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Source: Valerie Carroll, 785-532-7274, carrollv@k-state.edu
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News release prepared by: Kristin Hodges, 785-532-6415, khodges2@k-state.edu

Thursday, May 14, 2009


MANHATTAN -- A group of Kansas State University 1xbet online games login spent the semester as environmental activists through applied research projects addressing subjects including overconsumption, meditation and water preservation.

Valerie Carroll, instructor in women's studies at K-State, teaches a women and environmentalism course where 1xbet online games login conduct a lived experience class project and blog about the progress of their experience. You can read the blogs at http://www.womst480.blogspot.com

&1xbet online games login ;The projects allow students to connect real-life experiences to academic learning,&1xbet online games login ; Carroll said. &1xbet online games login ;They allow students to connect to the larger community locally and globally by recognizing their contribution and impacts on the larger world in terms of environmental and social justice.&1xbet online games login ;

The 1xbet online games login chose their projects from three categories: living an ecologically aware experience; exploring what one person could do about a particular environmental subject; and conducting self-directed research on an environmental topic. At the end of the course, the 1xbet online games login illustrated their work in poster presentations.

The 1xbet online games login in the class were Kelsey Longpine, Hays; Zack Pistora, Lawrence; Chrischelle Borhani, Melissa Mathy, Melisa Posey and Carl Thompson, all from Manhattan; William Carman and Rachael Williams, both from Overland Park; and Dayonna Mckinney, Wakefield.

Longpine, freshman in political science and women's studies, examined Wicca as an earth religion for her project &1xbet online games login ;Spiritual connections.&1xbet online games login ;

Pistora, senior in political science, did a combination of projects for his goal to be the best environmental activist he could for three months for his project &1xbet online games login ;Growing the environmental revolution.&1xbet online games login ; His plan included involvement in campus organizations, participation in events and attendance at conferences that could lead to environmental change.

Borhani, sophomore in modern languages and women's studies, studied consumption practices for her project &1xbet online games login ;Did I really just buy that?&1xbet online games login ; She considered several arguments for consumers, like buying items globally versus locally, organic food versus non-organic and processed food versus raw.

Mathy, junior in human ecology, did a lived experience of recycling and reducing her overall usage of items for her project, &1xbet online games login ;Board at the bars.&1xbet online games login ; She developed recycling programs at her home and workplace.

Posey, junior in prelaw and women's studies, did a lived experience of meditation in nature for one month for her project &1xbet online games login ;Where is my mind?&1xbet online games login ; She meditated daily and went to area nature locations weekly to meditate.

Thompson, senior in finance, completed a lived experiment called &1xbet online games login ;Reducing my ecofootprint.&1xbet online games login ; During a two-month period, he tracked and reduced his dining out expenses.

Carman, senior in women's studies, did a lived experience that he called &1xbet online games login ;I am the destroyer&1xbet online games login ; where he focused on reducing overconsumption for a month.

Williams, junior in family studies and human services, studied the Ogallala Aquifer in her project, &1xbet online games login ;Will we run out of water?&1xbet online games login ; It examined the social, science and spiritual aspects of the aquifer.

Mckinney, senior in women's studies, experimented with different eating styles for her project &1xbet online games login ;Where's the beef?&1xbet online games login ; For a month, Mckinney tried a different vegetarian or vegan lifestyle each week.

Carroll said women interact with and are associated with environment and nature through a wide range of subjects, actions and interactions.

&1xbet online games login ;These student projects reflect that range and variety,&1xbet online games login ; she said. &1xbet online games login ;These projects recognize that the environment is everywhere and humans are part of the environment, both individually and in groups.&1xbet online games login ;

Carroll's course examines the philosophical and historical intersections among women, nature and environmental activism through a variety of subject areas including ecofeminism and environmental justice. The projects are part of Lived Experience, an experiential learning assignment she developed to help 1xbet online games login connect action and theory, feminism and environmentalism, and the personal and the political.

&1xbet online games login ;Experiential learning gets students learning by doing,&1xbet online games login ; Carroll said. &1xbet online games login ;This learning allows students to make connections between what they have learned, their own lives and the lives of others.&1xbet online games login ;

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