf87-5675-5164-acb8-0be85c95e301.html‰A Kansas State University researcher is looking for ways to keep soil and nutrients on farm fields and reduce the amount washing into the0By Sarah Hancock, K-State Research and ExtensionиState researcher,soil and nutrients,soil health research program,water quality,nutrient loading,Kansas,erosion,water supply,soil,prone silt loam soils,extent,crop production,field,topsoil loss,exacerbate soil loss,State associate professor,soil variability,downstream water,up the water,United States,crops,University Small Research Grant,State Office,Sassenrath,work,depth,sediment, Sassenrath,claypan layer,southeast Kansas producers,Sassenrath s project,claypan varies05-Jan-2017 07:06AM:New Rules for Antibiotics On The Farm May Not Reduce UsageЏhttp://indianapublicmedia.org/eartheats/rules-antibiotics-farm-reduce-usage/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+EarthEats+%28Earth+Eats%3A+Main+Feed%29 By Amy MayerВnew rules,pigs,antibiotics,farm,treatment,drug, Thomas,Disease Control and Prevention,little bit,animal health,resistance,Thomas,barn,rule changes,Veterinary Feed Directive,local feed store,hogs or cattle,human health,farm use and resistance,veterinarian Paul Thomas s approach,feed,people,infectious disease doctor,doctors and politicians,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,whatever s,patient flushing antibiotics,public health officials,medically important antibiotics,bacteria,livestock,over< all antibiotic use,people and livestock,young hogs,Kansas State University College,Iowa State University extension veterinarian Chris Rademacher,veterinarian,intensive animal operations,University05-Jan-2017 06:03AM;Grant Boosts K-State's Efforts to Edit Wheat's Genetic CodeEhttp://www.minnesotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017wheat yield,genes,project,wheat,wheat varieties,part,huge wheat genome,researchers,genetic yield potential,funded project,short gene sequence,wheat production,Kansas State University researchers,new gene editing technology,State,research and breeding programs,plant pathology,Kansas State University wheat breeders,crop improvement,technology,wheat DNA,Akhunov,regular breeding pipeline,university,Kansas Wheat Commission,Akhunov and Harold Trick,NIFA,Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station,Food and Agriculture,breeder Liuling Yan,breeder05-Jan-2017 06:02AMHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=11'wheat yield,genes,project,wheat,Kansas State University researchers,wheat varieties,part,huge wheat genome,researchers,genetic yield potential,funded project,short gene sequence,wheat production,new gene editing technology,State,research and breeding programs,plant pathology,crop improvement,technology,Oklahoma State University wheat geneticist,wheat DNA,Akhunov,regular breeding pipeline,Kansas Wheat Commission,Akhunov and Harold Trick,NIFA,Cornell University,Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station,Food and Agriculture,breeder Liuling Yan,breeder05-Jan-2017 06:01AMDhttp://www.missouriagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017@http://www.ohioagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017Chttp://www.indianaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=201705-Jan-2017 06:00AMDhttp://www.kentuckyagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017@http://www.iowaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017Hhttp://www.pennsylvaniaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=201705-Jan-2017 05:59AMDhttp://www.michiganagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017Dhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=201705-Jan-2017 05:58AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=11&yr=2017Ghttp://www.southdakotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=201705-Jan-2017 05:57AMChttp://www.newyorkagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=201705-Jan-2017 05:56AMEhttp://www.wisconsinagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=31&yr=2017#wheat yield,genes,project,wheat,wheat varieties,part,huge wheat genome,researchers,genetic yield potential,funded project,short gene sequence,wheat production,Kansas State University researchers,new gene editing technology,State,research and breeding programs,plant pathology,Kansas State University wheat breeders,crop improvement,technology,wheat DNA,Akhunov,regular breeding pipeline,Kansas Wheat Commission,Akhunov and Harold Trick,NIFA,Cornell University,Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station,Food and Agriculture,breeder Liuling Yan,breeder05-Jan-2017 05:10AM4K-State offers advice for new drone owners in KansasLhttp://www.knssradio.com/pages/22979529.php?contentType=4&contentId=19034116ŠWIBW News spoke with Travis Balthazor, a flight operations manager at K-State Polytechnic who says registering a drone with the FAA is theчnew drone owners,Kansas State,State offers advice,Polytechnic Campus,WIBW News,State Polytechnic,drone,flight operations manager,local airport,Federal Aviation Administration,airport manager or tower,KNSS News,Balthazor,Salina,Kan.05-Jan-2017 04:13AMDWSU coach Gregg Marshall talks about his team's 90-65 win over DrakeThttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/360614432?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3DŒ: Who's No. 1? 3:16 KU coach Bill Self on 90-88 win over K-State 2:32 Svi Mykhailiuk on if he traveled before game winner: 'I don't know' 0:…Pet deer,WSU coach Gregg Marshall talks,game winner,KU coach Bill Self,House Fire,State 2,Drake 4,Kansas lawmaker dabs,Svi Mykhailiuk*Suellentrop and Lutz discuss WSU and DrakeThttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/360614428?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3D‹: Who's No. 1? 3:16 KU coach Bill Self on 90-88 win over K-State 2:32 Svi Mykhailiuk on if he traveled before game winner: 'I don't know' & ЊWichita State,Pet deer,game winner,WSU coach Gregg Marshall talks,KU coach Bill Self,House Fire,State 2,WSU and Drake,Drake 90,Drake 4,Suellentrop and Lutz,Svi Mykhailiuk05-Jan-2017 02:24AM5Lenders Expect Financial Stress to Worsen for Farmers3http://www.dairyagendatoday.com/News.aspx?nid=14617Œthe Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics.\n\nThe 2016 Fall Agricultural Lender Survey by the Kansas State UniversityDairy Agenda Today Farmers,loans,agricultural credit conditions,financial stress,Kansas State University Depart                          ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S U §џџџV W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € ment,interest rates,Agricultural Economics,loans and land values,Fall Agricultural Lender Survey,farm finance sector,farm loans,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,Struggling Farm Economy,survey,landowners and producers,state,time,recent study,Allen Featherstone,Georgia studies,University,values,flow issues05-Jan-2017 02:23AMdKANSAS STATE PROFESSOR BECOMES FIRST WOMAN ELECTED HONORARY MEMBER OF INT'L UNION OF SOIL SCIENTISTS%http://www.agrimarketing.com/s/107599ŠSource: Kansas State University news release\n\nMary Beth Kirkham, professor of agronomy, was elected honorary member of the InternationalUSoil Sciences,International Union,honorary members,Rio de Janeiro,Congress,scientists,KANSAS STATE PROFESSOR BECOMES FIRST WOMAN ELECTED HONORARY MEMBER,council members,professor,countries,next World Congress,National Academy,Elections,National Research Council,place,U.S. National Committee,first American woman,Inter,U.S.,Kirkham,committee05-Jan-2017 12:25AMchttp://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/e-coli-project-generates-new-detection-control-methods/Œ, lost brand reputation and business failures. \n\nResearchers from Kansas State University, Nebraska, the Los Alamos National Laboratory inE. coli,STEC strains,strains,beef,project director Rodney Moxley,food safety,Food and Agriculture,project,new detection,cattle,cattle and beef,Shiga toxin,detection and control,Kansas State scientists,detection methods,scientists and educators,USDA Coordinated Agricultural Project grant,food poisoning,new study,food recalls,goal,Nebraska,USDA s National Institute,Tuskegee University,serving institutions,Nebraska and Kansas State,feedlot cattle hides, Moxley,hide,scientists,outbreak,people,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,bacteria04-Jan-2017 11:35PMdThe Rotten State of Charter Schools in Michigan: A For-Profit Bonanza, Sponsored by the DeVos Familyhhttp://dianeravitch.net/2017/01/05/the-rotten-state-of-charter-schools-in-michigan-a-for-profit-bonanza/board meeting. \n\nDiane Swanson, a professor of management at Kansas State University who specializes in ethics, said she sees  conflicts ofDiane Ravitch's blogBy dianeravitchreligious school,public school,profit companies,schools,Michigan,interest,dollars,Profit Bonanza,state,Billionaire Betsy,school funds,conflict,dealing and conflicts,charter laws,c< harter operator,husband and wife team,state constitution,local school board meeting,Cancilliaris,former Flat Rock schools superintendent,dealings,DeVos Family,Education,boards,Kansas State University, % Helicon Associates,Dino Cancilliari and Witucki companies,site textbook company,authorizers,company,Helicon fees,National Association,family members04-Jan-2017 11:00PMOnions require an early start~http://www.salina.com/sections/home_and_garden/onions-require-an-early-start/article_1ae0f6fc-a2fc-5c4c-b8c8-84ebd1e5b516.htmlŽthem in the garden.\n\n Jason Graves, horticulture Extension agent, K-State Research and Extension Central Kansas District, can be reached at'onions,seed,winter blues,garden,heating mat,early start,jump start,florescent lights,plants,specific onion varieties,horticulture Extension agent,time,ends,State Research and Extension Central Kansas District,cooler location,Kansas,sets or transplants,protected outdoor location,variety,activity04-Jan-2017 10:32PMADMЈRir%„{Qib'Y\uНy€b/ggЁRтV–%http://www.wzaobao.com/p/678xsXL.html‹. Jones received a master sdegree in animal science from Kansas State University and a doctorate from IowaState University. At ADM, he willADr. Daniel B. Jones,Reza  Ray PoureslamiZSыX/fN*Nхb g€b/gЁ{tŒTЇNСT_бSЯ~Œš„vЖ[Нy%„{Qf[NЖ[0Poureslamхb g OgGorgon'Yf[œQNбyf[UxыXf[MO џдk)RіeGent'Yf[„vZSыXf[MO џ Georgia'Yf[„vЖ[Нy%„{Q”^(u„vZSыXTf[MO0ЯPJonesN7h џPoureslami\:NADM„vЖ[НyNЁRаc›O%„{QŒT€b/g/ec,Archer Daniels Midland Company,animal nutrition,doctorate,animal science,poultry teams,swine nutrition and technicalsupport team,ADM s poultry business,poultry nutrition,ADM AnimalNutrition"!,Dr. Jonesand Dr. Poureslami,Poureslami,swinetechnical service manager,University,University ofGeorgia,Kansas State University,Jones,technical management,account management and grain,innovative swine programming04-Jan-2017 10:24PM0QX™e0 2017§VE–uirњWPg™e€b/gN”^(uК‹[W6http://www.3-dao.com.cn/News_shengwujicailiao_1109173/vz@b\n\n§VYпb€ VО[џ\n\nName Company/Organization Xiuzhi Susan Sun Kansas State University џUS Dr. Rina Singh Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO),FUS-N§V GuangdongшuirњWиšRP[Pg™e,uirњWSf[СT,FUNS”^(uлU\,uirSх]€b/g,s^№SSTir,иšRP[Pg™eЇNЯ‘,€b/gxvzb–Pg™e€b/gxvz@b,€b/gлU\,SЌNSх]'Yf[Pg™eбyf[,”^(uК‹[W,ЇNСT”^(u,TbPg™e,§V…QYFUNS,§V…QYLˆN,_бS)R(u,sQ.•€b/g,Аe€b/g,uir(,Аe‹ПR,”^(uлU\,њWZ€Tir,RАeў”ag,xvzлU\,”^(uRАe,OHQЧ‘-uirњWЇNСTЁ‹R,xvzЅbJT,Pg™eбyf[,;S(uPg™e,tS€b/gxvz@b,gАe€b/gz4x,§VE–'`ЇNf[xЄNAms^№S,К‹[WЎ‹˜˜,;m'`BR,OSžRUSMO,€b/gRАe,RАebeuT€пv,FUNSЯ~Œš,§V…QYy˜юvљ[Ѕc,SХˆ†˜пW,gХˆ†˜пW,њW b–ыX -N§Vх] zb–,uirњW+TЯ‘РhKmhЦQ,xvzXT -Nбyb–R—›\uir§€n,ir(lS,^:W:ЈR›R,АePg™eбy€bЮW,ON€b/gО–˜˜,HQл€b/gbœg,xvzb–Pg™e€b/gxvz@b H–,”^(uHh‹O,^:WRg,х]Nuir€b/gxvz@b )n,xvzXT -Nбyb–•%f”^(uSf[,иšRP[Pg™exvz@b _[,OSOuirњWЄ~є~NN,xvz-NУ_;NћN Y,uirњWиšRP[LˆNКNXT,ZSыXяQ[uirЇNN,гYT L€ЁR USMO ›…,,g!kК‹[W,Ž§VœQNш§VЖ[œQN”^(u,gАexvzbœg,АeDnЄ~є~ }Є~є~,ГxЄ~є~,uЄ~є~,Sf[СT,oR@b• nNS'Yf[Sх]ћ|иšRP[04-Jan-2017 10:10PMŽ§VTо]g}Y„vнO•^'Yf[Gl;`2http://www.igo.cn/liuxue/news/20170105216352.shtmlš, Indiana\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 30,949\n\nU_жS‡s: 74%\n\n*X(„Џeо]  *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[ Kansas State University\n\n0WtMOn: Manhattan, Kansas\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 17,245\n\nU_жS‡s: 99%\n\nЏ€TXњWо]  яfЏeє~\'Yf[АeYeВ€ZhejiangG,gбyuКNpe,0WtMOn,yr'Yf[ University,х]'Yf[ Arkansas Tech University,Ц[‰‰дkо]Ыz'Yf[ Mississippi State,нO•^'Yf[,'Yf[Йe,}Y'Yf[,є]lšо],?–ЩbЏe Rо],'Yf[U_жS‡s,'Yf[ш•WR!h University,idПSR!h University,University,є]lš'Yf[/Of№!h:S,yrЩbNS'Yf[ University, Rо]'Yf[#WKQœ,wƒNSо],pS,{‰[Г~'Yf[/O,Ž§VTо],—gЏ€!h:S University,šN)RQh,lšЬ‘pQ'Yf[є]\,'Yџb'Yf[,Џeє~\'Yf[ University,lš(„ј‹^X'Yf[bSє~\,YZ7Y'Yf[lšњ‹?–, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[™™пi,'Yf[ South Dakota State University,(WП~ЈTт‹Ž§V,ЙrжN'Yf[,ZЏeЗ^fо],З_KQ(„Џeо],wƒ!h:S Brigham Young,WЗ_›\о],#WXblšЏe'Yf[,SaSWegГ~'Yf[YeXq\R!h,'Yf[ Texas A,ФOKQЩbwƒlšо],АeU^РN\'Yf[ University,Ž§V‰N'Yf[ Seton,АeЈX‰хTо]Ыz'Yf[ New Mexico,^Ыz'Yf[ђS9N˜›\,бy€b'Yf[ Tennessee Technological University,Ž)RZW'Yf[ American,‰[O T<\šN,нO•^f[!h,Mississippi State,f[b– Gainesville College,Gainesville04-Jan-2017 10:07PM+Missing Facts in R-CALF, Tomi Lahren VideosIhttp://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/04/missing-facts-r-calf-tomi-lahren-videos/ˆthan generating more profit. An economic analysis from Kansas State University and the University of Missouri estimated that 2009 s COOLгAmerican beef producers,beef,meat packers,origin labeling and beef trade,markets,videos, meat cartel,consumers,Cargill and National Beef  , Bullard,highly concentrated marketing systems,increasing market consolidation,cattle, Final Thoughts,COOL meat packers,COOL,global beef market,U.S. beef exports,origin,Mexico and Canada,country,live cattle,middle meats,Bullard,beef cutout value,trade and country,Lahren,prices,finished cattle,World Trade Organization,cost cattle raisers money,Mexico, Lahren,Canada,cost,ready cattle,Mainland U.S.,term 10 year outlook,approximately 1.35 million cattle,Lahren answers,U.S. inspection sticker,U.S. feedlots,producers,U.S.,industry lobbying,Packers & Stockyards Administration,source04-Jan-2017 09:29PMнO•^KN !h(NŽ§V50о]g}Y„vнO•^'Yf[ џ`OхwSTџ&http://www.erhainews.com/n3502341.html˜, Indiana\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 30,949\n\nU_жS‡s: 74%\n\n*X(„Џeо] *X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[ Kansas State University\n\n0WtMOn: Manhattan, Kan< sas\n\n,gбyuКNpe: 17,245\n\nU_жS‡s: 99%\n\nЏ€TXњWо] яfЏeє~\'Yf[ю,gбyuКNpe,0WtMOn,'Yf[University, Rо]  Rо]'Yf[#W,х]'Yf[Arkansas Tech University,бyWЩbYо]Ыz'Yf[ Colorado State,?–ЩbЏe Rо],нO•^'Yf[,'Yf[Йe,}Y'Yf[,'Yf[U_жS‡s,є]lšо] ?–,З^…mФryg,х] z+^,Щ{х] z,'Yx[іN‹N,иš-NBfg,9hкdŽ W?eœ^,ЉRx[ИŒ>k,GPA,ц[›–ВŠ z,АeЎ›КN,YeВ€&N,)P[04-Jan-2017 06:04AM0Midwest Cover Crops Council Website Gets Upgrade@http://www.ohioagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017Œ, Kansas State University; Dean Baas, Michigan State University Extension; Scott Wells, University of Minnesota; Gary Lesoing, University ofcover crops,Missouri producers,Missouri Extension,MCC board,University,interactive cover crop selection tools,Ontario Ministry,South Dakota State University,farmers,Ontario farmer and president,Anne Verhallen,South and Midwest,Innovative Farmers Association,states,funds,funds education and conservation efforts,Ellis,extension publications,extension services,Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,Illinois Extension,Nebraska Extension,natural resources engineer,resources,website,new website design,USDA ARS,USDA NRCS,Andy Lenssen@http://www.ohioagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017 farming,Kansas State University Department,loans,agricultural credit conditions,financial stress,interest rates,Agricultural Economics,loans and land values,Fall Agricultural Lender Survey,farm finance sector,farm loans,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,Struggling Farm Economy,survey,landowners and producers,state,time,recent study,Allen Featherstone,Georgia studies,University,values,flow issues04-Jan-2017 06:03AM@http://www.iowaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Ehttp://www.minnesotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Ghttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=7“Farmers,agricultural credit conditions,loans,Agricultural Economics,Kansas State University Department,interest rates,farm loans,complete 2016 Agricultural Lender Survey,loans and land values,farm finance sector,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,Struggling Farm Economy,survey,state,landowners and producers,Allen Featherstone,recent study,Georgia studies,University,values,flow issues04-Jan-2017 06:02AMDhttp://www.michiganagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017Dhttp://www.michiganagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Dhttp://www.missouriagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017Dhttp://www.missouriagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=201704-Jan-2017 06:01AMChttp://www.indianaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017 Farmers,Kansas State University Department,loans,agricultural credit conditions,financial stress,interest rates,Agricultural Economics,loans and land values,Fall Agricultural Lender Survey,farm finance sector,farm loans,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,Struggling Farm Economy,survey,landowners and producers,state,time ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д ж §џџџз и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ ,recent study,Allen Featherstone,Georgia studies,University,values,flow issuesDhttp://www.kentuckyagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=201704-Jan-2017 06:00AMDhttp://www.kentuckyagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Hhttp://www.pennsylvaniaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Hhttp://www.pennsylvaniaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017>http://kansasagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=201704-Jan-2017 05:59AMChttp://www.newyorkagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017Ghttp://www.southdakotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017Chttp://www.newyorkagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Ghttp://www.southdakotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=201704-Jan-2017 05:58AMDhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017Dhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017Hhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=IL2017&ID=11Missouri producers,Midwest Cover Crop Council,cover crops,Missouri Extension,MCC board,University,Ontario Ministry,South Dakota State University,farmers,Ontario farmer and president,Anne Verhallen,South and Midwest,Innovative Farmers Association,states,funds,funds education and conservation efforts,Ellis,extension publications,extension services,Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,Illinois Extension,Nebraska Extension,natural resources engineer,resources,website,new website design,USDA ARS,USDA NRCS,Andy Lenssen04-Jan-2017 05:56AM?http://www.indianaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=8&yr=2017Bhttp://www.minnesotaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=12&yr=2017Ehttp://www.wisconsinagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=19&yr=2017cover crops,Missouri producers,Midwest Cover Crop Council,Missouri Extension,MCC board,University,Ontario Ministry,South Dakota State University,states,farmers,Ontario farmer and president,Anne Verhallen,South and Midwest,Innovative Farmers Association,funds,funds education and conservation efforts,Ellis,extension publications,extension services,Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,Illinois Extension,Nebraska Extension,natural resources engineer,resources,website,new website design,USDA ARS,USDA NRCS,Andy Lenssen:http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=7&yr=2017“farming,agricultural credit conditions,loans,Agricultural Economics,Kansas State University Department,interest rates,farm loans,complete 2016 Agricultural Lender Survey,loans and land values,farm finance sector,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,Struggling Farm Economy,survey,state,landowners and producers,Allen Featherstone,recent study,Georgia studies,University,values,flow issuesEhttp://www.wisconsinagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=21&yr=2017 Farmers,Kansas State University Department,loans,agricultural credit conditions,financial stress,interest rates,Agricultural Economics,loans and land values,Fall Agricultural Lender Survey,farm finance sector,farm loans,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,Struggling Farm Economy,survey,time,landowners and producers,state,recent study,Allen Featherstone,Georgia studies,University,values,flow issues=http://www.iowaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=11&yr=201704-Jan-2017 05:22AMAPrecision Ag Summit set for Jan. 16-17 in Jamestown, North Dakotachttp://growingwashington.com/news/2017/01/precision-ag-summit-set-jan-16-< 17-jamestown-north-dakota/Œof Increased Financial Vulnerability with Terry Griffin, Dept. of Ag Economics at Kansas State University.\n\n11:00 a.m. - Cost Saving UsingGrowing Washington3AgPR--the news distribution service for agricultureПprecision ag,Farmers Union,Farm Data Management,Dealer Technology & Equipment,producer cost,Data, Drone & Imagery Track,Data Capture and Yield Analysis,Precision Agriculture,Profitability,Variable Rate,AWG Farms,farm production,summit,ARS Soil and Water Management Research,tough economic times farmers,product manager,cost benefit or profitability,Data & Remote Sensing,Farmers Edge,RDO Equipment Co.,Decisive Farming,data ownership,a.m.,Cost Saving Strategies,Manage Salinity & Soil Issues,tracks,Drones Work,ag engineer,Ag Tech & Issues Causing Farmers Concern,technology,Tile Drainage Water,Red River Valley Research Corridor,Dakota Precision Ag Center and Paul Backstrom,Jan. 17 Agenda,USDA Economic Research Services,Ph.D., Pioneer Agronomy Research Manager and Dr. Joel Ransom,GK Technology,Precision Scouting,Breakout,Ag and Biosystems Engineering,Registration costs,climate business manager,Agriculture,NDSU Dept.,Precision Commodity Risk Management,concurrent breakout sessions,Digital Agronomy,Digital Evolution,NDSU and Nicholas Morrow,CHS Dakota Plains Ag,Drone Operators & UAS Updates,NDSU Extension machine systems specialist,Aasheim,Inc. and Kevin Poppel,NDSU Extension agronomist,public and Aasheim04-Jan-2017 04:19AMTNew Year, New Regulation - Why All Producers Should Resolve To Make VFD Work In 2017http://www.farms.com/commentaries/new-year-new-regulation-why-all-producers-should-resolve-to-make-vfd-work-in-2017-117325.aspx‹community still has mixed feelings about this regulation, Kansas State University Veterinary Specialist Dr. Mike Apley tells Radio OklahomaћVeterinary Feed Directive,VFD Work,regulations,Kansas State University Veterinary Specialist Dr. Mike Apley,agricultural industry, Apley,producers,agricultural community,official arrival,Radio Oklahoma Ag Network s Farm Director Ron Hays,consequences04-Jan-2017 03:24AM6Holden to Lead DU's Southern Region : The Outdoor Wire9http://www.theoutdoorwire.com/story/1483517135ye29vs2zu9fˆ.\n\nHolden received bachelor's and master's degrees from Kansas State University in geography with an emphasis on natural resources andThe Outdoor WireSouthern Region,wetlands conservation programs,multiple states,Ducks Unlimited,DU Chief Conservation Officer Paul Schmidt,DU CEO Dale Hall,director,Holden,organization,migration habitats,overseen critical programs,North America,habitat restoration,passion,Distinguished Alumnus award,national 2011 Honor Award,largest nonprofit organization,conservation staff,waterfowl,Jerry,Kansas State University,number,conservation mission,Ducks,Feb. 1,conservation partners,capacities,National Conservation Leadership Institute cohort,operations04-Jan-2017 02:24AM(6TH ANNUAL PRECISION AG SUMMIT ANNOUNCED%http://www.agrimarketing.com/s/107578іprecision ag,Farmers Union,Farm Data Management,Dealer Technology & Equipment,producer cost,Data, Drone & Imagery Track,Data Capture and Yield Analysis,Precision Agriculture,Profitability,Variable Rate,precision agriculture technology,Precision Ag Digital Agronomic,AWG Farms,farm production,summit,ARS Soil and Water Management Research,tough economic times farmers,product manager,data ownership,cost benefit or profitability,Data & Remote Sensing,Farmers Edge,RDO Equipment Co.,Decisive Farming,a.m.,Cost Saving Strategies,Manage Salinity & Soil Issues,ag engineer,tracks,Drones Work,Ag Tech & Issues Causing Farmers Concern,technology,Tile Drainage Water,Red River Valley Research Corridor,Dakota Precision Ag Center and Paul Backstrom,Ph.D., Pioneer Agronomy Research Manager and Dr. Joel Ransom,USDA Economic Research Services,GK Technology,Precision Scouting,Breakout,Ag and Biosystems Engineering,Registration costs,climate business manager,NDSU Dept.,Precision Commodity Risk Management,concurrent breakout sessions,Digital Evolution,CHS Dakota Plains Ag,NDSU and Nicholas Morrow,Drone Operators & UAS Updates,NDSU Extension machine systems specialist,Aasheim,Inc. and Kevin Poppel,NDSU Extension agronomist,Dr. Douglas Darling,Dr. Raj Khosla,public and Aasheim04-Jan-2017 02:21AMehttp://growingpennsylvania.com/news/2017/01/precision-ag-summit-set-jan-16-17-jamestown-north-dakota/Growing Pennsylvaniaчprecision ag,Farmers Union,Farm Data Management,Dealer Technology & Equipment,producer cost,Data, Drone & Imagery Track,Data Capture and Yield Analysis,Profitability,Precision Agriculture,Variable Rate,AWG Farms,farm production,summit,ARS Soil and Water Management Research,tough economic times farmers,product manager,data ownership,cost benefit or profitability,Data & Remote Sensing,Farmers Edge,RDO Equipment Co.,Decisive Farming,a.m.,Cost Saving Strategies,Manage Salinity & Soil Issues,tracks,Drones Work,ag engineer,Ag Tech & Issues Causing Farmers Concern,precision agriculture technologies and applications,technology,Tile Drainage Water,Red River Valley Research Corridor,Dakota Precision Ag Center and Paul Backstrom,Jan. 17 Agenda,USDA Economic Research Services,Ph.D., Pioneer Agronomy Research Manager and Dr. Joel Ransom,GK Technology,Precision Scouting,Breakout,Ag and Biosystems Engineering,Registration costs,climate business manager,NDSU Dept.,Precision Commodity Risk Management,concurrent breakout sessions,Digital Agronomy,Digital Evolution,NDSU and Nicholas Morrow,CHS Dakota Plains Ag,Drone Operators & UAS Updates,NDSU Extension machine systems specialist,Aasheim,Inc. and Kevin Poppel,NDSU Extension agronomist,public and Aasheim04-Jan-2017 02:00AMbhttp://growinglouisiana.com/news/2017/01/precision-ag-summit-set-jan-16-17-jamestown-north-dakota/Growing LouisianaПprecision ag,Farmers Union,Farm Data Management,Dealer Technology & Equipment,Data, Drone & Imagery Track,Data Capture and Yield Analysis,producer cost,Precision Agriculture,Profitability,Variable Rate,AWG Farms,farm production,summit,tough economic times farmers,product manager,data ownership,Data & Remote Sensing,cost benefit or profitability,Farmers Edge,RDO Equipment Co.,Decisive Farming,a.m.,Cost Saving Strategies,Manage Salinity & Soil Issues,ARS Soil and Water Management Research,tracks,Drones Work,ag engineer,Ag Tech & Issues Causing Farmers Concern,technology,Tile Drainage Water,Red River Valley Research Corridor,Dakota Precision Ag Center and Paul Backstrom,Jan. 17 Agenda,USDA Economic Research Services,Ph.D., Pioneer Agronomy Research Manager and Dr. Joel Ransom,GK Technology,Precision Scouting,Breakout,Ag and Biosystems Engineering,Registration costs,climate business manager,NDSU Dept.,Precision Commodity Risk Management,Agriculture,concurrent breakout sessions,Digital Agronomy,Digital Evolution,NDSU and Nicholas Morrow,CHS Dakota Plains Ag,Drone Operators & UAS Updates,NDSU Extension machine systems specialist,Aasheim,Inc. and Kevin Poppel,NDSU Extension agronomist,public and Aasheim04-Jan-2017 01:34AMAMykhailiuk's buzzer beater lifts Jayhawks past K-State, 90-88/http://world.einnews.com/article/360465581/live†Allen Fieldhouse bleachers,game,State,ball,Mykhailiuk,junior Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk,Iurri,Jayhawks,bench,couple,everything,introduction04-Jan-2017 01:31AM"Top of Mind: Sweat the Small StuffPhttp://www.agweb.com/article/top-of-mind-sweat-the-small-stuff-naa-sara-schafer/Žyear.\n\n 2017 will be pivotal, says Allen Featherstone, a Kansas State University ag economist. The reason: Net farm income and overall farmБfarming,production costs,Taylor,Net farm income,Allen Featherstone,farm management specialist,overall farm profitability,Kansas State University ag economist,Featherstone, Taylor and oth< ers,struggling farm economy,current compressed commodity prices,cost,quality versus price,money,up the little things,really good managers,things,sharp managers,opportunities,Sara Schafer Top Producer Editor,penny,strategies,decisions,same analysis]http://www.agweb.com/top-producer/article/top-of-mind-sweat-the-small-stuff-naa-sara-schafer/˜farming,production costs,Taylor,Net farm income,overall farm profitability,Allen Featherstone,farm management specialist,struggling farm economy,Kansas State University ag economist,Featherstone, Taylor and others,current compressed commodity prices,cost,quality versus price,money,up the little things,really good managers,things,sharp managers,opportunities,penny,strategies,decisions,same analysis,Analyze\http://www.agweb.com/farmjournal/article/top-of-mind-sweat-the-small-stuff-naa-sara-schafer/04-Jan-2017 12:40AMWSunflower Thriller: Svi Mykhailiuk s layup at buzzer gives KU walk-off win over K-State4http://automotive.einnews.com/article/360464679/liveAutomotive Industry Today}Allen Fieldhouse,Svi Mykhailiuk s,state clashes,Sunflower Showdown,length,court,buzzer,Mykhailiuk,285th installment,officials04-Jan-2017 12:37AM&KU players talk about win over K-State6http://www.kansascity.com/sports/article124433279.html7KU players,Rich Sugg,Josh Jackson and Landen Lucas talk04-Jan-2017 12:34AMxhttp://www.kwbg.com/news-rss/american-airlines-jet-has-third-fume-incident-in-3-months-7-flight-attendants-hospitalized/ KWBG AM159004-Jan-2017 12:23AM/http://world.einnews.com/article/360500667/live04-Jan-2017 12:08AMghttp://www.galaxynewsflash.com/reportage/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/2469755.html04-Jan-2017 12:07AMdhttp://www.getprimenews.com/newsflash/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/4129987.htmlghttp://www.reportingground.com/newsfocus/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/2014316.html04-Jan-2017 12:03AMehttp://www.catchnewslive.com/newsfocus/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/4635420.htmlehttp://www.worldwidelivenews.com/story/3624916/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html04-Jan-2017 12:02AMehttp://www.digitalnewsmagzine.com/news/3414974/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html04-Jan-2017 12:01AM Tara Burkhart takes over ChamberHhttp://www.dodgeglobe.com/news/20170104/tara-burkhart-takes-over-chamberŒa place that I would be happy at.\n\nBurkhart graduated from Kansas State University in 2010 with a major in journalism and public relationsVincent Marshall/@vince_dcglobe Dodge City,Kansas City,Burkhart,job description,previous jobs,journalism,perfect place,annual Dodge Cit Days event,Pepsi,information,event,things,new president,Dodge City that million dollar name,Kansas State University,Working,Commerce,new addition,Aldi grocery chain04-Jan-2017 12:00AMdhttp://www.newscheckout.com/newsflash/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/2227694.html03-Jan-2017 11:56PMMKansas got away with a blatant travel on its game-winner against Kansas Statehttp://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaabk/kansas-got-away-with-a-blatant-travel-on-its-game-winner-against-kansas-state/ar-BBxS1ZA‰, but Bruce Weber s team certainly played a great game at Allen Fieldhouse. K-State will get another shot at the Jayhawks on Feb. 6, thisRicky O'DonnellƒKansas,great game,coast,Allen Fieldhouse,Bruce Weber s team,Svi Mykhailiuk,shot,State,steps,Jayhawks,time,streak,Feb. 6,buzzer,refs03-Jan-2017 11:40PMbhttp://growingwisconsin.com/news/2017/01/precision-ag-summit-set-jan-16-17-jamestown-north-dakota/Growing Wisconsin03-Jan-2017 11:38PMdhttp://www.primetimereports.com/report/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/205966.html03-Jan-2017 11:34PM`http://www.ourperth.ca/sports-story/7048439-mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-90-88-win-over-k-state/"Dave Skretta, The Associated Press.Kansas,beating layup,Svi Mykhailiuk,coast,ideaghttp://www.breakingnewshub.com/headlines/4221164/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html03-Jan-2017 11:33PMghttp://www.currentreportage.com/bulletin/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/3138516.htmlhhttp://www.universebulletin.com/reportage/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/3079527.htmlUniverse Bulletin03-Jan-2017 11:31PMihttp://www.weeklynewsjournal.com/newsflash/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/2032378.htmlchttp://www.onlinenewsplanet.com/news/3431384/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html03-Jan-2017 11:30PM`http://www.newshubspot.com/update/2753205/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html`http://www.topnewshour.com/report/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/1919645.html03-Jan-2017 11:14PMbhttp://growingminnesota.com/news/2017/01/precision-ag-summit-set-jan-16-17-jamestown-north-dakota/Growing Minnesota03-Jan-2017 11:07PMhhttp://www.currentaffairsmagzine.com/post/3294002/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html03-Jan-2017 11:06PMfhttp://www.digitalnewsexpress.com/story/3664784/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate.html03-Jan-2017 11:03PMghttp://www.digitalnewsbase.com/reportage/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/1909120.html03-Jan-2017 11:01PMŠhttp://www.nonpareilonline.com/sports/wire/mykhailiuk-gives-no-kansas---win-over-k-state/article_33531758-82f7-5f01-a87e-ce4e83154f9d.htmlBy DAVE SKRETTA9Kansas,State,tip layup,Svi Mykhailiuk,finger,length,courtchttp://www.newshotspot.com/newsfocus/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/4222103.htmlahttp://growingillinois.com/news/2017/01/precision-ag-summit-set-jan-16-17-jamestown-north-dakota/Growing Illinois03-Jan-2017 11:00PMfhttp://www.getcurrentnews.com/newsflash/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-9088-win-over-kstate/3036265.html03-Jan-2017 10:48PM4Mykhailiuk Gives No. 3 Kansas 90-88 Win Over K-stateLhttp://www.wopular.com/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-90-88-win-over-k-state-0AP, USA Today: NCAAB9Kansas,USA Today,tip layup,finger,length,court,Mykhailiuk03-Jan-2017 10:31PM}http://www.sbnation.com/college-basketball/2017/1/3/14162750/kansas-buzzer-beater-travel-uncalled-svi-mykhailiuk-kansas-state SB NationеKansas,blatant travel,State pic.twitter.com/SXTDqo4fgB,coast,game,Svi Mykhailiuk, March Madness,final seconds thanks,Allen Fieldhouse,pretty clear travel,Bruce Weber s team,Jayhawks,look,Feb. 6,@Madness2017,brink03-Jan-2017 10:27PMghttp://www.houstonchronicle.com/sports/article/Mykhailiuk-gives-No-3-Kansas-90-88-win-over-10833749.phpDave Skretta, Ap Sports Writer3Kansas,tip layup,Svi Mykhailiuk,length,finger,court03-Jan-2017 10:22PMshttp://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaab/2017/01/03/mykhailiuk-gives-no-3-kansas-90-88-win-over-k-state/96139888/AP 11:22 p.m. EST January 3, 2017 LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP)  Svi Mykhailiuk went the length of the court and threw in a finger-tip layup as the buzzer sounded to give No. 3 Kansas a 90-88 victory over Kansas State on Tuesday night. Josh Jackson matched a career high with 22 points to go with nine rebounds and six ass< ists, and Landen Lucas added 18 points and 12 rebounds, as the Jayhawks (13-1, 2-0 Big 12) pushed their home winning streak to 50 in one of the closest games during that incredible streak. The Wildcats (13-2, 1-1) had the first chance to take the lead in the final seconds, but Dean Wade missed a 3-pointer and the ball bounced out of bounds with 5.6 ticks left on the clock. Kansas struggled to get the ball inbounds, but once it got into Mykhailiuk's hands, he used his long stride to carry him down the court. His buzzer-beating basket gave him 11 points in the game, not to mention kept coach Bill Self from losing to Kansas State for the second time at Allen Fieldhouse. Wade matched a career high with 20 points. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. NEVER MISS OUT Sports Stay in the know and in the zone, 7 days a week, with scores, analysis, and in-depth features and commentary. Privacy NoticeюKansas,court,closest games,high with 22 points,beating basket,ball inbounds,career,points,Allen Fieldhouse,bounds,coach Bill Self,clock,assists,broadcast,Mykhailiuk,Dean Wade,incredible streak,buzzer,rebounds,first chance,Associated Press03-Jan-2017 10:06PM2http://learning.sohu.com/20170104/n477720773.shtmlщ,gбyuКNpe,0WtMOn,'Yf[University,Џeє~\'Yf[University, Rо]  Rо]'Yf[#W,х]'Yf[Arkansas Tech University,бyWЩbYо]Ыz'Yf[ Colorado State,?–ЩbЏe Rо],нO•^'Yf[,'Yf[Йe,}Y'Yf[,'Yf[U_жS‡s,є]lšо] ?–,З^…mФrhttp://www.wopular.com/kansas-edges-k-state-last-second-shot-08Sports News | KansasCity.com &, Kansas City Star: SportsEKansas City Star,state,hero,Kansas Edges K,& Click,beat,driving layup03-Jan-2017 09:22PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/E11FCF42C5064583ED55A053215365710100ED09јblack carbon,clouds,data,Kansas State University,ice crystals,burning,Colorado,fires,NSF fellow chases fires,precipitation and cloud,atmospheric scientist Gregg Schill,states,postdoctoral fellow,Schill,smoke,cylindrical cloud chamber mimics,ice nucleation,climate modelers,Cliff Creek fire,chamber,nucleating particles,research,NSF Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research,up the mobile air quality laboratory,microscopic soot particles flutter,weather and climate,field campaign,field studies,former postdoctoral researcher Kaitlyn Suski,Atmospheric Science Sonia Kreidenweis,critical climate effects,several particle measuring tools,atmosphere,National Science Foundation,Energy Conversion Laboratory,CSU Powerhouse Energy Campus,diesel engine03-Jan-2017 09:08PMqAmerican Airlines Jet Has 3rd Fume Incident in 3 Months, 7 Flight Attendants Transported to Hospital and Releasedjhttps://gma.yahoo.com/american-airlines-jet-3rd-fume-incident-3-months-010503723--abc-news-topstories.htmlto their work environment.\n\nAccording to a study conducted at Kansas State University, the average rate of smoke/oil/fumes incidents is 0.2Yahoo! Good Morning America ERIN DOOLEYГflight attendants,airline,aircraft,crew members,flight 1868,oil/fumes incidents,flight crews and passengers,airport,CWA president Sara Nelson,American Airlines Plane Catches Fire,cabin odor event,Nelson,average rate,hospital,odor,Airbus A330,cabin air quality,health and welfare,cabin,dirty sock odor,elevated respiratory rates,incidents,disabling health effects,passengers,fumes,issue,depth inspections,thorough maintenance inspection03-Jan-2017 08:29PM83 Risiko Pahit Sesaat Pinjam Uang Ke Teman Atau Keluargajhttp://www.news.xcoid.com/read/2017/01/04/3-risiko-pahit-sesaat-pinjam-uang-ke-teman-atau-keluarga-o7dbyw/.com:\n\nUang mengubah kepribadian seseorang\n\nBerdasarkan studi yang dilakukan Kansas State University pada tahun 2013, pertengkaran soal uang News xcoid Indonesia Indonesian03-Jan-2017 08:28PM7American Airlines Jet Has 3rd Fume Incident in 3 MonthsWhttp://abc7ny.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/ABC7 Eyewitness NewsЈflight attendants,airline,aircraft,crew members,flight 1868,oil/fumes incidents,flight crews and passengers,CWA president Sara Nelson,Service Difficulty Reports,cabin odor event,average rate,Nelson,odor,Airbus A330,health and welfare,cabin air quality,cabin,dirty sock odor,elevated respiratory rates,report,incidents,disabling health effects,passengers,hospital,fumes,issue,depth inspections,thorough maintenance inspection03-Jan-2017 08:27PMYhttp://abc7news.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/ ABC7 NewsUhttp://6abc.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/6abc Action NewsVhttp://abc13.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/ ABC13.comUhttp://abc7.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/Abc7.com\http://abc7chicago.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/ABC7Chicago.com03-Jan-2017 08:26PMVhttp://abc11.com/news/american-airlines-jet-has-3rd-fume-incident-in-3-months/1685040/ Abc11.com03-Jan-2017 08:22PM,{AS Nyb§VЖ[CSКNЁ‹RR—t^y˜юvпbeQ КNXTlQ:yFhttp://www.stdaily.com/ruidongyuan/rdy/2017-01/04/content_498909.shtmlœof Sydney\n\n287\nб‘ b\n7u\n1980/11/10\nWSЌNtх]'Yf[\n_lЯ‚\n[Ž§V]*X(„Џeо]Ыz'Yf[ [Ž§V]Kansas State University\n\n288\n_  O\n7u\n1982/02/07\nWSЌN—gN'Yf[\n_lЯ‚\n[Ž§V]1rwƒNSо]Ыz'Yf[ [Ž§V]Iowa State-N§Vбy€bQйО[Yеl<\šN'Yf[,х]'Yf[,9h'Yf[,§VЫz'Yf[,‰S'Yf[,NSлv˜'Yf[,З_о]'Yf[,yr'Yf[,™™/n'Yf[,NЌN'Yf[,ШT[O'Yf[,хT&OдkšN'Yf[,\gKQ'Yf[,Н~І~'Yf[,QReh'Yf[,Y&OY'Yf[,[r%m'Yf[,y'Yf[,(ƒ'Yf[,хe…Qцt'Yf[,)RyQ'Yf[, Rо]'Yf[чeб‘q\R!h,ЏeXb'Yf[,6€œ'Yf[,ќf{_Џeyr'Yf[,ЙrжN'Yf[,#W›s=N'Yf[,wmЗ_!X'Yf[, Rо]'Yf[/OKQ)R,—nfб‘Џe'Yf[,lšЬ‘pQ'Yf[^KQR!h,Џe§VЖ[ž[ŒšЄ[,§VЖ[бyf[xvz-NУ_,‚ RхT'Yf[,-N§VѓwЙl'Yf[,Гo'Y)RšN,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Yf[,O&O!'Yf[,WS‰[nf˜'Yf[,nf—gЏe˜'Yf[,тl\Y'Yf[,†™'Yf[,њW…h†–'Yf[,Іž T\'Yf[,ЏeKQ)RnfЏe, Rо]'Yf[#W­‚­‚,З_о]'Yf[‰WS;Sf[-NУ_,З_о]'Yf[eYЏe@l,http://wadk.com/business-news/dbb62060aa6eb9f62de6e83f3590f7ad1540 WADK Newport03-Jan-2017 06:07PMFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/F005304BE6C31C81F0B8FB30C38A39FC92E6C8EF™morel mushroom identification session,session,Central Kansas Market Grower & Vendor Workshop,State Research and Extension,entire workshop,wild morel mushrooms,Kansas,Kaw Valley Mycological Society,session and/,entire workshop visit www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/,Street N.,necessary approval,a.m.,Feb. 4, 2017,Agriculture,state,morel identifiers,approved mushroom identifier,KSU/MU extension food safety specialist03-Jan-2017 05:51PMIStudy finds barriers limit black households access to financial servicesFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/AD00253EF7A58F3C65F777E3EEA343949B78EA35Œthe Journal of Financial Planning.\n\nThe paper was co-authored by Stuart J. Heckman of Kansas State University, and it is available online.еblack households,net worth,financial planning services,Asian households,significantly fewer financial assets,large gaps,barriers,white households,income,Georgia researcher,White,same level,traditional fee structure,whites and Asians,usage rates,assets,hourly rates,ethnic groups,entry,model,paper,financial risk,Consumer Finances,Family and Consumer Sciences,housing and consumer economics,up the services,University,value,financial institutions,Kansas State University03-Jan-2017 05:46PM"Three things to know about K-StateRhttp://www.kansascity.com/sports/college/big-12/kansas-state/article124365914.html4Allen Fieldhouse,Jeff Patterson,things,record,Kansas03-Jan-2017 05:00PMMKansan of the Year: Topeka s Jayne Houdyshell takes the long path to Broadway‰http://www.hutchnews.com/the_bee/kansan-of-the-year-topeka-s-jayne-houdyshell-takes-the/article_bf362288-9e50-555a-9f9c-2a0601b84e42.htmlŒ1971 from Topeka High, she tried a year at Kansas State Teacher s College, now Emporia State University, but wound up earning all A s in her.By Bill Blankenship The Topeka Capital-JournalKTony Award,New York,play,roles,career,Stephen Karam s play,turkey,stage eight times,Houdyshell,new phase,things,Broadway,Topeka s Jayne Houdyshell,Topeka,latter role,Thanksgiving,play and Houdyshell,Humans,autobiographical play  ,stage,Topeka High School,long career path,Dierdre Blake,old actress,Nora s daughter,New York producers and directors,Erik s mother,regional theater,theater s war horses,aging chorine Hattie Walker,wonderful thing, s Nurse,featured actress,Lisa Kron s,Kansas State Teacher s College,new works,Doll s House,Henrik Ibsen s  ,Stephen Sondheim s  Follies,country03-Jan-2017 04:41PM"Catherine Rose (Billinger) MillardEhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/03/catherine-rose-billinger-millard/ŠCathy was a graduate of Trego Community High School and attended Kansas State University. Cathy was joined in marriage to Jerry Millard on™children,Alvin and Marie Billinger,son Jeremy and daughter Megan,Billinger,death,husband,Cathy,sisters Judy Bollig & husband Eddie,WaKeeney,Jerry Millard,mother, grandma, daughter and sister,grandmother Mary and grandfather August Moos,gardens and barn,flowers,farm,grandmother Francis & grandfather Pete Billinger,Kansas State University,Kansas,Catherine Rose,Western Kansas World,Jerry,share memories,family03-Jan-2017 04:25PMUBudget cuts are taking the heaviest toll on colleges that serve the neediest studentsqhttp://hechingerreport.org/budget-cuts-are-taking-the-heaviest-toll-on-colleges-that-serve-the-neediest-students/The Hechinger Reportby Jon Marcusžblack students,budget cuts,Chicago State University,income,students,percent,higher education,international students,states,community colleges,colleges and universities,students and families,premium tuition price,state budget impasse,University,Budget and Policy Priorities,ongoing budget crisis,student funding,affluent students,tuition increases,Research,flagship schools,flagships,poor students,institutions,public flagships,state relations and policy analysis,higher tuition rates,City University,regional universities,recession,Education figures,urban education,public high schools,conduct research,Pennsylvania s Graduate School,remedial education,grade 12 schools,graduation rates,Kansas s Pittsburg State University,public finance economics,educational leadership,Illinois beginning,research grants,regional public institution,[education attainment] gaps,Enrollment,Brier,Illinois s principal Champaign,Penn institute s03-Jan-2017 03:43PMWestar increases use of dronesuhttp://chinadaily.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/showarticle.aspx?article=60fd30a0-f820-4a88-b1f9-80786e4f9431&viewmode=2Œsaving money, company officials said. Westar and Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systems program andChina Daily Hong Kong Editionњinspecting equipment,Polytechnic Campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,Westar increases use,drone flight facilities,money,nation,Journal,Westar and Kansas State University s,drones,company officials,safety and efficiency,emergencies,Topeka Capital03-Jan-2017 03:33PM_GEAPS and Kansas State University Offer Five Grain Handling Operations Courses in February 2017Fhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/291FCE251A9E669617E7E3CB6C4C69CD26139035№Grain Operations Management,grain aeration systems,Grain Facility Supervisors,GEAPS 501,Grain Elevator and Processing Society,Five Grain Handling Operations Courses,industry,system components,Grain Quality Management,Management Basics,global grain economy,topics and roles supervisors,course,contact GEAPS,Canada,quality management systems,GEAPS,GEAPS and Kansas State University Offer,dry bulk material flow,volume discount program,GEAPS members,equipment,State Distance Education Program,professional development programs,aeration system design and fan,equipment, services and technology solutions providers,individual member< s,quality control,facility operations,physical quality,GEAPS website,industry operations,participants,registration,Casualty Risk Management,basic quality analysis,storage and processing operations needs,GEAPS/K,industry professionals,material properties and characteristics,Specialist Credentials,agricultural storage environments,materials,first formal credential,storage,business03-Jan-2017 03:24PM.Former KSU student enters plea to rape chargesPhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/03/former-ksu-student-enters-plea-to-rape-charges/‰MANHATTAN  A former Kansas State University student facing multiple sex charges entered pleas on Tuesday in Riley County District Court.<Riley County District Court,alleged rape,court documents,victim,former Kansas State University student,counts,criminal sodomy charge,Kansas State University,consent,motions hearing,campus,multiple sex charges,students,State,third charge,Jared Gihring,nonconsensual sexual intercourse,alleged Gihring,pleas,university03-Jan-2017 03:02PMShttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/03/former-ksu-student-enters-plea-to-rape-charges/Phttp://salinapost.com/2017/01/03/former-ksu-student-enters-plea-to-rape-charges/03-Jan-2017 02:56PMObituaries  January 3, 2017;http://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/03/obituaries-january-3-2017/ Manhattan,New Horizons RV,Kansas State Athletics and University Christian Church,active member,former member,Phil Brokenicky,banking,Londeen Funeral Home,Memorial Hospital Board,Junction City,care,Brokenicky s honor,Meloan,Yorgensen,Memorials,celebration,Poyntz Avenue03-Jan-2017 02:54PM0New Horizons RV Owner Phil Brokenicky Dies at 67Rhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/03/new-horizons-rv-owner-phil-brokenicky-dead-at-67/Phil Brokenicky,Manhattan,New Horizons RV,owner,Kansas State Athletics and University Christian Church,active member,former member,banking,Londeen Funeral Home,Memorial Hospital Board,Junction City,Brokenicky s honor,Meloan,Yorgensen,Memorials,Poyntz Avenue03-Jan-2017 02:32PM6Board Leadership Series planned for February and MarchДhttp://www.atchisonglobenow.com/community_and_lifestyles/good_news_atchison/board-leadership-series-planned-for-february-and-march/article_c9f68759-3511-5d0c-bb45-b1348da1562b.html‰of life for Kansans. K-State Research and Extension is the short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station andAtchison Globeьboard members,committed board members,State Research and Extension,board,series,state, Informed,Participants,session,basics,Board Leadership Series,United Way agency board,rural water board,Conflict Management,Extension District Office,extension community development specialist,local Extension professionals,Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station,District,workshop,Cooperative Extension Service,research,community,experiment fields,offices,registration,Љ 2017 Atchison Globe03-Jan-2017 02:25PMtTreatment Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs & Cats: International Renal Interest Society Recommendations“http://todaysveterinarypractice.navc.com/treatment-guidelines-chronic-kidney-disease-dogs-catsinternational-renal-interest-society-recommendations/ŽGregory F. Grauer, DVM, MS, DACVIM\nKansas State University\n\nChronic kidney disease (CKD) affects an estimated 1% to 3% of all cats and 0.5%Today's Veterinary PracticeChronic CKD,Stage 1,chronic kidney disease,dogs and cats,Renoprotective treatments,antiproteinuric treatments,Stage 2 CKD,patient s stage,feline CKD,cats,dogs,Chronic use,treatment,patients,renal disease,acute kidney injury,serum creatinine concentrations,serum phosphorus concentrations,symptomatic treatment,kidney imaging,STAGING CANINE & FELINE,complicating diseases,systolic blood pressure,initial ACE inhibitor treatment,classification and treatment,Serum,kidney damage,renal function,Table 3,proteinuria,DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH AFTER STAGING,kidney tissue architecture,concentrations,kidney function biomarkers,Systemic hypertension,oral treatment,major treatment goal,chronic renal failure,renal dietary therapy,Stage 1, 2,especially late Stage,renal lymphosarcoma,International Renal Interest Society,renin angiotensin aldosterone system,early Stage 4 CKD patients,Veterinary Internal Medicine,Symptomatic patient therapy,Table 4,Table 1,Table 2,Table 7,renal insufficiency,IRIS,primary treatment strategy,disease stability,Assess CKD stability or progression,patient clinical signs,azotemia,European Societies,Table 5,aldosterone system,urinary system,Urine protein/creatinine ratios,Table 8,borderline hypertension and proteinuria,diagnosis,IRIS and American Society,J Vet Intern Med,creatinine03-Jan-2017 02:24PMshttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/03/postholiday-blues-financial-planners-share-tips-to-start-now-for-better-budgeting/‹for next December, according to financial planning faculty at Kansas State University.\n\n We ve just finished all our holiday spending, soПfinancial planners,holidays,budget,financially merrier holidays,Archuleta and Britt,Personal Financial Planning,person,gifts,holiday purchases,Kristy Archuleta,out a budget,holiday funds,up the plan,Britt,gift drawing,spending limit,plan,money,people,white elephant gift exchange,online savings accounts,savings,multiple < bank accounts, Archuleta,different bank,time,extended family, Families,research shows people,conversation,everyone,activities03-Jan-2017 01:30PM9Sticking to your resolution to eat healthier, lose weightIhttp://www.wibwnewsnow.com/sticking-resolution-eat-healthier-lose-weight/to eat better and lose a few pounds in the coming year.\n\nK-State Research and Extension nutrition specialist Sandy Procter says the average,French fries,calorie foods,healthy foods,Procter,realistic goals,unrealistic goals,control,common New Year s resolutions,gain,difference,order,something,resolutions,care,  Procter,portion size and calories,things,feeling,State Research and Extension nutrition specialist Sandy,decision,grocery store03-Jan-2017 01:11PMTNew Year, New Regulation - Why All Producers Should Resolve to Make VFD Work in 2017[http://oklahomafarmreport.com/wire/news/2017/01/00743_BeefBuzzVFDReality01032017_130630.php7Radio Oklahoma Ag Network’s Farm Director Ron Hays,VFD work,Kansas State University Veterinary Specialist Dr. Mike Apley,Veterinary Feed Directive,regulations,today’s Beef Buzz,radio stations,importance,agricultural industry,” Apley contests,Click,today,producers,Dr. Apley’s position,regular audio feature,Hays03-Jan-2017 12:34PM(Westar increases use of drones in KansasEhttp://emirates-business.ae/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/saving money, company officials said.\nWestar and Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systems program andEmirates BusinessAdminЬunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,drones,airspace restrictions,sight,Remote Pilot,information,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Westar and Kansas State University s,fewer employees,Westar increases use,Klenklen,Westar s,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher, Klenklen,boilers,Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,employees and contractors,Wichita and Topeka,outages,potential issues,somebody drive,somebody walk,landowners03-Jan-2017 12:32PM7Beer Brewers Push for New Great Plains Barley Cultivarsdhttp://www.agweb.com/article/beer-brewers-push-for-new-great-plains-barley-cultivars-naa-ben-potter/ŠUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Panhandle (Neb.) Research and Extension Center, Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University.Ѓcraft beer,Malting barley,Beer Brewers Push,overall beer sales,grain crop,AMBA research,research funding,New Great Plains Barley Cultivars,regional barley breeders,region,research progress,Past barley research efforts,grants,Great Plains region,barley adapts, Barley,effort,quality barley,group,Brewers Association,Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University,national brewers,GM variety development,Universityphttp://www.agweb.com/farmjournal/article/beer-brewers-push-for-new-great-plains-barley-cultivars-naa-ben-potter/Ѓcraft beer,Malting barley,Beer Brewers Push,overall beer sales,grain crop                          ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W §џџџX Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € ,AMBA research,research funding,New Great Plains Barley Cultivars,Past barley research efforts,regional barley breeders,research progress,grants,Great Plains region,region,barley adapts, Barley,effort,quality barley,group,Brewers Association,Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University,national brewers,GM variety development,Universityqhttp://www.agweb.com/top-producer/article/beer-brewers-push-for-new-great-plains-barley-cultivars-naa-ben-potter/03-Jan-2017 12:29PM(Research project focuses on hybrid wheatHhttps://brownfieldagnews.com/news/research-project-focuses-hybrid-wheat/Šgrant from the USDA. Researchers from Texas A&M, Kansas State University and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center are alsokanderson@brownfieldnetwork.com$yield,researchers,Nebraska research team,hybrid wheat,UNL wheat researcher Steve Baenziger,annual yield increases,1970s and 80s,staple food crop,future food needs,percent,world market,development,demand,AUDIO,growing world population,Baenziger,time,University,Kansas State University,advancesZNationwide, state budget cuts disproportionately hit low-income, minority college studentsjhttp://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/divided-learn-state-budgets-cuts-hit-poorer-minority-college-students/ PBS NewsHour Jon Marcus, The Hechinger ReportWcommunity colleges,budget cuts,Chicago State University,income,students,percent,higher education,cuts,international students,nonwhite students,states,colleges and universities,students and families,policy analysis,University,Budget and Policy Priorities,ongoing budget crisis,student funding,Urbana campus,flagships,affluent students,poor students,institutions,America s college campuses,regional campuses pneumonia,public flagships,education,City University,regional universities,flagship schools,recession,urban education,remedial education,graduation rates,Kansas s Pittsburg State University,public finance economics,educational leadership,Illinois beginning,Illinois s principal Champaign,regional public institution,Pennsylvania s Graduate School, Stephen Brier,income and race,Penn institute s,[education attainment] gaps,Enrollment,Brier,Policies03-Jan-2017 12:19PMBGirhing pleads  not guilty to charges of rape, sodomy of studentsjhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/03/girhing-pleads-not-guilty-to-charges-of-rape-sodomy-of-students/”.\n\nRelated:\n\nFormer K-State student joins in Title IX lawsuits filed against university\n\n< Read Now\n\nGihring was a student at K-State when theShelton Burch№rape,felonies Tuesday morning,State student,Title IX lawsuits,Riley County District Court,civil lawsuits,District Judge Grant Bannister,dates,Motions,criminal sodomy,charges,reading,count,case,Gihring,Bannister,formal arraignment,university03-Jan-2017 11:49AMBFormer K-State student pleads not guilty to sexual assault chargesrhttp://www.wibw.com/content/news/Former-K-State-student-pleads-not-guilty-to-sexual-assault-charges-409543355.html‰, Tessa Farmer, have filed against Kansas State University.\n\nIn it, they allege the university refused to investigate the alleged rapesKenia Mills; Nick Viviani“alleged rapes,State student,Manhattan campus,first rape count,counts,third charge,court documents,reported victims,sexual assault cases,Tessa Farmer,Title IX lawsuit,Weckhorst and Farmer,court filings,cases,NEWS,Kansas State University,lawsuit,multiple sex charges,criminal sodomy charge,Jared Gihring,nonconsensual sexual intercourse,time,university,Sara Weckhorst,Wechhorst and Stroup,incidents,Stroup03-Jan-2017 11:46AM%Kansas beats K-State on buzzer beater\http://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/kansas-beats-kstate-on-buzzer-beater-27832223KState,length,upset hopes,Manhattan Mercury News,Kansas State s,court,Kansas03-Jan-2017 11:38AM~Using Web 2.0 applications to promote health-related physical activity: findings from the WALK 2.0 randomised controlled trialJhttp://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2017/01/03/bjsports-2016-096890.abstractˆand Health, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA\n3School of Human Health and Social Sciences, Central Queensland University,,British Journal of Sports Medicine - Bmj.comиGregory S Kolt1, Richard R Rosenkranz2, Corneel Vandelanotte3, Cristina M Caperchione4, Anthony J Maeder5, Rhys Tague6, Trevor N Savage1, Anetta Van Itallie3, W Kerry Mummery7, Christopher Oldmeadow8, Mitch J Duncan9БWeb 2.0 group,Science and Health,New South Wales,physical activity,Western Sydney University,Web 1.0 group,Logbook group,Health Science,Australia,trial,Sydney,Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health,University,data management,data set,trial and MJD,Trial registration number ACTRN12611000157976,Central Queensland University,Results Treatment groups,Data,WALK 2.0 trial,Kansas State University,8Hunter Medical Research Institute,Priority Research Centre,National Health and Medical Research Council,engagement,intervention,ActiGraph GT3X activity monitors,insufficiently active adult participants,Human Research Ethics Committees,% CI,WKM, AJM, CV, MJD and CMC,usage and engagement,Newcastle03-Jan-2017 11:33AMUHC Gelding Clinics 2017Yhttp://www.equineinfoexchange.com/index.php/health-education/510-uhc-gelding-clinics-2017‹, AL\n\nMarch 24, 2017 - Tuskegee University College of Medicine, Tuskegee, AL\n\nApril 14, 2017 - Kansas State Univ. College of VeterinaryќUHC Gelding Clinics,Clinics,Valley Equine Rescue,Unwanted Horse Coalition,7th Floor " Washington,Kansas State Univ,horse,Allegheny Equine Veterinary Service,states,Veterinary Medicine,Tuskegee University College,APPLY,Operation,Brandon,College,Tuskegee03-Jan-2017 11:17AMB$975,000 Grant Puts Drone to Work In Kansas Wheat Breeding EffortsThttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/360365596?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3D‹Kansas State University announces it has received a $975,000 grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) that will useПGrant Puts Drone,grant,National Institute,wheat breeding programs,Food and Agriculture,field conditions,efforts,university s scientists,deeper understanding,State & ,school s wheat,drones,NIFA03-Jan-2017 10:38AM)5 reasons you really need a workout buddyVhttp://www.you.co.za/lifestyle/health-and-wellness/5-reasons-you-need-a-workout-buddy/200 percent harder and longer than others, found researchers from Kansas State University.\n\n If they re constantly working out with someone You.co.zaLindsay de Freitas friend,work,Southern California,gym buddy,researchers,workout buddies,kettlebell workout,GIPHY,Stress Management People,reasons,stress,motivated people,beat,someone,adults,exercise,Kansas State University,Santa Clara University,out new exercise equipment,university,resolutions,study,time03-Jan-2017 10:36AMMFormer KSU student cited in federal lawsuit pleads not guilty to rape charges\http://1350kman.com/former-ksu-student-cited-federal-lawsuit-pleads-not-guilty-rape-charges/ŠA former K-State student cited in a federal court lawsuit filed against the university who allegedly raped two different women in 2014 and5State,lawsuit,women,university,campus rapes,Riley County District Court,court,rape,Pillsbury Crossing,Former KSU student,State s attention,Gihring,Affirmative Action,Riley County Attorney s Office,alleged 2014 rape,alcohol use,apartment,fraternity party,charges Tuesday morning,fraternity house,Charges,Office03-Jan-2017 10:07AM*Eating better on a budget for the New YearOhttp://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/03/eating-better-on-a-budget-for-the-new-year/Žare responsible for more than 70 percent of health care costs.\n\nK-State Research and Extension programs are designed to help Kansans work onЏhealth care costs,grocery store,Prepare meals,Plan, plan and plan,budget,fruits and vegetables,exercise program,future programs,Meadowlark Extension District programs,high fiber foods,money,fruits,New Year s resolution,State Research and Extension programs,Utilize store ads and coupons,Walk Kansas and budgeting programs,food preservation workshop,district,great way,facts,Kansans,vegetables,sugar and salt consumption,consumption03-Jan-2017 09:37AM2KSU receives funding for research involving drones˜http://www.world-grain.com/articles/news_home/World_Grain_News/2017/01/KSU_receives_funding_for_resea.aspx?ID=%7BAC9E65FF-FB29-48EB-A1F8-5953B4FD8338%7D‰and Agriculture (NIFA) in mid-December announced it has awarded $975,000 to Kansas State University (KSU) in Manhattan, Kansas, U.S., forby Eric SchroederŸfield conditions,research,Kansas State University,agricultural crops,plant characteristics,plant breeding and genetics,breeding nurseries,field values,university s researchers,better wheat varieties,season yield predictions,project director Jesse Poland,UAVs,project,KSU wheat breeders,data,International Wheat Yield Partnership,DNA sequencing and crop physiolog< y,Wheat Yield Prediction and Advanced Selection Methodologies,researchers, technicians and staff,Kansas,future varieties,drones,U.S.,wheat,Kansas, Mexico and India,Cornell University,Washington University,many more candidate varieties,observable characteristics, Poland,next best varieties,breeders,candidate03-Jan-2017 09:31AM…http://www.mycentraloregon.com/2017/01/03/american-airlines-jet-has-third-fume-incident-in-3-months-7-flight-attendants-hospitalized/MyCentralOregon.comDr. Herman Dwane Sandy SantalaDhttp://www.cannoncourier.com/dr-herman-dwane-sandy-santala-cms-16062‹, Dwane married Marilyn Leone Cowen and together they graduated from Kansas State University. Upon graduating with a DVM MS from veterinaryCannon Courier”DVM MS,Dwane,Eldred Santala,daughter,veterinary school Dwane,Herman L. Santala,Kansas,Woodbury,Woodbury Funeral Home,Merikarvia, Finland and Barbara Edith Headrick Santala,National Bovine Association and school board member,member,Sheri Lynne Fenton and family,Satanta,Leone,Kansas State University,Ness City,Marilyn Leone Cowen,Pfizer Co.,Holly Nicole Fenton,Sandy,Hugoton, KS and Wichita,Salvation Army03-Jan-2017 09:24AM8New study finds celebrity chefs suck at food safety, tooWhttp://www.avclub.com/article/new-study-finds-celebrity-chefs-suck-food-safety-t-247816‡study conducted by food safety experts from Kansas State University and Tennessee State University sought to answer those questions andThe A.V. ClubRandall ColburnYfood safety,Chambers elaborates,celebrity chefs,cooking shows,meat,Edgar Chambers IV,home cooks,Kansas State University and Tennessee State University,safety tips, Whose hair,food preparation,experts,study, Twenty percent,percent,recent study,state,different chefs,things,boards,TV chefs,board, or  ,safety issues,Americans,FlavorTown U.S.A. s03-Jan-2017 08:15AM7Dedicated newsman, invaluable friend to many dies at 64Thttp://www.emporiagazette.com/news/article_a0fa37d9-c529-5dac-b493-d53159aac6f0.htmlŠhad received a bachelor s degree in broadcast journalism in 1974 from Kansas State University. He d started as an overnight disc jockey at&By Bobbi Mlynar Special to The GazetteyJeff,news,broadcast and print media,time broadcast journalist Jeff O Dell,O Dell,good news reporter,school district news stories, and Jeff,numerous awards,Rotary Club,lead reporter,life,  Post,Lions Club,Silent Rotarian Award,O Dell s life,Former Lyon County Appraiser Gary Post,Post,Kansas State University,ANBK and board president,Emporia, s blood,board,Lyon County Historical Society,Emporia show,Associated Press,Nancy Horst,Lyon,counties,flat tires,station s  Talk,Emporia Public Library,Kansas and Missouri, Yewell,team partner Steve Yewell,bachelor,Kansas,Conard s safety,couple s evening,Friends and associates,pickup,time03-Jan-2017 08:05AMRPostholiday Blues: Financial Planners Share Tips to Start Now for Better Budgetingrhttp://www.newswise.com/articles/postholiday-blues-financial-planners-share-tips-to-start-now-for-better-budgetingstart preparing for next December, according to financial planning faculty at Kansas State University.\n\nWe've just finished all our holidayЄfinancial planners,holidays,budget,financially merrier holidays,Archuleta and Britt,Personal Financial Planning,person,gifts,holiday purchases,out a budget,holiday funds,up the plan,Britt,gift drawing,spending limit,plan,Archuleta,money,conflict,people,white elephant gift exchange,online savings accounts,savings,multiple bank accounts,different bank,time,Families,research shows people,conversation,everyone,activities03-Jan-2017 08:00AM,New Bulk Solids Continuing Education Courses_http://www.powderbulksolids.com/article/New-Bulk-Solids-Continuing-Education-Courses-01-03-2017‰The Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center in Salina, KS provides professional development courses to further industry andfsystems,basic design,pneumatic conveying system,New Bulk Solids Continuing Education Courses," Design," Understand flow properties,course,flow concepts,powder and bulk,actual design,participants,professional development courses,problems,bins,CEUs,Salina,advantages and disadvantages,troubleshooting powders,chute,individuals,Cost,materials,procedures,hoppers03-Jan-2017 07:40AM Dr. Herman Dwane  Sandy SantalaBhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/03/dr-herman-dwane-sandy-santala/ЏDVM MS,Dwane,Dr. Herman Dwane  Sandy Santala,daughter,veterinary school Dwane,Herman L. Santala,Kansas,Woodbury,Woodbury Funeral Home,Merikarvia, Finland and Barbara Edith Headrick Santala,National Bovine Association and school board member,Eldred Santala,member,Sheri Lynne Fenton and family,Satanta,Leone,Kansas State University,Ness City,Marilyn Leone Cowen,Pfizer Co.,Holly Nicole Fenton,Hugoton, KS and Wichita,Salvation Army03-Jan-2017 07:00AM=Got grit? That s what colleges want to know before they admit:http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article124103059.htmlˆinvolved in, recently got acceptance letters from Kansas State University and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Whether sheBy Marс Rose WilliamsМstudent,college admissions,grades,old Raytown South student,colleges and universities,grit,college life,admission officer,schools,acceptance,book  Grit,everyday life,Lewis,Central Academy students,college graduates, Colleges,college applications and scholarship,elite private college,College Park,college essay, s college costs,University,Princeton Review college advice boo< k,activities, Turner,Missouri College Adviser Corps,graduation rates,Education Statistics,middle school,university officials,high school counselor,New York Times best seller,Ronnщ P. Turner,same time,scholarship applications,America Nazarene University,federal education officials,Dominic Barton,bachelor,application or essay03-Jan-2017 06:04AM?Breeding Better Beans: New Partnership to Aid CommercializationEhttp://www.minnesotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=2017‡productivity in the agriculture industry, said Rich Sell, Kansas State University executive director of outreach. These first two tasks‡partnership,grant funding,tasks,Farm,research,soybean,genes,new variety,protein and oil levels,Kansas State University executive director,yielding varieties and screen germplasm,fruitful partnership,highest yield,plant,yield and productivity,amino acid profiles,Schapaugh,potentially many additional tasks,progressive field research,new maturity group 4 soybean varieties,State scientists,oil quality or resistance,better commercial product,excellent soybean varieties,current germplasm,available germplasm,beneficial sources,agriculture industry,commercialization,U.S. industry,unique sources,environmentally friendly practices,agronomy,practicesJust In Time For Manufacturing†http://www.engineeringmaintenance.info/advertisers-mainmenu-122-122/statistics/magazine-features/14306-just-in-time-for-manufacturing2ŽJust In Time For Manufacturing\n\nResearch from Kansas State University suggests that 71 per cent of senior manufacturing executives have used Engineering Maintenance Solution“time,stock,customer order,manufacturers,manual labour,processes,plant managers,orderly process,slow process,concept,businesses,product,electric tugs,amount,labour costs,time or resources,JIT methodology,system,senior manufacturing executives,out a JIT system,deliveries,factory,safety risk,JIT expert,cranes and forklifts,company,safety hazards,forklift trucks,forklift licence,trained crane,pedestrians03-Jan-2017 06:03AM@http://www.ohioagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=2017Dhttp://www.michiganagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=201703-Jan-2017 06:02AMHhttp://www.pennsylvaniaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=2017@http://www.iowaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=201703-Jan-2017 06:01AMChttp://www.indianaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=2017‹partnership,grant funding,tasks,Farm,research,soybean,genes,new variety,protein and oil levels,Kansas State University executive director,yielding varieties and screen germplasm,fruitful partnership,highest yield,plant,yield and productivity,amino acid profiles,Aid Commercialization,Schapaugh,potentially many additional tasks,progressive field research,new maturity group 4 soybean varieties,State scientists,oil quality or resistance,better commercial product,excellent soybean varieties,current germplasm,available germplasm,beneficial sources,agriculture industry,U.S. industry,unique sources,environmentally friendly practices,agronomy,practicesDhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=2017џў03-Jan-2017 06:00AMDhttp://www.kentuckyagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=201703-Jan-2017 05:59AMGhttp://www.southdakotaagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=201703-Jan-2017 05:58AMChttp://www.newyorkagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=201703-Jan-2017 05:57AMEhttp://www.wisconsinagconnection.com/story-national.php?Id=12&yr=201703-Jan-2017 05:13AMhThe cost and variability of grinding wheat and barley to a particle size that optimizes feed efficiency.ghttp://www.swineweb.com/cost-variability-grinding-wheat-barley-particle-size-optimizes-feed-efficiency/Reference: Western Hog Journal Summer 2016\n\nBased on research from the Kansas State University, an average feed particle size of 700 to 800farms,efficiency,roller mill,hammer mill,Western Hog Journal Summer,wheat and barley,Western Canada,mills,Kansas State University,cost and variability,different grains,corn and soybean,feed,diets,microns,total feed cost,costs,barley,wheat,variability,benefits,Danilo Sotto,average03-Jan-2017 05:11AM1Kansas Energy Company Increases its Use of Drones/http://world.einnews.com/article/360338423/liveрinspecting equipment,Polytechnic Campus,such things,unmanned aircraft systems program,Kansas Energy Company,money,nation,Westar and Kansas State University s,company officials,safety and efficiency,drones,emergencies,utility03-Jan-2017 05:09AMc5 Money Factors That Could Determine How Long Your Relationship Will Last - Wall Street Cheat SheetKhttp://so-l.ru/news/show/5_money_factors_that_could_determine_how_long_your@frequent arguments,couple | iStock.com,money,debt,researchers,Wall Street Cheat Sheet,significant strain,relationship,new love,financial arguments,high household income,Large debts,frequent money fights,money issues,fewer arguments,North Carolina researchers,financial expert Jeff D. Opdyke,matter,Money Questions Everyone,huge factor,Partner Earned ,credit  ,Money & Career Cheat Sheet,credit card delinquencies,Personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani,financial values matter,income levels,Kansas State University study,Couples,Haven Life study,higher divorce rates,Studies03-Jan-2017 04:54AM?http://www.claimsjournal.com/news/midwest/2017/01/03/275936.htm‹saving money, company officials said.\n\nWestar and Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systems programClaims JournalНunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,drones,airspace restrictions,sight,Remote Pilot,information,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Kansas Energy Company,Westar and Kansas State University s,fewer employees,Klenklen,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar s, Klenklen,boilers,Westar Energy,company officials,employees and contractors,outages,potential issues,somebody drive,somebody walk,landowners03-Jan-2017 04:53AMMNon appщtit: Don't eat the food prepared by TV chefs, warns food safety study,http://www.newstalk.com/reader/47.339/90074/Ša one-time thing, said food safety expert Edgar Chambers of Kansas State University.  We saw some chefs wash their hands in the beginningNewstalk 106 - 108fm< ЩTV chefs,Food safety experts,different cooking shows,food,hygiene habits,change chopping boards,up good food safety habits,American TV,manner, celebrity chefs and TV cooks,viewers,good food preparation skills,several risky food preparation behaviours, Chambers,food television industry,basic food hygiene steps,board ,study,hand,cooks,time thing,researchers,safety issues,proper safety practices,chef skips,out any particular chef, Television,best practice03-Jan-2017 02:14AM*Let's Banish the Phrase 'Creative Writing'|https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2017/01/03/we-should-stop-distinguishing-between-creative-and-other-forms-writing-essayŠis an assistant professor of English and writing center director at Kansas State University. You can find her on Twitter at @cydneyalexis.Cydney AlexisЬcreative writing, creative ,fiction and poetry,writing,kinds,academics or workplace writers,celebrated writing genre,cultural narrative, reader,people,fiction,value,studies,medical record writers,creativity,dozen people,popular culture,reading,distant family members,family value and practice,access book,academics,attitudes,Cydney Alexis,persistent narrative,image,families,century phenomenon,importance, creativity and potency,Brandt,poetry, culture,identity03-Jan-2017 01:28AMbhttp://www.expressnews.com/sports/article/Mykhailiuk-gives-No-3-Kansas-90-88-win-over-10833749.php7Kansas,beating layup,coast,Svi Mykhailiuk,idea,LAWRENCE03-Jan-2017 01:00AM1Researchers aim to heighten feed mill biosecurityŠhttp://www.agriview.com/news/livestock/researchers-aim-to-heighten-feed-mill-biosecurity/article_bf2ab6bb-3bf8-5a37-bd98-0de2f0bf1cfa.html‹. Iowa State University and other industry partners have provided help in areas that couldn t be addressed at Kansas State University.\n\n %Pat Melgares, Kansas State UniversityЦswine feed,Kansas State University researchers,feed,animals,safest food supply,research,food safety,American Feed Industry Association,epidemic diarrhea virus,pig deaths,biosecurity measures,commercial mills,animal sciences and industry,long way,feed contamination,research associate professor,mill perspective,Cassie Jones,U.S. food supply,viruses or toxins,virus,diseases,best ways,animal scientists,industry,university s work,porcine,Woodworth, Jones03-Jan-2017 12:33AMYand Kansas State University Offer Five Grain Handling Operations Courses in February 2017Єhttp://world.einnews.com/article__detail/state/kansas/360413475-and-kansas-state-university-offer-five-grain-handling-operations-courses-in-february-2017?vcode=8OKRмGEAPS news,Kansas State University Offer Five Grain Handling Operations Courses,now open for five grain,contact GEAPS,Grain Elevator and Processing Society,Kansas State University,Courses,time,registration,Feb. 13,Feb. 703-Jan-2017 12:07AMOKansas University sets 800 microns as most beneficial for swine feed efficiency[http://www.efeedlink.com/contents/01-03-2017/eaac34f1-b279-47f1-b96f-81afd777239d-b941.htmlŒsize of 700 to 800 microns, according to research by Kansas State University, Prairie Swine Centre reports.\n\nThis information only focuses eFeedlinkswine feed efficiency,farms,diets,hammer mill,roller mill,best benefit,toll mill,Kansas State University,Western Canada,Prairie Swine Centre reports,different grains,feed,microns,total feed cost,wheat,swine production,wheat and barley,costs,barley,efficiency,variability02-Jan-2017 11:51PM Sorghum Notes | January 12, 2017Fhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/7ACD92178C5E75DB3CD0DEA8EE0F117A4C940BD7Žfull report,Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers,U.S. Department,new markets,harvest conditions,harvest samples,Sorghum,agricultural trade interest,rusty patched bumble bee,Sorghum Harvest Quality Report,third largest export markets,Gulf export grain report,U.S. Grains Council,Trade,grain sorghum and corn start,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,biotechnology products,WASDE Report,Jan. 6, 2017,Agriculture,production,first bee species,agricultural organizations,NSP Joins Ag Organizations,Bee Related Activity,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,addition,species decline,education and market development,agencies,USDA Bumps Sorghum Yields,Rep. Don Bacon,Rep. Jodey Arrington,Rep. Roger Marshall,House Ag Committee,bees or consideration,Read NSP,United Sorghum Checkoff Program,/Leadership Sorghum,Rep. Al Lawson,Rep. Darren Soto,Rep. Dwight Evans,Rep. James Comer,Rep. Jimmy Panetta,Rep. John Faso,Rep. Neal Dunn,Rep. Tom O'Halleran,White House,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,Bees,approval,good quality,Jan. 16,New Members,new Democrats,new Republicans,New Fuel Pathway,White House Announces 2017 Regulatory System,Agricultural Outlook Forum,bushels,Feb. 2 NSP DC Fly02-Jan-2017 10:31PM@http://www.missouriagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=4&yr=2017‹The Farm Research Center. We look forward to working with Kansas State University, a preeminent land-grant institution, on developing high-grant funding,research,soybean,tasks,partnership,Farm,Kansas State University,genes,protein and oil levels,new variety,highest yield,fruitful partnership,amino acid profiles,yielding varieties and screen germplasm,potentially many additional tasks,yield and productivity,Schapaugh,acid content,new maturity group 4 soybean varieties,progressive field research,oil quality or resistance,State scientists,plant,grant institution,better commercial product,protein,excellent soybean varieties,current germplasm,agriculture industry,U.S. industry,commercialization,available germplasm,industry demands,environmentally friendly practices,practices:http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=2&yr=201702-Jan-2017 10:06PMGhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=202-Jan-2017 07:27PM+Newly appointed PU VC calls on HEC chairmanUhttp://dailytimes.com.pk/punjab/03-Jan-17/newly-appointed-pu-vc-calls-on-hec-chairmanHEC during these years.\n\nDr Zaffar Moeen Nasar did his PhD from Kansas State University in Economics. He has over 33 years of experience in Daily TimesBy: arsalan haiderdHEC chairman,newly appointed vice chancellor,Chairman Dr Mukhtar Ahmed,faculty members and researchers,higher education,Dr Zaffar Moeen Nasar,research,HEC Secretariat,budget,equitable access,research, education, teaching and education management,PU VC,university,arsalan haider,society and country,Kansas State University,country,economic challenges,Disqus02-Jan-2017 07:01PM@http://borneobulletin.com.bn/westar-increases-use-drones-kansas/saving money, company officials said.\n\nWestar and Kansas State University s P< olytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systems programmeBorneo Bulletin OnlineBrunei DarussalamЮunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,drones,airspace restrictions,sight,Remote Pilot,information,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction, Westar Energy,Westar and Kansas State University s,fewer employees,Westar increases use,Klenklen,Westar s,Topeka Capital,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher, Klenklen,boilers,employees and contractors,Wichita and Topeka,outages,potential issues,somebody drive,somebody walk,landowners02-Jan-2017 05:52PM+Punjab University new VC meets HEC chairmanShttps://www.thenews.com.pk/print/176337-Punjab-University-new-VC-meets-HEC-chairman‰educationist Dr. Zaffar Mueen Nasar did his Ph.D from Kansas State University in Economics. He has over33 years of experience in researchThe News7press release Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed,new vice chancellor,faculty members and researchers,Punjab Dr Zafar Mueen Nasar,higher education,Punjab University,chairman,research,budget,new VC University,equitable access,research education teaching and education management,country,Kansas State University,economic challenges02-Jan-2017 04:14PMBChanute students find new challenges in Kansas State Marching BandMhttp://www.chanute.com/news/article_e3c983b4-d138-11e6-aff9-33b4fe483370.htmlˆplay, she said. It was a lot of fun.\n\nFor the K-State Marching Band, members come to school a week before the first day of classes andJoshua Vail, Tribune reporter;high school,State Marching Band,band,trumpet section,Chanute students,harder music,entire band,band and sophomores Matt Keenan,veterinary school,stressful transition,Junior Allison Cooper,band members,Lawrence,Cooper,new challenges,Keenan,field and play,field six hours, Lawrence,greater challenge,great experience02-Jan-2017 03:32PMLRadon Awareness Month: Protect your family from this odorless, colorless gas/http://www.wibw.com/content/news/409367705.html‹hardware stores or the EPA says the National Radon Program Services at Kansas State University has test kits available for purchase online. Nick VivianiРtest kits,lung cancer,Radon levels,colorless radioactive gas,Protect,Radon test kits,National Radon Program Services,lack,homes,leading cause,purchase online,smokers,Kan.,local hardware stores02-Jan-2017 02:41PMuhttp://chinadaily.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/showarticle.aspx?article=95bcd263-3d64-4fbb-abac-d88be92e4e2f&viewmode=2/unmanned aircraft,inspecting equipment,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,Jason Klenklen,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,nation,cost savings,money,Journal,Westar and Kansas State University s,drones,company officials,safety and efficiency,Topeka Capital,emergencies,transmission maintenance02-Jan-2017 02:24PM,New Test Genetically IDs Fungal Wheat ThreatWhttp://farmerandranchernow.com/2017/01/02/new-test-genetically-ids-fungal-wheat-threat/ˆfrom USDA s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Kansas State University and the University of Kentucky devised a method to home in on aFarmer & Rancherlinda˜wheat blast,South America,sensitive new assay method,method,native strains,Food and Agriculture,rapid detection,alike strains,university scientists,known strains,wheat,infected plants,fungus Magnaporthe oryzae triticum,grain s status,false detections,journal Plant Disease,different fungal strains,staple food,Kansas State University,USDA s Agricultural Research Service,ARS plant pathologist Kerry Pedley,M. oryzae,research outcomes,Weed Science Research Unit,competitive grant,scientific research agency,New Test Genetically IDs Fungal Wheat,grant university partners,ARS s Foreign Disease,disease,USDA,USDA s National Institute,Bangladesh,fungus,fungus genome02-Jan-2017 02:00PM‚http://www.columbiatribune.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_b1fc1b42-c63d-52f3-9b75-db1f28e8cb38.htmlColumbia Daily Tribuneлunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,drones,airspace restrictions,pretty big restriction,drone flight facilities, Westar Energy,Westar and Kansas State University s,sight,fewer employees,Westar increases use,Klenklen,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar s, Klenklen,boilers,Topeka Capital,time imagery,employees and contractors,transmission maintenance,outages,Wichita and Topeka,potential issues,somebody drive,somebody walk,landowners02-Jan-2017 01:24PM+Time to Begin Early Evening Feeding of CowsGhttp://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/02/time-begin-early-evening-feeding-cows/Œfed once daily at dusk, Selk said.\n\nAdditionally, Kansas State University scientists recorded data on five consecutive years in a herd ofcows,night,hours,Hereford cows,Iowa data,percent, Cows,few hours,calves, Selk,time,significant effect,hour periods,data,night and decline,hormonal effect,nearest half hour,noteworthy that 85.28 percent,calf producers,Births,Glenn Selk,calf heifers,calf mortality,a.m.,p.m.,Calf Corner newsletter,Kansas State University scientists,group,Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension emeritus cattle specialist,Rumen motility studies,university s,up Canadian study,study,dusk,herd,forage sorg< hum hay,Hays,Kansas02-Jan-2017 12:00PM?Punjab University to further develop under new VC: Chairman HECVhttp://pakobserver.net/punjab-university-to-further-develop-under-new-vc-chairman-hec/…and educationist, Dr. Zaffar Mueen Nasar did his PhD from Kansas State University in Economics. He has over 33 years of experience inPakistan Observer+Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed,new Vice Chancellor,faculty members and researchers,Punjab Dr Zafar Mueen Nasar,Punjab University,Chairman,research,higher education,budget,new VC University,equitable access,research, education, teaching and education management,country,Kansas State University,economic challenges02-Jan-2017 11:39AM9EAT WELL TO BE WELL: Eating healthy will change your lifebhttp://www.ocherald-chronicle.com/?q=article/eat-well-be-well-eating-healthy-will-change-your-life‹Nutrition from the University of Kansas and a bachelor s degree in Dietetics and Institutional Management from Kansas State University. SheOsage County Herald-ChronicleCheryl MussattoЏhealthy diet,unhealthy diet,food,meals,fruit,poor diet,nutritious foods,crazy fad diets,role model," Reduces risk,Dr. Samadi,health complications,healthy nutrient dense fruits,gazillion weight loss,healthy foods,prostate cancer and studies,major risk factors,good role model,chronic diseases,rich foods,death,fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits,vegetables,supplements,cancer,good health,time,country,tomatoes and tomato,leading cause02-Jan-2017 11:23AM#Using UAVs to improve wheat qualityBhttp://www.morningagclips.com/using-uavs-to-improve-wheat-quality/ŒJesse Poland, assistant professor of plant pathology and agronomy at Kansas State University.\n\n The goal of this project is to deliver in-юfield conditions,Kansas State University,scientists,breeding programs,plant characteristics,agricultural crops,plant breeding and genetics,better wheat varieties,breeding nurseries,project,UAVs,season yield predictions,field values,crop performance,university s work,DNA sequencing and crop physiology,project director Jesse Poland,International Wheat Yield Partnership,Wheat Yield Prediction and Advanced Selection Methodologies,work,future varieties,researchers,wheat,researchers, technicians and staff,Poland,university,precision measurements,many more candidate varieties,Applied Wheat Genomics,Kansas, Mexico and India,next best varieties,observable characteristics,breeders,International Development,Kansas,phenotype,U.S. government s,candidate02-Jan-2017 10:16AMYhttp://www.chinapost.com.tw/business/company-focus/2017/01/03/488302/Westar-increases.htmŽwhile also saving money, company officials said.\n\nWestar and Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systemsThe China Postђunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,Westar Energy,drones,airspace restrictions,extensive training,sight,Remote Pilot,information,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Klenklen,significant training,Westar and Kansas State University,fewer employees,Westar increases use,Topeka Capital,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Kansas,boilers,employees and contractors,Wichita and Topeka,time imagery,outages,potential issues,somebody drive,somebody walk,landowners02-Jan-2017 10:06AM4http://automotive.einnews.com/article/360251281/live‡Westar and Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systems program and have one of the nation's largestЈPolytechnic Campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,Jason & ,drone flight facilities,cost savings,nation,Westar increases use,Journal,point,drones,Topeka Capital,Salina02-Jan-2017 09:43AMPhttp://www.stjosephpost.com/2017/01/02/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/‹emergency situations.\n\nThe state s largest utility worked with Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus to offer an unmanned aircraft-Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,Westar increases use,state, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company02-Jan-2017 09:01AMhttp://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/50-solutions/this-small-town-refused-to-settle-for-wal-mart-when-its-last-local-grocery-store-closed-20170102Œ.\nIn response to the dwindling number of rural supermarkets, Kansas State University Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD)YES! Magazine’grocery stores,food deserts,Allen County,town,healthy food choices,food,stores,state,food policy councils and wellness groups,rural grocery toolkit component,local food system,Kansas,community,Iola,United States,food truck,rural food committees,Food, Education, Agriculture and Solutions,rural America,health concerns,food access problems,people,initiative,rural Kansas supermarkets,overall health,supermarket,Engagement and Community Development,many Kansas communities,business,community dialogue platform,county s health ranking,health and wellness,CECD, Procter,Procter,community s efforts,RGI suggestions,RGI website,Procter s team plans,county leaders02-Jan-2017 08:00AMAn important call]http://www.hpj.com/martin/an-important-call/article_0902ca10-cd4b-11e6-8495-ab3ed6572e9d.htmlˆThe phone rang on my desk in the local paper s newsroom. It was my K-State advisor,< Larry Erpelding. He had called me the previous week,By Holly MartinHigh Plains Journal,Journal family,Holly Martin,Publisher Tom Taylor,new job,great men,first publisher,important call,new role,phone,Publisher Duane Ross,new editor,Bill Spiegel,clients,latest call,great company,home,very important groups,local paper s newsroom,group,people,employees02-Jan-2017 06:04AMŽ§VMR130T'Yf[!h­‹ЪSOПRNN'http://www.aoweibang.com/view/33691757/lOПRNN,Sf[х] z,uirSf[,uirх] z,5uP[х] z,*‚)Yх] z,:gАhх] z,uirбyf[,Ё‹—{:gбyf[,0Wtбyf[,>yOбyf[,?eЛlбyf[,”^(upef[,Ё‹—{:gх] z,ЈRirбyf[,У_tf[,FUNЁ{t,ONЁ{t,х]FUЁ{t,Я~Nmf[, Rо]'Yf[/OKQ)R,ЏsƒXх] z,6R х] z,ѓwЙlх] z,5uбyf[,NNЙeb—,ЏsƒXбyf[,Pg™eх] z,oіNх] z,сOх] z,Ž§V'Yf[,'Yf[!h­‹,uirп~Ё‹,;Sf[„˜бy,Yr;Sf[,iirбyf[,:ghVКNбyf[,State University,Clark University,Brown University,Purdue University,Yale University,pef[ћ|,FUбyЁ{t,Ё{tNN,‰9h'Yf[,Duke University,George Washington University,х] z{|,4NŠ^;Sf[,}Q;Sбyf[,Northwestern University,—nfб‘Џe'Yf[,In deo speramus,lQqQ‹NЁRЁ{t,R‘—^Ё{tћ|,œQNх] z,8h§€х] z,Ž§Vxvz,University, O)Rњ‹ O'Yf[,нOePбyf[,wm mбyf[,Sf[Rg,0W(Sf[,ё‚‡e†SђS,^—2m†SђS,ЖQб‘х] z,*Yzzх] z,џwirх] z,In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen,lQqQ‹NЁRNN,uir FUNЯ~Nm У_tf[ ?eЛl,§VE–Ё{t ЩbNŽ2mxvz У_tf[,WyOf[,M University,Indiana University,Х`ЅbЁ{t,irAmЁ{t,uЇNЁ{t,™…SЁ{t,†SђS €фSf[ œQNDnЯ~Nm,ФOKQЩbwƒlš'Yf[,Case Western Reserve University,New York University,Џe‚„‡eЏetх]f[b–,American University,Southern Methodist University,Ё{tсOo`ћ|п~,Ž§V‹_^OSOЄ‹С‹,Ohio University,North Carolina State University,friend be truth,truth,Ž§V6RoƒYeВ€дYXTOЄ‹С‹,Loyola University Chicago,Michigan Technological University,Texas Christian University02-Jan-2017 05:58AM3BEECH: Why we eat certain foods during the holidaysWhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/02/beech-why-we-eat-certain-foods-during-the-holidays/certain special foods at holiday time?\n\nRoger Adams, a Kansas State University rare books librarian, has studied the history of traditional[holiday time,certain foods,traditional holiday foods,traditions,Adams,family members,children,alcohol,additional dried fruits,food world ,Time and location,drink,figgy pudding,Today s recipe,Christmas eve buffet,older times,many other traditional Christmas foods,U.S. today,Christmas,popular Christmas drink,relatives and drinking wassail,good time,fruitcake,original fruitcake,-Wassailing,old family,pudding cakes,warm Christmas punch,Family and Consumer Sciences,Swedish cheesecake dessert,ingredients,preservation,raisins,community cookbook,mince pie,original pies,culture,celebratory flaming dessert02-Jan-2017 01:21AMLhttp://www.knssradio.com/pages/22976619.php?contentType=4&contentId=19031369‹emergency situations.\n\nThe state's largest utility worked with Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus to offer an unmanned aircraftNPolytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,AP News,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Kan.  Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu02-Jan-2017 01:06AM?My Response to the KSU Student Who Feels Like College is a ScamShttp://www.hercampus.com/school/utah/my-response-ksu-student-who-feels-college-scam‹A Kansas State University freshman has recently ignited an internet frenzy. Billy Wilson finished his first semester with a 4.0 GPA, but is Her CampusBy Allyson BerriCBilly Wilson,classroom,problem,Wilson s argument,college,student,dollars,many students,higher education,better job, scam,American college education,solution,career,Scam,collar job,discussions,people,Kansas State University freshman,valuable learning experience,experience,semester,winded rant,roommates,universities,algebra02-Jan-2017 01:00AM”http://www.jhnewsandguide.com/jackson_hole_daily/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_2edaf1ac-3697-55f7-bf68-757e238f1f98.htmlJackson Hole News&GuideЌunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,Sam Sharp,extensive training,drones,Westar and Kansas State University s,significant training,Westar increases use,drone flight facilities,broadcast, Westar Energy,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar s,Jason Klenklen,fewer employees,Topeka Capital,boilers,employees and contractors,outages,potential issues,somebody drive,somebody walk,Associated Press01-Jan-2017 10:35PMmhttp://www.alvareviewcourier.com/story/2017/01/01/regional/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/6070.htmlPolytechnic Campus,inspecting equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,West< ar increases use,drone flight facilities,nation,money,Journal, Westar Energy,drones,Westar and Kansas State University,company officials,Topeka Capital,Kan.,safety and efficiency,emergencies01-Jan-2017 10:34PMJohnny Kaw, Bigger Than Bunyanhttp://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/16168?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+roadsideamerica+%28RoadsideAmerica.com%29‹of yore -- by George Filinger, a horticulture professor at Kansas State University. Filinger was upset that Kansas newspapers were ignoringRoadside AmericaёFilinger,Manhattan,Johnny Kaw,100th birthday,Paul Bunyan,Grand Canyon,Kansas,face Bunyan,Kansas State University,American folklore characters,Pecos Bill,Bull,epic statue,life state hero,brawny arms,folklore giant,Newspapers,character,tornado01-Jan-2017 09:04PM'Westar Energy set to increase drone useWhttp://www.wibw.com/content/news/Westar-Energy-set-to-increase-drone-use-409236235.html WIBW News!Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,Westar Energy,drone flight facilities,increasing use,Kansas State University,state,Topeka Capital,WIBW,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 08:18PMTips Diet Sukses Tanpa Olahraga5https://teknorus.com/tips-diet-sukses-tanpa-olahraga/Ždiet.\n\n1.Miliki pasangan yang sevisi.\n\nPenelitian dari kansas state University menemukan bahwa pasangan yang memiliki visi yang sama dalamTeknoRus01-Jan-2017 05:45PMFhttps://www.equities.com/news/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas Equities.com7Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University,Westar increases use,Topeka Capital,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 03:51PMXhttp://www.wibw.com/content/news/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-409199245.html(The Associated Press, Benjamin Van Maele3Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Kansas,Associated Press,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 02:30PMVhttp://www.6newslawrence.com/news/state/21205-westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas6 News LawrencePolytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,transmission maintenance,Westar,Topeka Capital,emergency situations,boilers,employees,companyRhttp://www.6lawrence.com/news/state/21205-westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansasChannel 6 LawrenceWritten by Associated Press"Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Kansas,transmission maintenance,Westar,Topeka Capital,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 01:21PMJhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/01/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/ˆemergency sit ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж и §џџџй к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ uations.LThe state s largest utility worked with Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus to offer an unmanned aircraftCSalina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,Westar increases use,state, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 01:19PM.K-State women knock off unbeaten West Virginiahttp://world.einnews.com/article__detail/state/westvirginia/360185722-k-state-women-knock-off-unbeaten-west-virginia?vcode=NM8e‹86-71 on Sunday, handing the visiting Mountaineers their first loss. K-State took the lead for good in the second quarter, securing a 51-39–State women,West Virginia,visiting Mountaineers,Kansas State,points,fourth quarter,lead,Shaelyn Martin and Kaylee Page,start,Kindred Wesemann,rebounds01-Jan-2017 01:02PMMhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/01/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/3Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,Westar increases use,state, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 01:01PMJhttp://salinapost.com/2017/01/01/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/01-Jan-2017 12:48PM}http://www.pantagraph.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_aa820cca-5301-542d-a25b-ad9a7a77420a.htmlPantagraph.comЏunmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,airspace restrictions,Journal,pretty big restriction,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,Klenklen,sight,fewer employees,Westar and Kansas State University,Westar increases use,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landowners01-Jan-2017 12:45PMLhttp://www.kctv5.com/story/34162502/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas.Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,Westar Energy,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,state,Kan.,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiuMhttp://www.koamtv.com/story/34162502/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas3Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,Westar Energy,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,Westar increases use,state,broadcast,Kan.,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,Associat< ed Press01-Jan-2017 12:30PM8http://brazilbusiness.einnews.com/article/360168162/live‹while also saving money, company officials said. Westar and Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systemsнinspecting equipment,Westar increases use,Polytechnic Campus,such things,unmanned aircraft systems program,money,nation,drones,Westar and Kansas State University,company officials,safety and efficiency,emergencies,utility01-Jan-2017 12:29PM8http://semiconductors.einnews.com/article/360168162/liveSemiconductors - EIN News01-Jan-2017 12:20PM1Westar Energy : increases use of drones in KansasThttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/360167728?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3Dжinspecting equipment,Polytechnic Campus,such things,unmanned aircraft systems program, Westar Energy,money,drones,Westar and Kansas State University,company officials,safety and efficiency,Kan.,emergencies,utility!increases use of drones in KansasThttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/360164433?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3DŠequipment, navigate remote areas and manage some emergency situations. The state's largest utility worked with Kansas State University & (Уincreasing use,Journal reports,equipment,money,drones,Kansas State University & ,state,Topeka Capital, Westar Energy,emergency situations,Kan.,safety,largest utility,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 12:16PMhttp://beatricedailysun.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_632247a9-a357-5f68-a962-d49c2d2dfbd8.html†unmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,Journal,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Klenklen,Westar and Kansas State University,agreement,boilers,fewer employees,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landownerswhttp://thetandd.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_65d744f5-1f43-5135-ba1d-be1176fee7df.html‹unmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,Journal,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Klenklen,Westar and Kansas State University,news,agreement,boilers,fewer employees,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,potential issues,landowners01-Jan-2017 12:15PMOWestar increases use of drones in Kansas | The Sentinel: Business & Real Estateyhttp://cumberlink.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_929da6a2-fc9b-52e3-b10f-8e1262bd7066.html†unmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,Journal,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Klenklen,fewer employees,Westar and Kansas State University,agreement,Kan.,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,outages,potential issues,landowners~http://bismarcktribune.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_f207674c-9a4d-503e-a5f7-fdc15089abd6.htmlЏunmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,airspace restrictions,Journal,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Klenklen,sight,fewer employees,Westar and Kansas State University,Westar increases use,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landownersxhttp://auburnpub.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_93d4c1eb-dca5-5518-9a24-265983140e2d.htmlhttp://dailyjournalonline.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_c54f9e41-8686-53d5-ad37-6f58c435202f.html}http://democratherald.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_f4a3634d-4a60-54f3-9486-82010b472184.htmlAlbany Democrat-Heraldxhttp://elkodaily.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_01921ce2-6c41-5db2-8972-cf131ed1c1c0.html{http://lompocrecord.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_36b3f375-fc99-51fb-851f-223ec27cbcff.htmlyhttp://wcfcourier.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_7211cac7-08c6-5f3c-9d7d-2283941deb1e.htmlwhttp://chippewa.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_3961ec6a-f457-5e1d-86b4-c8597ba9c8e9.html~http://lacrossetribune.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_1035c9a6-7dec-50cc-aa27-b07633444fe8.html01-Jan-2017 12:08PMthttp://jg-tc.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_63c5501f-2c19-515a-b42c-dff4563f591b.html0Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,equipment,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,Topeka,state,agreement, Westar Energy,news,drone flight facilities,Kan.,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,Capital,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 12:07PMBC-KS--Westar-Drone Uses, 0481Lhttp://www.nampa.org/index.php?model=categories&function=display&id=16271818Œwhile also saving money, company officials said.\nWestar and Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus offer an unmanned aircraft systemsNambia Press Agency(Contributed by NAMPA / Associated Press.Namibiadrones,inspecting equipment,Westar increases use,Westar Energy,Polytechnic Campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,details,nation,money,Kan.,NAMPA / Associated Press,drone f,Westar and Kansas State University,company officials,safety and efficiency,emergencies01-Jan-2017 12< :03PMrhttp://tdn.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_8db24de4-e2bc-5b0f-86a0-385391e6897f.html~http://hanfordsentinel.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_350df331-70a0-5d81-aecf-277db667d6e7.htmlHanford Sentinel01-Jan-2017 12:02PM‘http://www.newsadvance.com/work_it_lynchburg/news/wire/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_5d754a88-f736-54dc-aec6-6c6e88907106.htmlNewsAdvance.comЏunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,drones,airspace restrictions,Journal,sight,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Klenklen,fewer employees,Westar and Kansas State University,Westar increases use,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landownerszhttp://thesouthern.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_ad0193fe-3b48-56b6-b991-9fe521802987.html0Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,Westar increases use,equipment,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,news,agreement,state, Westar Energy,drone flight facilities,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 12:01PMƒhttp://www.maysville-online.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_ea97b618-f55d-57d2-8a36-1c1af6234907.html01-Jan-2017 11:59AM4http://automotive.einnews.com/article/360166521/liveмinspecting equipment,increases use,Polytechnic Campus,such things,unmanned aircraft systems program,money,drones,Westar and Kansas State University, Westar Energy,company officials,safety and efficiency,Kan.,emergencies01-Jan-2017 11:58AM8http://brazilbusiness.einnews.com/article/360166521/live01-Jan-2017 11:51AM~http://santamariatimes.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_c2369003-38f5-56da-a202-cd8890b28b57.html01-Jan-2017 11:46AM…http://www.heraldcourier.com/news/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_365700da-e472-5763-9b54-3979de083745.html<Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,Westar increases use,state,broadcast, Westar Energy,Kan.,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,Associated Press01-Jan-2017 11:44AM=http://www.ksal.com/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/$Journal reports,Salina campus,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Topeka Capital,state,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 11:34AMVhttp://www.wdtimes.com/news/national/article_ef37c173-520a-5197-aa25-50c87a833d3e.html!Watertown Daily Times Online (AP)Žmanned aircraft,unmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,drones,information,AP Sources,Topeka Capital,drone flight facilities,Klenklen,Westar and Kansas State University, Westar Energy,bathroom bills,Westar increases use,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,red states,fewer employees,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,boilers,new federal law,Trump,computers,businesses~http://lebanon-express.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_c31d0b92-aa3f-55be-87ab-06e55e2b4bde.htmlŠhttp://www.phillytrib.com/news/state_and_region/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_0ab2b2d0-b21b-57e1-a671-307dfa670aaa.htmlThe Philadelphia Tribune{http://www.omaha.com/news/nation/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_14097e27-697f-5cce-99a0-88a80aba0a34.html Omaha.comЏunmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,airspace restrictions,Journal,pretty big restriction,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,drone flight facilities,sight,Klenklen,fewer employees,Westar and Kansas State University,Westar increases use,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landowners\http://www.journalreview.com/news/national/article_76e1f3c0-df74-5038-948b-12941f3aae65.htmlJournal Review Onlinehttp://www.wacotrib.com/news/ap_nation/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_5064e1a2-0952-533c-b317-457ec6f56fe4.html Wacotrib.com01-Jan-2017 11:32AM_http://sports.timesunion.com/news/article/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-10829509.phpSports - Times Union7Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 11:31AMyhttp://azdailysun.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_e0ea763d-6ff3-5711-94cf-3206ddb24c13.html:Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,Westar increases use,equipment,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State Univers< ity,state,agreement, Westar Energy,Kan.,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,news headlinesshttp://trib.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_9fc7b6ed-8ed5-52d2-be3d-47bf53305ee1.htmlAJournal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,Westar increases use,equipment,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,agreement,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 11:30AMzhttp://magicvalley.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_975fc4dc-7820-5256-993e-ec9c1325b626.html{http://www.newsbug.info/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_72af451c-605b-517e-bb7e-f710ef33be11.htmlhttp://napavalleyregister.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_fcf8df92-eae4-58c3-9c5b-4f3801dff16f.htmlNapa Valley Register (AP)~http://billingsgazette.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_4e4a6a40-e244-5626-820b-bd0d46a04720.html /0Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,Westar increases use,equipment,Kansas State University,news,agreement,state,Topeka, Westar Energy,drone flight facilities,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,Capital,boilers,employees,company{http://host.madison.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_28675a7d-5777-517d-bce1-954a395579a3.html6money news,Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,Westar increases use,equipment,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,agreement,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,companyvhttp://syvnews.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_69c6f85a-6e09-5cbf-9614-e17febc1af0c.html01-Jan-2017 11:28AM?Lenders expect financial stress to worsen for farmers, ranchersuhttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/agriculture/lenders-expect-financial-stress-to-worsen-for-farmers-ranchers/{land values,loans,agricultural credit conditions,farmers,Kansas State University Department,demand,farm finance sector,interest rates,complete 2016 Agricultural Lender Survey,expectations,crop sectors,livestock sectors,lenders,survey,Struggling Farm Economy,Agricultural Economics,state,Allen Featherstone,recent study,Georgia studies,Producers and lenders,University,flow issues01-Jan-2017 11:27AM%Navigating the world of student loansPhttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/navigating-the-world-of-student-loans/…Kiss, associate professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University. Student loan debt can affect careers, home\student loans,total debt,borrowers,percent,Kiss,credit card and auto loan debt,college,undergraduate students,grant universities,American s debt,first time,state funding,Student Loan fact sheet series, Approximately 40 percent,home,information,loan,Kansas State University,State Research and Extension,further education,higher education,land,high school scholarships,Americans,term implications,last college exam,Education data,educational collaboration,repayment considerations,Public university,family studies,education and training,repayment process,family resource management specialist,need,addition@http://www.columbiabasinherald.com/article/20170101/AP/301019932Columbia Basin Herald7Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,— Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 11:18AM>http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article124058649.html8Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Topeka Capital,Kansas,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu?http://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlAPolytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Related content,Topeka Capital,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiuBhttp://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/business/article124058649.html1Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Topeka Capital,transmission maintenance,Westar,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 11:16AMKhttp://www.kake.com/story/34162536/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas)Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Westar Energy,Kansas State University,state,Topeka Capital,Kansas,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,companyvhttp://qctimes.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_8d13355e-aaa7-55c7-964f-331477b1d73e.htmlQuad-City Times01-Jan-2017 11:15AM‘http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/business/technology/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_793310ed-c85c-5d8e-894c-fc3e3cf92de3.htmlPress of Atlantic City‚http://www.winonadailynews.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_00f47253-3d9f-556a-91a9-5fce40feb257.htmlChttp://ksn.com/2017/01/01/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/By Associated Press4Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,Westar increases use,state, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Kansas,transmission maintenance,Westar,e< mergency situations,boilers,employees,company01-Jan-2017 11:13AM?http://www.heraldonline.com/news/business/article124058649.html01-Jan-2017 11:06AMXhttp://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/1/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/0Journal reports,Salina campus,drones,equipment,Westar Energy,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,Topeka Capital,Westar increases use,state,Kan.,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 11:03AM[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4080106/Westar-increases-use-drones-Kansas.htmlDaily Mail Online7Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Topeka Capital, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiuhttp://siouxcityjournal.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_e09b2e91-bff3-5c6d-81bb-3593fc1b7eb4.html^http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4080106/Westar-increases-use-drones-Kansas.htmlMail On Sunday01-Jan-2017 11:02AMOhttp://www.readingeagle.com/ap/article/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansasReading Eagle01-Jan-2017 11:01AM?http://www.islandpacket.com/news/business/article124058649.html@http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/business/article124058649.html>http://www.centredaily.com/news/business/article124058649.html<http://www.sunherald.com/news/business/article124058649.html8http://www.macon.com/news/business/article124058649.html@http://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlMhttp://www.thestate.com/news/business/national-business/article124058649.html<http://www.bradenton.com/news/business/article124058649.html9http://www.modbee.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlShttp://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/business/national-business/article124058649.html<http://www.fresnobee.com/news/business/article124058649.html>http://www.theolympian.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlChttp://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/business/article124058649.html;http://www.kentucky.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlThttp://www.kansascity.com/news/business/national-international/article124058649.htmlVhttp://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/national-business/article124058649.html8Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,Jason Klenklen,Journal reports,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state,Kansas,transmission maintenance,Westar,Topeka Capital,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu6http://www.bnd.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlVhttp://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/business/national-business/article124058649.htmlKhttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/westar-increases-drones-kansas-165737371.html%money,Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,Westar Energy,Westar increases use,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University,Topeka Capital,state,safety,Kan.,transmission maintenance,employees,emergency situations,boilers,company9http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article124058649.html9http://www.kansas.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlAhttp://www.thenewstribune.com/news/business/article124058649.htmlAhttp://www.idahostatesman.com/news/business/article124058649.html01-Jan-2017 11:00AM\http://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-10829509.php Times Unionbhttp://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-10829509.phpWhttp://www.chron.com/news/article/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-10829509.phpXhttp://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-10829509.php[http://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-Kansas-10829509.php01-Jan-2017 10:57AMOhttps://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/westar-increases-drones-kansas-165737371.htmlYahoo! Finance UK[http://www.ccenterdispatch.com/news/state/article_e061b69f-47c6-55f0-b164-6ce216187369.htmlhttp://www.fredericksburg.com/business/business-wire/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_7f663014-7737-5a75-ab47-a237375e7484.htmlFredericksburg.com„http://www.thecourierexpress.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_5a020a7c-c99d-53c3-a01f-943cb18a6319.html}http://fremonttribune.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_e8f11ba4-43c9-5d98-8926-923ee1b91cea.html{http://www.salina.com/news/state/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_db0cb8c8-ce20-554b-89d2-c15ac62d36cf.htmlhttp://www.greensboro.com/business/nation_world_ap/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_bdabcd60-3405-5be6-b0f4-d75c59e8b6e8.htmlGreensboro News & RecordYhttp://www.scnow.com/news/business/wire/article_00238503-f236-5467-9421-b0befc9952ee.htmlSCNow 23 min ago7Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Topeka,Westar increases use,Kansas State University,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,Capital,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiuwhttp://helenair.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_cb81b0fc-1580-5a64-a338-934d8b2df01a.htmlhttp://www.newspressnow.com/news/state/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_dcccce8a-b93a-582b-ab2e-6532daed16ee.html~http://www.theeagle.com/news/nation/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_3b61a2a8-1edb-5e10-b1dc-bbd8fe700077.htmlhttp://columbustelegram.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_12879b09-a389-533a-8eb4-f0a96bc9978e.htmlyhttp://mtstandard.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_d8dde30e-3c5d-5984-99a4-73c871a3aad7.html|http://www.joplinglobe.com/region/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_a4eac2c1-f66d-53c1-9ded-110581d3857b.htmlZhttp://www.argus-press.com/news/national/article_de006751-becf-5dc0-97f0-ee52e6fdb7c8.html†http://theworldlink.com/news/local/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_a7370e23-68c5-5560-8df0-633aa51c54eb.html:Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,unmanned aircraft systems program,drones,Westar increases use,equipment,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,agreement,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,news headlines,boilers,employees,companyZhttp://www.emporiagazette.com/news/state/article_79b3c2f6-014c-51da-9d5a-3f07ff29d266.htmlhttp://news.morningstar.com/all/associated-press/bbdc323be4344fcb9b9cfa94ae33d568/westar-increases-use-of< -drones-in-kansas.aspxvhttp://harrisondaily.com/ap/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_91682142-0db7-5171-bdaf-d7846f40ee6a.htmlHarrisonDaily.comahttp://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/01/the-associated-press-westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas.html7Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Westar increases use,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 10:34AM€http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_19a22fe7-5907-5c4d-9aec-4c7fb3ff9ce2.htmlƒhttp://www.bgdailynews.com/news/national/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_3bbee9d5-ada9-54d1-9869-858cf4afb44a.htmlBowling Green Daily News 39 min agoЏunmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,airspace restrictions,information, Westar Energy,Remote Pilot,Journal,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Klenklen,sight,fewer employees,Topeka,Westar and Kansas State University,Westar increases use,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landowners,Capitalvhttp://lmtribune.com/nation/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_f1a994bf-ea47-5213-8dc0-37ebcf8e6334.htmlThe Lewiston TribuneZhttp://www.elpasoinc.com/news/ap_wire/us/article_b3ff6ab0-ea9e-5564-bfb4-a3c1e697768f.htmlЏunmanned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,manned aircraft,drones,airspace restrictions,information, Westar Energy,Topeka Capital,Remote Pilot,Journal,drone flight facilities,pretty big restriction,Klenklen,sight,fewer employees,Westar and Kansas State University,Westar increases use,boilers,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Westar,Wichita and Topeka,employees and contractors,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landowners01-Jan-2017 10:30AM{http://www.nwitimes.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_21e223a4-6dd4-5309-a53c-8b840f5b8e2e.htmlThe Times of Northwest Indiana01-Jan-2017 10:02AM=http://www.wgmd.com/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/News Radio WGMD 92.7By news@wgmd.com -9Continue Reading,Journal reports,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University s Polytechnic Campus,Topeka,Westar increases use,state,Kan.  Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,boilers,emergency situations,Capital,employees,companyXhttp://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2017/01/01/westar-increases-use-drones-in-kansas.html Fox Business<Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Kansas State University,Westar increases use,Topeka Capital,state,Kan.  Westar Energy,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,Kan.,boilers,employees,company,http://bit.ly/2iAgWiu01-Jan-2017 09:57AM‚http://www.starherald.com/news/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_3f4ce9c7-32bd-50e1-a1e9-ee81ad4b9a68.html01-Jan-2017 08:00AMZSpecial 20th anniversary presentation slated for Ag Technologies Conference Jan. 19 and 20šhttp://www.hpj.com/general/special-th-anniversary-presentation-slated-for-ag-technologies-conference-jan/article_00f5806b-fd6c-549a-965b-6f9addaa56a8.htmlƒThe Kansas Ag Research and Technology Association and K-State Research and Extension are pleased to release details for yet anotherlSpecial 20th anniversary presentation,presentation,Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association,instructional workshops,annual event,State Research and Extension,grant recipients,20th Annual Agricultural Technologies Conference,KARTA Annual Meeting,open discussion,founding members,agricultural research trials,farm research projects,interactive evening discussion,Oklahoma State University,new members,Kansas,conference,person,state s post,board,students,agriculture industry,KARTA,association dues and conference registrations,place Jan.,technology,agricultural producers,industry leaders,Registration,attendee favorite01-Jan-2017 07:52AMQ10 Biggest Money Problems That Could Kill Your Marriage - Wall Street Cheat SheetKhttp://so-l.ru/news/show/10_biggest_money_problems_that_could_kill_your_marїmoney,biggest money problems,money| iStock.com,bills,otherwise good relationship,household money,less money,thing,overspending spouse,household,partners,joint account,gold digger,money discussions,couple,out money | George Marks/Retrofile/,underearning spouse,Money & Career Cheat Sheet,family members,productive member,financially unfaithful spouse,life insurance agency Haven Life,life s,divorce court,Financial issues,financial support group,personal finance book,group,marriage,whole different issuedChipotle Customers Haven t Forgotten The Chain s Food Safety Crisis - Business on HuffingtonPost.comMhttp://so-l.ru/news/show/chipotle_customers_haven_t_forgotten_the_chain_s_f_5Юfood safety,HuffPost/YouGov polls,Chipotle,chain,disappointing sales,polls,fo< od safety or employee retention,percent,safety,subpar customer experiences,lagging sales,food, s sales,nationally representative opinion polling,company,respondents,former Kansas State University food safety professor,Chipotle Mexican Grill,significant number,food and water,crisis levels,potential survey errors,Washington Post report,full year 2016 sales numbers,YouGov s,HuffPost, Chipotle chief marketing and development officer Mark Crumpacker,error,Huffington Post, s locations,frequent Chipotle critic Doug Powell,model,sample,Chipotle CEO and founder Steve Ells, Crumpacker,HuffPost,restaurant,random probability sampling,ErbentrautdChipotle Customers Haven t Forgotten The Chain s Food Safety Crisis - Politics on HuffingtonPost.comKhttp://so-l.ru/news/show/chipotle_customers_haven_t_forgotten_the_chain_s_f01-Jan-2017 07:00AM1http://www.whig.com/article/20170101/AP/301019899 Herald-Whig01-Jan-2017 06:04AMOhttps://in.finance.yahoo.com/news/westar-increases-drones-kansas-165737371.htmlYahoo! India Financeyunmanned aircraft,manned aircraft,Polytechnic Campus,Westar Energy,drones,information,drone flight facilities,Remote Pilot,Journal,Klenklen,money,Westar increases use,fewer employees,Topeka Capital,Westar and Kansas State University,boilers,employees and contractors,Kansas State Polytechnic USA Laboratory researcher,Wichita and Topeka,Kan.,outages,potential issues,landowners01-Jan-2017 05:21AM2017 ACS PresidentLhttp://www.chemistryviews.org/details/ezine/10264951/2017_ACS_President.htmlŒterm position. 2017 President-Elect is Professor Peter K. Dorhout, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA. He will serve as the societyChemistryViewsChemViews MagazineMPacific Northwest National Laboratory,Professor Peter K. Dorhout,Professor Donna Nelson,Kansas State University,postdoctoral researcher,research interests,Research Scientist,American Chemical Society,postdoctoral fellow,chemistry,University,research collaborator,several awards,A. P. Sloan Fellow,Dr. Allison A. Campbell,National Science Foundation CAREER Award,Mobil Young Faculty Award,President,Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory,Ames Laboratory,Campbell,Associate Laboratory Director,society,ACS Exxon,Earth and Biological Sciences,Materials Synthesis and Modification,Dorhout01-Jan-2017 04:00AM2Canola College valuable source of crop information‹http://www.enidnews.com/news/ag_energy/canola-college-valuable-source-of-crop-information/article_af09fc7a-6ea2-5090-9d0a-918841864d9b.htmlŠyour operation can be a daunting task. Mike Stamm, Kansas State University canola breeder, will provide insight on determining the correctBy Josh Bushong crop,producers,addition,canola,crop rotations,different planting technologies,weeds,common weed issues,plant health,basic agronomic information,premier canola event,broadleaf weed control,insect, weed or disease,canola growers and experts,new planting,risks,OSU plant pathologist,event,good canola stand,pest,insects,susceptible stand,information and contacts,fall stands and yields,Financial risk management,production input costs,Kansas State University canola breeder,Oklahoma State University area agronomist,successful production practices,current canola RMA policies,OSU area economist,experienced grower,correct varieties,new varieties,northwest area agronomy specialist,OSU entomologist,tolerant variety,something,current issues,winter survival issues,systems agronomist01-Jan-2017 03:45AMCross a sight to seeahttp://www.hdnews.net/news/cross-a-sight-to-see/article_6899cbcf-1d7d-57ee-8173-4f635258f54d.htmlŠhoped to see through one day. The engineering college at Kansas State University helped with the structure. The community received help in*By MIKE KESSINGER mkessinger@dailynews.netпcross,town,project,Larry Nichols, Nichols,Pat Nichols Memorial Fund,Elma Dibble and Pat Nichols  ,community,part,memorial  ,bluffs,time,Alton,funds,structure,Larry Nichols and Dibble s son,work and time Boland,Dibble,Dibble s cell phone,Nichols pickup,several community members,Maryellen Boland,Alton PRIDE organization,feet,Greater Salina Community Foundation,funeral memorials,up the entire bridge,hole 11 feet,Rod Boland,Larry& Glad,Osborne and Rooks counties,Osborne,bridge01-Jan-2017 02:57AMOhttps://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/westar-increases-drones-kansas-165737103.html01-Jan-2017 01:24AMCommanding a team of expertsUhttp://www.fultonsun.com/news/local/story/2017/jan/01/commanding-team-experts/655478/administration and a master's degree in adult continued education from Kansas State University.\n\nShe lives in Ashland with her husband, Lee Fulton Sunby Michelle Brooksˆcompany commander,Civil Support Team,team,elite unit,7th WMD,experts,Missouri National Guard,military police,Ike Skelton Training Site,Decker,mass destruction unit,Army Commendation Medal,medals and ribbons,training,Guard,Operation Enduring Freedom,Maj. Lindsey Decker,hand,Command and General Staff College,support,decision,emergency response agency calls,operations officer,Columbia College01-Jan-2017 01:21AMWhttp://www.newstribune.com/news/local/story/2017/jan/01/commanding-team-experts/655478/ News TribuneMichelle Brooks–company commander,leadership experience,Civil Support Team,team,elite unit,7th WMD,Missouri National Guard,military police,mass destruction unit,Ike Skelton Training Site,Decker,Army Commendation Medal,medals and ribbons,training,Guard,Operation Enduring Freedom,Maj. Lindsey Decker,Command and General Staff College,support,hand,decision,emergency response agency calls,operations officer,Columbia College01-Jan-2017 12:30AM|http://herald-review.com/business/westar-increases-use-of-drones-in-kansas/article_a55147ca-67c3-5767-ad31-d99c3131a963.html!Journal reports,Polytechnic Campus,Salina campus,drones,equipment,unmanned aircraft systems program,drone flight facilities,Topeka Capital,Kansas State University,Westar increases use,state, Westar Energy,Kan.,Westar,transmission maintenance,emergency situations,boilers,employees,company27-Jan-2017 10:27AM.Mansfield students earn honors at Kansas Statehhttp://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/community/mansfield-news-mirror/mnm-living/article129118704.html†More than 3,900 students earned semester honors from Kansas State University for their academic performance in the fall 2016 semester.ŸMansfield students,honors,Kansas State University,grade point average,fall 2016 semester,Manhattan High School,Lance Smith,semester,Brock Carpani,commendations27-Jan-2017 09:25AMOThe Big (Ag) Cover-Up: Will Factory Farming Finally Stop It's Culture of Abuse?mhttp://www.commondreams.org/views/2< 017/01/27/big-ag-cover-will-factory-farming-finally-stop-its-culture-abuseŠtheir bottom-line. A 2010 study out of Kansas State University found that media stories about investigations decreases consumer demand forCommon Dreamsby Kenny Torrella27-Jan-2017 02:00AMwPatricia F. Raskob, EA, CFP, ATA Honored as a Lifetime Member and a VIP by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication|http://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/17/01/r8956026/patricia-f-raskob-ea-cfp-ata-honored-as-a-lifetime-member-and-a-vip-by-Œa B.S., With Honors, in Business and Psychology from Kansas State University. She is a Certified Financial Planner, an Enrolled Agent and anPR.com27-Jan-2017 10:32AMBWorkshop offers novice, seasoned gardeners information to  dig in >http://www.kansas.com/living/home-garden/article129119394.htmlŒin new plants and gardening experiences, say organizers with the Kansas State University Research and Extension.\n\n We ve been spending theBy Amy Geiszler-Jones27-Jan-2017 05:03AMLLetters on state spending, Trump nepotism, Planned Parenthood, radon, robotsIhttp://www.kansas.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article129025779.htmlŠyou talked about it but took no action. Getting a kit from a K-State extension office would be a winning move to protect your family and a(Trump's Toothless Pipeline Protectionism@http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2017/01/trumps_toothles.html‡elections next year. My worry is informed by a trade economist, Kansas State University's Peri da Silva, whom I had breakfast with this27-Jan-2017 08:17AMGGlobal Agrigenomics Market Is Expected To Generate Huge Profits by 2024nhttp://www.openpr.com/news/423193/Global-Agrigenomics-Market-Is-Expected-To-Generate-Huge-Profits-by-2024.htmlOpen PR27-Jan-2017 07:16AM&http://www.pr.com/press-release/703053&http://www.pr.com/press-release/70321527-Jan-2017 09:34AM!An Explosive Way to Make GrapheneMhttp://insights.globalspec.com/article/4083/an-explosive-way-to-make-grapheneˆby controlled detonation has been developed and patented by Kansas State University physicists.\n\nUnlike other techniques for producingEngineering360 News Desk27-Jan-2017 10:57AM0Students prevail in national AgYield competitionFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/B446D69B7000B038A6283BC55720D68E4D9D70A9Ž12 other teams, including University of Illinois, University of Nebraska, Iowa State University and Kansas State University.\n\n'Participating27-Jan-2017 10:46AM7Cloth as a Community: Hmong Textiles in America ExhibitFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/A1650519386AB7D3D937C0F3BA99F8CB250B2CAA†Design Journal. Craig is currently department head of art at Kansas State University, and previously served for six years as Assistant27-Jan-2017 01:43AM5Senate Ag Committee Schedules First Farm Bill Hearing[http://www.farms.com/news/senate-ag-committee-schedules-first-farm-bill-hearing-118198.aspx27-Jan-2017 10:15AM!Ways to keep your identity securePhttp://www.mcphersonsentinel.com/news/20170127/ways-to-keep-your-identity-secureŒin writing.\n\nA Fact Sheet with this information is available at K-State Research and Extension, McPherson County at 600 W. Woodside St. in.Jana McKinneyMcPherson County Extension Office27-Jan-2017 09:45AM8Works by three prominent artists to be raffled at Coutts{http://www.butlercountytimesgazette.com/entertainmentlife/20170126/works-by-three-prominent-artists-to-be-raffled-at-coutts‹Callaway. She developed an interest in printmaking while attending Kansas State University, continuing under the guidance of Peter Johnson.TG news report27-Jan-2017 06:26AM4Navigating a struggling farm economy to be discussed`https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/27/navigating-a-struggling-farm-economy-to-be-discussed-monday/27-Jan-2017 09:31AMUDon't 'Bee' Worried: Researcher Says Endangered Bumblebee Populations Will Rise Againhttp://esciencenews.com/sources/newswise.scinews/2017/01/27/dont.bee.worried.researcher.says.endangered.bumblebee.populations.will.rise.again‹to be placed on the endangered species list, but a Kansas State University entomologist said bumblebee endangerment is nothing to be buggedtBumblebee Populations,Researcher,Rise,Kansas State University entomologist,bumblebee endangerment,first species,U.S.27-Jan-2017 12:43PM%Dennis Etzel, Jr @ PSU - February 9thEhttp://www.koamtv.com/story/34364559/dennis-etzel-jr-psu-february-9th‰University. He has an MFA from The University of Kansas, and an MA and Graduate Certificate in Women and Gender Studies from Kansas StateBy News Release27-Jan-2017 12:02AM6Detonation technique to mass-produce graphene patenteddhttp://www.chemeurope.com/en/news/161577/detonation-technique-to-mass-produce-graphene-patented.htmlKansas State University\nFrom left: Kansas State University researchers Justin Wright, doctoral student in physics; Chris Sorensen, Cortelyou27-Jan-2017 08:00AMbBreeding a better bean: Kansas State University's new partnership to aid soybean commercialization‹http://www.hpj.com/crops/breeding-a-better-bean-kansas-state-university-s-new-partnership/article_1a0bf1ee-6b93-5163-9a3f-6a1ac5d2595c.html‰productivity in the agriculture industry, said Rich Sell, Kansas State University executive director of outreach.  These first two tasks27-Jan-2017 02:23AMYDANFORTH CENTER EXPANDS MAJOR RESEARCH PROGRAM TO BENEFIT FARMERS IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD%http://www.agrimarketing.com/s/10799127-Jan-2017 02:26AMЈhttp://dmnnewswire.digitalmedianet.com/article/Patricia-F-Raskob-EA-CFP-ATA-Honored-as-a-Lifetime-Member-and-a-VIP-by-Strathmores-Whos-Who-Worldwide-Publication-479123827-Jan-2017 12:33PMFhttp://www.fox14tv.com/story/34364559/dennis-etzel-jr-psu-february-9th27-Jan-2017 03:21AMhttp://www.itnewsonline.com/pr.com/Danforth-Center-Expands-Major-Research-Program-to-Benefit-Farmers-in-the-Developing-World/9285IT News OnlineMumbai27-Jan-2017 11:03AM>Preparatoria Frontier STEM organizѓ 3a feria anual de carrerashhttp://dosmundos.com/webpress/2017/01/27/preparatoria-frontier-stem-organizo-3a-feria-anual-de-carreras/Œ, Holiday Inn Express, Hammersmith Manufacturing, Kansas City Zoo, K-State, Metropolitan Community College, GEODIS, y International Union of Dos Mundos Luis MerloSpanish / Castilian27-Jan-2017 04:41AM?http://www.bizwireexpress.com/showstoryPRcom.php?storyid=41446327-Jan-2017 04:00AM?http://www.bizwireexpress.com/showstoryPRcom.php?storyid=41449927-Jan-2017 02:32AMЃhttp://business.itbusinessnet.com/article/Patricia-F-Raskob-EA-CFP-ATA-Honored-as-a-Lifetime-Member-and-a-VIP-by-Strathmores-Whos-Who-Worldwide-Publication-4791238#Business Issues - ITBusinessNet.com27-Jan-2017 04:12AMЅhttp://networking.itbusinessnet.com/article/Patricia-F-Raskob-EA-CFP-ATA-Honored-as-a-Lifetime-Member-and-a-VIP-by-Strathmores-Whos-Who-Worldwide-Publication-4791238Networking - ITBusinessNet.com27-Jan-2017 02:38AMPhttp://www.videobasedtutorials.com/articles/viewarticle.jsp?type=news&id=4791238Video Based Tutorials By PR.com27-Jan-2017 02:42AMЃhttp://security.itbusinessnet.com/article/Patricia-F-Raskob-EA-CFP-ATA-Honored-as-a-Lifetime-Member-and-a-VIP-by-Strathmores-Whos-Who-Worldwide-Publication-4791238Security @ ITBusinessNet.com27-Jan-2017 11:02AMYSell by? Use by? What s a shopper to do? Sorting through the meaning of food date labels.Žhttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/home-economics/sell-by-use-by-whats-a-shopper-to-do-sorting-through-the-meaning-of-food-date-labels/‰Nwadike, extension food safety specialist for the University of Missouri and Kansas State University.\n\nShoppers sometimes shy away from27-Jan-2017 10:56AM]01-27-17 Learn more< about the 2017 Tri-State Cow/Calf Symposium February 10th in Goodland, KS•https://brianallmerradionetwork.wordpress.com/2017/01/27/01-27-17-learn-more-about-the-2017-tri-state-cowcalf-symposium-february-10th-in-goodland-ks/…program information and registration forms are available online at www.sunflower.K-State.edu or www.KSUBeef.org. For more information27-Jan-2017 01:33AMmhttp://growingpennsylvania.com/news/2017/01/senate-ag-committee-schedules-first-farm-bill-hearing-2017-01-27/Growing America Staff27-Jan-2017 05:56AM7Program Set for Cow-Calf Conference Feb. 10 in GoodlandHhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=97ˆprogram information and registration forms are available online at www.sunflower.K-State.edu or www.KSUBeef.org.\n\nFor more information27-Jan-2017 05:55AM+Program Set for Cow-Calf Conference Feb. 10Hhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=NE2017&ID=9127-Jan-2017 02:31AMЎhttp://hollywoodindustry.digitalmedianet.com/article/Patricia-F-Raskob-EA-CFP-ATA-Honored-as-a-Lifetime-Member-and-a-VIP-by-Strathmores-Whos-Who-Worldwide-Publication-4791238Hollywood Industry27-Jan-2017 06:25AMThursday January 26 Ag NewsEhttp://chadmoyer.blogspot.no/2017/01/thursday-january-26-ag-news.html‹bill. The hearing will take place on February 23, 2017, at Kansas State University s main campus in Manhattan. The announcement of a second27-Jan-2017 06:03AM;http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=97&yr=201727-Jan-2017 07:14AMkhttp://growingwashington.com/news/2017/01/senate-ag-committee-schedules-first-farm-bill-hearing-2017-01-27/27-Jan-2017 02:30AMjhttp://growingminnesota.com/news/2017/01/senate-ag-committee-schedules-first-farm-bill-hearing-2017-01-27/27-Jan-2017 12:34PMIUncovering Opportunities for States to Advance School Choice through ESSA_http://www.excelined.org/2017/01/27/uncovering-opportunities-states-advance-school-choice-essa/€Development at Lund University in Sweden. McKenzie earned a bachelor s degree in Political Science from Kansas State University.The EdFly Blog27-Jan-2017 08:47AMfhttp://www.labmanager.com/news/2017/01/physicists-patent-detonation-technique-to-mass-produce-graphene‹MANHATTAN  Forget chemicals, catalysts, and expensive machinery a Kansas State University team of physicists has discovered a way to mass-By Jennifer Tidball27-Jan-2017 05:54AMAhttp://www.nebraskaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=91&yr=201730-Jan-2017 07:56AMFRelive the Magic of Harry Potter In OnlineCollegePlan's Latest Rankinghhttp://www.kwwl.com/story/34377268/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-ranking’, Montana)\n\n8. Kansas State University (Manhattan, Kansas)\n\n7. Texas Tech University (Lubbock, Texas)\n\n6. University of Kentucky (Lexington,џNorth Carolina,New York,Pennsylvania,Montclair State University,South Carolina,North Dakota,University,schools,Harry Potter,New Jersey,New Rochelle,Missouri,Hampshire College,New Brunswick,house,Texas Tech University,Chicago,Massachusetts,Central Michiganhhttp://www.kfbb.com/story/34377129/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingџNew York,North Carolina,South Carolina,North Dakota,Montclair State University,Pennsylvania,schools,University,New Jersey,New Rochelle,Missouri,Harry Potter universe,New Brunswick,house,Chicago,Texas Tech University,Central Michigan University,North Eastonhttp://ww                          ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y §џџџZ [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € w.watchfox29.com/story/34377117/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-ranking)\n\n10. University of Memphis (Memphis, Tennessee)\n\n9. Montana State University--Billings (Billings, Montana)\n\n8. Kansas State University (џNorth Carolina,New York,North Dakota,Pennsylvania,South Carolina,information,Montclair State University,University,schools,New Jersey,New Rochelle,Missouri,Harry Potter universe,house,New Brunswick,fun and informative,Texas Tech University,Chicago,Centraluhttp://www.telemundoamarillo.com/story/34377129/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingџNorth Carolina,New York,Pennsylvania,Montclair State University,South Carolina,North Dakota,University,schools,New Jersey,New Rochelle,Missouri,Harry Potter universe,New Brunswick,house,Texas Tech University,Chicago,Massachusetts,Central Michigan Universiihttp://www.wave3.com/story/34377117/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingihttp://www.cbs58.com/story/34377268/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-ranking\http://www.mediawebsite.net/dentonrc/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=412145193&page=130-Jan-2017 07:55AMihttp://www.abc40.com/story/34377117/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingbhttp://www.tickertech.com/cgi/?a=news&ticker=a&w=&story=201701201701300830PR_NEWS_USPR_____PH98543rhttp://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/34377129/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingџNorth Carolina,New York,Pennsylvania,South Carolina,Montclair State University,North Dakota,University,schools,New Jersey,New Rochelle,Missouri,Harry Potter universe,New Brunswick,house,Texas Tech University,Chicago,Massachusetts,Central Michigan Universilhttp://www.wvalways.com/story/34377129/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankinghhttp://www.ktbs.com/story/34377268/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingihttp://www.abc57.com/story/34377129/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingџNew York,North Carolina,South Carolina,information,Montclair State University,Pennsylvania,University,schools,North Dakota,New Jersey,New Rochelle,Missouri,Harry Potter universe,New Brunswick,house,fun and informative,Central Michigan University,North Easphttp://www.wearewvproud.com/story/34377117/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingџNorth Carolina,New York,South Carolina,information,Montclair State University,University,schools,North Dakota,New Jersey,Pennsylvania,New Rochelle,Missouri,Harry Potter universe,house,New Brunswick,fun and informative,Texas Tech University,Chicago,CentralPhttp://www.mediawebsite.net/tsm/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=412145193qhttp://www.abcfoxmontana.com/story/34377117/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankingmhttp://www.thecwprov.com/story/34377117/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-rankinglhttp://www.azfamily.com/story/34377129/relive-the-magic-of-harry-potter-in-onlinecollegeplans-latest-ranking30-Jan-2017 07:44AM7Explosions may be the answer to mass-producing graphene8http://newsdog.today/a/article/588f3c38129071494d3ef452/‹mass produce, but while trying to make something else altogether, Kansas State University (KSU) scientists may have lucked into a promisingџspark,KSU team,mass produce,acetylene gas and oxygen,carbon soot aerosol gels,bonded carbon,black angel food cake,oxygen or air,promising research,researcher Chris Sorensen,oxidizing agent,graphene,doc researcher Arjun Nepal,technique,answer,graphene and 30-Jan-2017 07:41AMOhttp://www.mediawebsite.net/danews/story/?catSetID=&catID=951304&nrid=412145193\http://www.mediawebsite.net/PINSIDER/story/?catSetID=9354&catID=951304&nrid=412145193&page=130-Jan-2017 07:40AM)http://petethewalrus.com/archives/2102422Pete The Walrus}mass produce,answer,carbon soot aerosol gels,scientists,Kansas State University,team,Explosions,promising technique,something30-Jan-2017 07:33AMFhttp://www.mediawebsite.net/appsear/story/&catID=290692&nrid=41214519330-Jan-2017 07:32AM[http://www.mediawebsite.net/appsear/story/?catSetID=7007&catID=290< 692&nrid=412145193&page=130-Jan-2017 07:30AM‚http://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Relive+the+Magic+of+Harry+Potter+In+OnlineCollegePlan%27s+Latest+Ranking/12472185.html30-Jan-2017 07:27AMWhttp://nasnerds.com/2017/01/30/explosions-may-be-the-answer-to-mass-producing-graphene/Nasnerdsnasnerd‰mass produce,answer,carbon soot aerosol gels,& Lees meer,scientists,Kansas State University,team,Explosions,promising technique,something30-Jan-2017 07:24AM<K-State scholarship student arrested for multiple sex crimes?http://1350kman.com/manhattan-man-arrested-multiple-sex-crimes/ˆat Putnam Hall on Petticoat Lane, is listed as a Shawnee resident in a K-State news release last year. According to the release, he is aѓsex crimes charges,State scholarship student,Petticoat Lane,Putnam Hall,breach,bond,Cargill/Horizon Milling Diversity Scholarship recipient,State news release,Nieko William Javie Giesbrecht,Giesbrecht,sexual battery,release,Riley County Police30-Jan-2017 06:25AM4International students in Kansas react to travel bandhttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/International-students-in-Kansas-react-to-travel-ban-412133243.htmlthose students and offer advice about traveling in the next few month.\n\nK-State says it has 63 students from the seven countries listed intЙtravel ban executive order,students,Wichita State,United States,chancellor,Newman University student,School officials,universities,stand,land,America,countries,Kansas,advice,Hibah Ullah30-Jan-2017 06:00AM>Now That's Rural: Trudy Rice - Community Development ExtensionIhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=102Œin Washington, D.C. In 2015, she was selected to be K-State Research and Extension's state program leader for community vitality.\n\nLots ofџPRIDE program,community development,National Association,Trudy,State,organization,State Research and Extension,community vitality,new president,extension,state program leader,farm and daughter Brandie,H agent,rural Kansas,previously mentioned organization?Swine Health Information Center Serves Veterinarians, Producersshttp://www.porknetwork.com/news/industry/year-review-swine-health-information-center-serves-veterinarians-producersŠIowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Minnesota, and South Dakota State University to work with Clemson University Pork Networkџfuture disease threats,coordinated disease monitoring,next threat,viruses,Iowa State University,Monitoring,Dr. Paul Sundberg,project,Swine Health Information Center Serves Veterinarians,SHIC,targeted research investments,animal health officials,Pipestone 30-Jan-2017 05:56AM<http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=102&yr=2017џPRIDE program,community development,National Association,Trudy,State,organization,Douglas County,State Research and Extension,community vitality,new president,important community development work,extension,state program leader,farm and daughter Brandie,H 30-Jan-2017 05:54AM7University leaders in Kansas condemn Trump s travel banXhttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/30/university-leaders-in-kansas-condemn-trumps-travel-ban/ŽGray-Little-KU here.\n\nKansas State University statement read in part  An initial count indicates Kansas State University has 63 students andџtravel ban,University,students and families,Little s statement,state and nation,Kansas,scholars,Kansas Chancellor Bernadette Gray,Kansas State University statement,full statement,many members,immigrants,peer universities,concerns,students,public research 30-Jan-2017 05:51AM@Researcher says endangered bumblebee populations will rise againChttps://phys.org/news/2017-01-endangered-bumblebee-populations.html‹to be placed on the endangered species list, but a Kansas State University entomologist says bumblebee endangerment is nothing to be buggedTiffany Roneyџbumblebee populations,natural factor,farming and gardening methods,crops,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Whitworth,regulations and programs,birds and fish,tree,Kansas State University entomologist,Farm Service Agency,first U.S. bumblebee species,Conservati30-Jan-2017 05:33AM/http://world.einnews.com/article/364246345/live‹the first U.S. bumblebee species to be placed on the endangered species list, but a Kansas State University entomologist says bumblebee & (уJeff Whitworth,associate professor,bee populations,native plants,Kansas State University entomologist,Researcher,Credit,first U.S. bumblebee species,rusty patched bumblebee,bumblebee & ,Bombus affinis,simple practices,entomology30-Jan-2017 05:32AM8http://semiconductors.einnews.com/article/364246345/live30-Jan-2017 05:22AMGPlainville Native Promoted to Legislative Director for Sen. Jerry Moranhttp://bignews.biz/?id=1405693†and energy policy advisor for Sen. Moran. He earned a bachelor s degree in history and political science from Kansas State University. BigNews.bizцLegislative Director,Sen. Moran s Washington,Senator Moran s,nation,Plainville Native Promoted,Kan.,Kansans,fellow Plainville kid, Ruder,energy policy advisor,Plainville High School,capital,policies,energy,Kansas State University30-Jan-2017 05:15AMNew Corn Herbicides For 2017Jhttp://www.farms.com/commentaries/new-corn-herbicides-for-2017-118284.aspxŒused to improve weed control (Statement in label). Research at K-State suggests that the use of adjuvants may also increase crop injury fromџTarget weeds,corn and weeds,resistant broadleaf weeds,corn,organic matter,use NIS,soils,Use rate and timing,New Corn Herbicides,Active ingredients,many weed species,AMS or UAN,use MSO,Enlist corn confers resistance,postemergence,Liberty Link corn,atrazine30-Jan-2017 05:14AMOTopdressing Wheat With Nitrogen: Timing, Application Methods, Source, And Ratesyhttp://www.farms.com/commentaries/topdressing-wheat-with-nitrogen-timing-application-methods-source-and-rates-118288.aspxŠfor topdressing wheat are UAN solution and dry urea. Numerous trials by K-State over the years have shown that both are equally effective.џsoils,winter,Application method,spring,fall,topdress application,late winter,adequate soil moisture,early winter,surface band,wheat,shallow claypan soils,winter/,profile N soil test,grain crop,runoff losses,southwest Kansas,dribble band,very sandy soils,t4Late-Winter Preplant Applications For Kochia Controlbhttp://www.farms.com/commentaries/late-winter-preplant-applications-for-kochia-control-118289.aspxŠin this article are based on data from irrigated plots at the K-State Southwest Research-Extension Center at Tribune, and with populationsџincrease control,adequate control,corn or sorghum,broadleaf and grass weeds,effective preemergence control,populations,kochia,best control,mustard control,sorghum,Fields,spring,preplant treatment advisable,kochia emergence,herbicides,Figure 11,addition,< Fi30-Jan-2017 04:30AM<HudsonAlpha initiative aided by $6.1M Gates Foundation grant–http://www.enewscourier.com/news/local_news/hudsonalpha-initiative-aided-by-m-gates-foundation-grant/article_ca71a334-e4f1-11e6-a32d-9f52ade01deb.htmlŒ), HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Kansas State University, University of Arizona, George Washington University, and NRgene (IsraelEnewscourier.comThe News CourierџSaharan Africa,food security,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,developing world,crop,project,farmers,sorghum,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,$6.1 million,food and income, s largest independent plant science institutes,HudsonAlpha,advanced sorghum phenotypi30-Jan-2017 04:23AMChttp://hppr.org/post/roberts-first-farm-bill-hearing-be-held-kansas–live on ag.senate.gov.\n\nTags:\n\nPat Roberts\n\nfarm bill\n\nagriculture\n\nagriculture economy\n\nKansas State University\n\nTweetShareGoogle+EmailKansas AglandџFarm Bill,Roberts,hearing,farm country,farmers and families,chairman,Kansas State University campus,first field hearing,bill,agricultural producers,home state,rural America,time,Kansas,Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry,American agriculture,U.S. Senate C30-Jan-2017 03:22AMhttp://growingwashington.com/news/2017/01/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-2017-01-30/1Donald Danforth Plant Science Center news releaseџcrop,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,world,Saharan Africa,Farmers,millions,development and deployment,food and income,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,sorghum,Danforth Center Expands Major Research Program,food security crops,yield and stress tolerance,So30-Jan-2017 03:12AMPUniversities denounce Trump's Muslim ban, advise affected students not to travelXhttp://senegal-actu.com/2017/01/universities-denounce-trumps-muslim-ban-advise-affected/‡to contact the Office of International Student and Scholar Services.\n\nK-State says their initial count shows the university having 63Senegal-Actu.ComJulian Swansonџexecutive order,United States,Students, faculty and staff,students,success,President Trump,University,global citizens,scholars,concerns,university community members,countries,International Student and Scholar Services,impact,understanding and acceptance,e30-Jan-2017 01:36AMŽhttp://growinglouisiana.com/news/2017/01/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-2017-01-30/џcrop,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,world,Saharan Africa,Farmers,millions,food and income,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,sorghum,Danforth Center Expands Major Research Program,food security crops,yield and stress tolerance,development and deployment,So30-Jan-2017 01:01AM[https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/30/university-leaders-in-kansas-condemn-trumps-travel-ban/Xhttp://salinapost.com/2017/01/30/university-leaders-in-kansas-condemn-trumps-travel-ban/30-Jan-2017 01:00AM1Political Theatre & Ghostlight Project | On Stage?http://kmuw.org/post/political-theatre-ghostlight-project-stageŒtheatre. Participating Kansas theatres were Emporia State University Theatre, Kansas State University Theatre Organization in Manhattan, TheSanda Moore ColemanџGhostlight Project,Emporia State University Theatre,state,Performing Arts program,WSU School,House Beautiful,theatre world,Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival,Percolator Art Space,high school theatres,theatre community,Arts,Kansas State Unive30-Jan-2017 12:00AMbConfucius Institue celebrates Year of the Rooster, shares Chinese culture with Manhattan communityŒhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/30/confucius-institue-celebrates-year-of-the-rooster-shares-chinese-culture-with-manhattan-community/Žcommunity celebrated the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster at K-State Confucius Institute s second Chinese Culture Fair.\n\n (Jan. 28)џChinese culture,guests,Confucius Institue,part,game,traditional Chinese games,Kansas State and Manhattan community,event,State,activities, games and calligraphy,residential living assistant,Rooster, Max Lu,something,activities and demonstrations,people,a29-Jan-2017 11:57PMBGates Awards $6.1 Million for Advanced Sorghum Breeding Techniqueshhttp://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/gates-awards-6.1-million-for-advanced-sorghum-breeding-techniquesPhilanthropy News DigestџGates Foundation,smallholder farmers,millions,Advanced Sorghum Breeding Techniques,Developing World,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,grant,REF program,optimizing breeding strategies,plant,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,Kansas State University,efforts,Adv29-Jan-2017 11:45PM‘http://growingpennsylvania.com/news/2017/01/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-2017-01-30/29-Jan-2017 11:35PMŽhttp://growingwisconsin.com/news/2017/01/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-2017-01-30/29-Jan-2017 11:27PMhttp://growingillinois.com/news/2017/01/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-2017-01-30/29-Jan-2017 11:08PMŽhttp://growingminnesota.com/news/2017/01/danforth-center-expands-major-research-program-to-benefit-farmers-in-the-developing-world-2017-01-30/29-Jan-2017 10:59PM/7 money secrets the rich don't want you to knowchttp://www.msn.com/en-in/money/topstories/7-money-secrets-the-rich-dont-want-you-to-know/ar-AAmiDhI‰Klontz, a clinical psychologist with an academic appointment at Kansas State University, conducted research on the difference in spendingџRich Dad,wealth,money,percent,Poor Dad,author,order,Rich Habits,difference,investment success,spending habits,Daily Success Habits,time,time and compound returns,Generating income,boss,market,cost,business,income sources,passive income,earnings,Author Pau29-Jan-2017 10:30PM]http://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/7-money-secrets-the-rich-dont-want-you-to-know/ar-AAmiDhIMSN India News29-Jan-2017 10:15PMEKS universities discuss travel ban's impact on international studentsdhttp://www.kwch.com/content/news/State-universities-discuss-impact-of-executive-order-412107983.htmlto international students.\n\nKansas State says it has 63 students from the seven countries listed in the executive order. The university hasџtravel restrictions,executive order,students,travel,President Donald Trump,international travel,restricted U.S. travel,Wichita State,impact,Kansas Chancellor Bernadette Gray,statement,university,Kansas State,countries,students and families,several Kansas 29-Jan-2017 09:56PM8Researchers Develop Plant-Based Resin for Shiny Coatings^http://www.pcimag.com/articles/103004-researchers-develop-plant-based-resin-for-shiny-coatingsŽResearch Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.\n\nThe patent was issued to the Kansas State University Research Foundation PCI Magazineџshiny coatings,first plant,tape,research,Susan Sun,Kansas State University researchers,Researchers Develop Plant,University Distinguished Professor,projects,Grain Science and Industry,plant fatty acids,resin,Research Professor,International Material Resea29-Jan-2017 09:53PMGSistemul imunitar al _тn_arilor poate ajuta юn lupta юmpotriva malariei0http://www.hotnews.md/articles/view.hot?id=39356de milioane de oameni юntr-un an.\n\nKristin Michel, imunolog la Kansas State University din Manhattan, care nu a participat la acest studiu, HotNews.md descopera.roMoldovaRomanian< 29-Jan-2017 09:11PM:K-State, KU respond to Trump's executive immigration order\http://www.wibw.com/content/news/K-State-KU-respond-to-Trumps-executive-order-412107353.htmlŒand Yemen.\n\nKansas State University and the University of Kansas both issued statements in response to the order.\n\nK-State deeply valuesџexecutive order,State,Kansas State University,concerns,State President Richard Meyer,KU Chancellor Bernadette Gray,Kansas,University,complete statement,public research university,immigration experts,many members,retired Air Force General,students and fami29-Jan-2017 09:02PMMilling industry experts meet<http://www.morningagclips.com/milling-industry-experts-meet/website at www.grains.k-state.edu/igp.\n\n Samantha Albers, Communications Intern, Kansas State University IGP Institute\n\nFor more news fromџflour milling,milling process,milling industry,grain,new mill employees,Professionals,grain traders,mill HR staff and managers,Hal Ross Flour Mill,grain inspection personnel,Ardent Mills,economic analysts,Manhattan,course,course instructor and IGP s flour29-Jan-2017 06:51PM&KSU Responds to President s Travel BanGhttp://salinapost.com/2017/01/29/ksu-responds-to-presidents-travel-ban/Ž, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.\n\nAn initial count indicates Kansas State University has 63 students and three scholars from those countries. ThereџUnited States,executive order,international students,scholars,students, faculty and staff,initial count,international travels,citizens,green cards,global connections,University officials,public research university,KSU Responds,countries,KSU President,rese29-Jan-2017 04:52PM`Kansas State president warns students about travel restrictions, calls Trump order  detrimental uhttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-29/kansas-state-president-warns-students-about-travel-restrictions-calls-trump†Kansas State University said Sunday that at least 66 of its students and faculty hail from nations affected by an executive order fromJustin Wingerterџexecutive order,Trump s executive order,Kansas State,students,Attorney General Derek Schmidt,scholars,nations,Richard Myers,university s president,students and families,President Donald Trump,public research university,legal challenges,State,research, My29-Jan-2017 04:00PMGK-State Releases Statement on Ban Effecting Citizens of Seven Countriesihttp://www.jcpost.com/2017/01/29/k-state-releases-statement-on-ban-effecting-citizens-of-seven-countries/џexecutive order,international students,Ban Effecting Citizens,scholars,State,students, faculty and staff,citizens,initial count,Kansas State University,green cards,global connections,detrimental effects,University officials,countries,public research unive29-Jan-2017 02:48PM:K-State says 63 students affected by Trump immigration banLhttp://1350kman.com/k-state-says-63-students-affected-trump-immigration-ban/Šincludes Kansas State University. The ban has generated significant confusion and has already adversely affected members of the universityџexecutive order,scholars,students,State,faculty and staff,Kansas State University,President Donald Trump s Muslim immigration ban,administration s ban,university,President Trump,executive actions,Trump administration,countries,International Student and Sc29-Jan-2017 01:19PMGK-State releases statement on ban effecting citizens of seven countriesbhttp://ksn.com/2017/01/29/k-state-releases-statement-on-ban-effecting-citizens-of-seven-countries/‹TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT)  Kansas State University has released a statement regarding the new order that would temporarily ban citizens of sevenKSNTџState,ban effecting citizens,new order,Kansas State University,students, faculty and staff,citizens,scholars,students,global connections,detrimental effects,green cards,countries,International Student and Scholar Services,public research university,resear29-Jan-2017 12:30PMOcena rozdrobnienia paszy^http://www.agropolska.pl/produkcja-zwierzeca/trzoda-chlewna/ocena-rozdrobnienia-paszy,831.htmlŠi efektywno__ wykorzystania.\n\nNowe badanie przeprowadzone na Kansas State University pokazuje, _e komercyjne laboratoria oraz producenci Agropolska+Autor tekstu: hoduj@apra.pl; D. Che_stowskaPolish29-Jan-2017 12:11PMЈhttp://world.einnews.com/article__detail/state/kansas/364192702-kansas-state-president-warns-students-about-travel-restrictions-calls-trump-order-detrimental?vcode=8OKRљtravel restrictions,foreign nationals,Trump order,executive order,Kansas State president,President Donald Trump,students,Attorney General Derek Schmidt,former chairman,Joint & ,Richard Myers,faculty hail,university s president,Kansas,legal challenges29-Jan-2017 10:35AM&30/01/2017: IAOM SEA 2016 event reviewHhttp://gfmt.blogspot.no/2017/01/30012017-iaom-sea-2016-event-review.html‡the resident milling courses they offer in collaboration with Buhler and Kansas State University in the USA.\n\nOne of the most popularџmillers,industry,Mill Service SpA,Mill Operations & Management ,nearby SEA countries,IAOM,resident milling courses,flour mill,SEA region,Sessions,high quality,experienced labour,Mr Caterina,IAOM Treasurer and industry expert Joel Hoffa,event,IAOM organiza29-Jan-2017 10:26AM*Odd Squad Live, K-State drag show and moreHhttp://themercury.com/articles/odd-squad-live-k-state-drag-show-and-moreYState drag show,Odd Squad Live,Subscribers Sign,click,online subscription,Mercury,article29-Jan-2017 07:45AM;Financial therapy can be an investment in your relationshiplhttp://www.marionstar.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ŽErika Rasure, who has a Ph.D. in financial planning from Kansas State University, where the term  financial therapy was coined.\n\n FinancialThe Marion Star)By Karen Weintraub, Special for USA TODAYџpsychologists,money,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,Power,different spending priorities,Couples,author, financial therapy ,research,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,clients,future relationship issues,Maryvil< le Un29-Jan-2017 07:00AM+Achievements: Area youths honored (Jan. 29)http://www.joplinglobe.com/news/lifestyles/achievements-area-youths-honored-jan/article_ecdf0539-fada-5eb6-b993-d7c921179074.htmlŒthan a B.\n\n" Five area students earned semester honors from Kansas State University, Manhattan, for their academic performance in the fallџhonor roll,fall 2016 semester,fall semester,point average," Several area students,dean,grade,students,Pittsburg State University,Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society,minimum grade,Miami,Oklahoma,semester honors,State Technical College,Kansas,scholastic av29-Jan-2017 06:11AM;BEECH: Hays to host regional farmers market vendor workshop_https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/29/beech-hays-to-host-regional-farmers-market-vendor-workshop/џfarmers,workshop,market vendors and managers,regional farmers market vendor workshop,State Research and Extension,fresh food source,markets,last of four regional workshops,Farmers Markets,Kansas Department,consumer food safety specialist,vendors,KSU Agri29-Jan-2017 05:46AMmhttp://www.thespectrum.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Thespectrum.com (AP)29-Jan-2017 05:45AMQKansas State University is hosting one-day farm economy programs across the statehttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/kansas-state-university-is-hosting-one-day-farm-economy-programs/article_f76d9724-d769-5c4d-90a7-c150df8a480b.htmlBy our staff Tina Carpenterџhistoric farm,average net farm income,state,detailed farm records,program,Kansas State University,Struggling Farm Economy, Farm costs,percent,Allen Featherstone,term picture,State s Department,Kansas Farm Management Association data,Conference presentatio29-Jan-2017 05:40AMuhttp://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Lansing State Journal (AP)29-Jan-2017 05:39AMvhttp://www.marshfieldnewsherald.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/News-Herald Media29-Jan-2017 05:36AMjhttp://www.indystar.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/IndyStar29-Jan-2017 05:35AMlhttp://www.cincinnati.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Cincinnati Enquirerrhttp://www.theleafchronicle.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Leaf Chronicleџpsychologists,money,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,Power,different spending priorities,Couples,author, financial therapy ,research,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,Parents,future relationship issues,Maryville Un29-Jan-2017 05:33AMqhttp://www.demingheadlight.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Deming Headlight New Mexiconhttp://www.thestarpress.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Star Press (AP)vhttp://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Democrat and Chronicle29-Jan-2017 05:32AMshttp://www.thenews-messenger.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The News-Messenger (AP)phttp://www.thecalifornian.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Californian29-Jan-2017 05:31AMqhttp://www.livingstondaily.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Livingston Dailyxhttp://www.brookfield-elmgrovenow.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Brookfield29-Jan-2017 05:30AMphttp://www.lakecountrynow.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Lake Country NOWџmoney,psychologists,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,biggest tension points,Power,different spending priorities,Couples, financial therapy ,research,author,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,clients,future relationsqhttp://www.thenorthwestern.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Oshkosh Northwestern29-Jan-2017 05:29AMehttp://www.app.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Asbury Park Press (AP)rhttp://www.coshoctontribune.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Coshocton Tribune29-Jan-2017 05:28AMmhttp://www.daily-times.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Farmington Daily Timesehttp://www.ydr.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/York Daily Recordџpsychologists,money,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,Power,different spending priorities,couples research,Couples,author, financial therapy ,people,spending,clients,future relationship issues,Maryville University,Parents,ma29-Jan-2017 05:27AMphttp://www.alamogordonews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Alamogordo Daily Newsphttp://www.elsoldesalinas.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/El Sol29-Jan-2017 05:25AMvhttp://www.centralfloridafuture.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Central Florida Future29-Jan-2017 05:24AMthttp://www.chillicothegazette.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Chillicothe Gazettemhttp://www.news-leader.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/29-Jan-2017 05:23AMvhttp://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Montgomery Advertiser (AP)qhttp://www.thedailyjournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/29-Jan-2017 05:22AMqhttp://www.courier-journal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Courier-Journalehttp://www.pnj.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Pensacola News Journal29-Jan-2017 05:19AM< phttp://www.sheboyganpress.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Sheboygan Presslhttp://www.coloradoan.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Coloradoan29-Jan-2017 05:17AMghttp://www.lohud.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ LoHud.com29-Jan-2017 05:15AMnhttp://www.courierpress.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Evansville Courier & Press (AP)whttp://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Port Clinton News Herald (AP)qhttp://www.independentmail.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Independent Mailmhttp://www.argusleader.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Argus Leaderphttp://www.baxterbulletin.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Baxter Bulletin29-Jan-2017 05:10AMmhttp://www.ruidosonews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Ruidoso News29-Jan-2017 05:09AMlhttp://www.eveningsun.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Evening Sunˆhttp://www.rgj.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=Reno Gazette-Journal (AP)29-Jan-2017 05:08AMkhttp://www.azcentral.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Arizona Republiclhttp://www.tennessean.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Tennessean29-Jan-2017 05:02AMphttp://www.delawareonline.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Delawareonline.comrhttp://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Greenville Newsmhttp://www.fdlreporter.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Fond Du Lac Reporterohttp://www.ithacajournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Ithaca Journalyhttp://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Zanesville Times Recorderkhttp://www.desertsun.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Desert Sunohttp://www.citizen-times.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ The Asheville Citizen-Times (AP)mhttp://www.thetowntalk.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Town Talklhttp://www.lcsun-news.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Las Cruces Sun-Newswhttp://www.bucyrustelegraphforum.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Bucyrus Telegraph Forumnhttp://www.currentargus.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Carlsbad Current-Argusvhttp://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Mansfield News Journallhttp://www.naplesnews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Naples Daily Newsmhttp://www.thenewsstar.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The News Starhhttp://www.vcstar.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Ventura County Star (AP)mhttp://www.elpasotimes.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/El Paso Timesphttp://www.mynorthwestnow.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Northwest Nowuhttp://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Burlington Free Pressohttp://www.pressconnects.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Pressconnects.comwhttp://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Lancaster Eagle-Gazettemhttp://www.gosanangelo.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/nhttp://www.hometownlife.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/HometownLife.comџmoney,psychologists,childhood,difference,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,biggest tension points,Power,different spending priorities,Couples,author, financial therapy ,research,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,future relationship issumhttp://www.tallahassee.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Tallahassee.comkhttp://www.kitsapsun.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Kitsap Sunlhttp://www.newsleader.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The News Leader (AP)ohttp://www.press-citizen.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Press-Citizen (AP)uhttp://www.stevenspointjournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Stevens Point Journalmhttp://www.northjersey.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/NorthJersey.comlhttp://www.jacksonsun.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Jackson Sunuhttp://www.publicopiniononline.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Chambersburg Public Opinionohttp://www.theadvertiser.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Advertiser (AP)ihttp://www.htrnews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ HTR Medialhttp://www.dailyworld.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Daily Worldxhttp://www.wisconsinrapidstribune.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribuneohttp://ux.delawareonline.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/lhttp://www.news-press.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The News-Pressshttp://www.wausaudailyherald.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Wausau Daily Heraldnhttp://www.postcrescent.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Postcrescent.comshttp://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/4Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register (AP)phttp://www.newarkadvocate.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Newark Advocatehhttp://www.caller.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Corpus Christi Newsџpsychologists,money,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,Power,different spending priorities,Couples,autho< r, financial therapy ,research,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,clients,clinical director,future relationship imhttp://www.stargazette.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Star-Gazetteqhttp://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/jhttp://www.jconline.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/mhttp://www.dailyrecord.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Daily Recorduhttp://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Battle Creek Enquirerjhttp://www.pal-item.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Pal-Itemjhttp://www.jsonline.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Milwaukee Journal Sentinelџpsychologists,money,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,Power,different spending priorities,Couples,author, financial therapy ,clients,research,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,future relationship issues,Maryville Unqhttp://www.shreveporttimes.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Shreveporttimes (AP)By Karen Weintraubџpsychologists,money,difference,childhood,relationship,psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein,Power,different spending priorities,Couples,author, financial therapy ,research,people,spending,Pew Research Center survey,Parents,clients,future relationship issues,MaryŒhttp://www.sctimes.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=St. Cloud Timesvhttp://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Green Bay Press Gazetteshttp://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Great Falls Tribunerhttp://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Statesman Journalmhttp://www.delmarvanow.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/DelmarvaNow.comnhttp://www.floridatoday.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Florida Today (AP)uhttp://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Hattiesburg Americanphttp://www.thetimesherald.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Times Herald (AP)jhttp://www.knoxnews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Knoxville News Sentinel (AP)hhttp://www.ldnews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Lebanon Daily Newsuhttp://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/The Poughkeepsie Journal (AP)hhttp://www.tcpalm.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ TCPalm.comshttp://www.blackmountainnews.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Black Mountain Newsehttp://www.dnj.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ DNJ.com(AP)lhttp://www.mysouthnow.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ My South Nowghttp://www.freep.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/Detroit Free Press29-Jan-2017 12:45AM'Life with guns on campus, in StatehouseThttp://world.einnews.com/article_detail/364141571?lcode=94unpbKEUTIAn7PjUl07Mw%3D%3D‹Two weeks ago, a Kansas State University student accidentally shot and wounded himself in a residence hall. Last week, Rep. Willie Dove, R-цcollege campuses,guns,residence hall,Bonner Springs,Kansas State University student,committee room,wonder surveys,Kansas Board,overwhelming majority,Life,faculty and staff,Regents schools,Rep. Willie Dove,Statehouse,loaded handgun29-Jan-2017 12:00AMDKansas State University is hosting one-day programs across the stateŽhttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/kansas-state-university-is-hosting-one-day-programs-across-the/article_f76d9724-d769-5c4d-90a7-c150df8a480b.html28-Jan-2017 11:08PMKASHRAE Recognizes Members for Outstanding Industry and Society AchievementsFhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/30818F9259F19F259EE4598F0E550327168DC578Aires, Argentina.\nJulia Keen, Ph.D., P.E., BEAP, HBDP, professor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.\nThomas M. Lawrence, Ph.D., P.E.,џSan Francisco,Life Member,ASHRAE Recognizes Members,education, research, engineering design and consultation,indoor air quality,professor,new commercial buildings category,Mechanical Engineering,first place,Colvin Engineering Associates Inc.,innovative bu28-Jan-2017 11:00PMHarms-Minihanfhttp://www.salina.com/life/engagements/harms-minihan/article_1952cebb-3747-57df-b0b7-a4cc8d4a7e73.html‹graduate of Rock Creek High School, and a 2015 graduate of Kansas State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in animal sciences andџManhattan,Mark and Kim Harms,Taylor Paige Harms,Rock Creek High School,Chase Patrick Minihan,Harms,Kansas State University,Harms Plainview Ranch,Lincolnville,couple plan,graduate,Kansas Department,Kevin and Cathy Minihan,animal sciences and industry,agribFoster-Coltonfhttp://www.salina.com/life/engagements/foster-colton/article_cec292b0-be1f-5ae3-aa48-749e211a285b.htmlŽ.\n\nMr. Colton is a graduate of Clay Center Community High School and Kansas State University. He is a math teacher and coach at Salina SouthџFoster,Daniel Colton,late Lon Dean Colton,kindergarten teacher,Salina South High School and Kansas Wesleyan University,Clay Center Community High School,math teacher and coach,Salina,Edna Colton,Mr. Colton,Kansas State University,Heusner Elementary,gradua7Energy propels Vols past K-State for third straight winhttp://www.thedailytimes.com/sports/energy-propels-vols-past-k-state-for-third-straight-win/article_522316d7-c697-5af8-8c74-a8b86dbacebf.html:By Troy Provost-Heron troy.provost-heron@thedailytimes.comЂVols,fives, handshakes and chest bumps,State,Troy Provost,Admiral Schofield,uncontested dunks,acrobatic dunks,pregame comradery,Energy,recent turnaround,teammates;Risk assessment management workshop scheduled for Heringtonhttp://www.salina.com/news/on-the-record/events/risk-assessment-management-workshop-scheduled-for-herington/article_ab13fd15-27da-5f89-92b9-05d6d0ec8a07.htmlŽtopics of a risk management workshop put on by the Kansas State University agricultural economics department.\n\nThe workshop is scheduled forџworkshop,Risk assessment management workshop,additional information,Herington Community Building,door,Feb. 13,James Coover,Feb. 8, Reporter Harold Campbell,agricultural economics department,futures markets,S. Broadway,agmanager.info/events/ram-risk-asses28-Jan-2017 10:< 33PMlhttps://www.ashrae.org/news/2017/ashrae-recognizes-members-for-outstanding-industry-and-society-achievementsASHRAE Jodi Scott28-Jan-2017 09:29PM<The U.S. was ripe for a women's protest; And more are likelyYhttp://www.theledger.com/news/20170128/us-was-ripe-for-womens-protest-and-more-are-likely‡women's protests.\n\nIn a working paper with Sam Bell of Kansas State University, we find that the United States leads the world as the The LedgerBBy Dursun Peksen and Amanda Murdie, Special to The Washington Postџwomen,protests,streets,Jan. 21 Women,action,wealthy countries protest,many U.S. women,Spanish and Mauritanian women,events,government,organization Young Women,Afghanistan,Save Togo umbrella organization,Social networks and organizations,global events,less28-Jan-2017 08:23PM+It s Your Business: January 29, 2017 updateShttp://cjonline.com/news/local/2017-01-28/it-s-your-business-january-29-2017-updatefrom Baileyville, and earned her bachelor of science in finance from Kansas State University.\n\nn Frazier most recently served as the globalџKansas Association,Emporia State University,Envista Credit Union,director,Kansas,University,Topeka office,president,Dentistry,state,gift,Kansas and Missouri,Envista s team,State Bank Commissioner,American Business Women s Association,education,executive v28-Jan-2017 08:03PM&K-State holds on to top Oklahoma StateIhttp://www.espn.com/espnw/video/18575390/k-state-holds-top-oklahoma-stateEspnW - ESPN.comState,fourth quarter,points28-Jan-2017 07:02PMihttp://www.guampdn.com/story/life/2017/01/29/financial-therapy-can-investment-your-relationship/96975268/ Guampdn.comGuam28-Jan-2017 07:00PMKansas State University Honors}http://www.hutchnews.com/lifestyle/community/kansas-state-university-honors/article_8657ae6f-4b8c-5223-870d-466238ddd748.htmlˆMore than 3,900 students earned semester honors from Kansas State University for their academic performance in the fall semester:\n\nTheџMatthew McClaren,Victoria Voigt,Abigale Austin,Taylor Tobin,Austin Scott,Michael McKinney,Ryan Burr,Ryan Horn,Ryan Kuhlman,Madison Salmans,semester honors,Katlyn Smith,Victoria Maurath,Sarah Mauler,Matthew Anthony,Austin Marshall,Taylor Johnson,Victoria Abusiness briefshhttp://www.hutchnews.com/news/business/business-briefs/article_5edb251d-d996-5a98-980f-e0d42c87f021.htmlŒExcellent Alternatives in Kansas. It is a joint project of Kansas State University s Center on Aging and the Kansas Department for Aging andџFord County Youth Entrepreneurship Competition,Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation,Great Bend,Dodge City,students,Community Partnership,NetWork Kansas,middle school,law enforcement,Barton County Sheriff s Reserve Officers,care facility,competit28-Jan-2017 06:30PM4We May Finally Have a Way of Mass Producing GrapheneNhttp://trueviralnews.com/we-may-finally-have-a-way-of-mass-producing-graphene/‰thought too expensive to manufacture graphene. Now, physicists from Kansas State University may have found a way to mass produce grapheneџelemental carbon,spark plug,carbon atoms,miracle material,method,graphene,mass produce graphene,viable process,unique carbon atom arrangement,oxygen and acetylene,carbon soot aerosol gels,ethylene gas,hydrocarbon gas,oxygen,Sorensen s method,unique proper28-Jan-2017 06:25PM%Lotto ogni giorno per mia figlia EmmaOhttp://www.caffe.ch/stories/storie/56855_lotto_ogni_giorno_per_mia_figlia_emma/‡e forza interiore, oltre ad una laurea in marketing della Kansas State University, permettono a Maggie di diventare un ottima promoter.Il CaffщItalianџEmma,patologie neurologiche,piccoli pazienti,figlia,aiuto,madre,ricercatori,anni,stimolazione sensoriale,associazione,controlli medici,aiuti tecnologici,serie di esami,mesi,sostegno sicuro,padre,bimba,esami,mondo,forza,difficoltр psicomotorie,esempio,geni28-Jan-2017 05:27PM7Local agencies discuss food access challenges, programschttp://cjonline.com/news/business/2017-01-28/local-agencies-discuss-food-access-challenges-programs„where their food comes from.\n\nBrenda Jarboe, with Shawnee County K-State Research and Extension, works with community gardens. Sheџfood access,food system,community gardens,healthy foods,Education,Feast Community Conversation meeting,school lunches,dinner meals,needs,kids three meals,food deserts,nutritional meals,programs,food safety and work,access,challenges,action plan,Kansas Sta28-Jan-2017 05:25PMV Yarn bombing, gardens and other ideas for a Cleveland Avenue corridor in Kansas Cityzhttp://myinforms.com/en-us/a/45887801-yarn-bombing-gardens-and-other-ideas-for-a-cleveland-avenue-corridor-in-kansas-city/‰with a technical assistant on brownfields development working with Kansas State University.\n\nOn Saturday, they shared those visions andџcommunity garden,Michigan State University,light poles and crosswalks,students,up bicycle repair shop,technical assistant, gardens,Kansas City,ideas,power poles,Cleveland Avenue,residents and community leaders,yarn,Pat Crawford, Crawford,brownfields dev28-Jan-2017 04:40PMIhttp://www.kansascity.com/news/business/development/article129382029.htmlBy Mark Davisџcommunity garden,Michigan State University,students,ideas,residents and community leaders,Cleveland Avenue,Kansas City, gardens,temporary bike repair shop,bike lanes,Urban Success,Kansas State, Crawford,yarn,Pat Crawford,group,part,brownfields developme28-Jan-2017 03:55PMB2017 Miss Barton County and Miss Golden Belt pageant features nine3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/69/article/102875/‹promote their platform causes. For Mauler, a student at Kansas State University, majoring in both Kinesiology Gerontology, that platform isVeronica CoonsџGreat Bend,Miss Golden Belt,Miss Barton County,women,Miss Kansas competition,personality,student,features four contestants,Great Bend and Makayla Lofland,contest,pageant,Kansas State University,event,Great Bend Tribune,Stanton County High School,platform,28-Jan-2017 10:15AM=The U.S. was ripe for a women's protest. And more are likely.jhttp://go.standard.net/National/2017/01/28/The-U-S-was-ripe-for-a-women-s-protest-And-more-are-likely.htmlDursun Peksen and Amanda Murdieџwomen,protests,streets,Last weekend s Women,Jan. 21 Women,action,many U.S. women,Spanish and Mauritanian women,events,organizatio< n Young Women,Afghanistan,Social networks and organizations,wealthy countries protest,factors,global events,Togo s September 228-Jan-2017 10:01AMUSeward County Extension offering opportunity to learn how to become a master gardenerФhttp://www.leaderandtimes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=27810:seward-county-extension-offering-opportunity-to-learn-how-to-become-a-master-gardener&catid=12:local-news&Itemid=40†receive a 40-hour-plus horticulture training course from K-State Extension specialists and county Extension agents. The basic trainingџMaster Gardeners,gardening,State Research and Extension,training,fruit gardening,demonstration garden,ways,horticulture training course,educational garden tours,commitment,First year Master Gardeners volunteer 40 hours,Seward County Extension offering opp28-Jan-2017 08:15AMthttp://www.cortezjournal.com/article/20170128/AP/301289926/The-US-was-ripe-for-a-women's-protest-And-more-are-likelyџwomen,protests,streets,Jan. 21 Women,action,many U.S. women,Spanish and Mauritanian women,events,government,organization Young Women,Afghanistan,Social networks and organizations,wealthy countries protest,factors,Save Togo umbrella organization,global eve28-Jan-2017 08:06AMKudos, Jan. 29\http://www.newspressnow.com/life/kudos-jan/article_7df5c92c-5888-5b81-be78-274841115ccf.html‘:\n\nMaryville, Missouri\n\nJessica Knowles\n\nSt. Joseph\n\nVan Hopkins\n\nKansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, announced its fall 2016џMissouri,semester honors,scale,St. Joseph,Students,Dean s List student,Miami University,Kansas,minimum 3.5 GPA,Emily Kiehl,Kelly Lehew,Caleb Strahm,Kelli Stallbaumer,Alexa Keim,Garrett Binns,Valerie Binns,Joshua Strahm,Michaela Strahm,Maryville,Jacob Frey28-Jan-2017 08:00AM#Lawn care business goes independentVhttp://www.mcphersonsentinel.com/business/20170128/lawn-care-business-goes-independentinformation on the latest in lawn care provided by Kansas State University's K-State Research and Extension resources.\n\nThe Knackstedts are#By Patricia Middleton, Staff WriterџScotts LawnService,lawn care,customers,Legacy Lawns,grub control,Knackstedt,Tyler Knackstedt,care,information,aspect,business,Pam Knackstedt,assistance,mosquitos,Kansas State University,up a different business,State Research and Extension resources,Inman,28-Jan-2017 05:59AM$Now That s Rural, Trudy Rice, NACDEPFhttps://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/28/now-thats-rural-trudy-rice-nacdep/ŠTrudy grew up in western Kansas and graduated from Norton. She went to K-State and got a degree in education. She also met and married RonџTrudy Rice,PRIDE program,community development,National Association,State,Rural Development,organization,State Research and Extension s state program,community vitality, Trudy,new president,important community development work,extension,farm and daughter28-Jan-2017 05:00AM=The U.S. was ripe for a wo ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и к §џџџл м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ men s protest. And more are likely.whttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/28/the-us-was-ripe-for-a-womens-protest-and-more-are-likely/Dursun Peksenџwomen,protests,streets,Last weekend s Women,Jan. 21 Women,action,wealthy countries protest,Spanish and Mauritanian women,many American women,events,organization Young Women,Afghanistan,government,Social networks and organizations,global events,Togo s Sept28-Jan-2017 03:27AM7Wesemann lifts K-State to 74-69 win over Oklahoma Statemhttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/manhattan/news/wesemann-lifts-kstate-to-7469-win-over-oklahoma-state-27974564/5 7 guard,State,Manhattan Mercury News,Wesemann28-Jan-2017 02:00AMV'Yarn bombing,' gardens and other ideas for a Cleveland Avenue corridor in Kansas City Mark DavisџMichigan State University,community garden,light poles or power poles,up bicycle repair shop,students,ideas,Cleveland corridor,Kansas City,plans,bike lanes,sidewalk repairs,Urban Success,Kansas State,part,Yarn,Planning, Design and Construction,group,resid28-Jan-2017 12:01AMJhttp://www.dodgeglobe.com/news/20170128/navigating-struggling-farm-economy‹, and Gregg Hadley, assistant director of K-State Research and Extension.\n\nOther K-State faculty members and KFMA economists will discussџState Research and Extension,program,presentation topic,Struggling Farm Economy,agricultural economists,average net farm income,Kansas Farm Management Association data,tough times,key topics,assistant professor and extension farm management specialist,pro27-Jan-2017 11:00PM,Flu and respiratory infection season is herehttp://www.salina.com/news/local/flu-and-respiratory-infection-season-is-here/article_35e1b4c0-d5a7-5380-b220-7be4aa55b1c4.htmlŽto parents. \n\nLocal colleges contacted, including Kansas Wesleyan University, Kansas State Polytechnic and Brown Mackie College, reported noJline rel=popover itemprop=author>By GARY DEMUTH Salina Journal Gary Demuthџflu vaccine,illnesses,flu cases,virus,respiratory illnesses,viral illnesses,bronchitis, influenza and stomach flu,Flu and respiratory infection season,home,flu or influenza,gastrointestinal viruses,Flu viruses,bronchitis,colds and flu,chronic illnesses,be27-Jan-2017 10:01PMArrest Log  01/25/2017(http://williamspioneer.com/article/80880ŽNews  January 27, 2017\nArbuckle girl awarded semester honors at Kansas State University  January 27, 2017\nApprovals clear way for county sWilliams Pioneer ReviewLloyd Green Jr, Editorџactive warrant,Arbuckle CA,Maxwell CA,California Highway Patrol,Colusa Police Department,jail,Williams,alcohol,Colusa County Sheriffs Office,Sacramento CA,possession,Colusa,Arrest Log,bail,suspicion,alcohol or drug,influence,Williams Pioneer Review,Willia@Arbuckle girl awarded semester honors at Kansas State University(http://williamspioneer.com/article/80858ŒMore than 3,900 students earned semester honors from Kansas State University for their academic performance in the fall 2016 semester. Amongњsemester honors,Arbuckle girl,Editor,Lloyd Green Jr,Kansas State University,Williams Pioneer Review,owner,Williams Planning Commission,students,fall 2016 semester,news,Arbuckle California,Mary Marsh,article or future articles,Lloyd,Collision,addition;Approvals clear way for county s third Dollar General store(http://williamspioneer.com/article/80851џDollar General,store,design review and site plan Monday night,Williams Planning Commission,Williams,strategic plan,highest design store,Arbuckle and Colusa stores,traffic,Commissioner Singh,Parking & Traffic,general variety store,Vann and Ruggieri Way,lar27-Jan-2017 09:48PM@Jason Hackett: Sen. Roberts: reject DeVos as education secretaryihttp://cjonline.com/opinion/columns/2017-01-27/jason-hackett-sen-roberts-reject-devos-education-secretaryŠHackett is a former journalist, K< -12 education communicator and marketer for an anti-poverty charity who works at Kansas State University.Jason Hackettџschool district,child,Jason Hackett,public school teacher,macro level,public education,Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet,Children,responsible adult Americans, Schools,DeVos,position,Colorado,great teacher,public school system,summer school and enrichment sessi27-Jan-2017 09:35PM0County: Need to make road grading more efficientMhttp://www.chanute.com/news/article_c2f3711e-e50a-11e6-b941-8fd97a898091.htmlŒBideau to re-elect him chairman.\n\nCommissioners approved a request from the K-State Extension Service to place a three-by-six-foot sign onџroad grading,commission,county,request,kind,road damage,Commissioner Paul Westhoff,new District 2 Commissioner Jennifer Orr,Orr and District,Neighborhood Revitalization Program application,District 3 Commissioner David Bideau,similar work,WIC program,31st27-Jan-2017 07:32PM'How Early Music came to St. ScholasticaQhttp://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/4207327-how-early-music-came-st-scholastica‹Kansas native had earned her bachelor's degree at Kansas State and her master's degree at the University of North Carolina. After that, sheDuluth News Tribune John LundyџEarly Music,late Sister Monica Laughlin,music department,St. Scholastica,school,later classical music,North Carolina,New York Pro Musica,Laughlin,House,Gruskin,several colleges,nice first job,students,country,Kansas State,northwestern Kansas,Medieval, Ren27-Jan-2017 07:26PM9Kansas wheat basis could offer corn, soy contract warning—http://www.missourifarmertoday.com/news/crop/kansas-wheat-basis-could-offer-corn-soy-contract-warning/article_1ec02ec6-e3dd-11e6-8c34-b73948e851c7.htmlˆa good reason for that, said Art Barnaby Jr., economist at Kansas State University Extension.  We re out of storage. We had a big wheatMissouri Farmer Today%By Roy Leidahl, Missouri Farmer Todayџfutures contracts,corn and soybeans,physical storage,cash and futures prices,basis,contracts,soybean markets,Kansas wheat situation,corn,Missouri Farmer Today,farmers,futures contract storage rates,forward contract,USDA Market News reports,cents,contract 27-Jan-2017 07:01PM“http://www.iowafarmertoday.com/news/crop/kansas-wheat-basis-could-offer-corn-soy-contract-warning/article_7858ad84-e3db-11e6-9771-974e9c13548e.htmlIowa Farmer Today.comџfutures contracts,corn and soybeans,physical storage,cash and futures prices,basis,contracts,soybean markets,Kansas wheat situation,corn,farmers,economist,futures contract storage rates,forward contract,USDA Market News reports,cents,Illinois Extension ec27-Jan-2017 07:00PM—http://www.illinoisfarmertoday.com/news/crop/kansas-wheat-basis-could-offer-corn-soy-contract-warning/article_8c90d514-e3dc-11e6-973b-b302959e9d1c.htmlIllinois Farmer Today%By Roy Leidahl, Illinois Farmer Todayџfutures contracts,corn and soybeans,physical storage,cash and futures prices,basis,contracts,soybean markets,Kansas wheat situation,corn,Illinois Farmer Today,farmers,futures contract storage rates,forward contract,USDA Market News reports,cents,contract 27-Jan-2017 05:58PMGrowing Your Own FirewoodShttp://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/horticulture/growing-your-own-firewood-2/Œ(785) 532-6173.\nKansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service K-State Research and Extension isџBlack locust,cord,Bur oak,red oak,trees,species,heat value, Plant,less heat value,State Research and Extension,osage orange,field edge,Kansas State University,United States Department, Christy Dipman2021 Throckmorton Plant Science Cntr,highest value,con27-Jan-2017 05:57PM<Disability and Leave Law Under President Trump: What s Next?Fhttp://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/disability-and-leave-law-under-78791/‡and Eleventh Circuit Judge William Pryor. Gorsuch authored Hwang v. Kansas State University, a 2014 decision in which the Tenth CircuitJD SupraTeresa WrightџPresident Obama s EEOC,President Trump,unwanted Obama Administration regulations,Administrative Procedure Act,employers,Labor,Trump Administration,Democratic Commissioners end,EEOC,Acting Chair,actions,Trump s Secretary,disabilities,Congressional Review A27-Jan-2017 05:01PMjhttp://growinglouisiana.com/news/2017/01/senate-ag-committee-schedules-first-farm-bill-hearing-2017-01-27/џFarm Bill,Chairman Roberts,hearing,Manhattan,Senate Ag Committee Schedules First Farm Bill,Roberts,home state,farm country,time,America,Kansas State University,State,bill,agricultural producers,Kan.,U.S. Senate Committee,Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow,Hea27-Jan-2017 04:07PMiOSU Cooperative Extension honors Greg Highfill of Woods County as a 2017 Distinguished Educator recipient‘http://foreignaffairs.co.nz/2017/01/28/osu-cooperative-extension-honors-greg-highfill-of-woods-county-as-a-2017-distinguished-educator-recipient/in 1982. He earned his Master of Science degree in meat science from Kansas State University in 1984.\n\n###\n\nREPORTER/MEDIA CONTACT:\nDonaldџWoods County,educational programs,agricultural programs,OSU Cooperative Extension honors Greg Highfill,Oklahoma s Northwest District Extension area livestock specialist  ,Oklahoma,Greg,impactful programs,Oklahoma State University s Division,Oklahoma Assoc27-Jan-2017 03:55PM(Use a Vegetable Garden Planting Calendar`http://www.ruralmessenger.com/kansas-news/horticulture/use-a-vegetable-garden-planting-calendar/Œgrow transplants is available in our January 3 newsletter at: http://hnr.k-state.edu/extension/info-center/newsletters/2017/January2_2017_1.Шplants,dates,calendar,vegetable plants indoors,seed,proper time,transplants,count,Crop,less time,common vegetables,examples,northern Kansas,southern Kansas,broccoli,cabbage,cauliflower,many homeowners27-Jan-2017 03:50PM*Opportunities Await Young AgriculturalistsShttp://www.porknetwork.com/news/industry/opportunities-await-young-agriculturalists15\n\nUniversities\n\nKansas State University offers its youth livestock internship. The selected intern will help with facilitating the K-Stateџinternships,Angus Journal,communication intern,Junior National Hereford Expo,students,interest,National Pork Producers Council,National Junior Angus Show,junior activities internship,necessary events,events and education department,Deadline,time internshi27-Jan-2017 02:55PM>http://sabethaherald.com/2017/01/27/kansas-state-university-2/Šare among more than 3,900 students who earned semester honors from Kansas State University for their academic performance in the fall 2016tKansas State University,Students,semester honors,fall 2016 semester,maximum number,rest,views,content,Sabetha Herald27-Jan-2017 02:21PM7AUDIO: Highland Park teacher named Horizon Award winnerRhttp://www.wibwnewsnow.com/audio-highland-park-teacher-named-horizon-award-winner/ŽHeights. After graduating, he earned a degree in education from Kansas< State University.\n\nWhen Topeka Public Schools called to offer him his Ryan OgleџELL teacher,Topeka Public Schools,language arts teacher,Laubengayer,Horizon Award winner,award,Highland Park,high school,AUDIO,ELL kids,Mena,part,same job,exact same kids,whole school,WIBW News team,English Language Learners program,Topeka,Kansas State Un27-Jan-2017 12:52PMWhttp://agnewsfeed.com/2017/01/27/senate-ag-committee-schedules-first-farm-bill-hearing/џFarm Bill,Chairman Roberts, Roberts,Manhattan,Senate Ag Committee Schedules First Farm Bill,time,first field hearing,home state,farm country,America s,Kansas State University,hearing,rural America,bill,State,agricultural producers,Kan.,U.S. Senate CommitџEtzel,Food Sonnets,journal,philosophy professor,poems,young poet,collection  ,poet Kevin Rabas,food industry,Student Fee Council,worker life,professor Laura Lee Washburn,Washburn University,Fast,author,Kansas,loss,heart,Kansas Humanities Council,Pittsburgџschool choice,competitive grants,Charter Schools Program,school improvement funds,federal government,schools,districts,ESSA,states,comprehensive support,students,course access,private schools,charter,Direct Student Services,DSS funds,parental choice,child27-Jan-2017 11:24AM,Crop Production Efficiencies Part II  Water3http://www.gbtribune.com/section/61/article/102846/Œto neither over or under water. Many of these programs are available and K-State has one that is free. Also important is matching irrigationџcrop production and water,efficiency,water,Controlling weeds,soil moisture status,vigorous crop growth,soil and climate,summer crops,crop rotation,optimal plant growth,balanced fertility program,unneeded vegetative growth,large part,sure equipment,water uџKansas City,Promise Hospital,Michelle Carrasco Hairstylist,Bank,escuelas Frontier,Darryl Woods Artist,High School,College,estudiantes,tercera feria de carreras,STEM,& Allied Trades,SnapIT Solutions,of Kansas,Charter School sponsored by,Children s Mercy Hoџ date, sell,food,product, use,extension food safety specialist,infant formula,baby formula,last date,system,cut food waste,Many canned foods,purchase or safety date,З Store foods,time,shopper,Nwadike,U.S.,Missouri and Kansas State University,safety,hoursџagricultural markets,students,Platteville team,Marissa Miller,production and marketing decisions,crop prices,competition,marketing knowledge,AgYield program,crop science,Reddy,simulator,Nebraska, Iowa State University and Kansas State University,UniversitџState Co,Brian Allmer,Calf Symposium,Challenging Beef Industry ,trade show activities,Sunflower Extension District livestock agent,Complete program information,Goodland,registration fee,BARN  Briggsdale,northwest area livestock specialist,Kacy Atkinson,C27-Jan-2017 10:52AM8Researcher: Endangered bumblebee populations will returnbhttp://www.feedstuffs.com/nutrition-health/researcher-endangered-bumblebee-populations-will-return FeedStuffsџbumblebee populations,factors,farming and gardening methods,crops,U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,Whitworth,birds and fish,Kansas State University entomologist,Farm Service Agency,first U.S. bumblebee species,bumblebee endangerment,native plant species,stateџSioux City Public Museum,exhibition,contemporary art,America,Hmong refugees,exhibition features 28 textiles,new life,refugee camps,textiles,Hmong flower cloth,Cloth,pictorial art,creation,story cloth subjects,United States,America or nostalgia,Community,w27-Jan-2017 10:42AMXGale 'Kansas Comet' Sayers and Gen. James D. Latham honored at home for life and servicehttp://www.americantowns.com/ks/lawrence/news/gale-39kansas-comet39-sayers-and-gen-james-d-latham-honored-at-home-for-life-and-service-27972809Š. Also honored was retired Air Force Gen. James D. Latham, a graduate of Kansas State University.\n\nRead more at The Journal World - NewsЈearly 1960s,Air Force Gen. James D. Latham,Chicago Bears,home,Journal World,Kansas,Native Sons and Daughters banquet,News,Kansas State University,Gale,Sayers,University27-Jan-2017 10:36AMLProgram designed to help producers deal with historic agricultural downturn_Їhttp://www.hdnews.net/lifestyle/community/program-designed-to-help-producers-deal-with-historic-agricultural-downturn/article_d31478c6-f76c-5acf-8c5b-f5a0813da6b6.htmlŽfor farmers into the future.\n\nA new, one-day Kansas State University program,  Top 10 Considerations to Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy, џprogram,average net farm income,agricultural economists,economy downturn,Farmers,historic farm,State Research and Extension Agricultural Economists,Struggling Farm Economy,State,Farmers and ranchers,producers,Kansas Farm Management Association data,assistџDesign and Grow Gardening Workshop,gardening,workshop,plants,gardening experiences, gardeners,master gardener,gardening books,organizers,State Research and Extension s master gardener,gardening help,trained gardeners,vertical gardening, Gardening,Greaterџpipeline builders,Tom DiChristopher,Cato Institute trade scholar Dan Ikenson,maximum extent,Reagan administration,key phrase,trade,Trump,attempt,Keystone pipeline use American,life people,Mexico,credit,executive action,life speeches and statements,articleџidentity theft,License number,safe checking,fraud,phone numbers,Contact,National Check Fraud Service,bad checks,information,damaged credit,place alerts,check approval companies,major Credit Bureaus,compromised accounts,Driver,Equifax Check Systems,Social 27-Jan-2017 10:00AM-After the ice storm: Tending to damaged treesyhttp://www.hpj.com/ag_news/after-the-ice-storm-tending-to-damaged-trees/article_5350ebae-2ca0-58fd-b001-bbba2913aa34.htmlŒare dealing with damaged trees. Ward Upham, Extension associate for Kansas State University, said tree damage often leaves homeowners with a0By Jason Hackett, K-State Research and Extensionџice storm,tree,first step,branches,state ,large limbs,next larger branch,Kansas State University,State Research and Extension Horticulture Newsletter,next step,third cut,storm damage,storm breakage,state Extension Master Gardener coordinator,Upham,Extensiџmuseum,works,tickets,painting,drawing,Membership Reception,prominent area artists,Coutts,< local artist,annual membership drive, oil painting,artistic reproductions,American West,Kansas art,noted artists,regional art museum,very collectible works,Kansas Stџspark plug,oxygen,acetylene or ethylene gas,aerosol gels,chamber,Hydrocarbon gas,researchers,laboratory process,method,graphene,black angel food cake,detonation,approach,graphene and scale,gels,resulting soot,dangerous chemicals,less energy,further analysџfactory farms,industry,United States,animals,largest egg farm,gag bills,eggs,eggs and dairy ,meat,gag laws,state legislatures,animal protection organizations,World Meat Congress,cages,investigations,food journalism veteran Mark Bittman,agriculture and foo27-Jan-2017 09:21AM/Senate Ag Committee Announces Farm Bill HearingNhttp://agwired.com/2017/01/27/senate-ag-committee-announces-farm-bill-hearing/Œwill take place on February 23, 2017 at the McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University.\n\n It s time to get to work on another Farm Bill,AgWiredKelly Marshallџnext Farm Bill,hearing,Chairman and Ranking Member,Chairman Roberts,Senate Ag Committee Announces Farm Bill,Kansas State University,home state,Kansas Farm Bureau,bill,Required fields,U.S. Senate Committee,American agriculture,Kansas Department,Debbie Stabџspark plug,acetylene or ethylene gas,physics,Kansas State University,hydrocarbon gas,carbon,chamber,Process,postdoctoral researcher,Physicists Patent Detonation Technique,recently issued patent,oxygen,graphene,research team,Sorensen,detonation,method,cataџagrigenomics market,sequencing method,genes,crops,Food and Agriculture,agrigenomics,Gene expression profiling,evolving technologies agrigenomics research,research,Biological and Environmental Research,plants,generation sequencing,huge food loss,disease reџFarm s,grant funding,research,tasks,partnership,Kansas State University,genes,soybean commercialization,new variety,highest yield, Schapaugh,protein and oil levels,plant,fruitful partnership,amino acid profiles,yielding varieties and screen germplasm,excџEnrolled Agent,Arizona,National Association,National Tax Practice Institute,tax advice,significant field,Certified Financial Planner,tax matters,Best Planners,Strathmore s,Lifetime Member and VIP,Raskob Kambourian Financial Advisors Ltd.,further informatiџSaharan Africa,crop,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,sorghum,world,Farmers,institutional research effort,food and income,food security crops,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,Danforth Center Expands Major Research Program,bioenergy sorghum, s largest indepeџFarm Bill,Chairman Roberts,America Staff,hearing,Manhattan,Senate Ag Committee Schedules First Farm Bill,Roberts,home state,farm country,time,Kansas State University,rural America,State,bill,agricultural producers,Kan.,U.S. Senate Committee,Ranking MemberџStruggling Farm Economy program,farm operation,farm business,Farm Financial Situation,several different topics,program,Crops & Livestock,Ellis County Extension Office,topics, Top 10 Considerations,Maintaining Working Capital & Restructuring Debt,discussiџDuPont Pioneer,food products,production contracts,high oleic soybeans,Nebraska Soybean Board,oil s,Pioneer brand Plenish,Ag Processing,Anderson channels,Iowa,Iowa State University Associate Dean Dr. John Lawrence,industrial products customers,markets,commџState Cow,Challenging Beef Industry,program,Farm Credit,Sustainable Beef,State Research & Extension,Panel members,cow herd efficiency,Beef Association,U.S. beef production,Nebraska beef systems extension educator,Nebraska Extension and Colorado State UnivџState Cow,Challenging Beef Industry,program,Farm Credit,State Research & Extension,Sustainable Beef,Panel members,cow herd efficiency,Beef Association,U.S. beef production,Nebraska beef systems extension educator,Nebraska Extension and Colorado State UnivџPlanned Parenthood,government,state spending,Cabinet positions,CEO Robot,Robot Technology,Engineer Robot,Maintenance Robot,Production Robot,Secretary Robot,America unite,Trump,free market,Jan. 10 Eagle,abiding American citizen,press four,press two,press o27-Jan-2017 04:43AMcSignificantly Improve Your Herd`s Record And Identification Systems By Adopting These Simple Habits‰http://www.farms.com/news/significantly-improve-your-herd-s-record-and-identification-systems-by-adopting-these-simple-habits-118210.aspxџ Johnson,Kansas State University Beef Cattle Specialist Sandy Johnson,accurate cow herd inventory,individual cow identification,Identification Systems,core,producers,financial documents,Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays,main thing,number,bџcrop,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,world,Farmers,food and income,food security crops,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,development and deployment,Danforth Center Expands Major Research Program, s largest independent plant science institutes,grant,sorghumџArizona,Certified Financial Planner,tax advice,Enrolled Agent,tax matters,Raskob Kambourian Financial Advisors Ltd.,Best Planners,National Association,National Tax Practice Institute,Lifetime Member and VIP,Strathmore s,Ms. Raskob,further information,Star27-Jan-2017 03:33AM7Milling Industry Experts Meet for Introductory TrainingQhttp://globalmilling.com/milling-industry-experts-meet-for-introductory-training/‹and hands on labs at the Hal Ross Flour Mill on the Kansas State University campus.\n\n It gives professionals in the milling industry withџmilling process,milling industry,Ha< l Ross Flour Mill,grain,new mill employees,grain traders,mill HR staff and managers,Ardent Mills,economic analysts,course,Pilot Mill Lab section,Matt Anderson,Financial Analyst,labs,feed,professionals,wheat commission stџArizona,Certified Financial Planner,tax advice,Enrolled Agent,tax matters,Best Planners,National Association,National Tax Practice Institute,Raskob Kambourian Financial Advisors Ltd.,Lifetime Member and VIP,Strathmore s,Ms. Raskob,further information,Star3http://www.dairyagendatoday.com/News.aspx?nid=14719џFarm Bill,Manhattan,114th Congress,Kansas State University,Chairman Roberts,farm country,Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Chairman Pat Roberts,home state,Kansas Farm Bureau,hearing,U.S. Senate Committee,first field hearing,farmers and families,agricultџcrop,Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,plant science,world,FARMERS,Donald Danforth Plant Science Center news release,food and income,development and deployment,food security crops,leading bioenergy feedstock crop,DANFORTH CENTER EXPANDS MAJOR RESEARCH PROGRџArizona,Certified Financial Planner,tax advice,Enrolled Agent,tax matters,Raskob Kambourian Financial Advisors Ltd.,Best Planners,National Association,National Tax Practice Institute,Lifetime Member and VIP,Ms. Raskob,further information,Star Award,ContacџFarm Bill,Chairman Pat Roberts,Manhattan,Senate Ag Committee Schedules First Farm Bill,hearing,farm country,Roberts,115th Congress,Kansas State University,time,Kan.,America,State,U.S. Senate Committee,agricultural producers,grant university,National Bio a27-Jan-2017 01:22AM(17 from area earn semester honors at KSUOhttp://www.scottcountyrecord.com/youth/17-from-area-earn-semester-honors-at-ksuŽ, Lane and Wichita counties earned fall semester academic honors from Kansas State University.\n\nStudents earning a grade point average of 3.The Scott County Record Onlineџsemester honors,academic honors,Scott, Lane and Wichita counties,Scott City,fall semester,Ryan Horn and Ryan Kuhlman,grade point average,Mariah York,Students,Wyle Yeager and Jaylee York,Aubrey Davis,Jenee Davis,Macy Davis,Jesse Birney,Addison Price,Brayde27-Jan-2017 12:34AMSGA Election InformationChttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/27/sga-election-information/‡, including any contributions from sources other than qualified students of Kansas State University, shall be no more than $300 for theџStudent Government,general election,Primary election candidates,campaign materials,election,campus,presidential candidates,General election candidates,SGA Election Information,arts and sciences student,student organizations,students,Feb. 21  General elecџspark plug,postdoctoral researcher,physics,acetylene or ethylene gas,chamber,method,hydrocarbon gas,carbon,Kansas State University,graphene,oxygen,research team,Sorensen,Arjun Nepal,detonation,Process,university,Sorensen and Nepal,dark angel food cake,con27-Jan-2017 12:01AMHodgeman County gets fundsBhttp://www.dodgeglobe.com/news/20170127/hodgeman-county-gets-fundshealthy diets will be stark.\n\nSunflower has also partnered with Kansas State University s Rural Grocery Initiative (RGI) to provide ongoingRoger Bluhm/@roger_dcglobeџhealthy foods,grocery store,Hodgeman County,nutritious foods,access,Rural Opportunity Works,community teams,Project HERO,food access needs,local food systems,grant,new pilot project,rural eating habits,rural food retail,community,food desert,store s reven27-Jan-2017 12:00AM/OPINION: Did legislators listen at the hearing?Xhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/27/opinion-did-legislators-listen-at-the-hearing/‹a junior in regional and community planning from Omaha, Nebraska and the president of Kansas State University Against Campus Carry (KSACC). Regan Tokosџcampus carry,hearing,Kansas State,students,front,guns,Senate Bill,campus,out a gun,favor,legislators,peer or state property,Moms Demand Action and students,moms,Regan Tokos,State, KU and Washburn,people,testimonies,chance,committee,Nebraska,confidence andEmergency phone use dwindlesGhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/27/emergency-phone-use-dwindles/ˆthe K-State Police Department from making sure all phones are operational in case of an emergency. The phones are tested weekly, K-StateHannah Johlmanџemergency phones,phones,Kansas State s campus,network specialist,construction zone,number,ongoing construction,State Police Department,communications specialists, Millington,out an emergency phone,Kansas State Network and Telecommunications,mere 45 calls.K-State sees increase in honor code violationsYhttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/27/k-state-sees-increase-in-honor-code-violations/Œstudents understand academic honesty.\n\nSteve Starrett, director of the Kansas State University Honor and Integrity System, said there were Jill Seilerџhonor code violations,Honor and Integrity System,students,annual report,increase,alleged unauthorized collaboration violations,Many professors,numbers,provost, faculty senate and student, Starrett,violations,unauthorized collaboration,percent,associate p31-Jan-2017 08:00AMUFormer Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Rounds Out Eminent Board of Kansas City Leaders‰backing of the Kansas State University President, said Board Chairman, Terry Dunn.  We ve already been partners with K-State researchers№former CEO,Kansas State University,Joint Chiefs,State,Board,agriculture and animal health sectors,Staff Chairman Rounds,Air Force,Board Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,State researchers,Vice Chairman,Chairman Dunn,president,command pilot,State and TechAccel,Myers,State s ROTC program,Kansas,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,ready technologies,North American Aerospace Defense Command,State Foundation professor,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,kind venture and technology development company,TechAccel,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,stage innovations,T< echAccel sources,TechAccel conducts advancement,agriculture,TECHNOLOGY OTHER TECHNOLOGY NATURAL RESOURCES31-Jan-2017 08:04AMbKansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board of Directors | Business Wiremhttp://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170131005098/en/Kansas-State-University-President-Richard-Myers-Joins>former CEO,Joint Chiefs,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,State,Board,Air Force,Vice Chairman,agriculture and animal health sectors,Kansas State University,Staff Chairman Rounds,Board Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,State researchers,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,State and TechAccel,Myers,State s ROTC program,Kansas,State Foundation professor,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,North American Aerospace Defense Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,TechAccel,kind venture and technology development company,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,Bicknell Family Holding Company,TechAccel conducts advancement,agriculture,companyRKansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board of DirectorsAhttp://www.businesswire.com/news/opticalkeyhole/20170131005098/enOptical Keyhole'former CEO,State and TechAccel,Joint Chiefs,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,State,Board,Air Force,Vice Chairman,agriculture and animal health sectors,Kansas State University,Staff Chairman Rounds,Board Chairman,State researchers,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,TechAccel,15th Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,State s ROTC program,Myers,Kansas,powerful collaborators,agriculture,State Foundation professor,innovations,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,North American Aerospace Defense Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready technologies,TechAccel sources,kind venture and technology development company,TechAccel conducts advancement31-Jan-2017 08:08AM(http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3219207'former CEO,Board,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,Joint Chiefs,State,agriculture and animal health sectors,Vice Chairman,Kansas State University,Air Force,Ph.D., President and CEO,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,State and TechAccel,Myers,kind venture and technology development company,State s ROTC program,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,Kansas,North American Aerospace Defense Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,State Foundation professor,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,TechAccel,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,Bicknell Family Holding Company,TechAccel conducts advancement,Terry Dunn,agriculture,JE Dunn Construction,company31-Jan-2017 08:25AMuhttp://www.kmov.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors>former CEO,Joint Chiefs,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,State,Board,Vice Chairman,agriculture and animal health sectors,Kansas State University,Staff Chairman Rounds,Air Force,Board Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,State researchers,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,State and TechAccel,Myers,State s ROTC program,Kansas,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,North American Aerospace Defense Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,State Foundation professor,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,TechAccel,kind venture and technology development company,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,Bicknell Family Holding Company,TechAccel conducts advancement,agriculture,company31-Jan-2017 08:14AM|http://www.cleveland19.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:16AMvhttp://www.nbc12.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:26AMuhttp://www.wbrc.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors>former CEO,Joint Chiefs,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,State,Board,Vice Chairman,agriculture and animal health sectors,Kansas State University,Staff Chairman Rounds,Air Force,Board Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,< State researchers,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,State and TechAccel,Myers,State s ROTC program,Kansas,North American Aerospace Defense Command,State Foundation professor,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,TechAccel,kind venture and technology development company,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,Bicknell Family Holding Company,TechAccel conducts advancement,agriculture,company31-Jan-2017 08:21AMYKansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel - WDRB 41 Louisville Newsuhttp://www.wdrb.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsformer CEO,Kansas State University,Board,Joint Chiefs,State,agriculture and animal health sectors,Vice Chairman,Air Force,Ph.D., President and CEO,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,State and TechAccel,Myers,kind venture and technology development company,State s ROTC program,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,Kansas,North American Aerospace Defense Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,State Foundation professor,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,TechAccel,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,Kansas State University Innovation and Inspiration Campaign,ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,Bicknell Family Holding Company,TechAccel conducts advancement,Terry Dunn,agriculture,JE Dunn Construction,companyvhttp://www.fox19.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:23AMuhttp://www.wsfa.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsyhttp://www.fox8live.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorszhttp://www.msnewsnow.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors{http://www.9and10news.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors$former CEO,Joint Chiefs,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,Business Wire,State,Board,Kansas State University,Vice Chairman,agriculture and animal health sectors,Staff Chairman Rounds,Air Force,Board Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,State researchers,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,Myers,State and TechAccel,State s ROTC program,Kansas,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,North American Aerospace Defense Command,State Foundation professor,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,TechAccel,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,kind venture and technology development company,TechAccel conducts advancement,agriculture31-Jan-2017 08:11AMuhttp://www.wdam.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:19AMuhttp://www.kltv.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsyhttp://www.wmbfnews.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:15AMuhttp://www.ktvn.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsvhttp://www.nbc29.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorswhttp://www.14news.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsuhttp://www.kxxv.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:13AMuhttp://www.ksla.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsvhttp://www.kait8.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsuhttp://www.wboc.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsvhttp://www.abc-7.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors|http://www.nbcrightnow.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorszhttp://www.newswest9.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors$former CEO,Joint Chiefs,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,State,Board,Kansas State University,Vice Chairman,agriculture and animal health sectors,Staff Chairman Rounds,Air Force,Board Chairman,Ph.D., President and CEO,State researchers,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,Myers,State and TechAccel,State s ROTC program,Kansas,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,North American Aerospace Defense Command,State Foundation professor,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,TechAccel,several TechAccel programs,Business Wire,risking research and development,< ready technologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,kind venture and technology development company,TechAccel conducts advancement,agricultureuhttp://www.kcbd.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorswhttp://www.wandtv.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:24AMvhttp://www.abc57.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsyhttp://www.wvalways.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors{http://www.wpsdlocal6.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:17AMuhttp://www.kswo.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 12:00AM'Street Talk: What are you listening to?Phttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/31/street-talk-what-are-you-listening-to/ŽYou To Want Me by Lobo.\n\n Emily Johnson, human resources specialist at the K-State Student Union\n\nhttps://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify%George WalkerМEd Sheeran,nice beat,Christian Williams,American,sophomore,Mustafa Al Jumaan,Love, Ariana Dunlap,George Walker,electrical engineering,Caribbean remix, Emerald Massman, Emily Johnson,Drake7Ayres, Baalman:  Your Degree. Your Campus. Your Voice. [http://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/31/ayres-baalman-your-degree-your-campus-your-voice/ŠAyres and Baalman would also like to see a reporting system through the K-State app where students can report things such as a handrail onzfinal exam,campus,students,commitment,student body vice president, Ayres,State,platform,Student Governing Association,campus food pantry,very little students, campaign, campaign, Baalman,university administration and K,State app,SGA president,DARS reports,President Myers,biggest component,key components, Ayres and Baalman,purple,graduate,community,advisers,administrators=Glued change on K-State s campus makes for a sticky challengeghttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/31/glued-change-on-k-states-campus-makes-for-a-sticky-challenge/Œshe has fallen victim to glued change every single year she has been at K-State, and in two different locations.\n\n The first time it was aup coins,quarter,campus,Boyd Hall,coin,free money,ground,money costs,candy bar,State s campus,State,front, Whitney,change,time,single time,exact same quarter,up the quarter,avid coin picker,Whitney, Hiser,lots,Stephen Kucera,up any loose change, Kucera,penny,someone,dime!Mindrup, Zwick:  Focused on You. Ghttp://www.kstatecollegian.com/2017/01/31/mindrup-zwick-focused-on-you/K-State offered.\n\n It gives us an idea of what would be good for K-State and a lot of times we re like,  Oh, this would enhance the K-State9campus,platforms,students,student body president, Mindrup, Zwick,Mindrup and Zwick,groups,best way,Student Governing Association intern,Hale Library,certain way,ideas,freshman or transfer student,State,concerns,original plan,several different ways,State Wesley and College,SGA president,advantage,Emily,servicesuhttp://www.wfxg.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorsuhttp://www.kmir.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 07:57AMAnnette A. Flanders7https://www.hayspost.com/2017/01/31/annette-a-flanders/Œ30, at Bateman Funeral Home. Memorials will be donated to the Kansas State University Cancer Research Fund in Annette s name and may be sentФschool,farm life,children Leland LeRoy,Flanders,Jim and Annette,Goodland,Sherman County High School,incurable cancer,Kansas State University Cancer Research Fund,Follett family,Adabell Annette,Northwest Kansas Area Vocational Technology School,children,Emporia State Teachers College,Victor Llewellyn Follett and Velva Fae Halley Follett,Bateman Funeral Home,life,Kansas,Annette s name,KS 67735,provisional teaching certificate,college,certificate,Avon{http://www.newscenter1.tv/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 08:18AM~http://www.k5thehometeam.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorshttp://www.sectorpublishingintelligence.co.uk/news/1640706/kansas+state+university+president+richard+myers+joins+techaccel+board+of+directors1TechAccel LLC via Businesswire via SPi World News'former CEO,Board,Kansas State University President Richard Myers Joins TechAccel Board,Joint Chiefs,State,agriculture and animal health sectors,Vice Chairman,Kansas State University,Air Force,Ph.D., President and CEO,president,Chairman Dunn,command pilot,15th Chairman,State and TechAccel,Myers,kind venture and technology development company,State s ROTC program,U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command,North American Aerospace Defense Command,Kansas,State Foundation professor,TechAccel,TechAccel s investment capital and research management,several TechAccel programs,risking research and development,ready <Џtechnologies,stage innovations,TechAccel sources,Bicknell Family Holding Company,TechAccel conducts advancement,Terry Dunn,Gen. Richard B. Myers Hall,agriculture,JE Dunn Construction,companyzhttp://www.thecwprov.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors<http://www.enhancedonlinenews.com/news/eon/20170131005099/enuhttp://www.wnky.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors{http://www.watchfox29.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 04:11AM'http://www.ejarn.com/news.aspx?ID=43435Œ, Argentina.\nћ0 Julia Keen, Ph.D., P.E., BEAP, HBDP, professor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.\nћ0 Thomas M. Lawrence, Ph.D., P.E.,4Japan Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration NewsJapankLife Member,professor,education, research, engineering design and consultation,ASHRAE Recognizes Members,Mechanical Engineering,P.E.,HVAC Consulting Services,Ph.D.,National Institute,Buenos Aires,building software developer,group leader,National Chin,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,Generative Design Group,Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Group,consultant,Colvin Engineering Associates Inc.,Building Energetics and Building Service Engineering,principal engineer,vice president,CxE Group LLC,CPMP, HBDP, HFDP, president, Dunlap & Partners Engineers,Heapy Engineering,Ebullient Inc.,PCD Engineering Services Inc.,Department,Kansas State University,Technology and Economics,Ph.D., CEO and CTO,ASHRAE,Society,Society s 2017 Winter Conference,Hygieia Sciences LLC,ћ0 James J. Bushnell,University,Aerfil LLC,program manager and vice president,ћ0 Robert L. Towell,Technologyzhttp://www.cwrichmond.tv/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors‚http://www.telemundoamarillo.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors~http://www.sutelemundo20.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directorszhttp://www.cw-gabama.com/story/34387528/kansas-state-university-president-richard-myers-joins-techaccel-board-of-directors31-Jan-2017 06:00AM:Don't 'Bee' Worried: Endanger                          ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y [ §џџџ\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € ed Bumblebees Will Rise AgainIhttp://www.usagnet.com/state_headlines/state_story.php?tble=KS2017&ID=104дfarming and gardening methods,natural factor,crops,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,regulations and programs,bees,Whitworth,birds and fish,Kansas State University entomologist,Farm Service Agency,first U.S. bumblebee species,Conservation Reserve Program,native plant species,states,bumblebees,healthy population levels,rusty patched bumblebee,tree,bumblebee populations,farmers,Bee populations change,people,round temperatures,backyard,conservation,increase and decrease31-Jan-2017 05:58AM<http://kansasagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=104&yr=2017џBc9 ?ГјQЁЕU^)ZЎкx_W­”тки‰[2А(WВ…I /ІN gь?ќ! Gy m\–+ЕО–Шѓ†aсРIр‰ѕ ДЅяЬМ ’ M:А j. :В~ш A"ŽQЗіи Ипuюьh Л &&UгUп9Гв4і3Б:ЫаtЃ1Ÿрвmс…>„ёŠ„+Жš7э` B GДD qWa йš NяМ @фс  Ч1 ‰П„ П 4Пу ЯE 2G Е{ юф s7 ч и> dЁr х ЦІ ц–л nˆ E‰i…ŽаШ‹˜/в7!Мfчœ ЖЪQM6| —n€УЁ‰оšЗэіdхЦ’mкР]‡эЦLg {RO{Ш|Дф№т;Ч4gѕїŒ”’Зч ZЫЏN[w#a9Sмс=ЋИу Gш\ЇzIЪ€ч“Ўж^оZь%5$Rдd@Uw’>—В—ЦЮЦ|э` ЧZ .ФxEћdo‡…УMЄe•Ю‰Г_GTˆ–– –PK!›шpOќ[Content_Types].xmlЌ‘ЫjУ0Eї…ўƒаЖиrК(ЅиЮЂ]‹єyl‹и#!MBђї;.”…nвЬНїЬЈ\ЦAэ1&чЉвЋМа ЩњЦQWщЯЭKvЏUb OXщ#&НЎЏЏЪЭ1`RЂІTщž9<“l#Єм$ЉД>ŽРr `ЗаЁЙ-Š;c=1gM ŠдЏР›™нѕN‘›ИDJЅ›++2„a,/ѓ”$№nФEŒ<ŠёЪPр#аГ•еJe}%Ц4 P‚cP{g4Ђ!A}­2иЪ•w<&Jъ‰žVM ƒT5BNe› tˆY3€y†ќЈOŽU€– ^4ƒŠљ VЖЎЎрЭLˆЉВ%ЙЎљЫф2сСЊ™SŒХЄеn­qeЇаoLЭу:NЛS-єC№дкRжYыnT[ЙЮШўœзнЎд+5_вП6gsЃеjе™-VЉйŸЕ9ќFeНЖНърШтыsјZkЛн^w№dёыsјю•ЦzЭХPФhr0‡жэv3эdФй/|р• >CA6йЅЇёD-ЪЕ?рЂ dXбЉiJF8„,nуx (жрM‚KoьP(ч†є\H†‚ІЊМŸbЈˆ™ОWЯП}ѕќ)zѕќЩЩУg'8yєшфсїV—#x'уВрЫЏ?љ§ЫбoOПzљј3?^–ё?їбO?~ъBЭ,zёљ“_ž=yёХЧП~ѓипxP†їiL$КMŽа>С7CŒk9ˆѓIє#L nъŽŠрэ)f>\‹Ифна<|Ры“Ž­НHLѕЬ|3Šр.чЌХ…—€›zЎУ§I2іO.&eм>Ц‡ОЙл8qBл™Єа5ѓЄtИoGФ1sсDс1IˆBњ? 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