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Source: Cara Richardson, 785-532-3360, cmr@1xbet online games login edu
News release prepared by: Jane P. Marshall, 785-532-1519, jpm2@1xbet online games login edu

Wednesday, May 19, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Nineteen students, selected for their academic achievement, professional potential leadership, participation and service, are the 2011 Outstanding Seniors in the College of 1xbet online games login .

Each was nominated by their professors. They were honored at a pre-graduation ceremony May 13.

College of 1xbet online games login Outstanding Seniors include:

Lindsey Pacey, communication sciences and disorders, Beloit. Pacey is a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Alpha Lambda honor societies. 1xbet online games login has worked with Brain Gym at Meadowlark Nursing Home and spent spring break this year on a mission trip to El Salvador. 1xbet online games login also built homes with Habitat for Humanity and taught skiing to children at Keystone, Colo.

Anna Binder, 1xbet online games login didactic program, Emporia. Binder has worked as a fitness and physical therapy technician, intern at the American Diabetes Association Camp and dietary aid at Meadowlark Hills Retirement Center. 1xbet online games login is a Human Ecology Ambassador and president of Golden Key International Honor Society. 1xbet online games login will serve a dietetic internship this fall at St. Francis Medical Center in Illinois and hopes to work with low-income mothers and children.

Kelsi Hinz, family studies and 1xbet online games login services, Emporia. Hinz has completed a certificate in conflict resolution. 1xbet online games login has served as a Human Ecology Ambassador, volunteered for Court Appointed Special Advocates and is an intern with Fort Riley Child, Youth and School Services. 1xbet online games login has received a scholarship to attend the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law and plans to become an attorney-mediator for families.

Kelsie Ball, family studies and 1xbet online games login services, Eureka. Ball was president of the Student Alumni Board and the Human Ecology Council. 1xbet online games login also was a member of Mortar Board, Chimes, Silver Key and Quest honor societies. Her volunteer work includes Relay for Life, Adopt-a-Family and the K-State Proud campaign. 1xbet online games login hopes to attend nursing school and specialize in midwifery or geriatrics.

Juan Carlos Mendoza, hotel and restaurant management, Garden 1xbet online games login . Mendoza received numerous 1xbet online games login and spent the spring semester studying at the University of Hertfordshire in England. He has been active in the Hospitality Management Society and the National Restaurant Association conference in Chicago.

Caroline Zoe Waggoner, apparel design and production, Hutchinson. Waggoner won first place in the national Little Black Dress design competition and has designed and created costumes for the K-State dance program. 1xbet online games login volunteers in the community and is associate technical designer at GTM in Manhattan.

Yolanda Guyton, interior design, Junction 1xbet online games login . Guyton was a member of a team of students that worked with K-State's Provost April Mason to evaluate and redesign her office. 1xbet online games login is president of K-State's Emerging Green Builders and has served as co-chair of the annual Interior Design Student Symposium.

Mary Cox, personal financial planning, Linwood. Cox is a peer financial counselor at Powercat Financial Counseling, was active in the Kansas 4-H program and studied Spanish in Ecuador. 1xbet online games login received the four-year Robert J. Dole Public Service and other scholarships.

Emma Denner, early childhood education, Manhattan. Denner helped plan the K-State Fair Trade Marketplace for four years and was coordinator of the Ten Thousand Villages Marketplace for two. 1xbet online games login is a preschool student teacher at K-State's Stone House, was in the honors program and studied at Universite' Jean Monnet in France.

Rebecca Strong, general 1xbet online games login , Manhattan. Strong has been a K-State Research and Extension intern at Fort Riley's Operation Military Kids, Arm Family Team Building instructor, Cub Scout den leader and Family Readiness group leader. 1xbet online games login has received numerous scholarships. Her professional goal is to support military families. 1xbet online games login will attend graduate school in Family Studies and Human Services at K-State. Strong is a graduate of Naselle-Grays River Valley High School, Naselle, Wash.

Bailey Miller, hotel and restaurant management, Maple Hill. Miller served as president of the student chapter of the Club Managers Association of American when it won two major awards. 1xbet online games login has interned at country clubs in Milwaukee and Overland Park and studied abroad in Italy, Greece and Turkey. 1xbet online games login is from Maple Hill.

Casey Hiller, athletic training, Olathe. Hiller served two years as president of K-State's athletic training student organization and was a mentor to other students. 1xbet online games login has worked with athletic trainers in K-State athletics programs and was recognized an outstanding athletic training student in Kansas. 1xbet online games login is a graduate of Olathe South High School.

Anna 1xbet online games login , nutritional sciences, Overland Park. Zeiger was a Putnam scholar, a Nancy Landon Kassebaum scholar and student leader in numerous campus philanthropic groups. 1xbet online games login was co-chair of the K-State Proud campaign and vice president of the Student Alumni Board. 1xbet online games login volunteered at Mercy Regional Health Center and Flint Hills Community Clinic. 1xbet online games login plans to attend medical school at the University of Kansas.

Kristen Gleason, 1xbet online games login and consumer sciences education, 1xbet online games login . John, is a member of several academic honor societies. 1xbet online games login was a summer K-State Research and Extension intern and has accepted a family and consumer sciences teaching position in the Kismet-Plains school district in Kansas.

Jennie Kutschka, nutrition, kinesiology and 1xbet online games login , Salina. 1xbet online games login is the recipient of numerous scholarships and has been involved with the Fruit of the Fight Club, Student Dietetics Association and other groups on and off campus. 1xbet online games login plans to attend Southern College of Optometry in Memphis after graduation.

Alexandra 1xbet online games login , apparel marketing, Topeka. Flint interned at Studio PR in New York in summer 2010. 1xbet online games login is active in the Apparel Marketing and Design Alliance and Sigma Alpha Lambda, where 1xbet online games login worked on community service projects. 1xbet online games login minored in leadership studies and business.

Brittany Ganzer, nutritional sciences, 1xbet online games login . Ganzer plans to attend nursing school after graduation. 1xbet online games login was patient advocacy chair for Up 'til Dawn, was a member of the pre-health panel in the college and received a variety of scholarships, including the Kansas State University Foundation Scholar award.

Kyleen Krehbiel, 1xbet online games login coordinated program, 1xbet online games login . Krehbiel got a bachelor's in public health nutrition in 2010. 1xbet online games login has a clinical dietetics internship at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, was a dietetics internship with K-State Research and Extension in summer 2010 and volunteered with the American Diabetes Association Camp Discovery. 1xbet online games login hopes to pursue a career in child nutrition.

Casey McCaw, public health and 1xbet online games login , Columbia, Mo. McCaw plans to become a physician's assistant. 1xbet online games login is a certified nurse's aide and has volunteered with the Red Cross blood drive and Flint Hills Breadbasket. 1xbet online games login is a Putnam scholar and member of Kappa Omicron Nu human ecology honor society.

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