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Sources: Vanessa Reyes, vreyes@k-state.edu;
and Cora Cooper, 785-532-3820, corac@k-state.edu
Photo available. Contact media@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535.
News release prepared by: Kristin Hodges, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


MANHATTAN -- 1xbet online sports betting at Kansas State University are working to educate string players about common injuries that can result from playing their instrument -- a topic not widely discussed in medicine and music.

Vanessa Reyes, senior in biology, pre-medicine and elementary education, Garden City, created educational materials about the injuries that can result from playing the viola or violin. 1xbet online sports betting is working with Cora Cooper, professor of music, through K-State's Developing Scholars Program, which pairs underrepresented students with faculty advisers for research projects.

&1xbet online sports betting ;This is a very new area of medicine that didn't really emerge until the 1980s,&1xbet online sports betting ; Cooper said. &1xbet online sports betting ;I think for a long time musicians have kept it as their own shameful secret because it was seen as a weakness. It is really unknown to the general public. People wonder, 'how do you get hurt playing an instrument?'&1xbet online sports betting ;

Reyes created a pamphlet of information about injury education for violinists and violists. The brochure has definitions of common injuries that these 1xbet online sports betting should be aware of, such as repetitive strain injury that is caused by repetitive action combined with poor posture and excessive force and stress. The information also includes recommendations for choosing a violin or viola and general prevention methods, like using good posture.

&1xbet online sports betting ;We all get sore from time to time, but I didn't realize there were so many different injuries related to playing,&1xbet online sports betting ; Reyes said.

Cooper plans to create a website for musicians to learn about different injuries that are associated with playing instruments, which will include information from Reyes's project. As a teacher of violin, viola, chamber music and string techniques at K-State, Cooper has seen students have pain from playing their instruments. 1xbet online sports betting has helped bring a physical therapist, who specializes in helping musicians, to K-State to speak with students.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Amateurs are almost more at risk than professionals,&1xbet online sports betting ; Cooper said. &1xbet online sports betting ;It's highly recommended by the accrediting board for schools of music that music departments provide some sort of injury education.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Like a sport, if musicians have not consistently played their instrument and then play a long concert, they will be out of shape, 1xbet online sports betting said.

&1xbet online sports betting ;Even at the high-school level, athletes have trainers,&1xbet online sports betting ; Cooper said. &1xbet online sports betting ;There's nothing like that for musicians. A really serious high school student might be practicing four hours a day and have rehearsals on top of that, which is more continuous physical activity than a sport.&1xbet online sports betting ;

Cooper has been playing the violin 42 years. Her motivation to create a website about musician injuries stems from her own experience with these problems.

&1xbet online sports betting ;For me, this all started because I developed a frozen shoulder,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said. &1xbet online sports betting ;Most physicians don't understand the relation of the instrument to the injury.&1xbet online sports betting ;

1xbet online sports betting said 1xbet online sports betting wasn't able to play at a professional level for the three years that 1xbet online sports betting dealt with her shoulder.

&1xbet online sports betting ;I definitely know firsthand the desperation to get information and not being able to find it and being frustrated with the way medical professionals treat you,&1xbet online sports betting ; she said.

Reyes has played the viola in K-State's Symphony Orchestra, and as a biology major 1xbet online sports betting wanted to combine her interests for her project. 1xbet online sports betting said the project has taught her much about human anatomy and how it relates to music. 1xbet online sports betting plans to teach elementary education and continue playing the viola.

Reyes presented her project in April at K-State's Developing Scholars Program Research Poster Symposium. A 2005 graduate of Garden City High School and a 2007 graduate of Garden City Community College, 1xbet online sports betting is the daughter of Pedro and Maria Reyes, Garden City.

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