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Test for new canine 1xbet online casino strain available at university

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MANHATTAN — Veterinarians can now test for the new strain of canine influenza that sickened thousands of 1xbet online casino in the Midwest and is still popping up across the country. The test is available at the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

Since late April, more than 1,000 1xbet online casino had been infected — and some have died — from an H3N2 strain of canine influenza new to the U.S. that originated in Asia. Veterinarians at Kansas State University say they are now able to differentiate this strain from the other strain prevalent in the United States, H3N8.

"We can perform hemagglutinin and neuraminidase gene sequencing — the H and N portions of the strain — on a sample that is positive for canine 1xbet online casino ," said Ben Hause, research assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology. "This gene sequencing will allow us to compare how close of a genetic match the virus in the sample is to other canine influenza isolates and provide important epidemiological information, allowing us to track how the virus is evolving in 1xbet online casino ."

Hause says 1xbet online casino information is relevant for vaccine design and determining if the virus is mutating.

While veterinarians can now determine which strain may be sickening 1xbet online casino , there is currently no vaccine for this new strain.

"It is still unknown if the vaccine for the H3N8 strain of canine 1xbet online casino offers cross-protection for this new strain of 1xbet online casino ," said Susan Nelson, clinical associate professor in clinical sciences at Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center. "The main thing is to be vigilant about where you're taking your dog and watch for signs of illness. This is a disease we're going to see most often in places where there are groups of 1xbet online casino , such as doggie day cares, dog parks and boarding facilities. Unlike human influenza, canine influenza is not a seasonal disease and can be contracted at any time of the year."

Almost all 1xbet online casino exposed to the virus will become infected, but only about 80 percent of those 1xbet online casino will show signs. Symptoms include coughing, fever, yellowish-green colored nasal discharge, dehydration and lethargy. The other 20 percent will show no signs of sickness, but will still be contagious, says Nelson.

1xbet online casino typically show signs of the disease two to four days after exposure. This incubation period between exposure and when symptoms develop is when 1xbet online casino are the most contagious to other 1xbet online casino . 1xbet online casino can shed the virus for up to seven to 10 days after exposure and continue to be contagious during this time.

"The vast majority of 1xbet online casino have a mild form of the disease that lasts for about two to three weeks," Nelson said. "They will get better with just supportive care. About 10 percent of these 1xbet online casino can develop pneumonia, which can be fatal. My advice to dog owners is to watch the news and be aware of where the disease is across the country."

There currently have been no cases of in 1xbet online casino .

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Susan Nelson

Ben Hause

Written by

Lindsey Elliott

At a glance

The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has a new test that can identify the new strain of canine 1xbet online casino and will help determine if the virus is mutating.

Notable quote

"We can perform hemagglutinin and neuraminidase gene sequencing — the H and N portions of the strain — on a sample that is positive for canine influenza. This gene sequencing will allow us to compare how close of a genetic match the virus in the sample is to other canine influenza isolates and provide important epidemiological information, allowing us to track how the virus is evolving in 1xbet online casino ."

— Ben Hause, research assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology