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Brian Spooner Selected As Interim Dean Of Arts And Sciences At 1xbet best casino website

1) Sources: M. Duane Nellis, 785-532-6224, dnellis@1xbet best casino website edu; Brian 1xbet best casino website , 785-532-6615, 785-539-7166, spoon1@1xbet best casino website edu


MANHATTAN -- Brian 1xbet best casino website , University Distinguished Professor of biology and director of Kansas State University's Division of Biology, has accepted an interim appointment to serve as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Spooner's appointment was announced today by M. Duane Nellis, 1xbet best casino website provost and senior vice president.

"We are pleased that Brian Spooner has accepted the position of interim dean of arts and sciences," Nellis said. "Dr. Spooner has substantial support from the faculty, and has a long and successful tenure as director of the Division of Biology. I am confident 1xbet best casino website will do a superb job in his new post."

Spooner's research has focused on a fundamental understanding of the behavior of cells and cell populations that produces organs and organ systems during embryonic development. 1xbet best casino website also transitioned aspects of his research into space, with experiments on 18 space shuttle flights. Research in space can answer some of the scientific and medical mysteries we have on Earth. Spooner researched how the human body is affected by gravity. 1xbet best casino website has conducted research on basic life science in microgravity conditions. His primary focus is the effects of gravity on organ and tissue development. Specific experiments included studying the heart development and bone development in chick embryos while in outer space. Results from such experiments reveal how tissue is conditioned to develop in response to gravity, and how human development might be altered if a person spent a long period in space.

Spooner, who has served as director of the Division of Biology since 1994, has received many awards including the Conoco Distinguished Graduate Faculty Member award in 1991, and the 1997 Presidential Award for Outstanding Department Head. 1xbet best casino website has more than 100 scientific publications and his work has been cited more than 5,000 times by others in scientific literature. 1xbet best casino website received "Citation Classic" recognition in 1984.

1xbet best casino website has 38 years of university teaching experience at K-State, teaching courses from introductory to graduate levels. 1xbet best casino website has advised undergraduate students since 1990; and been a graduate faculty member since 1971. 1xbet best casino website was named a University Distinguished Professor, K-State's highest career academic title, in 1999. 1xbet best casino website received a Professorial Performance Award in 2007.

1xbet best casino website has served on numerous scientific editorial boards and on peer review panels and study sections for NASA, the National Science foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. Since 2001, 1xbet best casino website has been a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Institutes of Health COBRE in Microbial Pathogens, and the Advisory Committee of the National Institutes of Health COBRE in Cancer Experimental Therapeutics.

As a researcher, 1xbet best casino website has brought in more than million in competitive extramural grant funding as a principal investigator at K-State.

From 1990-2002, 1xbet best casino website was director and principal investigator, NASA NSCORT in Gravitational Biology. This was a comprehensive research and training program, involving multiple NASA Space Centers, aerospace companies, K-State research programs, graduate students, undergraduates, middle school, and grade school children, with a NASA grant budget in excess of million. Among other achievements was the creation of the MORE -- Minority Opportunity for Research Experience -- Program. This brought undergraduate students from historically black institutions, predominantly Hispanic institutions, and Native American institutions to campus, in summers, for mentored research experiences in the laboratories of NSCORT investigators.

From 2002-2006, 1xbet best casino website was director and K-State principal investigator, for NASA BioServe Space Technologies. BioServe, a collaboration between K-State's Division of Biology and the University of Colorado Aerospace Engineering, was a NASA Research Partnership Center.

From 1990-2008, 1xbet best casino website was director of and principal investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Biological Sciences Program. This was funded by successive competitive grants (in 1998 and 2002) of .8 million and .6 million. This comprehensive program provided support in student research and broadening access to science, current and future faculty development, curriculum, equipment, and lab development, and precollege and outreach categories.

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