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Sources: Rob Denell, 785-532-6705, rdenell@k-state.edu;
and Marcia Locke, 785-532-6705, marcia@k-state.edu
Website: http://www.1xbet best casino website k-state.edu/
News release prepared by: Nellie Ryan, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Friday, May 14, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Named in honor of its founder the late Terry C. Johnson, former university distinguished professor and director of Kansas State University's Division of Biology, the Johnson Center for Basic 1xbet best casino website Research at K-State has been working to fight 1xbet best casino website for 30 years.

In 1980, through Johnson's efforts, the center was designated by the Kansas Legislature. Now, 30 years later, the Johnson Center for Basic 1xbet best casino website Research serves as a hub to 70 faculty researchers from five colleges and 12 different departments throughout campus.

"It is unique to have a 1xbet best casino website center at a university without a medical school," said Marcia Locke, public relations and outreach coordinator for the Johnson Center. "At the Johnson Center, we're focused on basic research, which provides the foundation for clinical research and clinical trials. You have to have the basic research before you can ever move on to treating anyone."

The Johnson Center stands on its three main pillars -- research, education and outreach -- as it pursues its vision to conquer cancers in our time, Locke said. The center provides financial assistance to support ongoing and new research 1xbet best casino website -related projects by K-State faculty. Since the center opened in 1980, it has provided .1 million in Innovative Research Awards, 6,000 in equipment grants, ,000 in travel fellowships, 0,000 in 1xbet best casino website Research Mentor Awards and 0,000 for a 1xbet best casino website center assistant professorship.

These programs would not be possible without the generous support of donors throughout the K-State community, Locke said. "We are able to use 100 percent of all donations toward our programs, and support K-State faculty and students, the Manhattan and Kansas community, and 1xbet best casino website research all at once," she said.

The Johnson Center also provides educational support and training opportunities for K-State students. Through its 1xbet best casino website Research Award program, the center has provided more than 5,000 for 738 undergraduate students to perform research in a lab setting. Fifty awards are available each year in the amount of ,000 to students who wish to pursue a 1xbet best casino website -related research project, and another ,000 goes to each faculty mentor to support the cost of their student's research.

"This is a 0,000 program to encourage undergraduate participation in laboratories and get students to start thinking early about research as a possible career," Locke said. "We're an important part of K-State's excellence in providing opportunities for undergraduate students to do real laboratory research. We're very proud of this program and we consider it as helping to train the next generation of 1xbet best casino website researchers, doctors and nurses."

In the past decade, the 1xbet best casino website has seen tremendous growth in financial support and an increase in affiliated researchers, thanks to the direction and guidance of Rob Denell, university distinguished professor of biology and director of the Johnson 1xbet best casino website . Since 2003, 40 new faculty members have joined the Johnson 1xbet best casino website as affiliated researchers.

"This has resulted in a far broader and more multidisciplinary approach to 1xbet best casino website research on campus," Denell said. "This multidisciplinary approach has led to a high level of collaboration between scientists across campus."

The Johnson Center now has 18 scientists from the physical sciences – physics, biochemistry, chemistry and chemical engineering – who are now collaborating and sharing their special 1xbet best casino website research with other departments across campus.

&1xbet best casino website ;That's one of our jobs – to try to get people to work together in ways that they didn't envision in order to push things forward,&1xbet best casino website ; Denell said.

Denell said he believes the next 30 years will show incredible gains in the fight against 1xbet best casino website , especially with the use of genetic research and nanotechnology.

"1xbet best casino website is usually a genetic change which takes place in our bodies," he said. "All of the things that you hear about that cause 1xbet best casino website do that by making gene changes that lead to 1xbet best casino website . There's a huge effort right now to understand exactly what the genetic changes are in order to better understand how to more effectively diagnose and treat 1xbet best casino website ."

Nanotechnology is experiencing promising research gains and increased interest by the National 1xbet best casino website Institute, according to Denell. A nanometer is extremely small – one-billionth of a meter. Using this technology, small constructs or machines can be developed that will be guided to tumors, allowing for imaging, delivery of drugs and metabolic monitoring. K-State has a strong nanotechnology program and a number of faculty members are applying nanotechnology to 1xbet best casino website related research, Denell said.

This includes a group of researchers in the College of Veterinary Medicine led by Deryl Troyer, professor of anatomy and physiology, studying stem cells that come from the interior of the umbilical cord. These stem cells show the ability to home to tumors, and it has been proven in early research that without even carrying a 1xbet best casino website drug, they have the ability to reduce the size of tumors. By using nanotechnology, the stem cells can direct nano-constructs to the tumors where they can then take images of the tumor, treat the tumor and monitor the effect of chemotherapy and other kinds of treatment.

The Johnson Center also remains dedicated to 1xbet best casino website outreach and stays involved with the community through presentations, events and other activities to educate people about 1xbet best casino website and reducing their risk of developing or succumbing to it.

The center also offers special publications, like "A Day with Dr. Waddle," an activity book written by the staff to help explain 1xbet best casino website , science and good health habits to children. In addition, the center helps publish "When a Friend Has 1xbet best casino website …," a booklet created by a local group of 1xbet best casino website survivors, nurses and others that offers ideas for giving practical help and emotional support to loved ones facing 1xbet best casino website . More information about the center, including how to contribute to its fight against 1xbet best casino website , is available at http://1xbet best casino website k-state.edu/.

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