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Sources: Kathryn 1xbet best casino website , kgoddard@1xbet best casino website edu;
and Fadi Aramouni, 785-532-1668, aramouni@1xbet best casino website edu
News Release prepared by: Nancy Peterson, 785-532-1161, nancyp@1xbet best casino website edu

Thursday, May 12, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Kathryn Goddard has earned her place in Kansas State University's class of 2011. 1xbet best casino website 's graduating with a degree in food science from the College of Agriculture, with a minor in business, and 1xbet best casino website 's grateful for learning experiences in and out of the classroom -- and a trip to a local tire store.

That's right, a tire store. A 1xbet best casino website is involved, too, so let's start at the beginning.

1xbet best casino website grew up in Ellsworth. It's a town without a shopping mall or big box stores, yet high school employment opportunities at Old School Seals, a local custom business supplier of waxed seals used with stationery and crafts, sparked creative ideas, offered a glimpse of business strategies and the benefits of staying power on the job, which 1xbet best casino website held for four years.

1xbet best casino website 'd also edited her high school yearbook. 1xbet best casino website looked forward to a career in journalism and chose it as her major at K-State.

Choosing 1xbet best casino website was easy because of the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications and because both of her parents, Johnnie and Karen, attended 1xbet best casino website .

What seemed a well thought 1xbet best casino website plan for the future changed, however, when a tornado struck Manhattan in June 2008.

Goddard's boyfriend, Joshua Deschenes, whom 1xbet best casino website met at K-State while he was working on his master's degree in communication studies, volunteered to help with the community clean-up following the tornado, but couldn't have known that doing so would change Goddard's life.

The following weekend, with both dressed 1xbet best casino website and on their way to a family celebration, the couple noted a thumping noise in their tires as they started to drive out of town.

In discussing whether they should drive or not, the two decided to have 1xbet best casino website checked at a local tire store.

The problem was traced to debris the tires picked up during the cleanup, and technicians suggested the couple take seats in the waiting room 1xbet best casino website the tires were being cleaned.

In striking up a conversation with a gentleman seated in the waiting room, Goddard learned that 1xbet best casino website was talking to the amiable Fadi Aramouni, a professor of food science in K-State's department of animal sciences and industry in the College of Agriculture.

Aramouni is well known for his inquisitive -- and creative -- approach to 1xbet best casino website and new product development, as well as his enthusiasm for teaching.

He is, as they say, "passionate about 1xbet best casino website subject matter."

When Aramouni learned Goddard was a journalism major, he quipped, "Oh, you need to learn more about food science," and invited her to tour the department, which 1xbet best casino website did.

While there, Goddard mentioned that 1xbet best casino website was looking for a job for the following school year, and Aramouni, who had an opening, hired her on the spot.

By the end of the school year, 1xbet best casino website had changed her major to food science with a minor in business.

Aramouni's teaching style includes applying experiences in the classroom out of the classroom, said Goddard, who explained that he challenged 1xbet best casino website and classmates Elyse Buckley, Chanute, and Erin Harbacek, Abilene, to develop a Super Bowl snack for a national contest sponsored by the California Almond Board.

The trio labored, and ultimately came 1xbet best casino website with an almond-battered chicken strip recipe that earned them honorable mention in a national contest.

The next year, 1xbet best casino website teamed with Buckley to develop a healthy snack for children incorporating fruit and vegetable leathers to earn a trip to California to present their idea in the Disney-sponsored contest -- and take home first place.

The two have had some unique entries -- champagne gelato is an example -- in other new product development competitions and earned trips to compete and travel to new 1xbet best casino website product conferences in the United States.

In June 2010 Goddard began a paid internship with cereal giant Kellogg Company in Battle Creek, Mich. 1xbet best casino website interviewed for the pre-professional position at K-State and said the job opportunity introduced her to the corporate process and new food product development for the ready-to-eat cereal division.

The Kellogg opportunity introduced Goddard to the corporate world, and food product development for the global market place. It was a full-time, paid position, said Goddard, who also carried a 12-hour academic load so 1xbet best casino website could stay on schedule to graduate.

It was a great opportunity, 1xbet best casino website said, because interns participated on professional teams in various stages of the process.

Goddard said 1xbet best casino website enjoyed getting up and going to work each day. 1xbet best casino website is now in the final stages in interviewing for research, development and marketing positions targeting healthy foods for consumers.

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